qi{qe?6 - welcome to maharashtra fire...

{6Rr9 YIRI"T m.wri/?Rs/?oqi/k b g tle , 1qq\e \eqqq FSq: IQQQ ORZ\9 Email : [email protected] Website: wry,ru.mahafireservice.gov. in cElW 3ilrfl',tq?T TI.|T Wn?FTrtrq \ n EtdRI€ qIrflIrFI Rc{f 3lcFKqTr fuilq.R}, ds Tn qr.l, sidryfl (wi), rfq-$-voo o34. fqiio : "? *. uP. qI{qe?6 frqq; 66r161qq qfr-FJTqir etFrqra" einin c,R qfi.ffift eTFierqq el-6{ stq} flnqrqrdi ffi €tfr d{ot-srs-d. +i-{rt: {) flRq fuq, q]R fr-fls'frqFT qt.3T{T{{-lxors/lQo/ !'.s.R 11 /rh-e ", iq-{i-€ Q{.ol..Qoo!. Ttrflg srFq*RarT sTftrflT etrd €rFirTF qte{ qiqufl-{E} D.c.s.&D. Tfr ffir qid vrs. TataMotors 116. qim qeT ffir E{ {iksT {gqrd e{@ri qarq,i{qrfu-sTlqrRqRuqr qirT +stq lqtq} 6{uqld 3r€-s"ir +d'Et-dT. oQ. errai o.c.s.ao {fr ffi qifr vlr. Tata Motors 1-16. lyrm5s; qi.}sd iRlR ErfCT ilTqTql-d} *-. Heavy & Medium Chassis/AM-2/RC-15030000/07201212011 2012t72t COAB/TaTa/638 fr .o\e.oq.!o{! 31q} f{.o\e.oq. t"lt t fr .11.o1.Ro1y ;n smls?rlqe1 qf-+{ (l Rf{qT +d ent. qr (t fiRl-{sx eTFiqTrrq qEqRIt& rArA MODEL LPT1613/42 WHEEL BASE TRUCK CHASSIS WITHCOWL WITH 697 ENGINE BS III ' (Derivery Ex Jamshedpur) ti iel sqW eirt. er e.lrrd t4frE rr*'n-t qr siaria ildfr TFfl+ s-i {iEiER wr+nqrflo'or/il{qftqqT ui* ryn +€t€ €ts} q-oqrq} qi*=n q{ 6{aFTT qprEn; TqT[{qr zrcr igtr{ e-Eq irutre er+ q.rqr+tror qun-cr K'rr Eqi+ siErqc{o qetl|it: sTqt mc,l qr* E dlidrq *qT{ utm eqre qFmr-qiql qtenTq+, fi{F{ +€i{sT q-.qeT ti5qf, q tr$r qrqti oqrq-d iuTn n-S. rqo qftq-i-fi q zra *q*ql R.o\e.o\.RolQ El <{ {fusT qr xiqrsqm-n wvwv.mahafireservice.qov.in qT Ti+-f, Pral.R eqe-er elrd.

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Page 1: qI{qe?6 - Welcome to Maharashtra Fire Servicesmahafireservice.gov.in/Site/PDFs/Circulars/RC_of_Chassisoptred.pdf · Tata Motors 116. qim qeT ffir E{ {iksT {gqrd e{@ri ... MODEL LPT

{6Rr9 YIRI"Tm.wri/?Rs/?oqi/k b gtle , 1qq\e \eqqqFSq: IQQQ ORZ\9

Email : [email protected]: wry,ru.mahafireservice.gov. in

cElW 3ilrfl',tq?T TI.|T Wn?FTrtrq\ n

EtdRI€ qIrflIrFI Rc{f 3lcFKqTr

fuilq.R}, ds Tn qr.l,

sidryfl (wi), rfq-$-voo o34.fqiio :

"? *. uP.

q I { q e ? 6

frqq; 66r161qq qfr-FJTqir etFrqra" ein in c,R qfi.ffifteTFierqq el-6{ stq} flnqrqrdi ffi €tfr d{ot-srs-d.

+i-{rt: {) flRq fuq, q]R fr-fls'frqFT qt.3T{T{{-lxors/lQo/! ' .s.R 11 /rh-e ", iq-{i-€ Q{.ol..Qoo!.

Ttrflg srFq*RarT sTftrflT etrd €rFirTF qte{ qiqufl-{E} D.c.s.&D.Tfr ffir qid vrs. Tata Motors 116. qim qeT ffir E{ {iksT {gqrd e{@riqarq,i{qrfu-sTlqrRqRuqr qirT +stq lqtq} 6{uqld 3r€-s"ir +d'Et-dT.

o Q . errai o.c.s.ao {fr ffi qifr vlr. Tata Motors 1-16. lyrm5s; qi.}sd

iRlR ErfCT ilTqTql-d} *-. Heavy & Medium Chassis/AM-2/RC-15030000/072012120112-

2012t72t COAB/TaTa/638 fr .o\e.oq.!o{! 31q} f{.o\e.oq. t"lt t fr .11.o1.Ro1y ;n

smls?rlqe1 qf-+{ (l Rf{qT +d ent. qr (t fiRl-{sx eTFiqTrrq qEqRIt& rArAMODEL LPT 1613/42 WHEEL BASE TRUCK CHASSIS WITH COWL WITH 697 ENGINE BS I I I '

(Derivery Ex Jamshedpur) ti iel sqW eirt. er e.lrrd t4frE rr*'n-t qr siaria ildfr

TFfl+ s-i {iEiER wr+nqrflo'or/il{qftqqT ui* ryn +€t€ €ts} q-oqrq} qi*=n

q{ 6{aFTT qprEn; TqT[{qr zrcr igtr{ e-Eq irutre er+ q.rqr+tror qun-cr K'rrEqi+ siErqc{o qetl|it: sTqt mc,l qr* E dlidrq *qT{ utm eqreqFmr-qiql qtenT q+, fi{F{ +€i{sT q-.qeT ti5qf, q tr$r qrqti oqrq-d iuTn

n-S. rqo qftq-i-fi q zra *q*ql R.o\e.o\.RolQ El <{ {fusT qr xiqrsqm-n

wvwv.mahafireservice.qov.in qT Ti+-f, Pral.R eqe-er elrd.

Page 2: qI{qe?6 - Welcome to Maharashtra Fire Servicesmahafireservice.gov.in/Site/PDFs/Circulars/RC_of_Chassisoptred.pdf · Tata Motors 116. qim qeT ffir E{ {iksT {gqrd e{@ri ... MODEL LPT

oi. q-W €-d {idRra Erfl-c.RqfrsT7r'R qftqqrTqtT{ ]iqsdt qiTr

+d 3Trt qt; qone o+Fgvr crFt<t{ eiil,i-d c-$ Hrd-€T srfrTiqq qarrqre.1 qt{ q{qi"#r iqts dqi firqT.

?\ "

l\l \ \ - ^


"f"q-6Rlq 3I-rffIrFI {riT

qtt - sT.strFI sfuq-R, qrrt fq-sr-{ fuarTrr, irTmq, 1ffi voo oQQ qial clflEtrqr$ €r{rqc : qrFat E ettrran-s-ei+qt-frq're o{'ifrfl.t) 3ilgin'nrT lqqrffi, rrrwtfu-fir y'qTre-{ {iqidiiflc, srdt, Td{ yoo olo.R) oirgrn', wd q€rlrRqfusT.

i) qsq 6rm eTftr*Rt, R-d Hs frqlqq qrftr6{u}x) eq v|vs (aB-t.), i.R fu€rv idtrFt, tirFf,q, 1ffi 'aoo olR.q) *v elftr+rrl (lH-e"), rrt fufirv fulTrrr, iier€r+, 1ffi voo oi?.s) E@lftI+Tfr, w4 +.n qRq-cT I qrn riqrdt

Page 3: qI{qe?6 - Welcome to Maharashtra Fire Servicesmahafireservice.gov.in/Site/PDFs/Circulars/RC_of_Chassisoptred.pdf · Tata Motors 116. qim qeT ffir E{ {iksT {gqrd e{@ri ... MODEL LPT


The DirectorOffice of the DirectorMaha rashtra Fire ServicesMumba-i 4000 98

Seen by-t

F. A.

s l

o q

Action byc{{ i

99) MaY 23' 2013

i i4AY 2013II

**'t iafrr ril

Sub: Revised DGS&D pr ices for LPT'16131-4B2S -3 Cowl chassis for f i re tenderwith new Rate contract

Dear Sir ,

Please refer your c ircular no 457/MFS dated 13th May 2011.

We thank you for an opportuni ty Siven to us to serve var ious Municipal Counci ls in

Maharashtra vide above ment ioned circular.

We wish to inform vou that we have received new Rate Rate Contract copy for M&HCV

chassis vide RC no Heavy & Medium Chassis IAM-2/RC-15030000/072012/201-2-2013/72/COAB/Tato/638 dated O7 .O5.2073 valid from Ol .O5.20t3 to 31-.03.2Ot4. Thisrate contract copy is val id up to 31.03.2014.We request you to k indly revise the pr ices in l ieu of the aforesaid circular as per DGS&D

rate contract.

Thanking you

Sr Manager (Govt Business)

Encl - Rate Contract Copy

TATA MOTORS LIMITEDCommercial Vehicle Business Unit Teen Hath Naka Gyan 5adhana College 5ervice Road Thane 400 604

Iel91 22 61921212 Fax91 22 6792 7121 www.tatamotors.comRegistered Of{ice Bombay House 24 Homi/v1ody Street Mumbai40000l

/fr\r lp

TNT,\{rr,itt;t?I staTt'r qi* 3ttttf





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JEFVAN TARA BUILOINGsi sAf{saD },ARG t{EW Ost"}*r 11s o81


( B S

*atf: O7"{S,aet3


YI: :gryIl1gI lto. Heavy g M.e!:HlrlqhaTis /nnd-2l Rc- rs os oooa I 07 20 r z ! zoLz-2S13/7?ICOAA/Tatal63a dat€d 3?.{rs,2s13 vatid,rsm o?"o$.2s13 i" ll.,os.2sia-

Ph*net 9t"-*,4-9S56 :60&fax | 9 r.-2e*6$56*16OX / X1

Subj{icti t}.ate Ccntraet lgr sttrly.oa f:avy & t{edlum Chass;s vatid for One yearf$r ihe p€ri{}d fror$ 0?,O$.AO13 t$ 31"Oi.?O14

l??ylgl}" y q ry{}. }:leavv & Medlerm {harsis /Ar'{- a/ Rc*l$os*o*oy' e?3{r[ tl2Or3/72 L6.O7,20:-2.( l i )Your Tender No, ${D;RO;AB:6044 dtd 2Z,OB.tz

$ra r Sits,

I*.,:*.lT:lt_,'::::T:l_:3: y_oll,"b?': refored tend€r r€ad wrrh s{rbs€quent rctrers*"X:j::3i.:11;i:f:il-:.1 in schedute 'A'annexedn r,asneen ic.*p-i*i-il;.';;i;;;;;;;:;:--,:::::*jy"**-l1lT" und, condiiions brcush! our i" r"r* r,r".oes{il;;0;;;ilJllffii;sale rrom D€s&o sates .*unt"r on

-puy**;;ii;"" ;;i-.' "ilu-iiiX;ili "iio ",ij

"nnav*.1 !.t"-t^ rtrari 1!^ *t.-anrexed t:srero $haii $e tle sc{e repository of thi$ r;te;nira.t / tr*ii-it]"*.-"

T&Lf|:AX; .:334SS3€/ ?33404S7PnO$ISr ?336o537 I 2B3SSA38

..1 Wl". Tata &ctsrs timit€dSeet*rlil13119 HagindA$ Master Rs6d,l.lutatma Chowtt Fortf,tumbai 4OOOO1.

S{lr€dules Annexed

C0py lo:

Anaexure "A" - pfice Scheduie for Crvil l0efence tndentors.Andex*.€ "$" , Vehicies specificaaionAnnexufe "C" * Transportation ChdrgesAnnex ure "D"- Tool Ltst

F R & sN s€fiALr or p:rRcflAsan,s NAME' rN ,*J;.#X,I ffi:l

Page 5: qI{qe?6 - Welcome to Maharashtra Fire Servicesmahafireservice.gov.in/Site/PDFs/Circulars/RC_of_Chassisoptred.pdf · Tata Motors 116. qim qeT ffir E{ {iksT {gqrd e{@ri ... MODEL LPT






' l 'he'Jy. Controtle' of Acccdnr:i? pept, of Supply, l$u|l|1bai - 400 00i

(T ' l .4cel l ) thr$_ 's .cues wrth thc dpprovar o l the Competenr Author i ty3:?:,"::::{J{rality Assu.an{e, pcs&p, Ayakr'Ahavan Ar,nexe, i!e||{ !,lartr:eM*mhai 40fl 020

MIS Cell (AM Dre)

-fhe AOG {qA)/ DSS&D, ,!ew De,hiDCs&D l"lumbai / Kotkara I ChennaiUCler t

The Conlruil*r, C*nircllerate of euality Asst"rnnce- Vehicle, pSeA AhAh ednag€r 414Ttr€ gf.Quatiry Assur*rce onicei, qriatity As$urunce r;&, rvu]ij, "e?qx

;;pk,r4arg , V ikhro l i . Mumhar 400 0B jr',lafsr vrKnrott! t4*rnhai 400 0s3Th€ nirectsr 4f Quality Assulanrx {Veh}/ t4inistry af Oefence {T1)-$?}.nelhi !10 01:"Ail Oirect Demafidi*g Oftid€rsthe Dlrector General of Ordnaoce Services (OS 4E), M€o'c Eranch, Ariny l.{er.,P.O. , New De lh : 110 011omce L*agilaqe *u froi rri*ai Tftnslatioa)1: ?l,AA (vohl, Ministry of oot*ncc {D$eAJ, veh-7. "6,. *rock, DHe p.o.. f{*w

.0 0:_l



{ ss xAsER's NAM€D r*

".J;ffiit} i5:


Page 6: qI{qe?6 - Welcome to Maharashtra Fire Servicesmahafireservice.gov.in/Site/PDFs/Circulars/RC_of_Chassisoptred.pdf · Tata Motors 116. qim qeT ffir E{ {iksT {gqrd e{@ri ... MODEL LPT


l .

2. trull l,aa&ie & Addr€ss tt tlle Firrs

f ' l /s. Tata Motors Limitedg€eta$ilx3,t19 Xdagindas tqa6tef Road.l{! tatnra Chowk, Fort?ru.trba{0i}OSr,

3. Name & Address ot Manufactlrcf

Ph6ne: 9t-,?:-665$ r.$S*Fax ; 91-22-6t56*16O1 /1r

l " l ,1s, Tata otors Limitedce€tanilt 3119 Nas indas Master Road.|,!ialma Chou/k, F0rtMx&'rlila4SO901".

4. Durit io[ of the Rate Contracl

A {a}i:nt.y ?ax & Octroi and othef Sov€rfltrent lev;ss

Sl]ptlies,',,ill be completed wi$rkr 4 morths troffi theameidmrlrl r*fflved cornpiet€ in all tespecls,


Page 7: qI{qe?6 - Welcome to Maharashtra Fire Servicesmahafireservice.gov.in/Site/PDFs/Circulars/RC_of_Chassisoptred.pdf · Tata Motors 116. qim qeT ffir E{ {iksT {gqrd e{@ri ... MODEL LPT

IliXS Annrral Thr{rB,r€r/r}}*nI}[6r]. ltmit

11 SIab { : i5e*untr i f a f iy

15 f' l ir l jnrum q{.}anFity i;r a aingle sHpply ardeft &ny q,j,ar} ty,1 -1 S td tus o f l t /C hok l ;ng f l rm ; I e ,

liilo Llniit-


" t.'' [j,,, [i;:H;,, ff;:ililH::: :l;:l:::l:1Annexufc 'a ' a t tact reC

(6 i rhe Pr ice i ns sho, ,vn in ay c i r i . c . u p t " : l . o = , e o i q , a n n e x u r c ' ' a "

w i l l r e r n a i t ' f i r m a n d f i x r d f o r o | r eypar i.e, up tr: a1, gf"*.of4,

1 5 F a y m c n r a , , i l ' ^ - : L - , , - - .

";"'+,Ifi r.:r",::;.J'.];JI"i::,,i1'.:J":*:Jiil*,,'1.-,::#$,t,,,,ijmux;il"*;i;;;,j,l,;':_j;'',::i:,,i[ilill'.: i,j.;,:i r.i; ,",,,,",r '1-.;;,,,,1.i; nr,irl:i laar;6111".. ri.;rt'1ici,a *,,.. ,,,-,"',, '.L l.l] '

t:lt i*l.l ' l l tltt *r.r:sjJncl . l,>n.; r,.111 11,..,,.' 1:cr ri,:,,r.* uiri,, l, .1.*l:,,:rlii, *;I;:,:,ji r,)ix, ,:ir, ir,!

;?l; .i.f *i cor:i.olltr o' ndf,(}u^r:i, oept. L,r Acccunn r.,,.i d{-r;i, r r$c Bqi.d | ;l g sl R s_c R f.l r rF o"j,,"o "it,,"t".,ii;il J:, f.t, "

{,5upph' # ;Hl; ;lil ;; #T:^i:i,"": x.;, .:,_ 1 ::::,:].,..,'.

aJ Ir isps.f,t i*B,A,irthorit lr l

frl Ie*$*ctt-n,g off,iei1r :

Bi}tla Rcad.

n i I n s p e ( t r n g A u t h o r ; t y

{j i ' j

Page 8: qI{qe?6 - Welcome to Maharashtra Fire Servicesmahafireservice.gov.in/Site/PDFs/Circulars/RC_of_Chassisoptred.pdf · Tata Motors 116. qim qeT ffir E{ {iksT {gqrd e{@ri ... MODEL LPT

b) lnrpccting Offic* :

::- 3 / -

i i: Senior Quality Assuranc,; Ot'itcerQxaiity Assura{rce fstf {Veh}, DGetComplex, L85 Mafg, Vikhroli, l,lumbn: 4CC005Or his allthortzed representative ai pur|e,

{il) gqAe Badarpur llew lielhi.

!:irxsi(n.) Dei€nce A thoiit ies wil l take and,;e.fu all t lre documents fronl the firm as ff i l i .*d b,! ] " . . ' a . :u i - , rncnr o f :L_rpg iy o rdcr , ;n , ,J . . j c l r3 r , and supp ly o i vc l - ; : r - .s Lo )c i j , , i c I r : ; : \ r : tg rSib . ) l ) . )o : i ) p { ' J .e chcck f rom iher r vc l : rc iu reg is t ra f ion 3 iJ tnor i t y fo r reg isLra i ro r i c r . . c \ th ic i rb€tcfe placiitg tl1€ suppiy o.der for avojdirg .omp'icalions later on.

li llas bt'cll durjded thal green chamrel sllr us has been gra*cd to Mls Tata Mgtors 1,1d. i*i iten15v l ' ;hc * , rb j rc t re ic \ ' . , r ) t t t t ' t and {hcy arc l lo r , i , ; J tu sc l f -cc r t i f r !a } per 5 l r Ja t .d fo rn . r t l q . I , i . : . , " rh . .p{odrcb &$;i;r'}:ir'ihs sfores o{ 1.1'}e ltc as per ilcir li:r:rn;* cluly sramprd. DCS&D lnsperri*r is rvriveoin 11:eir e;:.1*. {io,l*1ueatl1,, {lrr paymeuls r'"'oLrkl be rnarJr by rhe chir.l con*oiier cl Ac*:ulr:..llurir* *s,a j*rt th* }la1e Conirarr a&airst f.tsjgnse Re,_^elpi Cerlificirl{ nos. l. ?" _1, ,i" -{ &. $. Tlciil'n xi1l dcJjr,.:r ihr goods lo tlre mnsigrree llcng wirh tbcir Guaraniee,,, trv:rranry ce{ilirare urjdcrsell:cerificaritn qiven il clause 19 {Warranty belo.ir,).

re" I?lacr;r,4l-r*i*-:tor:q|,,:Llq lq,h-q t€*{gltd: i'.lot Applicable-Creen (llra*nel Star* a,*ardedlc llle irl*.

19. wfirrauty: yiirranty for the vehicle \r '; i i i be for }z nonihs fro.11 the date ca snie ci thivehicJes. ir iespeciive of the kil$met*rs r*fl. other terms and conciit ions of p6sD sadndaxclvarranty clause r.ri l l be applicabje."Oncll the ser depa|tnrent/Canslgnee sta!€sl ?rfii€s lhat the goods supplied af€ defecaiv€lnot frncti*rin..,ptoB€riy, it n1|lsa be obligatory cn the part ot thr srjppiier to iftmediately, not later thnr 7 .hy5, ettenC to irly r'.,;}y rf rfj:tifi{i:tion/repair rr repja.eiren!

"f the good!, withort any qfie:?ionin€ or preteNts o'.] ant

gfc$n*. llerc shall be no scope for questi0nirg the usef depnrtment/consignee 0r rejoftir,tg 1c ;:ny kind $fvefif idation rrjo!nr irspection jn th:s regard:.

GuaranLeef lVa rrarty certitilate' '{t i5 rerl i i ;ed t}rat ths goods supplied ars brard new, unused, non-refurbi:hscl and orlg:lrai aei 7-iey

fuiiconf;rm tc lhc tochnicalspecification and <J6scription given irl the subiect rate.ontraat. t i:s t**hrr. reit:fi{.d t?:at tlre supplieri goods are rcvilr*d by o€M 6uarani€elwi}{ranty as pir th* s!.rbjecl r;tEc0nlafrcl",

2{}. li,oad Tran:{!*rtation Cllarqes;

vei;ql*s -:11:rl i b" . i ispatcheii f.on1 yo!:- $irik's al .. lamshedpur / th.re /Lucknir"r lo neareriaiJthcrized f^sslr;rta Deale.,s by seli { lr lvsn engine by road. vehicle! shall be ioilccted iaonilhe dealer's sho*roon located nearesa io ih€ csnsignee's location. Rcad transpcrtatjon rler*esfsr dalivery by road faom your factory to './arious dealers points are i$iicated in Alnexlfe ,'*c,,aliaciled. R*ad Tratlsportatlon charges wil l rernai* Firm & fixed for the c*rnplete d*r$tian ol rat€conlract local {lelivsfy wilhin Municipal l- if i i i for 30 Km$ whjchever is f icre wil l b€ tr*r of {oslR.oad rransportalion charges irdicated in aJ1nexure "'c" are inclusive of rransil i lnsuraace{h!fges. TarrnSafary registri l t ion, delivery charges etc,

?:t . ln$truCic,ilsi to ihe Firrns:

ihr{a' . ' ' n . '

t iO \

+ ( >* +P i : , ;I Fdc l : * 'i ; :oo . . " i "" t t t r . ' .

, , 1 J

/- \ ! J L: ' /,.\/.5'^" - j.L ,/Ndiul,trz

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:i llar lfey are a central Dept.,.d_rawing funds from the consolidated fund oflndiab) That rtre expenditure invorved for rhJ purchase r.'*r i*i"iu*u i *;;il;;i;au Lho r i l v

a) That lhey are a Central

au lhor i t y

follow th€ guid€ linec latd

:l tl:l,,i""j,;::""n;'."?:i3,:,:,:*:.:1"jTr:,1"_1d-in rh€ sancrioncd budset for thc year. .

:i,T:::ifl *J,:.3.,:Y:irj*::J::9 ?t $,d:;"'rd;; ;;;;;i#,ffiil"*"J ffi j;and incur the lab'!'ty in respect of the stores betng'ordered.

YOU are_thefefore, informed that the certi l icate as per the abovefrom the DDO, befor€ entertaining *ny suppty;.i"i.


22,:ndcntcrs ara reqsest€d tot3,03,26X3"

23.frcc Service (Only applicable to Non-Def€nce Jndentors)In consrderation of the Marh-up paid_ by the purchaser, the purchaser wirr be entitled toustjal, lour (04) Free service, -as per tiur frei! service poricy r rjng an that date for individ*ar

l"^11-;_I:^::ry1:er .y'1, siv€ free.se,'?ce. as per schedute'indi.Jt*C i"'fr.," Oi;;';;;;1,rhsse froe, s*vicas wiu bipfsvided, ir ,,iit -*ir..

i;;-;;;";;;;,:;'lh; U:i;::;';lji;';*upply of the vehicle as mentioned in $re owner manuar. If horvever, ."pru.*i,"ni iurri ouilthe warr:nly term, the entire cost will be borne by the purchaser involved, Freeexctude dr y major service that may bo necossary in the event of da age etc

if; I"-il l l_tl-:sh Quarterly Drawat Reporr in duplicate against the subject. R/C one copy tuAryr-2.>ecrofi ano une copy to ivljs. ce|l (Aiq Dte) for the folowing quarters ending on (i; :i i-oe,13, ( t i ) 30-09-13, { i , i ) 31-12-13 ( iv) 31-03-14.

In case ot contir!-nation of receipt of Drawar report from the firms is not mmrnunr*ted byDGS&D 30 days of after the €xpiry. of the ,espective qua*ers, t, tf-," puyirrg iuiil"Jiy, flr_payment 5hal l be wj thhold by the payrng aurhofr ly .

*.t_l:i::"",tjj,l"j'il'jf;p.-,1'"^T":_:ll,b" reFerred ro rhe sore .,rbirrator as dppoinred byDGS&} as per clause 24 of DGS&D 6g revised.


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