question 1: in what ways does your media product use, challenge and develop conventions of real ...

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? By Charlie Rideout

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Post on 13-Aug-2015




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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media


By Charlie Rideout

Opening sequence conventions We followed the stereotypical opening sequence. As the opening g

sequence starts with a production logo. Then in come the titles in the conventional order. Starting with ‘In association with…’ then I introduced the protagonist and antagonist and other key actors, producers or editor. I ended with the traditional ‘Directed by..’.

Horror Genre conventionsIn my opening sequence of ‘Axed’ we tried to follow the stereotypical horror film, however in some ways we went against the stereotypical conventions. Firstly we matched the stereotypical setting as it’s filmed in a remote farm in the middle of the country side this, isolates the characters. Additionally we had a very conventional horror narrative as there is an initial murder, then some teenagers become isolated and are picked of one by one. This connotes sequestration.

For example on of our themes is a revenge type of film we incorporated this theme well. We didn’t have a good vs. evil theme because our characters we not in any danger of death.

Furthermore , I used the conventional high and low angle shots in order to connote fear and nightmares. I also used ambient diegetic sounds, such as footsteps and monster sounds; this is very conventional of the horror genre. Additionally I used jump cuts to make the film feel awkward for the audience. Also, we matched the conventional mysterious killer.

I also incorporated a conventional murder weapon of an axe which is the key signifier to the films genre. However we also went against some of the conventions as the characters are not young Blonde girls; but males. However they are still venerable.

Horror Genre conventions

Production logoIt is conventional to have a production logo in any film not only in horror films. My production logo ‘Blurred Fraction’ connotes that thing will remain bedim at the start and will become clear in the end. This is shown in my production logo as it starts off blurry then clears. This blurring effect hints to the genre of film my production logo will create; as blurs are associated with mysterious films. So my production logo hints toward horror and adventure films.

Enigma CodesI used an enigma to make out antagonist mysterious and scary. However we didn’t want the audience to see his face; this makes him seem more mysterious and illusive. This is this further enticed when he is killing his son, but the audience do not know why and what is happening to the boy. This makes the film more gripping and tense for the audience as they want to continue watching to see what’s going to happen and why Jake died.

Axe, is the key signifier. Produces an enigma code.

Action codes During my opening sequence there is a huge amount of action

scenes we also had some calmer scenes to create a roller coaster for the audience. The key signifier of the axe is the main action code, I chose the axe because an Axe connotes murder an action. This links to our horror genre. However the action makes our genre a horror-adventure hybrid. I used the original scene to show the action that had taken place n the house this is then matched with the arrival of the ‘Lads’ who see that killer Malcolm; this helps the audience establish that it’s the same house.

Binary oppositesIn our film we included many binary opposites, this follows the conventions of the genre as binary opposites are always often used to as side plots and themes, thus increasing the drama. The main ones will be between the antagonist and protagonist. As one is good and the other is bad; they are completely opposite as one is after revenge and the others are just innocent holiday makers who are lost.

There are also binary opposites between the group. As Gus is the weaker character; he is a stereotypical nerd who is a bit of a joker . Whereas Tommie is the dominant character; he bullies Gus into going upstairs. He is always interested on having authority. They are binary opposites as there personalities clash. You can see this as Tommie is always talking down on Gus.

TitlesIn my opening sequence I followed the conventional title sequence. I developed a text that I thought look as if it would fit the genre as it’s sharp, crisp text; connotes the sharpness of the axe. I had reasonable short ascenders and desenders as I wanted the text to be compact. Additionally I animated my text to make it go from red to white; this makes it interesting . The red follows the conventional horror film font colour. I chose red because it connotes death. It then changes to white; this connotes hope and sanguineness. The meaning behind the text colour create a juxtapositioning. They also give the audience a clue about the narrative of the story.