question 7

FACE By Jade Woodward Media Studies Print Production Musicals Genre Magazine the music

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Post on 13-May-2015



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Page 1: Question 7

FACEBy Jade WoodwardMedia Studies Print ProductionMusicals Genre Magazine

the music

Page 2: Question 7

““Looking back at your Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full progression from it to the full product?”product?”

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This is part of my prep work that I am very happy I started working on before as it helped me to plan out where I was heading with my print production and the steps I needed to take to achieve my aims of my magazine. It helped me organise time and structure my working so that I laid out enough time to take my photographs, type up articles and then put everything together via editing. I have learnt more through my understanding of how long everything can take and getting the hang of the publishing programmes in order to meet my objectives in my time plan.

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““Photography & Conventions”Photography & Conventions”I learnt vast amounts within photography skills. I now have a clearer know how of handling camera equipment and the importance of correct lighting and precision especially when taking shots in a studio. I took a lot of inspiration from fashion and media magazines to make my musicals magazine stand out due to finding existing musicals magazines fairly plain when it comes to its images and photography.

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One thing I was certain was vital before getting to work on this project was the audience and that the fact that they must be at the heart of the whole production. Without them magazines cannot exist because they are who will consume the product and keep it on its feet. If they are not happy, the magazine is finished. So in the real world for my magazine to be distributed the outcome is determined by audience’s input into the beginning process aswell as the initial opinion of it printed.

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I do not have a strongest skill learnt but a few several skills. I learnt that DISTRIBUTING is a key aspect I’ve understood the different locations my magazine would be bought at and the fact that marketing and audience plays a huge role in where you would find the magazine. Another skill is to do with technological aspects such as PHOTOGRAPHY and PROGRAMMING, I found that after beginning to use them I picked them up well and by learning different parts of each before working, it made the process move faster as opposed to wasting time on an element that could be done quickly, spending more time on quality. The biggest lesson I learnt however was despite how much research and development is taken into consideration, its best to not reflect on existing magazines so much as this could drive my magazine off road, when keeping it ORIGINAL and its own is highly important to have the outcome I have had; ‘FACE the music’