
Automation testing --------------------- 1. Automation frame work 2. Automation process 3. How u Take I/P data from excel and execute the application and O/P it in excel by using qtp and write script for it? 4. write script for swapping the three numbers 5. write a script for checking the item in combo box with excel sheet content. 6. Explain about GetRoProperty? 7. explain about Object repository 8. Difference between regular expression and descriptive programming? 9. different recording types 10. if your project uses two different technologies but qtp have one add-in how u will manage it 11. recovery scenario in qtp 12. did u implement functional library 13. what is extension for functional library 14. types of objects in qtp 15. explain smart identification

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Automation testing--------------------- 1. Automation frame work 2. Automation process 3. How u Take I/P data from excel and execute the application and O/P it in excel by using qtp and write script for it? 4. write script for swapping the three numbers5. write a script for checking the item in combo box with excel sheet content. 6. Explain about GetRoProperty? 7. explain about Object repository 8. Difference between regular expression and descriptive programming? 9. different recording types 10. if your project uses two different technologies but qtp have one add-in how u will manage it 11. recovery scenario in qtp 12. did u implement functional library 13. what is extension for functional library 14. types of objects in qtp 15. explain smart identification