qualitative analysis webinar

Qualitative Analysis Dr. James Lani

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Post on 28-Nov-2014




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During this webinar, Dr. Lani will discuss qualitative analyses for dissertation Chapter 4. Special emphasis will be given to Phenomenological, Case study, and Grounded theory approaches.


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Qualitative AnalysisDr. James Lani

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Characteristics of Qualitative Data Analysis

Inductive Simultaneous

Iterative Interpretive

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• Interviews• Field Notes• Scanned Material

Collecting Data

• Transcription of the dataPreparing


• To get general sense of the dataReading Data

• Identifying segments of text• Assigning a label or "code" to them

Coding Data

• Identifying text with descriptive value for report

Coding for Description

• Identifying text with thematic value for report

Coding for Themes

Simultaneous and Iterative


[Creswell, 2005]

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Case Study

Studies one or more cases bounded by a uniting factor

Case(s) studied over time for in-depth analysis

Employs multiple data collection methods

Generates a rich description of the cases of study

Examines themes which emerge from the study of each case

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Explores the “lived experiences” of participants

Describes the meaning that individuals assign to their experience

Illuminates commonalities of experience between individuals

Distills descriptions to find the “essence of the phenomenon of study

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Grounded Theory

Aims to generate theory Is emergent and dynamic in natureResearcher derives theory which is based or “grounded” in data

Produces a broad explanation of a process, action, or interaction.

Theory is formed from the collective perspectives of a cast number of participants.

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Collecting DataData Collection Methods


Interviews and Questionnaires

Focus Groups

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Transcribing Data

Performed by Researcher or TranscriptionistUse detailed descriptive information

Time, setting, participant, session typeUse wise margins to enable note-talkingClearly distinguish between speakersClearly demarcate interview/survey questions

Make note of incidental noisesPauses, inaudible remarks, laughter, crying, or other noises that occur during the interview

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Organizing Data

Data StorageComputer files, filing folders, or index cards

Data GroupingBy type of document, participant, location, or data source

File NamingSystematic naming of files for easy identification

Data Back-UpDuplicate physical and/or digital copies of data

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Analyzing Data by Hand

More helpful for smaller data sets

Uses hard copies of data

Organization of data occurs on paper

Margins used for note-taking

Retain original copies of data

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Analyzing Data with Computer Assisted Qualitative Data

Analysis Software (CAQDAS)Assists with organization and management of data.

Enables researcher to sort data, assign labels or codes to data, and search data.

Process entails: Uploading data into software. Selecting data within a test to sort under a chosen code,

or category. Searching for text within all data sources that correspond

to code. Reviewing coded data.

Variety of CAQDAS programs exist including: Nvivo, Atlas.ti, HyperRESEARCH, and MAXQDA.

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Using Codes to Build Themes Process by which the

researcher makes sense of the data.

Coding process begins with repeated readings of the data.

The data is segmented into text or image fragments.

Each fragment is labeled with a short, descriptive word or phrase (code).

The identified codes are refined to eliminate redundancy.

Codes are combined to form broad themes.

I really wasn’t happy with the outcome. I almost started to cry when I found out. I had worked so hard to get a good grade in the class. I felt bad that all my hard work was for nothing. I knew that this would have a big impact on my GPA. I had to get and get myself together before anyone from class saw me. I didn’t want them asking why I was misty-eyed all of a sudden.Code



Disappointment Sadnes


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Representing Findings

Narrative formComparison tablesFiguresMapsDiagramsDemographic Tables

Methods of Representing Findings

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Report Findings: Narrative Form

Chief form of reporting in most qualitative research designs.

Includes supportive excerpts from the dialogue.

Includes multiple perspectives, and negative-case examples.

Explore within-participant contradiction.

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Example of Narrative ReportingEnvironmental factors

All 11 students noted subject eating habits due to environmental factors, such as cultural upbringing and religious affiliation. Student 1 indicated their cultural perception of rice as a norm in the household, “We’ve always had rice in the house. My mom, my uncles, [and] everyone else I knew just ate rice. That’s how I was brought up and we eat it every day.” Student 2 also demonstrated support for this theme by stating, “We are Hispanic people and we like meat: pork, lamb, [and] beef. You name it… I know it’s fatty, but that’s what makes it delicious. I grew up on loving it and it’s not goanna [sic] change.” Student 2 mentioned their eating habit due to their religious affiliation, “…so, on every Sunday we made sure to not eat any meat. Fish was ok, but that’s all. I think it’s kinda [sic] stuck with us, and we just started eating healthier because of our faith; we practiced it.” ….

Coping mechanism

Three students indicated using food as a tool to help cope, manage, and deal with stressful situations. Student 2 stated that they ran to food when their parents would argue, “I’d see them fight and I felt so useless. I guess, I kinda [sic[ just ate to shut them out. Just ran to the cupboard. I was crying a lot then [and] the food helped.” Student 1 however had a different take on food as a coping tool: I hated food. The idea of it made me sick. My friends used to say that I was letting him [boyfriend] take control over me like that. But I didn’t care. I loved him and wanted him to like me….wanted to be a supermodel or something, but it wasn’t going to happen. I just avoided food like I avoided my issues and hurt.

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Reporting Findings: Grounded Theory

Interview Question 1. “What have your experiences been like in feeding your twins?”

Open coding revealed three sets of theme related information based on planning, level of difficulty, and type of blood. The majority of participants cited the level of difficulty associated with feeding their twins. Level of difficulty was related to overall feeding and difficulty of individual children. Plans for feeding and the types of food the twins were fed were also noted. See Table 1 for details.

Table 1Feeding Interview Question 1 Open Coding Responses

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Reporting Findings: Grounded Theory Cont.

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TrustworthinessLincoln and Guba (1981) suggest four criteria for evaluating trustworthiness:Credibility

How “true” are the findings?Transferability

Can the findings be generalized?Dependability

Can the study and findings be replicated?

ConfirmabilityHow free are the results from researcher bias?

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Pitfalls in Qualitative ResearchStudy Design

Choosing an Inappropriate DesignLack of Research Focus

Data CollectionNot Achieving Saturation Interview Design

Unclear or Irrelevant Interview Questions

Leading Interview QuestionsData Analysis and Interpretation

Superficial Analysis

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Questions &


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Dissertation Workshop

Completing a Dissertation in 1 Year

Join us August 30th in Atlanta, GA at the

Atlanta Airport Marriott Gateway
