quartz household: prelude

Prelude This is Rosa Quartz. And this is her new house, 5 Glass Lane.

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Post on 05-Dec-2014



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Blogging from the Sims 2 neighbourhood, Wymme. This entry introduces town founder, Rosa Quartz. Mostly a test to see how well Word documents work on Slideshare. (Not very well for my purposes, turns out.)


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This is Rosa Quartz.

And this is her new house, 5 Glass Lane.

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It’s still a little under construction at this point, and for quite a while she has to make do with rent-a-furniture that has to be sold back before midnight. As a Fortune Sim though, she was very focused on moving up the job ladder and earning enough cash to make her little home more presentable.

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She decided the Medical track would be most rewarding.

‘Money money money…’

The day she moved in, Rosa met a few new people. There was the welcome wagon, consisting of Bluewater Village residents Malcolm Landgraab, Wanda Tinker and Gilbert Jacquet.

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Family Sim Wanda came on a bit too strong.

‘Uh, I don’t think I know you well enough to play Red Hands with you.’

Rosa and Malcolm had a lot in common, both being Fortune Sims.

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‘Money is good, no?’

They had a pleasant enough time, but we’re not really all that interested in Maxis playables

‘Have I told you I have more than enough money to fill a suitcase?’

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That evening, Rosa got a call from one of the members of the Downtown Welcoming Committee, Candice Lind.

‘You’re new in town, right? Want to come hang out with some of us Downtown, see the sights, meet new people?’Rosa figured it couldn’t hurt; she’d need friends for job promotions anyway.

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They met up at the Crypt O’ Night Club.

Rosa had to admit it was quite a good group; she got along well with Candice (back), Kevin Fuchs (left) and Jordan Goss (centre).

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She spun up a want to DJ, and wasn’t half bad at it, considering her complete lack of creativity points.

‘All right, let me just lay down a beat… How come no one’s dancing?’

She even got some photos taken with Candice as a keepsake.

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The rest of the week didn’t go as well as her first day in Wymme, though. She came home from her first day of work with the flu, and spent the rest of the day and the next morning resting.

Whatever she ate went right through her, and she had a few violent coughing fits (worrying me sick in the process).

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She read to keep up her fun.

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And daydreamed to keep up her social.

She didn’t want to risk standing up too long while taking a shower, so she rented a tub and took a nice, comforting bubble bath.

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The intensive resting helped; almost immediately after Rosa had called work to say she didn’t think she could make it in that day, she got better. She had missed the carpool by that time, but she rented a car (we love rent-a-furniture) and raced off to bring home another promotion.

When she wasn’t skilling for her next promotion, Rosa was making friends. She had walked by 2 Glass Lane one day and met the new owner, Roger Greenbank. The two

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of them were soon great friends, and she loved having him over to chat.

‘Good cereal.’‘Thanks, I try.’

She brought Charlie Hourvitz home from work.

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(I used him to set Rosa’s sexual preference, but she wasn’t attracted to him at all.)

And that outing Downtown wasn’t the last she heard from Candice and the others. Jordan called.

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Kevin stopped by. (Rosa checked him out and found she had a couple of bolts for him, but wasn’t sure he was right for her.)

She got to know fellow Fortune Sim Candice a lot better. She was impressed to find out that she was a Restaurateur.

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‘But what I really want to be is a Hall of Famer. In the Bowling League.’

Rosa also spent some time learning how to dance—Bust a Move being a very useful friend-making tool. It was rough going at first.


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(Don’t worry, Rosa, I’m sure no one saw.)

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But she finally got the hang of it.

‘Dancin’ Queeeeeen…’

‘Young and sweet….’

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‘Only… um… twenty-something…’

(Her faced was glitched for a while after that.)

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The next time she came home from work, she needed a friend for her next promotion. So of course, she spun up the want to make a friend. By a staggering coincidence, she had brought Ivy Goss home with her that day. (Complete coincidence. Right Rosa?)

‘That’s an amazing dance move! And what’s more amazing, you pull it off while wearing those incredibly goofy shades!’

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Then there was a random walk-by with the exact same hair as Rosa. Of course, we had to invite her in.

‘Hey there! Nice hair.’

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‘Thanks, you too.’

Her name was Valerie Copur. She and Rosa had a bit of a rocky friendship for a while.

‘Whoa there, girl.’ (This was not my doing. I tried to stop her! Autonomy works in funny ways sometimes…)

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But it was a friendship nonetheless, and Rosa was glad. Valerie was very amusing to have around.

‘Haha! Pots and pans in a kitchen, that’s hilarious.’

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Great dancer, too.

The one person Rosa didn’t want to meet, however, was Jessica Ebadi, who paid a visit late one night while Rosa was sleeping.

Dun-dun… dun-dun… dun-dun dun-dun dun-dun dun-dun…

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Fortunately, we had a burglar alarm installed.

‘Curses! Foiled!’ Yes, those headlights outside are those of the police cruiser. Can we say fast response time?

I thought, great, we’re home free, though Rosa insisted on panicking.

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‘Don’t worry ma’am, the situation is in hand.’‘Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod—’

Jessica, however, had other ideas.

No, not the pots and pans! Now what will Valerie have to laugh at?

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Rosa was devastated.

‘No! I have a burglar alarm! This is WHY I got a burglar alarm! This isn’t fair!’

Thankfully she was in platinum aspiration at the time, and the shock only sent her down to gold. So instead of having a breakdown, she went inside to watch Officer

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Ramin Centowski fight with Jessica.

‘Give her a left!’

The law emerged triumphant, and Rosa got reimbursed, but it just wasn’t consolation enough for the disruption of her Fortune Sim world.

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‘Boo! If you’d caught her sooner I wouldn’t have had something stolen!’

Ramin carted Jessica off, and Rosa went back to bed. When she woke up in the morning, though, it was to the thought of what had happened last night. She stood beside the bed for a good long while, fighting back tears.

*Sniffle* (The poor thing looked so heart-broken, I felt sad just watching her.)

She had bought those pans to fulfil a want for wall-art back when she had first moved in. How did you replace something like that?

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She remained furious about the event for days, but life went on. After all, she was well off. She was getting good chance cards and earning promotions almost every time she went to work.

‘See? I’m earning money! I’m all better. All better!’

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She was far enough up the Medical track to get the surgical dummy for training mechanical.

‘What—who put an air horn in here? Valerie!’

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And she had enough aspiration points to keep her in Thinking Caps and Energisers.


So all in all, life in Wymme was good. Barring any unforeseen obstacles she would soon be a Perma-Plat Chief of Staff.

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And maybe someday before long she’d start pursuing something other than money…