questionnaire analysis

Questionnaire analysis

Upload: jamie-kessel

Post on 20-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Questionnaire Analysis

Questionnaire analysis

Page 2: Questionnaire Analysis

As expected, the majority of people who took part in my survey said they went to music events. Using this information I’ve made the choice of featuring music event and festival news in my magazine as a way of attracting and interesting readers. By using ‘exclusive’ festival news I can add an element of excitement to my magazine, as readers will be looking for the latest updates. I think that 68% is enough of a majority for this idea to receive positive results.

Page 3: Questionnaire Analysis

These results show that the majority of people do use all the main social networking sites. As Instagram only received about 50% positive feedback I don’t feel the need to include app advertisement for it. However all the others received over 50% positive feedback, meaning the majority of people use them therefore it’s worthwhile advertisement to include them on the cover page, so readers have access to the magazine’s social networking features.

Page 4: Questionnaire Analysis

As you can see from these results, my readers are more interested in looking at women, this is probably due to the predominantly male audience who took the survey. Rock music is generally more popular with males which is why I’m going to be targeting the magazine for the ‘male gaze’ and use women to attract males.

Page 5: Questionnaire Analysis

The vast majority of survey participants selected indie rock as being their favourite genre out of the given choices of rock music. For this reason I’ll be producing a magazine specifically of this genre. These results can be explained by the recent boom in indie rock popularity, and with the success of magazines such as ‘NME’ an ‘Q’, it is clear to see.

Page 6: Questionnaire Analysis

I think this information is slightly flawed, as some of the participants of the survey are not regular mangazine buyers or subscribers, however people who buy the magazine will obviously be regular magazine readers, so to base the amount of reading time of my magazine purely on these results would be unwise.

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Using this information, which shows that the vast majority of people taking the survey where male, I can see that the majority of people who where interested enough to take the survey where guys. This means that catering for the male gaze is definitely something I need to think about. This information also helps to back up the results of other questions, for example the results which show that the majority of my questionnaire participants would prefer to look at women.

Page 8: Questionnaire Analysis

Almost all of my survey participants are students, meaning that the majority of them are going to be quite tight with their money, and constantly be on the lookout for bargains. Using this information I Im swayed to make my magazine at a more affordable price in order to attract this younger audience of students in. By doing this I am catering for their needs.

Page 9: Questionnaire Analysis

As expected, most people who took the survey wouldn’t be willing to spend a great deal on a magazine, for this reason I want to make my magazine cheap and affordable. This goes along with the question about occupation, and the fact that most of the participants are students so won’t have much spare cash. Using this information I can offer monthly subrcrition for a much reduced priced in order to attract these people.

Page 10: Questionnaire Analysis

No surprise here, the majority of partipants considered attractive women to be one of the most important features of the magazine. Which makes sense considering the majority of the participants where male, and having an attractive woman would cater for the male gaze. Although I know that I could benefit by having attractive women on the cover, I feel it is unnecessary, and I’d rather feature a ‘rock star’ who will also attract buyers. I will limit the amount of merchandise advertisement in my magazine, as it is clearly not a favourite amongst my participants.