q&a overview of the significance program

iples for Living a Life of Sign Overview Q

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7 Principles for Living a Life of Significance

Overview Q&A Session

If you have no interest in retiring, if you plan to retire in sometime in the future or if you concerned of falling into a black hole or becoming irrelevant after you leave your full time position, this program is for you.If you are generally searching for a new sense of meaning? If you are asking yourself Who am I when I am no longer doing what I am currently doing? Then this Seven Principles for Living a Life of Significance program is for you because it helps you become prepared make a successful transition into the next stage of your life.The program provides you with peace of mind now and for the future since it is designed for people aged 50+ who are searching for answers and a clear life direction.


We are the first generation in the history of mankind to been given the gift of longevity. Most of us baby boomers will live 10, 20 or 30 years longer than our parents. We are still active and are not interested in going out to pasture to rust away. The program makes you aware of a new road that has recently been built for this new stage of life. It is the road of significance and I invite you to travel down this road with me. The road leads to a land that is filled with new meaning and sense of personal importance and self-esteem for a whole new stage of life called the Platinum Years which surpass the golden years of our parents generation. The Platinum Years SM is the time of life to actualize your true potential .It is the time to break out of a cocoon, be free as a butterfly, to fly as high as you can, go where you always wanted, be the person that you always knew that you could be.


Will I feel irrelevant? How will I feel about myself in the next stage of my life?Will I be bored and depressed?How will I know what I really want to do? Where will I find new meaning after I am no longer working full time?

Stage of Life Questions

The Seven Principles for Living a Life of Significance program is designed to help you successfully answer Important Stage of Life Questions such as:

Where will I find new meaning after I am no longer working full time?Will I be bored and depressed in the next stage of my life?How will I feel about myself in the next stage o f my life?Will I feel irrelevant? How will I know what I really want to do? 3

7 Principles for Living a Life of Significance

The Seven Principles program applies a practical step-by-step approach which will change your life like no self-help program could ever do since its focus is on significance which provides a new sense of selfimportance, enhaced sense of self-esteem and value. for you to live a life of significance which transforms your life in numerous ways. The holistic and substantive perceptive that the seven principles create expands your awareness to a higher and deeper level than it has ever been.Bottom-line the program works. I have used them to transform my life and the lives of other people that I have professionally worked with. If they worked for me they can also work for you.


Incorporates the creative process

7 Transformational Principles

Latest scientific informationProven step-by-step methodologyNew successful way of thinking Integrated head and heart approach

The Seven Principles are based on the latest discoveries from the latest scientific information which provide you with a step-by-step methodical, business-like approach to successfully transition into the new chapter of your life and for living a life of significance.They help you think differently about yourself and your new future.And apply an integrated head and heart approach by having you use your intellectual to discovering who you really are after you have left your fulltime position.Another way the principles incorporate the 4 stages of the creative process which helps you create a new you. 5

How creditable is this program?

First How Question

In this question and answer session, I will answer three questions, the first is how creditable is the program?6

30 Year Personal Journey of Inner Discovery

One question you might be asking: is how am I qualified to direct you on the new road that leads to s life of significance?

The 7 principles for Living a Life of Significance program is based on my 30 year personal journey of discovery

The first story was when I was in Stuttgart which at that time was West Germany to pick up the salesmans dream car a Mercedes-Benz since it was a time before Lexus or Infinities. The night before my wife and daughter and I were to be picked up by taxi to pick up the car at the Mercedes plant, which were going drive to Germany and France, I was awoken by a clear message that set me up straight in the middle of night. The clear message was to use my skills that I had used for material success and apply them inwardly. The next morning until my wife and daughter what had experienced, I could of just let the experience pass but was too deep for me to ignore. For the next 30 years I refocused by time and energy from living a life is success to discovering what it meant to live a life of significance.The second personal story was my wife who had 34 died of breast cancer that had metastasize to liver which meant that I had to leave the national company that I had started in order to take your two-year-old son since her parents lived in Chatham New Jersey my parents were in Florida.Since I was going to be my sons sole caregiver which met by had no spouse to counterbalance my personal issues I vowed that of the to change my life since I do not want to pass on the negativity that I was conditioned into as a child unto my son.The program shows you how to avoid the depression that is often experienced after leaving a full-time position.

During the weekly modules, I will share with you what I have leant what works, and what did not work, during my inner journey of discovering who I am and what a life of significance is all about.


Journey of Discovery 50 80

55 - 85

60 90

65 - 95

Your age __ + 30 =

Whatever your age is add 30 years since that will be approximately how long it will take you to learn the lessons and insights that will be shared in the 7 principles for Living a Life of Significance program.

For example:

If you are 50 you will be 80

If you are 55 you will be 85

If you are 60 you will be 90

If you are 65 you will be 95

Granted it might take you a shorter period of time to travel on your inner journey of discovery.


Graduate researchDecades of client work

The7 Principles for Living a Life of Significance program is based on 3 years of research at Harvard graduate school.

The program is also based on decades of experience in my helping baby boomers become emotional, intellectually and psychologically ready to transition into the next stage of their lives.


How to Protect Yourself against Bad Self-Help

I will use an article entitled How to Protect Yourself against Bad Self-Help which dealt with dangers that lurk within the U.S.'s $12-billion self-help industry and how to spot the warning signs that was in the July issue of Scientific American as a reference to the creditability of the 7 principles for Living a Life of Significance program.

10 2014 Successful Transition Planning Institute. All Rights Reserved.The Balanced Paradigm ProgramOverview Slides AEM 20140430

Good programs have independent data showing their effectiveness, not just anecdotes, and they are generally adapted from techniques shown to work in more conventional therapy administrated by professionals.

- Scientific American July 2014 When Does Self-Help Actually Help by Maia Szalavitz

When Does Self-Help Actually Help

The July Scientific American article When Does Self-Help Actually Help states that

Good programs have independent data showing their effectiveness, not just anecdotes, and they are generally adapted from techniques shown to work in more conventional therapy administrated by professionals.

You can have confidence in knowing that the contents of the program is so effective that it has been approved for continuous education credits by the following professional organizations:

11 2014 Successful Transition Planning Institute. All Rights Reserved.The Balanced Paradigm ProgramOverview Slides AEM 20140430

Programs Professional Credit History Licensed Clinical Social Workers Licensed Social Workers Mental Health Counselors Substance Abuse Counselors Pastoral Counselors Massachusetts Nurses Association Marriage and Family Therapists Massachusetts Department of Education

12Licensed Clinical Social Workers Licensed Social Workers Mental Health Counselors Substance Abuse Counselors Pastoral Counselors Massachusetts Nurses Association Marriage and Family Therapists Massachusetts Department of Education

The 7 Principles for Living a Life of Significance program is also based on the work and experience of an international educational institute, which I am the founder and CEO, which was established to help baby boomers create a new lives that they cannot wait to live.


How can the program help you?

Second How Question

The second how question is how can the program help me? 14

Personal Development and Life Transition Program for 50+Find answers that you have been searching for

New sense of identity

Be the person the person you have known you could beAvoid living a misspent life

The Seven Principles for Living a Life of Significance program is not a program that is focused on traditional retirement, since it is an age-appropriate personal development program.

The online program helps you find answers that you have been searching for

Establish a clear direction for your life

Become the person that you have known that you could be

And avoid looking back at the next stage of your life as being misspent.





Reverse Engineering



Triple A

New Successful Approaches

The program applies 7 New Approaches that helps you experience personal transformation. You might have tried self-help approaches in the past, and if you are like me, they did not lead to my making permanent life changes. They are:

A Behavioral appraoch to deep personal change

An evolutionary

A cosmological appraoch

Reverse Engineering approach



Triple A


Transition is not just a nice way to say change. It is the inner process through which people come to terms with change.

-William Bridges, Transitions Transition

In the classic book, Transitions by William Bridges he wrote: Transition is not just a nice way to say change. It is the inner process through which people come to terms with change. This is why your sense of self-importance and self-esteem are keys for your making a successful transition. 17

Transition Preparedness Success Paradigm

Transition Ending

Personal transition is a movement from an old state or condition to a new one requires ending the old. A transition begins by ending the old.18 2013 Successful Transition Planning Institute. All Rights Reserved.Whats Next? WorkshopTMSession 0 Pre-Program Session



.Between the ending of the old and the beginning of the new, there is an unknown area that is called by workers in the field as The Neutral Zone, The Wilderness, The Transition Zone and what I prefer to call it The Transformational Zone since it is a time of personal questioning and disorientation. A successful transition requires successful passage through this in-between time.And, successful passage requires a reframing of who you are and what is important to you at this stage of your life.19 2013 Successful Transition Planning Institute. All Rights Reserved.Whats Next? WorkshopTMSession 0 Pre-Program Session


New Beginnings

When you leave your fulltime position, you are leaving the success paradigm. You need a new paradigm to live the rest of your life. The 7 principles apply the power of balance to help you make robust life choices nut also the ability enhance your well-being by living balanced model for living the rest of your life.

The program fills in the void of leaving with a new paradigm which is based on, and allows you to live with what was previously elusive for most people, balance. 20 2013 Successful Transition Planning Institute. All Rights Reserved.Whats Next? WorkshopTMSession 0 Pre-Program Session

Systematic Preparation for Making a Successful Transitioning and Living a Life of Significance

One key lessons that I have leant in traveling down the road is that taking a holistic appraoch is key to moving from a life of success to a living a life of significance. In the weekly online program you will learn who to apply 7 principles that helps you become intellectually prepared by its dealing with the way you think about yourself. Psychological prepared to transition into a life of significance by effectively dealing with your behaviors and unconsciousness issues and motivations. Emotional ready by addressing your feelings and fears and spiritual prepared by developing a new identity and discovering where you will derive new meaning in the next chapter of your life. They are all integrated and influence each other which is why the program addresses each aspect of who we are.

An example of how an integrated appraoch is essential is that the physical is the interaction between psychological and emotional while the psychological is the interaction between the physical and emotional.

A separate and complementary program, 7 Steps for Purposeful Living helps you become structuraly prepared for living the next stage of your life by knowing what you really want to do in all aspects of your life.21

Intellectually Prepared

Lets explore in more in depth why it is important for you to become prepared in the four aspects of your life.

The 7 Principles for Living a life of significance shows you how to effectively deal with the head issues that are involved in your making a successful transition and for creating a new life of significance. This is important since you are going into a different world once you have left your full time position or as you age which is why you need to think differently in order for you to be intellectually prepared to make satisfying and meaningful choices in the next stage of your life.22

"Whatever a man thinks, so is he. -Bible "We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make our world. - Dhammapada "Man is made by his beliefs. As he believes, so he is. - Bhagavad Gita "There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so. - Shakespeare "Your life is what your thoughts make it." -Marcus Aurelius

Importance of How You Think

23The wisdom traditions from around the world and throughout the centuries have all shared the fact that how we think creates our realities. For example:

Factual approachReciprocal approachSubstantive approachContinuum approachOperational approachPortfolio approach Process approach

7 Successful Ways to Approach Thinking about Yourself and Your Future

In each weekly module you will learn 7 unsuccessful and successful ways to approach to thinking about yourself and your future. They are a:

Factual approachReciprocal approachSubstantive approachContinuum approachOperational approachPortfolio approach Process approach 24




Intellectually Prepared to Live a Life of Significance

In the program you will also learn a new logic system that

Broadens the concept of who you think you are

Helps you go deeper that helps you to create a new sense of identity for the next stage of your life

Transform your life through the power of balance


Psychologically Prepared

Also in each weekly module you will learn how to become psychologically prepared to transition into a life of significance.


Psychological BenefitsExpand the way you thinkActualize your potentialIncrease sense of self-worthNew sense of meaning

The program is designed to:

Expand the way you think about yourself and the future Actualize your personal potential : to be the person that you always knew that you could be.Develop a new sense of self-worth and self-importanceLive a life of significance by connecting, and living a meaningful next chapter of your life

27 2013 Successful Transition Planning Institute. All Rights Reserved.Whats Next? WorkshopTM Session 1

7 As That Can Hold You Back from


Absolute thinking

A+++ standards





The messages of this transformational program are those of hope, freedom and new beginnings. It presents a new source of inner power, insights and exercises that allow you to break free from the seven psychological As that I have found in my years of working with baby boomers what hold them back from living a dynamic next chapter of their lives.

The 7 principles facilitates your experiencing permanent personal transformation by their helping you let go of 7 As that I have found that hold baby boomers back from moving on to an exciting new life. Achieving personal freedom from limitations that might hold you back from the past is a beneficial outcome of the program.

Analogies are baby boomers have bought new sailboats which are fully stocked for their new journey. They have untied the lines in the front at the bow of the boat and have the throttled all of the way down but do not going anywhere the reason why is that they are not aware that the lines that were holding their boat to the dock were still attached.

The stern lines represent the 7 As that cause baby boomers to:

Fall into an Abyss after leaving

Apply an Absolute thinking which is the thought process for living a life of unhappiness.

Use the A+++ standards of perfection to the transformational and transition processes.

Have low personal Assessments of oneself.

Experience Aversion which consists of unconsciousness fears about ourselves and what the future will bring.

Have Attachments to past which are no longer age appropriate and prohabits you from experiencing a new you for the new stage of your life

Be Ashamed of experiences from the past.


Psychologically Prepared to Live a Life of SignificanceConfident in your ability

Beyond limiting assumptions

Regain your center of balance

The program also provides the framework for you to become psychologically prepared which will help you:

Develop a new level of confidence in your ability to be a new person

Move beyond old limiting assumptions about yourself.Regain both your emotional and psychological center of balance 29

Emotionally Prepared

The 7 principles help you make a successful transition into the next stage of your life and to live a life of significance is by helping you become emotionally prepared. 30

Emotionally Prepared to Live a Life of SignificanceNew way of looking at the worldLive by the 80/20 ruleLove yourselfStop the chatter of insignificance

By helping you:

Change the way you look at the worldRefocusing your time and energy on the 20% that is important and avoid the 80 of what is not important.Develop a new lease on life by loving yourselfStop the mental chatter of insignificance


Spiritually Prepared

The 7 principle program then helps you become spirituality prepared so you can make a successful transition and for living a life of significance32

Realize your innate significanceBecome aware of how blessed you areFulfill your life's planAdd a higher dimension to your spiritualityExperience meaningful coincidences Use change as a growth process

Spiritually Prepared to Live a Life of Significance

The benefits of your becoming spiritually prepared to live a life of significance is that you:

Are able to realize your innate significanceBecome aware of how blessed you areFulfill your life's planAdd a higher dimension to your spiritualityExperience meaningful coincidence in your daily lifeAnd use change as a growth process


How is the program delivered?

Third How Question

The third question is How is the program delivered?34

What are the critical elements of good self-help programs? First, overcoming depression, anxiety, addictions or other disorders typically requires learning new coping skills over many months or years, not in a matter of days or weeks. This is why successful forms of self-help prepare one for a long period of self-improvementIntense, one-time experiences typically do not provide the ongoing support needed for lasting change.

- Scientific American July 2014 When Does Self-Help Actually Help by Maia Szalavitz Critical Elements of Good Self-Help Programs

As When Does Self-Help Actually Help article in Scientific American states that:

What are the critical elements of good self-help programs? First, overcoming depression, anxiety, addictions or other disorders typically requires learning new coping skills over many months or years, not in a matter of days or weeks. This is why successful forms of self-help prepare one for a long period of self-improvementIntense, one-time experiences typically do not provide the ongoing support needed for lasting changes.


Flexible and convenient EngrossingProvides conflict free advice

Convenient Weekly Modular Format

Flexible and convenient modular format puts you in control of your progress according to your schedule, and personal preferences. You can access, and watch, instructional presentation links when you have time, much as you might watch a DVD. Engrossing, since you are working on your own life.Provides conflict free advice, independent of financial retirement planning. Consulting help is available to help you move forward.


Highly Effective Four-Step ProcessWatch background presentations

Learn principles and step-by-step application

Read session guidebooks

Complete exercises

Multi-Sensory Instructional Approach to the Course Material

The program by applying a highly effective four-step proven process:

Watching background presentations Learning principles and step-by-step applicationReading session guidebooksCompleting exercises

The programs provides you with time to:

Think about the materialFeel the emotionsApply the Power of creating new reinforcing neural pathways in your brain Opportunity to share realizations with others and receive valuable feedback.


State of the Art Approach to Personal DevelopmentHighly Effective Integrative Model Assessment Conceptual learning Operational learning

Coaching Style of Teaching:

Tell me, I forget; Show me, I remember; Involve me, I understand.

- Lao Tzu, 604531 B.C.

The online program is highly effective, since it integrates assessment, conceptual learning and operational learning.

And follows a Coaching Style of Teaching, proven effective over centuries of use:Tell me, I forget; Show me, I remember; Involve me, I understand. - Lao Tzu, 604531 B.C.


I have been participating in Jacks program of the seven principals of living a life of significance and I couldnt be more pleased. Jacks years of experience in his field are evident as he helps raise your understanding of the mind /soul connection. His insights and knowledge of the holistic human condition are the most impressive I have ever experienced in my years of attempting to find true personal growth. His program and thoughtful words speak in depth and precision as they gently guide you towards your goals raising your self-awareness to new heights along the way. He offers a systemic methodology which astounds with one ah ha moment after another, youll think the program was developed specifically for you. Ultimately, the gift is a key to open the door and bravely step through to the other side and begin the next exciting chapter of your life.


The following is what a person, who I never knew wrote after experiencing the eight session program. 39

Are you ready to apply a state of the art approach that until now has only been available through specialized private coaching? Imagine the empowerment, inner peace and deep satisfaction of experiencing your own internal transformation, self-healing, personal growth, deeper meaning and wholeness in your life. This program will take you to places you never dreamed were possible. Let your future be your best years!

I asked a person who went through the program what he would say to people who considering participating in the 7 Principles for Living a Life of Significance, this is his response:40

Money Back CommitmentIf the truth of the program does not resonate with you, your money will be promptly refunded

I believe in the effectives of this program so much because of experiencing these principles changed my life and the lives of people that I have worked with over the years that I fell confident in offering you a money back commitment:

If the truth of the program does not resonate with you, your money will be promptly refunded.

You have nothing to lose, a new life to gain, if you decide to take the 7 principle for Living a Life of Significance program.


Are you willing to become prepared to travel down the road that leads to a bright future?

I will end this session with a different type of question Are you willing to become prepared to travel down the road that leads to a bright future? 42


Self-Directed Programs Button

If your answer is yes then you will want to take the 7 Principles for Living a Life of Significance online program which you can access at the self-directed button on the platinum years web site. I look forward to sharing with you in the instructional presentations over the following weeks.

Thank you and I hope that you experience how innately significant you really are.