question 7

Evaluation Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

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EvaluationQuestion 7: Looking back at your preliminary task,

what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Page 2: Question 7

Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Page 3: Question 7

Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

One of the main things I have learned is that having a solid coloured background makes it much easier to read your cover lines. When the cover lines are clear and readable, it improves the overall appearance of the front cover.

One of the things I learned was how to take a photo with high quality, but also edit it in order to make it compatible to the style of my magazine and the genre it is. Audience has a massive effect on the choices you make when creating the magazine. The colours used and exaggerated in the image effect how the audience perceives the magazine.

In addition, I have learned through the chose of light or dark colours it can help connote a specific subculture. Also, through research, it help show what subcultures linked to the chosen genre. From this, I could see what artists linked to that genre and who could feature in the cover lines.

Moreover, I have learned that by adding a header and footer, it can help give the magazine extra attention since it enables you to put exciting and interesting information that the reader will like and enjoy. Headers and footers are one of the features on the front cover that persuade the reader to purchase the magazine.

Further more, I have learned that change the size, colour and font of text, it can help draw more attention. Whenever I wanted something to stand out more, like the main coverline “Abbie Nicholls” I changed the font, colour and size so that it would capture the readers attention immediately.

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Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

First thing I learned was it was easy to have blank space on my preliminary contents page. This made the contents page feel empty and look unprofessional. In order to not repeat this, I made images as large as possible and make sure the cover lines filled the gaps that the images didn’t fill. As a result, my contents page looks fuller and more professional.

Also, in order to appeal to a wider gendered audience I decided to add images of other bands and artists that will appeal to both genders. When taking the pictures of the artists and bands, I learned that by taking them from different angles and close ups it helped stop my magazine looking too formal to suit the teen to young adult audience.

Moreover, by including a picture of the front cover on the contents page it helped to link and make a signature that it is “Rogue” magazine. With this, I decided to put an editors note since it is the first edition. As a result, the reader gets and insight as to what the magazine is about, but also builds a personal connection with the creator of the magazine.

Furthermore, when looking at my preliminary contents page I failed to proof read after creating it . This meant that it lost its professional look. I learned that it is very important to not to rush when proof reading as it has a massive effect on the overall look of the magazine.

By putting a thick black boarder around the images it has helped them to note fade into the background and instead make them stand out.

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Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

This was the first double page spread I have ever produced. In order to prepare and make sure it look aesthetically pleasing I did research into professional music magazines like “Kerrang” and “Vibe” for inspiration.

The main thing I learned was it is important, when doing a double page feature, is to have the artist take up most of the room on the page. So in my magazine I had her taking up the entire right page. This allowed there to be a health balance of text and image.

As the image is very noticeable, I learned it important to use the image and make the person look a certain way in order to attract certain subcultures.

In a magazine I researched, the double page spread was on lady gaga. It was very simplistic using the colours black and white. However, the put the letter “L” behind the text in red. Doing this made the article look more interesting. I decided to do the same and take the “A” and have it faded in the back ground.

Also, I learned that most articles are put into columns. This helps to make the article look more structured. As well as this, most music magazine exclusive with artists had a question and answer layout article. With this in mind, I also did this for my article.

I learned that at the started of the article in most magazine they used a drop cap to signify the start of the article. I decided to this for my introductory paragraph . Moreover, I learned that

magazines often add a photo credit near the image to tell the reader the name of the stylist and photographer.

Also, I learned that most magazines put the name of the artist/band , who the article is about, in large clear font so that it is clear to the readers who are flicking through the magazine.