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  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


    (-! Classify the %ifferent generation of com$uter on the #asis of technology use% $rocessing$o'er an% storage ca$acity of com$uter system*

    (.! "iscuss the feature of micro com$uter mini com$uter an% su$er com$uter also main framecom$uter*

    (! "iscuss the &arious ty$es of I;2 an% 9;2 %e&ices an% e+$lain the 'orking of each of them*(5! )rite a short note on cache memory* "ifferentiate it 'ith $rimary memory!

    (6! "ifference #et'een

  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


    %! BC> e! /IC> f! 9C> g! 9/> h! ","

    Very Short Answer Question OR one Line Answer.

    1= )hat is a com$uter*Ans A com$uter is a $rogramma#le multiuse machine that acce$ts %ata an% $rocesses ormani$ulates it into information!

    (= )hat are the #asic $arts of the com$uter*Ans 1.The ,"U or &isual %is$lay unit2.The com$uter unit3.The key#oar%4.The mouse5.The $rinter

    3= )hat is &olatile memory*Ans A &olatile memory is the memory information store% in it is &anishe% as soon as $o'er isturne% off!

    -= )hat is non@&olatile memory*

    Ans on@&olatile memory non&olatile memory ,/ or non@&olatile storage in the most #asicsense is com$uter memorythat can retain the store% information e&en 'hen not $o'ere%!

    .= )hat is memory*Ans /emory is an essential com$onent of a %igital com$uter! Its function is to store information!It stores $rograms %ata results or any other kin% of information! /emories are faster lighteran% consume less $o'er as magnetic memories! But it is more costly!

    = :ist the ty$es of com$uterAns Ty$es@

    "igital Com$uter Analog Com$uter Hy#ri% Com$uters@ Com$uters 'hich com#ines the feature

    5= Ho' many generations are $resent at this time*Ans There are the fi&e generations of com$uter!
  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


    6= )hat is i;$ %e&ice*Ans or %ata $rocessing %ata nee%s to #e entere% into the com$uter through in$ut %e&ices! Thusin$ut %e&ices are use% to in$ut %ata an% instructions into a form that com$uter can $rocess!imilarly to communicate the result of $rocesse% %ata out$ut %e&ices are re7uire%!

    8! )hat is an out$ut %e&ice*Ans 9ut$ut %e&ice translate the information $rocesse% #y the com$uter into a human rea%a#leform! An out$ut unit $erforms the re&erse o$eration of that of an in$ut unit!

    10= )hat is the $ur$ose of A:U unit in C2U *Ans The A:U $erform arithmetic an% logic o$erations an% control the s$ee% of those o$erations!It is that $art of C2U 'here actual %ata $rocessing takes $lace! The C2U is the #rain of the com$uter! Its $rimaryfunction is to e+ecute $rograms! The C2U follo's the instructions of the soft'are to mani$ulate

    %ata into information!

    11= :ist the %ifferent ty$es of scanner!Ans Ty$es@

    Bar co%e >ea%ers /agnetic Ink Character rea%er 9$tical /ark >ea%er 9$tical character rea%ers

    1(= :ist the %ifferent in$ut %e&ices!

    Ans Ty$es@ ey#oar%s /ouse Track#all Doystick :ight 2en "igiti?ing Ta#let canners

    13= :ist the %ifferent out$ut %e&ices!

    Ans /onitors or ,isual "is$lay Units

  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


    Ans 6 #its

    18= )hat is EE2>9/*Ans This is electrically erasa#le $rogramma#le rea% only memory! It can #e #oth $rogramme%an% erase%

    (0= )hen 'e use the secon%ary memory*Ans The secon%ary memory is em$loye% as the au+iliary memory 'hich is use% to storeinformation at a lo'er cost $er #it an% is $ermanently memory!

    (1= )hen the first generation intro%ce%*Ans 18-(@18..

    ((= At 'hich time secon% generation %e&elo$e%!

    Ans 18..@18-

    (3= In 'hich year thir% generation intro%uces!Ans 18-@185.

    (-= )hat is $rinter*Ans A %e&icethat $rints te+tor illustrations on $a$er!

    (.= "efine analog com$uter!Ans Analog com$uters recogni?e %ata as a continuous measurement of a $hysical $ro$erty!

    (= i&e the %efinition of %igital com$uter!Ans The states of a %igital com$uter ty$ically in&ol&e#inary%igits 'hich may take the form ofthe $resence or a#sence of magnetic markers in a storage me%ium on@off s'itches or relays!

    (5= "efine #it!Ans A #it is the #asic unit of informationin com$utingan% telecommunicationsF it is the amountof information store% #y a %igital %e&ice or other $hysical system that e+ists in one of t'o$ossi#le %istinct states!

    (6= )hich 'as the electronic com$onent use% in first generation com$uter*Ans ,acuum tu#es

    (8= i&e the name of electronic com$onent that 'as use% in %e&elo$ment of the secon%generation of com$uter!Ans Transistors
  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


    30= rom 'hich electronic com$onent the thir% generation com$uters 'as %e&elo$e%*Ans ICs

    31= )hat is the meaning of 2>9/*Ans This is $rogramma#le rea% only memory! User can $rogram it accor%ing to their nee%s!

    3(= )hat is EE2>9/*Ans this is electrically erasa#le $rogramma#le rea% only memory! It can #e #oth $rogramme%an% erase%!

    33= )hat is E2>9/*Ans an E2>9/ is an erasa#le $rogramma#le rea% only memory! User can $rogram its contentsmore than once!

    3-! "efine im$act an% non@im$act $rinter*Ans Im$act@ >efers to a class of$rintersthat 'ork #y #anging a hea% or nee%le against an inkri##on to make a mark on the $a$er! This inclu%es %ot@matri+ $rinters %aisy@'heel $rintersan%line $rinters!on@Im$act@ A ty$e of$rinterthat %oes not o$erate #y striking a hea% against a ri##on!

    3.! "efine Algorithm*Ans Algorithm@ An algorithmis an effecti&e metho%e+$resse% as a finitelist of 'ell@%efine%instructions for calculating a function! Algorithms are use% forcalculation%ata $rocessing an%automate% reasoning! In sim$le 'or%s an algorithm is a ste$@#y@ste$ $roce%ure for calculations!

    3! )hat is har%'are* Enlist har%'are com$onents*Ans Har%'are in the com$uter 'orl% refers to the $hysical com$onents that make u$ acom$uter system!

    35! "efine flo'chart %ra' any t'o flo'chart sym#ols*Ans lo'chart@ A flowhartis a ty$e of %iagramthat re$resents analgorithmor$rocesssho'ing the ste$s as #o+es of &arious kin%s an% their or%er #y connecting these 'ith arro's!This %iagrammatic re$resentationcan gi&e a ste$@#y@ste$ solution to a gi&en$ro#lem!ym#ols

    2rocess ho' a 2rocess or action ste$! This is the most commonsym#ol in #oth $rocess flo'charts an% #usiness $rocessma$s!


  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


    9&al= trigger actionthat sets the $rocess flo' into motion!

    36! E+$lain central $rocessing unit!Ans The C2U is the #rain of the com$uter! Its $rimary function is to e+ecute $rograms! The C2U

    follo's the instructions of the soft'are to mani$ulate %ata into information!

    38! E+$lain first generation of com$uter!Ans irst generation com$uter use% electronic &al&es! They use% assem#ly language for$rogramming an% fi+e% $oint arithmetic!

    -0! E+$lain secon% generation of com$uter!Ans econ% generation com$uter 'ere manufacture% using transistors instea% of &acuum tu#es!"ue to the $ro$erties of transistors these com$uters 'ere more $o'erful more relia#le lesse+$ensi&e smaller an% cooler to o$erate than the first generation com$uters!

    -1! E+$lain thir% generation of com$uter!Ans In thir% generation com$uters ICs 'ere use%! emi con%uctor memories 'ere use% as$rimary memories!-(! E+$lain fourth generation of com$uter!Ans ,:I chi$s are use% #y the com$uters of this generation! This technology intro%uces themicro$rocessors!

    -3! E+$lain fifth generation of com$uter!Ans The fifth generation com$uters are un%er %e&elo$ment stage! These com$uters are usingU:I

  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


    Ans analog com$uters recogni?e %ata sa a continuous measurement of a $hysical $ro$erty! ore+am$le a clock is an analog %e&ice in 'hich the %ials mo&e continuously aroun% the num#ers!In general humans e+$erience the 'orl% analogically! Ho'e&er most analog e&ents can #esimulate% %igitally!

    -5! E+$lain %igital com$uter!Ans Com$uters that are in use to%ay are %igital com$uters! They mani$ulate num#ers! Actuallythe 'or% %igital %escri#es any system #ase% on %iscontinuous %ata or e&ents!

    -6! E+$lain hy#ri% com$uter!Ans Com$uters 'hich com#ines the features of #oth analog an% %igital com$uters are calle%hy#ri% com$uters! These ty$es of com$uters are use% in missile gui%e system s$ace crafts an%other scientific a$$lications

    -8! E+$lain micro com$uter!Ans A micro com$uter is a lo' cost small %igital com$uter

    .0! E+$lain mini com$uter!Ans /ini com$uters are also kno'n as mi%range com$uters as their cost an% com$uting $o'erslie in the mi%%le of micro com$uters an% mainframe com$uters! /ini com$uters are use% formulti user an% interacti&e a$$lications in uni&ersities research organi?ations #anks go&ernmentorgani?ations an% in%ustries etc!

    .1! E+$lain mainframe com$uter!

    Ans @ /ainframe com$uters are more $o'erful an% faster com$uters! They are general $ur$osecom$uters 'ith a large area of a$$lications! uch machines are ty$ically o$erate% #y$rofessional $rogrammers an% technicians!

    .(! )hat is $rimary memory*Ans The C2U 'orks han% in han% 'ith main memory to carry out $rocessing! Thesemicon%uctor memory is em$loye% as the main memory!

    .3! )hat is secon%ary memory*Ans The secon%ary memory is em$loye% as the au+iliary memory 'hich is use% to storeinformation at a lo'er cost $er #it an% is $ermanently memory!

    .-! "escri#e >A/!Ans This is ran%om access memory an% also kno'n as internal or main memory! It is a rea% an%'rites memory of a com$uter! It is accessi#le to users!

    ..! "escri#e >9/!

  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


    Ans This is non@&olatile memory! Its contents are retaine% e&en if the $o'er su$$ly goes off!>9/ is rea% only memory! >9/ is use% for $ermanent storage of information!

    .! Enlist functions of o$erating system!Ans At the sim$lest le&el an o$erating system %oes t'o things

    It manages the har%'are an% soft'are resources of the system! In a %eskto$ com$uter theseresources inclu%e such things as the $rocessor memory %isk s$ace etc!

    .5! )hat is o$erating system*Ans An o$erating system

  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


    A! A $rocess B! oft'are C! torage "! InformationAns'er"

    -! The name for the 'ay that com$uters mani$ulate %ata into information is calle%

    A! $rogramming! B! $rocessing! C! storing! "! organi?ing!Ans'erB

    .! Com$uters gather %ata 'hich means that they allo' users to %ata!A! 2resent B! in$ut C! 9ut$ut "! storeAns'erB

    ! After a $icture has #een taken 'ith a %igital camera an% $rocesse% a$$ro$riately the actual$rint of the $icture is consi%ere%

    A! %ata! B! out$ut! C! in$ut! "! the $rocess!Ans'erB5! Com$uters use the language to $rocess %ata!A! 2rocessing B! kilo#yte C! Binary "! re$resentationalAns'erC

    6! Com$uters $rocess %ata into information #y 'orking e+clusi&ely 'ithA! multime%ia! B! 'or%s! C! characters! "! num#ers!Ans'er"

    8! In the #inary language each letter of the al$ha#et each num#er an% each s$ecial character isma%e u$ of a uni7ue com#ination ofA! eight #ytes! B! eight kilo#ytes!C! eight characters! "! eight #its!Ans'er"

    10! The term #it is short forA! mega#yte! B! #inary language!

    C! #inary %igit! "! #inary num#er!Ans'erC

    11! A string of eight 0s an% 1s is calle% aA! mega#yte! B! #yte! C! kilo#yte! "! giga#yte!Ans'erB

  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


    1(! A is a$$ro+imately one #illion #ytes!A! ilo#yte B! #it C! iga#yte "! mega#yteAns'erC

    13! A is a$$ro+imately a million #ytes!A! iga#yte B! kilo#yte C! /ega#yte "! tera#yteAns'erC

    1-! The com$onents that $rocess %ata are locate% in theA! in$ut %e&ices! B! out$ut %e&ices!C! system unit! "! storage com$onent!Ans'erC

    1.! All of the follo'ing are e+am$les of in$ut %e&ices ECE2T aA! scanner! B! mouse! C! key#oar%! "! $rinter!Ans'er"

    1! )hich of the follo'ing is an e+am$le of an in$ut %e&ice*A! canner B! s$eaker C! C" "! $rinter Ans'erA

    15! All of the follo'ing are e+am$les of storage %e&ices ECE2TA! har% %isk %ri&es! B! $rinters! C! flo$$y %isk %ri&es! "! C" %ri&es!Ans'erB

    16! The also calle% the #rain of the com$uter is res$onsi#le for $rocessing %ata!A! /other#oar% B! memoryC! >A/ "! central $rocessing unit

  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


    A! $latforms! B! a$$lications! C! $rograms! "! storage %e&ices!Ans'erA

    (1! maller an% less e+$ensi&e 2C@#ase% ser&ers are re$lacing in many

    #usinesses!A! u$ercom$uters B! clients C! :a$to$s "! mainframesAns'er"

    ((! are s$ecially %esigne% com$uters that $erform com$le+ calculationse+tremely ra$i%ly!A! er&ers B! u$ercom$uters C! :a$to$s "! /ainframesAns'erB

    (3! is the science re&ol&ing aroun% the use of nanostructures to #uil% %e&ices onan e+tremely small scale!A! anotechnology B! /icro@technologyC! Com$uter forensics "! Artificial intelligenceAns'erA

    (-! #its e7ual one #yte!A! Eight B! T'o C! 9ne thousan% "! 9ne millionAns'erA

    (.! The #inary language consists of %igit

  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


    (6! The metal or $lastic case that hol%s all the $hysical $arts of the com$uter is theA! system unit! B! C2U! C! mainframe! "! $latform!Ans'erA

    (8! is any $art of the com$uter that you can $hysically touch!A! Har%'are B! A %e&iceC! A $eri$heral "! An a$$licationAns'erA

    30! )or% $rocessing s$rea%sheet an% $hoto@e%iting are e+am$les ofA! a$$lication soft'are! B! system soft'are!C! o$erating system soft'are! "! $latform soft'are!Ans'erA

    31! is a set of com$uter $rograms use% on a com$uter to hel$ $erform tasks!A! An instruction B! oft'are C! /emory "! A $rocessor Ans'erB

    3(! ystem soft'are is the set of $rograms that ena#les your com$uters har%'are %e&ices an% soft'are to 'ork together!A! /anagement B! $rocessing C! Utility "! a$$licationAns'er"

    33! controls the 'ay in 'hich the com$uter system functions an% $ro&i%es ameans #y 'hich users can interact 'ith the com$uter!

    A! The $latform B! The o$erating systemC! A$$lication soft'are "! The mother#oar%Ans'erB

    3-! The o$erating system is the most common ty$e of soft'are!A! Communication B! a$$licationC! ystem "! 'or%@$rocessing soft'areAns'erC

    3.! The t'o #roa% categories of soft'are areA! 'or% $rocessing an% s$rea%sheet! B! transaction an% a$$lication!C! )in%o's an% /ac 9! "! system an% a$$lication!Ans'er"

    'ill in the !lan(s:&

  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


    1! are the fastest an% most e+$ensi&e com$uters!Ans'eru$ercom$uters(! A is a$$ro+imately 10(- #ytes!Ans'erkilo#yte3! In$ut %e&ices are use% to $ro&i%e the ste$s an% tasks the com$uter nee%s to $rocess %ata an%

    these ste$s an% tasks are calle% !Ans'erinstructions-! A com$uter gathers %ata $rocesses it out$uts the %ata or information an% the%ata or information!Ans'erstores.! The #inary language consists of t'o %igits an% !Ans'er0 an% 1! A string of 0s an% 1s is calle% a #yte!Ans'ereight

  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


    1! Jou 'oul% use soft'are to create s$rea%sheets ty$e %ocuments an% e%it$hotos!Ans'era$$lication

    $rue an) 'alse

    1! "ata can #e a num#er a 'or% a $icture or a soun%!Ans'erTrue(! trictly %efine% a com$uter is a %ata $rocessing %e&ice!Ans'erTrue3! The %iscre$ancy #et'een the ha&e an% ha&e@not 'ith regar% to com$uter technology iscommonly referre% to as the %igital society!Ans'eralse 9/!

    Ans'eralse A/=

  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


    UIT ( an% 3

    Long Answer Question:

    1! )hat is an array K ho' is an array &aria#le %ifferent from an or%inary &aria#le*

    (! Ho' $ro#lem %efinition $hase $lays an im$ortant role in terms of the $ro#lem@sol&ingas$ect* Dustify your ans'er!

    3! )hat is an algorithm* )rite an algorithm to com$ute factorial of a num#er n!

    -! )rite short notes on follo'ing

    i! Com$ilation errors! ii! :inker errors!.! "efine a function K e+$lain 'hy function $rototy$e is essential!

    ! )hat is a macro K ho' is it %ifferent from a $re $rocessor*

    5! )hich $rogramming %esign a$$roach is follo'e% #y LC4 language

  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


    1-! :ist the four stages in&ol&e% in $rogram %esign!

    1.! Ho' are the %ata elements initiali?e% in a multi%imensional array* )hat is the sco$e of rulesfor the multi%imensional array!

    1! E+$lain the follo'ing statements

  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


    3! Using insertion sort techni7ue arrange the follo'ing list in ascen%ing or%er (. 1. .0 8 80 (3 -1

    35! Using selection sort techni7ue arrange the follo'ing list in ascen%ing or%er 0-.(.316.01(18

    36! "iscuss #u##le sorting also arrange the follo'ing list in ascen%ing or%er 33 .5 (5 6. (3 13 .1

    3! Using /erge ort techni7ue arrange the follo'ing list in ascen%ing or%er 0 50 10 60 80 (0 30 -0 .0

    Short Answer Question:

    1! )hat is a $ointer*(! )hat is a structure*3! )hat are the %ifferences #et'een structures an% arrays*-! )hat is the /erit an% %emerit of flo'chart*.! )hat is merit an% %emerit algorithm*! "efine function an% &arious flo'charting sym#ols*5! "ifferentiate #et'een tructure an% Array!6! Algorithm to $rint i#onacci series8! "efine an array!10! )hat is com$ile time e&aluation in co%e o$timi?ation!

    11! Ho' common su#e+$ressions are remo&e% using co%e o$timi?ation!1(! )hat are the a%&antages of using $ointers!13! )hat is a com$iler*1-! "ifferentiate #et'een inter$reter an% com$iler!1.! "ifferentiate #et'een call #y reference an% call #y &alue!1! Create a flo'chart to fin% the factorial of a gi&en num#er15! "ra' a flo'chart to calculate an% $rint sum of the first .0 o%% num#ers*16! Create a flo'chart to fin% total of e&en integers of an array!18! Create flo' chart to calculate !(0! Create a flo' chart an% Algorithm to e&aluate area of triangle

  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


    (6! )rite a $rogram to im$lement the functions of a calculator!(8! )rite a $rogram to interchange the contents of t'o &aria#les 'ithout using thir% &aria#le!30! )rite a $rogram for fin%ing the com$oun% interest using functions*31! )rite a $rogram to $rint the num#er in re&erse or%er*3(! )rite a $rogram to fin% factors of gi&en num#ers*

    33! )rite a $rogram to %etermine 'hether a num#er is $rime or not*3-! )rite a $rogram to $rint the multi$lication ta#le from ( to10 num#ers*3.! )rite a $rogram to sho' a num#er is e&en or o%%*3! )rite a short note on follo'ing co%e o$timmi?ation techni7ues!

    a= "ea% co%e elimination

    #= re7uency re%uction

    O!"eti#e $y%e Questions:

    1! The memory a%%ress of the first element of an array is calle%

    a! floor a%%ress #! foun%ation a%%ressc! first a%%ress %! #ase a%%ressAns %

    (! The memory a%%ress of fifth element of an array can #e calculate% #y the formulaa! :9C

  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


    .! T'o %imensional arrays are also calle%a! ta#les arrays #! matri+ arraysc! #oth of a#o&e %! none of a#o&eAns c

    ! A &aria#le 2 is calle% $ointer ifa! 2 contains the a%%ress of an element in "ATA!#! 2 $oints to the a%%ress of first element in "ATAc! 2 can store only memory a%%resses%! 2 contain the "ATA an% the a%%ress of "ATAAns a

    5! )hich of the follo'ing %ata structure cant store the non@homogeneous %ata elements*a! Arrays #! >ecor%s 9> tructure c! 2ointers %! oneAns a

    6! )hich of the follo'ing %ata structure store the homogeneous %ata elements*a! Arrays #! >ecor%s 9> tructure c! 2ointers %! oneAns #

    8! Each %ata item in a recor% may #e a grou$ item com$ose% of su#@itemsF those items 'hich arein%ecom$osa#le are calle%a! elementary items #! atoms c! calars %! all of a#o&eAns %

    10! The %ifference #et'een linear array an% a recor% is

    a! An array is suita#le for homogeneous %ata #ut hte %ata items in a recor% may ha&e %ifferent%ata ty$e#! In a recor% there may not #e a natural or%ering in o$$ose% to linear array!c! A recor% form a hierarchical structure #ut a lienear array %oes not%! All of a#o&eAns %

    11! )hich of the follo'ing statement is false*a! Arrays are %ense lists an% static %ata structure#! %ata elements in linke% list nee% not #e store% in a%Gecent s$ace in memoryc! $ointers store the ne+t %ata element of a list

    %! linke% lists are collection of the no%es that contain information $art an% ne+t $ointerAns c

    1(! )hen ne' %ata are to #e inserte% into a %ata structure #ut there is no a&aila#le s$aceF thissituation is usually calle%a! un%erflo' #! o&erflo' c! Housefull %! saturate%Ans #

  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


    (! "efining the $ro#lem!3! "e#ugging an% testing!-! Co%ing the $rogram!

    Ans (1-3(! A $rogramming $rocess is a

    a! ystem %e&elo$ment $rocess#! Co%ing an% $rocess!c! 2ro#lem sol&ing $rocess!%! All of the a#o&e

    Ans %

    3! In a 2rogramming $rocess 'hat the $rogrammer must %o carry out #efore mo&ing from oneacti&ity to the ne+t*a! "ocumenting $roce%ures #! /o%el %esign acti&ityc! Checking $roce%ure %! Com$ilationAns c

    -! )hich of the follo'ing is or are inclu%e% in $ro#lem %efinitiona! 9ut$ut #! )hat is the out$ut is look likec! In$ut %! 2rocessing algorithmAns a#c%

    .! In the $ro#lem %efinition 'hich of the follo'ing %o 'e use to %escri#e the out$ut that is to #e$rinte%*a! 2rint chart #! "is$lay system layout sheetc! A recor% format form %! All of the a#o&eAns %

    ! )ho usually $ro&i%es the $ro#lem %efinition to a $rogrammer*a! The system analyst #! The $rogram manager!c! The $roGect manager! %! The system Engineer!Ans a

    5! )hich of the follo'ing %efines an algorithm*a! It is a gra$hical re$resentation of a $rogram flo'!#! It is the %ocumentation of $rogram logic!c! It is a list of the se7uence of ste$s re7uire% to sol&e the $ro#lem!%! It is the actual $rogram unit!Ans c

    6! )hat is use% for kee$ing track of the num#er of times something occurs in $rogram*a! A :oo$ #! A Counter! C! A "ecision Construct %! one of them!Ans #

    8! )hat %o you mean #y incrementing*a! 7uaring

  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


    #! A%%ing one!c! u#tracting 9ne%! etting initial &alue!

    Ans #

    10! )hat %o 'e call an error that occurs 'hile a $rogram is #eing e+ecute%*a! ynta+ error#! :ogical errorc! E+ecution 9> >un time error%! Bug

    Ans c

    11! )hich of the follo'ing $roce%ure can you use to check an algorithm*a! "e#ugging #y automate% %e#ugger*#! "esk checkingc! Ins$ection

    %! Consultation!Ans a

    1(! A source $rogram 'ritten in High@le&el language is translate into using as$ecial translator $rogram*

    a! 9#Gect $rogram#! Assem#ly $rogramc! I: $rogram%! Byte co%e!

    Ans a

    13! ,iolation of the rules of $articular $rograming language creates 'hats*a! ynta+ error#! :ogical errorc! E+ecution time error%! Bug

    Ans a

    1-! )hich of the follo'ing are not a translator $rogram*a! Com$iler #! Assem#lerc! enerator%! Inter$reter

    Ans c

    1.! "uring testing 'hat ty$e or ty$es of error are eliminate%*a! ynta+ error#! :ogical errorc! E+ecution time error%! Bug

  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


    Ans a#c%

    1! A com$iler is aa! oft'are %e&elo$ment en&ironment#! Co%e e%itor

    c! Translation $rogram%! ystem $rogramAns c

    15! )hich of the follo'ing translation $rograms $rocess the entire source $rogram as a unit*a! Com$iler #! Assem#lerc! enerator%! Inter$reter

    Ans a

    1! )hich of the follo'ing term structure% $rogramming refers to*a! A collection of techni7ues to follo' for $rogram %e&elo$ing!#! A collection of li#rary co%e to hel$ $rogramming!c! A collection har%'are for fast $rogramming%! A collection of efficient logic


    (! The main transfers controls to a su# mo%ule to $erform a task! )hat ha$$ens 'hen the su#

    mo%ule has com$lete% its task*a! The su# mo%ule closes the $rogram#! The su# mo%ule returns control to the main mo%ulec! The su# mo%ule 'aits i%ly for the main take the control task%! The su# mo%ule transfers control the un%erlying o$erating system!


    3! The to$ %o'n a$$roach is a useful techni7ue ina! 2lanning a mo%ular $rogramming#! )riting a smart $rogram co%ec! A o#Gect oriente% $rogramming

    %! >e$ort 'ritingAnswer:A

    -! )hat %o 'e %o to i%entify a mo%ule*a! A mo%ule is gi&en a a##re&iate% name#! A mo%ule is gi&en a name 'hich reflects 'hat the mo%ule %oes an% a num#er is inclu%e%

    'ith namec! A mo%ule is gi&en name 'ith a s$ecial $refi+

  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


    %! one of the a#o&e!Answer:,

    .! A structure chart is a commonly use% $lanning tool in1! To$@%o'n $rogramming

    (! 9#Gect oriente% $rogramming3! 2roce%ural $rogramming-! "ata $rocessing


    ! in% out the follo'ing logic $atterns or structures that are i%entifie% as sufficient for anystructure% $rogramming*a! The se7uence structure#! The loo$ structurec! The selection structure%! Control structure


    5! E9 meansa! There is no recor% in the file#! The file %oes not e+itsc! The file is not accessi#le%! The file can not #e create%Answer:A

    6! In mo%ular $rogramming the $rogram is #roken %o'n intoa! iles #! 2roGects c! Instructions %! /o%ulesAnswer:/

    8! /o%ule $rogramming is im$lemente% #ya! u#routine #! instruction c! ource $rograms %! /achine co%eAnswer:A

    10! )hich one is the %efinition of a su#routine*a! A grou$ of instructions that $erforms a limite% $rocessing task!#! A file that contains a grou$ of instructions that $erforms a limite% $rocessing task!c! A grou$ of instructions that $erforms a total $rocessing task!%! one!


    11!A collection of techni7ues for $lanning an% 'riting of $rogram that increases $rogrammer$ro%ucti&ity is

    a! /o%ular $rogramming#! 2roce%ural $rogrammingc! tructural $rogramming%! unctional $rogramming

  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


    c! /o%ule%! one!Anwer:,

    18! 2se%uco%e is

    a! :anguage %e$en%ent#! :anguage in%e$en%entc! lo'charting tool%! !net com$ilation language!Anwer:,

    (0! )hat &alues a Boolean file%

  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


    c! It is use% to select form among t'o alternati&es for $rocessing%! It is use% to %is$lay out$ut of a $rogramAn'erBC

    (! )hen an error of the $ro#lem is encountere% 'hat $ossi#le can you %o %e$en%ing on the

    nature of the $ro#lem an% the ty$e of $rocessing #eing %one*a! "is$lay an error message an% try to correct the $ro#lem#! "is$lay an error message an% terminate $rocessing imme%iate!c! "is$lay an error message an% 'ait for the o$erator to take some collecti&e action%! /ake a recor% of the error so that it can #e correcte% later an% then continue $rocessing

    erroneous recor%!An'erBC"

    (5! If an array is use% as function argument the array is $asse%A#y &alue! ,#y reference#y name! / the array cannot #e use% as a function argument!


  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


    UIT -

    Long Answer Question:

    1! )hat4s the role of %ocumentation in oft'are Engineering! "escri#e the ty$es of

    %ocumentation use% in $rocess %e&elo$ment mo%els*

    (! )hat are the characteristics to #e consi%ere% for the selection of a soft'are %e&elo$ment lifecycle mo%el*

    3! )hat is soft'are testing*%iscuss the role of soft'are testing %uring soft'are life cycle an%'hy is it so %ifficult*

    -! )hat is the $ur$ose of integration testing*%ifferentiate #et'een integartion an% sysytemtesting*

    .! )hat are the techni7ues a%o$te% to $erform %esigning in ":C! )hat %ocuments aregenerate% in %esigning $rocess!

    ! "ifferentiate #et'een %etaile% an% system %esign! Ho' %esigning is %ifferent from co%ing!

    5! E+$lain soft'are testing its $rinci$les o#Gecti&es!

    6! In 'hich test $lan an% test cases are %esigne% an% in 'hich $hase they are im$lemente%! Ho'&erification an% &ali%ations are %one in testing

    8! )hy feasi#ility is essential for an% ":C to #egin 'ith! )hy it4s re7uire% also %escri#e%ifferent ty$es of feasi#ility %one in ":C!

  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


    10! )hat are the &arious $hases in ":C*

    11! Com$are an% Contrast unit testing an% Integration testing

    1(! "iscuss an% %ifferentiate $roGect an% $rocess control!

    13! Ho' the $rocess management $rocess o$erates! )hy management control is re7uire% to

    manage the $rocess ho' they %o it!1-! )hat are the %ifference #et'een re7uirements %efinition an% re7uirement s$ecification

    1.! )hat are they s$ecifications of a $roGect! )hy %ocumentation is so eesential for it!

    1! )hat are the issues in the %esign of the soft'are*

    1! eee% for the soft'are engg*

    Short Answer +uestions:1! )hat is Loft'are Testing4*

    (! )hat is &erification* ,ali%ation*

    3! )hat is soft'are crisis*

    -! )hat4s an Lins$ection4*

    .! )hat is Lgoo% co%e4*

    ! Economic an% technical fesi#ility!

    5! )hat is Lgoo% %esign4*

    6! E+$lain %ata %ictionary*8! 2ro#lem Analysis*

    10! oft'are >isk *

    11! )hat is the Lsoft'are life cycle4*

    1(! )hat makes a goo% oft'are Test engineer*

    13! ee% or soft'are engineering

    1-! oft'are >elia#ility*

    1.! ystem Testing*

    1! Unit Testing*

    15! )hite #o+ Testing*

    16! Black Bo+ Testing*

    18! Ho' can it #e kno'n 'hen to sto$ testing*

    (0! 2rinci$les an% o#Gecti&es of Testing

  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


    VR S6OR$ A0S7R

    1! )hat is a soft'are 2ro%uct

    Ans $ro%ucts are outcomes of e+ecuting a $rocess on a $roGect

    (! )hat is a oft'are $roGect*Ans A soft'are $roGect is one instance of the %e&elo$ment $ro#lem

    9>2roGect is to #uil% a s' system 'ithin cost an% sche%ule an% 'ith high 7uality 'hich satisfies thecustomer!

    3! esi#ility is %one on 'hich three factors!Ans Cost Quality an% che%ule!

    -! )ho is ystem Analyst!The systems analyst is a key $erson analy?ing the #usiness i%entifying o$$ortunities forim$ro&ement an% %esigning information systems to im$lement these i%eas!

    .! )hat is a $rocessA se7uence of ste$s $erforme% to achie&e some goal

    ! )hat is a soft'are $rocess!The se7uence of ste$s $erforme% to $ro%uce soft'are 'ith high 7uality 'ithin #u%get an%sche%ule

    5! )hat are the com$onents of soft'are $rocesses!Ans T'o maGor com$oneents of $rocesses area= "e&elo$ment focuses on %e&elo$ment an% 7uality ste$s nee%e% to engineer the soft'are#= 2roGect management focuses on $lanning an% controlling the %e&elo$ment $rocess

    6! )ho e+ecute "e&elo$er an% $roGect management 2rocess!Ans %e&elo$ers e+ecute enggineering 2rocess$roGect manager e+ecutes the management $rocess

    8! 2hases of ":C*

    Ans easi#ility stu%y ystem Analysis "esign Co%ing Teting Im$lementation /aintenancean% mo%ification!

    10! Ty$es of "ocuments generate% in soft'are engineeringAns easi#ility >e$ort oft'are >e7uirement $ecification ystem %esign %etaile% %esignTest >e$ort /anuals an% ee%#ack from client!

    O!"eti#e Question ,an(

  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


    1! A is an un%ertaking of limite% %uration in time 'ith a %efine% 9utcomea! 2roGect #! 2rocess c! 2ro%uct %! 2eo$leAns A

    (! )hat are the three generic $hases of soft'are engineering*a! %efinition %e&elo$ment su$$ort #! 'hat ho' 'herec! $rogramming %e#ugging maintenance %! analysis %esign testingAns "

    3! The $rototy$ing mo%el of soft'are %e&elo$ment isa! A reasona#le a$$roach 'hen re7uirements are 'ell %efine%!#! A useful a$$roach 'hen a customer cannot %efine re7uirements clearly!c! The #est a$$roach to use for $roGects 'ith large %e&elo$ment teams!%! A risky mo%el that rarely $ro%uces a meaningful $ro%uct!Ans B

    -! The first ste$ in $roGect $lanning is toa! %etermine the #u%get #! select a team organi?ational mo%el!c! %etermine the $roGect constraints! %! esta#lish the o#Gecti&es an% sco$e!Ans "

    .! )hich of these are o#Gecti&es for soft'are testing*a! %etermine the $ro%ucti&ity of $rogrammers

    #! eliminate the nee% for future $rogram maintenancec! eliminate e&ery error $rior to release%! unco&er soft'are errorsAns c an% "

    ! )hat ty$es of errors are misse% #y #lack@#o+ testing an% can #e unco&ere% #y 'hite@#o+testing*

    a! #eha&ioral errors #! logic errorsc! $erformance errors %! in$ut errorsAns B

    5! The linear se7uential mo%el 9> 'aterfall mo%el of soft'are %e&elo$ment isa! An ol% fashione% mo%el that is not use% any more#! A goo% a$$roach 'hen re7uirement of $rogram is are clear an% changes 'ill #e ma%e %uring%e&elo$ment!c! The #est a$$roach to use for $roGects 'ith large %e&elo$ment teams%! one of the a#o&e

  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


    Ans B

    6! The testing techni7ue that re7uires %e&ising test cases to e+ercise the internal logic of asoft'are mo%ule is calle%

    a! #eha&ioral testing#! #lack@#o+ testingc! grey@#o+ testing%! 'hite@#o+ testingAns "

    8! Black@#o+ testing attem$ts to fin% errors in 'hich of the follo'ing categoriesa! incorrect or missing functions#! interface errorsc! $erformance errors

    %! all of the a#o&eAns "

    10! )hich of the follo'ing is not a ty$e of feasi#ility stu%ya! Economic #! 2olitical c! Technical %! Cultural feasi#ilityAns "

    11! )hich of the follo'ing %ocument is generate% to su$$ort en% user in soft'are engineeringa! :ogical %esign #! manuals c! "etaile% %esign %! Test re$ort!Ans B

    1(! )hich one is not a ty$e of testinga! Black #o+ testing #! 'hite #o+ testing c! rey #o+ testing %! lass testingAns "13! )hich is the factor on 'hich feasi#ility stu%y is ma%e!

    a! Cost #! che%ule C! Quality! "! 2ersonal!

    Ans "

    1-! )hich of these testings are con%ucte% #y co%er an% not #y tester!

    a! Black #o+ testing #! unit testing c! )hite #o+ testing %! Beta testing

    Ans B

    1.! Unit testing in&ol&es 'hich ty$e of testing

    a! Black #o+ testing #! 'hite #o+ c! tress testing %! Beta testing

  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


    Ans A

    1! )hich is not the %isa%&atage of 'aterfall mo%el!

    a! In&ol&es Client interaction!

    #! Assumes that re7uirements can #e s$ecifie% an% fro?en early!

    c! /ay fi+ har%'are an% other technologies too early or to remain fi+e% %uring %e&elo$ment!

    %! ,ery %ocument oriente% re7uiring %ocs at the en% of each $hase!

    Ans A

    '8LL 80 $6 ,AL09S

    1! Algorithms of a $roGect are %esigne% %uring $hase of ":C!Ans "esign 2hase!(! "esign 2hase are further %i&i%e% into %esign an% %esign!Ans ystem an% "etaile% %esign3! ,erification testing of a $rogram is teste% %uring 2hase!Ans! Testing!-! 9nline a$$lications loa% are teste% #y testing!Ans tress Testing.! Testing is $erforme% at client si%e!Ans Beta Testing! soft'are %e&elo$ment $rocess mo%el is most %ocumente% oriente%!

    Ans )aterfall mo%el 9> :inear se7uential mo%el!

    $R OR 'ALS

    1! "esign %ocuments are generate% #efore Analysis %ocument!Ans alse

    (! /o%ification of a $rogram means to change the structure of $rogram!

    Ans True

    3! /aintainance of a $rogram means to change the structure of $rogramAns alse

    -! 2roGect com$risess of multi$le $rocess!Ans True

  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


    .! Acce$ting Testing is generally %one #y en% users ; customer in Customer en&ironment 'ith real %ata!Ans True

    ! Black Bo+ co&ers testing the co%e of a $rogram!

    Ans alse

    08$ ; 5LO0< A0S7R QS$8O0

    1! )hat are %ata#ase systems* :ist out its characteristics!(! E+$lain #riefly a#out E@> %ata mo%el!3! )hat is E@> %iagram an% 'hat are their o#Gecti&es*-! E+$lain in %etail a#out E> mo%el!.! "efine the terms i= "":

  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


    11! i&e the %istinction #et'een $rimary key can%i%ate key an% su$er key!1(! "efine "ata mo%el* )hat are the %ifferent ty$es of %ata mo%els*13! "efine the follo'ing terms

    a! iel%#! >ecor%

    1-! )hat are the %ata mo%els $resent in "B/*1.! )hat are the %ifferent ty$e integrity constraints*1! )hat is meant #y normali?ation*15! )hat are the set o$erations in Q:* i&e e+am$les!16! Ho' are the nulls re$resente% in %ata#ase system*

    S6OR$ A0S7R QS$8O0

    1! E+$lain a#out %ata mo%els*

    (! )hat is a can%i%ate key* i&e an e+am$le!3! )hat is a $rimary key* i&e an e+am$le!-! )hat is an alternate key* i&e an e+am$le!.! )hat %o you mean #y foreign key*! )hat are %omain constraints*5! )hat is E@> mo%eling*6! "efine "ata#ase8! )hat is a "B/*10! )hat is the nee% for %ata#ase systems*11! "efine entity an% gi&e e+am$le*1(! )hat is meant #y foreign key*

    13! )hat are the %ifference #et'een uni7ue key an% 2rimary ey*1-! )hat are &arious "ata ty$es in Q: *1.! )hat is relation * "efine the relational %ata mo%el!

    2ractical E+ersice1.reate the following ta!les:


  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


    (! :ist of all those customers 'ho ha&e an account more than one #ranch!

    3. reate the following ta!les:

    Branche%un%ancy is controlle%!

  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


    #! Unauthorise% access is restricte%!

    c! 2ro&i%ing multi$le user interfaces!

    %! Enforcing integrity constraints!

    e! 2ro&i%ing #acku$ an% reco&ery!

    3! )hat is a "ata#ase system*

    A The %ata#ase an% "B/ soft'are together is calle% as "ata#ase system!

    -! "isa%&antage in ile 2rocessing ystem*

    A follo'ing are the %isa%&antages of 2

    "ata re%un%ancy K inconsistency!

    "ifficult in accessing %ata!

    "ata isolation!

    "ata integrity!

    Concurrent access is not $ossi#le!

    ecurity 2ro#lems! !

    .! "escri#e the three le&els of %ata a#straction*

    A0S7R:The are three le&els of a#straction

    2hysical le&el The lo'est le&el of a#straction %escri#es ho' %ata are store%!

    :ogical le&el The ne+t higher le&el of a#straction %escri#es 'hat %ata are store% in %ata#ase an%

    'hat relationshi$ among those %ata!,ie' le&el The highest le&el of a#straction %escri#es only $art of entire %ata#ase!

    ! "efine the integrity rules

    A There are t'o Integrity rules!

    * Entity Integrity tates that *2rimary key cannot ha&e U:: &alue*

    * >eferential Integrity tates that *oreign ey can #e either a U:: &alue or shoul% #e

    2rimary ey &alue of other relation!

    5! )hat is "ata In%e$en%ence*A "ata in%e$en%ence means that *the a$$lication is in%e$en%ent of the storage structure an%

    access strategy of %ata*! In other 'or%s The a#ility to mo%ify the schema %efinition in one le&el

    shoul% not affect the schema %efinition in the ne+t higher le&el!

  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


    T'o ty$es of "ata In%e$en%ence

    * 2hysical "ata In%e$en%ence /o%ification in $hysical le&el shoul% not affect the logical le&el!

    * :ogical "ata In%e$en%ence /o%ification in logical le&el shoul% affect the &ie' le&el!

    0O$: Logial /ata 8n)e%en)ene is more )iffiult to ahie#e

    6! )hat is a &ie'* Ho' it is relate% to %ata in%e$en%ence*

    A A &ie' may #e thought of as a &irtual ta#le that is a ta#le that %oes not really e+ist in its

    o'n right #ut is instea% %eri&e% from one or more un%erlying #ase ta#le! In other 'or%s there is

    no store% file that %irect re$resents the &ie' instea% a %efinition of &ie' is store% in %ata


    ro'th an% restructuring of #ase ta#les is not reflecte% in &ie's! Thus the &ie' can insulate

    users from the effects of restructuring an% gro'th in the %ata#ase! Hence accounts for logical

    %ata in%e$en%ence! !

    8! )hat is an Entity*

    A It is a thing in the real 'orl% 'ith an in%e$en%ent e+istence!

    10! )hat is an Entity ty$e*

    A It is a collection elationshi$ ty$e*

    A)E> It is the num#er of entity ty$e $artici$ating!

  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


    1! )hat is "/: elational Alge#ra*

    A)E> It is $roce%ural 7uery language! It consists of a set of o$erations that take one or t'o

    relations as in$ut an% $ro%uce a ne' relation!

    16! )hat is normali?ation*


    It is a $rocess of analysing the gi&en relation schemas #ase% on their unctional "e$en%encies

  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


    (3! 'hat is a can%i%ate key*register no usually allote% in the e+ams is also uni7ue for each stu%ent in thatcase for i%entifying a stu%ent uni7uely either stu%entno or registerno can #euse%!here t'o %ifferent can%i%ates are contesting for $rimary key $ost!any ofthem can #e selecte% as $rimary key!

    (-! 'hat is an alternate key*if any one of the can%i%ate keys among the %ifferent can%i%ate keys a&aila#le isselecte% as $rimary key then remaining keys are calle% alternate key!

    (.! 'hat is a su$er key*'ith $rimary key if any other attri#ute is a%%e% then that com#ination is calle%su$er key in other 'or%s$rimary key is the minimum $ossi#le su$er key!in thestu%ent ta#le stu%entnoMstu%entname is one the su$er key!

    (! 'hat is a com$osite key*if the $rimary key is com#ination of more than one key then it is calles thecom$osite key!in the ta#le calle% marks stu%entnoMsu#Gect is the com$osite key!

    (5! 'hat is a relation*a relation consists of a homogeneous set of tu$les!

    (6! 'hat is a ta#le*it is the re$resentation of a relation ha&ing recor%s as ro's an% attri#utes ascolumns!

    (8! )hat is E@> mo%el*This %ata mo%el is #ase% on real 'orl% that consists of #asic o#Gects calle% entities an% ofrelationshi$ among these o#Gects! Entities are %escri#e% in a %ata#ase #y a set of attri#utes!

    30! )hat is "ata /o%el*A collection of conce$tual tools for %escri#ing %ata %ata relationshi$s %ata semantics an%constraints!

    31! )hat is >"B/*>elational "ata Base /anagement ystems "B/= are %ata#ase management systems that

    maintain %ata recor%s an% in%ices in ta#les! >elationshi$s may #e create% an% maintaine% acrossan% among the %ata an% ta#les! In a relational %ata#ase relationshi$s #et'een %ata items aree+$resse% #y means of ta#les! Inter%e$en%encies among these ta#les are e+$resse% #y %ata &aluesrather than #y $ointers!This allo's a high %egree of %ata in%e$en%ence! An >"B/ has the ca$a#ility to recom#ine the%ata items from %ifferent files $ro&i%ing $o'erful tools for %ata usage!

    3(! )hat is normali?ation*

  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


    "ata#ase normali?ation is a %ata %esign an% organi?ation $rocess a$$lie% to %ata structures #ase%on rules that hel$ #uil% relational %ata#ases! In relational %ata#ase %esign the $rocess oforgani?ing %ata to minimi?e re%un%ancy! ormali?ation usually in&ol&es %i&i%ing a %ata#ase intot'o or more ta#les an% %efining relationshi$s #et'een the ta#les! The o#Gecti&e is to isolate %ataso that a%%itions %eletions an% mo%ifications of a fiel% can #e ma%e in Gust one ta#le an% then

    $ro$agate% through the rest of the %ata#ase &ia the %efine% relationshi$s!

    O!"eti#e Question ,an(

    1! in% the 9"" %ataty$e outa ,A>CHA>( # >EC9>" c B99:EA % >A)

    Ans B

    (! )hich one of the foll'ing is a "": comman%a! Insert #! %elete c! Alter %! one of these

    Ans C

    3! )hich one of these is "/: comman%a! "ro$ #! create c! Commit %! U$%ate!


    -! Ho' many ty$es of constraints are in Q:a!. #!- c! %!3Ans A

    .! 2rimary key is a com#ination of 'hich t'o Q: constraintsa!not null M check #! foreign key M uni7uec! ot ull M uni7ue %! Check M foreign eyAns C

    ! Alter comman% is use% to alter or change

    a!recor% #! au%it o$tions c! Ta#le %!user $ermissionsAns C

    5! )hich of these constraint $erform the o$eration of %omain constraint in Q:a!$rimay key #! foreign key c! ot null %! Check Ans %

    6! )hich of These three statements form the "C: :anguages!

  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


    a! Commit roll#ack an% sa&e$oint#! Commit grant an% re&okec! Commit create an% alter%! rant re&oke an% sa&e$oint!Ans a

    8! )hich of the follo'ing is not a ty$e of user in a "B/a!"BA #! o$histicate% user c! ai&e User %! u$er user Ans %

    10! )hich of these constraint $erform the o$eration of refrential constraint in Q:a!$rimay key #! foreign ey c! ot null %! check Ans B

    $R OR 'ALS

    1! A %ata#ase can ha&e multi$le &ie' le&elAns true

    (! A ta#le can ha&e only one $rimary keyAns True

    3! oriegn key attri#ute may not #e $rimary key attri#ute in the refere% ta#leAns alse

    -! Three tier Architecture of "B/ in&ol&e A$$lication ser&er #et'een Client an% "ata#aseser&er

    Ans True

    .! Uni7ue key attri#ute cannot ha&e U:: &aluesAns alse

    ! Insert is a "": statementAns false

    5! After Commit no roll#ack can #e $erforme%Ans True

    6! 9nly "BA can create an% rant $ermission in "B/Ans True

    8! Attri#ute 'hich is set $rimary key cannot ha&e only uni7ue recor%s!Ans True

  • 8/10/2019 Question Bank Final


    10! elect is a "C: Comman%Ans alse

    'ill in the ,lan(s

    1! A ta#le is in ormal orm if it %oes not ha&e multi&alue attri#ute!Ans irst normal orm

    (! is a comman% to %escri#e structure of a ta#le!Ans %esc!

    3! In )e# a$$lication "B/ follo's a tier architecture!Ans Three Tier

    -! By %efault 9racle er&er is at 2ort num#er!

    Ans 6060.! In 9racle 10g an% 11g g stan%s for !Ans ri%

    ! Ta#le can ha&e only one 2rimary ey!Ans one

    5! is a %iagrammatic techni7ue for %is$laying an "ata#ase!Ans E> mo%el

    6! In E> %iagram an is re$resente% #y a rectangle!Ans Entity

    8! In E> %iagram an is re$resente% #y a Eclli$se!Ans Attri#ute

    10! In a realtional mo%el a ta#le is calle% !Ans >elation