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Quantum computing is no longer science

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Quantum computing is no longer science

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Quantum computing is no longer science fiction Página 3

Quantum computing is now a reality and we will be able to see its impact on our daily lives in the coming years

Quantum computing is no longer science fiction

The battle to get the automotive batteries of

the future is fought in quantum computers

(1) https://www.opengovasia.com/articles/exclusive-a-conversation-on-the-current-state-of-quantum-computing-and-potentialapplications

When we speak about quantum computing, it seems that we are dealing with a science fiction technology - with a very complex and obscure operation - from which we will not be able to benefit until the next few generations. But it's not like that. Quantum computing is now a reality and we will be able to see its impact on our daily lives in the coming years. So much so that in a recent interview Dr. Fitzsimons, one of the most influential researchers in quantum computing, compared the current state of this technology with the state of digital computing in 1950 1.

Taking into account the speed of exponential technological adoption that we are living, everything suggests that quantum computing will be one of the biggest disruptors of the digital era.

But what is quantum computing? Quantum computing is the construction of computers using principles of quantum physics.

While traditional computers use bits to represent information using two states, "0" or "1" (current flow or no current flow in circuits), quantum computers use so-called qubits that can represent a "0", a " 1 ", or an overlap of these two states, in which the qubit is" 0 "and" 1 "at the same time. This happens because at subatomic levels, the classical physical laws cease to apply and the particles begin to exist in several states at the same time: this is called quantum superposition.

It is the same principle behind Schrödinger's paradox, in which the cat is alive and dead at the same time. It only "decides" if it is going to present itself in a living state or in a dead state when the scientist opens the box to observe the result.

Qubits ppresent quantum behaviors, and its content is an overlaid value of 0 and 1.



Qubit (quantum computing)

Bits maintain a single value that can be 0 or 1.

0 1

Bit (traditional computing)

Difference between bits and qubits

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Quantum computing is no longer science fiction

Another very important concept for quantum computing is quantum entanglement, which is the property that causes two particles under certain conditions to "synchronize" and share the same state.

This means that two qubits separated by millions of kilometers could transmit information instantly between them, since, if the state of one of the qubit changes, the other qubit would also change its status. Quantum computing uses these complex and unintuitive phenomena to process information. In practice, this means that a 50-qubit computer, which may not seem like much, is capable of calculating 250 simultaneous states, a real feat.

The greatest challenge for the evolution of quantum computing today is that the quantum states necessary for qubits to operate require very special conditions, with temperatures below 1 Kelvin degree and without external interference. Today these conditions are nearly impossible to achieve, since the simple fact of confining the qubit in an isolated environment, putting it in the initial "positions" or measuring the result of the calculation requires that we interact with the qubits, and due to these interactions the qubits stop showing quantum behaviors. That is why the time that a quantum computer can operate today is of the order of 0.0001 seconds 2, a time that although it is still quite good, it is expected to improve in the future.

Even so, currently there are computers with a computing capacity of 72qubits 3.

Nowadays, well-known companies in the technology sector are immersed in what is known as "the quantum race". These companies, including large technology companies like IBM, Google, Microsoft, Nokia Bell Labs and Baidu, companies from other sectors like Airbus, Amgen and Biogen, and startups such as D-wave or Rigetti, compete to be the pioneers in developing the first quantum computer capable of overcoming the computing capabilities of today's traditional supercomputers 4.

72 qubits Google, US


12 qubits Institute for Quatum Computing Perimeter Insitute for Theiretucak Physics, and MIT


2 qubits IBM, UC Berkeley, Standford University, and MIT, US


2 qubits Oxford University, UK


17 qubits IBM, US


7 qubits Los Alamos

National Laboratory, US


5 qubits Technical

University of Munich,



17 qubits IBM, US


Temporal evolution of quantum capacity

The main obstacle to the development of a quantum computer on a large scale is the complexity of ensuring that the information contained in a physical qubit has not changed unexpectedly.

Quantum information is fragile and very sensitive to interference or other types of noise. Random fluctuations in the particles can cause changes of state in the units of information, making it unusable.

The mere interaction with the quantum computer produces these instabilities, which makes it very difficult to perform calculations and recover the results in a stable manner. Current research focuses, therefore, not on obtaining larger or more powerful quantum computers, but on systems with higher quality technology, so that the noise that inevitably is generated is eliminated or filtered as much as possible. This would facilitate the construction of higher capacity devices.

And what possibilities of use does a quantum computer present?

Initially, the main application of this technology will be in research of the refinement of physical models or the simulation of countless types of molecules, which will allow us to discover new materials. In fact, car manufacturers such as Volkswagen or Daimler are investing firmly on this aspect, managing to simulate the behavior of industrially relevant molecules such as lithium-hydrogen or carbon chains, and working to achieve it in more complex compounds, so that they can be capable of simulate the chemical structure of an electric vehicle battery. This could imitate the behavior of this, being able to investigate to achieve a longer duration and better performance with the aim of ending Tesla's current control.

Quantum entanglement

(2) https://www.infoq.com/articles/quantum-computing-applications-three (3) https://www.sciencenews.org/article/google-moves-toward-quantum-supremacy-72-qubit-computer (4) https://www.ft.com/content/4b40be6c-0181-11e8-9650-9c0ad2d7c5b5

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Quantum computing is no longer science fiction Página 7

However, it is not the only application of quantum computing, the optimization of process is another of the main utilities. These problems are very common in almost all fields in which companies operate, so the opportunities of quantum computing are extraordinary to be able to take advantage of the great processing capacity they have, allowing simulations that are more complete in less time. This can solve larger problems that are currently unfeasible due to the resources required to solve them using classic computers. This aspect has special importance in logistics where optimizing the supply chain is one of the main objectives of the sector.

Quantum computing is capable of making multiple combinations that allow us to solve these logistical problems more efficiently than with classic computers and even respond to problems that currently have no solution. In this way, it is possible to achieve improvements from simpler scenarios such as planograms or fleet management, to large system-wide scenarios such as regional distributions or global supply chains achieving better route planning.

Another area of application is to optimize the risks of investment portfolios. With quantum computers, it is possible to obtain greater control of those inherent to the finances of companies, by being able to simulate different contexts that allow knowing in an accurate way the interconnections between the assets included in them 5. In addition, by using quantum computers, it could be prevented situations as "Flash Crash" of 2010, when the Dow Jones fell 1000 points in just five minutes. This was due by fraudulent use of an automated program that performed large volumes of operations of High Frequency Trading (HFT) in microseconds. The greater computing capacity of these systems could prevent these circumstances in the financial markets thanks to the large number of simultaneous states that are capable of simulate.

As its use becomes popular, it will be applied in new fields. Therefore, this technology is destined to change and improve many aspects of our daily life in an almost unimaginable way.

Even with all these advantages, many people worry that, due to the massive computing capacity of quantum computers, a large part of the cryptographic systems that ensure the transmission of information today will become obsolete. These systems are those in charge of preventing unauthorized persons from seeing or modifying encrypted information, for example, most of

the data that is sent and received through internet. For this purpose, secret keys are usually used, known only by authorized persons, which would take years for an external person to discover using a traditional computer. But this cost and time limitation could no longer be a problem for quantum computers, compromising a large amount of encrypted information.

However, the first cryptographic systems resistant against quantum computing technology are already beginning to be designed. In addition, new concepts and very interesting applications are emerging, such as the "Quantum Internet” 6, which would be a new way of transmitting information safely. China is already performing its first tests with this technology, which allows the use of subatomic particles to transmit information between distant points in an immediate and safe way using quantum principles. With this technology, traditional cryptography would no longer be necessary, and the transmission of information would be immediate.

Definitely, the technological future is quantum flavored.

The technological future is quantum flavored

(5) http://ieee-hpec.org/2017/techprog2017/index_htm_files/102.pdf

(6) https://www.wired.com/story/quantum-internet-is-13-years-away-wait-whats-quantum-internet/

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Fernando Cuenca MagalefDirector of Digital Emerging [email protected]

Enrique Sánchez SumozasConsultant in Digital Emerging [email protected]

Iván de Ramón IbáñezAnalyst in Digital Emerging [email protected]

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Quantum computing is no longer science fiction

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