qantas case study

MGMT20112 Strategy Development and Initiatives T213 ASSESSMENT ITEM – 2 Report "CASE STUDY: QANTAS AIRWAY LIMITED” Submitted to Lynette Robinson Tutorial: 2 Due date: 19 August 2013 Submitted date: 19 August, 2013 Weighting: 25% Submitted by: Group 2: 1. Thi Thuy Hong, Pham (s0234676)

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Page 1: Qantas case study

MGMT20112 Strategy Development and Initiatives T213



Submitted toLynette Robinson

Tutorial: 2

Due date: 19 August 2013

Submitted date: 19 August, 2013

Weighting: 25%

Submitted by:Group 2:

1. Thi Thuy Hong, Pham (s0234676)

2. Hoang Tru, Nguyen (S0234650)

3. Quang Vinh, Du (S0234638)

4. Thi Khuyen, Vu (s0234675)

This paper is submitted to CQUniverity – Sydney Campus

Page 2: Qantas case study

MGMT20112 Assignment – 2 T213

Criterion Maximum Mark Your mark

Research and analysis of company


5.0 4.0

Considerations of constraints impacting

organisational strategy

5.0 3.75

Application of relevant theories of strategy 5.0 3.75

Development of argument and applied

critical thought

5.0 4.0

Written communication & referencing 5.0 3.25

Total marks /25 18.75

Group 2ii


Good research and lucidly argued. However, language was problematic in parts. See LSU before handing in a report. It could improve your mark.

Please see individual comments.

Very good work overall.

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MGMT20112 Assignment – 2 T213


The report has discussesd and appliesd theoretical concepts and principles of strategic

management into analyzing the environment context where to Qantas Airways Limited


It shows that, Qantas has a long history and sustainable development but needs to evolve in

the global world. ization context, the company has to continue to participate in international

activities to grab development opportunities. Besides that, the increasing competitive also

challenges the corporation.

In order to be successful and take competitive advantages, strategy is the key element for

every enterprise including Qantas. By researching and applying strategy analysis theoretical

into Qantas case study, its current strategies are outlined and reviewed and some others are

suggested. It approves the roles of strategies in create competitive advantages through cost

leadership, differentiation and focusing.


Group 2iii

Please see LSU before handing in a report. They

will help you with English expression. It will

improve the precision of your writing.

USER, 04/09/13,
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Table of contents

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY......................................................................................................ii

Table of contents ......................................................................................................................iii

Table of Figures........................................................................................................................iv

1.0. INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................1




2.0. INTERNAL ANALYSIS...................................................................................................2

2.1. Qantas airways limited.............................................................................................2

2.2. Resources and capabilities.......................................................................................3

2.3. Performance analysis...............................................................................................4

2.3. Genetic strategy and connection to the internal value chain....................................5

3.0. EXTERNAL AND INDUSTRIAL ANALYSIS..............................................................8

3.1. Macro economy........................................................................................................8

3.2. Five forces analysis..................................................................................................9

4.0. STRATEGY TO CREATE COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE.....................................10

4.1. Cost leadership.......................................................................................................11

4.2. Differentiation........................................................................................................12

4.2.1. Tangible differentiation:.....................................................................................12

4.2.2. Intangible differentiation:...................................................................................13

5.0. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION.............................................................14

6.0. REFERENCES.................................................................................................................15

7.0. APPENDIX........................................................................................................................17

Group 2iv

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Table of Figures

Figure 1: Top 10 international airlines in Australia.......................................2

Figure 2: Qantas’s resources from 2008-2012...............................................3

Figure 3: Qantas Airways ratio analysis........................................................4

Figure 4: Qantas Share price from 2008-2012...............................................5

Figure 5: Qantas strategic priorities...............................................................6

Figure 6: Qantas’s expenditure in 2011-2012..............................................11

Figure 7: Fuel cost of Qantas.......................................................................11

Group 2v

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1.1 Background

In the globalized and integrated world economy, enterprises have spread their

operations into other countries and become multinational corporations. Qantas

Airways Limited is the Australia's oldest and largest airline also takes part in

international activities very early since 1935.

The international operations create for the group a great opportunity to expand and

grow but also challenge Qantas Airways with inherent risks and competitions in

international market. In order to sustainably develop and remain the largest airways

not only in Australia but also in the world, the Group should implement strategies to

create comparative advantaged.

1.2 Aims

- To analyse the company’s information;

- To analyse the internal and external context where the corporation operating;

- To analyse the resources and capacities of Qantas Airways Limited;

- To analyse and discuss strategies the corporation using and recommendation to

improve them.


Data and information are mainly collected from CQU online module, databases,

academic articles, the corporation’s website and textbooks.

The report is based on the operations of Qantas Airways in five recently years and

focus on two recent years.

Group 21

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We are more interested in Qantas today.
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2.1. Qantas Airways Limited

Qantas is Australia’s largest airline and the second oldest airline in the world carrying billions

passengers in more than 20 countries such as Australia, Asia, North and South America, New

Zealand, Africa and Europe. Qantas Group is one of the strongest brands in Australia. The

Group's main operation is the transportation of customers in two complementary airline

brands - Qantas and Jetstar (low cost carrier). The Group's broad portfolio of subsidiary

businesses ranges from Qantas Freight Enterprises to Qantas Frequent Flyer.

Qantas has strong network all over the world. Founding member of oneworld alliance, until

now Qantas has 27 bilateral partners extending the network and offer passengers a global


In 2012, Qantas carries a 44.6% shares of the Australian domestic market and 18% of all

passengers travelling in and out of Australia while the respective market segments for Jetstar

are 20,7% and 8%. The chart below compares the top 10 international airlines.

Figure 1: Top 10 international airlines in Australia

(Source: ANNA- Airlines Network News and Analysis, 2010)

Group 22

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2.2. Resources and capabilities

- Tangible resources: Establisheding in 1920, Qantas Group has grown gradually and remain

one of the largest and strongest in Australian airways industry. During the last 5 recently

years, Qantas has steadily expanded its operations by increasing number of aircrafts,

passengers, employees and destinations all over the world. Its development can be

demonstrated as data below:

Figure 2: Qantas’s resources from 2008-2012

Qantas Airways Unit 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Number of employees (at year end) 33,670 33,966 32,489 33,169 33,584

Number of destinations (including Jetstar) 146 151 184 201 233

Number of passengers ‘000 38,621 38,438 41,428 44,456 46,708

Number of aircraft (at year end) 224 229 254 283 308

Total asset $M 19,700 20,049 19,910 20,858 21,178

(Adopted from Qantas data book 2012, see Appendix)

Qantas’s total asset increased from $19.7 billion in 2008 to $21.1 billion in 2012. More than

half of its assets are from property, plant and equipment which book value at $14.13m at the

end of FY2012. Intangible assets values at $610,000.

At the end of FY2012, the corporation had a cash balance of $3.4 billion, and 308 aircrafts

from three main suppliers Airbus, Boeing and Bombardiers. The Group has 12 Airbus A380,

30 Airbus A330, 60 Boeing B737, 36 Boeing B747 and 46 Bombardiers.

- Intangible resources:

Qantas has a strong reputation for long history with a huge number of customers, larger

segment in the Australian market. Qantas is the world’s second oldest airline and since its

inception, Qantas has remained one of the largest and strongest brands in Australia. Qantas

Frequent Flyer has grown steadily growth, more than 750,000 new members joining the

frequent program during 2012. And increase the total member to 8.6 million. (Qantas data

book 2012). Many Australians regard Qantas Airways Limited as a national icon and pride of


Another intangible resource of Qantas is its networks with large corporations. Qantas started

the Oneworld Alliance with American Airlines, British Airways, Canadian Airlines and

Group 23

USER, 04/09/13,
This is the 2nd or 3rd mention.
USER, 04/09/13,
Over a long period of time
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Cathay Pacific in 1998, and with Finnair and Iberia one year later. Oneworld is an

arrangement among airlines to share departure lounges, frequent flyer points and joint

booking of flights for travellers to go wherever they want. (Dallas, H 2010). Qantas frequent

Flyer has partnerships with many large corporations in and outside Australia, such as Optus,

Woolworths, Caltex, Safaris, etc.

2.3. Performance analysis

According to Mail Business Staff 2012, Qantas Airways reported $204 million annual loss in

FY2012, the first loss since 17 year period. It was impacted from the increasing fuel prices,

intense competition, industrial disputes and its struggling international division and a series of

strikes that temporarily grounded its fleet.

By analyzing data from the corporation’s annual report, profitability index can be calculated

as shown bellowed:

Figure 3: Qantas Airways ratio analysis

Qantas Airways Unit 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Turnover $M 15,627 14,552 13,772 14,894 15,724

Profit after tax $M 970 123 116 249 (244)

Return on equity (ROE) % 16.9 2.1 1.9 4.0 (4.1)

Return on Asset (ROA) % 6.9 1.0 1.3 2.1 (0.8)

Debt/Equity 46/54 50/50 51/49 53/47 56/44

Current ratio 0.90 0.96 0.94 0.92 0.77

Quick ratio 0.42 0.58 0.59 0.57 0.48

(Adopted from Qantas data book 2012)

As can be seen, the Qantas performs ineffectively in recently. Its turnover, profit and ROA,

ROE have reduced considerably particularly a loss of $244 million in 2012. However, the

group still has strong financial capability. Its debt/equity ratio slightly increased but can be

acceptable and its create leverage to encourage managers improve the corporation’s

performance. Qantas has quick ratio around 0.5, that help Group has ability to pay current

debt. Besides that, the current ratios were less than 1 and continuously decreased. It faces the

Group to risk of liquidity that means Qantas may not have enough resources to pay its debts

over the next 12 months in case of liquidity.

Group 24

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According to Grant, 2013 the goal of a firm is value maximization that means maximizing the

shareholders’ wealth. It was measures via the share’s price and profitability. The corporation

recorded an decline in share’s price and market capitalization from 2009 to 2012 after a

bounce in 2008 to reach the highest price of $6.0 per share. The earnings per share dropped

significantly and in 2012 and the shareholders received no dividend due to the loss of $244m.

The changing in Qantas’s share price is illustrated as below:

Figure 4: Qantas Share price from 2008-2012

Qantas Airways Unit 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Market capitalization $M 5,759 4,553 4,983 4,168 2,435

Earnings per share Cents 49 5.6 4.9 11 (11)

Share price at 30 June $ 3.04 2.01 2.2 1.84 1.08

(Source: Qantas data book 2012, p.33)

Researches show that, loss is result of high fuel price and changing in foreign currency

exchanges as well as competition with other low cost airlines in international activities

(O'Sullivan, M 2012). The researchers require Qantas implement strategies to hedge fuel cost

and manage foreign exchange risks to increase its competitive advantages.

2.3. Genertic strategy and connection to the internal value chain

Qantas Airways aim at maintaining its position as the leading Australian domestic carrier and

one of the world’s premier sustainable long-haul airlines through two dual airline brands,

Group 25

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Good section
USER, 04/09/13,
Of what?
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Qantas and Jetstar that endeavour at two different strategies. While Jetstar focus on low cost

Airline, Qantas aims to provide safety, highest quality services and more “Ausiee” airline. It

seek to deliver sustainable, long term returns to the shareholders.

The Qantas Group strategic priorities are illustrated below.

Figure 5: Qantas strategic priorities

(Source: Qantas data book 2012, p.5)

Qantas’s strategies have connection to the firm’s internal value chain. According to Grant

2013, a value chain analysis describes a sequential chain of the main activities that the firm

undertakes. Michael Porter’s Value Chain has been used as a tool to analyse competitive

advantages. It is divided to two parts, primary activities and support activities.

First of all, primary activities include five main activities which are Inbound logistics,

Operations, Outbound logistics, Marketing and sales and Customer service (Grant, 2013).

Inbound logistics is a part of the ‘supply chain’ and involve distribution. Inbound logistics’

activities describe the receiving and storing of materials (Porter, 1985). Qantas has three

major jet suppliers which are Airbus, Boeing and Bombardier. Each supplier has different

competitive advantage with others. For example, Airbus has A380 that is larger, longer and

can deliver more passengers than others while Boeing has B787 that is lighter, smaller and

faster than others. In addition, Qantas also has others suppliers who provide products related

to oil, gas and food.

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It aims to do it, but what does it actually achieve?
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Operations are activities to transfer inputs into the final product (Porter, 1985). The operation

of Qantas group includes airports, catering, engineering, flight operations, operations

planning, control and aviation services (Qantas Factfile, 2010). For example, Qantas aviation

services are applied through several processes such as customers can book ticket through

travel agent or booking online, check-in online, and baggage claim.

Outbound logistics is the process related to collect, store and distribute the final products to

customers (Porter, 1985). The general activity of airline industry is transportation goods and

services from one area to others all over the world. Therefore, most of airlines implement

their transactions though travel agent and online and Qantas is not an exception. By using

these ways, Qantas achieves the most cost effective, while satisfying customers.

Marketing and sales are activities to provide the places which customers can buy the products

(Porter, 1985). In order to advertise product, Qantas has created many media advertisements

on television, radio, newspapers, posters in travel agents and billboards. Qantas announced

$44 million for advertising campaign with Tourism Australia in 2010 (Qantas, annual report

2010). For example, Qantas used Boeing 747 aircraft to paint the words ‘Come play’ in

Frequently Flyer program and Sponsorship Football Federation Australia (World football

insider, 2010). However, Qantas is trying to use more direct marketing than blanket

advertising because blanket advertising is more expensive and less targeted especially to

corporations than direct marketing. Moreover, Qantas also uses global marketing strategies

which are standardization, customization and global branding. Through these marketing,

Qantas has implemented successful strategies to ensure its reputation for high quality goods

and services. In addition, Qantas also has sales promotions in particularly periods. An

example of this is Qantas launched a two – for one ticket sale, it means that a second

passenger is allowed to fly for the cost of taxes and charges. Another is that Qantas first

launched to issue 100,000 tickets at $49.

Secondly, Support activities consist of Firm infrastructure, Human resources (HR)

management, Technology and Procurement (Grant, 2013). Support activities can help primary

activities to work more effectively.

Firm infrastructure relates to structure of the industry. Qantas’s infrastructure includes

functional departments such as accounting department, financial department, marketing

department, customer service department or engineering department.

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Qantas’s HR strategy focuses to ensure a flexible, adaptable and safer workforce, improve

labour unit costs and productivity, develop management and leadership capabilities as one of

the largest employers in Australia, approximately 37,000 people (Qantas, 2012). Qantas’s HR

concentrates on four areas: corporate, business segments, shared services, and learning and

development. Each area has own responsibilities to help deliver the human resource strategy.

Besides that, Qantas group is also known as the Australia’s largest aviation trainer. There are

many training courses to help the Qantas employees to improve their knowledge and skills.

For example, in 2011/2012, Qantas invested $65 million in training approximately 2,300

pilots (Qantas, annual report 2012). Furthermore, in the past four years, 122 young people

graduated through the Qantas program. Their training enables them to experience with various

aspects of airline management and they may provide the next generation of aviation


Regarding technology development, technology has an important role in supporting Qantas

business to deliver enhanced value. Technology development of Qantas focuses on main five

areas which are project and program management, business system analysis, testing and

quality assurance, services and relationship management, and architecture (Qantas, 2012).

Qantas is also investing in new technology for customers; Qantas is the first airline to offer

iPads as an option entertainment for passengers to access to the latest entertainment. These

activities can support for main purposes to enhance the quality and create reputation for

Qantas group.

The purpose of Qantas’s procurement is maximizing the shareholders’ value from all supplier

relationships (Qantas, annual report 2012). This is implemented through a chain process such

as disciplined, systematic and ongoing process. All procurement activities are ensured through

Qantas’ procurement policy. One of the important procurement activities is that goods and

services meet specification and are transferred on time at competitive prices from stable

suppliers. Others procurement activities are also applied such as financial risk, total cost basic

must be reduced and supplier relationship management is focused on win-win outcome.


3.1. Macro economy

Qantas as a part in the global airline industry has continued to benefit from globalization

where growth trade and tourism increase demands for travelling. According to the World

Tourism Organization, throughout 2011, international tourist arrivals went up by 4.4% to 980 Group 2


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million, from 939m in 2010. The context also creates corporative opportunities for Qantas.

For example, in early 2011, Qantas acquired Network Aviation, a West Australian charter

airline that contributed around $19 million in revenue and other income (Marketline 2012).

However, globalizations with the participation of many airline industries also threat Qantas in

provide good service at reasonable price. Besides that, the increasing and unpredicted fuel

price and foreign currency exposure also challenges the Group when participate in

international operation.

3.2. Five forces analysis

Porter’s Five Forces is a most widely used framework in practice to determine intensity of

competition and the level of profitability for companies (Grant 2013). Porter (2008) stated

that five forces shape the structure of industries and launch the basement for competition and

profitability within industry. These include threats of new entrants and substitutes, bargaining

power of substitutes and buyers, and rivalry among existing competitors. According to Dobbs

(2012), five forces assessments of threats and opportunities are powerful responses of

managers to challenging environment where they must to compete with rivals and increase


The first important element is threat of substitutes. Substitute products/services perform a

similar function as an industry product by a different means and at times at a cheaper price.

This makes the competitions become more violent for all. It corresponds to industry

profitability suffers. Therefore, companies have to reinvest themselves such as their services,

product and event low price and restructure their organizations in order to survive in

challenging environment. They have estimated what threats coming from substitutes whose

product are similar to that of a company/brand that is established within the industry and give

some strategies for themselves. The aviation business now tries to boost up diverse options

and promotions trip with low price to persuade the customers. Under pressure of substitutes

like Virgin, Delta, Tiger Airlines, especially coaches or trains, Qantas have to plan some

strategies not only in Airline industry but Transportation industry

The second of five forces is threats of new entrants. When new entrants have launched in an

industry, the proportion of industrial profits has changed. They bring new capacity and desire

to share a market with the others, and simultaneously put pressures on old rivals about prices,

qualities of services and goods, cost and rate of necessary investment. When threats are high,

managers must implement a number of methods into the marketing mix in order to deter new

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Are they?
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How big is it?
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entrants. According to Grant (2013), there are some principal sources of barriers to entry:

Capital requirements, economies of scale, absolute cost advantages, and product

differentiations, access to channels of distribution, governmental and legal barriers, and

retaliation. The effectiveness of barriers to entry depends on the resources and capabilities

that potential entrants possess. The new entrants, Virgin Airlines or Tiger Airline, become

competitors to Qantas with new full service airline and cheap tickets. In order to compete,

Qantas is focused on business market which does not have a strong market competitor. The

group also try to control the budget airlines through introducing of Jet Star (Reference for

business, 2006). In addition, although Emirates airline is a international competitor, Qantas

has corporation with Emirates to enhancing their shared network across the Tasman. This hit

the competition in Australia and New Zealand (Cornwell 2013).

The third is rivalry among existing competitors. According to Grant (2013), in some

industries companies compete aggressively, sometimes the prices are under the value of

output and leading definitely loss incurred. In the others, they focus on the innovation,

advertising and non price dimensions. The intensity of competition of companies base on

some factors: concentration, diversity of competitors, product differentiation, excess capacity

and exit barriers, cost condition. Simultaneously Qantas operates Jetstart to compete the other

companies by cheap tickets, Qantas also cooperate with Woolworths in Frequent Flyer

program to maintain loyal customer (Qantas FactFiles, 2010) .

The next is bargaining power of suppliers: suppliers are also described as the market of

inputs: ability of suppliers to put the buyers under pressure. There are two factor effected on

aviation industry including aircraft manufactures and fuel supplier. According to Qantas

annual report, 2009, Suppliers of Qantas are Boeing, Airbus, and Bombardier. They have

strong power to deal with Qantas because they determine cost and delivery times and can be

potential to turn into competitors.

Lastly, bargaining power of buyers: Customers are described as the market of outputs and put

the firm under pressure of low prices and quality of services. Therefore, Qantas have to

cooperate with the other airline such as Emirates, Vietnam airline to rival the others. Qantas

also has to impulse its sale with quality product and cheap price in several channels such as

travel agency and website to deal with others.

What is your conclusion from the 5 Forces Analysis?

Group 210

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In the competitive environment, enterprises have to create competitive advantages or they will

be died. Grant (2013) says that a firm can achieve a higher rate of profit over a rival in two

ways: supplying an identical product or service at a lower cost, or providing a unique product

or service that is differentiated with others in order to persuade customer pay a price premium

that exceeds the additional cost of the differentiation.

4.1. Cost leadership

In order to take advantages in cost, the corporation has to structure and effectively exploit

resources, apply some drivers of cost advantages such as economics of scale, product design,

technology and inputs cost (Grant 2013).

Figure 6: Qantas’s expenditure in 2011-2012

(Source: Qantas data book 2012, p.18)

As can be seen, there are three main parts from Qantas’s expenditure in both 2011 and 2012.

They are fuel cost, labour cost and aircraft operating aviation.

Figure 7: Fuel cost of Qantas

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Possible in Australia??
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(Source: Qantas Data Book 2012, p.19)

Fuel cost is the highest expense of Qantas, accounting for more than 25% of total expenses. In

2012, the fuel makes a new record at 27% of total costs at $4.22 billion in compare with

$593million in 2011.

The Group uses several strategies to reduce the influence of fuel prices. They are hedging;

passing fuel surcharges to tickets; shortening the jet fuel supply chain fuel conservation;

investment in new fuel-economic aircraft; improvement managing air traffic and enhanced

technology in flying techniques and navigation approach. (Qantas data book 2012).

Aircraft operating variable spent $3 billion in costs in FY2012. It includes route navigation

charges, landing fees are charged by the relevant airport company or authority, maintenance

cost and passenger expenses (in-flight consumables and amenities, entertainment).


Moving to cost leadership strategy can be applied by Jetstar that focus on low cost airline to

gain market share in difference target customer than with the main brand. Due to

nowadays, there are many low cost airways emerge worldwide. Thus, the firms that can offer

the cheaper price will be gain the customers. Jetstar want to reach the lower price than others

fare airlines so the company designs to adapt another strategy such as partnership strategy to

deal with the main competitors. In current years, almost aviations industries have considered

about how to the firms getting the customer faster than competitors. Also, Jetstar recognizes

about low price with fast sale so the firm tries to create new promotion to attract and gain the

customers quickly than another firm. The firm can take advantages in cost by increasing

passenger load factor (promotion), reduce fuel cost, in-flight consumption and entertainment

of customers.

4.2. DifferentiationGroup 2


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According to Grant (2013), differentiation is not just about the product, it embraces the whole

relationship between the supplier and customer. Differentiation can be categorised into two

types as tangible differentiation and intangible differentiation.

4.2.1. Tangible differentiation:

Complementary service: According to Qantas FactFiles (2010), Qantas has provided In-flight

entertainment with full-option in all Qantas international flights such as A380, B747 and

A330 aircrafts. Simultaneously, Qantas Club lounges with full of necessary facilities are

provided to the Qantas’s members at more than 130 lounges worldwide. As Group route

network, the Qantas Group have operated numerous flights to cover 173 destinations in 42

countries together with partner airways. According to Qantas annual report (2009), Qantas

provides premier price with full service option to serve the customers. For example, Qantas

creates unique experiences to Qantas’ members like bringing Chef Heston Blumenthal to

meet food and wine (QANTAS 2012). As the result, customers can feel superior when

perceive the product or service. This strategy offers unique can enhance value of the product

to the customers. The other point is that Qantas designs multi-brand model such as Qantas,

Frequent flyers, and Jetstar which give customers the experience they desire. Specifically,

Qantas provides the clear choice for business and premium leisure travellers. Frequent flyer

builds the world’s best loyalty business while Jetstar brings the clear choice for price sensitive

travellers (QANTAS 2011). Grant (2013) states a low-price; no-frills offering is associated

with a unique brand image.

Hub airports: Qantas has developed Airport terminal consolidation project. This reduces in

minimum connection times, underpins Sydney as Qantas’ main hub, and supports the

international network alliance strategy, long term price and infrastructure surety. This strategy

also increases product differentiation and seamless end-to-end customer experience

(QANTAS 2011).

4.2.2. Intangible differentiation:

Safety is always the first priority of Qantas aviation firm. Qantas is the leader of safety

aviation industry (QANTAS 2008). Qantas is rigorously subjected to the International Air

Transport Association’s (IATA) and Operational Safety Audit Certification, which is an

internationally recognised safety audit program, once every two years. Moreover, Qantas is

regularly scrutinised additional external audits by around 75 external organisations. This

Group 213

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Same as many other airlines – not a point of differentiation
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capability combined with constant prudence and proactive prevention is fundamental to

Qantas maintaining its leading safety record and reputation.

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In conclusion, “strategy is win” (Grant 2013). Enterprises with efficiency strategies and

successful implementation will generate advantages in the competitive environment. By

applying several strategic analysis methods in analysing the internal and external context of

Qantas Airlines Limited, the report has indentified the group’s strategies.

Base on the analysis, some strategies has been recommended for the corporation to create

competitive advantages by two strategies, cost leadership and differentiation:

Expeditionary Marketing: Travel agent can be an important channel to distribute the product

and service. Therefore, the Qantas should conduct a plan to consolidate its business activities

with the travel agents and sometime the firm has to create a monopoly with those travel

agents to decrease competitors. The corporation should also offer promotion to reduce free

seat in flight.

Unique Service Style: The price of ticket that should included the price of baggage may set up

little bit expensive than others low cost airlines without luggage price. It can be attract the

customers; especially, women. Due to almost women need space for their clothes and

cosmetic that is often liquid may be banned to carry in a passenger area.

Fuel hedging: Qantas should continue research for new technology and invest in low-fuel

consume aircrafts. Charging fuel surcharges to passengers is better than fuel hedging.

Foreign exchange risk hedging: Continue hedging foreign currency to reduce risk by using

other derivative financial instruments such as option or forward contracts.

Labour cost: Qantas can expand to other countries where labour willing to work for lower

payment than in Australia, meanwhile reduces intermediates or agencies, directly or online

sell tickets to customers.

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Separate the two parts.
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Airlines network news and Analysis, 2012, ‘Australian international traffic growing strongly but Qantas is losing market share; US and Indonesia see biggest gains’, viewed 15nd August 2013, y .

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Group 216

USER, 04/09/13,
Good work, well researched.
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