question 7

QUESTION 7 Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

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QUESTION 7Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt inthe progression from it to the full product?

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• Before the preliminary task, I prepared for it through many tasks. The first task I done was to research Coming of age films through history. I created this on Timetoast and my information was from 1955 – 2015.

• This is where I started to consider which gender might have been favourites and why and also if there were many films that have similar genres, I would have to do something else.

• I then went on to research lots of other things like directors, producers and distributers and what text was included, analysis of pervious student work and narrative structure of theories

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• By doing all these tasks, I could begin to generate an initial idea of what my film was going to be like. By doing the preliminary task as well, it helps me get used to the camera and tripod, it made me think about what angles were good and bad, if inside was good lighting and if sound would be appropriate/suitable• By doing the preliminary task, I established that I needed to use

a tripod in my actual film. Also, filming inside had a bad lighting and the sound was very echoed. This was when I had first experiences with iMovie in the editing stage of my clips and I found it very simple and straight forward• When it came to my actual film footage, I was completely

confident with iMovie and also the Mac because of how much previous work I had done

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• By doing the preliminary task, I established that I needed to use a tripod in my actual film. Also, filming inside had a bad lighting and the sound was very echoed. This was when I had first experiences with iMovie in the editing stage of my clips and I found it very simple and straight forward• In my final film, the lighting was a lot better because it was outside

with a natural light but because I was outside, it wouldn't of been appropriate for me to include noise because it would be distorted

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• We added a lot more scenes and had a more detailed story board• I wrote what shot it was and what the actress was doing.

This made it clear what was happening in each scene and it could be easily manipulated into real life straight from the paper

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• I also improved with how close the camera was and I varied the proxemics in my final film

• When we done the preliminary, I noticed that the angles and proximity was too consistent so by adding a lot more varied, it added more pace and also became a lot more interesting because each angle represents something different from another