quebec immiration procedure

General remarks on the assessment of the factors The assessment of the factors of selection is realized in two steps, is at the step of the preliminary examination and to the step of the selection, for which ones of the distinct thresholds of passage are established. To the step of the preliminary examination, the pointage is attributed from the contained pieces of information in the Request of certificate of selection (DCS) and documents that the accompany. This pointage next is reviewed to the step of the selection to hold counts, notably, arisen changes in the position of the candidate. Thresholds éliminatoires apply as early as the step of the preliminary examination to the factors Formation (demanded minimum: diploma of secondary studies) and Capacity of financial autonomy (Contract relating to the financial duly full autonomy capacity), just like to the general profile of employability of the candidate (threshold éliminatoire of employability attains). The factor Adaptability cannot be valued at to leave documents and must be it in selection interview. A candidate will be able to be selected on file if it does not need the allocated points to this factor to satisfy the passage threshold in selection, if the joined documents to his request allow testifying trueness of the pieces of information furnish and if no additional verification is necessary. Let's mention that a candidate that does not qualify itself to the selection gate, but for which the minister is opinion that the obtained result does not reflect its possibilities to establish itself with success to the Quebec, can see itself selected by dispensation (items 40 and 40,1 of the RSRE), and this, without the attained of a minimum of points require (TO SEE GPI 3-5). The process of selection and the conditions to satisfy the steps of the preliminary examination and selection are presented to the section 4 of this chapter (TO SEE GPI 3-1, SECTION 4). The factor Adaptability cannot be valued at to leave documents and must be it in selection interview. A

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Page 1: Quebec Immiration Procedure

General remarks on the assessment of the factors

The assessment of the factors of selection is realized in two steps, is at the step of the preliminary examination and to the step of the selection, for which ones of the distinct thresholds of passage are established. To the step of the preliminary examination, the pointage is attributed from the contained pieces of information in the Request of certificate of selection (DCS) and documents that the accompany. This pointage next is reviewed to the step of the selection to hold counts, notably, arisen changes in the position of the candidate. Thresholds éliminatoires apply as early as the step of the preliminary examination to the factors Formation (demanded minimum: diploma of secondary studies) and Capacity of financial autonomy (Contract relating to the financial duly full autonomy capacity), just like to the general profile of employability of the candidate (threshold éliminatoire of employability attains).

The factor Adaptability cannot be valued at to leave documents and must be it in selection interview. A candidate will be able to be selected on file if it does not need the allocated points to this factor to satisfy the passage threshold in selection, if the joined documents to his request allow testifying trueness of the pieces of information furnish and if no additional verification is necessary. Let's mention that a candidate that does not qualify itself to the selection gate, but for which the minister is opinion that the obtained result does not reflect its possibilities to establish itself with success to the Quebec, can see itself selected by dispensation (items 40 and 40,1 of the RSRE), and this, without the attained of a minimum of points require (TO SEE GPI 3-5). The process of selection and the conditions to satisfy the steps of the preliminary examination and selection are presented to the section 4 of this chapter (TO SEE GPI 3-1, SECTION 4).

The factor Adaptability cannot be valued at to leave documents and must be it in selection interview. A candidate will be able to be selected on file if it does not need the allocated points to this factor to satisfy the passage threshold in selection, if the joined documents to his request allow testifying trueness of the pieces of information furnish and if no additional verification is necessary. Let's mention that a candidate that does not qualify itself to the selection gate, but for which the minister is opinion that the obtained result does not reflect its possibilities to establish itself with success to the Quebec, can see itself selected by dispensation (items 40 and 40,1 of the RSRE), and this, without the attained of a minimum of points require (TO SEE GPI 3-5). The process of selection and the conditions to satisfy the steps of the preliminary examination and selection are presented to the section 4 of this chapter (TO SEE GPI 3-1, SECTION 4).

3.2.1 Evaluation of the spouse or spouse of fact and taken into account children to load at to examine the immigration request, the official to the immigration chooses the selection gate that applies to the position of the candidate, is the selection gate with spouse or the one without spouse. These two gates differ as for the presence, in the first gate, Characteristic factors of the spouse or fact spouse that accompanies and as for the passage thresholds in selection to satisfy. Let's mention that if the spouse does not accompany the requiring principal to the direction of the item 1.k) RSRE, that is to say if the not done left spouse of the request of immigration of the candidate, is because it does not wish to establish itself to the Quebec, is because it already is permanent resident or Canadian citizen, the selection gate without spouse then must

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be used. In a manner general, the members of the family that do not accompany the requiring principal to the direction of the item 1.k) RSRE must not be taken into account, or in the evaluation of the factors and selection criteria, or in the calculation of the amount being the object of a financial engagement to the look of the factor Capacity of financial autonomy. The only exceptions to this rule concern:

1. the child to load citizen Canadian of the requiring principal or of his spouse to the look of the factor Capacity of financial autonomy. This one must be considered in the calculation, that it accompanies or no;

2. the child resident permanent or Canadian citizen situated to the Quebec ("living") that must be considered to the criterion Family to the Quebec. The child citizen Canadian is taken into account to the factor Children if it is a child to load that is part of the project of immigration of the candidate and if it is paid by check to l’étranger1. It rather will be considered to the criterion Family to the Quebec if it is paid by check to the Quebec, that it is at load or no. In the two cases, this child will be taken into account to the factor Capacity of financial autonomy.

3,3 Assessments of the applicable factors to the gate of selection of the qualified workers

3.3.1 Factor 1. Formation The factor Formation understands the two following criteria: Level of schooling and formationDomain. Criterion 1,1: Schooling level

The criterion Level of schooling is éliminatoire. All the candidates workers qualified have, to be able to be selected, hold at least a corresponding diploma to a study general secondary diploma or professional of the Quebec. Thus, those that obtain not at least 2 points to this criterion automatically are refused. The points are granted to the candidate according to the correspondence of his diploma in the Quebec educational system. When the diploma is foreign, the official to the immigration establishes this correspondence from the comparative picture of the diplomas of the concerned country of the Center of expertise on the obtained formations out Quebec (CEFAHQ) Ministry. One rediscovers these pictures to the annex 4 of the present chapter for the principal countries of immigration to the Quebec (TO SEE GPI 3-1, ANNEX 4). To see itself attributed the Points, the candidate must hold a diploma recognized by competent official authorities of the country in which it obtained the aforementioned diploma. It is a matter habitually of the responsible ministry of the education. If it does not have any diploma, the candidate must have attained a study level corresponding to a diploma of secondary studies of the Quebec, in accordance with the comparative picture of the diplomas of the CEFAHQ that applies to the concerned country, and it must have succeeded the cours1. If a candidate holds several diplomas, it is the one that gives the more of points to the criterion Level of schooling that must be taken into account, and this, in order to favor the candidate. Notice: - All officially recognized diploma is admissible for the purpose of evaluation of the criterion Level of schooling, without consideration to the date back to achievement. It can be a matter of the same diploma that the one value at the criterion Domain of formation, if it replies to the conditions of evaluation of the two criteria.

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- The diploma that corresponds to general collegiate studies of a year to the Quebec see itself attributed 2 points to this criterion. - The phd of 1st cycle of the domain of health obtains 10 points to this criterion, is the equivalent one of a 1st university cycle. - The candidate that does not possess a corresponding diploma to a diploma of secondary studies to the Quebec, but that holds a Certificate of equivalence of level of schooling of fifth year of the secondary one delivered by the MELS, see itself attributed 2 points to the criterion Level of schooling. Although this certificate does not allow attaining programs of studies postsecondary, she posts the same value that a diploma of secondary studies on the market of the work. Criterion 1,2: Formation domain The criterion Domain of formation counts for a maximum of 16 points to the gate of selection of the candidates workers qualified. The evaluation of this criterion is done from the List of the domains of formation of the MICC that one rediscovers to the annex 1 of this chapter (TO SEE GPI 3-1, ANNEX 1).

A formation punished by a foreign diploma can see itself attributed 0, 6, 12, or 16 points and a formation punished by a diploma of the Quebec can see itself attributed 2, 6, 12 or 16 points to the criterion Domain of formation, if she satisfies the following conditions: - the formation is punished by a diploma of the Quebec or corresponding, to the Quebec, to a diploma of professional studies (DEP) to the secondary one of 900 hours (1 year) or more, to a diploma of collegiate studies (DEC) technical of 3 years, to a certificate of collegiate study (AEC) of more than 1 year (for an obtained formation to the Quebec), to a diploma of university studies of 1st cycle of 3 years or more, to a Diploma of 2E cycle of 1 year or more or to a diploma of 3E cycle. A study general secondary diploma (OF THE) and a general DEC can equally allow obtaining from the points, if it is a matter of diplomas of the Quebec; - the diploma was obtained during the 5 years preceding the deposit of the DCS or, if it is older, the candidate exercised a profession linked to his formation during at least 1 on time full year during the 5 years preceding the deposit of His DCS. To this end, the candidate must have shown the legality of his experience of work. General remarks: - When A candidate possesses 2 diplomas (or more) in different areas of study and replying to the evaluation conditions, it is the one that allows obtaining the more of points to the List of the domains of formation that must be taken into account. - If the diploma was obtained more than 5 years before the deposit of the DCS, it is necessary to determine if the candidate exercised during at least a year a directly linked profession to his formation punished by a diploma, that is to say a profession for which it exists a narrow correspondence according to the national Classification of the professions (CNP). For example, if a candidate obtained a diploma in biochemistry more than five years ago but than it exercises the profession of chemist, the points will be able to be granted him, for the baccalaureate in biochemistry is linked up to the profession of chemist (CNP 2112). The site Internet IMT online of job Quebec furnishes pieces of information on the professions (former: nature of the work, principal functions, access conditions). This site as well as the site internet Inforoute FPT of the MELS allow

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establishing the correspondences between the formations and the professions according to the CNP. - The enunciated rule in the preceding paragraph includes two exceptions:

- if the candidate occupied a post of administrator (big groups 01 to 09 to the direction of the CNP), or if it was inquiring professor or research assistant to the university in his domain of formation and that it shows that it exercised tasks directly in link with his area of study, points to the criterion will be able to be granted him;

- if the candidate exercised a profession surqualifiée, but in link With his area of study, this profession can allow the granting of the points to the criterion Domain of formation, provided that the diploma is older than 5 years. For example, a technician in data processing that exercises the profession of consultant analyst in data processing (CNP 2171) can see itself attributed points for his diploma of obtained technician more than five years ago. - THE exercise of a profession under qualified in link with the formation domain cannot allow point granting to the criterion Domain of formation. - A diploma having served to attribute the pointage to the criterion Level of schooling also can serve to attribute the pointage to the criterion Domain of formation when this position is more advantageous for the candidate and than the aforementioned diploma replies to the evaluation conditions. - The recent character of the diploma is established from the date back to the end of the program. The year of achievement of the diploma also can be used to the condition as it is a matter of the same year as the one to which programs it was finished. - A university diploma of superior cycle to the one advisable to the List of the domains of formation is evaluated same manner that if it was same level of cycle. For example, a DESS in administration of the matters to the Quebec must be evaluated, by virtue of the list, as a baccalaureate in administration of the matters. - The foreign diploma that corresponds, to the Quebec, to a university diploma of 1st punishing cycle 1 year of on time full studies cannot be evaluated by virtue of the criterion area of study, for it compares to himself a diploma of studies postsecondary general (with concentration) (TO SEE GPI 3-1, SECTION It is the same for the corresponding diploma to a university diploma of 1st punishing cycle 2 years of on time full, safe studies if it is a matter of a foreign diploma that resembles itself a collegiate formation technical of 3 years (to see in this respect, in the same section, the "Notice on the evaluation of the foreign diplomas"). - The general formations constitute thresholds of access to superior studies (former: all the general baccalaureates or said theoretical in France, to the Maghreb, to Lebanon, in Romania or elsewhere; several technical said baccalaureates that do not correspond to professional formations in the same way as of the diplomas of superior technicians). They also can prepare to specialized formations (former: Study general university diploma [DEUG] French, university Certificate of superior studies [CUES] and university Certificate of literary studies [CUEL] Moroccans of 1st cycle). Also, it is not necessary to confuse a diploma mentioning a concentration or an orientation with a specialized diploma. Several general enumerated formations previously can include orientations (former: mathematical, economical, letters) but they cannot be qualified of "specialties". For example, to the Quebec, the general DEC of 2 years always indicates a concentration (former: administration, pure sciences, sciences of health) but it is not a matter no a specialty as the technical DEC of 3 years.

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- The composed baccalaureates of a major one and of a minor are admissible for the purpose of evaluation of the criterion Domain of formation. In this case, it is the major one that determines the formation domain, but minor must correspond to an akin domain. Altogether, the two-thirds of the courses must have been realized in the aimed domain. - The corresponding domains of formation, but of different levels of schooling (former: civil genius at the university level and technology of the civil genius at the collegiate level), do not drive habitually to the same professions and can have a differentiated pointage to the List of the domains of formation. In fact, these professions offer not necessarily the same possibilities of insert to the market of the work. All the same, the tasks and the access conditions that are them clean can differ. If the candidate see himself attributed points to the criterion Domain of formation, that does not mean that it will not have to follow by the auxiliary current, once arrived to the Quebec. Of more, that does not guarantee not in the least, if this formation takes to the exercise of a profession or of a regulated trades, that the candidate will succeed satisfying the statutory requirements allowing him to obtain an exercise authorization. - The baccalaureates in translation all can be valued at the List of the domains of formation, regardless concerned languages (Former: French and English, Arabic and French, Mandarin Chinese and Russian). The list attributes only a single pointage to the baccalaureate in translation. - The official to the immigration must record, in the computer system of the Ministry: - The computer code associated to the formation domain, such as indicated to the annex 6 of the chapter 5-10 (TO SEE GPI 5-10, ANNEX 6). If the candidate does not hold any formation (if it has an old diploma that could not be updated by an experience linked), if his formation is not akin to the Quebec or if she replies to the evaluation conditions to the criterion Domain of formation, the official to the immigration must record the attributed code for "no formation" or for "formation inconciliable", such as indicated to the annex 6 of the GPI 5-10 (TO SEE GPI 5-10, ANNEX 6); - the code of the profession (CNP to 4 figures) linked to the domain of formation of the candidate. If it exists several professions linked to the same domain of formation and that the candidate possesses a professional experience linked to his formation domain, the official to the immigration records the code CNP linked to the formation domain that corresponds the better to the professional experience obtained by the candidate. If the candidate did not exercise directly linked profession to his formation domain, the official to the immigration records then the code CNP of the principal profession linked to the formation domain. If the candidate holds a general diploma, a diploma inconciliable with a Quebec formation or a not satisfactory diploma to the evaluation conditions (for example, it holds a diploma of more than five years), the official to the immigration then must assign the code CNP linked to the professional experience of the candidate, such as indicated to the factor Experience (TO SEE SECTION 3.3.2). Notice on the evaluation of the foreign diplomas: - In the cases where the candidate holds a foreign diploma, the official to the immigration refers itself to the pointages on the part 1 of the List of the domains of formation 2009 (is the column "foreign Diplomas"). - To see itself attributed points to the criterion Domain of formation, the candidate must hold a diploma recognized by competent official authorities of the country in which it obtained the diploma. Of more, the diploma must be "final" and

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link directly to the exercise of a profession.

- A formation punished by a corresponding diploma to a diploma of university studies of 1st cycle of 2 years can see themselves attributed points if the length and the content resemble themselves a technical collegiate formation of 3 years to the Quebec, according to the pictures of the CEFAHQ. Otherwise, the diploma is not admissible for the purpose of evaluation of the criterion Domain of formation. - To determine the domain of akin formation to a foreign formation, it is necessary: - To establish the correspondence of the foreign diploma in the Quebec educational system, from the comparative picture of the diplomas of the concerned country of the CEFAHQ (TO SEE GPI 3-1, ANNEX 4); - to determine if it is a matter of a professional secondary formation, technical collegiate or university. If the diploma corresponds to a DEP or to technical collegiate studies of 1 to 2 years (former: certificates of collegiate studies [AEC]), it is necessary to look for an akin formation among the professional secondary level formations of the List of the domains of formation. If the diploma corresponds to a technical DEC of 3 years or to a diploma of university studies of 1st cycle of 2 years, when the formation satisfies the previous conditions, it is necessary to look for an akin formation among the technical collegiate level formations of 3 registered years to the list. If the diploma corresponds to a diploma of university studies of 1st cycle of 3 years or more or of superior cycles, it is necessary to look for an akin formation among the formations of university level of 1st cycle of 3 years or more registered to the list. In this case, it is necessary to assure himself that the foreign formation is at least of a length equals to the one of the registered formation to the list (former: baccalaureate of 4 years, mastery); - to compare the relief of grades of the candidate with the list of the courses of the Quebec formation (this last one is available to the MICC or from the sites Internet Inforoute FPT of the MELS or online IMT of job Quebec). - If the formation of the candidate drives to a profession or to a regulated trades to the Quebec, it is not necessary, for the purpose of the evaluation of the domain of akin formation, that it furnishes a proof that the equivalence of his diploma or of his formation was recognized him, or that it holds an authorization of exercise of his profession or of his trade.

- When A foreign diploma corresponds to a university formation of 1st cycle of 3 years or more or to a technical collegiate formation of 3 years to the Quebec, that there is not akin Quebec formation according to the level of corresponding schooling to the diploma and that it exists such a formation at the level of inferior schooling, the aforementioned diploma can be valued at this level for the purpose of the criterion. In this case, the official to the immigration will attribute the code and the pointage consequently. Otherwise, it will have to indicate that the diploma is inconciliable with a Quebec formation. For example, a baccalaureate in obtained tourism abroad will be able to be evaluated as DEC in tourism. In fact, by virtue of the list, it is a matter of a formation of technical level to the Quebec, for this one takes to professions of level of technical or intermediary competence to the direction of the CNP. Thus, before establishing that a foreign formation is inconciliable with a Quebec formation, it is necessary to assure himself that it does not exist any akin formation at the level of inferior schooling, and this, only for the purpose of evaluation of this criterion. Notice on the evaluation of the diplomas of the Quebec:

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- In the cases where the candidate holds a "diploma of the Quebec" or a diploma or a formation title being able to be to have assimilated to a diploma of the Quebec, the official to the immigration refers itself to the pointages on the part 2 of the List of the domains of formation 2009 (is the column "Diplomas of the Quebec"). - The "diploma of the Quebec" defines itself according to the one or the other of the following positions: - A diploma delivered by the ministry of the Education, Leisure and Sport (MELS), of secondary or collegiate level, or by a Quebec university. The formation can have been followed to the Quebec or abroad; OR - a certificate of collegiate studies delivered by an establishment of collegiate teaching recognized by the MELS. The formation must have been followed to the Quebec and have a length of more of an on time full year. - Is assimilated to a "diploma of the Quebec" : - The Canadian diploma, if it is delivered by the responsible minister of the education or by a university of a province or of a Canadian territories. The formation can have been followed to the Quebec or abroad; - the foreign recognized diploma equivalent by a Quebec organism of regulation, safe if it is a matter of a diploma of doctor;

- the foreign diploma or the driving formation to the Quebec to the exercise of a profession or of a regulated trades, if the candidate already holds an authorization of exercise of this profession to the Quebec, including a restrictive permit of exercise of the profession of doctor; - the formation title aimed by an arrangement of recognition mutual insurance company (ARM) suited in the framework of an understanding of recognition mutual insurance company of the professional qualifications concluded with another government, for The exercise of a profession governed by a professional order to the Quebec. The candidate must hold the legal aptitude to exercise demanded by arrangement and the latter must have been implemented. It is necessary to note that the only country with which such a understanding currently is concluded is France. - The foreign diploma or the formation aimed by an ARM and driving to the Quebec to the regulated exercise of a trade, if the Quebec organism of regulation testifies that the candidate fills the conditions of formation and, if there is place, of professional experiences required for the exercise of this trade. - The points are allocated for a diploma of the Quebec or an assimilated diploma to a diploma of the Quebec without consideration to the teaching language. - A candidate that holds a diploma of the testifying Quebec of the success of a program of studies from afar exempt by TELUQ (the university from afar of the UQÀM) or by Cégep@distance (is part of the network of the cégeps of the Quebec) can see itself recognized a diploma of the Quebec. - The certificates of collegiate studies authorized by the MELS are indexed in the site Internet of the MELS, to the following address: - The Canadian establishments having received of their provincial or territorial government right to confer academic titles are indexed in the site internet of the Canadian Center of information on the international diplomas, to the following address: - The professional orders are empowered, by regulation, to recognize an equivalence of diploma or a formation equivalence. The corresponding points to a diploma of the Quebec are granted for any diploma having obtained a recognition of equivalence of

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the organism of concerned regulation, and this, regardless on account of the fact that it is a matter of a

The assessment of the factors of selection is realized in two steps, is at the step of the preliminary examination and to the step of the selection, for which ones of the distinct thresholds of passage are established. To the step of the preliminary examination, the pointage is attributed from the contained pieces of information in the Request of certificate of selection (DCS) and documents that the accompany. This pointage next is reviewed to the step of the selection to hold counts, notably, arisen changes in the position of the candidate. Thresholds éliminatoires apply as early as the step of the preliminary examination to the factors Formation (demanded minimum: diploma of secondary studies) and Capacity of financial autonomy (Contract relating to the financial duly full autonomy capacity), just like to the general profile of employability of the candidate (threshold éliminatoire of employability attains).

The factor Adaptability cannot be valued at to leave documents and must be it in selection interview. A candidate will be able to be selected on file if it does not need the allocated points to this factor to satisfy the passage threshold in selection, if the joined documents to his request allow testifying trueness of the pieces of information furnish and if no additional verification is necessary. Let's mention that a candidate that does not qualify itself to the selection gate, but for which the minister is opinion that the obtained result does not reflect its possibilities to establish itself with success to the Quebec, can see itself selected by dispensation (items 40 and 40,1 of the RSRE), and this, without the attained of a minimum of points require (TO SEE GPI 3-5). The process of selection and the conditions to satisfy the steps of the preliminary examination and selection are presented to the section 4 of this chapter (TO SEE GPI 3-1, SECTION 4).

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To the step of the preliminary examination, the official to the immigration allocates the points according to the knowledge level advisable by the candidate on the DCS or from the result of a test of evaluation of the knowledge in French delivered by one of the organisms recognized by the Ministry. The French criterion is evaluated on the basis of oral interaction (under criterion) in French of the candidate. Oral interaction is measured by the levels of oral comprehension and of oral expression. The guide on the competence Levels in French language second for the adult immigrants (NCFLS) serves to the assessment of the French of the candidates. Only the levels of competences relating to the comprehension and to the oral expressions are used. The requiring principal see itself attributed the corresponding points at the level of competence to the comprehension and to the oral expression. The requiring principal can obtain a maximum of 16 points to the criterion 4,1. The official to the immigration adds the points to the oral expression and to the oral comprehension. The differentiated points must be recorded on the FEVAL of the candidate. At the time of the examination of the request, the official to the immigration allocates the points according to the knowledge level advisable by the candidate on the DCS or from the result of a test of evaluation of the knowledge in French delivered by one of the organisms recognized by the Ministry. The candidate that, according to its declarations, holds competences in French allowing him, if need be, to be selected on file, but that did not join the pieces proving its linguistic knowledge, will be invited to pass a standardized test. A candidate that does not present the standardized result of a test will be able, if need be, to be selected on file if it presents satisfactory proofs of its linguistic competences in French, such as a punishing diploma of the recent studies in French or documents testifying a work experience in French.

Evaluation of the French by the official to the immigration points are granted to the criterion according to the scales establish in the guide, that is to say according to 12 levels of competences in French language seconds grouped together as follows: - Levels 1 to 4 for beginner; - Levels 5 to 8 for intermediary; - Levels 9 to 12 for advance. The candidates that see themselves attributed the levels 1 to 6 are considered not French-speaking, while those that see themselves granted the levels 7 to 12 are considered French-speaking. If the evaluation is done fromthe level of knowledge of French advisable by the candidate on the form DCS, the points are allocated according to the following picture:

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Evaluation of French by a recognized organism. The candidates can resort to to the standardized tests of evaluation of the French in order to obtain a definite recognition of their level of competence and, if need be, to be selected on file. The candidate can show its linguistic knowledge in French while presenting to the Ministry the result of a test of evaluation of the adapted French to the needs of the Quebec, delivered by one of the two organisms recognized by the MICC, is: - The Test of evaluation of the adapted French for the Quebec (TEFaQ) Room of commerce and of industry of Paris (CCIP); - the Test of knowledge of the French for the Quebec (TCFQ) international Center of educational studies (CIEP). These adapted tests to the Quebec evaluate the expression and the oral comprehensions. They are available in most of the pools of recruitment of the Quebec. A candidate can equally present to the Ministry the result of an of these other standard tests of evaluation of the French offered by the one of the two organisms recognized by the Ministry, is: - The Test of evaluation of the French (TEF) Room of commerce and of industry of Paris (CCIP); - the Test of knowledge of the French (TCF) international Center of educational studies (CIEP); - the study Diploma in French language (DELF) CIEP; - the deepened Diploma of French language (DALF) CIEP. These tests evaluate the expression and the oral comprehensions, just like written competences. The latter do not have nevertheless to be evaluated in the framework of the gate of selection. The candidate that chooses the

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TCF or the TEF, must join at once the results of the test of oral comprehension and test of oral expression. The updated list of all the accepted centers TEF, TEFAQ, TCF, TCFQ, DELF and DALF can be consulted on the sites Internet respective of the organisms: and The official to the immigration must record, in the computer system of the Ministry, the codes relating to the different tests at the time of the reception of the file (TO SEE GPI 5-10, ANNEX 7) andregister the result of the presented test to the step of the preliminary examination. If the evaluation is done from the result of a test of evaluation of the knowledge in French delivered by one of the organisms recognized by the Ministry, the official to the immigration allocates the points according to the established correspondences in the picture hereafter:

Correspondences of the points FÉVAL of the competences in French of the requiring principal and spouse with the Levels of the common European Framework of reference for the languages (CECR), the results of the Test of knowledge of the French for the Quebec (tcf-q), those of the Test of evaluation of adapted French to the Quebec (TEFaQ), and the competence Levels in French language second (NCFLS).

N.B. The oral comprehension and the oral expression are evaluated separately. The requiring principal can obtain a maximum of 16 points to the criterion 4,1 and a maximum of 6 points for the competences of his spouse.

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Criterion 4,2: English The English criterion is evaluated on the basis of oral interaction (under criterion) in English of the candidate. This one is measured by the levels of oral comprehension and of oral expression. To attribute the points to the English criterion, the official to the immigration adds the points to the oral expression and to the oral comprehension (maximum of 6). To the step of the preliminary examination, the points are allocated according to the knowledge level advisable by the candidate on the DCS, and this, from the established correspondences in the following picture: PICTURE OF EVALUATION OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE English OF THE MICC (LEVELS NCFLS) FOR THE REQUIRING PRINCIPAL

The candidate must show that it attained the level of declared knowledge in his DCS while joining to his request the proofs documentaries necessary (former. studies in English).

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Evaluation of the English by a recognized organism if the evaluation is done from the result of a test of evaluation of the knowledge in English delivered by a recognized organism (to see the organisms and the specified tests in the picture that follows), the official to the immigration allocates the points according to the established correspondences below: CORRESPONDENCES OF THE POINTAGE FÉVAL OF THE COMPETENCES IN English OF THE REQUIRING PRINCIPAL AND SPOUSE WITH THE RESULTS OF THE TESTS IN English

Factor 5. Stay and family to the Quebec The factor Stay and family to the Quebec understands two criteria: Stay to the Quebec and Family to the Quebec. Criterion 5,1: Stay to the Quebec Them points to the criterion Stay to the Quebec can be attributed for a stay realized by the requiring principal or by his spouse or fact spouse before the deposit of his request. This criterion is function of the length of the stay and statute to the Canada of the candidate or of his spouse at the stay. The points to the criterion Stay to the Quebec, of which the maximum cannot exceed 5, are attributed as follows:

-Stay to ends of work or of studies if the work or the study constituted his principal activity during at least 3 months or a session 5 -Stays in the framework of a program vacation work if the workconstituted his principal activity during at least 3 months 5 -Other stays (visitors, refuge petitioners, etc.) of which lasted it is equivalent to more than 3 months 2 -Other stays of which lasted it is equivalent to at least 2 weeks and to the more 3 months 1 -No stay to the Quebec 0

For that the points are attributed to the candidate or to his spouse, it is necessary that the stay was realized during the 10 years preceding the deposit of the DCS. In the case of a stay to ends of studies or of work, the principal goal of the stay must have been the study or the work and the candidate or his spouse must show that it held a work permit, of study or of temporary stay or that it was exempted some by virtue of the regulation in force. With regards to a realized stay in the framework of a program vacances–travail (PVT), the candidate must dismantle equally that the work constituted his principal occupation during at least three months. The candidate (or his spouse) that carried out several stays of a same type can see the combined length of its stays to competition of the maximum of allocated points for the stays in this category. For example, two distinct stays of 2 months each by way of visitor are

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evaluated, by virtue of the criterion, as a stay of 4 months and give the maximum of attributable points, is 2 points.

Notice: - It is impossible to combine the length of stays of different types (for example, one could not combine a stay of study and a tourism stay). It is so impossible to combine the length of the stays carried out by the candidate with the length of the stays carried out by his spouse. In any case, it is the stay that advantage the more the candidate that is taken into account. - The realized work at the time of a stay to the Quebec must have been paid. Obligatory not paid trainings realized in the taking framework of a formation to the achievement of a diploma also must be considered. The job occupied can be level D according to the national Classification of the professions.

- The courses of on time full languages follow in an establishment of teaching postsecondary recognized by the MELS or in a university can allow allocating points for a stay to ends of studies, if the principal motive of the stay to the Quebec was the study, that this one constituted the principal occupation of the candidate (or of his spouse) for a given period and that the followed program is punished by the MELS Or by a Quebec university.

- The language courses follow in private institutes cannot be taken into account for the purpose of evaluation of this criterion. - The participant to a PVT can see itself granted points only if the work constituted his principal occupation for an at least period three months during the entirety of his stay by way of participant to the PVT.

- To measure the length in equivalent on time a lot of one or more on time partial jobs, one must use the same method of calculation that the one advisable to the factor Experience (TO SEE GPI 3-1, SECTION 3.3.2).

- Let's Recall that the work experiences must have been obtained legally. Criterion 5,2: Family to the Quebec

The criterion Family to the Quebec is evaluated according to the link of direct kinship that the candidate, or his spouse or fact spouse that accompanies, possesses with a Canadian citizen or a permanent Canadian situated residents to the Quebec. For the purpose of this criterion, 0 or 3 points (is the point maximum) are allocated according to that the candidate, or his spouse, posts the following links of kinship:

- Spouse or fact spouse 3 - Sons or girl, father or mother, brother or sister 3 - Grandfathers or grandmother 3 - No points can be granted for any other link of kinship.

Notice: - The candidate must furnish the proof documentary that the member of his kinship is Canadian citizen (Canadian passport or citizenship certificate) or permanent resident (copies of his card of permanent resident) and that it is paid by check to the Quebec (copies of an account of taxes, of a lease, etc.).

- The candidate has in addition to put back the declaration D-13 sworn and signed one by the member of the family for which them points will be attributed. - Points are

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attributed for the immediate family of the spouse or spouse of fact only if the latter accompanies the requiring principal in his immigration project. - THE child to load of the requiring principal or of his spouse that the accompanies has, to be taken into account to this criterion, be a Canadian citizen or a Canadian permanent resident and to be paid by check to the Quebec; if it is paid by check to the exterior one Quebec, it rather will be valued at the factor Children. - Are considered as brothers and sisters the half-brothers and half-sisters of the requiring principal or of his spouse that accompanies.

3.3.6 Factor 6. Characteristic of the spouse or fact spouse that accompanies The Characteristic factors of the spouse or spouse of fact that accompanies understands four criteria: Schooling level, formation Domain, Age and linguistic Knowledge (French). Let's underline that of other factors of the gate of selection of the qualified workers take into account the spouse, in the same way as the candidate, is:

- Stay and family to the Quebec, - Offers validated job and - Children. Criterion 6,1: Schooling level The criterion Level of schooling is evaluated according to the same methods that for the requiring principal, provided that it is not a matter not here of a criterion éliminatoire, (TO SEE GPI 3-1, SECTION The points vary between 0 and 3 and are attributed as follows: - No study general secondary diploma or professional 0 - Diploma of general secondary studies punishing 5 years of on time full studies 1 - Diploma of studies postsecondary punishing general 2 years of on time full studies 1 - Diploma of professional secondary studies punishing 4 to 7 years of on time full studies 2 - Diplomas of studies postsecondary punishing technical 1 year 2 of on time full studies 2 - Diploma of studies postsecondary punishing technical 2 years of on time full studies 2 - Diplomas of university studies of 1st punishing cycle 1 year of on time full studies 1 - Diploma of university studies of 1st punishing cycle 2 years of on time full studies 2 - Diplomas of university studies of 1st punishing cycle 3 years or more of on time full studies 3 - Diplomas of university studies of 2E punishing cycle 1 year or more of on time full studies 3 - Diplomas of university studies of 3E cycle 3 Criterion 6,2: Formation domain The criterion Domain of formation is evaluated according to the same methods that for the requiring principal (TO SEE GPI 3-1, SECTION Nevertheless, the attributed points to this criterion vary between 0, 2, 3 and 4, if it is a matter of a foreign diploma, and between 1, 2, 3 and 4, if it is a matter of a diploma of the Quebec (or the equivalent).

Page 16: Quebec Immiration Procedure Criterion 6,3: Age The criterion Age is evaluated according to the same methods that for the requiringprincipal (TO SEE GPI 3-1, SECTION 3.3.3). Nevertheless, the points to this criterion vary between 0 and 3 and are allocated as follows:

The spouse must have necessarily at least 16 years at the deposit of the request of immigration, by virtue of the item 1.a.1) RSRE. Otherwise, the spouse cannot accompany the requiring principal. Criterion 6,4: French

The French criterion is evaluated according to the same methods that for the requiring principal but the points to this criterion vary between 0 and 6 (TO SEE GPI 3-1, SECTION 3.3.7 Factor 7. Offer validated job The factor Offers validated job aims to promote the possessors of an offer of job of an employer to the Quebec, particularly the one in origin of another region that the metropolitan region of Montreal (RMM). This factor understands two criteria, is Offers validated job in the RMM and Offers validated job to the exterior one RMM. The pointage is therefore differentiated according to the place where the job is situated. The RMM is composed from the territories represented by the regional Lectures of the elected officials (CRE) of Montreal, of Laval and of Longueuil, such as define in the Law on the ministry of the municipal Matters and Regions. To determine if the city of origin of the offer of validated job is considered as being part of the RMM, refer itself to the annex 6 of this chapter (SEE GPI 3-1, ANNEX 6). The points are attributed to the candidate possessor of an offer of validated job or to the one of which the spouse that the accompanies is possessor of a such offers. Nevertheless, the job offer must satisfy the enumerated conditions to the SECTION 5,2 of this chapter (TO SEE GPI 3-1, SECTION 5,2).

Page 17: Quebec Immiration Procedure Criterion 7,1: Offer validated job in the RMM The candidate that holds an offer of validated job, or the one of which the spouse holds a such offers, delivered by an employer of the metropolitan region of Montreal see itself attributed 6 points to the criterion Offer validated job in the RMM. Criterion 7,2: Offer validated job to the exterior one RMM The candidate that holds an offer of validated job, or the one of which the spouse holds a such offers, delivered by an employer of the exterior one metropolitan region of Montreal see itself allocated 10 points to the criterion Offer validated job to the exterior one RMM.

3.3.8 Factor 8. Children The factor Children takes in consideration the children to load of the candidate or spouse or fact spouse that the accompanies. It can be a matter is of a child "that accompanies" to the direction of the item 1.d.1) RSRE, is of a child citizen Canadian situated to the exterior one Quebec ("not living") and being part of the gait of immigration of the candidate. In the case of a child citizen Canadian situated to the Quebec ("living"), points rather are attributed to the criterion Family to the Quebec. The points must be allocated to the factor Children according to the age at the deposit of the DCS. No updated is done to the step of the preliminary examination or selection. Criterion 8,1: 12 years or less The attributed points to this criterion are of 4 by child, until a maximum of 8 (is the point maximum granted to the factor Children). Criterion 8,2: 13 to 21 years The attributed points to this criterion are of 2 by child, until a maximum of 8 (is the point maximum granted to the factor Children). 3.3.9 Factor 9. Capacity of financial autonomy The factor Capacity of financial autonomy allows allocating 1 point to the selection gate. It is a matter of a factor éliminatoire. To see itself attributed this point, the candidate must subscribe, on the form furnished by the minister, a contract by which: - it declares that it will dispose, for the foreseen length of the contract (three months to count of the date back to arrival to the Canada as permanent resident), of financial ones at least equal resources to the foreseen amount to the annex C of the RSRE. The candidate must register this amount on the contract from the indications that accompany the form; - it is involved himself to provide for its essential needs and to those of the people to his load that the accompany during the very length of the contract; - it recognizes to be informed that or him or the members of his family will be admissible to the financial assistance of last recourse during the aimed period; - it Is involved itself to reimburse to the government of the Quebec any sum that the latter would grant him or would grant to the members of his family by way of benefits of financial assistance of last recourse, in accordance with the applicable legislation. In the case of a candidate of which asks it permanent residence is treated to Canada (candidate authorized by CIC to ask on the spot his residence) : - It declares his annual crude income; - it is involved himself, for the length of the contract, to provide for its essential needs and to those of the mentioned people to the contract that are at the Canada at the delivery of the certificate. This obligation begins to count of the date back to the arrival to the Canada of the candidate or, in the case of a candidate of which asks it permanent residence is treated to Canada, to count of the

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date back to the delivery of the certificate of selection. If the candidate cannot subscribe to such a contract, it cannot see himself attributed 1 point to the factor Capacity of financial autonomy and it automatically is refused. Notice: - At the selection, the official to the immigration verifies the contract relating to the capacity of financial autonomy had consideration to the number of understood people in the immigration project. To the need, it does to sign a new contract to the candidate and transmits some for him a copy. If an interview takes place, it assures himself that the latter well understood the reach of his engagement, notably in link with the real costs linked to the immigration project (former: transportation titles, federal fresh, services of the consultant one or lawyer in immigration) and to the establishment to the Quebec. - The children to load of the candidate or of his spouse are taken into account for the purpose of the contract, including the child to load citizen Canadian.

- The amount of the financial engagement advisable in the contract is calculated from the financial scales in force at the signature of the contract. The official to the immigration systematically must ask the candidate to fill a new contract when a change arises in his family position (for example, the arrival of a new child) or can ask it when the treatment of the request spreads out itself on several years. - It is important that the candidate preserves a copy of his signed contract. In the cases where the candidate is met in interview, the official to the immigration will have to assure itself that the candidate possesses a copy of the already signed contract (in to produce an if need be) or to put back some for him an if the contract is signed or updated at the time of the interview.

3.3.10 Factor 10. Adaptability The factor Adaptability is evaluated in selection interview. Also, only the met candidates in interview see themselves attributed points, the others not obtaining any point to this factor. In accordance with the RSRE, to establish the degree of adaptability of this one, the official to the immigration must ask questions allowing him to evaluate the preparation of the project of immigration, its possibilities of socio-professional integration and its knowledge of the Quebec. It must furnish a global assessment of the candidate and attribute the points consequently, according to the following elements: - The knowledge of the Quebec; - the gaits that it carried out to facilitate his integration socioéconomique; - its personal qualities to the professional look of its activities. The assessment of the two first elements is centered on the specificity of the project of immigration of the candidate, while the evaluation of the third element rests on the individual. This gait aims to encourage the candidates to take charge of, as early as the foreigner, their integration socioéconomique to the Quebec thanks to a centered preparation on the immigration project. In order to assure a homogenous assessment of the factor Adaptability, the official to the immigration must refer itself to the following beacons:

- Comparatively to the assessment of the knowledge of the Quebec of the candidate: - The knowledge of the market of the work (former: the observed perspectives of job in the different regions of the Quebec according to the envisaged profession,

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the Quebec conditions of exercise of his profession, the character transférable of its professional competences); - the knowledge of the economical aimed sector; - the knowledge of the conditions of life. - Comparatively to the assessment of the gaits carried out by the candidate to facilitate his integration socioéconomique: - Its gaits to obtain a job to the Quebec (former: sending of a curriculum vitae, visit sites of job); - its gaits to complete its linguistic knowledge in French or in English; - its gaits to obtain an exercise permit if it destines himself to exercise a governed profession to the Quebec; - of other personal gaits aiming his integration (place of personal installation, schooling of the children, etc.). - Comparatively to the assessment of the personal qualities of the candidate to the professional look of its activities: - His skillfulness to put in value its obtain and its realizations for an interview; - his knowledge of difficulties linked to the immigration project (financial, family or professional) and his realism to the place of the project; - his comprehension of the values of the Quebec corporation, the signature of the "Declaration on the common values of the Quebec corporation" and his intention to learn the French, if it speaks it not already.

4. PROCESS OF SELECTION OF THE CANDIDATE WORKER QUALIFIED 4,1 Presentations of the request of certificate of selection of the Quebec and opening of the file 4.1.1 Required of certificate of selection of the Quebec (DCS) and other documents A candidate officially deposited a request when it presented to the Ministry a duly full DCS, signed to the mentioned places, accompanied documents require and that it paid the payable rights. The DCS contains personal pieces of information on the candidate and must be signed by the latter to the parties "Declaration on the common values of the Quebec corporation", "Declaration" and, if need be, to the annex "Declaration of the spouses or fact spouses". The child to load of 18 to 21 years that accompanies the requiring, that or is not gotten married or joint fact, must sign the Declaration on the common values following the requiring principal. The candidate must watch to what the pieces of information that figure in his request are complete and true. Once completed, the DCS always is preserved to the file of the candidate. The following people must fill a DCS: - The requiring principal; - the spouse or the fact spouse that accompanies the requiring principal to the Quebec; - the child to load of the requiring principal or the one of his spouse or fact spouse that accompanies its parents to the Quebec, if it is: - 22 years old or more; or - of age less than 22 years, gotten married or fact spouse. The DCS, the forms and the list of the documents to join to the request are available on the site Immigration Quebec or on the site of each of the offices of immigration of the Quebec. The candidate must assure himself to fill and to join to his request all the forms and documents that apply to his position as well as the form Contract relating to the financial duly full autonomy capacity and signed. A candidate that exercises or has an allowing formation to exercise a profession or a regulated

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trade or the profession of teach also must fill and sign the declaration that applies to his position; in this respect, see the section 4.1.2 hereafter.

4.1.2 Candidates or spouse or fact spouse exercising a profession or a regulated trades The candidates and, if need be, their spouse and fact spouse have the responsibility to inform itself conditions of exercise to the Quebec of the trade or profession that they envision to exercise. They have equally the one to begin as quickly as possible the gaits regarding to obtain a permit of exercise or a competence certificate to the Quebec, and that, as early as the presentation of their request of immigration. In order to help them in this gait, the MICC renders available in his site Internet of the cards of general news and of specific others for each of the governed professions to the Quebec. The methods of counselling of the candidates workers qualified are presented to the chapter 6 of the composing 5 (TO SEE GPI 5-6). The candidate or his spouse that exercises or that has an allowing formation to exercise to the Quebec a profession or a regulated trade must sign and join to his request a declaration to the effect that it peruseed the conditions of exercise of his trade or of his profession and that it is at the raises objections to which ones it will be confronted. The declarations relating to the exercise of a profession or of a special trade are the following: - the Declaration of a candidate exercising a profession governed by a professional order (D-02), in the case of a candidate having a corresponding formation; - the Declaration of a candidate exercising a regulated trade (D-03), in the case of a candidate having a taking formation to the regulated exercise of a trade of the construction or out construction; - the Declaration of a doctor graduate outside Canada and United States (D-04), in the case of a candidate Having a taking formation to the exercise of the medicine in family medicine (omnipraticien) or in a specialty; - the Declaration of a candidate exercising the profession of teach to the préscolaire, to the primary one or to the secondary one (to the generalformation) (D-19), in the case of a candidate having a corresponding formation.

The candidate has the responsibility on duty a copy of the documents that it produces for the purpose of his request of immigration and the official to the immigration the one of assure itself that a copy of the documents is located in the file of the candidate. To the need, it will proceed to one updated documents at the preliminary examination or selection and some will put back a copy to the candidate.

4.1.3 Consent of the parent that does not accompany In the cases where a child minor is included in the DCS of the one of its parents and that the similar other does not accompany, the parent that presented a DCS must furnish: - A declaration of the not parent accompanying authorizing expressly the immigration to the Quebec of the child minor that accompanies. This declaration must be signed by the parent non-accompanist and authenticated by a lawyer or a notary; OR - a copy conforms of a judgement of divorce indicating exclusive granting of the rights on duty of the child to the parent that wants to immigrate to the Quebec. When this judgement is returned in another language that the French, the

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candidate must furnish an official translation of the judgement. It can be a matter of the spouse or current spouse of the requiring or of his former spouse or fact spouse. 4.1.4 Copy certified conform at the presentation of the request, the certified copies conform can be admissible in place and places original documents. The copy of the document must be certified by the institution that is the agent of the original one or by legal duly authorized authority being able to certify conforming a copy of document, that is to say a copy that assures the links with the existence of an original one validate. Exceptionally, when the candidate justifies the absence of the original one or of acopy of the transmitting one or legal duly authorized authority to the satisfaction of the Ministry, any other certified document and satisfactory judged can be furnished by the candidate. 4.1.5 payable Straight The official to the immigration opens a computerized file in the system SEPTE only when the demanded expenses are perceived. The methods of payment of the payable expenses are presented to the chapter 4 of the composing 5 (TO SEE GPI 5-4).

4.1.6 incomplete Files In the cases where the file of the candidate is incomplete, the official transmits to the candidate the letter PERM 115 and the list of the lacking pieces to the file. If the Declaration on the common values of the Quebec corporation was not signed and joined to the file, the official transmits to the candidate a flying copy of this Declaration accompanied letter PERM 114A indicating him that this Declaration duly must be signed. The people having to sign the DCS also must sign the Declaration on the common values of the Quebec corporation. 4.1.7 Candidates having furnished a piece of information or a false or misleading document reception of the request, the official to the immigration assures itself that the candidate is not hit by foreseen penalty to the item allowing Law to the minister to refuse to examine the request of certificate of a person that furnished, for 5 years or less, a piece of information or a false or misleading document to a request done By virtue of the Law. In this respect, see the chapter 5 of the composing 5 (TO SEE GPI 5-5). For this to do, the official consults the ministerial register of all the DCS and ask rejected certificates of acceptance for pieces of information or false or misleading documents of all the CSQ and certificate of acceptance of the rejected or canceled Quebec for the same motives. If such is the case, the official transmits to the candidate the letter PERM-103a (refusal of false examination) and returns him his file, without taking the payable rights. If the candidate is not hit by foreseen penalty to the item Law, the official to the immigration, on reception of the DCS and payment of the payable rights, transmits to the candidate the letter PERM 104 that acknowledges receipt of the request and confirms the opening of the file and the perception of the demanded expenses. 4.1.8 Candidates aimed by the priority treatment On reception of the request, the official to the immigration verifies if it is a matter of a request in front of to be treated in priority. Such is the case when the candidate or his spouse is aimed by a job offer validated by the MICC or when the candidate or his spouse is formed in a domain that replies to the needs of the market of the work. Thus, the ask are classified, as early as their reception, according to the order of following priority:

1. ask aimed by an offer of validated job;

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2. ask candidate of which the domain of formation or the one of his spouse appears on the List of the domains of privileged formation 2009 and replies to the conditions; 3. ask other candidates workers qualified. It is foreseen that these priority files are treated in a maximum delay of 60 working days. Notice: - The candidate of which the formation domain (or the one of the spouse) is aimed by the List of the domains of privileged formation 2009 can prevail themselves of a priority treatment as early as the reception of his request if his diploma was delivered during the 5 years preceding the request or, if the diploma is older, if the candidate exercised a profession linked to his diploma during at least 1 Year during the 5 last years. In this respect, refer itself to the presented rules for the evaluation of the criterion Domain of formation to the section present chapter (SEE GPI 3-1, SECTION - In the cases where the official to the immigration notes that a file must be treated in priority, it is in line with SEPTE the code of event "TP1: PRIORITY TREATMENT", which does to appear the mention of priority treatment in the panorama of the administrative file. - In the cases where the examination of the request shows that there is no longer any place to treat a file in priority, the official to the immigration is in line with SEPTE the code of event "TP2: RETURN TO THE UNIFORM TREATMENT". This change will have for effect to let the mention of priority treatment disappear in the panorama of the administrative file of the candidate. - The official to the immigration must carry a very special attention to the treatment and to the analysis of the ask presented by the candidates aimed by an offer of validated job or of those of which the formation domain is aimed by the List of the privileged domains of formation 2009 in order to assure itself that all the statutory avenues were examined to favor their selection, including the usage of the discretionary strength of the Minister, While respecting the established beacons in this respect (TO SEE GPI 3-5). - The requests treated in priority are identified as such in the field "Notice" CSQ. This piece of information registers itself automatically to leave obtained points to the factor Offers validated job or code of the domain of formation of the requiring principal and spouse, according to the case. It allows, among others, to inform the federal government that it is a matter of a priority file for the Quebec that also must be treated as such for the delivery of the aimed permanent resident. - Personalized versions of the typical letter PERM 132 (your certificate of selection of the Quebec) were conceived for the candidates aimed by the priority treatment, in order to support them for the achievement of one aimed permanent resident and their establishment to the Quebec. Thus, if the priority treatment results from the domain of formation of the candidate or of his spouse, the - official to the immigration puts back them the CSQ accompanied letter PERM 132A (priority Treatment CSQ after October 14 2009) or, if it is a matter of a candidate graduate of the Quebec (or of a candidate of which the diploma is assimilated to a diploma of the Quebec), the letter PERM 132A (priority Treatment CSQ Diploma Quebec after October 14 2009). This last one does not contain the pieces of information of usage concerning the access to the regulated professions, for they do not apply in their position. If the priority treatment rather is based on the presence in the file of an offer of validated job, the official to the immigration puts back to the aimed candidates their CSQ accompanied letter PERM 132A (priority Treatment CSQ OEV after October 14 2009).

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4,2 Steps of the preliminary examination 4.2.1 Objectives of the preliminary examination THE step of the preliminary examination has for function of: - To allow the identification of candidates being able to be the object of a selection on file, considering the obtained results to this step of the process; - to manage the access to the selection interview while separating the candidacies that not satisfont to the thresholds éliminatoires or to the passage threshold to the step of the preliminary examination. 4.2.2 Requirements to the step of the preliminary examination By virtue of the item 7 of the RSRE, the DCS of the candidate worker qualified is the object of a preliminary examination following the foreseen factors to the gate of selection of the candidates of this under category, with the exception of the factor Adaptability. For this step, the points are attributed to the candidate from the contained pieces of information on the DCS. The candidate must satisfy the following conditions to qualify itself: - Obtain at least 2 points to the criterion Level of schooling of the factor Formation, that is to say to hold minimally a diploma of general secondary studies or professional (TO SEE GPI 3-1, SECTION; - Satisfy the threshold éliminatoire of employability. The threshold that applies to this step is the following: - A minimum of 42 points for a requiring alone one; - a minimum of 50 points for a requiring one accompanied of his spouse or fact spouse. This threshold applies to the factors Formation, Experience, Age, linguistic Knowledge, Stay and family to the Quebec, Offers validated job and, if need be, Characteristic of the spouse or spouse of fact that accompanies. - To satisfy the passage threshold to the step of the preliminary examination. The threshold that applies to this step is the following: - A minimum of 49 points for a requiring alone one; - a minimum of 57 points for a requiring one accompanied of his spouse or fact spouse. All the factors are taken into account to the step of the preliminary examination, with the exception of the factor Adaptability. - To obtain 1 point to the factor Capacity of financial autonomy, that is to say duly to have filled, signed and joined to his request the Contract relating to the capacity of financial autonomy. The counselor to the immigration must assure itself that the registered amount on the Contract relating to financial autonomy corresponds to the statutory amount foreseen to the annex C of the RSRE. For this to do, it verifies the registered amount on the contract while taking account of the number of understood people in family unity. In the cases where the official to the immigration notes at the preliminary examination that certain documents or pieces of information are lacking or that the registered amount on the contract does not correspond to the minimum require by virtue of The annex C of the RSRE, it transmits to the candidate the letter PERM 115 (lacking document) and the list of the lacking pieces to the file. Notice: - If the candidate shows its linguistic knowledge in French while presenting to the support of his request of immigration, the result of a test of evaluation delivered by one of the two organisms recognized by the Ministry (TO SEE SECTION, the official to the immigration can assure itself validité of the results while using the means of put validation at his disposal by the transmitting organisms. 4.2.3 Results to the step of the preliminary examination TO the coming from the preliminary examination, the possible results are: - The acceptance;

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- the intention of refusal and the refusal; - the intention of rejection and the rejection; - the suspense. Acceptance If the candidate satisfies the statutory conditions, the past file to the step of the selection; the letter PERM 111 (selection on file), PERM 121 (summoning to the interview) or PERM 124 (interview expectation) is sent to the candidate, according to the position that applies to the latter (TO SEE GPI 3-2, SECTIONS 4.4.1 and 4.4.2). For the candidates possessors of an offer of validated job, see the section of this chapter (SEE GPI 3-1, SECTION Intention of refusal and refusal If the candidate does not reply to the statutory conditions, the letter PERM 401 (refusal intention to the preliminary examination) is sent him, accompanied card of evaluation (FEVAL). The candidate has access to 60 days following the sending for there to reply. If the candidate gives after this letter and that his request nevertheless must be refused, a letter PERM 401A (refusal to the preliminary examination) is transmitted him, if need be,accompanied FEVAL. If the candidate does not give after the letter of intention of refusal, his request is refused to the expiration of the 60 days, without other notice. The code of the formation of the requiring principal and of his spouse must appear on the FEVAL of the candidate. Notice: - Is designated, by way of principal require, the person of which the position is the most advantageous one to the look of the granting of the foreseen points to the Regulation on the pondération, at the time of the assessment of a request presented by a couple. Thus, when a candidate accompanied of a spouse or fact spouse does not qualify itself to the preliminary examination, it there place to verify if the spouse or fact spouse eventually could satisfy the passage thresholds. The counselor to the immigration examines the luck of the spouse to qualify itself as principal requiring and transmits, to the need, the letter PERM 115 (lacking document) in order to complete the evaluation. If the examination is conclusive, the counselor opens a new file in the computer system and follows the evaluation according to the habitual procedure. If the spouse cannot qualify himself as principal requiring, the counselor indicates on the FEVAL that this option was envisioned but that the spouse replies to the requirements to be selected by way of principal require. - Exceptionally, a candidate that does not satisfy the requirements of the preliminary examination can be accepted to this step if the official judges that the gate does not reflect the capacities of the latter to establish itself with success or that it seems to present a position of humanitarian distress. The procedures relating to the usage of the discretionary strength of the minister (item 40 of the RSRE) are treated to the chapter 5 of the composing 3 (TO SEE GPI 3-5). Intention of rejection and rejection When the official to the immigration has reasonable motives to doubt the authenticity of the documents or trueness of the presented pieces of information to the support of the request of immigration, it informs the proof and towards to the immigration file the pieces of information and documents require. If the proof is sufficient, the prepared official the letter PERM 400 (rejection intention) in which it specifies the pieces of information or the document of which the trueness or the authenticity was not proved in a satisfactory way. The candidate has access to 60

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days, from the date back to reception of the letter of intention of rejection, to transmit its observations and any allowing document to review the decision, without what his request will be rejected, to which one case, the rejection of his request is confirmed by the letter PERM 399A (rejection letter), signed by the responsible administrator, and an administrative penalty applies, preventing it from deposit a new request during the five subsequent years, by virtue of the item Law. If the official to the immigration considers that the proof must be completed, it can summon the candidate in interview, if this one attains the passage threshold require. Suspense It can happen that the official to the immigration cannot return a decision, notably when arises one of the following positions: - The payable expenses were not paid completely; - pieces of information, explanations or additional documents are required; - additional verifications are necessary. In the latter case, the official to the immigration can, after approval of his administrator, ask an examination by the Service of the security and investigations (SSE) or resort to to the expertise of intervening others. In the cases where the official to the immigration must suspend the treatment of a request, it records this advancement state in the computer system and puts back to the candidate the letter that applies to his position. 4,3 Steps of the selection 4.3.1 Objectives to the step of the selection THE step of the selection has for function to complete the process of started evaluation to the step of the preliminary examination and to determine if the candidate is in a position to satisfy the passage threshold to the gate. The decision to the step of the selection can be taken in interview of selection or on file. selection Interview By virtue of the item 8 of the RSRE, the candidate worker qualified must be summoned in selection interview if it satisfies the passagethreshold to the preliminary examination without nevertheless to satisfy the passage threshold in selection. To summon a candidate in interview, the official to the immigration transmits him the letter PERM 121 (summoning to the selection interview). The selection interview has for principal functions: - The verification or updated it carried out evaluation to the step of the preliminary examination; - the targeted evaluation of one or more factors of selection to assure itself trueness of the pieces of information furnish and authenticity of the presented documents to the support of the request. In interview, the counselor to the immigration can question the candidate, examine the original documents and judge validité of the pieces of information while taking account of the other motives that allow doubting or not of the validité of the document or trueness of the pieces of information. To the need, it will equally be able to ask additional documents relying on the candidate the letter PERM 115 (lacking document). She also can serve to: - The information transmission to the candidate (individual counselling) to the look of his project of specific immigration and of its individual and socio-professional characteristics - the revision or the signature, if this already is not done, Contract relating to the capacity of financial autonomy, just like the piece of information transmission on the reach of the contract and on the real costs of establishment to the Quebec. The official to the immigration will have to

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assure itself that the candidate possesses a copy of the signed contract or to put back some for him and if the contract is signed at the time of the interview. The official will equally have to recall to the candidate to have in his possession his copy of the contract to his arrival to the Quebec. In any case, the candidate must present himself to the interview with the original ones of all the documents require. When the candidate is not in measure to present an original document, it must justify this non-availability and present a certified copy conforms by the transmitting institution of the document or by legal duly authorized authority, or any other certified document; the counselor will judge then validité of the document and of his admissibility. If it does not have in his possession these documents at the time of the interview, his request could be rejected or refused, in the respect of the applicable procedures. Selection on file The selection on file must be privileged if the two following conditions are filled: - it satisfies the passage threshold in selection as early as the step of the preliminary examination (without needing the points to the factor Adaptability); - his file is complete and does not require any additional verification (notably of its linguistic knowledge) or if the lacking pieces of information can be transmitted by the candidate within a period of 90 days; The official to the immigration must assure itself that the file of the candidate is complete in order to favour his Selection on file. Nevertheless, if that proves itself impossible or if the official considers that it is necessary to proceed to additional verifications or to evaluate the linguistic knowledge in French of the candidate, it summons it in interview. If the candidate presents, at the interview, a certificate emitted by an organism recognized by the Ministry for the evaluation of linguistic competences in French (TO SEE SECTION, the official to the immigration can assure itself validité of the results and authenticity of the document by the means recommended by the transmitting organisms. When a candidate has luck to be selected on file, the official to the immigration invites it to transmit by mail the certified copies of its documents in accordance with the original ones. In this respect, refer itself to the section 4.1.3. present chapter (SEE GPI 3-1, SECTION 4.1.3). When the documents furnish by the candidate are not satisfactory or that there is a doubt on their authenticity, the official to the immigration can summon the candidate to an interview. Besides, the selected candidates on file and their spouse or fact spouse must be summoned to a meeting of information of group in the regions where this one is offered, in particular the likely candidates to exercise a profession governed by a professional order to the Quebec or by a regulation organism. 4.3.2 Requirements to the step of the selection to be selected, the candidate must satisfy the passage threshold to the step of the selection. The passage thresholds that apply to this step are the following: - A minimum of 55 points for a requiring alone one; - a minimum of 63 points for a requiring one accompanied of his spouse or fact spouse. Notice: - If the candidate shows its linguistic knowledge in French while presenting to the support of his request of immigration, the result of a test of evaluation delivered by one of the organisms recognized by the Ministry (TO SEE SECTION, the official to the immigration can assure itself validité of the

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results while using the means of put validation at his disposal by the transmitting organisms. - The candidate that, according to its declarations, holds competences in French allowing him to be selected on file, but that did not join the pieces proving its linguistic knowledge, will be invited to pass a standardized test. - For this to do, a letter (PERM 115B) is dispatched to the candidate, to the step of the preliminary examination, the guest to pass a test of French. A new code (151) is foreseen to this end in the party "advancement State" of SEPTE. - A candidate that does not present the standardized result of a test will be able to be selected on file if it presents satisfactory proofs of its linguistic competences in French, such as a punishing diploma of the recent studies in French, a work experience in French, etc. - All the factors of the gate are taken into account to this step.

4.3.3 Results to the step of the selection TO the coming from the carried out evaluation to the step of the selection, the possible results are: - The acceptance; - the intention of refusal and the refusal; - the intention of rejection and the rejection; - the suspense. Acceptance If the candidate attains the threshold of passage and that the authenticity ofthe documents and the credibility of the declarations are shown, it is accepted and his past file to the step of the statutory formalities of admission (TO SEE GPI 3-1, SECTION 4,5). The Official to the immigration records the acceptance decision in the computer system. It delivers a CSQ to the candidate and to each of the members of his family that the accompany and keeps a copy of the CSQ in the file of the candidate. The chapter 7 of the composing 5 (TO SEE GPI 5-7) precise the pieces of information appearing on the CSQ. In addition, the official transmits to the candidate the letter PERM-132 (CSQ) that furnishes pieces of information on the selection certificate (notably on the length and the conditions of his validité) and on the gaits to undertake with the federal government to obtain one aimed permanent residence. Notice: - If a spouse or fact spouse adds to the request of the requiring principal after the delivery of the CSQ but before the one of the aimed, it will be necessary to remake the examination of the request while using the gate with spouse or spouse of fact and to assure itself that the requiring principal qualifies itself to this gate. If such is not the case, no CSQ will be delivered to the spouse or spouse of fact and a request of cancellation of the delivered CSQ to the requiring principal will be formulated while itself in accordance with the foreseen procedure to this end (TO SEE GPI 5-8). One will inform the Canadian Office of the aimed position. Intention of refusal and refusal If the candidate does not satisfy the statutory requirements, it cannot be selected. To the selection interview, the counselor to the immigration informs the candidate of the decision of refusal and principal motives on which this one rests, and the candidate has the possibility to bring precisions or complements of information, if need be, comparatively to these motives. The counselor records the refusal decision in the computer system and there records its evaluation grades. It puts back to the candidate the letter PERM 403A (refusal)

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accompanied notice. If the candidate does not satisfy the statutory requirements, but that it possibly there could satisfy while furnishing documents or additional pieces of information, the letter PERM 403 (refusal intention) is transmitted him, indicating the motives of intention of refusal and the documents to furnish by the candidate for that the request can be accepted. The letter of intention of refusal always must be accompanied card of evaluation FEVAL. If the candidate gives after the letter in the foreseen delay of 60 days, following the sending, and that his request nevertheless must be refused, the letter PERM 403A (refusal in selection) is transmitted him, accompanied card of evaluation notice. If it does not give continuation, his request is refused to the expiration of the 60 days, without other notice. Notice: - Exceptionally, a candidate that does not satisfy the requirements in selection can be accepted to this step if the official judges that the gate does not reflect the capacities of the latter to establish itself with success. The procedures relating to the usage of the discretionary strength of the minister (item 40 of the RSRE) are treated to the chapter 6 of the composing 3 (TO SEE GPI 3-6). Intention of rejection and rejection Theitem 3.2.1 Law on the immigration to the Quebec allows the Ministry to reject any request that contains an information or a false or document misleading. Besides, the item 11 of the RSRE foresees that the candidate must furnish the proof of all does to the support of his request. The item 9 of the same regulation foresees that the requiring principal must reply to the questions of an official to the immigration and produce the document that this official to the immigration claims for the purpose of establish if it replies to the requirements of the Regulation. In interview, the official to the immigration examines the original documents and asks questions to the candidate with the intention of to determine the trueness of the pieces of information and the authenticity of the documents. If the official to the immigration haves doubts about the authenticity of a document or the trueness of a piece of information, it has in to notify the candidate and to offer him the timeliness to furnish explanations. If it judges it fitting, it asks the candidate to produce any necessary additional document to the taken decision. In the absence of to be able to dissipate the raised doubts, at the end of his analysis of the candidacy by virtue of the selection criteria, the official to the immigration informs the candidate of its doubts and possibility that his file is rejected. It asks him to produce any document that it estimates necessary to the taken decision. The official informs the proof allowing him to recommend an intention of rejection and towards to the immigration file the pieces of information and documents require. It must judge validité of information (written or verbal) that it receives, evaluate the reliability of the pieces of information and to take account of the other motives that allow doubting or not of the validité of the document or information. If the proof is conclusive, the prepared official the letter PERM 399 (rejection intention) to the intention of the candidate, in which it precise pieces of information or the documents of which the trueness or the authenticity were not proved in a satisfactory way. The candidate has access to 60 days, from the date back to reception of the letter of intention of rejection, to transmit its observations and any allowing document to review the decision, without what his request will be rejected. The rejection decision is confirmed by the transmission of the letter PERM 399A (rejection), signed by the responsible administrator. If need be, an

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administrative penalty applies and prevents it from deposit a new request during the 5 subsequent years, by virtue of the item Suspense It can happen that the official to the immigration cannot return a decision, notably when arises the an or the other of the following positions: - The payable expenses were not paid completely; - pieces of information, explanations or additional documents are required; - additional verifications are necessary. In the latter case, the official to the immigration can, after approval of his administrator, ask an examination by the Service of the security and investigations (SSE) or resort to to the expertise of intervening others. In the cases where the official to the immigration must suspend the treatment of a request, it records this advancement state in the computer system and puts back to the candidate the letter that applies to his position. 4,4 Additions or collection of a spouse or of a child to load that accompanies in course of process or after the delivery of the CSQ A requiring one can ask to add or to withdraw his spouse of his request if a change is arisen as for his conjugal position (marriage, new union of fact, divorces, separation, death, etc.) or as for the decision of his spouse to accompany or no. The requiring can equally ask to add a new child to his request. These changes can arise in course of process or after the delivery of a CSQ. In addition, if a candidate signals, before the delivery of the CSQ, that a change is foreseen in his conjugal position, the official to the immigration has in Hold counts in the limits of the possible one and suit the candidate while suspending, for some months, the decision to return in the file in question or while delaying the date back to the interview. 4.4.1 Addition or collection in process course (no final decision again was not taken) In the cases where the addition or the collection is carried out in process course, the requiring principal preserve the same orderof priority that beforehand in the treatment of his file. Addition of a spouse When A single requiring request to add a spouse in process course, the official to the immigration has: - to let a DCS fill by the spouse (there including all the documents to join, of which the Declaration of the spouses or fact spouses); - to claim the payment of the payable rights for the spouse (again expense do not have to bepaid out for the requiring principal) and a new Contract relating to the capacity of financial autonomy; - to carry out the required change in the administrative file; - to print the selection gate Without spouse and to pour it to the file before to obliterate it in SEPTE; - to open a selection gate with spouse in SEPTE; - to proceed to the reappraisal of the file (while envisioning to the need the possibility to carryout a change of principal require); - to return the decision concerning the request. Collection of a spouse When A requiring request to withdraw his spouse while his request is in evaluation course, the official to the immigration has: - to carry out the required change in the administrative file; - to print the selection gate with spouse and to pour it to the file before to obliterate it in SEPTE;