queensland health about immunisation immunisecen ór baabote

Queensland Health Immunisecen ór baabote Maalumat ókkol Maabaf olla Easy English About immunisation Information for parents Rohingya \ Ruáingga

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Queensland Health

Immunisecen ór baaboteMaalumat ókkol Maabaf olla

Easy English

About immunisation

Information for parents

Rohingya \ Ruáingga

Sófa 2

Mockil lofzó ókkol

Kitab ibat kissu-kissu muckil lofzó ókkol asé.

Eibbe foílabar añara muckil lofzó ekkan leíkki

● Alfaz ókkol ciyaí rong ót

● Añára muckil lofzó yan ór mani ki yan leíki.

Hard words

This book has some hard words.

The first time we write a hard word

● the word is in blue

● we write what the hard word means.

Sófa 3

Kitab iba loí modót faíba

Kono ekzon ór modot yo sai fariba

● kitab iba foro

● Kitab iba kiyor baabote yan zani so

● Aro maalumat ókkol tuaí so.

You can get help with this book

You can get someone to help you

● read this book

● know what this book is about

● find more information.

Sófa 4

Kitab ibar baabote

Kitab iba leíkke dé

● Queensland Health yé

● Maabaf ókkollolla.

Kitab iba immunisecen ór baabote

Immunisecen ya maani oildekiki tuáñar ga

hoto dilla biyaram ókkollotu hefazot asé.

About this book

This book is written

● by Queensland Health

● for parents.

This book is about immunisation

Immunisation means your body is protected

from some diseases.

Sófa 5

Hefazot takibolla tuñártu vaksin mara foribou.

Vaksin óildeki hefazot ór ucut.

Ucut iín óit fare

● Fúc mari golaíbo

● Gilifelaibo.

Australiat zedugun vaksin ókkol asé iín

beggun soí selamot asé.

You need to have a vaccine to be immunised.

A vaccine is protection medicine.

The medicine might be

● injected

● swallowed.

All vaccines used in Australia are safe.

Sófa 6

Immunisecen kiyalla zoruri?

Immunisecen yé tuánare biyaram ókkollottu

hefazot goribo

● tuañare biyaram goré

● Moot ó

Why is immunisation important?

Immunisation protects you from diseases that


● make you sick

● cause death.

Sófa 7

Immunisecen yé tuañáre hoto dilla biyaram

ókkollotu hefazot gore.


● lúti

● gal touwa

● tháñdi

● Lota hash

Immunisation can protect you from a lot of


For example

● measles

● mumps

● the flu

● whooping cough.

Sófa 8

Biyaram iín óinno manúic óttu fáradé

Zeíthe neíki beca beci manúic ókkollore dabai fúc

mare tói biyaram iín cómaj ór butore asan óy sate

no fára.

You can catch diseases from other people.

When a lot of people get immunised it is hard for

diseases to spread in the community.

Sófa 9

Háttu dabai fúc mara forebode?

Fótti ekzon óttu dabai fúc mara foribou.


● Latura fuain

● Gura fuain

● Hoissa fuain

● Boró manúic

● Bocala manúic

Who should get immunised?

Everyone should get immunised.

For example

● babies

● children

● young adults

● adults

● older people.

Sófa 10

Latura fuain ar gura fuain dabai fúc maron beci


Hamil beçiyaín dottu yo beci zoruri dabai fúc


Immunisecen yé hefazot gore

● Maa re


● Latura fuare

It is very important for babies and young children

to get immunised.

It is also important for pregnant women to get


Immunisation can protect

● the mother


● the baby.

Sófa 11

Tuáñar fémli re hoóñtté dabai fúc mara foribou de?

Australiat maze immunisecen ór thaím tabel


Thaim tabel yan ót leíke asédeki hoon boc ót

hoúñá vaksin mara foribou de yan

Thaim tabel mutabek ye solon beci zoruri.

When should your family get immunised?

Australia has an immunisation schedule.

A schedule says which vaccines should be

given at different ages.

It is important to follow the schedule.

Sófa 12

Zeñtte tuñi thaim tabel mutabek ye soliba

● Tuáñar fuain biyaram ókkolltu bala gori basi taki


● Tuñi fémli re modót gorede thiaña iba faíba

sorkar ór torfottu

– fémli re modót gorede thiañá iba Centrelink

ye dede

● Tuáñar fuain,fuain sóoñla de eçe zai faribou.

Zedice tuáñár fuain dottu kissu-kissu immunisecen

goli giyoidé taíle tuáñár daktor ore goligiyoídé iín

ya baabote pelan gorifaribou.

When you follow the schedule

● your child will be better protected from disease

● you can get family assistance payments from

the government

– family assistance payments are from


● your child can go to child care.

If your child misses some immunisations your

doctor can make a plan to catch up.

Sófa 13

Oit fare tuáñár fuain dottu aro immunisecen

ókkoll laíbou také tara biyaram óttu hefazot také


Oit fare tuáñár fémlittu dubara dabai fúc mara

foribou zedice tuáñrtu dec ót majjodé iín ór

rekódh notakilé.

Zedice tuní Australiar bare neílto saíle oít fare

tuáñár fémlittu immunisecen gori zaforibou take

biyaram óttu basi taki fare fan.

Tuáñar daktor ye tuáñáre hói faribou hon

immunisecen gin tuáñártu zoruri óiyede iín.

Your child might need to get more immunisations

to keep them protected from diseases.

Your family might have to get immunised again if

you do not have immunisation records from your

home country.

If you travel outside Australia your family might

need immunisations to keep them safe from


Your doctor can tell you which immunisations you

will need.

Sófa 14

Immunisecen góille hono duk fané?

Zeñtte neíki fúc mare eíñtte íkkini gori duk


Oít fare fúc mari badé duk faíba.Mesál át bic


Oít fare fúc mari badé eíkkena gori zór uçibou.

Bec thaim ót duk ar zór iín zabogói.

Tuáñrtu cinta lagile tuáñár daktor ór hasé zaí


Will the immunisations hurt?

You might feel a small pain when you get the


You might have pain after the injection. For

example, a sore arm.

You might have a mild fever after the injection.

Pain and fever will usually go away.

If you are worried you can see your doctor.

Sófa 15

Hoçe zaíyaré dabai fúc mara foribode?

Tuñi immunisecen húntu gorifariba hoile

● Tuáñár daktor

● Kissu-kissu lokel koncil

● High Eskul

– Sirif fuain zin háñt kelas ar doc kelas ót

asé itaralla.

Where to get immunised

You can get immunisations from

● your doctor

● some local councils

● high school

– for children in Year 7 and Year 10 only.

Sófa 16

Tuáñártu ijazot nama sain gora foribou ói hoíyaré

tuáñár fuain dore eskul ot fúc no maribar agóttu.

Eskul ót tuáñár fuain dottu immunisecen

goligiyoídé óíle tuáñár daktor yo mari difaribou.

Immunisecen goribolla hudun horca óibo?

Kissu-kissu façilla,vaksin zin Australia tabel ót asé

in maana

Tuáñar daktor re fusar goro zedice iín ór butore

tuni goli takilé.

Zedicé tuáñáre daktor ye dabai fúc mari dile oít fare tuáñrtu daktor hasé giyodé yan ólla fis diya foribou.

You must sign a consent form to say yes before

your child gets immunised at school.

If your child misses an immunisation at school your

doctor can give it to them.

How much do immunisations cost?

Vaccines listed on the Australian schedule are free

for some groups.

Ask your doctor if this includes you.

If you get immunised by your doctor you might

have to pay for the doctor visit.

Sófa 17

Tuni húntu immunisecen ór rekódh talash gori fariba?

Tuñi tuáñar immunisecen rekódh iíntu loí fariba

● Tuáñár daktor

● Australian Immunisation Register iíntu.

Australian Immunisation Register ór hasé kol

goró 1800 653 809 ót.

Tuáñár immunisecen ór hictorir boyan mago.

Where can you get your immunisation record?

You can get your immunisation record from

● your doctor

● the Australian Immunisation Register.

Call the Australian Immunisation Register on

1800 653 809.

Ask for your immunisation history statement.

Sófa 18

Aro maalumat ókkol

Aro beci zaínto saíle kontek goro Queensland

Health ór hasé.

13 432 584 ót kol goro.

Zedice tuáñártu hotá báñgidoya uggwá lagile

kontek goro Translating ar Interpreting Service ór


Kol goro 131 450 ót.

Hédmot iba maana.

More information

For more information contact Queensland Health.

Call 13 432 584

If you need an interpreter contact the Translating

and Interpreting Service

Call 131 450

This is a free service.

Sófa 19

Aro beci maalumat ókkol lagile immunisecen

ór baabote zaí so


Aro maalumat ókkol tuáñár zuban zaínto saíle

zaí so

For information about immunisation visit





For information in your language visit






Scope’s Communication and Inclusion Resource Centre wrote the

Easy English version in September, 2019.

To contact Scope call 1300 472 673 or visit www.scopeaust.org.au

To see the original contact Queensland Health.

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