q7 looking back at your preliminary task

Q7 - Looking back at your preliminary task, what have you learnt in the progression from that to the final product?

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Post on 11-Feb-2017




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Q7 - Looking back at your preliminary task, what have you learnt in the progression from that to the final product?

My prelim task was filmed completely hand held as that was the only thing i was familiar with. But when it came to filming my final production i used a lot of media technology. for example i used a tripod to have steady shot and i also used different angles and i made sure that i took my time filming a lot more takes to ensure i got the best shots. This is something i did not do in my prelim task as i just took one take and thought it was good enough when it truly was not.

Editing i think was the biggest thing i think personally i have improved and change a lot in. I say this as when editing my prelim i just rushed and put the basics on my film as i did not know what to do. But when i learnt everything and was confident i stepped up to become main editor of my final piece. Something which i am very proud of as i think i did a great job. I say this because i used many new features which i did not know before such as fades and special effects to make the film more premium. Also i something that i had no clue during editing my prelim task was finding and adding the correct music. This is something that i thrived in in my final piece as i figured out what music i wanted and how to ensure it fits in our film pretty quickly. Overall i would say that i have made huge progression from my prelim to my final AS production, something that i am very proud of.

Over the shoulder Prelim Final

A major difference from my prelim to my final film was the film shots. In my prelim we used basic shots such as a over shoulder the shot. We used this but it didn’t turn into in it more complex. In my final film I would say that we used a complex over shoulder the shot which we turned into a flash back. This shows progress in my development as I knew this would appeal to the viewers.

Location Prelim Final

Another major difference between my prelim and final film was the location. During my location we used the bridge academy which was basic. But in my final film I knew I wanted to be creative so chose to find a rooftop which was perfect for my narative.