quality assurance & work measurement

Process Excellence: Quality at Rolls-Royce Jordan Hites Spring 2009

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  • 1. Process Excellence: Quality at Rolls-Royce
    Jordan Hites
    Spring 2009

2. Table of Contents
Process Excellence
Aero Engines Programs Director for Quality, BPI
7S Problem Solving at Rolls-Royce
Rolls-Royce Quality Teams
3. Abstract
Worlds leading provider of power systems and services for use on land, at sea, and in the air
Defines Six Sigma as A methodology developed by an engineer that involves human touch, process knowledge, and graphical tools
4. Abstract
Six Sigma pursues engineering excellence and not simply statistical excellence by using statistical methods in tandem with leadership and aggressive goal setting.
160 + hours of Black Belt
40 + hours of Green Belt
5. Introduction
Process Excellence Lead, Lucinda Werling is the statistical resource for Green and Black Belt projects.
Few weeks ago the team closed a project that realized 13.4 million dollars in financial benefits and received global recognition within Rolls-Royce.
6. Introduction

  • According to Werling she is surrounded by high performers who have saved the company over $40 million in the past three years

The Process Excellence Team was bestowed with the Chief Executives Quality Award (CEQA) in 2004 and 2006
7. Process Excellence

  • Defined as a way of working, a way of thinking about the work they do, understanding the processes they use and complying with those processes.

8. In understanding and satisfying customers needs, each process stage is dependent on other stages, one process links to another, and all activity fits into nine processes known as their Nine-Box Model (Lucinda Werling, 2007)