question 6 media evaluation

Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? Technologies used in the film industry in general: Throughout all stages of the film making process (pre-production, production, distribution and exhibition) many different technologies are used, all in order to achieve different goals. Starting with pre- production, tasks such as story boarding are made easier by websites and programmes such as 'Toon Boom' and 'StoryBoardPro'. These programmes animate and give clear detailed imagery and visual representations of the story board. This then gives the director and other involved a clearer and more accurate idea of what the storyboarded is trying to get across. These kinds of websites also saves massive amounts of time as hours spending in in shading and accurately drawing scenes and sets can be easily done electronically and quickly. Moving on to the production of the film. This includes the filming and editing, and is where the main chunk of more complex technologies are used. This stage is vital

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Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?Technologies used in the film industry in general:

Throughout all stages of the film making process (pre-production, production, distribution and exhibition) many different technologies are used, all in order to achieve different goals. Starting with pre-production, tasks such as story boarding are made easier by websites and programmes such as 'Toon Boom' and 'StoryBoardPro'. These programmes animate and give clear detailed imagery and visual representations of the story board. This then gives the director and other involved a clearer and more accurate idea of what the storyboarded is trying to get across. These kinds of websites also saves massive amounts of time as hours spending in in shading and accurately drawing scenes and sets can be easily done electronically and quickly.

Moving on to the production of the film. This includes the filming and editing, and is where the main chunk of more complex technologies are used. This stage is vital and would not be able to happen without a few specific technologies. Firstly for example during the filming stages of the production, technologies such as camera's (both video, digital and even special effects cameras such as 3D and IMAX). The high quality and world renowned cinematic viewed films couldn’t be made without

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the equipment of these high quality specialised cameras. 

The technology then for the editing of the films and media products is just as, if not more important. Programmes such as premier pro to I movie can be used in order to give different styles and professionalism to the media product. I movie is commononoly used for amateur/home made films. We then see programmes such as premier pro being used for more profession circumstances such as film Production Company’s and important business films, advertisements and business promotions.

Even after the filming and editing is done the process is still not over. Distribution relies on heaving use in technologies to get across to a specific wide ranges audience with all types of media platforms. For example when marketing a film, there is a large variety of techniques which can be used can be used: social media, in clouding sites such as Facebook, twitter, Instagram and even snap chat. The marketing on these sites is usually that of releases in posters, teaser trailers and status updates on progression of the films. This is a commonly used method in both large conglomerates as well as independent film companies as it is easy and free advertising. Then with the larger amounts of money in the conglomerates marketing campaign (higher marketing budgets) techniques such as adverts and trailers on day time television, to large scale merchandise sales, boosts the potential audience and therefore the profit the film will make. For big blockbuster films websites are made during the distribution process which allow interested audience

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members to follow the most recent news about the specific film. This can then encourage exchange from the audience relating to the media product, which in turn can lead to viral spread of the exchange which can then act as further advertisement for the product, and although it’s not released from the production company, it is usually beneficial in terms of marketing for the product.

Technologies we used in my work: Although the majority of the technologies listed above are commonly used within professional production company’s (from any one of the big 6 to a small intendant production company such as Vertigo), I have used nearly all of them in the making of my film. The camera I used was a canon 600D and films in 1080p HD. This meant the overall quality of my footage was that of a professional standard.

After this when in the editing stage of the piece prewire pro played an incredibly important factor. On premiere pro I had to cut and place all of my footage, and make a series of long go pro videos look like a chase scene. Ashwell as lip sync voice overs of dialogue with the video shown on screen. The premiere pro programme also allowed me to use effects such as fades, cuts, voice overs, slow motion and many more visuals in order to enhance the quality of the media product and create an overall more impressive and professional looking piece. Working in a similar way after effects allowed me to couloir grade different shots. The best example of this was when I had to colour grade two

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different shot. This was because they were filmed over two different periods of time and the lighting and condition as different. This meant I had to make the darker shot lighter and bluer and slightly greyscale the lighter shot in order to have them both matching. This made the end piece look nearly seamless and prevented the audience from conspicuously seeing any visual inconsistency.

When planning the film opening I used a programme called blogger. This helped me easily organise all the research and pre-production work I had done, and then presented it in such a way I could visually understand the work helping me staying organised and on topic when filming. This also helped to ensure all of my shots were as they were meant to be due to the presentation of the hand wan story board, scanned onto the computer and shown on blogger, alongside the research and reason as to why I wanted specific shots in the right place.

When using blogger rather than just straight away blogging information, I used different media formats to present my research, data and pre-production work. This meant using programmes and websites such as Prezi and pontoon (an alternative to PowerPoint, but more interactive and animated in order to become interesting to the viewer). Ashwell as slide share which allowed me to transfer these formats of presentation all onto one programme (blogger). Their again aided I during the production process as I had all the information I needed right in front of me straight way as I needed it.