qcl 14-v3 [problem solving]-[banasthali university]_[ruchika mehta]

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Post on 06-Aug-2015




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  2. 2. This placement problem occurs due to loss of these amenities in the colleges. 1. Quality of companies to interview with 2. Provides a variety of different types of job opportunities 3. Less Help to students with job search strategies 4. Number of companies to interview with 5. Usefulness of resume critiquing services 6. Offers assessment tests to find the right major and potential job 7. Helpfulness of career services to research companies 8. Usefulness of mock interviews
  3. 3. To solve this problem of placements, there are many factors to be examined as quality of students, reputation of the college and facilities available to them all play a vital role. Career Exploration Values Clarification Skills Goal Setting Job Search Strategies Getting the Most Out of Career Fairs Developing Resumes Developing Interview Skills Internships Negotiation and the job Offer Budget Workshop Starting Your First Job
  4. 4. If your college doesnt have a Placement Officer or a Placement Cell, then it is the first and foremost point to look at. Trying to get campus placement to a college is similar to a recruitment agency trying to run their business without a recruiter. Your Placement Cell is the must and if you are serious about campus placement, they are the most important aspect to make it successful. Resources in placement cell should be dedicated and well recognized.
  5. 5. This is a no brainer, so why did we call it out? Well! Pretty much every one can say you need to improve your college profile, but the conundrum is how do you? When it comes to improving your college profile, you should look at every aspect of the things related to college. Here are some of the things you should consider: Design a professional looking website developed by professionals Your brochure design should look professional and content should be concise and to the Market your Previous Placement Records. If there are none, then project some of the alumni who are in prominent positions or even staffs who are from industry back ground. Academic Records: Student and Staff academic records are an important aspect which companies look for. Market your professors and lecturers profile who have excellent academic and/or industry back ground Include awards that your college has received If your college infrastructure is something to be proud of then include it on the website and your marketing brochure
  6. 6. NETWORKING is the single most powerful marketing tactic to accelerate and sustain success for any individual or organization! Adam Small Through Networking you build trust. Networking is more so important if you are a small college with tight budgets as you are dependent upon networking and referrals rather than on costly employment agencies and classified ads. Begin by creating a My contact worksheet containing all your contacts including your friends, classmates, alumni, faculties ,people you met at meetings and social gatherings and people who know other people through their work. Maintain this list and review it regularly. In this day and age, it would be nave to social media. Use LinkedIn, which I believe is an excellent networking tool to keep professional touch, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.
  7. 7. Mock interviews provide students a stress-free opportunity to practice and develop interview skills. Interviews are typically conducted between students and career counselors. This test-run helps students assess their strengths and weaknesses in a no-pressure environment. For example: Below we highlight best practices employed by the University of California-Los Angeles. Best Practice The University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) In addition to its typical one-on-one counselor mock interviews, UCLA offers a group mock interview workshop, entitled Experience the Interview. The workshop is a two-hour session offered to up to 10 students at a time. First, each student takes a turn in the interviewee chair, answering 10 typical interview questions, recorded on video. The counselor then provides general feedback and plays back the tape to the group, prompting the student and other workshop participants to evaluate performance. The program allows UCLA counselors to optimize their limited time by completing 10 mock interviews in two hours, versus a single one-on-one session per hour. In addition, students receive peer feedback and the opportunity to view themselves on tape.
  8. 8. While potentially difficult to obtain, placement data is vital to performance ratings .Many institutions have designed data collection schemes around key time periods . Best Practice Georgia State University Georgia State University has developed a Career Fair ROI based upon recruiter surveys and student exit surveys. Collected data are used to evaluate CSC performance, with the aim of developing events that fit student and employer needs. Metrics evaluated in relevant surveys include: The approximate number of students that visited an employer/recruiter table Of these students, the approximate number the recruiter(s) spoke with about opportunities The approximate number of potential candidates the employer/recruiter met at their table Employer/recruiter rating of event in comparison to other career fairs
  9. 9. Every project work gives us some lessons to be learned. Here are some which I learned: One should set their goals right and should take up job with respect to our interest. I also learnt this college matters but our dedication is the most which matters. This work of placing students is a work of responsibility.