quality functions deployment

ality Functi Deployment Chapter 16

Post on 13-Sep-2014




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Quality Function Deployment

Chapter 16

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Students PrayerGod of Light and Truth,thank you for giving mea mind that can know

and a heart that can love. Help me to keep learning every day of my life,

for all knowledge leads to you.Let me be aware of your presence

in all things and at all times. Encourage me when work is difficultand when I am tempted to give up;

encourage me when my brain seems slowand the way forward is difficult.

Grant me the grace to put my mind to useexploring the world you have created,

confident that in you there a wisdom that is real.Amen.

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I- LearningObjectives

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1. To improve the performance of the company. 2. To put company into a better level.3. In order to arrive at specific activities to be undertaken.4. To understand the meaning of QFD.5. To put company into a better level.

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A. Topic (Quality Function Deployment)

B. Skills • Able to meet the good quality • Being able to have an originality • Having the capabilities of

seeking the best solutions •Ability to take a conscious decision C. Values • Being open-minded • Being innovative • Being resourceful • Being systematic

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D. Materials • PC • Bond paper • Ball pen •TQM book E. References • Textbook in TQM 2007 edition • Source: Operations Management: Strategy and Analysis, Fourth Edition, by Krajewski/Ritzman and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quality_function_deployment

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Iii-Learning Experienc


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The thing always happens that you really believe in;and the belief in a thing makes it happen. -Frank Lloyd Wright(1869-1959)

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B. Lesson ProperQuality function deployment (QFD) is a “method to transform user demands into design quality, to deploy the functions forming quality, and to deploy methods for achieving the design quality into subsystems and component parts, and ultimately to specific elements of the manufacturing process.”, as described by Dr. Yoji Akao, who originally developed QFD in Japan in 1966, when the author combined his work in quality assurance and quality control points with function deployment used in value engineering.

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The QFD is a structured approach defining both the spoken and unspoken needs of customers and translating them into specific product and process improvements.

QFD results in dramatic improvements such as reduction of development time by 50 per cent, reduced overall cost, time to market and above all large improvements in customer satisfaction.House of quality is the primary toll of QFD.

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QFD is exploited by many Fortune 500 companies due to its benefits and building the process for future. Benchmarking plays an important role for successful QFD that will lead to products that will be a successful one in the market. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) was developed to bring this personal interface to modern manufacturing and business.

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House of quality consists of 6 constituent of the house as given below:1.WHAT- the requirements of customers.2. HOW- the technical requirements for the product or process to meet the above.3.Inter-relationship matrix, bringing out the degree of relationship between each customer requirements and the technical requirements.4.Technical correlation matrix between the HOWs as a roof of house of quality.5.Prioritized customer requirements including the comparison of the product or process with that of competitors using benchmarking, target values for the new design for each customer requirements.

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6.Prioritized technical requirements consist of:•Performance against technical perimeter.•Target value for each parameter in the new design.•Weight and relative weight for each parameter. The QFD process can be repeated with HOWs of the first iteration as WHATs in the second iteration. Specific technicalrequirements can now be identified and stated as how.

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Benefits of QFD*Reduces product development time up to 50%*Design cycle time shortened by 30 to 50%*Start up and engineering costs reduce by 20 to 60%*Reduces time to market*Focuses the organization on customer needs*Useful for gathering customer requirement*Design quality improves*Improve performance of the products*Reduces rework*Reduced warranty and field service costs*Reduction of quality costs *Enables concurrent engineering

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QFD Teams

*Marketing and Sales *Design *Production *QA *Testing *Purchase *Vendors

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Organizations using QFD*3m *AT & T*Boening *EDS*Ford *HP *General Motors *IBM*Kodak *Motorola *NASA *Nokia*Raytheon *Toshiba

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“house of quality”

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Simplified“house of quality”

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C. Evaluation

1.Define QFD. 2.Who is the founder of QFD? 3-5. Give 3 benefits of QFD. 6-10. Give 5 teams of QFD.

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D. SynthesisThe importance of QFD is because it provides a framework for upfront planning and product development. Also of uses multi-functional teams to enhance design and decision-making. Another is that it promotes teamwork (necessary for Concurrent Engineering).The last one is it maintains customer ideas and requirements, in the customer's words, throughout the process

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GROUP 10Cristine Santos


Tristan Labata