question paper (2)

Module - 1 S.No NAME Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 DIGITAL SIGNATURE 1 Signature Authentication Approval 2 Hash Function 3 DS Creation DC Creation DS Verification 4 Digital Signature Digital Document Server Certificate 5 Document Certificate Server Certificate 6 1 0 7 Digital signature Digital certificate Software 8 Document Certificate 9 Public Foreign Private 10 Digital signature Server Certificate Digital certificate 11 Document Certificate Server Certificate DATABASE A ________ is not a part of substance of a transaction, but rather of its representation or form. __________ is used in both creating and verifying a digital signature. Signer Authentication Document Authentication _____________ is the process of checking the digital signature by reference to the original message. ____________ is to prove your identity or your right to access information or services online electronically. A _________ identifies and authenticates your server and encrypts any information passed between the server and a web browser. Personal Digital Certificate A Digital Certificate is issued by a Certification Authority. ___________ technology can be applied as a robust computer based alternative to traditional signature. ___________ is a tool used to exclude impersonators and forgers. Document Authentication Signer authentication ___________ key is used to create the Digital signature and only known to the signer. _____________ is used for a veriety of electronic transactions. ______________ are used by individuals when they exchange messages with other users. Personal Digital Certificate

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Page 1: Question Paper (2)

Module - 1S.No NAME Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Answer


1 Signature Authentication Approval Cryptography A

2 Signer Authentication Hash Function B

3 DS Creation DC Creation DS Verification DC Verification C

4 Digital Signature Digital Document Server Certificate Digital Certificate D

5 Document Certificate Server Certificate C

6 A Digital Certificate is issued by a Certification Authority. 1 0 A

7 Digital signature Digital certificate Software Computer A

8 Signer authentication Document Certificate Digital Certificate B

9 Public Foreign Private Secret C

10 Digital signature Server Certificate Digital certificate Digital Document E

11 Document Certificate Server Certificate B


A ________ is not a part of substance of a transaction, but rather of its representation or form.

__________ is used in both creating and verifying a digital signature.

Document Authentication

Signer Authorisation

_____________ is the process of checking the digital signature by reference to the original message.

____________ is to prove your identity or your right to access information or services online electronically.

A _________ identifies and authenticates your server and encrypts any information passed between the server and a web browser.

Personal Digital Certificate

Secure Mode Certificate

___________ technology can be applied as a robust computer based alternative to traditional signature.

___________ is a tool used to exclude impersonators and forgers.

Document Authentication

___________ key is used to create the Digital signature and only known to the signer.

_____________ is used for a veriety of electronic transactions.

______________ are used by individuals when they exchange messages with other users.

Personal Digital Certificate

Secure Mode Certificate

Page 2: Question Paper (2)

S.No NAME Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Answer12 Rule to design and use the database is called people Data Information Procedure D

13 RDBMS DBMS Database Data Abstraction B

14 Data storage Database server Data dictionary Database client C

15 Internal Schema External Schema Conceptual Schema View Level C

16 one two three six B

17 ___________ are data elements that describes an entity Attributes category Relationship Entity A

18 Normal Form Relationship Normalization Abstraction C

19 The degree of relationship is also called as _________ Cardinality Logical Level physical Level View Level A

20 _________ structure is possible in a network structure N:1 M:N None of the above Both A and B D

21 Hierarchy Network Relational Object-oriented A

22 Record Table Tuple Fields D

_________ manages the interaction between the database and end user

DBMS stores the definitions of data and their relationships in a _________

_______ describes the structure and constraints for the whole database

Data modelling under conceptual model is achieved in ________ levels

________ is the process of refining the data model built by an entity-relationship diagram

In which structure we have parent-child/children relationship amongst the different modules.

_______ describes a single location in a record in which a particular te of data is stored.

Page 3: Question Paper (2)

S.No NAME Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Answer23 SQL stands for Standard Query List C

24 Maximum Character for Memo Datatype is 255 char 64000 char 4 bytes 2 bytes B

25 Outer joins Inner joins Self-Joins Cross Joins B

26 people Information Data Procedure C

27 Processed data is called __________ people Procedure Data Information D

28 Table Record Database Tuples C

29 RDBMS software DBMS Software VB software B

30 Application program Object-oriented program Development program Utility Program A

31 Development software Utility Software Application software B

32 Centralized DBMS Networking Distributed DBMS LAN C

33 Logical level is also called as Internal Schema. 1 0 B

Standard Query Language

Structured Query Language

Structured Query List

In an ________, records in the joined tables must have the same values for fields that are joined.

___________ is a representation of facts, concepts or instructions in a formalized manner suitable for communication, interpretation or processing by users.

A __________ can consist of one or more tables of information that are related in some way.

___________ manages the database within the database system.

Object-oriented software

__________ are most commonly used to access and manipulate the data found within the database.

___________ is the software tool which is used to manage the database system's components.

Object-oriented software

A DBMS that supports a database distributed across several different sites is called _______________.

Page 4: Question Paper (2)

S.No NAME Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Answer34 Logical View Conceptual Physical D

35 Normalization Implementation E-R modeling Hierarchy C

36 Implementation model Conceptual model Network model Relational model B

37 ___________ is the default datatype for primary key field. Autonumber Text Number Memo A

38 1 0 B

39 Forms included in other forms are called _____________ Subdirectory Subdatasheet Subforms Subwindows C

40 Using datasheet view, we can see only one record at a time. 1 0 B

41 Aggregate Statistical Logical Database A

42 Sorting Filtering Indent Alignment B

43 Checkbox Button Command Lablebox C

44 1 0 B

_____________ level describes data storage structure and access paths.

A technique for analysis and logical modeling of a system's data requirement is known as ___________.

_____________ focuses on the logical nature of the data representation

We can set primary key for more than one field in a single table.

_____________ functions calculates statistics on a group of records in the current table.

_________________ is the process of arranging information in a specific meaningful order.

___________ performs certain action that has been assigned to it when clicked.

Records in a table can be deleted even if they have relationship with other tables.

Page 5: Question Paper (2)

S.No NAME Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Answer45 OLE is a method used to sharing data between applications. 1 0 A


46 Operating system Control Unit ALU CPU A

47 In __________ data are processed instantaneously. Batch processing On-line processing Line processing Data processing B

48 Multi processing Multithreading Multitasking Real time C

49 Sector Track Clusters Disk C

50 1 0 B

51 NTFS stands for B

52 Reliability Sequencing Flow control Expandability A

53 Every file on the hard disk is stored in a ________ Path Directory Folder RAM B

54 Format Backup defragmentation compression C

55 The base of the directory tree is called Base Directory Root Directory Subdirectory External Directory B

56 _______ is the act of dividing the harddisk into pieces Fragmentation Formatting Restore Partitioning D

___________ performs basic tasks, such as recognizing input from the keyboard and keeping track of files and directories on the disk.

_________ allows more than one program to run concurrently

The hard disk is instead broken into large pieces called ________

Unix/Linux file system was specially created for Windows New Technology File System

New Training File System

New Technology File System

New Technology Forcasting System

New Transmitting File System

NTFS is built for networking and with the goal of security, _______ and efficiency

__________ is a process of optimizing the disks by rearranging the files.

Page 6: Question Paper (2)

S.No NAME Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Answer57 Tape Cd Drive RAID UPS C

58 Damage caused by a virus is called the ________ Uninfected file Payload Scanners Formload B

59 1 0 A

60 ___________ are files that contains other files. Folders Archive File Container Archie B

61 Formatted Toolbar Menubar Taskbar Standard Toolbar C

62 USB stands for Uniform Serial Bus Universal Serial Bus Unix Serial Bus Unilex Serial Bus B

63 ___________ is used to remove unneeded files. Delete Cookies Format Defragmenter Disk cleanup D

64 Which file system was created for windows NT File Allocation Table Virtual File Syatem C

65 RAID stands for B

66 Computer hardware Software End user People A

67 Hardware Operating system Control Unit ALU B

68 DOS Windows UNIX MAC C

69 Data management Virtual storage Memory management Job management D

_______ provides real time data recovery when a hard drive fails and also protect against loss of data.

Virus have been found on shrinkwrapped software straight from the manufacturer

The ________ is located across the bottom of desktop and offers an easy way to access programs

UNIX/LINUX File System

New Technology File System

Redundant Array of Inexpensive Data

Reduntant Array of Inexpensive Disks

Redundancy Array of Inexpensive Data

Redundancy Array of Inexpensive Disk

An operating system manages and coordinate the functions performed by the _____________

______________ is used to controlling peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers.

Which one is the operating system for minicomputer from the following options.

______________ determine weather the appropriate main memory and secondary storage capability what the user require is available.

Page 7: Question Paper (2)

S.No NAME Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Answer70 ______________ manages the storage and retrieval of data. Job management Data management Virtual storage B

71 Operating system Control Unit ALU CPU A

72 Realtime Multiprocessing Multithreading Multitasking B

73 Realtime Multiprocessing Multithreading Multitasking C

74 Multiprocessing Multithreading Multitasking Realtime D

75 CPU System software Graphical user interface System interface C

76 ______________ is used to manage your hard disk data. Memory management File system Operating system Data management B

77 Data is stored in ___________ on the hard disk. Sectors Path Memory Operating system A

78 We can allocate an individual sector to files. 1 0 B

79 10GB disk partition has ___________ sectors 10,000,000 15,000,000 20,000,000 25,000,000 C

80 The information about clusters is stored in ________ . NTFS FTP Database FAT D

81 In NTFS we are having file-by-file compression. 1 0 A

82 Directory Directory tree Path Virtual storage B

Memory management

_______________ manages the allocation of main memory to specific jobs.

_______________ operating system enable several processes to run concurrently.

_______________ is the ability of an operating system to execute different parts of a program simultaneously.

_______________ operating system are the systems that respond to input immediately.

_______________ allows user to enter command by pointing and clicking at objects that appear on the screen.

Files are stored virtually in every operating system is known as ______________ .

Page 8: Question Paper (2)

S.No NAME Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Answer83 The size of the file in __________. Mhertz Characters Bytes Integers C

84 2 3 5 4 D

85 Within the root directory we can create more subdirectories. 1 0 A

86 We cannot able to display partition information. 1 0 B

87 Cleanup Compression Format Defragmentation C

88 1 0 A

89 The basic RAID levels includes ________ RAID levels. 5 4 7 6 D

90 Computer hardware Computer viruses Archie Antivirus B

91 Boot sector infectors File system viruses File infectors cluster viruses C

92 1 0 A

93 decompress Compress Extract Add C

94 Format Compression Converter Decompression B

95 ___________ format is the most common archive format. zip rar Archie pdf A

Maximum number of characters can be included for File extension.

To refresh your hard disk ___________ command we can use.

When you are formatting your hard disk we must do Partitioning.

____________ is a computer program that is able to copy all into other programs.

__________ are viruses which infect any executable programs.

Any files or systems that is executed and infected can be a source of viruses

To decompress your files or folders, which command we have to use from the following

____________ can convert a large file into a new one containing brief descriptions of a original file's patterns.

Page 9: Question Paper (2)

S.No NAME Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Answer96 Compression Disk Defragmenter Formatting Restore B

97 htm pde pdf acr C

98 FAT NTFS Virtual File system UNIX/LINUX D

__________ consolidates fragmented files and folders on your system's hard disk.

Acrobat reader software is used to open a ________ file format.

__________ file system is designed for security and flexibility.

Page 10: Question Paper (2)

1 Signer Authentication

2 DS Creation

3 Digital Signature

4 Document Certificate

5 A Digital Certificate is issued by a Certification Authority. 1

6 Digital signature


8 Public

9 Digital signature

10 Document Certificate

11 2

12 Within the root directory we can create more subdirectories. 1

13 We cannot able to display partition information. 1

14 Cleanup

15 1

16 The basic RAID levels includes ________ RAID levels. 5

17 Computer hardware

__________ is used in both creating and verifying a digital signature.

_____________ is the process of checking the digital signature by reference to the original message.

____________ is to prove your identity or your right to access information or services online electronically.

A _________ identifies and authenticates your server and encrypts any information passed between the server and a web browser.

___________ technology can be applied as a robust computer based alternative to traditional signature.

___________ is a tool used to exclude impersonators and forgers.

Document Authentication

___________ key is used to create the Digital signature and only known to the signer.

_____________ is used for a veriety of electronic transactions.

______________ are used by individuals when thay exchange messages with other users.

Maximum number of characters can be included for File extension.

To refresh your hard disk ___________ command we can use.

When you are formatting your hard disk we must do Partitioning.

____________ is a computer program that is able to copy all into other programs.

Page 11: Question Paper (2)

18 Boot sector infectors

19 1

20 decompress

21 Format

22 ___________ format is the most common archive format. zip

23 Compression

24 00010010

25 FAT

__________ are viruses which infect any executable programs.

Any files or systems that is executed and infected can be a source of viruses

To decompress your files or folders, which command we have to use from the following

____________ can convert a large file into a new one containing brief descriptions of a original file's patterns.

__________ consolidates fragmented files and folders on your system's hard disk.

_________ is the file attribute byte for system hidden directory.

__________ file system is designed for security and flexibility.

Page 12: Question Paper (2)

Hash Function Signer Authorisation B

DC Creation DS Verification DC Verification C

Digital Document Server Certificate Digital Certificate D

Server Certificate Secure Mode Certificate C

0 A

Digital certificate Software Computer A

Signer authentication Document Certificate Digital Certificate B

Foreign Private Secret C

Server Certificate Digital certificate Digital Document E

Server Certificate Secure Mode Certificate B

3 5 4 D

0 A

0 B

Compression Format Defragmentation C

0 A

4 7 6 D

Computer viruses Archie Antivirus B

Document Authentication

Personal Digital Certificate

Personal Digital Certificate

Page 13: Question Paper (2)

File system viruses File infectors cluster viruses C

0 A

Compress Extract Add C

Compression Converter Decompression B

rar Archie pdf A

Disk Defragmenter Formatting Restore B

00010100 00010110 00000011 C

NTFS Virtual File system UNIX/LINUX D

Page 14: Question Paper (2)

1 Digital Signature


3 1 0

4 Digital signature Software


6 Public Foreign Private

7 RDBMS DBMS Database

8 Data storage

9 Internal Schema

10 one two three

11 Attributes category


12 Normal Form Relationship Normalization

13 Cardinality Logical Level physical Level

14 N:1 M:N

15 Uninfected file Payload Scanners

16 1 0

____________ is to prove your identity or your right to access information or services online electronically.

Digital Document

Server Certificate

A _________ identifies and authenticates your server and encrypts any information passed between the server and a web browser.

Document Certificate

Personal Digital Certificate

Server Certificate

A Digital Certificate is issued by a Certification Authority.

___________ technology can be applied as a robust computer based alternative to traditional signature.

Digital certificate

___________ is a tool used to exclude impersonators and forgers.

Document Authentication

Signer authentication

Document Certificate

___________ key is used to create the Digital signature and only known to the signer.

_________ manages the interaction between the database and end user

DBMS stores the definitions of data and their relationships in a _________

Database server

Data dictionary

_______ describes the structure and constraints for the whole database

External Schema

Conceptual Schema

Data modelling under conceptual model is achieved in ________ levels

___________ are data elements that describes an entity

________ is the process of refining the data model built by an entity-relationship diagram

The degree of relationship is also called as _________

_________ structure is possible in a network structure

None of the above

Damage caused by a virus is called the ________

Virus have been found on shrinkwrapped software straight from the manufacturer

Page 15: Question Paper (2)

17 Folders Archive File Container

18 Menubar Taskbar

19 USB stands for

20 Delete Cookies Format Defragmenter

21 A hub is a device that can connect Only Computers Only printers

22 An IP address is a Physical address

23 Protocol is

___________ are files that contains other files.

The ________ is located across the bottom of desktop and offers an easy way to access programs

Formatted Toolbar

Uniform Serial Bus

Universal Serial Bus

Unix Serial Bus

___________ is used to remove unneeded files.

Can not computers

Logical address

A memory address

software that facilitates connection to the internet

a list of rules for transferring data over a network

software that allows file copying

Page 16: Question Paper (2)




Computer A


Secret C



View Level C

six B

Entity A

Abstraction C

View Level A

Both A and B D

Formload B


Digital Certificate

Secure Mode Certificate

Digital Certificate

Data Abstraction

Database client

Page 17: Question Paper (2)

Archie B



Disk cleanup D




Standard Toolbar

Unilex Serial Bus

None of the above

None of the above

a gateway calling program for internet bridging