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Page 1: Qualification of hybrid financial instruments in tax treaties Francisco Alfredo GARCÍA PRATS Catedrático de Derecho Financiero y Tributario Jean Monnet
Page 2: Qualification of hybrid financial instruments in tax treaties Francisco Alfredo GARCÍA PRATS Catedrático de Derecho Financiero y Tributario Jean Monnet

Qualification of hybrid financial instruments in tax treaties

Francisco Alfredo GARCÍA PRATSCatedrático de Derecho Financiero y Tributario

Jean Monnet Chair on EU Tax LawUniversitat de València (Espanha)

Page 3: Qualification of hybrid financial instruments in tax treaties Francisco Alfredo GARCÍA PRATS Catedrático de Derecho Financiero y Tributario Jean Monnet

Summary• Introduction• Concept and typology• Key issues• Remarks on tax treaty qualification• OECD guidelines on HFI income qualification• Dividend/interest qualification

– Dividend income– Interest income

• Withholding/not withholding at source• Reaction of the Residence State• Binding qualification from Source State?• Double taxation/double non-taxation• Tax Arbitrage• Final considerations

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Page 4: Qualification of hybrid financial instruments in tax treaties Francisco Alfredo GARCÍA PRATS Catedrático de Derecho Financiero y Tributario Jean Monnet


• Growing importance of the subject: – Alternative financial investment– HFI being blamed as one cause of the crisis

• Complexity of the subject– Diversification, flexibility tools– Diverse legal frameworks involved: regulatory,

accounting, commercial, tax regimes– Cross-border aspects: increase the tax arbitrage

and risk situations.

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Page 5: Qualification of hybrid financial instruments in tax treaties Francisco Alfredo GARCÍA PRATS Catedrático de Derecho Financiero y Tributario Jean Monnet

Concept • Hybrid financial instruments: instruments which

incorporate elements of both equity and debt: great variety– Non-tax and tax purposes

• Debt-equity tax treatment distinction: still valid?– Tax Treaty treatment only a part of the game– Domestic tax treatment and tax treaty integration also key

issues• Tax arbitrage• Double taxation/double non-taxation• Opporunities and/but risks

• Legal basis for distinction debt-equity

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Page 6: Qualification of hybrid financial instruments in tax treaties Francisco Alfredo GARCÍA PRATS Catedrático de Derecho Financiero y Tributario Jean Monnet

Typology: some examples• Debt type shares

– Preference shares• Equity type loans

– Jouissance rights, – Silent partnerships– Participation bonds– Convertible bonds– Warrant bonds– Profit participating loans

• Derivatives financing: options, forwards, swaps, , CDS, CDO• But they need to be reclassified into tax treaty income


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Page 7: Qualification of hybrid financial instruments in tax treaties Francisco Alfredo GARCÍA PRATS Catedrático de Derecho Financiero y Tributario Jean Monnet

Key issues

• Debt/equity distinction• HFI : income or simple cash-flow• Source State/no source State taxation• Double taxation/double non-taxation• Abusive use of HFI• Tax arbitrage: licit vs ilicit• Counteracting measures: scope, effectiveness

and validity

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Page 8: Qualification of hybrid financial instruments in tax treaties Francisco Alfredo GARCÍA PRATS Catedrático de Derecho Financiero y Tributario Jean Monnet

Remarks on tax treaty qualification• Term ‘as used in this article’ vs ‘for the purposes

of this convention’: implications for interest and dividend income

• Determination of allocation rule being applicable• Some issues excluded: allocation of expenses, tax

regime, double taxation measures: ‘international’ assumptions

• Role of the domestic tax qualification• Interaction DTC-domestic tax of greater


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Page 9: Qualification of hybrid financial instruments in tax treaties Francisco Alfredo GARCÍA PRATS Catedrático de Derecho Financiero y Tributario Jean Monnet

OECD MC guidelines for tax treaty qualification of HFI

• Lack of specific treatment/reference in the MC itself• Classical qualification to be followed:

dividend/interest/CG/business income/other income• Specific reference in the commentaries:

– Art 11 Comm 21.1: non traditional financial instruments (1994 OECD Report)

– Art 10 Comm 25: loan as a capital; interest as dividend– Art 11 Comm 19: participating bonds, convertible bonds

• Anti-abuse mechanisms can be used to counteract HFI abuse before the treaty (HTC 1998, p. 170)

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Page 10: Qualification of hybrid financial instruments in tax treaties Francisco Alfredo GARCÍA PRATS Catedrático de Derecho Financiero y Tributario Jean Monnet

Dividend-interest qualification

• Dividend qualification takes precedence– Art 11 Comm 19

• Potential conflicts with the corresponding definitions– Source State binding qualification (dividends) vs

Closed tax treaty definition (interest)• Some tax treaty State’s practice• Is it possible to identify a common/coherent

definition criteria? – Definitional risk: business risk vs debt risk

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Page 11: Qualification of hybrid financial instruments in tax treaties Francisco Alfredo GARCÍA PRATS Catedrático de Derecho Financiero y Tributario Jean Monnet

HFI income as dividend income• Exhaustive definition not possible• Relevant tax treaty criteria

– Income from ‘corporate rights’– Risk taking: entrepreneurial risk– Other relevant elements– Holding position as a criterion: usufruct

• Domestic classification and treatment (relevance): same taxation treatment at source State

• Interest income as dividend income for DTC purposes

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Page 12: Qualification of hybrid financial instruments in tax treaties Francisco Alfredo GARCÍA PRATS Catedrático de Derecho Financiero y Tributario Jean Monnet

HFI income as interest income• Closed tax treaty definition: no reference to

source state income classification– But Member States practice

• Debt claim must exist• Remuneration for making capital available:

exchange of a principal must exist• Negative delimitation: credit risk must not

become business risk• Not all derivative instruments being considered


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Page 13: Qualification of hybrid financial instruments in tax treaties Francisco Alfredo GARCÍA PRATS Catedrático de Derecho Financiero y Tributario Jean Monnet

Use of HFI to avoid withholding tax at source: GC or other income

• Derivative instruments: may avoid tax treaty qualification involving withholding– Put-call parity theorem

• Examples:– CDS– CDI– Currency swaps– TROR– Credit-linked notes

• Some states reaction:– Portugal (interest income)– US: dividend equivalent income

• Counteracting anti-abusive measures:– Balance of counteracting measures

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Page 14: Qualification of hybrid financial instruments in tax treaties Francisco Alfredo GARCÍA PRATS Catedrático de Derecho Financiero y Tributario Jean Monnet

Reaction in the residence State

• Double taxation• Double non taxation• Tax arbitrage• Tax abuse• Counteracting measures

– Against double taxation– Against double non-taxation– Against tax arbitrage– Against tax abuse

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Page 15: Qualification of hybrid financial instruments in tax treaties Francisco Alfredo GARCÍA PRATS Catedrático de Derecho Financiero y Tributario Jean Monnet

Double taxation• Non-deductibility at source state (payor State)• Taxable income in the residence state of the

investor (no exemption/no credit)

• Generation of FTC in the residence State: Final Regulations Reg 156779-06 US, July 18, 2011

resident source

Non deductible dividend (requalif.,


Non deductible dividend (requalif.,


Taxed income

No alleviation

double taxation

Taxed income

No alleviation

double taxation

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Page 16: Qualification of hybrid financial instruments in tax treaties Francisco Alfredo GARCÍA PRATS Catedrático de Derecho Financiero y Tributario Jean Monnet

Double non-taxation

• Classification as debt in the source state of the yield of the hybrid financial instrument

• Classification as equity in the residence state of the yield of the hybrid financial instrument

resident source

Interest deductible


Interest deductible


Dividend exempt income

Dividend exempt income

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Page 17: Qualification of hybrid financial instruments in tax treaties Francisco Alfredo GARCÍA PRATS Catedrático de Derecho Financiero y Tributario Jean Monnet

Qualification of other State HFI source• Residence State:

– Bound by source state qualification? – Bound by treaty qualification? – Uniform-separate qualification possible? – Bound for which purposes?– Would binding qualification solve the problems?

• Residence State bound to eliminate double taxation under DTC (Comm 32.1) giving relief

• Not bound to follow Source State qualification– Conflicts of qualification derived from interpretation issues (comm 32.2-

32.6)of the treaty– Conflicts of qualification derived from differences of domestic law: no

problem provide double taxation relief is granted– Conflicts of qualification derived from conflicts of fact: MAP– Conflicts resulting in double non-taxation: Residence may deny relief

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Page 18: Qualification of hybrid financial instruments in tax treaties Francisco Alfredo GARCÍA PRATS Catedrático de Derecho Financiero y Tributario Jean Monnet

Counteracting measures

• Switch over clauses• Avoid duplicate benefits: elimination of

double dipping• Reaction against abuse: find the proper


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Page 19: Qualification of hybrid financial instruments in tax treaties Francisco Alfredo GARCÍA PRATS Catedrático de Derecho Financiero y Tributario Jean Monnet

Tax arbitrage/tax abuse and counteracting measures

• Validity of tax arbitrage: an ongoing discussion– Rosenbloom/Avi-Yonah positions.

• Counteracting measures to tackle tax arbitrage and tax treaties– Different positions in practice:– Art 24.4.c) US-UK tax treaty (protocol)– UK: Bayfine UK vs Commissionaers for HMRC [2011]

EWCA Civ 304, Court of Appeal 23-3-2011– NZL: High Court, BNZ Limited Investments and Ors v.

Comm’r of Inland Revenue, Civ 2004-485-1059, p. 265. 15-7-2009

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Page 20: Qualification of hybrid financial instruments in tax treaties Francisco Alfredo GARCÍA PRATS Catedrático de Derecho Financiero y Tributario Jean Monnet

Domestic counteracting measures against tax arbitrage

• (1) Limiting the scope of the participation exemption regime if the payments on hybrid financial instruments (HFIs) are deductible at the level of the issuing company;

• (2) Restricting interest deductibility at the level of the issuing company if the instrument is treated as equity in the state of residence of the investor.

• Examples:– UK. Finance (No. 2) Act 2005, Secs. 24 to 31 and Schedule 3.– HRMC. Guidance, FA 96/S91A-G, under the heading “Taxing Loan

Relationships: Anti-Avoidance: Shares as Debt” – HMRC, “Avoidance Involving Tax Arbitrage”, Guidance Notes.– Germany. 2007 German Annual Tax Act. Narrowing the scope of

participation exemption– Denmark: Act No. 98 of 10 February 2009 (Based on Bill L 23).

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Page 21: Qualification of hybrid financial instruments in tax treaties Francisco Alfredo GARCÍA PRATS Catedrático de Derecho Financiero y Tributario Jean Monnet

Final considerations

• Up to now: don’t expect too much from tax treaties to solve risks and uncertainties related to cross-border HFI income

• OECD to further develop international standards on the matter

• Greater coordination of unilateral taxation and counteracting measures needed.

• If risk identification key to distinguish equity/debt income: need to improve risk identification and risk measurement techniques

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