quarantotto dtp grafica editoriale | susana stefanoni pinto

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”Il mio progetto editoriale raccoglie glielaborati scolastici e del mio breve percorso professionale realizzati duranteil mio primo anno in Italia”


Page 1: Quarantotto DTP Grafica Editoriale | Susana Stefanoni Pinto

SusanaStefanoni Pinto


Page 2: Quarantotto DTP Grafica Editoriale | Susana Stefanoni Pinto

Informazioni Personali/Personal Information

Cittadinanza/Citizenship: Messicana/MexicanNascita/Birthday: 29.01.1984Indirizzo/Address: Via Palmanova 189, 20132 MilanoCellulare/Cell phone: +39 320 220 6938E-mail: [email protected] web/site web: www.susanastefanoni.com

Formazione/Academic Background

> Master in Visual Design, Scuola Politecnica di Design, Milano (2010-2011)> Corso Post-Laurea di Tecniche di Vendita/Postgraduate course of Sales Techniques, ITESM Campus Guadalajara, Messico (2007-2008)> Laurea in Scienze della Comunicazione/Bachelor in Science of Communication, ITESM Campus Guadalajara, Messico (2002-2007)

Esperienza Lavorativa/Work Experience

> Tirocinio/stage, Studio ‘48-Polifemo, Fabbrica del Vapore, Milano (sept-dic 2011)> Promotore di Master e di Corsi Post-Laurea/Promoter of Master & Postgraduate courses, ITESM Campus Guadalajara, Messico (2007-2010)> Designer/Media Planning, ITESM Campus Guadalajara, Messico (2005-2007)


> Spagnolo/Spanish (madrelingua/native speaker)> Italiano/Italian> Inglese/English

Programmi Informatici/Softwares

> Piattaforma/Platform Mac & Windows> Office (Word,Power Point,Excell)> Adobe (InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator)> QuarkXpress


> Cucinare/Cooking> Viaggiare/Travel> Fotografia/Photography> Sport (Pallavolo/Volley Ball)> Cinema> Leggere/Reading

Page 3: Quarantotto DTP Grafica Editoriale | Susana Stefanoni Pinto


“È la rappresentazione visiva di un soggetto attraverso una particolare struttura estetica, che svolgela funzione di comunicare lo stesso messaggio in un ambiente variabile”

“Is the visual representationof a subject through a particular aesthetic structure, which functionis communicating the same messagein a variable enviroment”


Corporate Identity

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Italia, Italy

L’idea era creareuna nuova immagine coordinata doveil protagonista è stato il colore. Il progetto comprende: il logo,il catalogo dei prodotti,la carta intestata, la busta e il biglietto da visita

The idea was to createa new corporate identity where the color was the principal character.This project includes: the logo, the catalogue of the products, the letterhead, the envolope and also the business card

1825 Serralunga

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Messico, Mexico

Il obiettivo era fare una immagine coordinataper questo studio legale e doveva essere semplice però al stesso molto formale. Ho fatto il logo,il biglietto da visitae la carta intestata

The aim was to do a corporate identity for this law firm and it had tobe simple but at the same time formal. I did the the logo and some basic applications

Orozco y Lobera

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Gianna Messico, Mexico

Per questa pasticceria c’era bisogno de una immagine divertentee per poter iniziare conil negozio ho fatto il logo,il biglietto da visitae dei sacchettiper la merce

This bakery needed a funny and fresh image,so in order to start it upi did the logo,the business card and the bags

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“Disegno editoriale non è solo leggibilità o seduzione,si tratta di creare un ambienteche rifletta i valori del contenuto”

“Editorial design is not just about readability or seduction, it is about creating an environment that reflects the values of the content”


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Italia, Italy

Il obiettivo di questo progetto è stato megliorare il catalogo esistente. Le regole erano: vietato usare le immagini e colori, solo bianco/nero

The goal of this project was to redesign the existing catalogue of this company. The rules was: prohibited using images and also colours, just black and white

Hyphen Press

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Italia, Italy

Questo progetto è statoil primo workshopdel master e nell trascorso de una settimana,il obiettivo era fareun catalogo fotograficodi un elemento della Scuola Politecnica di Design, noi abbiamo scelto le lampede, perché ogni una aveva la sua personalità ed erano presenti ovunque

This project was the first workshop of the master and in one week we had to make a catalogue of one element present in the Scuola Politecnica di Design, we chose the lamps, because each of one had a strong personality and also because were everywhere


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Italia, Italy

Utilizzando gli elementi del feng shui (acqua,terra,metallo, fuoco e legno) come base di partenza abbiamo fatto una serie di catalogui dove ogni elemento diventava il protagonista e aveva un stato d’animo particolare

Using the elements of feng shui (water,earth, metal, fire and wood) as a starting point, we did a series of catalog where each element became the protagonist and each of one had a particular mood

1825 Serralunga

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Italia, Italy

Con questo progetto volevo fare un omaggio di questo evento che ha lasciato una impronta non solo nel mondo del design, seno anche in altri aspetti

With this project I wanted to do a tribute of this event that has left an imprint not just in the design world but alsoin other aspects

Messico 68/Mexico 68

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Italia, Italy

Per descrivere una delle più grandi opere di Diego Velazquez ho scelto come strumento un racconto per i bambini per poter spiegare la mia teoriadi como è stata dipinta

To describe one of the most famous master pieces painted by Diego Velazquez I chose a fairy tale as an instrument to explain my theoryof how it was painted

Las Meninas

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Italia, Italy

Ho fatto un pieghevole usando questa frase de Hermann Zapf riguardo al lettering e per dimostrare questa tesi ho usato l’eleganza del Zapfinoe la semplicità del’Optima

I did this folding using a frase of Hermann Zapf about lettering andfor demostrate his theory i used the elegance of Zapfino and the simplicity of Optima


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Studio 48 Italia, Italy

Scegliendo i migliori esempi di ogni una categoria e usando una identità semplice e funzionale, abbiamo potuto fare il depliant di questo studio grafico

Chossing the best examples of each category and using a simple and useful identity, we could do a booklet of this graphic studio

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InvideoItalia, Italy

Invideo ogni anno organiza una mostradi video e cinemae per farlo conoscere avevano bisogno diun catalogo con tuttigli espositori insiemea un programma, un poster e degli inviti web

Invideo each year organize an event about video and cinema and to make it known this company needed a catalogue with all the exhibitors, a programwith all the activities,a poster and alsothe web invitations

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“Struttura mentale usata per capiree conoscere l’ambiente”

“Mental structure used to understand and know the environment”


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Italia, Italy

Per prima volta nella mia vita ho fatto dei pittogrammi e ho dovuto rappresentare dei temi difficili

For the fisrt time in my life I did a pictograms andI had to representa difficult topics


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Italia, Italy

Telecomunicazioni, interesante e nuovo tema sull Messico, ha inspirato questa infografica

Telecommunications, an interesting and new topic about Mexico, inspired this infographic


Susana Stefanoni

MAY 2ND, 2011

Telecommunicationsin Mexico

The telecommunications industry is dominated by Telmex privatized in 1990. Telmex has diversified its operations by incorporating Internet service and mobile telephony. It has also expanded its operations to Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Ecuador and the United States. Telmex owns

offers broadcast, telephone& telecommunication services to

37 countries from Canada to Argentina.



In March 2011, Forbes stated that Carlos Slim is the

wealthiest person in the world, his fortune estimated at

$74 billion & also is the first time the person at the top of

the list was from an"emerging economy"

making it surpassed China, South Korea and Taiwan to become the largest producer of smartphones in the world.

Mexico has recently emerged as a majorproducer of communications technology.

Telcel is the leading provider of wireless communications services in Mexico. In 2006, Telcel's cellular network covered




million internet hosts 7.6



1410radio broadcaststations

In 2008,Mexicomanufactured 130million mobile phones

90 % of Mexico'spopulation

In 2007 Telcel had approximately over

57 million cellularsubscribers

90 % the telephonelines in Mexico

The television broadcasting market became dominated by Televisa (the

largest Spanish media company in the Spanish-speaking world) and TvAzteca.

In 2009, there are

ranking eight in the world &

* Carlos Slim is the owner of Telcel & Telmex.

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Susana Stefanoni

MAY 2ND, 2011

Telecommunicationsin Mexico

The telecommunications industry is dominated by Telmex privatized in 1990. Telmex has diversified its operations by incorporating Internet service and mobile telephony. It has also expanded its operations to Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Ecuador and the United States. Telmex owns

offers broadcast, telephone& telecommunication services to

37 countries from Canada to Argentina.



In March 2011, Forbes stated that Carlos Slim is the

wealthiest person in the world, his fortune estimated at

$74 billion & also is the first time the person at the top of

the list was from an"emerging economy"

making it surpassed China, South Korea and Taiwan to become the largest producer of smartphones in the world.

Mexico has recently emerged as a majorproducer of communications technology.

Telcel is the leading provider of wireless communications services in Mexico. In 2006, Telcel's cellular network covered




million internet hosts 7.6



1410radio broadcaststations

In 2008,Mexicomanufactured 130million mobile phones

90 % of Mexico'spopulation

In 2007 Telcel had approximately over

57 million cellularsubscribers

90 % the telephonelines in Mexico

The television broadcasting market became dominated by Televisa (the

largest Spanish media company in the Spanish-speaking world) and TvAzteca.

In 2009, there are

ranking eight in the world &

* Carlos Slim is the owner of Telcel & Telmex.

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Italia, Italy

Abbiamo fatto una segnaletica esclusivamenteper i pedoni nella zonadel Naviglio, perchépurtroppo solo c’è per le machine. Per dare personalità al progetto, abbiamo scelto i colorie anche delle textureche caratterizzanoquesta zona

We did a wayfinding system just for pedestrians people, because in this zone there is only a signage for the cars. To give personality to the project we took the colours and the shapes characterized of this area

Attraversando/Crossing Navigli

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Attraversando/Crossing Navigli

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“Complicare è facile, semplificare e difficile. Per complicare basta aggiungere tutto quello che si vuole: colori, forme... Tutti sono capaci di complicare, pochi sono capaci di semplificare”

“Complicating it’s easy, it is difficult to simplify. To complicate just add everything you want: colors, shapes... Anyone can complicate the things, but few are able to simplify”


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Posgrados ITESM Messico, Mexico

Per promuovere questi corsi post-laurea ho fatto questa newsletter che fa parte di una campagnache ha il obiettivo di cercare nuovi clientiper il anno prossimo

To promoting this postgraduate coursesI did this newsletter that it’s part of a campaign with the purpose of searching new clientsfor the next year

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Italia, Italy

Design Talks è un ciclo di conferenze che offre la Scuola Politecnica di Design, sebbene questa informazione è del 2009, ci ha servito per sapere come fare la gerarchia della informazione contenute in un poster

Design Talks is a series of lectures offered by the Scuola Politecnica di Design, although this information is from 2009 served as a practice to learn the hierarchy of the information containedin a poster


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Safety Gas Italia, Italy

Questo banner forma parte di una campagnadi prevenzione della azienda Safety Gas

This banner is part ofthe prevention campaign of this company

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BicinfestaItalia, Italy

Per fare promuovereil evento Bicinfesta che organiza Ciclobby ogni anno a Milano, ho fatto una locandina con un tono divertente essendoil protagonista la bicicletta

To promoting this event called Bicinfesta that organized Ciclobby each year in Milano, I dida funny poster where the bike being the protagonist

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Yogurt Italia, Italy

L’idea era rifare il imballaggio di questo yogurt mantenendoil contenitore originale

The idea was to redisegn the yogurt packaging keeping the originalglass container

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Susana Stefanoni [email protected]+39 320 220 6938

Ringraziamenti/Thanks to

> Marco Pea> Gianluca Pirotta> Ambra Zeni

Grafica: Susana Stefanoni PintoStampa: Studio 48carta uso mano 100 grs