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QCE4 Review Name: Date: 1. After a baseball is thrown up into the air, it will eventually fall back down to Earth. Which graph best demonstrates the relationship between time and distance from Earth as the baseball falls? A. B. C. D. 2. Which of the following represents the velocity of a moving object? A. 40 B. 40 m north C. 40 m s D. 40 m s north 3. Which characteristic of motion could change without changing the velocity of an object? A. the speed B. the position C. the direction D. the acceleration 4. A student applied a constant force to a toy truck. A graph of the truck’s movement is shown below. Which of the following could best explain the change in velocity at time X? A. The truck’s momentum became greater than its inertia. B. The truck went from moving in a straight path to moving in a curved path. C. The truck began traveling up a slightly sloped surface. D. The truck went from rolling on a rough surface to rolling on a polished surface. page 1

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QCE4 Review

Name: Date:

1. After a baseball is thrown up into the air, it willeventually fall back down to Earth. Which graphbest demonstrates the relationship between timeand distance from Earth as the baseball falls?





2. Which of the following represents the velocity ofa moving object?

A. 40 B. 40 m north

C. 40ms D. 40m

s north

3. Which characteristic of motion could changewithout changing the velocity of an object?

A. the speed B. the position

C. the direction D. the acceleration

4. A student applied a constant force to a toy truck.A graph of the truck’s movement is shown below.

Which of the following could best explain thechange in velocity at time X?

A. The truck’s momentum became greater thanits inertia.

B. The truck went from moving in a straightpath to moving in a curved path.

C. The truck began traveling up a slightly slopedsurface.

D. The truck went from rolling on a roughsurface to rolling on a polished surface.

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5. An object moves away from a motion detector witha constant speed. Which graph best represents themotion of the object?

A. B.

C. D.

6. Use the following graphs to answer the followingquestion(s).

Which graph best matches the motion of a car?

A. A B. B C. C D. D

7. Use the graphic below to answer the followingquestion.

Marisol is sitting in a bus that is passing by atraffic light. Which statement correctly describesMarisol’s motion?

A. Marisol is moving relative to both the trafficlight and the bus driver.

B. Marisol is not moving relative to either thetraffic light or the bus driver.

C. Marisol is moving relative to the traffic light,but she is not moving relative to the busdriver.

D. Marisol is moving relative to the bus driver,but she is not moving relative to the trafficlight.

8. Use the graph below to answer the question.

A student drew a graph that shows the motion ofa car as it traveled down a street. When was thecar stopped at a stoplight?

A. between 1 and 3 minutes

B. between 3 and 5 minutes

C. between 5 and 8 minutes

D. between 8 and 10 minutes

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9. The diagram below shows information about themotion of a toy car between two points on a track.

Motion of Toy Car

Which of the following can be determined usingthe information shown in the diagram?

A. the car’s position after the first two seconds

B. the car’s mass as it moves away from the start

C. the car’s average speed between the two points

D. the car’s total acceleration within the firstmeter

10. Which of the following is certain to change as aball accelerates?

A. mass of the ball

B. inertia of the ball

C. velocity of the ball

D. force acting on the ball occasionally

11. Two people are trying to push a large box across afloor. Each person pushes with an equal amountof force.

The total amount of force they exert on the box is500 newtons. Despite their efforts, the box willnot move. What is the amount of force exerted bythe box on each person?

A. 0 newtons B. 250 newtons

C. 500 newtons D. 1,500 newtons

12. A student pushes a hollow ball with a smallamount of force causing it to roll quickly acrossthe room. The student then pushes a solid ballwith the same amount of force. Which statementdemonstrates an understanding of force and itseffects on an object?

A. The force on both balls was the same;therefore each ball pushes back with the sameamount of force.

B. The force on both balls was the same;however each ball pushes back with a differentamount of force.

C. The solid ball pushes back with a greaterforce than the hollow ball, because the solidball has a greater mass.

D. The hollow ball pushes back with a greaterforce than the solid ball, because the solidball moved faster and further.

13. The bodies of many cars are designed to compressor crumple during an accident.

Why are cars built with a crumple zone?

A. The crumple zone is made from cheapermaterials, so the car costs less to make.

B. The crumple zone is made from cheapermaterials, so it costs less to repair after anaccident.

C. The crumple zone absorbs the force of animpact, reducing the chance that passengersget injured.

D. The crumple zone transfers the force of animpact from the car to the object it hits,reducing the chance that passengers will getinjured.

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14. A spring scale is pulled downward and readingsare recorded.

If the spring is pulled 3.5 cm, the spring scaleshould read

A. 12 N. B. 13 N. C. 14 N. D. 15 N.

15. A ball is dropped from the top of a tall building.As the ball falls, the upward force of air resistancebecomes equal to the downward pull of gravity.When these two forces become equal in magnitude,the ball will

A. flatten due to the forces.

B. fall at a constant speed.

C. continue to speed up.

D. slow to a stop.

16. A person catches and measures a large fish calleda halibut. She thinks that this halibut is aboveaverage in size. To help support her thinking, itwould be most helpful to measure

A. many types of fish.

B. many fish of the same type.

C. fish from the same location.

D. fish during a different season.

17. Two students are studying what makes ice meltfastest. They want to conduct an investigation.During which of these steps in their investigationwill they measure the ice?

A. showing some graphs

B. making a conclusion

C. developing a hypothesis

D. collecting some data

18. A scientist is performing an experiment todetermine the melting point of a new substance.Which action could increase the likelihood ofobtaining accurate results?

A. repeating the experiment three times

B. experimenting with multiple substances

C. writing out the procedure after the experiment

D. using three types of thermometers in theexperiment

19. Why do scientists perform multiple trials of thesame experiment?

A. to include additional variables in theexperiment

B. to complete the steps of the experiment inless time

C. to find a less expensive way to conduct theexperiment

D. to increase the likelihood of accurateexperiment results

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20. A student observed the circuits below and noticedthe light bulbs in Circuit 1 were brighter than thelight bulbs in Circuit 2.

Based on this observation, which of the followingis the best prediction?

A. If more bulbs are added to a circuit, then thebulbs will become brighter.

B. If more bulbs are added to a circuit, then thebulbs will become dimmer.

C. If longer wires are used in a circuit, then thebulbs will become brighter.

D. It longer wires are used in a circuit, then thebulbs will become dimmer.

21. Which statement is an observation?

A. The plant has flowers.

B. The plant is very pretty.

C. The plant will grow berries.

D. The plant might be poisonous.

22. On Monday, students predicted how thetemperatures would compare at different times ofthe day. The graph below shows the measurementsthe students took to test the predictions.

Which prediction is supported by the results in thegraph?

A. The temperature will be higher at 12:00 P.M.than at 2:00 P.M.

B. The temperature will be higher at 6:00 P.M.than at 10:00 A.M.

C. The temperature will be higher at 12:00 P.M.than at 6:00 P.M.

D. The temperature will be higher at 10:00 A.M.than at 2:00 P.M.

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23. A scientist wanted to see if the amount of garbagethat Americans threw away changed over time. Hecollected information and then showed his resultsin the graph below.

Based on this graph, what could the scientist sayabout the amount of garbage that each personthrew away?

A. It increased over time.

B. It decreased over time.

C. It increased the most in 1980.

D. It decreased the most in 1990.

24. The diagrams below show five different tests Lindacarried out using steel balls of three different sizesand masses. She used the same ramp for all trials.

Linda wants to test this idea: if the ramp isplaced higher, the ball will travel to the bottom ofthe ramp faster. Which three trials should Lindacompare to test this idea?

A. Trials 1, 2, and 3 B. Trials 1, 3, and 5

C. Trials 2, 3, and 4 D. Trials 2, 4, and 5

25. After selecting the three trials to compare, Lindameasured the time it took for the ball to travelto the end of the ramp. She repeated each trial10 times and recorded her data.

What is the main reason Linda collected10 measurements for each of the three trials?

A. to increase the reliability of her data

B. to list all the results in a table or graph

C. to change the experimental conditions

D. to check that the equipment is working

26. Which graphic representation would be the bestway for Linda to display data from the three trialsshe tested?

A. histogram B. line graph

C. double bar graph D. stem and leaf plot

27. Maria wanted to measure the amount of time ittook for a ball to roll down a ramp. She hadnever used a stopwatch before. Kevin gave her thefollowing directions, but they were in the wrongorder.

Step 1: Hold the stopwatch in one hand.

Step 2: Press the button once to start theclock.

Step 3: Press the button twice to clear anyold times.

Step 4: Press the button to stop the clock.

Step 5: Let the watch run until it is time tostop it.

Step 6: Record the amount of time.

How should she arrange Kevin’s steps so they arein the correct order?

A. 1, 5, 2, 3, 4, 6 B. 1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 6

C. 1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 6 D. 1, 3, 2, 5, 4, 6

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28. Mr. Jones set up a demonstration for his scienceclass using two beakers. Each beaker contained50 ml of a clear liquid. The temperature of eachliquid was 25◦C. Mr. Jones placed a cube intoeach beaker at the same time. Each cube measured2 cm on all sides and had a mass of 5 grams.

The results of the demonstration are shown in thefigures below.

What is the best question for students to investigatethat would help explain the results of thisdemonstration?

A. How long did it take for the cube in Beaker 2to sink?

B. Would a different sized beaker provide thesame results?

C. Will the cube in Beaker 1 sink if more liquidwas added?

D. What caused one cube to float and the othercube to sink?

29. A fertilizer company claims that their fertilizercauses rose bushes to produce more flowers. Tosupport this claim, they set up an investigation.They added the recommended amount of fertilizerto 100 rose bushes in a greenhouse, and then theycounted the number of flowers that developed oneach plant. The number of flowers on each rosebush ranged from 28 to 36. The mean number offlowers on each plant was 33.

A gardener was skeptical of the company’s claim.Which statement provides the best reason to beskeptical?

A. The sample size was too small to be valid.

B. The investigation tested only one variable.

C. The research was conducted without a control.

D. The investigation was conducted only on roseplants.

30. Which of the following questions is testable in ascientific investigation?

A. Are dogs better pets than cats?

B. Are dogs happy when they are walked?

C. Are cats more active at night than during theday?

D. Are cats easier to take care of than dogs?

31. A student will measure and record the growth oftwo flowering plants every other day for 10 days.

According to the diagram, which question is beingtested?

A. Do flowering plants grow better when wateredwith salt water?

B. How much fertilizer do flowering plants need?

C. Does fertilizer added to the soil lead to tallerflowering plants?

D. How tall do flowering plants grow?

32. In order to advance to the level of a theory, ahypothesis should be

A. obviously accepted by most people.

B. a fully functional experiment.

C. in alignment with past theories.

D. repeatedly confirmed by experimentation.

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33. The genetic material of an organism is composedof

A. lipids.

B. proteins.

C. deoxyribonucleic acids.

D. complex carbohydrates.

34. Which statement about the genetic traits of humansis true?

A. Recessive forms of genes are always visiblein offspring.

B. Visible traits are the same for each memberof a family.

C. Dominant forms of genes are always inheritedfrom both parents.

D. Visible traits depend on the dominant andrecessive forms of genes from each parent.

35. The diagram below represents a cross between twopea plants.

In pea plants, the allele for round seeds (R) isdominant to the allele for oval seeds (r). In a crossbetween the two plants above, what percentage ofthe offspring will have round seeds?

A. 100% B. 75% C. 50% D. 25%

36. Based only on the sex chromosomes in typicalhuman egg and sperm cells at fertilization, theprobability of producing a female is

A. 25%. B. 50%. C. 75%. D. 90%.

37. What is one advantage of sexual reproduction?

A. The offspring are identical to the parents

B. The offspring are resistant to viruses.

C. The offspring are born live, rather than fromeggs.

D. The offspring inherit a wider variety ofgenetic information.

38. Which of the following is the primary advantageof sexual reproduction when compared to asexualreproduction?

A. There is a greater number of offspring.

B. There is more food available to offspring.

C. There is greater genetic variety in offspring.

D. There is a longer development time foroffspring.

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39. Which bird foot is best for swimming?





40. Geologic activity on an island physically separatesa population of animals into two populations.Many generations later, when the two populationsare no longer separated, they do not interbreed.What was the result of natural selection duringthis period of separation?

A. a decrease in variation

B. a decrease in diversification

C. an increase in extinction

D. an increase in speciation

41. The illustration below shows the morphologicalchange of two species.

Which statement explains why species 1 andspecies 2 are different?

A. An individual changed itself to suit theenvironment.

B. Natural selection can cause gradual speciationchanges.

C. Interbreeding of species 2 results in nogenetic mutations.

D. Extinction of ancestor species occurs as aresult of interbreeding.

42. How is natural selection in the evolution of longnecks in giraffes best explained?

A. Shorter-necked giraffes were killed bylong-necked giraffes.

B. Giraffe necks grew longer because of the bonestructure of the animals.

C. Giraffes with longer necks survived becausethey were better suited to the environment.

D. Long-necked giraffes mated only with otherlong-necked giraffes.

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43. Which of the following is a source of geneticvariation within a species?

A. cloning B. mutation

C. selective breeding D. natural selection

44. A population of termites initially consists ofdarkly colored and brightly colored members.After several generations, the termite populationconsists almost entirely of darkly colored membersbecause the brightly colored termites are easier fora predatory species of insectivores to locate. Thissituation is an example of

A. the evolution of a new species.

B. natural selection.

C. artificial selection.

D. adaptive radiation.

45. A single species of squirrel evolved over time intotwo species, each on opposite sides of the GrandCanyon. This change was most likely due to

A. higher mutation rates on one side.

B. low genetic diversity in the initial population.

C. the isolation of the two groups.

D. differences in reproductive rates.

46. Vestigial structures, such as hip bones in whalesand appendixes in humans, are those that havelittle or no function for the organism. What is themost likely reason for this loss of function overtime?

A. The organism is undergoing speciation.

B. The organism is experiencing genetic drift.

C. The structure was over utilized by theorganism.

D. The structure was not highly beneficial to theorganism.

47. The Venus flytrap plant lives in soil with fewnutrients. The plant absorbs nutrients by trappinginsects inside its leaves.

The ability of the Venus flytrap to trap insects isan example of which of the following?

A. Adaptation B. Parasitism

C. Cooperation D. Competition

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48. One piece of evidence that supports the modern theory of evolution is the presence of similar structures that servedifferent functions in different organisms.

Human Arm Bat Wing

Bird Wing Insect Wing

Insect Leg Human Leg

Lizard Claw Bird Beak

Which pair of features shown are similar structures that are serving different functions?

A. Human arm and bat wing B. Insect leg and human leg

C. Bird wing and insect wing D. Lizard claw and bird beak

49. Some scientists use molecular evidence to studyevolution. One type of molecular evidence isthe amino acid sequence of particular proteins invarious species.

Which of the following best describes what thestudy of these sequences reveals about the species?

A. The more similar the sequences are, the fasterthe species will coevolve.

B. The more similar the sequences are, the moreclosely related the species are.

C. The longer the sequences are, the earlier thespecies evolved in geologic history.

D. The longer the sequences are, the moreadapted the species are to their environments.

50. A scientist is examining a fossilized insect thatmay be an ancestor of modern dragonflies. Whichof the following should the scientist compare tobest determine how closely related the fossilizedinsect is to modern dragonflies?

A. their diets B. their habitats

C. their predators D. their anatomies

51. The picture below shows a fossil.

What makes this fossil similar to a fish?

A. the body and fins

B. the eyes and length

C. the bones and size

D. the color and mouth

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QCE4 Review 05/16/2014

1.Answer: B

2.Answer: D

3.Answer: B

4.Answer: C

5.Answer: B

6.Answer: A

7.Answer: C

8.Answer: C

9.Answer: C

10.Answer: C

11.Answer: B

12.Answer: A

13.Answer: C

14.Answer: C

15.Answer: B

16.Answer: B

17.Answer: D

18.Answer: A

19.Answer: D

20.Answer: B

21.Answer: A

22.Answer: B

23.Answer: A

24.Answer: D

25.Answer: A

26.Answer: B

27.Answer: D

28.Answer: D

29.Answer: C

30.Answer: C

31.Answer: C

32.Answer: D

33.Answer: C

34.Answer: D

35.Answer: B

36.Answer: B

37.Answer: D

38.Answer: C

39.Answer: A

40.Answer: D

Teacher’s Key Page 2

41.Answer: B

42.Answer: C

43.Answer: B

44.Answer: B

45.Answer: C

46.Answer: D

47.Answer: A

48.Answer: A

49.Answer: B

50.Answer: D

51.Answer: A