question 1: in what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of...

This shots shows how we have conformed to traditional conventions of the genre. At this point in the trailer, the music speeds up, and the tone changes. The shots change more quickly and the action is more rushed. This change in tone is often seen in horror trailers, and a convention we had noticed during research. This shots shows how we have challenged conventions of the genre. This shots appears at the end of the trailer, after the title and credits have appeared. It is an extra few shots of the female character and was included to develop the mystery of her character. Within our research, we found that most trailers ended with the credits and the title of the film were the last things to appear. We have challenged this convention therefore by adding this extra shots onto the end of the trailer.

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Post on 05-Dec-2014



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Page 1: Question 1: In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

This shots shows how we have conformed to traditional conventions of

the genre. At this point in the trailer, the music speeds up, and the tone changes. The shots change more

quickly and the action is more rushed. This change in tone is often seen in horror trailers, and a convention we

had noticed during research.

This shots shows how we have challenged conventions of the genre. This shots appears at the end of the trailer, after the title and credits have appeared. It is an extra few shots of the female character and was included to develop the mystery of her character. Within our research, we found that most trailers ended with the credits and the title of the film were the last things to appear. We have challenged this convention therefore by adding this extra shots onto the end of the trailer.

Page 2: Question 1: In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

This shots shows how we have conformed to traditional conventions of the horror genre. We found during research that it was important to include the name of the film, and preferably include it at, or near the end so that it would

stick in the mind of the audience member who had just viewed it. We therefore have included this shot near the end of the trailer so that it is

a memorable feature of the trailer.

This shots shows how we have conformed to traditional conventions of the horror genre. In our research we found that the production company was shown early on in trailers, so as to present the audience with a certain expectation of what

the film we be like. We therefore chose to include our production company name 21 seconds into the trailer- by conforming to this convention, we feel it gave our trailer a professional composition

and professional feel for the audience.

Page 3: Question 1: In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

This shot shows how we have conformed to traditional conventions of the genre. We

found in research that some trailers included the caption or voice over ‘based on true events.’ We therefore decide to

include this caption to increase the mystery and horror aspect of the trailer.

In our research we found that all trailers, regardless of genre, focused

part on establishing the key characters. We therefore created a panning shot of our key characters

in the early part of the trailer, therefore conforming to this

traditional convention. We chose to create this kind of shot as it looked

at each of the characters in turn and was an effective way of introducing

them quickly into the story.

Page 4: Question 1: In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

These shots show how we have conformed to traditional conventions of the horror genre. The shot on the left shows the

female character pulling a knife out of wood, the shot on the right shows a different character doing the same. The effect of this is that it keeps up the mystery of who the victim and the villain is

and is a convention we found a lot of trailers conformed to during research.

Page 5: Question 1: In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

We considering the importance of establishing characters within a trailer, these three shots show how we have

not only introduced a character (1) but then continued to develop them

throughout the trailer. (2) and (3). We found in research that the key character

or protagonist was one of the key focuses in trailers, we therefore chose

to include this feature within our trailer, therefore conforming to this traditional

convention of the genre.




Page 6: Question 1: In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

This shots shows how we have conformed to the traditional conventions of the genre and

movie trailers in general. We found in research that most trailers have reviews from

companies and the media. We therefore decided to include some in our own piece. We liked the effect of this as the positive review should encourage people to want to go and

see the film.

This shot shows how we have challenged traditional conventions of the horror genre, we found in research that not many trailers had a shot showing feet

tracking and so decided to include this in our own work. The effect of this is that it portrays how calm the characters are- the shot shows them walking slowly

through the woods. The angle of the shot also conveys the idea of the characters

being watched, it appears as though they are completely unaware of being filmed.

Page 7: Question 1: In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

This shot shows how we have challenged the traditional conventions of horror trailers. We have included a shot which resembles a car

chase, a convention that is often seen in action trailers and films. We chose to include this as it is relevant to the age group which the film is aimed at, and the use of the car

presents an escape method in the trailer for the characters. For this reason we thought it

an appropriate shot to include.

This shot shows how we have conformed to very traditional horror conventions. We

chose to film part of the trailer in black and white as we were influenced by the

sub-genre of film noire. We chose to include this as we found the genre

particularly effective in conveying the idea of the unknown. We wanted the audience to recognise this and be able to question

what is happening in the trailer. By filming in black and white we also wanted them to

be able to identify the trailer as ‘horror.’

Page 8: Question 1: In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

This shot shows how we have manipulated a traditional convention of the horror

genre. We found in research that in some trailers a weapon or danger was always hinted at, but never actually seen. We

decided to manipulate this convention by actually presenting the danger bluntly to the audience. We found this effective as the genre was clearly identifiable to the

audience through this symbolism.

This shot shows how we have challenged a traditional convention of the horror genre

and trailers. In our research we noticed that danger and death may be hinted at or presented metaphorically but is never presented physically in the trailer. As a

result we decided to challenge this , and present a death on camera to the audience.

We found this effective as the ‘danger’ is presented to the audience in a more horrific

and shocking way.

Page 9: Question 1: In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

This shot shows how we have challenged traditional conventions of the horror genre and trailers in general. We found in research that

most trailers only presented the name of the film and the end. We challenged this by using a shot with a fake phone call earlier in the trailer during which the name of the film appears. We thought this would be effective as the name of the film

also appears at the end of the film- the audience should recognise it from this shot in the trailer and this therefore emphasises the element of

mystery in the trailer.

This shot shows how we have conformed to the

traditional conventions of the horror genre. In

research we noticed that many horror trailers included characters

running from something/ someone and so we

decided to include this aspect as it creates an element of fear for the


Page 10: Question 1: In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

From my research, I found that some

posters have captions included which can as

a result produces a rhetorical question for the audience to think about watching the film. I found this a

effective technique, therefore I included this in my poster so

that my work will have the same effected on

the audience. By using the image it

also produces rhetorical questions, about who this character is. As I have used traditional

conventions of keeping the mystery of the

victim and villain, but I have also challenged the conventions of a

poster, as most posters the audience can identify who these

types of characters are clearly, but my poster

questions their thoughts about her.

By using text and symbols at the bottom and middle of the page

it shows how I have used my research to

conform to the conventions of posters.

By simply inserting credits, reviews, age

certificate, the production company and the website on to

my poster.

The use of using a tinted colour on the main image I have

challenged the conventions of a horror

poster, as they are normally set in there

original colours. I chose to use one colour as I was

influenced by film noir as the effect enhances

the features of the image such as

shadows. By I have developed this by

using a colour which is represented with the

horror genre.

Page 11: Question 1: In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

By adding links to other pages to the site such as gallery, about the film, characters my webpage meets the conventions of a

webpage, as I am giving the audience more information about the film without

giving the storyline away.

I chose to continue the mid shots of the actors legs in my webpage. I decided to use the type of shot on my poster as I wanted to keep

the killer’s identity a mystery. It also allows my

webpage to challenge other pages, as they give the audience an idea of the film and establishing characters within it. But my poster keeps their involvement a secret

therefore making it more effective to the audience.

In my research I found that that all webpage’s

included social icons/links and ticked and show time website links. Therefore I

used these on my webpage therefore

showing how I conform to the conventions of a


I also carried on the film noir influenced style background on one

colour, but I have also developed this effect my inserting fully coloured

sections, therefore increasing the effect of

the image ob the audience.

By not showing the trailer first thing on the

homepage but as a link, I have conformed and

developed this convention. As in my research I found

that only one or two uses a style like of not showing

the trailer on the homepage.