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Quarterly Report (April – June 2014) June ’2014 SESEI 1 Update on Project Activities (Generic).......................2 2 Update on Standardization Activities (Sectorial).............4 3 Events Participation by SESEI...............................16 4 Glossary……………...............................................18 5 Planned Activities for Next Quarters........................19 6 Contact Lists…….............................................20 0 | Page

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Quarterly Report(April – June 2014)

June ’2014


1 Update on Project Activities (Generic)....................................................................................22 Update on Standardization Activities (Sectorial).....................................................................43 Events Participation by SESEI.................................................................................................164 Glossary……………...................................................................................................................185 Planned Activities for Next Quarters.....................................................................................196 Contact Lists…….....................................................................................................................20

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1 Update on Project Activities (Generic)

1.1 BIS ACT Amendment

Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is in the process of amending the Bureau of Indian Standards Act ,1986. The BIS (Amendment) Bill 2012 was earlier introduced in the Lok Sabha on 3rd May 2012 that was referred by the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Food, Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution. It was not approved last time and now with the formation of a new Government at the center, the Bill needs to be re-introduced and has been revised further. The New Draft for Amendment of the BIS Act has now been prepared which is available on the FICCI’s website. Few following could be noted as positive amendments proposed:

a) Proposed to be more clearer, transparent and possibly simplified

b) Services included under the scope of BIS

c) Standards Mark definition updated to include mark of International body or institution.

d) Accreditation of International Body included

e) Standard Mark is linked with each conformity assessment scheme which is broadened by including category of situation such as exports.

f) Recognize the mark of other international body or institution at par with the BIS Standard Mark

g) Include recognition, membership of other international organizations in addition to ISO and IEC; Obtain membership in regional, international and foreign bodies having objects similar to that of the Bureau and participate in international standards setting processes;

h) Open system of appointment of members by inviting applications for membership in committees: As per the decision of the Bureau, persons other than members of the Bureau can also become members of the Executive and Advisory Committees;

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i) Annual review of composition of committees based on evaluation of contributions made by members and system of replacing non-contributing members with those showing interest to participate. Creation of Standards Management Board for overseeing standards formulation activity;

j) Adoption of standards of other Standards Developing Organizations; as per the decision of the Bureau, persons other than members of the Bureau can also become members of the Executive and Advisory Committees, coordinate, interact and manage the international, multilateral and bilateral interaction with other international, regional or national standards bodies from other countries;

k) Funding of R&D Projects for formulating standards: The Bureau shall undertake, support and promote such research as may be necessary for formulation of Indian Standards.

1.2 Member of Indo-German Member Query/Advice for obtaining European Technical Approval - 5/5/2014:

EBTC was contacted by the Indo-German Chamber seeking advice on the procedures for obtaining European Technical Approval (ETA) for their product, which is a type of structural bearing. EBTC in turn contacted SESEI for assistance on this matter. SESEI explained the process of CE Marking while another organization EOTA provided specific information on ETA (http://www.eota.eu/en-GB/content/how-to-apply-for-an-eta/19/).

1.3 Email from Mr Maxiilian von Laer doing PhD on standards, University of Berlin - 16/5/14:

Mr Maxiilian von Laer doing PhD on standards contacted SESEI after finding out the project details from website eustandards.in and asked for possible cooperation and need based approach with questions regarding the Indian markets. SESEI replied email positively and assured all possible support.

1.4 Email from Mr. CELLINI Maurizio (EEAS-NEW DELHI) for R&D and Innovation update/information in India.

Mr. CELLINI Maurizio (EEAS-NEW DELHI) contacted SESEI and asked for R&D and Innovation related material needed for inclusion in a "Qualitative Country Report" on research & innovation in India. SESEI while clarifying that R&D and Innovation is not in scope of SESEI project assisted with the following information:

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i. Refer Section 4 on page 26-29 on project SESEI report available at http://eustandards.in/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Indian-Landscape-around-Standardizations-Policy-RD-and-Innovation_July-2013.pdf

ii. ICT&E R&D Policy 2012

iii. Telecom Sector Roadmap for Innovation 2010-2020

iv. Report_to_the_People_2012 & 13 by NIC available at http://www.innovationcouncil.gov.in/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=90&Itemid=109

v. Report by EBG;

vi. STI Policy 2013 available at http://www.dst.gov.in/sti-policy-eng.pdf

2 Update on Standardization Activities (Sectorial)

2.1 Automotive

3.1.1 M2M Working Group on Automotive meeting - 6/5/2014:

The first Automobile Work Group Meeting was held on 11 April, 2014 at TEC, New Delhi, which was followed by a Conference call on 6th May 2014. The main decisons and action agreed were:

• The volunteers nominated for leadership positions were Mr. Anuj Ashokan from Tata Tele Services Limited (TTL) as Chairman. Mr. Madhusudan (Tata Motors) as Rapporteur. Mr Sethumadhavan (Huawei) & Mr Rajeev Tyagi from Telecommunication Engineering Center (TEC) as Co -Rapporteurs.

• Members agreed to have fortnightly conference calls.

• TTL shared the various use cases applicable for Indian market along with the proposed architecture overview.

• Mr Sethumadhavan (Huawei) shared the architecture of automobile service delivery platform and highlighted the need to support B2B2C business model. Also agreed to share the platform requirements to support B2B and B2C scenarios.

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• Mr TP Malik (I-diagnosis) agreed to share the additional use cases as applicable for India.

• Mr Shamik (M2M Wire) shared the importance of embedded connectivity in vehicles and need for regulations and policy around the same.

• Mr Navin (M2M Wire) expressed interest in helping to invite more representation from user community to create scope of the activities and get the relevant organization from automobile community on board.

During the conference call the following agenda items were discussed:

• Work on making the use cases as descriptive and widespread as possible, to ensure it covers all aspects of Indian geography.

• Work towards standardizing the instrumentation layer, to support various different types of use cases. As mobility would be the main aspect of M2M Automobile vertical, impact and challenges of different RAN technologies needs to be derived. Obtain service layer requirements for GAP analysis of M2M architecture.

• Work on protocols to be used both at southbound and northbound interfaces.

• SESEI gave brief update on ETSI SmartM2M, ITS and oneM2M work

SESEI is monitoring the progress of this working group and aligning the work with ETSI (SmartM2M, ITS and oneM2M communities) and CEN.

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3.1.2 Meeting with ETSI TC ITS Technical Officer - Mr. Martin ARNDT: 3/6/2014

SESEI met with Mr. Martin Arndt, TC ITS Technical officer while at ETSI. The meeting was scheduled to discuss ITS development in India and explore co-operation, exchange of updates around ITS, eCALL at ETSI, 3GPP, ITU, CEN, etc.

SESEI updated Mr. Arndt about the status and activity ongoing around the topic of ITS in India. He provided feedback /status of standardization activity at ETSI and proposed connecting SESEI with stakeholder working on this subject at level of 3GPP and eCall.

With the help of ETSI and CEN, SESEI will collect more update on this subject of ITS from other parties such as 3GPP, eCall and use it for aligning with the work being accomplished in the Technical Committees/Working Groups in TEC, TSDSI and BIS.

3.1.3 Meeting with Mr. Thierry Legrand - 6/6/2014:

SESEI had a meeting with the CCMC ITS Program Manager Mr. Thierry Legrand, to discuss ITS Standardization activities in India. The meeting provided an opportunity to explain the latest developments in India around ITS standards development and ISO Standards adoption by BIS. The CCMC representative briefed SESEI on the state of play in Europe in ITS and provided an update. The exchange of information was required to debate and discuss the need to promote CEN-CENECLEC approach and deliverables in India, through the SESEI channel. SESEI will continue working on this subject with CCMC, ETSI and other stakeholders.

3.1.4 Third conference of Automotive WG of TEC: 12/6/2014

SESEI is regularly participating in the TEC formed M2M working groups on various verticals. The third conference call of the Automotive Working group was held on 12 th June 2014. The Conference Call was scheduled to discuss the progress and way forwards on Automotive Use cases and associated standards developments.

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SESEI attended the conference call and suggested to focus on Use cases as applicable for Indian transport sector. A Post Identification team shall do the GAP analysis between existing Standards and current use cases. This GAP analysis exercise will provide us with the following information:

• Prepare landscape of available global standards as of today and assess whether they are meeting the Indian requirements.

• If existing but not meeting the requirements, suggest modification to respective standard owner to suit Indian requirements.

• If there is no existing standard available for a specific use case, it shall be developed in India for its usage and shared with global community for its possible usage as well.

SESEI as a follow-up shared with the group an update on progress in ETSI, 3GPP, CEN, ISO, e-call on draft use cases complied by the team with the help of ETSI, 3GPP, eCALL expert and CCMC etc. Working Group member appreciated the compilation and found it very useful.

2.2 Electrical Equipment including Consumer Electronics

3.2.1 IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) Launches Indian Low-Voltage DC (LVDC) Forum: 14/4/2014

Knowing about the launch of the Indian Low-Voltage DC Forum by IEEE the SESEI took the opportunity to discuss with Mr. Vimal Mahendru [Past President IEEMA and M/s Legrand Group representative in India], Mr. Herve Gauthier and other CCMC officials on this matter and in particular for obtaining more information on standardization activities in this area in Europe. The investigation resulted that currently IEC SMB/SG4 (LVDC distribution systems up to 1500V DC) is addressing this subject. SESEI shared the LVDC Forum report with CCMC for their update/feedback. SESEI will continue working on this subject in close coordination with CEN-CENELEC and Indian Stakeholders.

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3.2.2 Meeting with Mr. Wim De Kesel (IEC SMB SG4 - LVDC convener) at CCMC Office - 5/6/2014:

SESEI met with Mr. Wim De Kesel (LVDC convener) at CCMC Office to discuss IEEE’s LVDC Forum initiative and associated activities in India and IEC and CENELEC’s strategy to deal with this matter.

SESEI presented progress and status update on LVDC Forum in India. Meeting was very fruitful as it provided a way-forward to address this topic appropriately in future. Few follow-up action items were agreed for which SESEI provided the feedback to Mr. Kesel which are as follows;

• Direct Current [DC] microgrid, DC commercial building and DC powered homes constructed by the Indian Central Power Research Institute (CPRI) and other third parties. CPRI will test DC on Alternating Current [AC] appliances and equipment and install photovoltaic panels to provided DC. The system will include storage, distribution, and protection of the DC system, as well as the interconnection to the utility AC system;

• Informed decisions to proceed with low voltage and medium voltage (up to 600 volts) DC powered systems. The activity proposers are aware of two IEEE-SA Industry Connection activities which are closely related to this effort;

• DC in the Home Systems and Components for Energy Routers. Additionally, the proposer [IEEE]is aware of two consortia which are investigating similar issues:

• EMerge Alliance DC initiative,

• DC Components and Grids (DCC-G) in Europe.

• The activity will be funded by contributions from the participants in the form of cash, equipment, and/or in-kind services.

• The CPRI is also expected to contribute resources and provide the test bed environment. No IEEE sponsoring committee but an executive committee will oversee the program. List of participant include ABB, CEA, CPRI, CROMPTON GREAVES, EMERSON, GE, IBM, INFOSYS, ISGF, JUWI, PANASONIC, PHILIPS, Schneider-Electric and SIEMENS.

SESEI will continue working on this subject with CCMC and Mr Wim De Kesel in order to align the efforts on this topic with IEC/CENELEC.

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3.2.3 India-EU Workshop on Research & Innovation on Information and Communication Technology and Electronics (ICTE) - 29/4/2014:

The EU Delegation to India organized a workshop on Research and Innovation around the topic of Information and Communication Technology and Electronics (ICTE) in conjunction with the Department of Electronics & IT under the Ministry of Communication & IT. The Workshop was inaugurated by Mr. J. Satyanarayana, Secretary, DeitY and Mr. Pavel Svitil, Deputy Head of Delegation of the European Union to India. The main topics discussed and presented during the workshop were:

• R&D Cooperation between India and Europe on Innovation, incubation, mobility in the ICTE sector;

• Pairing of innovation clusters, incubators, and accelerators and identification of 4-5 cluster organizations and business incubators/accelerators suitable for partnering and mentoring opportunities;

• Collaborative efforts with Academic/Institutional Research;

• Enhanced institutional linkages (e.g. between universities and labs such as CDAC, CMET, MLA/ITRA). Future Roadmap for cooperation in area of R&D and joint academic and Research Initiatives & Exchange Programs;

• Update on Electronic System Design and Manufacturing Investment Opportunities in India and opportunities for R&D.

SESEI attended this workshop by electronic means to gain insight into the topics and ongoing discussion.

3.2.4 Meeting with Mr. Sunil Mishra, DG, IEEMA (Indian Electrical & Electronics Manufacturers Association) - 13/5/2014:

Meeting with Mr. Sunil Mishra, the Director-General of IEEMA (Indian Electrical & Electronics Manufacturers Association) was scheduled to a) Congratulate him for his appointment as DG b) Share information about the Project SESEI c) Update him and his team member about EU progress on standards development in the area of Smart Grid, Smart Meter and e-Mobility, d) Discuss the CCMC-BIS joint event/workshop proposal, and e) Seek their support and feedback on Industry support and participation.

The highlights of the discussions were:

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• Introduction and sharing of details about Project SESEI

• Progress in the field of Smart Grid, Smart Meter by European Standards Organizations and proposed workshop in Q4-2014.

• Discussions were also held around IEEMA planned event in Jan 2015 “Intellect” along with IEEE and BIS.

SESEI will check with CCMC for possible expert participation in this proposed event "Intellect" by IEEMA and continue working with this association and industry for their support towards joint workshop of CCMC with BIS. SESEI also requested IEEMA office to possibly include SESEI in the mailing list for the news and any other important information related to electronics and electrical and allied equipment.

3.2.5 Meeting with Mr. Kishore N Narang of Narnix - 19/5/2014:

Meeting held with Mr. Kishore Narang from Narnix Technologies to discuss the smart grid architecture requirements. SESEI presented the work done by the ESOs and shared all publicly available reports. This meeting with Narnix technology has the potential for future considerations in aligning the Smart Grid work in India with the ESOs Smart Grid Coordination Group work performed in the EU and, on other level, with the work done in Global Standards organization. SESEI will continue supporting such request and initiatives.

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2.3 Machinery

3.3.1 Meeting with BIS – International Relation Department (IRD) and submission of CEN CENELEC response to EN115 license agreement - 17/4/2014:

SESEI scheduled a meeting with BIS-IRD officials to discuss several ongoing actions and in particular the proposals for establishing a PSB (Partner Standardization Body) with CEN/CENELEC and for organizing a joint workshop in Q4-2014 with CEN/CENELEC.

As per the discussion held during the meeting the following conclusions were taken:

• BIS IRD indicated that EN115 adoption is not needed anymore since the BIS Technical committee responsible for this sector has already developed a draft standard on it which is under print at this stage: Electrotechnical division ETD25 has finalized this standard and is listed as part of their manual as FINALISED DRAFTS UNDER PRINT: DOC.ETD 25(6607) Escalators and moving walks Part 1: Safety requirements.

• Proposal of PSB will be submitted internally by BIS for their management and legal feedback. SESEI clarified that PSB is the right step forward at this stage instead of MoU because MoU is normally used to kick start co-operation with ultimate objective as PSB only. Our ongoing engagement has already reached an advance stage which means PSB is most appropriate.

• Proposal to hold a joint workshop - BIS IRD will look forward for a formal proposal towards this proposed joint workshop.

SESEI will follow-up feedback on PSB proposal and work with CCMC for a formal submission of proposed workshop agenda and timelines to conduct the joint workshop successfully.

2.4 ICT including Services

3.4.1 The first meeting of joint working groups of M2M verticals at TEC, New Delhi, in the chairmanship of Senior DDG - 11/4/2014:

The first meeting of the joint M2M Working Groups created by TEC was held on 11 th April 2014 under the Chairmanship of Mr. A.K.Mital, Senior DDG TEC. The Working Groups constituted by the TEC to undertake M2M related work are as under;

• Working group Power

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• Working group Automotive • Working group Surveillance • Working group Health • Working group M2M Gateway & Architecture

Since many members are in more than one working group the meeting of all working groups was held on the same day.

The following points were in the agenda:

• Election of Chairman and Rapporteur • Five main task to be undertaken by each group• Discussion on tasks to be undertaken and use cases, collected/sent from each member

of the group.• Action plan• Next meeting date (possible dates)

SESEI contributed towards the discussions by sharing an update on ETSI’s SmartM2M and oneM2M including other working groups relevant for this area. SESEI will continue working and provide updates/contribution toward the working group on topics of interest such Automotive (ITS), Power (Smart Meter, Smart Grid), Surveillance (Public Safety), Health (eHealth) and M2M Architecture (oneM2M).

3.4.2 LTE India Conference 2014: 8/5/2014

LTE Conference 2014 was organized by Bharat Exhibitions on 8th May 2014. It was the 6th edition of the LTE Conference in India supported by 3GPP. Mr. Adrian Scrase Head of 3GPP MCC and ETSI CTO along with SESEI were invited as distinguished speakers for the conference inaugural session.

The LTE India conference is being supported by 3GPP since 2010 to propagate the LTE Technologies and standardization efforts being carried out at 3GPP and ETSI. This International conference provides an excellent and remarkable interactive platform to the Telecom industry professionals in the form of conference since last one decade. SESEI utilized this opportunity to reconnect, network with the sector heavy weights, shared project SESEI and highlighted strong need for India to participate and contribute towards development of standards especially for technologies shaping our world, EU standards development activities by ETSI, its global harmonization and re-emphasize the strong need of a continuous dialogue between India and European standards bodies.

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3.4.3 Various Meetings during the visit of Mr. Adrian Scrase Head of 3GPP MCC and ETSI CTO to India: 8/5/2014

Mr. Adrian Scrase, Chief Technical Officer, ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute and Head of 3GPP MCC (Mobile Competence Core), visited India on 8-9 May 2014. The main objective of his visit was to attend and participate in the LTE India conference 2014. To utilize the ETSI CTO visit effectively, SESEI organized meetings with the Department of Telecommunications (DoT), Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) and officials of the Indian companies who are members of ETSI and also with the BNP Paribas bank officials responsible for ETSI Liaison office bank account opening.

Meeting with Additional Secretary and team members from DoT was organized to exchange update on progress of TSDSI, its observer status at 3GPP and way forward.

Meeting with BIS was organized to discuss the closure of MoU between BIS and ETSI associated with adoption of Mobile terminal standards.

The main objective of the meeting with the Indian ETSI members was to;

• Apprise members of all the latest standardization work being carried out at ETSI, update on the various clusters formed and the committees created, including a discussion on the latest important topics and technologies taking prominence in Europe.

• To understand the profile of the member company, the services / products being offered by the respective organization and the various ETSI, 3GPP committees in which they are participating and contributing.

• How best the partnership can be strengthened between ETSI and Indian companies

• Introduction of Project SESEI.

A detailed report on this visit was prepared and submitted to ETSI Secretariat. All the meetings were very fruitful.

SESEI also arranged an invitation for Mr. Scrase to attend the Europe day gala hosted by EU delegation to India.

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3.4.4 Lunch Meeting with Mr. Alexander Klaus from EU Delegation and Mr. Asok Chatterjee (TSDSI): 13/5/2014

Meeting was organized by SESEI on the request of EU Delegation official Mr. Klaus to understand the progress of TSDSI, what they think about the proposed action on ICT standards between EU and India. The meeting was very positive and TSDSI expressed their support to the EU delegation initiatives.

3.4.5 Audio conference TEC M2M_Health: 15/5/2014

SESEI was invited to participate in conference call with the TEC’s M2M Working Group on eHealth held on 15th May 2014. SESEI attended to better understand and grasp ongoing work in this important area. The meeting covered the following topics:

• Discuss different “M2M health” use cases specific for India

• Continue progress of this WG and align the standards development exercise with ETSI/oneM2M work

3.4.6 Meeting with Mr. Marcello Pagnozzi ETSI Technical Officer for TC Environmental Engineering (EE) - 3/6/2014:

SESEI met with Mr. Marcello Pagnozzi at ETSI office to discuss Energy Efficiency Standards development in India, MoU with the Telecommunication Engineering Center (TEC) and exchange of updates around Energy Efficiency.

SESEI updated Mr. Marcello about the status and activity ongoing around the topic of Energy Efficiency in India, MoU with TEC.

Mr. Pagnozzi provided update on proposed Joint TC-EE meeting/workshop with ITU-T SG5/WP3 in India planned for 16-19 December 2014 where ETSI will have its EEPS WG meeting (1 day), a drafting session of joint WIs in SQ17 (2 days) and the TC-EE plenary meeting with a session for the joint approval of the deliverable: “Assessment of mobile network energy efficiency” (ref.: DES/EE-EEPS005, ES 203 228).

SESEI assured local support and coordination for the visiting delegates, invite relevant stakeholder from India and confirmed his attendance. SESEI will continue working with Mr. Pagnozzi and extend all possible support to make this joint initiative a success.

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3.4.7 TEC M2M Gateway and Architecture WG conference call - 12/6/2014:

Conference call was held to discuss the progress and way forward in relation to the M2M architecture. SESEI attended this call and suggested that this working group shall first adopt the soon to be released harmonized architecture by oneM2M project, analyze its completeness from Indian Use cases prospective. If any changes are needed, same proposal shall be prepared and submitted to oneM2M WG through TSDSI/TEC. SESEI will continue working on this subject of importance with the help of ETSI and possibly CEN.

3.4.8 Meeting with Telecom Center of Excellence (TCOE) Officials along with Mr Alexander Klaus of EU Delegation office - 13/6/2014:

On the request of TCOE, SESEI organized a joint meeting between the EU delegation and TCOE to explore co-operation in the field of R&D and Innovation. The meeting was very positive and the highlights of the discussions are as under:

TCOE discussed on best approach to work together on the subject of R&D and Innovation.

Mr. Klaus gave an update around offerings as part of Horizon 2020. Other possible actions and co-operation venues were discussed.

3.4.9 Meeting with Ms. Shilpi Batra Director - Editorial & MarCom m2mpaper.com - 19/6/2014:

On request meeting was scheduled with Ms. Shilpi Batra, Director M2MPaper.

M2M Paper is relatively a new organization working specifically on highlighting the M2M technologies in India. The main objective of the meeting was to explore possible cooperation and support between SESEI and M2MPaper.com on a best possible way for the mutual benefit and for working together on the subject of machine-to-machine and (m2m) and internet of things (IoT) standardization in India.

The following opportunities for future collaboration were envisaged;

Explore possible participation in M2M Conferences and events organized by M2Mpapers.com where standards are part of agenda;

Explore possibly to contribute white papers, articles for M2Mpaper.com;14 | P a g e

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Access to the M2Mpaper.com network of experts for potential participation in events organized by SESEI where M2M subject is discussed

SESEI in coordination with ETSI/CEN-CENELEC will address any follow-up action from M2MPaper.com in the future.

3 Events Participation by SESEI 3.1 Executive Board Networking Reception and Dinner held in conjunction with the 2014

APAC Best Practices Conference - 7/4/2014:

QuEST Forum Executive Board and the APAC Region Leadership team and executives from across the globe participated in this event to share passion for strengthening the communications technologies industry’s quality experience for customers worldwide.

The program discussion and roundtable featured QuEST Forum Executive Board members and Key Executives from India and across the globe followed by Dinner.

This Dinner meeting invite gave SESEI an opportunity to network and stay in contact with the ICT industry officials, know more about Quest Forum’s activities in India while promoting Project SESEI.

3.2 EU-India Investment Seminar Series: Brainstorming sessions on Enhancing EU on Investments and Promoting Growth and Employment - 15/4/2014:

In order to connect with EU Stakeholders in India, Understand their business/trade bottlenecks/barriers and other issues associated with EU investment in India SESEI attended a workshop organized by the EU delegation to India. The Workshop focused on enhancing investment and promoting growth and employment between India and Europe. Key stakeholders from India and the EU participated and engaged in the brainstorming activity. Workshop was organized to focus on assimilating insights on India's investment climate from EU investors, EU companies seeking to invest in India and EU Chambers of Commerce, business groups and member states, among others. The key proceedings and findings of the event, coupled with background research, was presented by experts specifically selected to focus on the seminar series in the form of a brief and comprehensive policy document. The outcome document will be presented to the Indian government that emerges from the national elections as a constructive contribution to future policy in the field of investment.

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The specific EU-India trade context, characterized by the ongoing bilateral negotiations on a comprehensive trade and investment agreement, strongly influence the two key messages that were put across:

a) Identify and communicate circumstances under which, EU investors will be willing to invest and /or enhance foreign direct investments in India and

b) Communicate the benefits of FDI inflows from EU companies in India particularly along the theme – 'Investments generate Growth and Growth generates Employment'.

This Workshop was an opportunity to understand the investment climate perspective and networking with EU Industry in India.

3.3 Project Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting organized by Eurochambers and EBTC - 6/5/2014:

Project SESEI was invited by EBTC to attend their PAC meeting to introduce Project SESEI and discuss about the subject of Standards harmonization which was one of the subjects for discussion during the meeting. The Project Advisory Committee (PAC) meeting is a bi-annual meeting opportunity to interact with relevant EU stakeholders, including the EU Delegation to India and different Member States representatives. During this meeting EBTC presented the main achievements of the last period. The discussions aimed at incorporating the various EU interests in EBTC and were useful to frame EBTC within the EU-India policy dialogue.

A roundtable discussion was held with participation from each Member State having fundamental role in providing strategic advice to the management of EBTC. Along with the Projects incubated at EBTC, SESEI participated in the meeting and gave a brief about Project SESEI, how it is working closely with EBTC on the subject of Standards and IPR and assured the participant of closely working with EBTC and its members on the subject of Standards and IPR

3.4 Release of EICC Report - European Companies in India: Reigniting Economic Growth - 7/5/2014:

Europe India Chambers of Commerce (EICC) and European Business Group (EBG), organized an event to release the Report providing details on the Investments and trade Interest of European Countries in India.

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Page 18: Quarterly Report April-June 2014eustandards.in/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Quarterly... · Web viewMr Sethumadhavan (Huawei) shared the architecture of automobile service delivery

SESEI attended the event and used this opportunity to meet with the EBG members and the members of the Europe India Chambers of Commerce. The report is a very comprehensive compilation of the investments made by European Countries in India in a sector wise manner. The Report also contains concrete measures on how EU Companies can make India a growth center and avoid the common pitfalls of doing business in the country.

4 Glossary

GlossaryS.No. Acronym Expansion1 ARAI Automotive Research Association of India2 B2B2C Business to Business to Consumer3 BIS Bureau of Indian Standards4 CA Chartered Accountant5 CDAC Centre for Development of Advanced Computing6 CDoT Centre for Development of Telematics7 C-MET Centre for Materials for Electronics Technology8 COAI Cellular Operators Association of India9 DCC-G DC Components and Grids10 DeitY Department of Electronics and Information Technology11 DoT Department of Telecommunications, (GoI)12 EBG European Business Group13 EBTC European Business Technology Center14 EC European Commission15 EFTA European Free Trade Association16 EICC Europe India Chambers of Commerce17 ETA European Technical Approval18 ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute19 ETD Electrotechnical division20 EU European Union21 FICCI Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry22 FTA Free Trade Agreement23 GA General Assembly

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Page 19: Quarterly Report April-June 2014eustandards.in/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Quarterly... · Web viewMr Sethumadhavan (Huawei) shared the architecture of automobile service delivery

24 GSC Global Standards Collaboration25 EEAS European External Action Service26 ICTE Information Communication Technology & Electronics)27 IEC International Electrotechnical Commission28 IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers29 IEEE - SA Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers – Standards Association30 IoT Internet of Things31 IPR Intellectual Property Rights32 ISO International Organization for Standardization,33 ITS Intelligent Transport System34 JPG Joint President Group35 LVDC Low Voltage DC Forum36 M2M Machine to Machine37 MCC Mobile Competence Core38 MEDC Mechanical Engineering Division Council

39 MLA - ITRA Media Lab Asia - Information Technology Research Academy (ITRA)

40 PAC Project Advisory Committee41 PAN Permanent Account Number42 PSB Partner Standardization Body43 R&TTE Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment44 RBI Reserve Bank of India45 SC Steering Committee46 SESEI Seconded European Standardization Expert in India47 SMB-SG4 Standardization Management Board - Strategic Group 448 TAN Tax Account Number49 TEC Telecommunications Engineering Centre50 TSDSI Telecommunications Standards Development Society, India51 TTL Tata TeleServices Ltd.52 WG Working Group

5 Planned Activities for Next Quarters Start operating Liaison Office Bank Account and Lease Agreement Closure with


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Page 20: Quarterly Report April-June 2014eustandards.in/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Quarterly... · Web viewMr Sethumadhavan (Huawei) shared the architecture of automobile service delivery

Regulatory Compliance for last financial year with the Chartered Accountant

Completion of sector profile report

Publish Newsletters for both European and Indian Stakeholders and Quarterly Report

Association Membership as approved by Steering Committee Members

Continue working with TEC and TSDSI on the new M2M Working groups formed.

6th Steering committee meeting preparation.

BIS-CEN/CENELEC Joint Event/Workshop Meetings and Preparations

Assist ETSI (TC EE) for the organization of the Joint TC-EE ITU-T SG5/WP3 meeting/workshop in India

6 Contact Lists

Updated contact lists of Standards Organizations; Indian Government and Agencies; Industry and Trade Associations; and List of EU, Embassies and EBTC are available in docbox space:


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