questionnaire analysis

Music Magazine Questionnaire Analysis

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Post on 09-Mar-2016




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analysis. music


Music Magazine Questionnaire Analysis

My results show that more females contributed to the answering of the questionnaire. This is shown in the pie chart as the blue shaded area is more than the red shaded area. The percentage of females who answered the questionnaire was 58% compared to the 42% of males. This could mean that my results will be slightly biased as females and males don’t tend to listen to the same style of music or buy music magazines as often as females do. This could mean that my results will be more on the females side than on the males, this will lead to some inaccurate decisions being made as at the start of the course my target audience was both males and females however I am currently thinking about changing it because of the more information and market research I have gathered from my questionnaire (females). Furthermore, a greater percentage of females have answered my questionnaire meaning I can use some of the answers created to make key and vital decisions that will help my magazine become a success. For example deciding what my target audience most preferred name for a music magazine will be. Most of my decisions made will be based on the questionnaire I sent out to people and because more females have filled in the questionnaire this could change how I present and decide what my magazine should be based on. Example: the name of the magazine, the price I set and lastly the music genre I base the magazine on. When I am confused or stuck for which is the best name for the magazine I can look back at my market research to help me make that decision.

First Question Analysis

Second Question Analysis

Having asked this question I can see that the most shaded area in the pie chart consists of people aged around 14-19 years old. This is beneficial to my music magazine as it means I can contrast what I like about magazines because it will be similar to what other people ages around that group will like too, many common interests will be shared because it is likely we will share the same interest in what type of music the colour themes we like because we are of the same age. The age I have received the most answered questionnaires is from aged 14-19 years meaning my target audience should be aimed at females aged 14-19 years (teenage years). This is an advantage as I am familiar with how the information should be presented on the magazine and all the information that me (aged 17 years) and other females and males that have filled in the questionnaires like about a magazine and what the features they like about it and colour themes they enjoy viewing on different music magazine covers.

Third Question Analysis

I have chosen to present the ‘genre’ question from the questionnaire in a bar graph. The reason why I have done this is to make sure that all of my information is presented in the most effective and most easy to read layout. This way when it comes to decide and analyse what genre most if my target audience prefer I can see what genre was most preferred. In this case it was R’n’B meaning that I will dedicate my music magazine cover to the genre R’n’B making sure I can drag the most attention to my target audience and making sure they buy my music magazine. When it comes to deciding which genre I chose it is east to see how many people that took part in answering that question on the questionnaire. A bare graph is the most suitable layout to present my information as I can compare results and make sure i have chose the best genre in terms if my target audience.

Fourth Question Analysis

I chose to put this question in my questionnaire to see how often people tend to but music magazines because I am unsure on how often they buy it. This way I can decide how often my magazine should be made with new stories and music news etc. On my music magazine front cover one of the features I have is the date, barcode and the date the magazine was made on. My results show that 23 out of 38 people who answered the questionnaire would only buy a music magazine every month which makes sense as I would buy a magazine that often because it makes more sense than buying one every week for example. Here I got 0 amount of people who said it because it doesn’t sound reasonable no-one would buy a music magazine that often.

Fifth Question Analysis

When asked how much people will pay to buy a music magazine cover 18 people said they will buy a music magazine for £1.00-£1.50, this is reasonable as this is the average price other magazines are set at such as closer magazine is £1.40 which lies in the middle of the most selected option. It also makes sense if the magazine is set at that price as it means that its affordable and people are able to buy the magazine whenever a new music magazine comes out with new stories on singers and news on the music industry etc. Because the price is not very expensive it means that people can buy the music magazine whenever they feel to buy it and don’t have to worry about whether they are spending a lot of money on buying one magazine. This is why I have made sure that I have added the amount on average most people would buy for a music magazine as I was unsure on what the most suitable amount is.

Sixth Question Analysis

One of the most vital questions asked in my questionnaire is what the most preferred music magazine title (masthead) was drawing their eyes most or what sounded most interesting when they read it. This way I can make sure that I have refereed to my target audience by making sure I have taken into account what music title they most enjoy looking at what title draws their most attention and what title would the people who took the questionnaire never buy because it is to tacky or cheesy and what music magazine title would they not buy in the future because the name doesn’t suit their needs. This way I can use the information gathered from the questionnaire to make the hard decision of choosing the most eye catching title. I would like my target to when they have read the title to think ‘’oh I want to buy that, it sounds interesting’’. This way it will mean I have to chose the most popular title which is Beats that gained 45% (the blue shaded shape on the pie chart) which shows many people found the title Beats most interesting out of the 4 other choices given on the questionnaire.