qq afllla p ryour worth specialties ilsie its arc row at ... · hot weather specialties arc row on...

Hot Weather Specialties Arc row on sale at Hartfords Store Never before IPopular had such an array of WEARABLES HOTi Wash Goods Pretty Lawns ut jc Newest Plaid Scotch Lawns ic Pretty Dimities 8c a Solid pink and blue Organ ¬ dies toe- Fancy a figured Organdies toe Plaid Marseilles 150 inch Paris Mus iSeventtwo pink and blue I Fancy figured Swiss 150 India Linens jc to 250 I French Organdies white pink and blue 250 White Pique toe to 250 INotions Vest sc- I Imported Lisle Vest 38 j Taped neck VtstjJc Pulley Delis 250 Big assortment of Pulley V Rings and Buckles 50 to 250 Silk Milts hir quality toe I Kid Gloves nil fcprlng shades ft ooLvlies I Linen Collars the latest toe- Summer I Corsets long short I and medium waist SOC Good seamless black Hose toe > Pute iLUIe dropped stitch A Hose 35 or three pairs Jt oo r mAck Cat Hose for Children sic I Childrens sriniless black or tAll How toe us your Eggs Hams c We pay you j I the and sell yen goods t at better values than tiny in I Ohio f Tim PIiAOR AN Liverymen IhateN In CELEimATEI MEAU FERTI ¬ LIZERS MUGGIES HIRDSELL WAGONS BLUE J and HIOUNT PLOWS DEERIXG HARVEST ING MACHINES AGENTS FOil J I CASK THRESHING MACHINES FAIRKST DEALINGS LOWEST PRICES Tho BEST RIGS GIVE THEM A CALL EVERYTHING FI TIMIUIU Xo w Hartford u FRIDAY MAY 25 Born tothe wife of Mr Marvin Bean on the iSih Inst a boy Bring your eggs Feathers and chickens to Carson ft Co Tug REPUBLICAN has a scholarship in the Bryant Stratton College toe p sale RevJ A Bennttt ol near Beda who has been very sick of pneumonia was slowly improving at last account We will give you a good Oak Rock- Ing Chair with 20 oo worth of cash business or if you prefer we will give you a French Bevel Mirror 10x12 with standard frame Ask to tee the Chair aud Mirror CARSON Co The Floating Studio wilt make the following places on dates mentioned Will be at Ceralvo May 22d and reo main until June 4th Smallhouse June sthand remain until June otb Klrtleys or Humphreys Landing Jung loth and remain until June I3th Point Pleasant June I3th and remain till June iSth H O SCIIROETBR Propr DM iUMPTION V Fans and Parasols Pretty Ians 2C DIg line oi Fans pretty de ¬ signs ic- Extra quality of Fans toe Vine Imported Japanese Fans I IGood 250 Fine Imported Mull Vans soc White silk Parasol SI oo White silk Parasol mflKd IFine go handle lace tdgesr 00I Pine fancy plaid silk red silk Par- asols tullltd chiffon tops 300 Dlack silk Parasols jit 50 to 2 50 Plain black silk Parasols l to f 2 50- Childrens Parasols 250 to SII Carpets and Curtains Our line ol Mattings at toe ul c anti tjc are beauties Ingrain Carpets 250 to nice new patterns fig line of Lace Cuttalns 511i to 250 per pair Curtain Poles 2 lor 250 Window shades toe to SocI Bring IVool Feathers Ginseng highest prices house i county IS Keown I- IMartin HARTFORD HSTCLASS Republican wool VeIn looand250White I Mr B D Ringo went to Prank fort Wednesday Mr II K Cox Butord made us a pleasant call VednesdayV Esquire G S Fitzhugh Sulphur Springs cilled to see us yesterday Miss Arbe Brown Centertoan Is visiting her sister Mrs Fon Rogers Mr C L Hardwlck Memphis Tenu was in town the first of the week Mrs Eliza Riley of Buford who has pneumonia has recuperated nod will recover it is hoped Mrs E E Rogers near Cromwell who has been very sick during the past week Is convalescent Miss Grade Rolls classes in Elocu- tion and Physical Culture will enter tamat the College Hall tonight Mrs Hub Shultz of near Irentls is seriously sick of consumption and her recovery is not expected by the family MessrsJohn Cbamberlln and Louis Uunther left Sunday lor Lancaster to attend the encampment of the G A I R ot Kentucky Mr G H Matlock that real estate man was in town Monday and Tues- day and what he did for his former as- sociates was a sufficiency Misses Fannie Render and Jessie Smith who have been attending school at Lexington during the past term will return home to day Mr Marion Yates Rochester was in town Tuesday enroute to his old home near Knoxville Tenn to visit old friends and relatives Mr Yates will be in Tennessee until nbout the middle of JUlie The literary societies of Hartford I College have procured the services of Rev W S Danley of Owensboro to deliver a lecture at College Hall Thurs day evening June 7 This will be a trent for the public and is given by the focietieB free of charge If icon need Dry Goods Notions Clothing hints Shoes Carpets Mull ¬ nery Igoods or Furniture why not come to Carson Ci They sell gcodi as cheap as the cheapest and give free a gcod Oak Rocking Chair or a 10x12 French Bevel Mirror with standard frame with every 2000 cash purchase Col J S R Wedding member oh the State Board of Equilizatlon bat home attending court Col Wedding inlorms us there has been i per cent reduction on farm lands and 4 per cent reduction on town lots in Ohio county This difference is due to the Irregularity of the county board ol iequiliz tion and by the suggestion of Mr Wedding the assessment was left the eameas it was last year QQ s P AflLLA a mngla touch promptly relieves distress awl ILSIe Is4dO all other dyspeptic symptoms It makes rich pure blood gives strong steady nerves CREATES AN APPETITE AIDS DIGESTION Mr D C Allen RosIne was among our callers yesterday Mr John H Stewart Select made THE REPUBLICAN a vety agreeable call yesterday Mrs Anderson Martin died last Sunday at her home near Oalton and was burled the following day Mr A A Nash who was arrested some time since and placed in jail here and was afterward turned over to the deputy U S Marshal for coun terfeiting who placed him in jail at Owensboro and was balled out by Captain W II Moore John TMoore J T Shullz and Renfrew Bros has quit the country and his where abouts is unknown to his bondsmen Mr John Annis near Cromwell died Wednesday evening lie had sustained a piralletlc stroke which caused his death lIe was a highly respected citizen in his community and was a falthlul Christian gentle man lIe was quite old Ills reo maines were laid to rest in the Sep Taylor graveyard near Cromwell in Duller county yesterday Rev Drown heaver Dam conducted funeral ser- vices Mrs Magdalene Rogers who has been lying at the point ol death for the pest week of pneumonia is thought to be better and hopes of her recovery are entertained by the family The members of the family in attend ¬ ance at her bedside were Mr John B Rogers wife and two sons Intnle and Joy daughter and husband Dr and Mrs John W Conklin Leitchfield Mr J L Rogers and wife Greenville Mrs J B Blankenshipand Mr Jo B Rogers Beaver Dam Messrs CE and C J Rogers Cromwell Captain John L Powers who was indicted by the grand jury ol Aithur Goebel and Tom Campbell was arrest ed last Saturday and his captors start ed with him to the city of Persecu ¬ tion but before boarding a train at Barboursville a writ of habeas corpus was served on his captors and he was IronllGovernor its late was unlike those in other cases Iresb in the memories ot Ken tucJIans Taylor was recognized as Governor and lowers is a tree man and thus the persecutors struck ant snajtI Mr Marion Dexter died at his resU dence near Beaver Darn last Sunday morning of consumption Ills reI wakes were Interred in the Liberty I cemetery the same afternoon Rev i Bob Bennett conducted funeral services at Liberty church Mr Dexter had been In ill health for quite a long while perhaps several years Mr I Dexter was truly a righteous man a very agreeable neighbor and a faith i ful christian lie had the confidence of all who knew him and cheerlshed his friendship A good man goes to bless the realms of a new kingdom be ¬ yond the Jordon Tim Grand Jurys Work The grand jury now in session has a great work to do Never in the his- tory of the county has there been greater need of a grand jury with Backbone and resolute determination Crimes ore bering committed daily in every town and hamlet in the county and the Tenders are not brought to justice We have implicit confJderci in the ability of this present grand jury to indict every man regardless of his position and standing who hascom mitted crimes In this county We are hopeful that this jury will do its j whole duty and no more From what we have gleaned during the week the grand jury is besieged with violators of the law in attempts to save them from publicity and pros ecutlon This If cettnlnly a new scheme a neJV and modern plan of delense but it will accomplish little The work of the jury will go on as thoagh there waJ no obstructions near There is a determined effort being made by this grand Jury to de- stroy ¬ the Blind Tigers in the coun ¬ ty and if the court will do Its duty I as faithfully as the grand jury there I will certainly be an end to all this lat ¬ terday profession The following Indictments have been returned against the following parties for selling liquor illegally Netter Gillstrap two cases Llm Tay- lor one case Jas F Carson three WilliAultmire cases was ed for grand larceny This is only three days work for the grand jury and there Is much work yet SMALLH USEKYI Mr M D Maddox who has beenI at Calhoon for some time assisting In the school there is visiting his par ¬ ents Miss Alice Sharp Muhlenburg county visited Miss Alice Fulkerson a few days last week MUll Oma Maddox and Mr George Bennett who are attending school at Hartford visited their parents Sun lay Mr J P Kimblcy and wife Louis ville are visiting friends and relatives here Mr Henry Taylor and Mr Horace Taylor and wife visited their brother Mr P B Taylor Saturday and Sun ¬ dayMisses Oracle Reid and Sallle Bul- lock Messrs Ray Addington and Ray Pulkersou attended the wedrMng at South Carrollton Sunday evening Mr Robert Hunter and wife who have been quite sick the past week betterMr C Igleheart who has been sick for three months is able to be up againThe members of the Mttbodist church here have recently papered their house which adds greatly to the looks of the house Quarlerly meeting was held at Equality church Saturday and Sun day Presiding Elder Elgin present Two Mormon elders were through this vicinity last trampingI ing a place to preach but cessful Gladys the lute granddaughter of Mr R II IJverly died at his residence Sunday May 6th and was buried Monday the funeral services were conducted by Rev G II Lawrence MILLIE Notlco For a neat job of cleaning clothes call on Rev P S Majors on Union Street and Apple Alley 100 Reward The undrsigned will pay one hun dred dollars for the arrest and delivery j ofit A Nash a fugitive from jus ¬ I tice to the jailer at Owensboro Ky on or before June 4th next DescriptionNash is about 50 years oldS Jfeet S inches in height hair dark brown and sandy mustache Has wart on cheek between eye and ear and slightly stoopshouldered W H MOORK RESFROW DROSI Joint T J T Snuurz I Hartford Ky YO a Circuit Court Court convened Monday with Judge Owen on the bench with Common wealths Attorney J E Rowe and Coun ¬ ty Attorney M L Heavrin In charge to look after the violators ot the law and to have justice meted out to them Messrs J A Hocker Arthur Mill erD C Allen D S Bennett D E Thomas A J Brown L N Leach Adam Nave J R Felix Geo W Snell H C Shaver and J B Storms were empanneled as grand jurors The following gentlemen were em panneled as petit jurors Geo MI Maddox John Feenister J W Cole man J C Bennett D P Mosely B- it Stewart Henry Black W H Bean Van May N G Patton Sam Wallace E W Truman FW Acton antI Mark Renfrew The visiting attorneys are Messrs McLean Taylor and C W Compton Motgantown John T Rone Center town S P Roby Fordsville B L WjMassie i An Epidemic of Whooping Cough Last winter during an epidemic of whooping cough my children contract ¬ coujthIng ¬ lains Cough Remedy very successful ¬ ly for croup and naturally turned toI it at that time and found it relieved the cough and end eflected a complete cureJohn E Clifford Norwood House Norwood N Y This remedy is for sale by Z Wayne Griffin Bro m r Rail Road Dobt Liquidated The old railroad debt of Muhlen ¬ burg county which was voted in 1869 to build a railroad through the couu ty and which has for many years been in the courts and kept the coun ¬ ty behind financially will soon have been liquidated Had it net been for the railroad tax Muhlenburg would have been one of tbe foremost counties in Western Kentucky But as a bond ¬ ed debt ot most a million dollars has been held against the county it was perfectly natural for capital to find lodgment in other sections ot the country more fortunate than the county of Muhlenburg In 1869 the citizens of that county voted a debt the construction of a railroad Illor kh now approximates 735000 the old bonds and 100000 denominated new bonds These bonds have born interest at an enormous rate ever since they were floated County Attorney J L Rogers and puahling ¬ holders for some time and at last they have succeeded The compromise is 20 per cent on the dollar for the old bonds and tbe new bonds are to be paid in full The amount of indebted ¬ ness at present under the compro raise scheme is about 255000 The court this year voted an advalo rum tax of 150 which virtually leaves the debt not to exceed 215000 At a meeting of the court in May 3d notice was given that the court would on June II proceed to issue bonds not to exceed 5 percent to the amount of about 215000 which are to be paid in 5 10 15 and 20 years This transaction is certainly a bush ness proposition and will prove we hope beneficial and most gratifying to the tax payers of Muhlenburg county Had this been done twenty years agothe county would doubtless have been out of debt long since As It Is the burdened and troubled clti izens of that county will consider themselves fortunate to get off as well as they will under this new deal Notice The Commercial Telephone and Telegraph Co also the Hartford Tele- phone and Exchange Co have sold their telephone outfits to the Rough River Telephone Co and desires to wind up its affilrs and go out of bus- Iness ¬ a The Bettor Part Of valor Is discretion and the better part of the treatment of disease is pre ventlon Disease originates In im ¬ purities in the blood People who take it at this season say they are kept healthy the year round It is be cause this medicine expels impurities and makes the blood rich and health giving IAlI liver ills are cured by Hoods Pills 250 = Miss Nettie Rogers of Moweaqua Illinois hula returned to her old home to s pend the summer She will re workI in the city school at that place INotfco Dry merchants of Hartford will after June I close their stores at 7oclock In the evening Shop pers should take notice to this and do their trading before that time- r In packing your valise for a trip do not fail to put in a bottle of Dr Bells AntLPaln Achange of climate diet or water often deranges the stomach or bowels which is Instantly relieved by this wonderful Pain killer m The merchants of Hartford have actedwisely in closing their stores at 7 oclock in the evening that cus- tomers ¬ and shoppers may do their trading before night fall and give the merchants this much needed rest Cutting around the eyes should be avoided unless you are willing to make yourself subject for experi- menting ¬ In surgery This Is unnec- essary ¬ Sutherlands Eagle Eye Salve will cure sore eyes and y ranulated lids when all others have failed It strengthens weak eyes m F Mr Joel Elmore Westerfield called to see us yesteiday a NCrtCMNWflllTII KSOWIXn- 40yran unniwiln thvKnnth irnrni Ilnglini MnIarIlFeitr t At Dnijrgtutii McuniUlOVIiottlc SSlMt I Delays are dangerous Those who have poor weak Impure blood should take Hoods Sarsaparilla at once It never disappoints Bost for tho Bowols No matter what ails you headache to a cancer you will never get well until your boweU are put right CAS CARETS help nature cure you with- out ¬ a grip or pain produce easy nat- ural ¬ movements costs you just 10 cents to start getting your health back CASCARET3 Candy Cathar tic the genuine put up in metal boxes every tablet has C C C stamped on it Beware of Imitations Administratorss Notice All persons having claims against the late C T and N J Barnard de- ceased will present same to me at the residence of the late C T Barnard properly proven on or before June 1St 1930 or be forever debarred ELMRR BARNARD Administrator LOOK A MlTCII IH TInE KHVM iIi lloxlitV Tonic new lmirnrrtl truU bIenMntj tnkm In carljr Hprlng and Fall vie vent Clillln IHMIKUO and Mnlnrln Frmx Act on the liver toni Ui the njntrin hitter than Jululne flaiiruntml try It At lrnKKl t Me und 5100 l0ttlc SSWt Mrs Tom Brown and daughter Miss Norma of Centertown visited her daughter Mrs Fan Rogers yes- terday ¬ Educate Your Jlcmel With Cuiearcti forever100oc When Bryan was nominated for President In 1896 the per capita cir ¬ culation of the country was 21 10 Bryan preached that only the adop ¬ tlon of his free silver craze could In crease the circulation But on May i 1900 the per capita circulation was 2658 aAPrLxAB- RI tLt st Hn Hl You Hm Always BmgH Blptao YI or HER THROAT CUT Thlrtoon Yonr Old Girl As saultod and Murdered Near Chllllcotho Chillicothe Ohio May 22The most atrocious crime In the history ot this county was committed this after noon in the Concord township near the Fayette county line when a black fiend assaulted and murdered Ethel Long a white girl 13 years of age She was the daughter of Mrand Mrs Stephen Long whose home is on the farm oi James Starr three miles from the village of Austin on the pike leading to Washington Court House About 3 oclock the child was sent to a spring not far from the house for water She was gone so long that her mother sent her little brother to see what detained her He returned quickly and brought the report that his sister was lying dead near the spring with her throat cut from ear to earThe griefstricken mother ran to her dead daughter and soon discover ¬ ed that she was the victim ol a most lout ant heinous crime The father at work in the field with a heart full of vengeance started to search the county for the murderer and reaching Austin among others he found the sheriff of Clinton county return Ing from a trial at Frankfort An engineer on the C II D train which then pulled In said he had pasted a strange colored man be- tween ¬ that place and Frankfort The engine was uncoupled and thestranger overtaken His clothes were blood stained and he was brought back re- gardless of his streneous denials to the scene of the crime His shoes fit- ted the tracks made In the vicinity ol the spring and his captors were con fident of his guilt The people met at Frankfort and the vicinity of the crime at 10 oclock and again began talking of organizing and coming to this city to lynch him The sheriff to prevent this sent the prisoner to Marietta on the night train in charge of a deputy shetlfl This precaution it was later learned was quite neces ¬ sary for the feeling has increased greatlyThe negro was so much scared and while he has not confessed the crime the proof is almost overwhelmingly against him A representative of the Commercial Tribune was on the ground a few minutes after the cap ture and saw the shoes fitted into the tracks he made The shoes tal lied exactly The mother of the child is prostrated and the family is torn with contentions as to whether it should call for vengeance and take the law Into its own hands or let the law protect the criminal The crime was most coldblooded for the brute had hidden himself in a clump oi ashbushes near the spring nod had pounced upon his unsuspec ¬ ting victim as she came for the water He never gave heron opportunity to cry out but threw a rope around her neck and choked her lie must have used a knife too for the cuts on the side ot her neck and on her forehead were made with a knife He had with him twenty thirty two centerfire cartridges but had no knife nor revolver although when seen before the crime he threatened to pull a revolver from his hippocket The crime is the worst ever commit ¬ ted in the history of the county Commercial Tribune l > enlnrn CnniifM be Curritl- iy local application nfl tbronnot reach tie dlwiuwl portion of the ear There Ia only one why to cure deafnwunnd that In liy ronotltutlon ntremwJIei Italian I riibnetl by on Intlnmed condition ot the inucoijH Union ol tb Knitochlan Tab Vten thin tube Ret Inflamed yonlwvon ruinbllnRenund orlinpcrfrct hparinirand when It Is rntlrrly tloiml drafnnu the mult and union the Inflammation can Ie token out ant thin tube iwtored tn It normal condition hearing will lie ritroyed forewr nine mace oat ot ten a re canned catarrh which I nothing but an Inflamed ron ¬ dillon of the inncon > nrface Wo will give One Hundred Dollar for nny cia ollvafnewi canned by catarrh that inn not be cured by HaUH Catarrh Can Hend lor clrculant free F J CHUNKY A CO Toledo O Hold liy IrngglIrne llnlla Family Illl nre the brat On account of Annual Reunion United Confederate Veterans Louis ville Ky May 3oth to June 3d 1900 the I C R R Will sell tickets from Beaver Dam to Louisville and return at the rate of 2 20 for round trip Tickets on sale May 28th to 3oth Limited for return June loth 1900 S B VANMETKR Agt Ii v Our Greatest Specialist For 20 years Dr J Newton Hatha ¬ way has so successfully treated chronic diseases that he is acknowledged to- day to stand at the head of his pro- fession ¬ in this line His exclusive method of treatment for Verlcocelc knifelor cases treatment Vital Forces Nervous Disorders Kid ney and Urinary Complaints Paraly¬ sis Blood Poisoning Rheumatism Catarrh and Diseases peculiar to wo ¬ men he is especially successful Dr Hathaways practice is more than double that of any other specialist Cases pronounced Hopeless by other physicians readily j ield to his treat ¬ ment Write him to day fully about your case lie makes no charge for consultation or advice either at his of¬ lice or by mall Address J Newtcn Hathaway M D 309 Church St Nashville Tenn tf If troubled with rheumatism give Chamberlains Pain Balm a trial It will not cost you a cent if it does no good One application will relieve the pain It also cures sprains and bruises in one third the time required by any other treatment Cuts burns frostbites qulnsey pains in the side and chest glandular and other swell Ings are quickly cured by applying it Every bottle warranted Price 25 and 50 cts marmay IIv Are Tear Ideysl- DrltobbeSrsruusPItleureti kldner 111 pUfrie stifleS > Ctlcwroof MVi J IIIJIIII IWI I14 1t 11 1111 flt1 I erJi14ljUttM 1l wttUJttAiQtl w 441444t44Wt3WI 1 rYOur Moneys Worth f Just because its stylishand of superior quality isnt t any Indication that its high in price Its our constant effort to crowd the utmost value into every purchase we want you to have jjst a little more than your moneys worth the newest and best merchandise at prices that will make you feel that our store merits your trade No B matter tbe distance you may come youll find as others in your section that twill pay you to do your trading at our store Secure the Newest Its hardly good judgment to pay out money for some thing that isnt new and stylish thats only taking a step backward We especially recommend the following itemsthey have our personal guarantee as i quality r and they are the newest ideas on the market Youll find 1quality and price especially pleasinga newness in the styles weaves and colorings that will make it pleastant 5shopping for you Prints Ginghams Percalt Linens Dimities India Linens Duck Pique and all kinds of Woolen Drees Goo- daValues for the Children idn In buying fur the childrens needs youre anxious to secure what will give bert service Strong service reasonable prices coupled with proper styles hwhat andI give you in the items for the childrens wear Child ford 2 to 5s at flOe G to 8s 75c 8J to Hs 85c Shoes lOc to 8100 We have a full and complete flue of Shoes for boys and girls Ii We pledge you your moneys worth in every I transaction lull and plump valuesjust as low Ii in price as good goods can be soldjust as high Ii in quality as best makers can supply themjust rlas correct for styles as its possible to secure them Mens Novelty Suits E If its Suits made from novelty cloths that you desire iii g we can supply you Were showing everything new and s uptodate in materials theyll be tailored in that match ¬ 3leM mannerso characteristic of Edward Rose Co Chi ¬ cago tailoring theyll be the swellest in your set Real 41 good suits those that fit you perfectlyneed not be o high priced Its just the other way if you come to us for them Respe- ctfullyChRSON I < CO = Er Court DocketJury Trials MayTorm 1900 MouiY StAY So 3032K II WalkerYev T King ivvj Nnrnh A llardln Ac nnba Huff A- c37MW I1 Jroy1 V Cuinpflel- dSOJJJo 1I1IIr1I C II II Co SMtTraiucll Iwnlty1I C II II Co TiciDAY MAY 29- 1Oo2J I Thompeonva1 C n R Co 4007A C JonesV L 1It 8t L II II Co 401 C H nlllrvoI C II n Co 4011J O lloonrvor C It II Co M18J T huntS AcJobn IllackbuinW- XDXEIDAY MAY 30 40St John H penccrY Town ot Fordsrllle 40254 M EkridgeYeJohn II Iblpp JIW A 1I1IIvoJRII It Cnrtl 403JW 8 ColoI C It It Co 401ft Jon C TftylorJoe II King TvuUAY May Ii 401010 T CuolrI C II II Co 4011Idn H UnnvEIIB A Cute 4042Wa MillerviA Wlnklebleck 4041 Iole tanham Ae11t Mldkltt Ac- 4015Hhelby Tlllorv Harry Tlchenor c- lOIGKIlia A utII K Ilean 4017 Albert William eveOur KteYe- nCOUUTTIUAIH 34T5E II OllnII C Jamw Bill Fnd WlkloVI1 J Imncan A Co A Copy Attest H A AMUIRIMM irk e HAY STACK KNOLL Camp six miles from Manila PI April 6 1900 Editors REPUBLICAN and Fiiendly Readers This is a prairie knoll held on account ol Its commanding position on the llnelrom San Pedro Macati to Manila Bay at Barrio de San Rateal Thls Is a blistering knoll by day cool breezes are quite frequent but too much di luted with dust At night the tem- perature Is pleasant the breezes cool The great blue dome of visible space alive with glittering worlds has scarcely a cloudjorfar away a phantom pile of feathery lightness mocking the thirsty land with whiteness- I turn from the brilliant Southern cross that you never see in Old Ken ¬ tucky to the more familiar Polar Con ¬ stellationthe Great Bear I believe AprIl8The company has three outposts a total of thirteen men This with a large number on the sick rcpoit gives us three nights in or a guard every fourth day Between guards we amuse ouselves hauling water etc I dont want to be on the police force anyway You can see that this is very tiresome but weve seen stirring times since here in Luzon Company I slat Inft has had three men killed In action eight wounded and a total ot twenty dead of those who came to the Philippines with the company I believe the lighting ol importance U over and would be glad to take my place among the humble citizens of the grand old commonwealth of Kentucky but sup pose Ill have to bide a wee till my other year Is out J C BARNARD CoI atst Inf S The Owensboro Fair has new dates September 1 8th to 22nd With at tractive show rings for horses Wild West Automobile race Chariot races Acrobatic performances Innumerable side shows and five races each day with nearly 5060 in purses to the winners It will be the best Fair ever held in Western Kentucky OASTORA Buriti Ki Kiml Ym Hm Almrs Eotf wIr Y We are told says an exchagekof a practical electrician who having been greatly disturbed by neighbors cats left out doors of nights has put up a electrical apparatus In his back yard which on his touching a buto r at his bedside give out such a discharge of electric sparks as sends all the cats home in a hurry G4 a t Does the Baby Thrive I If not something must be wrong with its food If the mothers milk doesnt nour ¬ ish it she needs SCOTTS EMULSION It supplies the elements of fat required for the baby If baby Is not nourished by its artificial food then it requires Scotts Emulsion Half a teaspoonful three or four times a day in its bottle will have the desired effect It seems to have a magical effect upon babies and children A fiftycent bottle will prove the truth of our statements Should be taken la summit mt well at winter sot ant ioo III druultU SCOTT tit DOWN ClureUu Nw York c Rough River Telephone Compa- nyrroBPouuo1 Talk being cheap and necessary should patronize home folks whore you can buy your own phones and build your own lines and in talking distance with the whole county and buslress- points genorallyby only paying a rent to the Hartford Telephone and Exchange Coor expenseif Hartford Ky for particulars- W connect wlh all Indent CMptfe I A

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Page 1: QQ AflLLA P rYOur Worth Specialties ILSIe Its Arc row at ... · Hot Weather Specialties Arc row on sale at Hartfords Store Never before IPopular had such an array of WEARABLES HOTi

Hot Weather SpecialtiesArc row on sale at Hartfords

Store Never beforeIPopular had such an array of


Pretty Lawns ut jcNewest Plaid Scotch Lawns icPretty Dimities 8c

a Solid pink and blue Organ ¬

dies toe-

Fancya figured Organdies toePlaid Marseilles 150

inch Paris Mus

iSeventtwo pink and blue

I Fancy figured Swiss 150India Linens jc to 250

I French Organdies white pinkand blue 250

White Pique toe to 250

INotions Vest sc-

I Imported Lisle Vest 38jTaped neck VtstjJcPulley Delis 250Big assortment of Pulley

V Rings and Buckles 50 to 250Silk Milts hir quality toe

I Kid Gloves nil fcprlng shadesft

ooLvliesI Linen Collars the

latest toe-

SummerI Corsets long short

I and medium waist SOC

Good seamless black Hose toe> Pute iLUIe dropped stitch

AHose 35 or three pairs Jt oo

r mAck Cat Hose for Childrensic

I Childrens sriniless black ortAll How toe

us your Eggs Hamsc We pay you j

I the and sell yen goods tat better values than tiny in

I Ohio f



LiverymenIhateN In














Born tothe wife of Mr Marvin Beanon the iSih Inst a boy

Bring your eggs Feathersand chickens to Carson ft Co

Tug REPUBLICAN has a scholarshipin the Bryant Stratton College toe

p sale

RevJ A Bennttt ol near Bedawho has been very sick of pneumoniawas slowly improving at last account

We will give you a good Oak Rock-

Ing Chair with 20 oo worth of cashbusiness or if you prefer we will giveyou a French Bevel Mirror 10x12 withstandard frame Ask to tee the Chairaud Mirror CARSON Co

The Floating Studio wilt make thefollowing places on dates mentionedWill be at Ceralvo May 22d and reo

main until June 4th SmallhouseJune sthand remain until June otbKlrtleys or Humphreys LandingJung loth and remain until June I3thPoint Pleasant June I3th and remaintill June iSth





Fans and ParasolsPretty Ians 2C

DIg line oi Fans pretty de ¬

signs ic-Extra quality of Fans toeVine Imported Japanese Fans

I IGood250

Fine Imported Mull Vans socWhite silk Parasol SI oo

White silk Parasol mflKd

IFinego handle lace tdgesr 00IPine fancy plaid silk

red silk Par-

asols tullltd chiffon tops 300Dlack silk Parasols jit 50 to

2 50Plain black silk Parasols l

to f2 50-

Childrens Parasols 250 to SIICarpets and CurtainsOur line ol Mattings at toe

ul c anti tjc are beautiesIngrain Carpets 250 to

nice new patternsfig line of Lace Cuttalns511ito 250 per pairCurtain Poles 2 lor 250

Window shades toe to SocIBring IVool

Feathers Ginsenghighest prices

house icounty









I Mr B D Ringo went to Prankfort Wednesday

Mr II K Cox Butord made us apleasant call VednesdayV

Esquire G S Fitzhugh SulphurSprings cilled to see us yesterday

Miss Arbe Brown Centertoan Is

visiting her sister Mrs Fon Rogers

Mr C L Hardwlck MemphisTenu was in town the first of theweek

Mrs Eliza Riley of Buford whohas pneumonia has recuperated nodwill recover it is hoped

Mrs E E Rogers near Cromwellwho has been very sick during thepast week Is convalescent

Miss Grade Rolls classes in Elocu-

tion and Physical Culture will entertamat the College Hall tonight

Mrs Hub Shultz of near Irentlsis seriously sick of consumption andher recovery is not expected by thefamily

MessrsJohn Cbamberlln and LouisUunther left Sunday lor Lancaster toattend the encampment of the G A

I R ot Kentucky

Mr G H Matlock that real estateman was in town Monday and Tues-

day and what he did for his former as-

sociates was a sufficiency

Misses Fannie Render and JessieSmith who have been attendingschool at Lexington during the pastterm will return home to day

Mr Marion Yates Rochester wasin town Tuesday enroute to his oldhome near Knoxville Tenn to visitold friends and relatives Mr Yateswill be in Tennessee until nbout themiddle of JUlie

The literary societies of HartfordI College have procured the services of

Rev W S Danley of Owensboro todeliver a lecture at College Hall Thursday evening June 7 This will be atrent for the public and is given bythe focietieB free of charge

If icon need Dry Goods NotionsClothing hints Shoes Carpets Mull ¬

nery Igoods or Furniture why notcome to Carson Ci They sellgcodi as cheap as the cheapest andgive free a gcod Oak Rocking Chairor a 10x12 French Bevel Mirror withstandard frame with every 2000cash purchase

Col J S R Wedding member oh

the State Board of Equilizatlon bathome attending court Col Weddinginlorms us there has been i per centreduction on farm lands and 4 percent reduction on town lots in Ohiocounty This difference is due to theIrregularity of the county board ol

iequiliz tion and by the suggestion ofMr Wedding the assessment was leftthe eameas it was last year


AflLLAa mngla

touch promptly relieves distress awlILSIeIs4dO all other dyspeptic symptoms It makes

rich pure blood gives strong steady nerves


Mr D C Allen RosIne wasamong our callers yesterday

Mr John H Stewart Select madeTHE REPUBLICAN a vety agreeablecall yesterday

Mrs Anderson Martin died lastSunday at her home near Oaltonand was burled the following day

Mr A A Nash who was arrestedsome time since and placed in jailhere and was afterward turned overto the deputy U S Marshal for counterfeiting who placed him in jail atOwensboro and was balled out byCaptain W II Moore John TMooreJ T Shullz and Renfrew Bros hasquit the country and his where aboutsis unknown to his bondsmen

Mr John Annis near Cromwelldied Wednesday evening lie hadsustained a piralletlc stroke whichcaused his death lIe was a highlyrespected citizen in his communityand was a falthlul Christian gentleman lIe was quite old Ills reo

maines were laid to rest in the SepTaylor graveyard near Cromwell inDuller county yesterday Rev Drownheaver Dam conducted funeral ser-


Mrs Magdalene Rogers who hasbeen lying at the point ol death forthe pest week of pneumonia isthought to be better and hopes of herrecovery are entertained by the familyThe members of the family in attend ¬

ance at her bedside were Mr John B

Rogers wife and two sons Intnle andJoy daughter and husband Dr andMrs John W Conklin LeitchfieldMr J L Rogers and wife GreenvilleMrs J B Blankenshipand Mr Jo B

Rogers Beaver Dam Messrs C Eand C J Rogers Cromwell

Captain John L Powers who wasindicted by the grand jury ol AithurGoebel and Tom Campbell was arrested last Saturday and his captors started with him to the city of Persecu ¬

tion but before boarding a train atBarboursville a writ of habeas corpuswas served on his captors and he was

IronllGovernorits late was unlike those in othercases Iresb in the memories ot KentucJIans Taylor was recognized asGovernor and lowers is a tree manand thus the persecutors struck ant

snajtIMr Marion Dexter died at his resU

dence near Beaver Darn last Sundaymorning of consumption Ills reIwakes were Interred in the Liberty I

cemetery the same afternoon Rev i

Bob Bennett conducted funeral servicesat Liberty church Mr Dexter hadbeen In ill health for quite a longwhile perhaps several years Mr I

Dexter was truly a righteous man avery agreeable neighbor and a faith i

ful christian lie had the confidenceof all who knew him and cheerlshedhis friendship A good man goes tobless the realms of a new kingdom be ¬

yond the Jordon

Tim Grand Jurys Work

The grand jury now in session hasa great work to do Never in the his-

tory of the county has there beengreater need of a grand jury withBackbone and resolute determinationCrimes ore bering committed daily in

every town and hamlet in the countyand the Tenders are not brought tojustice We have implicit confJderciin the ability of this present grandjury to indict every man regardless ofhis position and standing who hascommitted crimes In this county Weare hopeful that this jury will do its j

whole duty and no moreFrom what we have gleaned during

the week the grand jury is besiegedwith violators of the law in attemptsto save them from publicity and prosecutlon This If cettnlnly a newscheme a neJV and modern plan ofdelense but it will accomplish littleThe work of the jury will go on asthoagh there waJ no obstructionsnear There is a determined effortbeing made by this grand Jury to de-


the Blind Tigers in the coun ¬

ty and if the court will do Its duty I

as faithfully as the grand jury there I

will certainly be an end to all this lat ¬

terday professionThe following Indictments have

been returned against the followingparties for selling liquor illegallyNetter Gillstrap two cases Llm Tay-

lor one case Jas F Carson three

WilliAultmirecases was

ed for grand larcenyThis is only three days work for

the grand jury and there Is muchwork yet

SMALLH USEKYIMr M D Maddox who has beenI

at Calhoon for some time assistingIn the school there is visiting his par ¬

entsMiss Alice Sharp Muhlenburg

county visited Miss Alice Fulkersona few days last week

MUll Oma Maddox and Mr George

Bennett who are attending school atHartford visited their parents Sunlay

Mr J P Kimblcy and wife Louisville are visiting friends and relativeshere

Mr Henry Taylor and Mr HoraceTaylor and wife visited their brotherMr P B Taylor Saturday and Sun ¬

dayMissesOracle Reid and Sallle Bul-

lock Messrs Ray Addington and RayPulkersou attended the wedrMng atSouth Carrollton Sunday evening

Mr Robert Hunter and wife whohave been quite sick the past week

betterMrC Igleheart who has been

sick for three months is able to be up

againThemembers of the Mttbodist

church here have recently paperedtheir house which adds greatly to thelooks of the house

Quarlerly meeting was held atEquality church Saturday and Sunday Presiding Elder Elgin present

Two Mormon elders werethrough this vicinity last trampingIing a place to preach butcessful

Gladys the lute granddaughter ofMr R II IJverly died at his residenceSunday May 6th and was buriedMonday the funeral services wereconducted by Rev G II Lawrence



For a neat job of cleaning clothescall on Rev P S Majors on UnionStreet and Apple Alley

100 Reward

The undrsigned will pay one hundred dollars for the arrest and delivery j

ofit A Nash a fugitive from jus¬I

tice to the jailer at Owensboro Kyon or before June 4th next

DescriptionNash is about 50 yearsoldS Jfeet S inches in height hairdark brown and sandy mustache Haswart on cheek between eye and earand slightly stoopshouldered



Hartford KyYO a

Circuit Court

Court convened Monday with JudgeOwen on the bench with Commonwealths Attorney J E Rowe and Coun ¬

ty Attorney M L Heavrin In chargeto look after the violators ot the lawand to have justice meted out to them

Messrs J A Hocker Arthur MillerD C Allen D S Bennett D EThomas A J Brown L N LeachAdam Nave J R Felix Geo WSnell H C Shaver and J B Stormswere empanneled as grand jurors

The following gentlemen were empanneled as petit jurors Geo MIMaddox John Feenister J W Coleman J C Bennett D P Mosely B-

it Stewart Henry Black W HBean Van May N G Patton SamWallace E W Truman FW ActonantI Mark Renfrew

The visiting attorneys are MessrsMcLean Taylor and C W ComptonMotgantown John T Rone Centertown S P Roby Fordsville B LWjMassie


An Epidemic of WhoopingCough

Last winter during an epidemic ofwhooping cough my children contract ¬coujthIng ¬

lains Cough Remedy very successful ¬

ly for croup and naturally turned toIit at that time and found it relievedthe cough and end eflected a completecureJohn E CliffordNorwood House Norwood N YThis remedy is for sale by Z WayneGriffin Bro m

rRail Road Dobt Liquidated

The old railroad debt of Muhlen ¬

burg county which was voted in 1869to build a railroad through the couuty and which has for many yearsbeen in the courts and kept the coun ¬

ty behind financially will soon havebeen liquidated Had it net been forthe railroad tax Muhlenburg wouldhave been one of tbe foremost countiesin Western Kentucky But as a bond ¬

ed debt ot most a million dollars hasbeen held against the county it wasperfectly natural for capital to findlodgment in other sections ot thecountry more fortunate than thecounty of Muhlenburg In 1869 thecitizens of that county voted a debt

the construction of a railroadIllor kh now approximates 735000

the old bonds and 100000denominated new bonds These bondshave born interest at an enormousrate ever since they were floated

County Attorney J L Rogers andpuahling ¬

holders for some time and at last theyhave succeeded The compromise is20 per cent on the dollar for the oldbonds and tbe new bonds are to be

paid in full The amount of indebted ¬

ness at present under the comproraise scheme is about 255000The court this year voted an advalorum tax of 150 which virtuallyleaves the debt not to exceed 215000At a meeting of the court in May

3d notice was given that the courtwould on June II proceed to issuebonds not to exceed 5 percent to theamount of about 215000 which areto be paid in 5 10 15 and 20 yearsThis transaction is certainly a bushness proposition and will prove wehope beneficial and most gratifyingto the tax payers of Muhlenburgcounty Had this been done twentyyears agothe county would doubtlesshave been out of debt long since AsIt Is the burdened and troubled cltiizens of that county will considerthemselves fortunate to get off aswell as they will under this newdeal


The Commercial Telephone andTelegraph Co also the Hartford Tele-

phone and Exchange Co have soldtheir telephone outfits to the RoughRiver Telephone Co and desires towind up its affilrs and go out of bus-


aThe Bettor Part

Of valor Is discretion and the betterpart of the treatment of disease is preventlon Disease originates In im ¬

purities in the blood People whotake it at this season say they arekept healthy the year round It is because this medicine expels impuritiesand makes the blood rich and healthgiving

IAlI liver ills are cured by HoodsPills 250=Miss Nettie Rogers of MoweaquaIllinois hula returned to her old hometo s pend the summer She will reworkIin the city school at that place

INotfcoDry merchants of

Hartford will after June I close theirstores at 7oclock In the evening Shoppers should take notice to this anddo their trading before that time-

rIn packing your valise for a trip do

not fail to put in a bottle of Dr BellsAntLPaln Achange of climate dietor water often deranges the stomachor bowels which is Instantly relievedby this wonderful Pain killer m

The merchants of Hartford haveactedwisely in closing their stores at7 oclock in the evening that cus-tomers


and shoppers may do theirtrading before night fall and give themerchants this much needed rest

Cutting around the eyes should beavoided unless you are willing tomake yourself subject for experi-menting


In surgery This Is unnec-essary


Sutherlands Eagle Eye Salvewill cure sore eyes and y ranulated lidswhen all others have failed Itstrengthens weak eyes m


Mr Joel Elmore Westerfield calledto see us yesteiday


40yran unniwiln thvKnnth irnrni IlngliniMnIarIlFeitrt At Dnijrgtutii McuniUlOVIiottlc SSlMt

I Delays are dangerous Those whohave poor weak Impure blood shouldtake Hoods Sarsaparilla at once Itnever disappoints

Bost for tho BowolsNo matter what ails you headache

to a cancer you will never get welluntil your boweU are put right CASCARETS help nature cure you with-out


a grip or pain produce easy nat-ural


movements costs you just 10cents to start getting your healthback CASCARET3 Candy Cathartic the genuine put up in metalboxes every tablet has C C Cstamped on it Beware of Imitations

Administratorss Notice

All persons having claims againstthe late C T and N J Barnard de-

ceased will present same to me at theresidence of the late C T Barnardproperly proven on or before June 1St1930 or be forever debarred

ELMRR BARNARDAdministrator

LOOK A MlTCII IH TInEKHVM iIi lloxlitV Tonic new lmirnrrtl truUbIenMntj tnkm In carljr Hprlng and Fall vievent Clillln IHMIKUO and Mnlnrln Frmx Acton the liver toni Ui the njntrin hitter thanJululne flaiiruntml try It At lrnKKl t Meund 5100 l0ttlc SSWt

Mrs Tom Brown and daughterMiss Norma of Centertown visitedher daughter Mrs Fan Rogers yes-


Educate Your Jlcmel With Cuiearcti

forever100ocWhen Bryan was nominated for

President In 1896 the per capita cir ¬

culation of the country was 21 10

Bryan preached that only the adop ¬

tlon of his free silver craze could Increase the circulation But on Mayi 1900 the per capita circulation was2658

aAPrLxAB-RI tLt st Hn Hl You Hm Always BmgH

Blptao YIor


Thlrtoon Yonr Old Girl Assaultod and Murdered

Near Chllllcotho

Chillicothe Ohio May 22Themost atrocious crime In the history otthis county was committed this afternoon in the Concord township nearthe Fayette county line when a blackfiend assaulted and murdered EthelLong a white girl 13 years of ageShe was the daughter of Mrand MrsStephen Long whose home is on thefarm oi James Starr three miles fromthe village of Austin on the pikeleading to Washington Court House

About 3 oclock the child was sentto a spring not far from the house forwater She was gone so long thather mother sent her little brother tosee what detained her He returnedquickly and brought the report thathis sister was lying dead near thespring with her throat cut from ear to

earThe griefstricken mother ran toher dead daughter and soon discover ¬

ed that she was the victim ol a mostlout ant heinous crime The fatherat work in the field with a heart fullof vengeance started to search thecounty for the murderer and reachingAustin among others he foundthe sheriff of Clinton county returnIng from a trial at Frankfort

An engineer on the C II Dtrain which then pulled In said hehad pasted a strange colored man be-


that place and Frankfort Theengine was uncoupled and thestrangerovertaken His clothes were bloodstained and he was brought back re-

gardless of his streneous denials tothe scene of the crime His shoes fit-

ted the tracks made In the vicinity olthe spring and his captors were confident of his guilt

The people met at Frankfortand the vicinity of the crimeat 10 oclock and again begantalking of organizing and coming tothis city to lynch him The sheriffto prevent this sent the prisoner toMarietta on the night train in chargeof a deputy shetlfl This precautionit was later learned was quite neces ¬

sary for the feeling has increased

greatlyThenegro was so much scared and

while he has not confessed the crimethe proof is almost overwhelminglyagainst him A representative of theCommercial Tribune was on theground a few minutes after the capture and saw the shoes fitted intothe tracks he made The shoes tallied exactly The mother of the childis prostrated and the family is tornwith contentions as to whether itshould call for vengeance and take thelaw Into its own hands or let the lawprotect the criminal

The crime was most coldbloodedfor the brute had hidden himself in aclump oi ashbushes near the springnod had pounced upon his unsuspec¬

ting victim as she came for the waterHe never gave heron opportunity tocry out but threw a rope around herneck and choked her lie must haveused a knife too for the cuts on theside ot her neck and on her foreheadwere made with a knife

He had with him twenty thirtytwo centerfire cartridges but had noknife nor revolver although whenseen before the crime he threatened topull a revolver from his hippocketThe crime is the worst ever commit¬

ted in the history of the countyCommercial Tribune

l > enlnrn CnniifM be Curritl-iy local application nfl tbronnot reach tiedlwiuwl portion of the ear There Ia only onewhy to cure deafnwunnd that In liy ronotltutlonntremwJIei Italian I riibnetl by on Intlnmedcondition ot the inucoijH Union ol tb KnitochlanTab Vten thin tube Ret Inflamed yonlwvonruinbllnRenund orlinpcrfrct hparinirand when ItIs rntlrrly tloiml drafnnu the mult and unionthe Inflammation can Ie token out ant thin tubeiwtored tn It normal condition hearing will lieritroyed forewr nine mace oat ot ten a re canned

catarrh which I nothing but an Inflamed ron ¬

dillon of the inncon > nrfaceWo will give One Hundred Dollar for nny ciaollvafnewi canned by catarrh that inn not be

cured by HaUH Catarrh Can Hend lor clrculantfree F J CHUNKY A CO Toledo O

Hold liy IrngglIrnellnlla Family Illl nre the brat

On account of Annual ReunionUnited Confederate Veterans Louisville Ky May 3oth to June 3d 1900the I C R R Will sell tickets fromBeaver Dam to Louisville and returnat the rate of 2 20 for round tripTickets on sale May 28th to 3othLimited for return June loth 1900


Our Greatest Specialist

For 20 years Dr J Newton Hatha ¬

way has so successfully treated chronicdiseases that he is acknowledged to-

day to stand at the head of his pro-fession


in this line His exclusivemethod of treatment for Verlcocelc

knifelorcases treatmentVital Forces Nervous Disorders Kidney and Urinary Complaints Paraly¬

sis Blood Poisoning RheumatismCatarrh and Diseases peculiar to wo ¬

men he is especially successful DrHathaways practice is more thandouble that of any other specialistCases pronounced Hopeless by otherphysicians readily j ield to his treat¬

ment Write him to day fully aboutyour case lie makes no charge forconsultation or advice either at his of¬

lice or by mall Address J NewtcnHathaway M D 309 Church StNashville Tenn tf

If troubled with rheumatism giveChamberlains Pain Balm a trial Itwill not cost you a cent if it does nogood One application will relievethe pain It also cures sprains andbruises in one third the time requiredby any other treatment Cuts burnsfrostbites qulnsey pains in the sideand chest glandular and other swellIngs are quickly cured by applying itEvery bottle warranted Price 25and 50 cts marmay

IIv Are Tear Ideysl-DrltobbeSrsruusPItleureti kldner 111

pUfrie stifleS > Ctlcwroof MVi


IIIJIIII IWI I14 1t 11 1111 flt1 IerJi14ljUttM 1l wttUJttAiQtl w441444t44Wt3WI

1 rYOur Moneys Worth f

Just because its stylishand of superior quality isnt

t any Indication that its high in price Its our constanteffort to crowd the utmost value into every purchase we

want you to have jjst a little more than your moneysworth the newest and best merchandise at prices thatwill make you feel that our store merits your trade No

B matter tbe distance you may come youll find as others inyour section that twill pay you to do your trading at ourstore

Secure the NewestIts hardly good judgment to pay out money for some

thing that isnt new and stylish thats only taking a step

backward We especially recommend the following

itemsthey have our personal guarantee as i qualityr and they are the newest ideas on the market Youll find

1quality and price especially pleasinga newness in thestyles weaves and colorings that will make it pleastant

5shopping for you Prints Ginghams Percalt LinensDimities India Linens Duck Pique and all kinds ofWoolen Drees Goo-

daValues for the Childrenidn In buying fur the childrens needs youre anxious to

secure what will give bert service Strong servicereasonable prices coupled with proper styles hwhatandIgive you in the items for the childrens wear Childford 2 to 5s at flOe G to 8s 75c 8J to Hs 85cShoes lOc to 8100 We have a full and complete flue ofShoes for boys and girls

IiWe pledge you your moneys worth in every Itransaction lull and plump valuesjust as low Ii

in price as good goods can be soldjust as high Iiin quality as best makers can supply themjust

rlas correct for styles as its possible to secure them

Mens Novelty Suits EIf its Suits made from novelty cloths that you desire iii

g we can supply you Were showing everything new ands uptodate in materials theyll be tailored in that match¬

3leM mannerso characteristic of Edward Rose Co Chi ¬

cago tailoring theyll be the swellest in your set Real41 good suits those that fit you perfectlyneed not be

o high priced Its just the other way if you come to usfor them Respe-

ctfullyChRSON I< CO =ErCourt DocketJury Trials

MayTorm 1900

MouiY StAY So3032K II WalkerYev T Kingivvj Nnrnh A llardln Ac nnba Huff A-c37MW I1 Jroy1 V Cuinpflel-


SMtTraiucll Iwnlty1I C II II CoTiciDAY MAY 29-

1Oo2J I Thompeonva1 C n R Co

4007A C JonesV L 1It 8t L II II Co

401 C H nlllrvoI C II n Co

4011J O lloonrvor C It II Co

M18J T huntS AcJobn IllackbuinW-

XDXEIDAY MAY 3040St John H penccrY Town ot Fordsrllle40254 M EkridgeYeJohn II Iblpp

JIW A 1I1IIvoJRII It Cnrtl403JW 8 ColoI C It It Co401ft Jon C TftylorJoe II King

TvuUAY May Ii401010 T CuolrI C II II Co

4011Idn H UnnvEIIB A Cute4042Wa MillerviA Wlnklebleck4041 Iole tanham Ae11t Mldkltt Ac-

4015Hhelby Tlllorv Harry Tlchenor c-

lOIGKIlia A utII K Ilean4017 Albert William eveOur KteYe-

nCOUUTTIUAIH34T5E II OllnII C JamwBill Fnd WlkloVI1 J Imncan A Co

A Copy Attest H A AMUIRIMM irke


Camp six miles from Manila P IApril 6 1900 Editors REPUBLICAN

and Fiiendly Readers This is aprairie knoll held on account ol Itscommanding position on the llnelromSan Pedro Macati to Manila Bay at

Barrio de San Rateal Thls Is ablistering knoll by day cool breezesare quite frequent but too much diluted with dust At night the tem-

perature Is pleasant the breezes coolThe great blue dome of visible spacealive with glittering worlds hasscarcely a cloudjorfar away a phantompile of feathery lightness mockingthe thirsty land with whiteness-

I turn from the brilliant Southerncross that you never see in Old Ken ¬

tucky to the more familiar Polar Con ¬

stellationthe Great Bear I believeAprIl8The company has three

outposts a total of thirteen menThis with a large number on the sickrcpoit gives us three nights in ora guard every fourth day Betweenguards we amuse ouselves haulingwater etc I dont want to be on thepolice force anyway You can seethat this is very tiresome but weveseen stirring times since here inLuzon Company I slat Inft has had

three men killed In action eightwounded and a total ot twenty deadof those who came to the Philippineswith the company I believe thelighting ol importance U over andwould be glad to take my place amongthe humble citizens of the grand oldcommonwealth of Kentucky but suppose Ill have to bide a wee tillmy other year Is out


The Owensboro Fair has new datesSeptember 1 8th to 22nd With attractive show rings for horses Wild

West Automobile race Chariot racesAcrobatic performances Innumerableside shows and five races each daywith nearly 5060 in purses to thewinners It will be the best Fair everheld in Western Kentucky

OASTORABuriti Ki Kiml Ym Hm Almrs Eotf

wIr Y

We are told says an exchagekof apractical electrician who having beengreatly disturbed by neighbors catsleft out doors of nights has put up aelectrical apparatus In his back yardwhich on his touching a buto r athis bedside give out such a dischargeof electric sparks as sends all the catshome in a hurry

G4 a tDoes the

Baby Thrive IIf not something must be

wrong with its food If themothers milk doesnt nour ¬

ish it she needs SCOTTSEMULSION It supplies theelements of fat required forthe baby If baby Is notnourished by its artificialfood then it requires

Scotts EmulsionHalf a teaspoonful three

or four times a day in itsbottle will have the desiredeffect It seems to have amagical effect upon babiesand children A fiftycentbottle will prove the truthof our statementsShould be taken la summit mt

well at wintersot ant ioo III druultU

SCOTT tit DOWN ClureUu Nw York


Rough River Telephone Compa-nyrroBPouuo1

Talk being cheap and necessaryshould patronize home folks

whore you can buy your ownphones and build your own linesand in talking distance withthe whole county and buslress-points genorallyby only payinga rent to the HartfordTelephone and Exchange Coor

expenseifHartford Ky for particulars-

W connect wlh all Indent CMptfe