question answers

Tell us about yourself. This recruiter snare is about as wide open as it gets. The question is one notch above “TALK". You should answer this question with information that is at the very least tangential to the company and its product and service. Remember ,the interviewer is gathering evaluatory information. The fact that you have two sisters who are Siamese twins is certainly interesting but not slightest bit relevant. On the other hand ,if you ‘ve been supporting your family or you have hobbies related to the field , jabber on. The job search process is unfair. Those who achieve the best interview ratings get the best offers, often beating those better qualified. It happens all the time. If you believe that your wit, intelligence, good looks and diploma are the ticket, you are doomed to fail. Your competition will always be better in those categories. Job search is not a game. It is the most important project you will ever undertake.

Upload: vijay-j

Post on 30-Oct-2014




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Page 1: Question answers

Tell us about yourself.

• This recruiter snare is about as wide open as it gets. The question is one notch above “TALK". You should answer this question with information that is at the very least tangential to the company and its product and service. Remember ,the interviewer is gathering evaluatory information. The fact that you have two sisters who are Siamese twins is certainly interesting but not slightest bit relevant. On the other hand ,if you ‘ve been supporting your family or you have hobbies related to the field , jabber on.

• The job search process is unfair. Those who achieve the best interview ratings get the best offers, often beating those better qualified. It happens all the time.

• If you believe that your wit, intelligence, good looks and diploma are the ticket, you are doomed to fail. Your competition will always be better in those categories. Job search is not a game. It is the most important project you will ever undertake.

Page 2: Question answers

What do you think you will be doing in 10 Years ?

• “ It’s difficult for any of us to know where we will be in 10 years, but I do have plans, First of all, I want to learn your business from the ground up. Long term, I hope to be in a position of greater responsibility that is mutually beneficial to the company and to myself. ”

Page 3: Question answers

Where do you want to be 5 years from now ?

• Have an answer that is consistent with company’s goal. Make long term goals part of the answer but to focus on the short term. For instance: “ I am 20 and I love what I am doing. Ultimately I’d like to be a CEO, but I realize I’ve got other things to learn first. The next logical step is to be a division manager. Here’s why I think I’ll be ready for that in five years …”

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• FIRST YEAR – I will act in the phase of trainee understand the company needs thoroughly which will help me in the future years.

• SECOND YEAR – I would continue to prove my mettle.

• THIRD & FOURTH YEARS – Consistency to prove my efforts through innovation approach to step up the ladder in this organization.

• FIFTH YEAR – To sustain a formidable position in the organization & exhibit leadership qualities as to what the company is looking forward from me.

• The above are the milestones to be reached.

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What are your strengths ?

• Limit yourself to three concrete examples of strengths, again showing benefits to the company.

• A good explanation reflects on past accomplishments: “I’ve always done a better job of finding ways to cut costs than of drumming up new business.“

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What are your weaknesses ?

• Most of the candidates try to highlight vague weaknesses that can be viewed as assets. For e.g. they say “ I’m impatient,” hoping the interviewer will see them as a hard-charger.

• Instead, be honest, but emphasize the actions you’ve taken to deal with a weakness.

• “Sometimes I would push back deadlines to turn in higher- quality work. However, I’ve learned to delegate more, and I’ve only slipped once in the past year.”

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Being Impatient

• I am impatient and I like to get things done & done quickly and get disillusioned when policies & red tape slow projects.

• My weakness was getting frustrated when “leadership” fails to make decision or lead.

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What about a time you failed ?

• The best answer has this theme: “I fell off my horse. I learned what I did wrong. I got back up and rode it better “

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Is it possible to recover from an honest faux pas ?

• Yes, it is possible.• When Fred Benson applied for a fellowship, he took a

late night flight to make it to his interview on time. Walking bleary-eyed into the room, he was blinded by the sun glinting off a glass table and could make out only the silhouettes of the panelists. Extending his hand to the chairman, he knocked a pitcher of water into the man’s lap. In that instant he gave up all hope of getting the position. “I feel that I have nowhere to go but up from here, so I’m going to be very relaxed in this interview,” he told the panel. He was – and got the job.

• Now he helps interview finalists for the fellowships.

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Will you get along with your potential boss ?

• “ I concentrate on the job and the results, and I’m flexible enough to work with almost anyone”

• If the question is more explicit, such as “ describe the worst boss you worked for,” couch your answer as a disagreement over a business issue or as a difference in styles – not as a personal dislike.

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What’s your criterion for choosing a job ?

• I wanted a job that would expand my horizons and offer opportunities for learning and growth. This job fitted the bill – I’ll get to meet people and the firm is the right size for me.

• The answer should reflect flexibility, tolerance and an ability to take risks.

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How do you deal with conflicts ?

• “ I avoid them and haven’t had a major one till date. When I do, I’ll look at two approaches – resolve it on my own or seek my team leader’s advice. I believe in keeping communication lines open and if I feel there’s a fight brewing. I’ll try to sort it out over the table. If that doesn’t help and it’s affecting my work, I’ll ask my boss to moderate.”

• You can add a quip. “ I believe dissent is the voice of progress”

Page 13: Question answers

How much salary you want?• I do not believe in wasting any time so I would answer

their question directly – I do not see the point in beating around the bush , my time is too valuable. I would simply tell them what I believe I am worth and the reasons for it.

• I would be hesitant to talk about money before I have had the opportunity to put forward all my strengths & achievements. Response “ I would like to know more about the position & its specific challenges before I talk about specific amounts.”

• It’s important not to put your potential employer so I would offside so I would say something to the effect that whatever they’re offering would be fine. Besides, I think most companies are reasonable in terms of their remuneration policies. Also, I would be horrified if I priced myself out of the job. I would not want to come across as being overly aggressive or demanding.

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The employer, fully aware of the over-supply situation, makes you an offer that you are less than happy with.

• I would counter the employer’s offer by asking for what I believe I’m worth. If they want to pay peanuts they should advertise for monkeys.

• My strategy would be to steer a middle course. I would emphasize my experience & how I could add value to the organization. I would certainly negotiate for more money but I would not go over-board.

• The strategy would be to accept the offer and bide my time until the labour market turned around at which time I’d commence negotiations for more money.