question 2 evaluation

How does your media product repres Particular social groups?

Upload: bsteadman

Post on 16-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Question 2 evaluation

Q2) How does your media product representParticular social groups?

Page 2: Question 2 evaluation

These two images are both of the same model I used for my magazine. I decided to use the second image as my front cover as it suited my genre more. The similarities are that the model poses as quite fierce due to it being a rap magazine, you can see he is confident. In both images the model is dressed in tracksuits that is quite informal which is how a stereotypical rapper usually dresses. Also both images are medium close ups I choose to use these as they are a good decent size for the front cover and usually the shot type a rap magazine uses which is a medium close up. The differences are that in the second image the model is looking up which I think is a better pose as he looks more confident and cocky which is good for this genre. The lighting in the second image is quite lighter than the first image this was so that he looks clearer.

Page 3: Question 2 evaluation

This is where I got my inspiration for my magazine. I tried to make the model do a similar pose to what is on this magazine. The model on the magazine is also wearing similar casual clothes so that’s what made me want my model to also wear them. Also they both look like they have swagger and attitude which is good for this genre as rappers are usually considered cocky and confident. I used a medium close up the same the rap magazine. The image I used as my inspiration is in colour but for my magazine I decided to use grey scale as I thought it would make the image stand out and look bolder.

Page 4: Question 2 evaluation

My model represents my genre of a rap magazine because…

- He is dressed the way a stereotypical rapper would be

- He has the confident and cocky attitude in his face expressions and his body language which rapper would also have