· qui i warn, butter commission merchants, no. 83 exchange place, we make a...

qui i warn, BUTTER COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 83 EXCHANGE PLACE, WE MAKE A SPECIALTY Of OKL.A.DES BUTTER, and have cvcrv facility for handling it to the best possible iulvanlae" and obtainiiag the highest market prices. Our shippers may depend upon receiving their sales promptly and their money at onee. We refer ly permission to Third National Bank, Baltimore. Schell &, Kimmel, Bankers, Somerset. First National Bank. Meyersdale. S. Philson & Co., Bankers, Berlin. iLSO TO The Merchants and Farmers oi the Glades with whom we have done business in past years. The Somerset Herald. WIDNESK letoatUr . UTS. TIME TABLES. aeaxurr fc inuiL rotTT aariaoan. lea. aril after jCmd ay. K- -- let. lSTe.traiiu will run Mfoilow..ioiM-nwlt- paeriKer trains . the P. W. a B. R- - K. IX. Exprtaa irtw are run Hod-Ii- t morning.) LXAVE- - r.iTw Wet : SO a. m. 4 at. fat ail Wut 12 Sop. m. S 4i p. m. P. VT.kLL It. tab. :5iuL rmyr. Expres. Eaatt.. ... p. Lxyeav Wast. ... Hi a. Kill EMt ... P at Ml W art ... 1.0 p. J. HAEHT FBITZ. Cm.; Surrryor. will ire icial .tlrtiu. to mil urvtyinz wr.uuif ttl b5. wills. tranM to Liai. rncciJ-Jtr- ot uot nl uaot K.-ie- . rmtvr ui. Un.l u;i 'um-ine- l ...I i.r' ot tlti uinSiM- - Allk.nts 4,1 il a:.ct4rf-o- . rj-t- . fc. int;t .D1 mU " rUe BtM. trr bi mini ia V.k k lirrnlfl uiu k. mir liie Cau."1 H 1.. Te XoTtce. He will 1 fmrxl in bioni. Hon tonisT .ad .U otbtr Ujyt nnlciw utiirr-vim- ; otiul. Os the Utday of January. !7C. I w iil ou a t of new books t'id kvounts .ttnu'K be t ran (erred. Persons knowing tiii iiiM iVfi indebted "n my old books w ill plcftvcall iid tv'.Uc by Ciu-l- i or note. O. S. Parker. Kkssard & s sold the nKt (iladt-- s Butter la.- -t j ear, and obuined tbe U--t prices. They have the traile and facilities lor doing the same again this vcar. Kens and & OrtKM.rT, S:l Exchange PI Are, Baltimorp. ("uriK IiEniCATiox. The new clmrt h building ot tlie Smersct Presbyterian Church wi!l. unk-s- s further notice !e given, be dedicated on January 16, 170. fnext month.. Ministers. mem!ers of the riuirt h. friends and w cli w Uhers are cor- dially invited to be present. Full arrange- ments for the entertainment of those from a e w til be made. For the IIomdats. Ladies linen hemstii'l.ed and lxrdered Handkerchiefs, dents' siik and linen Haodkercbiefs, and Mufflers, siik and fancy TU-- s Jouvin and Alexander Kid Cloves, Lisle Gauntlets, linen Collars and Cuffs, Collaretts, Ham- burg Edging. Balmoral and Gerniantown indue stnpe hose, woolen Fringe, braided Gini. Coui'w. Pocket-btk- s, it U. It Paeeer. fTESlNii this week at low prices. Flaid Caiicjx-s- . (j:ngUam- - Canton Flannels. Bleached and Lulilrached Muslins. Sheet- ing, Pillowcase Muslins, Napkins, Towels. Felt Skirts. Bed Spreads, Colored and Black Aljacas. Black Cashmeres, t'oWed snd Wljiie Blankets, Coiv.-ts- , Trunks, Travtling Bugs Ac. (.i. R. Palkek. p iwr a IMBMeai, 1! voa have leen coughing all wintir and begin to despair of recovery, or if you have taken a recent old. go at once to the Drug store of Geo. W. lienford i Co.. and get a ix'ttle of Db. Mkri' STKi"r'F Tar, Wilp Cherrv and Hore-Hors- Take it and 1 well. No other medicine acts so promptly and effectually in Coughs, Colds, and all diseases of the throat, lungs and chest, leading to Con- sumption. Hundreds who once thought tuey had that dread disease have been re- stored to health by ;he use of this ahii'ist magic remedy. It is also the let known tor Croup and never fails in M'ho.pirg Couch. . Trial bixe 10 cents, hirgetire 50 p. Dt per bottle. A l'af Wwrlh atawwlwa;. Are you suffering w ith n, Ccughs. Severe Colds willed on the bieat, or any disease of the Throat, and Lungs? If so, go to vour dniggist. G. W. Ben lord i Co., anJ get a bottle of Boschee's GeivMas Strit. This mediciiie has b-- 3 in'roJued Jro itrjtnj, i.d is un its own merit.! I ke people are foing wild over its su-ce- and druggikls all over fur country are writing us of its wonderful cures aiuong tneir customers. If you wit-- to try its superior virtue, get a sample Bottle W 10 cenls. Ijirge size bottle 75 cents. Three d-- s w ill relieve aty c- - Trv 't 4 talaable SI r4 leal Trealiaw. Th-- i tjiiioc lor UJ3 of the sterling jjeUHil Annual. Loown'as IIiUrtter's Al- manac U now ready, and nuv I obUined. free of ctfct. of dmggesu'and general country dealers ia all rta .,f the United Mates and. British America, and iad.-e- in Mv.y cs,di.vd ported , me ten,Iherc. It whh tLe practual advice for the pres. rva tionacd res:o.-atio- u of l,elih, a Isr-- e amount of interesting and amusiog liU resiling, and the calendar. a.troomical calcuUiioos. chronological ttema, Ac., are prefmred ufa great care, and will be found entirely accurate. The issue ot Hosteller's Aiiuanac tor 1S76 will protia-- l ly be the larger ediii.Mi of a medical 5j"fk ever puiMt.-he- ti ia anv countre. he proptietort, 'M.-ssr- Hustetter Soi.ih.j Pittsburgh. Pa., on roceijpt of a two cent tramp, will forward a copy by mad to any iierson who cannot procure one in his neighborhood. :0 Hir.BEST price for produce at Walter & Tnii&l's casli tre. The laiiea can k fp into matrimony next year. Attention is called to llae change in the i':Ele of Uriiice sales. Some more new gocula arriving this week nt Walter !c Truial's cash store. . . We are cou.:clk-- J tooruit several ontccoau: of space. Walter & Tbcxal mean Luaiaeas lita llvey otfer sotOa fir cash or produce For Sale Cheap. A. small building, ia cxJ condition, inquire of C. G. Bassett. Kkn.vabd ti OrnKSLrvs tnaaw money tor the 1'arnier and iiktcImks whfUipprJ J to tht.-- laet rear. I . i Tikm-f- . oi our voung men w ura.c t 'New Years Cards" can be accommodated j by leaving there orders at this office. i I TLc skating was elegant on Tuesday, Wednesday ujd Thursday of last week, and the vouog iota. u;d. the best of it. Mathe it isn't an iiuportebt faU, !.,'. neerthelcst it is true, that the names ot ei.ii'v six towns in this state end with burg." Epistopai. services will be held in the Good Templar', hail on Sunday Liorning, bee. i;:h , : 10.13, an! Sunday evening at 7 u'rl'x k Mkui uants who wwh to advertise their holiday goul will do well to remefnljfr that tliere is but two more issues of the HekaLI beiore Christmas. Tub umbrella mender with his pack of um'ireilas, handles, wires, etc., was to be seen bui-il-y plying his vocation, amid the noise and bui-tl-e ot our street on Saturday lat. The aiu'Htnt (4 worsted and gcrman' town wool that our young ladies are pur- chasing with which to kult hooii, scarfs-et- c, for Christm:is jiAs, is trury surpris- ing. JIiLV aud Sankoy have tackled Phila- delphia. If they can only succeed in aving Alex. MeCiure, sinksy can change hi. tune from "Ninety and nine," to "Old hundred." Mr. T. Maxwell, of I'rsina this coun- ty, advert'ses a l'lO.UOO preiwed brick in another place in this paper. They are equal in rinish to the finest brick made anvwbere. As will be seen by an advertisement in another part of this paper, the annual teachers flirtation society, yclept. Teach- ers Institute, meets here between Christ- mas and New Year. The Commissioners, Ed. Kiernxn, A. Wright, and J. II. Fritz, appointed to set-ti- e the line between Con etna ugh and Paint twp., will meet at the house of David Lehman in Paint twp., on Dec 21st at o cl k. Those h.) desire to cultivate coughs and colds are advised to wear low cut vests, with do other protection to the breast than the thickness cf a gauze undershirt and the linen bosom of the outer one. The prescription is about infallible E. Bkirer. Artist, folded his tent on Saturday last, and left for Everelt, Bedford county. Mr. Bri!er said before his de- parture, "I like Stmerset well enough, but the girls here are all so pretty that n- - Doiiy cares about tavmg pictures. i I Ir you want your Butter sold promptly t i iivo iuj iuc atut aaa money at on :e, siiip it to j Kz j AHV.J & tVDEStVVS. i ' ' ; tfc Exchange Place. Baltimore. Notice All persons indebted ta hny. der ik I'M on book account will come and make immediate settlements, as we must settle up our books. a S.NTPF.R & UllL. Somerset, Nov I5th, 1S75. FraseCowas. Es(j., an but at present a practicing attorney in the courts of Westmoreland Co., and Welly McCulhmgh. Esq . ssitanl general solici- tor for the Conntlliville H It , paid us a vit on Friday last. Call again, gentle- men. We acknowledge the receipt of an ia ritstion to attend a calico hop on Christ-mi- s Eve, to lie given by the Leaf Social' at I'nion Hall, John-- t wa. We are very s :rry we can not be there boys, lor we'd like 15 show ou whit kind of a ilver leaf w e are. a AT.BW!to to the Curwensvilie 77k, a young lady ia that piat pltJied up a pretty'.t .u,pnl L.iua ( ia the tiarn the other day. hue buried her clothes light away, and now ahe pcailively s that sbe will never pick up any more "stiay" kittcris. At the Georgia State A gricu'f,- -r E partmrst U a jiuien of Lbs p arii ca'ij i'alct Rood lu peculiarity is sjid to be fhat it causes-, w hite hogs, to Shed thtr boi4i and aTs) renders t lie in blind, while It does not in the least affect colored hogs. Swine fatten on it rapidly, and wherever jtgrowjt'ie J.42i iarge' .nl'lat aud - ' tiiD-- I A TUKEK year o".l child of Abraham Dunraire. residing at Tunoellon. Indiana county, fell into a tub f hot iuds on 'TbuwJay of Irl vcek, tiari ih airi Mf tin, aiiult' Utcuibtrs, of the umily, and was so badly sailded that tb,e hair cane uff iu hea-- 1 and the &kin fru, its body. ; died oa the following day, a fur the mt excruiuiting sufferin,. O5 Thursday morning last, Mrs. Samuel a Wikr, ol this place yielded to the inexor- able dVcrees of nature and her soul passed to the tiiver from whence it came. Mrs. W ike has been in bad health tor a long time and at-- r death u, therefore, qot Mrs. Wikewasa worthy lady whose dim; Chriaiian virtues endeared her to all w ho knew her. Though mar- ried for several years she leaves no chil- dren to mourn her loss. RESERVED FOR W. S. Temple & Co., BUTTER COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 47 South Wo offer onr services as CIIA-XTS- , to the Farmers and solicitliberal shipments of We promise strict attention to the interest of those who ship to us, and will send quick sales with check for your Butter. We have ample "cash capital," and will make liberal cash advances to all who request it on their shipments. Our shipping cards can be had at the Express Office and at the btores. UespecttuUy. W. September 1, 1S75. Oru Carrier and Detilt propose to issue their annual address on the 1st ot Janua rf. TLct are under obligations far (arors conferred la-s- t rear and hope to meet with an equally liberal thU year. They hare aeenred the services ot a first class machine to grind out the poetry tor the address. Picpare yourselves for a sur- prise. Sherrice & Markle who have been , engaged fur some time in sinking an ar-- j usian well at their coke works near Broad lord, on last Saturday struck cis at a depth of tire hundred feet We are not informed as to the amount of cas that es- capes ; but shouli there be a sufficient will prove a very remunerative diKovery.Tifr. Pleat-an- t iHttcn. Three clothes lines in Curwensvilie were stripped by sortie one of the light-fisgere- d fraternity one night last week, the thief b:aicing for his booty fourteen fine handkerchiefs 03 one line, tour on another, and two bed ticks. evt,rl pillow eiips, and various other articles, on the third. He also gobbled up a new wash-boile- r which contained two mora bed ticks. Oca town a..T. louizs down to first principles. At a rucect fcieetiftj cf iLc Council they resolved that they would pay no more board bills to the Sheriff, and at 'the SMicTitTdoes not propose to furnish hitarilini, irv.itia , ,n A h.rvA.r em milted by the Burgii will be fed on bread and water. 'Rah fcr McPike. In a recent nu'nber tfhig paper, the Cam'iria Freeuutn, he anaoucixs 'JjX. l,.r;'a;;pr lie will run the Frtetftn on the cash lu advance system, and that if his patrons w&ated the paper oon'inued they would have to "pony" up. The alternative offered is the suspension of the paper. We hope that the pedple of Cambria county will find McPike to valua- ble a nian to lose, Domocnt though he be. Somerset O.ucty Republicans always were noted for voiin as they thought, and practicing w hat thgy preach. In pr-d- er to exemplify this laith, Mr. Joi'-p- of the staunchest of Re- publican voters, walked into our office cn Thursday last aDd paid his subcription to ihe Herald w ith four bright, silver halt dollars, one of them bearing date of ISO. Who says we are not returning to a specie basis. Let the rest of our subscribers kike example by Mr. Chorpenning. and :t they have not got the silver, we will not refuse grewnbaeli;, Wb would be much obliged to any of our subscrilers who have any information in regard to the early historr or settle- ment of botnerset county, or of any acci- dent or incidents in the historv of any ot its early settlers, if they would forward it to this office. There are a great many persons who have orknow, especially old people, oi a few of the important tacts ih regard to our ceantv, who think because they have but a small number of such facts that luey are unworthy to be chroni- cled. Now this 5s just what we want, by a careful compilation of these disjointed facts a short hiatory may be formed that will prove very intesesting to every citizen ot the county. Quite an excitement was creativ on our streets Monday morning by a cry of fire. Val. Hay Esq., had placed a stove in a room of his new bouse and built a fire in it without sonnecting the pipe with a tl'ue, for the purpose of drying the plastering, and a large volume of smoke being seen issuing from the windows and doors the cry of fire was raised. Then Tliere tu hoiTTlnn In hot haste. The elcrk, ttie men bant lb. latum. All went jworing furth with impetioos bat.e 1 1 find th a it was a false alarm. We always knew that our subscribers had a wonderful amount of faith in our abilitv, but we never expected to see them exemplifiy that faith as they have been do ing lor the past six months, luey think that a countrv editor ought to be able to ,. ? , T live on riflr rent, a vnE anil tlipw mvr to imagine that we. have ihe ability to do 'it- - .onnecieti witu ibi wcnaerrBi lc- - lief ia oui abiiitv is iheirrreat 'regard for truth. Some o'f them have beeri telling ns tor years post that they would seule in afewdavs. Now we don't like aK that thev Uild a deliberate lie but excuse them on the Ulltf that tbey were raised in Xorwav where the days last six months. Like McLlei an rem ienmn we nin&t Lv change of base. Yocxo ladies who are up to the latest wear wings. They are pretty ornaments. We've ail uf u beard In An ! mot of a. said it. And even the reeptie Must now pive it cni-- : iaeaa the balief ' Cciversally rile, Tbat wnmen are angles, Jiii, wkIow aol Wi'ej But wax tioax was wai.klnf Tj BMk tbeai eo (ails--. Toewbi)ri wbieh thej 're wearing, ii i now th7"re amote. M iss Reibeb. agedalKHit fourteen years. was dangerously shot while returning from coon bunting in Somerset county. She was wa-kin- g alongside F.Ii Criby, a vov eg man aha carried a atail piilo' in i.. rMcKet, wticii"w'a3 acidectailv The bail from the weapon pen- etrated Miss Heibor's fitd below the Jaw bone, and passing upward broke out all the teeth on the side of her mouth, and passed through the root of her tor "re lodging in the cheeK on tba oiijdtTof ;'we U;s fr i&i wiikh U entered, iller con-uiti- Is critical. L,.troU Adtamx. There m a flight totslake in the above. Misa Ittiber was not coon huntin? b- -t t.j her way homd from s iia iiU;'kin. " - 6 ait. Pov. Wi"h"otice that rreat tunyt.f our echangt'i ale tn:5in"r tbete that the small pox is prevailing in this county, which is a gr.a mistake, there has been U.t one Case ia ibe ccunty this t. the sootheastern oorjer, within a law mibscl Cii-l-l- Jn.t w3 iiwitii of lbs Puuiberland AVr in regaia loUii lohsrtne disease are very cbeericg indeed. 'o'new cases are re- - rx tried the majority ot the liiem under jrtaiwent are rapidly convalescing, There is on younz lady in our town wh won't scare at the am.ll.n..T r.h cent, ller eonsolatioa is that when they would attack her there would not be enough to go around. Some oocsulatioa ia being he fly, an) how. Most ot our. pcopr- - on the printiphs that in tunc of prevenliua k worth a pound of cure have been vaccinated. It's as ill wind that blows nobody any rooa. uuraoctors are bavinr Plenty to do vaccinating persons on account of the prevalence ot small pox in Cumberland. Howard Street, COXHISSIOX MER- - and erchants in the "Glades, Butter this season. S. Temple & Co. We read nothing but what leaves some imp asion on the mind. We are scarcely comciou ot those impressions at the time, but in the future they dock through oar Blind like a train ot fancies, and we know not their origin and ows time call them original. If this be the case, "and doubt less U is, how Terr careful we should be in rezard to what we read. The habit of indulging in light literature has to be ae quired, and is no easier to learn or break yourself of than that of reading good sub stantial matter. Such is the force of habit hence the necessity of good ones. Another Relic kortheCextessial. Latrobe will boast of having at least one relic at the Centennial Exhibition nest year. Messrs. Houck fc Gehrett, tinware, and stove dealers at this place, a week or two ago, took in as old metal a ten plate stove of an advanced age, manufactured at the Westmoreland Furnace by John Probst, in the year 100. Westmoreland Furnace was situated in the neighborhood ot Laughlinstown. and is known at the present day as California Furnace. The iWrc weighs just five hundred and fifty pounds and is is an ejccljerjt jtate of preservation. The figure of a' maa, col-um- s, vines, etc., cast upon the sides are as plain and distinct as the day on which it was made. It had recently been doing service in a saw mill somewhere in the wiidiof the riugf. The gentlemen who; now poMess tuis' anLtent' relic acQoenpe their intention ot having it pat together and taken to the Centennial at Phihulel- - - ?tLttrobe Adccnc. Ltcevm. The first meeting of the Som- erset Lyceum was held on Saturday last inaccordance with previous arrangements. A constitution, by-la- and rules of order were adopted and the following officers fcleoted ," ' PrtsidentA- - J. Golborn, fcsu,. Vice President Rev. A. E. Truxal. Secretary Ed. B. Scull. Treasurer Dr. S. S. Good. The following programme was agreed on for the next meeting: Address W. J. .Baer, Esq. Subject, "The benefit of Literary Societies. Essay Dr. S. S. Good. Recitation Ed. Baer. Select Reading L. C. Coibcro. Debate Is the Judgment of conscience correct ; atfirmative. A- - ! Whet slope j negative, r . J . Kooser. A general and courteous, invitation is ex tended to all present. Ladies can be- come members ot the lyceum by simply adding their names to the roll. The Sec- retary will be pleased to receive their ap- plications. It was our pleasure some ten days since in travel irom riiisourgu to -- ew xora via the Pennsylvania road. And great was our surprise to find how superior was this to any other of America s boasted rail roads. The greater portion, of this entire distance ia laid with .teet rail, and ba last ed with broken stone in the most improved manner. No road in this country can show as manv miles of beautifully laid "1 balasleU track, as can the Pennsylva- - nia. bo evenly brukeo apu so regularly I lid are the stone tb,at (ar miles upon miles jt doe not appear to yary the fractioq of an inch in height or width, giving the track an appearance ot beauty and clean- liness as though it were carfuily swept each morning. Some of our people who cuntantly sigh for the days when we shall sail through the air without noise, without a jar, and journeyjin taloons from one city to another with lightning rapidity, should travel over the P. It- - li. in either their Pulman sleep, lng or palace cars to are how little desire they would then have for a change from railroading to ba loon lng. We understand the management will shortly put a train on the road that will run the entire dis- tance (145 miles) from New York to Pitts- burgh in ten hours. This train will have to run at an average speed of nearly 45 miles per hour on the mountain grades as well as on the more level portions of the road. We expect by the time the Centen- nial Exposition is open to hear of such a train being in succesalul operation. Next summer when all our people will be going to the Centennial, (for who is not?) we advise them to go via the Penn- sylvania. It is the rail rml var txt :lUnee V A "Keeat Kwllwr. ; - The Supreme Court has recently Ten- - "ere0, a or?n w hich deterfi,me the T!x? question oi the right of the acceptor " l,M4C 7"u m "ug on ac- - ceptaace of the draft by the drawee, A Pnoted slip cootoiamj thi opinion has " w uujvi ui uuc w our banks here, and as It is a matter of general importance we herewith publish it: ThcCourt has now defined as the law of lime diai'U to order, and indorsed first, that, in the absence of specific instructions to the contrary, the drawee may demand. and the baHk or other agency"niust surred- - jer the bill of lading on an acceptance of the draft; second, that m case of refusal tQ ueiacn ana surrepder the draft (.reciting tl,e .hipinentl. tt;e drawer apd, indorser are ihertby released. The determination of this que.lloa does not preclude the negotiation of time drafts on specifically dslinod conditions, which may yet be done on prescribed terms, as, for instance, w hen it is conditioned that the bills of lading shall be held until rav- - m'-- nt tUe Jraft out lt u ia? p"a the party buvicg soih brlls to have em bodied in the jame the express. ' ream tins of right to bold the bill u lading un-ti- ll niaturity of acctpunca. Tha question thus settled establishes a standard lor the whole country, which a ill involve new adjustments, so divei;g has been the practice from Sut lo btata. The La-- fe a&ii taiereantilo cemrauntty w ill not be slow to conceive and adopt sack checks and safeguards as their expe- rience ba iu times pwst, rreTHirod cctlo suggest. The tjecliion U already accepted t; oun4 Uw, afid -- m work ' w holesome l In injuring greater safet a,ti$ cloxr st t dtiny'than htUera of the eharac ler ana responsibility ot drawers and Jiawees. LI TT ELL'S LIVING AGE FOR 1876- .- The fact that The Living Agt loon ecter PV, ? thirty-tlnr-- l ygar vJ coa tic nous inu successful pubucation. is a remarka- - "le one ,n lae history of periodicala. Jod "".wphy. polit. theology, philosophy. CT'Jcim, auU art, its lmpoiUnce t Am encaa readers can hardly be overrated. t in ao other way. in fact, can so much of' the best work of the best minds of time I obtained- - so "cheaply or oaveaieauy. aj Uiraugh this standard : tauectic weekly. The list of foremost authors of the day rrprcaeniea in lis pages. WU1 be louttd IB the prospectus published in another col- - amo. and ia ot iua-l- f mKm LWr at the fuaiiif of the magazine, while in qnan-- , tity of reading it is unapproached. ? 1 1 ' lbe on! thorough and fresh cttU- - I't'ation of a currenUiuraiur which ea- - br.ea th nruducUoiisot the ablest living writers in science, fiction, poetry, history. TXt Htm Ap has al wavs stood at the head of lis class nM only as the best, bet ail things considered, the cheapest ot the eclectics: and since its recent alieorptioa of "Actry .Ntf.rtfajr, is practically without a rival. In the multiplicity ot periodicals claiming attention, it has become almost a necessary to every person or family of intelligeiu?nd taste: for it, alone, fur- nishes such a compendium of whatever ia of immediate interest or permanent value in the literary world as to render it an invaluable economizer of time, labor and money. ForthoM desirin; the cream of both home and foreign literature, the publish- ers make some combinations with other leading periodicals, by which a subscriber is. at a remarkably small cost, put in pos- session of the best which the current liter- ature ot the work! affords. The prospec- tus should be examined by all in selecting their periodicals for the new year. The volume begins January 1st, but to those remitting now, the intcrveninj weekly numbers are sent 'jratit. El RGLAET at Jexker X Roads. On last Friday night the stores of Mr. Silas J. Cover and ot tFleck & Deite at Jenner X Roads, were entered by burglars and a number ot articles abstracted therefrom. The burglars attempted to effect an en trance into the store ot Mr. Cover by boring holes through the door with an auger, in order to strike and remove the bolt, railing to accomplish tueir object in this manner, tbey broke a pane of class in the upper part or the door, by which means they were enabled to reach and withdraw the bolt, l tiougn Jlr. cover s entire family sieep just above the store they were not awakened by the noise. Among the smcies missing were two suits of clothing, some boots and shoes, considerable amount of table and pocket cutlery, and a large number of boxes of shoe evelets, wtiicn it is supposed were carried off under the impression that they were gun caps. early all the jewelry had been taken out of and laid on top of the show-cas- but it is supposed that the burglars became scared and left without it. An entrance was effected at Mr. Fleck's store by breaking a light in one of the indows. througn wnicn they were en abled to reach the bolt and unlock the door. The principal articles were pocket? books, ladies scarfs, cheese, cigars and the money that was ia the till. Mr. Fleck es. timates bis loss at about thirtv dollars. Mr. Cover's loss isprobablv oxer a hun dred dollars. One ot the robbers took possession of a pair of new rubber boots and put them cn, by the tracks in the sand they were track ed as far as the "Big Bend'' at the eld Park's tavern stand on the Westmoreland side ot the mountain. Here the trail was lost, but it went far enough to rest suspi cion strongly on some parlies residing in the neigborhood. It is thought that there is a gang of "moonlight mechanics" in that part of the mountains, who have been committing depreciations at Mahistown, Langhlinstown and vicinity. 1 hese starry vigil keepers stole the brace and lit which they used in their nefarious transactions from the blacksmith shop of Mr. Jacob Freidliue at Jennerville. Cvmuerla Mr.. ) Nov. 20. IsTo. Editob Herald : There being some difference in practice as to the orthography of "Castleman ' or "Caselman" river, I beer perm'fsiorj to uie' the circulat'toa oi your paper, w ith a viow to get at any history that may le given by any ot your readers as to the origin and application of the name to one of the principal rivers in your county. I have been unformed that a person bearing the name was an early settler on the stream and gave it the caaie. The county records would nioyt prcbably bear record fcf the came aad iu spelling, and presuming the cu;:y Vi I correct would be final, if the person could have written his name. The records of the public improvements of the United States in relation to the na- tional road from its earliest record, 1814 to 1824, given in the report of David ShriverJr., Superindendcnt, make refer tnce to the crossing ot Cale;naa river near Graauville, MJ., as, the' Little Cross- ing, meaning thereby, probably, the cross- ing of the Little Youghiogheny, the name by w ich the stream Vai then, jeuerUlv lswn. When in 1923 and 1524 the first surveys for the Cheeapeak & Ohio Canal were made, the name Little Youghiogheny was given to the stream near where (lhklasd, Sid., now is, and great reservois were located where Oakland is built. In the report of the year 1?4 the spelling "C'aa-selaa- was Used, but wben in the next year the Will's Creek route surveyed was the name is reported "Castleman," indi- cating that some investigation had caused a change in the spelling, Whether a change in the name of the stream has been made from Little Yough iogheny to "Castleman" or "Casselman" about i$M) or '23, or that the tipper, or probably Maryland portion of the stream has a different name frotr) the k.V67 part in Pa., is an historical matter that should be investigated. I hope some of your readers will be able to give authoritative information as to the proper spelling of the name in question. Your obedient servant, Tuomas S. Sedgwick, A sat. L". S. Engineer. Teacher faaiitate. 4ue oomersei touniy leacbers insti- tute lor the year 1S75, will he held ia the Court House, at Somerset, commencing Monday the 2Sth of December at S r. m and closing Friday 31st at 11 a. x. Teachers, these institutes are establish ed by law for your special benefit, and we nope that you will avail yourselves of this opportunity to more thoroughly prepare yourselves for your work. The zealous teacher will not absent himself on a plea. that the directors do not grant the time ; you can attend a few days at least and sus tain no loss, but realize a common benefit. School directors, do you expect the su perintendent to make the Institute a suc- cess?- If sfl you must do Tocr' send yonr teachers, anr.e yourselves ; we mast n"arlc together. rECCRAMME. Orgacizarlon ; election of officers : arl dress of welcome by F. J. Jvooer j re- sponse by members of the icititute. " reports. The following teachers will prepare re. ports on subjects of their own selection : it. iiaker. it- - a. Coleman, J. A. Walker, A. J. Hileman, J. J. Miller. M. J. Potts, U. S. Weller, O. F. Sorber. D. M. Feik. S. B. Philson. A. F. Swank, L A. Smith, Alex Cober, J. C. Hanna. Levi Peterson, Jacob Miller, V,on fcClintx J.R. Rhode. . . . ,. ESSAT2. The following ltd teachers will pre- pare essays, selecting-thei- r own subjects: Dxuaie Brrkr, Ellen Snyder. Myra Schell, Jennie Raker. Hart McCinley, Belle achat! Mary Kooota, Et&m ber. key, Jennie Richardson. Orcella Ferner, G Annie Fisher. Cevll Knepper, Rose Hus- ton. Llrie Poorbaugb. Annie Kimmell. The following assignments are made : Common School Discipline J. W. Weukland. English Grammar J. C. Xusndall r v: . t- - v - r-- t. I ' 1 euiiiuau3n:T akllier- - S?e cEVf fteage o in . AtacxVca-r- il- &, U-- ok HeciiaiiojinL f- - Snyder. Music In common school. J. D. Mcese. How to teach arithmetic Chas. Elrick. 1 Compulsory education W. IT. jr. Sanner. ObieCt 'QULiiuu Ni "attendant at school D. W. Will. Literary evib J. C. Weller. On the acrjirisition andxi "tt'k-ctu-al ' ' " w T' " power FseytXKo., Crnjnir t- - H- - Hoffma.n. CTiange";of Text Ixiok'-- S. Forney. Geograpby-B- - F- - Iiay ma j, d Moralitjr mwif coiii'tuod ithool J. X. Btirkey'. Address by L. C. Colborn. Discrssiox. Is the expectation of reward or the fear ot punishment the greater rce;itive o study J. p. G.nSVv. Ium.'m1 the dead languages eyer be taught in oor common schools John piveb. ShulJ the teacher Uhur to develop all the faculties equally, or should he foster individual peculiarities of taste and intel- lect C. B. Cook. Are the capabilities of the male and te male teacher equal R J. Joder. A spelling bee will be given on Wedne day evening in which a!l the tea.hera'arl a sarL ec'rtanent w!JI be given on Tbursflav evening the proceeds lo be ap- - propriated lor the beneht or the institute. An examiuauoa ior pnnnsiooai errn Deaths will be bekl at the union srhool- - bouae on Friday. Able lecturers have been invited, and are expected to do good work for us. J. B. Whitest. Ca &Qpt. I THE PITTSBrBCII CAZETTC Those who are arranging for their borne papers for the next year, will do wisely to send for sample copies of the PiTTSBrKn Gazette, Daily or Weekly, as it will be seen to be the best paper published in Pitts- burgh. It Uthc oldest, being nearly nine- ty years old, and has kept pace with, all phases ot modern newspaper progress. It is printed on new type, and on cleaa, white, handsome paper. Its news is specially full, and accurate. It receives Cable news from Europe, and Dispatches from all parts ot the countrv. It has Special Cor- respondents ia Washington, during the session of Congress, and at Harrbunt curing the session ot the Legislature, and w ill give lull reports ot all that is interest- ing in the proceedings. Its Local tews is complete and varied, yet chaste and pure. Its Editorials contain trenchant discussion of all current subjects, and deal indepen- dently with all issues of the hour. The paper is Republican in Politics, but holds that the party is superior to cliaaes and rings. Jtt Slartcl ReoarU art epeeuiUn full anJ eomplnle, and ha?t a reputation that m undt-tpra- d, fur accuracy and re- liability. Its reports ot the Lit market are also the best in the city. In frequent instances, parties in the country have saved or made considerable sums by following the accurate reports of prices, giv- en by the Gazette, in" making thtir sales. It also contains Agricultural, Household, and Family tading, carefuily selected. Thus it is a family paper of great excel- lence and rare cheapness, as to price. Its circulation is the largest ot the Pittsburgh press. The Gazette is furnished at the following rates, and we claim that they afford the cheapest newspaper published, when the size and quality of the paper arej considered: TERMS: Z?i7y GezttU (postage prepaid) by mail, single subscribers, $ 1.75 peryear; in clubs of five, 1.50; in clubs of ten or mo.e. $4.40, and an additional copy for every ten to the getter up of the club. Post- masters are reouesled to act as airenta. For sample copy, of daily or weekly, j free of charge, address j KINCf, KthU & Co., Piltsbnrgh, ti Soiaetainx Kara ia Rtfcanl la that "I aloa Tliaakasiviaa; Service." la order to show that the notice pub. liaiied in this paper of Xov. 24th, in rc. card to a union Thanksgiving Service, wag at least no intentional misrepresentation of Elder Bittle on that subject, the following explanation seems to be necessary : On Saturday evening feeling that some arrangement ought to be made In regard to holding religious services on the follow ing Thanksgiving Day, and remembering I that we had a very pleasant union service last year on that occasion, I supposed there would be a desiro to have a similar service this year. Having been informed by some one that Elder Billic Was out of town, I consulted with one of the leading mem bers of the Disciples' congregation in re-- 1 gard to the matter, who expressed himself enthusiastically in favor of a Inioa Thanksgiving'Sexvice, and direct'.".! c:e (ij one o ti;e etar-r;o- ; Ueir uiMrcU. stating, that whatever he would sav would be all right. In company with Rev. Truxal I called on the elder to whom I had been thus directed. Heat once agreed to the. proposition of holding a I'nion irvU ia j their church. Learning from him, how-- 1 lever, that Elder Bittle was in town, Bro. I Trcxsl suggested the propriety of seeing him in reference to the mutter. The elder replied that it was not necessary to do so. ; and in answer to a question, said that an- nouncements could be made in the differ- ent churches on Sunday morning a I'nion Thanksgiving Service wotld be held 'n the church 01 the Disriples. The annouBceraeats weu atonrjingly mile. Ua fcudiiay aflerauon Eider Bittle called on me at the parsonage and said that the arrangement made on the evening before did not suit him, as he had made arrange- ments to deliver a Thanksgiving a idress to his owji people. I asked him to deliver his add.-c!- U to all of ;z. I'm rcf.i:ej that it would, be ccurlebuj for him to de- liver tb? address at a union meeting held in bis ovrn church. I then proposed to hold the meeting in the Lattera, titurch and he deliver ti:2 sJilrea. llesitating a momect, he iid. 1 think I shall stand by my first arrangement, (i. e. preach to his own people.) On Monday morning Bro. Taylor and I called on Elder Bittle and asked" him what conclusion he had arrived at in r?jard to the Union Service, k- - ial, 1 will sti'.nd by my urigisal arrangement ;L c. preach to his cwa people. I asked, in a jocular way, whether we might not all corue and hear him. He replied you can couie. Bro. Taylor asked whether Le would then recognise it aa a Ution Meeting. He d by saying No. Such, now, are the facts in the case as briefly stated. We understood this to I a refusal on the part of Elder Bittle to the holding of a Union Service in the Disciples' church on last Thiukgivin; morning. But inasmuch as the original notice has called forth considerable feeling on the subject its publication in the form in which it appeared is to be regretted, whilo ai the same time I feci quiiu sure that it was no misrepresentation at all of Elder Bittle 3 relation to Uie matter. A. 11. Vt'cETSTOSE, REIMAN JUDY In Berlin, Xov. 14, ISTo. by Rev. J. W. Poffinberger, J. J. Reiman, of Jenner township, to Ellen J. Judy, of Brothersvalley township, bo'b of Somerset county, Pa. FREIDLIXE SACHS. At the Luth- eran parsonage, Dec 2. 1S75, by A. M. Whetstone, Mr. Isaac Freidline" to Miss Lizzie Sachs, both'of Jennerville, Somer- - Set county, ra. SIMMONS TIHUE.-rO- n tlie 2Sih ol November, l73; by "hutias Ream, at the residence of the brides' parents, Mr. Da- vid Simmons to Miss Anna Tishue, both ot Lower Turkeyfoot twp., Somerset Co., Penn'a. EMMERT SMITH.- - Dec. 2nd, 173, at the hoUae uf l A. Baehlman, by John Stafft, Mr. Oliver Emmert to Miss Aarra-mint- a Smith, both of Smersct township, Somerset Co., I1.. MELLINGER ANKENY. On Thursday, Nov. 23th, in the city of 3Ior rison, at the Evangelical raraaage, by Iter. C. Schmucker,"i!r. Jolin B. Meliin-ge- r, of Dixon, 111., to Miss Jlollie E. Ank-eny- , lorrserly ot the v icinity ot Somersi.'t, Pa., now of bison. 111.- - '. 1J ... , - lauiijiifi SL'KALL John Sufail. on the 21st of Nov., 1973, aged 67 years. 1 month, and da vs. Dr. FlnneyA' aiaUBSvran ar Ea eaaanumtejil lu core InBjiamaiJon of lbe Klirn rinJ bui'it t. paisfat vt wa pjecJ aria-atao- ao tmiaeal in old age, a mini or upi-re.e- l rurtijlmatna. acorfbi). or wbitetirirei. ;ieet, jirwtme, t.tdy obKbjirxca, Briehi'. iiia. l'fKlM deposits, irv-y- . pain in the back or l:i-- . ii k heidacbe. piui.U-- , MuU'iiea aaw erup-liun- a on the tare, and ail J i -- case at a '!;c or euuiuiti.,nai nature. resrarliei "f d'ratko, aye orarx. i:.jmianl Svr o ui hmoba U a paisiTe oU rv'ka! r. Jo fciW by lie. W. Bnfur i a i'SimHri an-- t Mouataia a Co., Cuoda- - 14 liriil. , t Crrerte4 tr ?. Aa,Tfal. fctV, OTiLjaiv choice vaociiRiiia, noua feed, Xpft'.t. tlrleJ. If ........... , e Ailetlier. H nl jiiue tiuuer, f) a ax Bart beat, f) bubel. -- - i. fi a 3Se 2axfO, boablera, fi w. .., I3r U a,.A ......... Uiiiir Open, 1 bushel...,. ,.,,,..., Cvrnncal 9 a 3e I'alf tk inj. a loe ClureT aead naU aa m Clover al Ura till Lna.iae.1 f buter at mi Iua4vea Hone, ft bag XJO . y Maa, uoi l" TUmr. V hW 7 fcf Flaxseed ba., (M ) MM HydranUe Cement, bbl LaKl, V .Tie Leaiber, red eule, V i... " aimer -.- ....-.... .....:ue aae ial Ha, tW-'.'.- " "".' a a oatk. V bo Tie Putalui4,f) ba soe feaehea. dnad. Jf a le feraTiaa Uoaao per lua a.... 4 Kva 4 ba 1 a kia. f ar Sail, .VI, bW,extra 2J ba aoe a.UUin. per S4 . laverpwf " ...1 ) M Uiuand Aloa. ner aaca W Ob Sagar, yeiiuv ft a VU.2 " wait Utle Super PbtMphaU bag, 300 kt. 8 w WbiU Ubm, V bbl 2 ; H I f Mil MI 0 If - iSli I lJ 1 ky I I I 5 v. 9 . ; InJ Xeie Advertisement FFS SALES. By Tirta of mndrr writ, of H Vala. uj 3 , laria Kaeus Nmierwi fmoij. Pa.. an1 tome Lf ilinvtnt. 1 wille to Kile b puniic outerr tbe Court tloaxe, in mcnt, oa Friday, evemler 21, 13T-3- , th ftiTlfiwirt .vf.av-.- .f r.,.t .an theriaht title, (uteres and elaim Jfetsoa I MureTVte " ' W lb ribed real trart ef lat jitnate ia My I. ' .:anni towa.Bip. aaerwl c : t a.. eou.iiAtij 1. M. .... . . A, k , 1. . ..T rrelar. wl;b Kteal daeiimn ' " ' M rit mill aad otber Uiuti of Ulinnerao.1 Berkley", beir. Uie appurtenances. "ucj aaUotbera, aim i A eertaia tract of land tuate In towBh:p. e..unty. Pa.reitainina aefseieared. wtlh a dwelling k. .0.1 oaii.iuvra thereon erected, a.! f,uiix.x Mx.-ti- i. biTou:cnaadkiMwnatae Hennr .deren tr-- 1 wi:b Ine appurtenance.. " Taken la exeeutb an the prrmrtr at jXeyersatUM ail of W. v. Lireo,,! etal. AH the rii?it. title, iuien- - and claim of Charte. real mII?"' al '""""Mi describe.1 h1" nxire of b-- and JS?k?-S- S "J"! ! -- Vi; Ilia rt. aonirr Nwk k atlee on lite eaM and frmi '. ta W?ti,,,,t'? Wilt. ,,1,. ! K7 iT.T. . ZI."" J- - adta r. .1 , AISII Alltherieht. Ut!e. iuterest an-- eUim uf M D i es'-ai-c. Tlx: - j "7 " iww MN UWeiJUl niiUs. . r I . ..- - . baitoin. thereuu .reeted, b..uu.i.l by oa the norm, lot of Mary ihV CUy nreetva tha toatk and Center tn-e-t oail. .iiu lu. aipariuaDce-- . en ia exr. nt:im u the property of Ij Miiler and W a. J. Meters at Uleaauul iilLici soultx. ALSU Ail the rlaht. ttlle, ui - ;, ot. la ao-it- thefcUowioa real emata, yie A eertam trart of land Uua: ' .lup. So-e- ree, baty. Fa.. t.STaereT i , giaau.U U ar. , . Manr-rsa- d anu itoialown turn- - ' 1 pike, Take, la exSatwn aTTbe of Url WbiteUat Ue tiit of Henry W 7Zr ; AL.-M- I All the rffbt. title. Interr-- t in claim of Jae..b D. Miller, ol. in and to liu luiuami nr.Tii-,- 1 n-- Mtate vi- A eertaio tract of land ituate la Sumerwt Tti.. t Someraet county, rla,. eontaiiilnic .s a rie, ui.Te w erse. 01 wuten tiler, are itM.ut t, erej eleare,! ' o--i aooui w acre, in nwa.i.,w, win a two on iranae dwelun hu, bam ami oiberout ihju.i- - ' ere..-te- a.tjoiolr. biaoj o J...m t. ' r-- vita taa apiHiiteaaai-e- i Taken ta ex ut a. the pr.ertT of Jae. D, ' Mliier attbe suitof M. A. Saaa-Ta'C- o. ly, ' r' a.?, wi: n wee Kimr .n.l Ailtheriaht. ti:!e, totere- -, asJ Ua .rf Sitaa : bo i,,T, .'.T "''1 H ,'" ai a ball frame ory and A l 'Jr'th. r,.. eone. ae., oiande-.e- . a.i.iaiie l .l. ol H. A. , . Vir Vi " . T' ' ".!'. Joc . ' xtar.tet!oatbeDurta,ao,l Wen heir. T - oa tl;. eatit aiui lb awurieaaace. f a -- t.. ..,,.' - .7 I!om-!jjii- , ;n- -'S.laiCi L A' 1 -- 't -- 0 TIL tL ijuuUt at ibeaou ol Aa.... Jearrj-- . fjtl- - ALSO j i ue an ier! .rH . afP- - :"afir.:bei',i:rt I .AJ-,l,,rth- - interv-- t aad etalmor Mary C iki F.e ot s.aaert.- - mi'i.4MnV 'J. Mnler an.1 Henry J. Miller, of, iaaad to taa in the a.iMii!iewi1n.ra lollowmjt dea-rite- d rai e.taie. r:i: ip.a the -- alc.f h avteof K, H M .r-ba-il a A certain M '4 roBD.i .ituate ..n the )uth si.le . 5 aia.i- - u.e eatitied tberetu. of Meyer aveDU. ia .MeyerUle b,roiU, S.- -' hereby xiTej B.iti.-- e tint be t:end u, t i.- - Ja erset oounty. Pa.. e..nta;niBir ne-- f .9.?-- . a ai-r- ie f ! a wiutraeat at his ..!" in .h.mtwi ' mjre er with a bruit aweUin; i.u.--e there, n ..a I i.iimj,. J.muarr d. i.- - ua D 1 ereete-l- . and kn. wn an k - No a, a.ljuimn e j ol aoe all pir rn'ere-r- i mir a:T,.n.i a.ex i oner oa trie ea't. aa l L. K. A oa lite a-- t, w.tb tbe apjitrtenaiiH-e.- . Taken in exerutioa lbe prope:t of Mary J. I MiiU-- r and ry J. Jlo.erat ihe un i 1 11 1 1 LkMS.-A- ny pt.r oa pun'ka.iri at the eale will pieaie leapLr the pt haae aujBrv viUue reouired s s..n uthe tn'ienj 19 aiex tea o. wa, oibrrwi-- e it wulj '.iuii exi.,ed w2e. The of the pareaaw mo&ey boh be paid on or beiore IheSTtb ! v 01 J.Loary. the dar uxe.i bw tbe Ciajr -- or the avknorle.lzeub-ri- t of Shentf's .tee.1.. aad n, dee.1 win t acajoowiei!ied utitii tue Jiaa-baa- e ai. net ij OUVKSK?iEPr-EK- . dec THE B.iat ercirent ot th? .lie. ijek aj .H..O. W.K., rd. M ix .Mu'iler. r"p f. ! Uull'.v. lr. W. IL I'ar-ieaw- r, fr.L Tn ia.l. H. j A. PiucK'f, iu-e- . Puaer t he. The luk;e..f ' Arjry.L, Jaj. A. Mrs. Maloeh. Mrj. Idi- - phaat. Jean . .n Mae. j leon.rl IVia. Ulaek. AQlh-n- e In , M i'h. w .4 ratihi. Henry Kimc-ie- r. TB.'nj-t.'arivl- e. IV. W. f Story. Robert Isuv tiaojn. Tejni-i.- n. "iir.'WTiir. and many others, are reiTeeented in Ui. yaz.. 01 LittelTs Living Age. In ITT. Th Urmij A;e eater, apr ! thirtT- - third year. It baa nerey tailed to reeeire the wannest au;fTtM lbe be men.n--i journals of the c..utry, and ba. met with a,nintlT tncr.-ae-- h) Maeeeea. liirinz reeentlr al.,rue. i't j..or. er eomijetib.r. -- Erery Saturdar - it - ., with out a nval in Its .peeial field. A weekly marline of sixtr-ron- r pai?t-9- , it stirt. ; THREE AD A QUARTER THOfSA.XD knhie erdnma ttaro paej (. iealirn matter yearly, furainir Hiur Ianfe eolame- -. lt pp-n- in an inexiwn-i;r- lorm, eo&iiuieruij' ii. treat amount of matter, with .-. owiazioiu weekly ifae, and vita a aat;.r:inr eooiplete-ne-- c. attemte.i by no .rfberpooli.-ati'n- . Hie best Ewayi, KfTtewi. OitieisBt. Tale- -. Sk'teh d Traeei and Diworery. fiietrr. Hl.b.riral and Foiitlral InforniatMa. fr m ta. entire body of f oreiin feri-kii-a- l tjter- - lJurinr the eomin? Tear. th- - cHtl and jhort stories ol th FOKr.iil.V al'THOES will be 3 ren. fifcther with aa am xinl nr.ap-ppche- .l t.j at.y otber perJrtk-a- l in the world of ihe it literary and matter of tbe dar. from tbe pen.- - f the above naaie.1. and many .xb-e- r. I'.em.t lirinit E.y!-t- , Scientist., frit arei E.litor- -. repreeennne every de- partment of Km.wle.lae and . The imtMrtane of The Living e . . mer A merieaa readier, as tbe'mly aiix.' fre-- h ' andeomp.eteeomptiati. of aa jaeifcn.en-aM- e eur-- ! rent literaiure. - Leatieit em! raee. the pruductkioj of tE ABLEST MVIa WRITERS in.n branehe- - of LitcratDre. s. lj! er ami Politb-- u sunV-Uct- :. toinaned br lbe riL-wau- t ' recent " OPINIONS. "eaaht toflnj a place is erery Aineriraa home." V 1. riaet. -- In no ot ner tng e puhHenti.a eiri therein i;un. fo mueh of sierucj literary exjei!eje. ... r. fceentw ftf. It repriduees iae he- -t tbouxh- - uf the e.t mind-- of the eiTliijed w..rid. ad b.ptis .,1 a tntere." Uttttlrl-trwuirrr- . -- The lst of ai oar c." lkf Stt:on. a l'urt. -- Atd iaocheapet. A ntontlily that conn's er- enr week." TVe Jdrdnre. ( l..';o. -- r'airiy without a rival." Button. "A pure and re-e-rv iT a-- el t ain:ain of entertainment aad intrBeUv" H-- kuarrt (.'. H itrt rop. i -- The be- -t America- .- Srr. Dr. J Cuyler. It. raiee- - teem with the choicest literature of (the day." . r. rriae. It aiot.e a n!erm Salrly keep wp with j all that : lu.porunt in the Ut ,jr.t air. 1.1.1 ry, ,. uie. andseieaeeol the. r ft, JldWiii. ,V. r. "TheahVa e . .. the er.te-taini- -) to--I riex, tha aoe- -t poetry ot the Enifli'h lanzu..(e. r. aa:brd tmether." iUium siau ire . puhdeatim ia veek'.y number" r t it I a area t orer is mi.n:iiiy eonte-jaora- ne. ia the spirit and iuen;en j. Tkf Vaojtc. ja ir.-utare- . j to every ore ho.Vlre a eutnp-a,jiun- i of ail th-a- t 1. arei in ihe wtery .,rid. eo.'ca . "It haf i. e.,aal 'n anv et aoiry." lild..'j.ia Frtu. PubiWed ffcek'.T at S.ta a yair. frceofpt!-aae- . aaie beam. J.uanrv 1. "ew - ers remittiuit noa vail rwiir. tii l&terveaias: . asmhers gratia. j Aidre LITTELL kOAT, IVef.i.u, : Pn:2s fir sa ta "lis k Fria Ltantin -- pr.sessed of The L't's Aire and one or dher of our vi. ari..a- - Amtwvcan uritMie- -. a uoerni.eT w.,1 aioo niaiy am eomrAAn.1 ol tbe wbolesitaa-tbn.-- ' t"it.'. Ertmmrf bulletin. iit tlu.aO The Livin- - Aie and eiioeroneof the America a fi Muniiuie. tut taaerc a Weekly or Basar, r Ai iilet.m's J.nnul. vcek.'v) will t nt lor a year, otnit psipoilt w. fi rJw.WThe Living: Aze an; Srriocer 'lralai. Ad.lre-- . a. AlAv. UDITOIVS NOTICE. A laJrfIrei!TUb. Btniliffaw. a. t.le.. I I e t.av t dietnoatioa tratonof neat oa . hur1ay Dvroa, Vr ; 1:. at hi uib.-- in Soater-e- t, Pa., n".ti a4 pervoa inter eB attead. HEXETF. .SCHELL. lac4 Aaiit'T. Xotk-- v la hereby ziveathat an ..(,!-- : i'.n will b ma-i- e to next .ieneral of Peon ylvanla tor th of m marh of lb xame Uwsof tin. wealth ai reSrj.a to bunt-ln- of deer durtnc rauti' h of lefeeinner in eaek year la Somerset countT derS rpUKNI'IKE ELECTION 1 be -- toekbetden of las Siaarw.t a. BciSord Turnpike H ad O.atpaay, aill iakeaotie that .a teeta wut be aew at the hoaa e..rx A. kiaubel. m Alleaser.y brwaebip. oa tha bth M- - W Jaaaary next, lo.lesn .e rTvM.leat-Maaaare- and a Trearorer toeiact ibeaitairs of eatd .oiapaay for lb enjoins; vear. JUV klMHEL, Bedford Ia.)uirer eopy c "ejee UDTOP.'S NOTICE. ae anoerKigaea appotntca reyiaaiir- - phaa.' Court of Somerset eoaoty t. aarertua ai- - eeaaema u aay, aai an aae a oiatrir-aia- e la tb baa!9 4 the exera or of Jaad L. d.e.aae.1. to .sauna- - letfally ea- - aiveaaooe tbat be wili at- - t tbe datte.of itia appotatiaeal ai ineoiuew . H. Esq.. la the tootouajb aetea Moaday, liveeaiber iff. 1 . atWoeaova at., wbea aal paxtba. lalervsiad eaa atUod If jtkr,.. proper. JOHT B. EDIE. 1 dees Auditor. S be Mey. cm. 2rw AdcertifntcnU. It Pays! It Pays! ! ' 11 j 1 l y s rhli i'lTT rT ''aoa-aeiarr. M . it.iwT. or 314 n to g.p Ola &ll t!ia . , ti,uaiht and eaaraIM aw, TIic Scientific Amerirnii, W hirb baa ten ,a:'li.hol week1, f.- the Wn s ihw, t.. an ex:eat bee.d tbat -- t .0 th-- T paMw-atn- . in l t it lj ihe oni : per i B..ij,acd in tha t nued tMn. ,U-- r, :,. M mo nai. i. InTentK D. and Nr liierti- - in tae Arts and sieiem-e- . nnmher ia prvfasi-i- uttutratisl an - e. o.fD-- j rmt:nne lae iatw- -l an 1 avjet pertainiaiT to tha lad.trtai. asil. ei S t'n-ttr- the Wuri l. 1. Tipth ns. with beaniiiul .. rf .N- - lnriti.s. rw Impti-meata- . ew frw-e- n.l lMf.n.Ted l ., : a:n,:; I wiui Keei(e. S.t: j, , A iTie- -. he n i..r w wiiineaan-- l K:nii..r.n' in n ti. i.raiiaiae..npire ! N- -a caiutntnir weeaiy Tnr "airi the pr-- ar o u.' Indatrat irj uur eoantrT. but ale, ,.f , ,w 1,, v na invenia-- in erenr braiieb ol La.-v-- neertnif. ami S. lene ai ri. The Ja. 1K r V It itllkli-i- u- -. t Jtbi 01 all in.iuiinal potMiea!i,ji i.,rme ,...t. !r' ear. It u the ide. Urr-f- , ebeai.-- . -- e,ivltbeiHa.ea; u:utrte. ..r it.,(., tn Me liani, t i,m,; V. Mi frra. puLU-ue.-1 it ,L f"'"1 are ael! n.,nh ten tinwe Ant lie- - the h. p n. BiJUlj time lbe coat ef suiwri'- - tirj Merc in), r... . - Ineeowra, Mln!urTl, ClieairtA. L,..r. oi 'w'' ?!- - 'H r.fe.i..t... adt Bivi It .hVa iiv. ',;.islJ"-'i.- ' tl'. p.aee ia every r a.n.u-- . U:nr. h'JTV,.',.. tin H:-m- : Ul n-r- v ieVV U A - T"i' a 7, I ' J? -- pa" au.leerit '?". 1 a- - : l . .r, H'Tt V "fif"' "r'n: ai.i ?J" .m:",!" P--tae. t t.. ' ' mir, S"'. 'e:e. atai:e.i oa reeeit.t of I . CVOL.. i kal ul a., nee. Jeaira Vatent ln- - amkku:a- - w.. Man '' 4n? ! Aiarh-a- aal b: .eZ Sli an-- l haee th. lancet ,.Ai,1..;r,i ia vri.i. U .re IliaaBliT te..aeaa.l ai.i... ti.wa hare been aj.l . ! r paieau turou tueir a.nrr. I'jtei .are h- - ,ir-- .l ,1,. . . ,. "Ti ,.. tTi viTl 'l Z"? " M" S' 1 LS the , k -- 'S't pa""- - J t a .r r AaUUi-- UDITOU'a .NOTICE. Marina neeri ! iu iit. r Lt : V lnj.,n.-Coart.- d eranty. to tke ton.:., in tli'tau!, ul Staaa.-- Lomn u....... min Ti'ttman 1. en... 1. nd tU Lit tie.-- e :e- - !'? n"edtb.-M- t. avta w .erer-- Kirentn-i- ":: L1'"1 ," lh'' 'lu s.ill a:.trfnf ment it m V!- -"' s""ert h..r.nh. Ihnr..a7. lv- - r!c um -- ra vaer ail i.r-r- . m'er fj. let Auoa-.p- . A UDITOIVS NOTICH 11 -- vir ten a; p. ijit sT S-- m r- t .an-r- . dsstrit u'e the turd in the h in ii id kin tvaaiiaaa. lrd-ei.Tt- ne rfal estaea f u I .ieeeae,l, b and aa- - tb.e ieiraliy ewitied there! t'rei r ie..n tiiat 1 aul attend tbe dune, -- f a1 .pi'.ntn.-o- t at me e.eie. in S. ini t i r., 0:1 Tuewiay. lwai'i 17 wbca and M mav aueati. A'avUtfr A UDIT0R S NOTICE. the an.!cr:-jne.i- .; been ar,ine.i ia.; tort., make a .n.intu!!.... of tee ia the band.ol uer Kaerer H.-a- nenc r Si.uer-er-- l (.UDte. re.;iuf t tu of ;:o trie al - caie ..1 jw-i-- v. ,,Mr. u, an-- aire e rn.-- e iy entjrie-- l tner. ;n, ifivr. n.e-- tbat be will .it-- I tend t. tee .tn'fes ..1 h:. rr'tnftnent at hi.',f?,. at 'n.1JT. iee wiiere a:i t.a-- :n terecel luay vtvod if ihey thina pr' ;r L.C. i. i 1LKI1RX. ee Atuiit'ir. A UIHTOKS' NOTICE. a) the ittdiror at aitej hr tbe Ort.Rea-c..- oa ai iti"n of Wa. H. K--t . b. th j fund in the han.1. 1 Jenoie B. Jrnn.ei.. a rator and trueice Vt tnr -- ale .f the -- tare of I.raei Kli.!i. der a.i. I will attead bk mv du:ieua-le- r iid a ..latmrtit at my .,,-- r. in. VVe.ireUv. leeeember JL i? at " eluek a. of nid d ir. W. H. POSTLETHWAITK dees A ad it. r. OTICE. fue put "i- - are a'tia-- l n-- to rerr-nje- a ju iuier.u exemption xiyen i.y the an.lor.ntn- - my wile and p:uiier to Wli.i:n Moederiek. oa the ldthda of fteem 1"4- - eaiiius ur Tentv .L.iUrs parnLie ow tne lith !:ir of leeeemner. .T'. I e..eev-- -i &. valtlo '"r r1" 'ae same anie.. ctiipeite--l w- - dee SPAX1LEB. r0TICE. Sealed j r will i re ire--l at tbef.,m !ni'i"DT i flTiee. S.'.meret. up to the itn iav o January next, to Ik. Court ir.d Jail wi:h eoai. w..l .n.1 kindhna- - w.e-- 1 r tti. tomng vear. enaataearrnt; .n th. Ma .lay or Jan-nar- 17. ad en.iu.a- - ...a the ith day ol Jaaaarr. It". Kt oMr-.- th teiarl. Jacob XErr. de--i Cierk. D.MIXISTRATOR'S NOTICE. A Estate of Shnrr. deraMef. Lr?ttT of ixiir.ujtrn:i')ti ra th mtMte haT- - (.ti frtnte-i la the aniirrs;T.tNi ty uie prop- er M.tir'y. iioti i bf-- ifirm to i h t lr'Te-i tMt oiak(iirtaftr-j-fpa:nT-.i:- bavtmr rltrji acAin ft will j: rr-n-t tht-- iuiy a!iii:if-m:-- l f .r rii.eBi at tlie r)' e 'A 'Lt W:L SHIRK?". PfJE SALES. iBm. f omjr.!i'jwr, t K.rjrwAlo- fr Xn let t mtrry. V tb atl t iar of . aton't ihm Su.wiinir n( hniijf? uir aLfteirri Hill "Tvk. whT'hi r'dl fpi ui rai ftemr th bn si3 m J fltrr-- t wnn!p. FUa ai !!--- . nca: ; wtl b tiaifclleU go ifce iay e' V ALFXTIX t J. MrTarF?I JhANfi.S J. - ' Mit.MJ, Ja OB KFF. lVBa.U.'i' UCT. Pressed Brick, Mad m the Phi'.ad.tptiia pnr--'4ie- . e.: v arti.-i- e. Han m in. n ioe bra ka rtiT to anv ma.le in tbe equate, aiaie a.-- ua hn--l unlt'.rm eo.r. w.-- I will eli at l.w rate.. C rre-- p. a -r . .. i.atd ;n m purie. irten.: jia i.uii 1. t will tais :n ifiraialij: auia-pie- e. Ad ir- T. MAXeTtil a f.-'in- tnerf t C uu! . DLIC ALK ( art of So t.Vuaty. wiT- - Si..p. WiiJ jtt At pTUai- .- Saturday h Lh cemler CO, I b !o of tgrk aboal ) e m nrar. baiaae aeU limtiere.!. wi.j hnje tt.oe, b:.uiaur.u. caiiioX IT. ore oo the .aire.. 1 EKMS . One-ii-a-- d la band In A jtl. W anee ba bve e.irt.1 aacnal pa.nta:. t' ai tbe . Vi per cent ol laehara TH-- y to L ia, i as o.jB a-- in pro;.' ' tra. k ..rL t.ri W".H. W M- - HtJiN H. Lxoeat.itx. JOHSSTflfS SAVINGS BAM. 120 CLINTON STREET, JoiiXiluVX, PA. Caartere.1 SieteBiirH PrfP rrfr-e- d ut ail iuaa but iea tbaa c doLJ. Peearat rat of iatcre- -t -- it per near. iotere do ia thenaoBtB. of J una anil Ivemnbay. aa.1 If so. wr.bdrawa is adied to the .ir- -. taa. eooi,xua-din- s: laiea a year aitboa. tr.aidio tbe depoei-u- r io call or area tai feseat ta depueit boua. Money loaned .at real estate. Preierewe. w:ib liberal rataaaad loo aae. xivea to II rst " Una. kmT ut mora time, tb amoani" of loan deelred. (iHl reler-ene- e perr-- rt tule.. ax . r"Oird. This erp.-.!e- a u a Sav I no Rank. 'oeosniaen-ia- l depait. reeerved. aor uiaroacia avau. o bus ua persuaal seeunty. ilUak appifc-a:h- a ke bnrre.wers e..ieuf ta raiea, s aa l Bporial law r.!aunaT !.t Nina it to any Iltmtt-jiB- M Cmp-r- . Davit IliTwrt. . B. EiJ.S. A. J. Kawei. F. . Hay Joha La wavaaj. L H. Lapelv, Liaaiel ilcLaaatu-iu- . 1. J. liorreU. H. A. Butra-a- . .onrad Snppe. ijeo. r Swanit. Jaaae. MjJaluen, Jama- - aad W. W. Wallers. Daniel J. Morrell, Fraaa Dibert, . Tiusiiin I Cents Eider, Ssoiiciior. au- -. ' U:' eeeaaV. at 1e el'- - ar. ICoart to mate ot the fund ia th. , p aacUof Ieunu Co..k aixl Jeiwc-.k- . l'Mil-- - real e au?. in aaiaiit theetau..f Jacob Cat.k. 'an of u a Un-is.- Lint sa-- l Hutu. Petej i-; am . too deeeaeed. harei-- n..tire t "!''' '."' J'" Kr - devi-!- . .!- - tnalkew ll atr. a.1 ... ,v ... 1.t ... I ttel ir and otberv e r.uauiir aa loiioasT A. tbe repeal C'NBa.a tbe the of e coaipaay. 1 aanitor. load .at ibereto, hereby Konatx. a. jrears.diie of tn. ia (he miLr. 1.. J lo k.'.ult ber!.y ih do iioriey President; a-- 1

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Post on 06-Nov-2020




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Page 1: · qui i warn, BUTTER COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 83 EXCHANGE PLACE, WE MAKE A SPECIALTY Of OKL.A.DES BUTTER, and have cvcrv facility for handling it to the best

qui i warn,




OKL.A.DES BUTTER,and have cvcrv facility for handling it to the best possibleiulvanlae" and obtainiiag the highest market prices.

Our shippers may depend upon receiving their sales

promptly and their money at onee.We refer ly permission to

Third National Bank, Baltimore.Schell &, Kimmel, Bankers, Somerset.First National Bank. Meyersdale.S. Philson & Co., Bankers, Berlin.


The Merchants and Farmers oi the Glades with whom we

have done business in past years.

The Somerset Herald.

WIDNESK letoatUr . UTS.


aeaxurr fc inuiL rotTT aariaoan.

lea. aril after jCmd ay. K- -- let. lSTe.traiiu will

run Mfoilow..ioiM-nwlt- paeriKer trains. the P. W. a B. R-- K. IX. Exprtaa irtw are

run Hod-Ii- t morning.)


r.iTw Wet : SO a. m. 4 at.fat ail Wut 12 Sop. m. S 4i p. m.

P. VT.kLL It. tab. :5iuL rmyr.

Expres. Eaatt.. ... p.

Lxyeav Wast. ... Hi a.

Kill EMt ... P

atMl W art ... 1.0 p.

J. HAEHT FBITZ. Cm.; Surrryor. willire icial .tlrtiu. to mil urvtyinz wr.uuif ttl

b5. wills.tranM to Liai. rncciJ-Jtr- ot uot nluaot K.-ie- . rmtvr ui. Un.l u;i 'um-ine- l

...I i.r' ot tlti uinSiM- - Allk.nts4,1 il a:.ct4rf-o- . rj-t- . fc. int;t.D1 mU " rUe BtM. trr bi mini ia

V.k k lirrnlfl uiu k. mir liie Cau."1 H1..Te XoTtce. He will 1 fmrxl in bioni.

Hon tonisT .ad .U otbtr Ujyt nnlciw utiirr-vim- ;


Os the Utday of January. !7C. I w iilou a t of new books t'id kvounts.ttnu'K be t ran (erred. Persons knowingtiii iiiM iVfi indebted "n my old books w ill

plcftvcall iid tv'.Uc by Ciu-l- i or note.O. S. Parker.

Kkssard & s sold the nKt(iladt-- s Butter la.--t j ear, and obuined tbeU--t prices. They have the traile andfacilities lor doing the same again thisvcar.

Kens and & OrtKM.rT,S:l Exchange PI Are,


("uriK IiEniCATiox. The new clmrt hbuilding ot tlie Smersct PresbyterianChurch wi!l. unk-s- s further notice !egiven, be dedicated on January 16, 170.fnext month.. Ministers. mem!ers of theriuirt h. friends and w cli w Uhers are cor-

dially invited to be present. Full arrange-ments for the entertainment of those froma e w til be made.

For the IIomdats. Ladies linenhemstii'l.ed and lxrdered Handkerchiefs,dents' siik and linen Haodkercbiefs, andMufflers, siik and fancy TU-- s Jouvin andAlexander Kid Cloves, Lisle Gauntlets,linen Collars and Cuffs, Collaretts, Ham-

burg Edging. Balmoral and Gerniantownindue stnpe hose, woolen Fringe, braidedGini. Coui'w. Pocket-btk- s, itU. It Paeeer.

fTESlNii this week at low prices. FlaidCaiicjx-s- . (j:ngUam- - Canton Flannels.Bleached and Lulilrached Muslins. Sheet-ing, Pillowcase Muslins, Napkins, Towels.Felt Skirts. Bed Spreads, Colored andBlack Aljacas. Black Cashmeres, t'oWedsnd Wljiie Blankets, Coiv.-ts- , Trunks,Travtling Bugs Ac.

(.i. R. Palkek.

p iwr a IMBMeai,1! voa have leen coughing all wintir

and begin to despair of recovery, or ifyou have taken a recent old. go at onceto the Drug store of Geo. W. lienford iCo.. and get a ix'ttle of Db. Mkri'STKi"r'F Tar, Wilp Cherrv and Hore-Hors-

Take it and 1 well. No othermedicine acts so promptly and effectuallyin Coughs, Colds, and all diseases of thethroat, lungs and chest, leading to Con-

sumption. Hundreds who once thoughttuey had that dread disease have been re-

stored to health by ;he use of this ahii'istmagic remedy. It is also the let known

tor Croup and never fails inM'ho.pirg Couch. . Trial bixe 10 cents,hirgetire 50 p. Dt per bottle.

A l'af Wwrlh atawwlwa;.

Are you suffering w ith n,

Ccughs. Severe Colds willed on the bieat,or any disease of the Throat, and Lungs?If so, go to vour dniggist. G. W. Ben lordi Co., anJ get a bottle of Boschee'sGeivMas Strit. This mediciiie has

b--3 in'roJued Jro itrjtnj, i.d isun its own merit.! I ke people are

foing wild over its su-ce- and druggiklsall over fur country are writing us of itswonderful cures aiuong tneir customers.If you wit-- to try its superior virtue, geta sample Bottle W 10 cenls. Ijirge sizebottle 75 cents. Three d-- s w ill relieveaty c- - Trv 't

4 talaable SI r4 leal Trealiaw.Th-- i tjiiioc lor UJ3 of the sterling

jjeUHil Annual. Loown'as IIiUrtter's Al-manac U now ready, and nuv I of ctfct. of dmggesu'and generalcountry dealers ia all rta .,f the UnitedMates and. British America, and iad.-e- inMv.y cs,di.vd ported , meten,Iherc. It whh tLepractual advice for the pres. rvationacd res:o.-atio- u of l,elih, a Isr-- e

amount of interesting and amusiog liUresiling, and the calendar. a.troomicalcalcuUiioos. chronological ttema, Ac., areprefmred ufa great care, and will befound entirely accurate. The issue otHosteller's Aiiuanac tor 1S76 will protia-- l

ly be the larger ediii.Mi of a medical5j"fk ever puiMt.-he- ti ia anv countre.

he proptietort, 'M.-ssr- HustetterSoi.ih.j Pittsburgh. Pa., on roceijpt of atwo cent tramp, will forward a copy bymad to any iierson who cannot procureone in his neighborhood.


Hir.BEST price for produce at Walter& Tnii&l's casli tre.

The laiiea can k fp into matrimonynext year.

Attention is called to llae change in thei':Ele of Uriiice sales.

Some more new gocula arriving thisweek nt Walter !c Truial's cash store.

. .

We are cou.:clk--J tooruit severalontccoau: of space.

Walter & Tbcxal mean Luaiaeaslita llvey otfer sotOa fir cash or produce

For Sale Cheap. A. small building,ia cxJ condition, inquire of

C. G. Bassett.

Kkn.vabd ti OrnKSLrvs tnaaw moneytor the 1'arnier and iiktcImks whfUipprJ J

to tht.-- laet rear. I

. iTikm-f- . oi our voung men w ura.c t

'New Years Cards" can be accommodated jby leaving there orders at this office.


TLc skating was elegant on Tuesday,Wednesday ujd Thursday of last week,and the vouog iota. u;d. the best of it.

Mathe it isn't an iiuportebt faU, !.,'.neerthelcst it is true, that the names otei.ii'v six towns in this state end with


Epistopai. services will be held in theGood Templar', hail on Sunday Liorning,bee. i;:h , : 10.13, an! Sunday eveningat 7 u'rl'x k

Mkui uants who wwh to advertise theirholiday goul will do well to remefnljfrthat tliere is but two more issues of theHekaLI beiore Christmas.

Tub umbrella mender with his pack ofum'ireilas, handles, wires, etc., was to beseen bui-il-y plying his vocation, amid thenoise and bui-tl-e ot our street on Saturdaylat.

The aiu'Htnt (4 worsted and gcrman'town wool that our young ladies are pur-chasing with which to kult hooii, scarfs-et- c,

for Christm:is jiAs, is trury surpris-ing.

JIiLV aud Sankoy have tackled Phila-delphia. If they can only succeed inaving Alex. MeCiure, sinksy can change

hi. tune from "Ninety and nine," to "Oldhundred."

Mr. T. Maxwell, of I'rsina this coun-ty, advert'ses a l'lO.UOO preiwed brick inanother place in this paper. They areequal in rinish to the finest brick madeanvwbere.

As will be seen by an advertisement inanother part of this paper, the annualteachers flirtation society, yclept. Teach-ers Institute, meets here between Christ-mas and New Year.

The Commissioners, Ed. Kiernxn, A.Wright, and J. II. Fritz, appointed to set-ti- e

the line between Con etna ugh and Painttwp., will meet at the house of DavidLehman in Paint twp., on Dec 21st at

o cl k.

Those h.) desire to cultivate coughsand colds are advised to wear low cut vests,with do other protection to the breast thanthe thickness cf a gauze undershirt andthe linen bosom of the outer one. Theprescription is about infallible

E. Bkirer. Artist, folded his tent onSaturday last, and left for Everelt, Bedfordcounty. Mr. Bri!er said before his de-

parture, "I like Stmerset well enough,but the girls here are all so pretty that n- -Doiiy cares about tavmg pictures.


Ir you want your Butter sold promptlyt i iivo iuj iuc atut aaa money at

on :e, siiip it to jKz j AHV.J & tVDEStVVS. i

' ' ; tfc Exchange Place.Baltimore.

Notice All persons indebted ta hny.der ik I'M on book account will come andmake immediate settlements, as we mustsettle up our books. a

S.NTPF.R & UllL.Somerset, Nov I5th, 1S75.

FraseCowas. Es(j., an butat present a practicing attorney in thecourts of Westmoreland Co., and WellyMcCulhmgh. Esq . ssitanl general solici-tor for the Conntlliville H It , paid us avit on Friday last. Call again, gentle-men.

We acknowledge the receipt of an iaritstion to attend a calico hop on Christ-mi- s

Eve, to lie given by the LeafSocial' at I'nion Hall, John--t wa. Weare very s :rry we can not be there boys,lor we'd like 15 show ou whit kind of ailver leaf w e are. a

AT.BW!to to the Curwensvilie 77k,a young lady ia that piat pltJied up apretty'.t .u,pnl L.iua ( ia the tiarnthe other day. hue buried her clotheslight away, and now ahe pcailively s

that sbe will never pick up anymore "stiay" kittcris.

At the Georgia State A gricu'f,- -r Epartmrst U a jiuien of Lbs p arii ca'iji'alct Rood lu peculiarity is sjid to befhat it causes-, w hite hogs, to Shed thtrboi4i and aTs) renders t lie in blind, whileIt does not in the least affect colored hogs.Swine fatten on it rapidly, and whereverjtgrowjt'ie J.42i iarge' .nl'lat aud- 'tiiD-- I

A TUKEK year o".l child of AbrahamDunraire. residing at Tunoellon. Indianacounty, fell into a tub f hot iuds on'TbuwJay of Irl vcek, tiari ih airiMf tin, aiiult' Utcuibtrs, of the umily, andwas so badly sailded that tb,e hair caneuff iu hea-- 1 and the &kin fru, its body.

; died oa the following day, afur themt excruiuiting sufferin,.

O5 Thursday morning last, Mrs. Samuel aWikr, ol this place yielded to the inexor-able dVcrees of nature and her soul passedto the tiiver from whence it came. Mrs.W ike has been in bad health tor a longtime and at-- r death u, therefore, qot

Mrs. Wikewasa worthy ladywhose dim; Chriaiian virtues endearedher to all w ho knew her. Though mar-ried for several years she leaves no chil-dren to mourn her loss.


W. S. Temple & Co.,


No. 47 South

W o offer onr services asCIIA-XTS- , to the Farmersand solicitliberal shipments of

We promise strict attention to the interest of those whoship to us, and will send quick sales with check for your Butter.

We have ample "cash capital," and will make liberal cashadvances to all who request it on their shipments.

Our shipping cards can be had at the Express Office and atthe btores. UespecttuUy.

W.September 1, 1S75.

Oru Carrier and Detilt propose to issuetheir annual address on the 1st ot Januarf. TLct are under obligations far (arorsconferred la-s- t rear and hope to meet withan equally liberal thU year.They hare aeenred the services ot a firstclass machine to grind out the poetry torthe address. Picpare yourselves for a sur-prise.

Sherrice & Markle who have been, engaged fur some time in sinking an ar--jusian well at their coke works nearBroad lord, on last Saturday struck cis at adepth of tire hundred feet We are notinformed as to the amount of cas that es-

capes ; but shouli there be a will provea very remunerative diKovery.Tifr. Pleat-an- t


Three clothes lines in Curwensviliewere stripped by sortie one of the light-fisgere- d

fraternity one night last week,the thief b:aicing for his booty fourteenfine handkerchiefs 03 one line, tour onanother, and two bed ticks. evt,rl pilloweiips, and various other articles, on thethird. He also gobbled up a new wash-boile- r

which contained two mora bedticks.

Oca town a..T. louizs down to firstprinciples. At a rucect fcieetiftj cf iLcCouncil they resolved that they wouldpay no more board bills to the Sheriff, andat 'the SMicTitTdoes not propose to furnishhitarilini, irv.itia , ,nA h.rvA.r emmilted by the Burgii will be fed on breadand water.

'Rah fcr McPike. In a recent nu'nbertfhig paper, the Cam'iria Freeuutn, heanaoucixs 'JjX. l,.r;'a;;pr lie will run theFrtetftn on the cash lu advance system,and that if his patrons w&ated the paperoon'inued they would have to "pony" up.The alternative offered is the suspension ofthe paper. We hope that the pedple ofCambria county will find McPike to valua-ble a nian to lose, Domocnt though hebe.

Somerset O.ucty Republicans alwayswere noted for voiin as they thought,and practicing w hat thgy preach. In pr-d- er

to exemplify this laith, Mr. Joi'-p- of the staunchest of Re-publican voters, walked into our office cnThursday last aDd paid his subcription toihe Herald w ith four bright, silver haltdollars, one of them bearing date of ISO.Who says we are not returning to a speciebasis. Let the rest of our subscribers kikeexample by Mr. Chorpenning. and :t theyhave not got the silver, we will not refusegrewnbaeli;,

Wb would be much obliged to any ofour subscrilers who have any informationin regard to the early historr or settle-ment of botnerset county, or of any acci-dent or incidents in the historv of any otits early settlers, if they would forward itto this office. There are a great manypersons who have orknow, especially oldpeople, oi a few of the important tacts ihregard to our ceantv, who think becausethey have but a small number of suchfacts that luey are unworthy to be chroni-cled. Now this 5s just what we want, bya careful compilation of these disjointedfacts a short hiatory may be formed thatwill prove very intesesting to every citizenot the county.

Quite an excitement was creativ onour streets Monday morning by a cryof fire. Val. Hay Esq., had placeda stove in a room of his newbouse and built a fire in it withoutsonnecting the pipe with a tl'ue, for thepurpose of drying the plastering, and alarge volume of smoke being seen issuingfrom the windows and doors the cry of firewas raised. Then

Tliere tu hoiTTlnn In hot haste.The elcrk, ttie men bant lb. latum.

All went jworing furth with impetioos bat.e1 1 find th a it was a false alarm.

We always knew that our subscribershad a wonderful amount of faith in ourabilitv, but we never expected to see themexemplifiy that faith as they have been doing lor the past six months, luey thinkthat a countrv editor ought to be able to,. ? , Tlive on riflr rent, a vnE anil tlipw mvrto imagine that we. have ihe ability to do

'it- - .onnecieti witu ibi wcnaerrBi lc- -

lief ia oui abiiitv is iheirrreat 'regard fortruth. Some o'f them have beeri tellingns tor years post that they would seule inafewdavs. Now we don't like aK

that thev Uild a deliberate lie but excusethem on the Ulltf that tbey were raisedin Xorwav where the days last six months.Like McLlei an rem ienmn we nin&t Lv

change of base.

Yocxo ladies who are up to the latestwear wings. They are pretty ornaments.

We've ail uf u beard InAn ! mot of a. said it.

And even the reeptieMust now pive it cni-- :

iaeaa the balief 'Cciversally rile,

Tbat wnmen are angles,Jiii, wkIow aol Wi'ej

But wax tioax was wai.klnfTj BMk tbeai eo (ails--.

Toewbi)ri wbieh thej 're wearing,ii i now th7"re amote.

M iss Reibeb. agedalKHit fourteen years.was dangerously shot while returning from

coon bunting in Somerset county. Shewas wa-kin-g alongside F.Ii Criby, avov eg man aha carried a atail piilo' ini.. rMcKet, wticii"w'a3 acidectailv

The bail from the weapon pen-etrated Miss Heibor's fitd below the Jawbone, and passing upward broke out allthe teeth on the side of her mouth, andpassed through the root of her tor "relodging in the cheeK on tba oiijdtTof;'we U;s fr i&i wiikh U entered, iller con-uiti-

Is critical. L,.troU Adtamx.There m a flight totslake in the above.

Misa Ittiber was not coon huntin? b- -t t.jher way homd from s iia iiU;'kin. " -

6 ait. Pov. Wi"h"otice that rreattunyt.f our echangt'i ale tn:5in"r tbetethat the small pox is prevailing in

this county, which is a gr.a mistake, therehas been U.t one Case ia ibe ccunty this

t. the sootheasternoorjer, within a law mibscl Cii-l-l- Jn.t

w3 iiwitii of lbs Puuiberland AVr inregaia loUii lohsrtne disease are verycbeericg indeed. 'o'new cases are re--rx tried the majority ot the liiemunder jrtaiwent are rapidly convalescing,

There is on younz lady in our townwh won't scare at the am.ll.n..T r.hcent, ller eonsolatioa is that when theywould attack her there would not be enoughto go around. Some oocsulatioa ia beinghe fly, an) how.

Most ot our. pcopr- - on the printiphsthat in tunc of prevenliua k worth apound of cure have been vaccinated.

It's as ill wind that blows nobody anyrooa. uuraoctors are bavinr Plenty todo vaccinating persons on account of theprevalence ot small pox in Cumberland.

Howard Street,

COXHISSIOX MER- -and erchants in the "Glades,Butter this season.

S. Temple & Co.

We read nothing but what leaves someimp asion on the mind. We are scarcelycomciou ot those impressions at the time,but in the future they dock through oarBlind like a train ot fancies, and we knownot their origin and ows time call themoriginal. If this be the case, "and doubtless U is, how Terr careful we should bein rezard to what we read. The habit ofindulging in light literature has to be aequired, and is no easier to learn or breakyourself of than that of reading good substantial matter. Such is the force of habit

hence the necessity of good ones.

Another Relic kortheCextessial.Latrobe will boast of having at least one

relic at the Centennial Exhibition nestyear. Messrs. Houck fc Gehrett, tinware,and stove dealers at this place, a week ortwo ago, took in as old metal a ten platestove of an advanced age, manufactured atthe Westmoreland Furnace by JohnProbst, in the year 100. WestmorelandFurnace was situated in the neighborhoodot Laughlinstown. and is known at thepresent day as California Furnace. TheiWrc weighs just five hundred and fiftypounds and is is an ejccljerjt jtate ofpreservation. The figure of a' maa, col-um- s,

vines, etc., cast upon the sides areas plain and distinct as the day on whichit was made. It had recently been doingservice in a saw mill somewhere in thewiidiof the riugf. The gentlemen who;now poMess tuis' anLtent' relic acQoenpetheir intention ot having it pat togetherand taken to the Centennial at Phihulel- -

- ?tLttrobe Adccnc.

Ltcevm. The first meeting of the Som-

erset Lyceum was held on Saturday lastinaccordance with previous arrangements.A constitution, by-la- and rules of orderwere adopted and the following officersfcleoted ," '

PrtsidentA- - J. Golborn, fcsu,.Vice President Rev. A. E. Truxal.Secretary Ed. B. Scull.Treasurer Dr. S. S. Good.The following programme was agreed

on for the next meeting:Address W. J. .Baer, Esq. Subject,

"The benefit of Literary Societies.Essay Dr. S. S. Good.Recitation Ed. Baer.Select Reading L. C. Coibcro.Debate Is the Judgment of conscience

correct ; atfirmative. A- - ! Whet slope jnegative, r . J . Kooser.

A general and courteous, invitation is extended to all present. Ladies can be-

come members ot the lyceum by simplyadding their names to the roll. The Sec-

retary will be pleased to receive their ap-


It was our pleasure some ten days sincein travel irom riiisourgu to -- ew xoravia the Pennsylvania road. And greatwas our surprise to find how superior wasthis to any other of America s boasted railroads. The greater portion, of this entiredistance ia laid with .teet rail, and ba lasted with broken stone in the most improvedmanner. No road in this country canshow as manv miles of beautifully laid"1 balasleU track, as can the Pennsylva- -nia. bo evenly brukeo apu so regularlyI lid are the stone tb,at (ar miles upon milesjt doe not appear to yary the fractioq ofan inch in height or width, giving thetrack an appearance ot beauty and clean-liness as though it were carfuily swept eachmorning.

Some of our people who cuntantly sighfor the days when we shall sail throughthe air without noise, without a jar, andjourneyjin taloons from one city to anotherwith lightning rapidity, should travel overthe P. It- - li. in either their Pulman sleep,lng or palace cars to are how little desirethey would then have for a change fromrailroading to ba loon lng. We understandthe management will shortly put a trainon the road that will run the entire dis-tance (145 miles) from New York to Pitts-burgh in ten hours. This train will haveto run at an average speed of nearly 45miles per hour on the mountain grades aswell as on the more level portions of theroad. We expect by the time the Centen-nial Exposition is open to hear of such atrain being in succesalul operation.

Next summer when all our people willbe going to the Centennial, (for who isnot?) we advise them to go via the Penn-sylvania. It is the rail rml var txt :lUnee


A "Keeat Kwllwr.; -

The Supreme Court has recently Ten- -

"ere0, a or?n w hich deterfi,me theT!x? question oi the right of the acceptor" l,M4C 7"u m "ug on ac- -

ceptaace of the draft by the drawee, APnoted slip cootoiamj thi opinion has

" w uujvi ui uuc w ourbanks here, and as It is a matter of generalimportance we herewith publish it:

ThcCourt has now defined as the lawof lime diai'U to order, and indorsed first,that, in the absence of specific instructionsto the contrary, the drawee may demand.and the baHk or other agency"niust surred- -

jer the bill of lading on an acceptance ofthe draft; second, that m case of refusal tQueiacn ana surrepder the draft (.recitingtl,e .hipinentl. tt;e drawer apd, indorserare ihertby released.

The determination of this que.lloa doesnot preclude the negotiation of time draftson specifically dslinod conditions, whichmay yet be done on prescribed terms, as,for instance, w hen it is conditioned thatthe bills of lading shall be held until rav- -m'--nt tUe Jraft out lt u ia? p"athe party buvicg soih brlls to have embodied in the jame the express. ' reamtins of right to bold the bill u lading un-ti- ll

niaturity of acctpunca.Tha question thus settled establishes

a standard lor the whole country, whicha ill involve new adjustments, so divei;ghas been the practice from Sut lo btata.The La-- fe a&ii taiereantilo cemraunttyw ill not be slow to conceive and adoptsack checks and safeguards as their expe-rience ba iu times pwst, rreTHirod cctlosuggest. The tjecliion U already acceptedt; oun4 Uw, afid -- m work ' w holesome

l In injuring greater safet a,ti$cloxr st tdtiny'than htUera of the eharacler ana responsibility ot drawers andJiawees.

LI TT ELL'S LIVING AGE FOR 1876- .-The fact that The Living Agt loon ecter

PV, ? thirty-tlnr-- l ygar vJ coa tic nousinu successful pubucation. is a remarka- -"le one ,n lae history of periodicala. Jod

"".wphy. polit. theology, philosophy.CT'Jcim, auU art, its lmpoiUnce t Amencaa readers can hardly be overrated. t

in ao other way. in fact, can so much of'the best work of the best minds oftime I obtained- - so "cheaply oroaveaieauy. aj Uiraugh this standard :

tauectic weekly.The list of foremost authors of the day

rrprcaeniea in lis pages. WU1 be louttd IBthe prospectus published in another col- -amo. and ia ot iua-l- f mKm LWr atthe fuaiiif of the magazine, while in qnan-- ,tity of reading it is unapproached.

? 1 1 ' lbe on! thorough and fresh cttU- -

I't'ation of a currenUiuraiur which ea- -

br.ea th nruducUoiisot the ablest livingwriters in science, fiction, poetry, history.

TXt Htm Ap has al wavs stood at thehead of lis class nM only as the best, bet

ail things considered, the cheapest ot theeclectics: and since its recent alieorptioa of"Actry .Ntf.rtfajr, is practically withouta rival. In the multiplicity ot periodicalsclaiming attention, it has become almosta necessary to every person or family ofintelligeiu?nd taste: for it, alone, fur-nishes such a compendium of whateveria of immediate interest or permanentvalue in the literary world as to render itan invaluable economizer of time, laborand money.

ForthoM desirin; the cream of bothhome and foreign literature, the publish-ers make some combinations with otherleading periodicals, by which a subscriberis. at a remarkably small cost, put in pos-session of the best which the current liter-ature ot the work! affords. The prospec-tus should be examined by all in selectingtheir periodicals for the new year. Thevolume begins January 1st, but to thoseremitting now, the intcrveninj weeklynumbers are sent 'jratit.

El RGLAET at Jexker X Roads. Onlast Friday night the stores of Mr. Silas J.Cover and ot tFleck & Deite at Jenner XRoads, were entered by burglars and anumber ot articles abstracted therefrom.The burglars attempted to effect an entrance into the store ot Mr. Cover byboring holes through the door with anauger, in order to strike and remove thebolt, railing to accomplish tueir objectin this manner, tbey broke a pane of classin the upper part or the door, by whichmeans they were enabled to reach andwithdraw the bolt, l tiougn Jlr. cover sentire family sieep just above the storethey were not awakened by the noise.Among the smcies missing were twosuits of clothing, some boots and shoes,considerable amount of table and pocketcutlery, and a large number of boxes ofshoe evelets, wtiicn it is supposed werecarried off under the impression that theywere gun caps. early all the jewelryhad been taken out of and laid on top ofthe show-cas- but it is supposed that theburglars became scared and left withoutit.

An entrance was effected at Mr. Fleck'sstore by breaking a light in one of the

indows. througn wnicn they were enabled to reach the bolt and unlock the door.The principal articles were pocket?books, ladies scarfs, cheese, cigars and themoney that was ia the till. Mr. Fleck es.timates bis loss at about thirtv dollars.Mr. Cover's loss isprobablv oxer a hundred dollars.

One ot the robbers took possession of apair of new rubber boots and put them cn,by the tracks in the sand they were tracked as far as the "Big Bend'' at the eldPark's tavern stand on the Westmorelandside ot the mountain. Here the trail waslost, but it went far enough to rest suspicion strongly on some parlies residing inthe neigborhood. It is thought that thereis a gang of "moonlight mechanics" inthat part of the mountains, who have beencommitting depreciations at Mahistown,Langhlinstown and vicinity. 1 hese starryvigil keepers stole the brace and lit whichthey used in their nefarious transactionsfrom the blacksmith shop of Mr. JacobFreidliue at Jennerville.

Cvmuerla Mr.. )Nov. 20. IsTo.

Editob Herald :

There being some difference in practiceas to the orthography of "Castleman ' or"Caselman" river, I beer perm'fsiorj touie' the circulat'toa oi your paper, w ith aviow to get at any history that may legiven by any ot your readers as to theorigin and application of the name to oneof the principal rivers in your county.

I have been unformed that a personbearing the name was an early settler onthe stream and gave it the caaie. Thecounty records would nioyt prcbably bearrecord fcf the came aad iu spelling, andpresuming the cu;:y Vi I correct wouldbe final, if the person could have writtenhis name.

The records of the public improvementsof the United States in relation to the na-

tional road from its earliest record, 1814to 1824, given in the report of DavidShriverJr., Superindendcnt, make refertnce to the crossing ot Cale;naa rivernear Graauville, MJ., as, the' Little Cross-

ing, meaning thereby, probably, the cross-ing of the Little Youghiogheny, the nameby w ich the stream Vai then, jeuerUlvlswn.

When in 1923 and 1524 the first surveysfor the Cheeapeak & Ohio Canal weremade, the name Little Youghiogheny wasgiven to the stream near where (lhklasd,Sid., now is, and great reservois werelocated where Oakland is built. In thereport of the year 1?4 the spelling "C'aa-selaa-

was Used, but wben in the nextyear the Will's Creek route surveyed wasthe name is reported "Castleman," indi-cating that some investigation had causeda change in the spelling,

Whether a change in the name of thestream has been made from Little Youghiogheny to "Castleman" or "Casselman"about i$M) or '23, or that the tipper, orprobably Maryland portion of the streamhas a different name frotr) the k.V67 partin Pa., is an historical matter that shouldbe investigated.

I hope some of your readers will be ableto give authoritative information as to theproper spelling of the name in question.

Your obedient servant,Tuomas S. Sedgwick,

Asat. L". S. Engineer.

Teacher faaiitate.4ue oomersei touniy leacbers insti-

tute lor the year 1S75, will he held ia theCourt House, at Somerset, commencingMonday the 2Sth of December at S r. mand closing Friday 31st at 11 a. x.

Teachers, these institutes are established by law for your special benefit, and wenope that you will avail yourselves of thisopportunity to more thoroughly prepareyourselves for your work. The zealousteacher will not absent himself on a plea.that the directors do not grant the time ;you can attend a few days at least and sustain no loss, but realize a common benefit.

School directors, do you expect the superintendent to make the Institute a suc-cess?- If sfl you must do Tocr' sendyonr teachers, anr.e yourselves ; we mastn"arlc together.

rECCRAMME.Orgacizarlon ; election of officers : arl

dress of welcome by F. J. Jvooer j re-sponse by members of the icititute.

" reports.The following teachers will prepare re.

ports on subjects of their own selection :

it. iiaker. it- - a. Coleman, J. A.Walker, A. J. Hileman, J. J. Miller. M.J. Potts, U. S. Weller, O. F. Sorber. D.M. Feik. S. B. Philson. A. F. Swank, LA. Smith, Alex Cober, J. C. Hanna. LeviPeterson, Jacob Miller, V,on fcClintxJ.R. Rhode. . . . ,.

ESSAT2.The following ltd teachers will pre-

pare essays, selecting-thei- r own subjects:Dxuaie Brrkr, Ellen Snyder. Myra

Schell, Jennie Raker. Hart McCinley,Belle achat! Mary Kooota, Et&m ber.key, Jennie Richardson. Orcella Ferner, G

Annie Fisher. Cevll Knepper, Rose Hus-ton. Llrie Poorbaugb. Annie Kimmell.

The following assignments are made :Common School Discipline J. W.

Weukland.English Grammar J. C. Xusndallr v : . t-- v - r-- t. I '1 euiiiuau3n:T akllier- -

S?e cEVf fteage o in AtacxVca-r-il- &, U-- ok

HeciiaiiojinL f- - Snyder.Music In common school. J. D. Mcese.How to teach arithmetic Chas. Elrick. 1

Compulsory education W. IT. jr.Sanner.

ObieCt 'QULiiuuNi "attendant at school D. W. Will.Literary evib J. C. Weller.On the acrjirisition andxi "tt'k-ctu-al

' ' " w T' "power FseytXKo.,Crnjnir t- - H-- Hoffma.n.CTiange";of Text Ixiok'-- S. Forney.Geograpby-B- - F- - Iiay ma j, d

Moralitjr mwif coiii'tuod ithool J. X.Btirkey'.

Address by L. C. Colborn.Discrssiox.

Is the expectation of reward or the fearot punishment the greater rce;itive ostudy J. p. G.nSVv.

Ium.'m1 the dead languages eyer betaught in oor common schools Johnpiveb.

ShulJ the teacher Uhur to develop allthe faculties equally, or should he fosterindividual peculiarities of taste and intel-lect C. B. Cook.

Are the capabilities of the male and temale teacher equal R J. Joder.

A spelling bee will be given on Wedneday evening in which a!l the tea.hera' a sarL

ec'rtanent w!JI be given onTbursflav evening the proceeds lo be ap--propriated lor the beneht or the institute.

An examiuauoa ior pnnnsiooai errnDeaths will be bekl at the union srhool- -

bouae on Friday.Able lecturers have been invited, and

are expected to do good work for us.J. B. Whitest.

Ca &Qpt.


Those who are arranging for their bornepapers for the next year, will do wisely tosend for sample copies of the PiTTSBrKnGazette, Daily or Weekly, as it will beseen to be the best paper published in Pitts-burgh. It Uthc oldest, being nearly nine-ty years old, and has kept pace with, allphases ot modern newspaper progress. Itis printed on new type, and on cleaa, white,handsome paper. Its news is speciallyfull, and accurate. It receives Cable newsfrom Europe, and Dispatches from allparts ot the countrv. It has Special Cor-respondents ia Washington, during thesession of Congress, and at Harrbuntcuring the session ot the Legislature, andw ill give lull reports ot all that is interest-ing in the proceedings. Its Local tews iscomplete and varied, yet chaste and pure.Its Editorials contain trenchant discussionof all current subjects, and deal indepen-dently with all issues of the hour. Thepaper is Republican in Politics, but holdsthat the party is superior to cliaaes andrings. Jtt Slartcl ReoarU art epeeuiUnfull anJ eomplnle, and ha?t a reputationthat m undt-tpra- d, fur accuracy and re-liability. Its reports ot the Litmarket are also the best in the city. Infrequent instances, parties in the countryhave saved or made considerable sums byfollowing the accurate reports of prices, giv-en by the Gazette, in" making thtir sales.It also contains Agricultural, Household,and Family tading, carefuily selected.Thus it is a family paper of great excel-lence and rare cheapness, as to price. Itscirculation is the largest ot the Pittsburghpress. The Gazette is furnished at thefollowing rates, and we claim that theyafford the cheapest newspaper published,when the size and quality of the paper arejconsidered:

TERMS:Z?i7y GezttU (postage prepaid) by mail,

single subscribers, $ 1.75 peryear; in clubsof five, 1.50; in clubs of ten or mo.e.$4.40, and an additional copy for everyten to the getter up of the club. Post-masters are reouesled to act as airenta.

For sample copy, of daily or weekly, j

free of charge, address j

KINCf, KthU & Co.,Piltsbnrgh, ti

Soiaetainx Kara ia Rtfcanl la that"I aloa Tliaakasiviaa; Service."

la order to show that the notice pub.liaiied in this paper of Xov. 24th, in rc.card to a union Thanksgiving Service, wagat least no intentional misrepresentation ofElder Bittle on that subject, the followingexplanation seems to be necessary :

On Saturday evening feeling that somearrangement ought to be made In regardto holding religious services on the following Thanksgiving Day, and remembering I

that we had a very pleasant union servicelast year on that occasion, I supposed therewould be a desiro to have a similar servicethis year. Having been informed by someone that Elder Billic Was out of town, Iconsulted with one of the leading members of the Disciples' congregation in re-- 1

gard to the matter, who expressed himselfenthusiastically in favor of a InioaThanksgiving'Sexvice, and direct'.".! c:e (ijone o ti;e etar-r;o-; Ueir uiMrcU. stating,that whatever he would sav would be allright. In company with Rev. Truxal Icalled on the elder to whom I had beenthus directed. Heat once agreed to the.proposition of holding a I'nion irvU ia j

their church. Learning from him, how-- 1

lever, that Elder Bittle was in town, Bro. I

Trcxsl suggested the propriety of seeinghim in reference to the mutter. The elderreplied that it was not necessary to do so. ;

and in answer to a question, said that an-nouncements could be made in the differ-ent churches on Sunday morning aI'nion Thanksgiving Service wotld beheld 'n the church 01 the Disriples. TheannouBceraeats weu atonrjingly mile.

Ua fcudiiay aflerauon Eider Bittle calledon me at the parsonage and said that thearrangement made on the evening beforedid not suit him, as he had made arrange-ments to deliver a Thanksgiving a idressto his owji people. I asked him to deliverhis add.-c!- U to all of ;z. I'm rcf.i:ej thatit would, be ccurlebuj for him to de-

liver tb? address at a union meeting heldin bis ovrn church. I then proposed tohold the meeting in the Lattera, titurchand he deliver ti:2 sJilrea. llesitating amomect, he iid. 1 think I shall stand bymy first arrangement, (i. e. preach to hisown people.)

On Monday morning Bro. Taylor and Icalled on Elder Bittle and asked" him whatconclusion he had arrived at in r?jard tothe Union Service, k-- ial, 1 will sti'.ndby my urigisal arrangement ;L c. preachto his cwa people. I asked, in a jocularway, whether we might not all corue andhear him. He replied you can couie.Bro. Taylor asked whether Le would thenrecognise it aa a Ution Meeting. He d

by saying No.Such, now, are the facts in the case as

briefly stated. We understood this to Ia refusal on the part of Elder Bittle to theholding of a Union Service in the Disciples'church on last Thiukgivin; morning.But inasmuch as the original notice hascalled forth considerable feeling on thesubject its publication in the form in whichit appeared is to be regretted, whilo ai thesame time I feci quiiu sure that it was nomisrepresentation at all of Elder Bittle 3

relation to Uie matter.A. 11. Vt'cETSTOSE,

REIMAN JUDY In Berlin, Xov.14, ISTo. by Rev. J. W. Poffinberger, J.J. Reiman, of Jenner township, to EllenJ. Judy, of Brothersvalley township, bo'bof Somerset county, Pa.

FREIDLIXE SACHS. At the Luth-eran parsonage, Dec 2. 1S75, by A. M.Whetstone, Mr. Isaac Freidline" to MissLizzie Sachs, both'of Jennerville, Somer- -Set county, ra.

SIMMONS TIHUE.-rO- n tlie 2Sih olNovember, l73; by "hutias Ream, at theresidence of the brides' parents, Mr. Da-vid Simmons to Miss Anna Tishue, bothot Lower Turkeyfoot twp., Somerset Co.,Penn'a.

EMMERT SMITH.- - Dec. 2nd, 173,at the hoUae uf l A. Baehlman, by JohnStafft, Mr. Oliver Emmert to Miss Aarra-mint- a

Smith, both of Smersct township,Somerset Co., I1..

MELLINGER ANKENY. OnThursday, Nov. 23th, in the city of 3Iorrison, at the Evangelical raraaage, byIter. C. Schmucker,"i!r. Jolin B. Meliin-ge- r,

of Dixon, 111., to Miss Jlollie E. Ank-eny- ,

lorrserly ot the v icinity ot Somersi.'t,Pa., now of bison. 111.- - '.

1J... , - lauiijiifi

SL'KALL John Sufail. on the 21st ofNov., 1973, aged 67 years. 1 month, and

da vs.

Dr. FlnneyA' aiaUBSvran ar Eaeaaanumtejil lu core InBjiamaiJon of lbeKlirn rinJ bui'it t. paisfat vt wa pjecJ aria-atao-

ao tmiaeal in old age, a mini or upi-re.e- l

rurtijlmatna. acorfbi). or wbitetirirei. ;ieet,jirwtme, t.tdy obKbjirxca, Briehi'. iiia.l'fKlM deposits, irv-y- . pain in the back or

l:i-- . ii k heidacbe. piui.U-- , MuU'iiea aaw erup-liun- a

on the tare, and ail J i --case at a '!;c oreuuiuiti.,nai nature. resrarliei "f d'ratko, ayeorarx. i:.jmianl Svr o ui hmoba U a paisiTe

oU rv'ka! r. Jo fciW by lie. W. Bnfur i ai'SimHri an-- t Mouataia a Co., Cuoda- -14 liriil. ,


Crrerte4 tr ?. Aa,Tfal. fctV,OTiLjaiv

choice vaociiRiiia, noua feed,Xpft'.t. tlrleJ. If ........... , e

Ailetlier. H nl jiiuetiuuer, f) a axBart beat, f) bubel.

-- - i. fi a 3Se2axfO, boablera, fi w. .., I3r

Ua,.A ......... UiiiirOpen, 1 bushel...,. ,.,,,...,Cvrnncal 9 a 3eI'alf tk inj. a loeClureT aead naU aa mClover al Ura tillLna.iae.1 f buter at miIua4vea Hone, ft bag XJO . yMaa, uoi l"TUmr. V hW 7 fcfFlaxseed ba., (M ) M MHydranUe Cement, bblLaKl, V .TieLeaiber, red eule, V i..." aimer -.-

....-.... .....:ueaae

ial Ha, tW-'.'.- " "".' a aoatk. V bo TiePutalui4,f) ba soefeaehea. dnad. Jf a leferaTiaa Uoaao per lua a.... 4Kva 4 ba 1 akia. f arSail, .VI, bW,extra 2 J

ba aoea.UUin. per S4 .

laverpwf " ...1 )M Uiuand Aloa. ner aaca W Ob

Sagar, yeiiuv ft a VU.2" wait UtleSuper PbtMphaU bag, 300 kt. 8 w

WbiU Ubm, V bbl 2 ;

HI fMilM I


If -iSli IlJ 1ky I I

I 5






Xeie Advertisement

FFS SALES.By Tirta of mndrr writ, of H Vala. uj

3 , laria KaeusNmierwi fmoij. Pa.. an1 tomeLf ilinvtnt. 1 wille to Kile b puniic outerr

tbe Court tloaxe, in mcnt, oa

Friday, evemler 21, 13T-3- ,

th ftiTlfiwirt .vf.av-.- .f r., theriaht title, (uteres and elaim Jfetsoa

I MureTVte " ' W lb ribed real

trart ef lat jitnate ia MyI. ' .:anni towa.Bip. aaerwl c: t a.. eou.iiAtij 1. M. .... . . A, k ,

1. . ..T rrelar. wl;b Kteal daeiimn' " ' M rit mill aad otber

Uiuti of Ulinnerao.1Berkley", beir.Uie appurtenances. "ucj aaUotbera, aim

i A eertaia tract of land tuate IntowBh:p. e..unty. Pa.reitaininaaefseieared. wtlh a dwelling k. .0.1oaii.iuvra thereon erected, a.! f,uiix.x Mx.-ti- i.

biTou:cnaadkiMwnatae Hennr .deren tr-- 1wi:b Ine appurtenance.. "

Taken la exeeutb an the prrmrtr atjXeyersatUM ail of W. v. Lireo,,! etal.AH the rii?it. title, iuien- - and claim of Charte.

real mII?"' al '""""Mi describe.1

h1" nxire of b-- andJS?k?-S-

S "J"! ! --Vi; Iliart. aonirr Nwk k atleeon lite eaM and frmi '.

taW?ti,,,,t'? Wilt. ,,1,. !

K7 iT.T. . ZI."" J- - adta r. .1 ,

AISIIAlltherieht. Ut!e. iuterest an-- eUim uf M D

i es'-ai-c. Tlx:-


"7" iww MN UWeiJUl niiUs. . r I . ..- - .baitoin. thereuu .reeted, b..uu.i.l byoa the norm, lot of Mary ihVCUy nreetva tha toatk and Center tn-e-t oail.

.iiu lu. aipariuaDce-- .en ia exr. nt:im u the property of Ij

Miiler and W a. J. Meters at Uleaauul iilLicisoultx.

ALSUAil the rlaht. ttlle, ui- ;, ot. la ao-it- thefcUowioareal emata, yie

A eertam trart of land Uua: '

.lup. So-e- ree, baty. Fa.. t.STaereT i

, giaau.U U ar. ,. Manr-rsa- d anu itoialown turn- - '



la exSatwn aTTbe of UrlWbiteUat Ue tiit of Henry W 7Zr ;

AL.-M- I

All the rffbt. title. Interr--t in claim of Jae..bD. Miller, ol. in and to liu luiuami nr.Tii-,- 1

n-- Mtate vi-

A eertaio tract of land ituate la Sumerwt Tti.. t

Someraet county, rla,. eontaiiilnic .s a rie, ui.Tew erse. 01 wuten tiler, are itM.ut t, erej eleare,! '

o--i aooui w acre, in nwa.i.,w, win a two oniranae dwelun hu, bam ami oiberout ihju.i- - 'ere..-te- a.tjoiolr. biaoj o J...m t. '

r-- vita taa apiHiiteaaai-e- i

Taken ta ex ut a. the pr.ertT of Jae. D, 'Mliier attbe suitof M. A. Saaa-Ta'C- o.

ly, ' r' a.?, wi: n wee Kimr .n.lAiltheriaht. ti:!e, totere- -, asJ Ua .rf Sitaa


bo i,,T, .'.T "''1 H ,'"

ai a ball frameory and A l 'Jr'th. r,..eone. ae., oiande-.e-

. a.i.iaiie l .l. ol H. A. , . Vir Vi " . T' ' ".!'. Joc.'

xtar.tet!oatbeDurta,ao,l Wen heir. T -oa tl;. eatit aiui lb awurieaaace. f a -- t.. ..,,.' -

.7I!om-!jjii- , ;n- -'S.laiCi L A' 1 --'t -- 0 TIL tLijuuUt at ibeaou ol Aa.... Jearrj-- . fjtl--

ALSO j i ue an ier! .rH .afP-- :"afir.:bei',i:rt

I .AJ-,l,,rth- - interv-- t aad etalmor Mary C iki F.e ot s.aaert.- - mi'i.4MnV'J. Mnler an.1 Henry J. Miller, of, iaaad to taa in the a.iMii!iewi1n.ralollowmjt dea-rite- d rai e.taie. r:i: ip.a the --alc.f h avteof K, H M .r-ba-il aA certain M '4 roBD.i .ituate ..n the )uth si.le .5 aia.i- - u.e eatitied tberetu.of Meyer aveDU. ia .MeyerUle b,roiU, S.- -' hereby xiTej B.iti.-- e tint be t:end u, t i.- - Jaerset oounty. Pa.. e..nta;niBir ne-- f .9.?--

. a ai-r- ie f ! a wiutraeat at his ..!" in .h.mtwi' mjre er with a bruit aweUin; i.u.--e there, n ..a I i.iimj,. J.muarr d. i.-- ua D 1ereete-l- . and kn. wn an k - No a, a.ljuimn e j ol aoe all pir rn'ere-r- i mir a:T,.n.ia.ex i oner oa trie ea't. aa l L. K. A oa litea-- t, w.tb tbe apjitrtenaiiH-e.- .

Taken in exerutioa lbe prope:t of Mary J. IMiiU-- r and ry J. Jlo.erat ihe un i 1 11 1

1 LkMS.-A- ny pt.r oa pun'ka.iri at the ate.reeale will pieaie leapLrthe pt haae aujBrv viUue reouired s s..n uthetn'ienj 19 aiex tea o. wa, oibrrwi-- e it wulj '.iuiiexi.,ed w2e. The of the pareaawmo&ey boh be paid on or beiore IheSTtb ! v 01J.Loary. the dar uxe.i bw tbe Ciajr --or theavknorle.lzeub-ri- t of Shentf's .tee.1.. aad n, dee.1win t acajoowiei!ied utitii tue Jiaa-baa-

e ai. net ij

OUVKSK?iEPr-EK- .dec

THE B.iat ercirent ot th? .lie. ijek aj.H..O. W.K., rd. M ix .Mu'iler. r"p f. !

Uull'.v. lr. W. IL I'ar-ieaw- r, fr.L Tn ia.l. H.j A. PiucK'f, iu-e- . Puaer t he. The luk;e..f'

Arjry.L, Jaj. A. Mrs. Maloeh. Mrj. Idi- -phaat. Jean . .n Mae. j

leon.rl IVia. Ulaek. AQlh-n- e In, M i'h. w.4 ratihi. Henry Kimc-ie- r. TB.'nj-t.'arivl- e. IV. W. fStory. Robert Isuv tiaojn. Tejni-i.- n. "iir.'WTiir.and many others, are reiTeeented in Ui. yaz.. 01

LittelTs Living Age.In ITT. Th Urmij A;e eater, apr ! thirtT- -

third year. It baa nerey tailed to reeeire thewannest au;fTtM lbe be men.n--i journals ofthe c..utry, and ba. met with a,nintlT tncr.-ae--h) Maeeeea. liirinz reeentlr al.,rue. i't eomijetib.r. -- Erery Saturdar - it - ., without a nval in Its .peeial field.

A weekly marline of sixtr-ron- r pai?t-9-, it stirt. ;

THREE AD A QUARTER THOfSA.XDknhie erdnma ttaro paej (. iealirn matteryearly, furainir Hiur Ianfe eolame- -. lt pp-n-

in an inexiwn-i;r- lorm, eo&iiuieruij' ii. treatamount of matter, with .-. owiazioiuweekly ifae, and vita a aat;.r:inr eooiplete-ne-- c.

attemte.i by no .rfberpooli.-ati'n- . Hie bestEwayi, KfTtewi. OitieisBt. Tale- -. Sk'teh dTraeei and Diworery. fiietrr.

Hl.b.riral and Foiitlral m ta. entire body of foreiin feri-kii-a- l tjter--

lJurinr the eomin? Tear. th- - cHtl and jhortstories ol th

FOKr.iil.V al'THOESwill be 3 ren. fifcther with aa am xinl nr.ap-ppche- .l

t.j at.y otber perJrtk-a- l in the world ofihe it literary and matter of tbe dar.from tbe pen.- - f the above naaie.1. and many .xb-e- r.

I'.em.t lirinit E.y!-t- , Scientist., fritarei E.litor- -. repreeennne every de-

partment of Km.wle.lae and .The imtMrtane of The Living e . . mer

A merieaa readier, as tbe'mly aiix.' fre-- h 'andeomp.eteeomptiati. of aa jaeifcn.en-aM- e eur-- !rent literaiure. - Leatieit em! raee.the pruductkioj of


in.n branehe- - of LitcratDre. s. lj! er amiPolitb-- u sunV-Uct- :. toinaned br lbe riL-wau- t 'recent "

OPINIONS."eaaht toflnj a place is erery Aineriraa home."V 1. riaet.

-- In no ot ner tng e puhHenti.a eiri thereini;un. fo mueh of sierucj literary exjei!eje.... r. fceentw ftf.It repriduees iae he- -t tbouxh- - uf the e.tmind-- of the eiTliijed w..rid. ad b.ptis .,1 a

tntere." Uttttlrl-trwuirrr- .

-- The lst of ai oar c."lkf Stt:on. a l'urt.-- Atd iaocheapet. A ntontlily that conn's er-enr week." TVe Jdrdnre. ( l..';o.-- r'airiy without a rival."Button.

"A pure and re-e-rv iT a--el t ain:ain ofentertainment aad intrBeUv" H-- kuarrt (.'.H itrt rop.

i--The be- -t America- .- Srr. Dr.

J Cuyler.It. raiee-- teem with the choicest literature of

(the day." . r. rriae.It aiot.e a n!erm Salrly keep wp with

j all that : lu.porunt in the Ut ,jr.t air. 1.1.1 ry, ,.uie. andseieaeeol the. r ft, JldWiii. ,V.r.

"TheahVa e . .. the er.te-taini- -) to--Iriex, tha aoe- -t poetry ot the Enifli'h lanzu..(e.

r. aa:brd tmether." iUium siauire. puhdeatim ia veek'.y number" r t itI a area t orer is mi.n:iiiy eonte-jaora-

ne. ia the spirit and iuen;en j.Tkf Vaojtc. ja ir.-utare- .

j to every ore ho.Vlre aeutnp-a,jiun- i of ail th-a- t 1. arei

in ihe wtery .,rid. eo.'ca .

"It haf i. e.,aal 'n anv et aoiry." lild..'j.iaFrtu.

PubiWed ffcek'.T at S.ta a yair. frceofpt!-aae- .aaie beam. J.uanrv 1. "ew -

ers remittiuit noa vail rwiir. tii l&terveaias:. asmhers gratia.j Aidre LITTELL kOAT, IVef.i.u,:

Pn:2s fir sa ta"lis k Fria Ltantin-- pr.sessed of The L't's Aire and one or dher

of our vi. ari..a- - Amtwvcan uritMie--. a uoerni.eTw.,1 aioo niaiy am eomrAAn.1 ol tbe wbolesitaa-tbn.-- 't"it.'. Ertmmrf bulletin.iit tlu.aO The Livin- - Aie and eiioeroneofthe America a fi Muniiuie. tut taaerc a Weeklyor Basar, r Ai iilet.m's J.nnul. vcek.'v) will tnt lor a year, otnit psipoilt w. fi rJw.WTheLiving: Aze an; Srriocer 'lralai.

Ad.lre-- . a. AlAv.

UDITOIVS NOTICE.AlaJrfIrei!TUb. Btniliffaw. a. t.le.. I I e t.av t



neat oa . hur1ay Dvroa, Vr ; 1:. at hi uib.--in Soater-e- t, Pa., n".ti a4 pervoa inter eBattead.

HEXETF. .SCHELL.lac4 Aaiit'T.

Xotk-- v la hereby ziveathat an ..(,!-- : i'.n willb ma-i-e to next .ieneral of Peonylvanla tor th of m marh of lb xame

Uwsof tin. wealth ai reSrj.a to bunt-ln-

of deer durtnc rauti' h of lefeeinner in eaekyear la Somerset countT


rpUKNI'IKE ELECTION1 be --toekbetden of las Siaarw.t a. BciSord

Turnpike H ad O.atpaay, aill iakeaotie that .ateeta wut be aew at the hoaa e..rx A.

kiaubel. m Alleaser.y brwaebip. oa tha bth M- -

W Jaaaary next, lo.lesn .e rTvM.leat-Maaaare-

and a Trearorer toeiact ibeaitairsof eatd .oiapaay for lb enjoins; vear.


Bedford Ia.)uirer eopy c "ejee


ae anoerKigaea appotntca reyiaaiir--

phaa.' Court of Somerset eoaoty t. aarertua ai- -

eeaaema u aay, aai anaae a oiatrir-aia- e

la tb baa!9 4 the exera or of Jaad L.d.e.aae.1. to .sauna- - letfally ea- -

aiveaaooe tbat be wili at- -

t tbe datte.of itia appotatiaeal ai ineoiuew. H. Esq.. la the tootouajb

aetea Moaday, liveeaiber iff. 1 . atWoeaovaat., wbea aal paxtba. lalervsiad eaa atUod If

jtkr,.. proper.JOHT B. EDIE.

1 dees Auditor.

S beMey.


2rw AdcertifntcnU.

It Pays! It Pays!


' 11 j 1 l y s

rhli i'lTT rT ''aoa-aeiarr. M. it.iwT. or 314 n tog.p Ola &ll t!ia .

, ti,uaiht and eaaraIM aw,

TIic Scientific Amerirnii,W hirb baa ten ,a:'li.hol week1, f.- the Wn sihw, t.. an ex:eat bee.d tbat -- t .0th-- T paMw-atn- . in l t it lj ihe oni :

per i B..ij,acd in tha t nued tMn. ,U--r, :,.M mo nai. i. InTentK D. and Nrliierti-- in tae Arts and sieiem-e- .

nnmher ia prvfasi-i- uttutratisl an -e. o.fD-- j rmt:nne lae iatw- -l an 1 avjet

pertainiaiT to tha lad.trtai.asil. e i S t'n-ttr- the Wuri l. 1.Tipth ns. with beaniiiul .. rf .N- -lnriti.s. rw Impti-meata- . ew frw-e- n.llMf.n.Ted l ., : a:n,:; I wiuiKeei(e. S.t: j, , A iTie- -. hen i..r w wiiineaan-- l K:nii..r.n' in n ti.i.raiiaiae..npire ! N- -a

caiutntnir weeaiyTnr "airi the pr-- ar o u.' Indatratirj uur eoantrT. but ale, ,.f , ,w 1,,

v na invenia-- in erenr braiieb ol La.-v--neertnif. ami S. lene ai ri.The Ja. 1K r V It itllkli-i- u- -. tJtbi 01 all in.iuiinal potMiea!i,ji i.,rme ,...t.

!r' ear. It u the ide. Urr-f- , ebeai.-- .--e,ivltbeiHa.ea; u:utrte. ..r it.,(., tn

Me liani, t i,m,; V.Mi frra. puLU-ue.-1it,L f"'"1 are ael! n.,nh ten tinwe

Ant lie- - the h. p n.BiJUlj time lbe coat ef suiwri'- -tirj

Merc in), r... . -Ineeowra, Mln!urTl, ClieairtA. L,..r. oi'w'' ?!- - 'H r.fe.i..t... adt Bivi

It .hVa iiv. ',;.islJ"-'i.- ' tl'.p.aee ia every r a.n.u--. U:nr.h'JTV,.',.. tin H:-m- : Ul n-r- vieVV U A - T"i'

a 7, I 'J? -- pa" au.leerit'?". 1 a- - : l . .r,

H'Tt V "fif"' "r'n: ai.i?J" .m:",!" P--tae. t t..' ' mir,S"'. 'e:e. atai:e.i oa reeeit.t of I . CVOL..

i kal ul a., nee. JeairaVatent ln- - amkku:a- - w..Man '' 4n? ! Aiarh-a- aal b: .eZ

Sli an-- l haee th. lancet ,.Ai,1..;r,iia vri.i. U .re IliaaBliT te..aeaa.l ai.i...ti.wa hare been aj.l . ! r paieau turou tueira.nrr.I'jtei .are h- - ,ir-- .l ,1,. . . ,."Ti ,..

tTi viTl 'lZ"? " M" S' 1 LSthe , k -- 'S't pa""- -

J t a .r rAaUUi--


Marina neeri ! iu iit. r Lt : V lnj.,n.-Coart.- d

eranty. to tke ton.:.,in tli'tau!, ul Staaa.-- Lomn u.......min Ti'ttman 1. en... 1. nd tU Lit tie.-- e :e- -

!'? n"edtb.-M- t. avta w .erer-- Kirentn-i-":: L1'"1 ," lh'' 'lu s.ill a:.trfnf ment itm V!- -"' s""ert h..r.nh. Ihnr..a7. lv- -r!c u m --ra vaer ail i.r-r- . m'er

fj.let Auoa-.p- .

AUDITOIVS NOTICH11 -- vir ten a; p. ijit sT

S- - m r- t .an-r- . dsstrit u'e the turdin the h in ii id kin tvaaiiaaa. lrd-ei.Tt- ne

rfal estaea f u I .ieeeae,l, b andaa- - tb.e ieiraliy ewitied there!t'rei r ie..n tiiat 1 aul attend tbe dune, -- f

a1 .pi'.ntn.-o- t at me e.eie. in S. ini t i r.,0:1 Tuewiay. lwai'i 17 wbca and

M mav aueati.


AUDIT0R S NOTICE.the an.!cr:-jne.i- .; been ar,ine.i ia.;tort., make a .n.intu!!.... of tee ia theband.ol uer Kaerer H.-a- nenc r Si.uer-er-- l(.UDte. re.;iuf t tu of ;:o trie al -

caie ..1 jw-i-- v. ,,Mr. u, an-- aire e rn.-- eiy entjrie-- l tner. ;n, ifivr. n.e-- tbat be will .it-- Itend t. tee .tn'fes ..1 h:. rr'tnftnent at hi.',f?,.at 'n.1JT. iee

wiiere a:i t.a-- :nterecel luay vtvod if ihey thina pr' ;r

L.C. i. i Atuiit'ir.


a) the ittdiror at aitej hr tbe Ort.Rea-c..-oa ai iti"n of Wa. H. K--t . j fund in the han.1. 1 Jenoie B. Jrnn.ei.. a

rator and trueice Vt tnr --ale .f the --

tare of I.raei Kli.!i. der a.i. I will attead bkmv du:ieua-le- r iid a ..latmrtit at my .,,-- r. in.

VVe.ireUv. leeeember JL i? at" eluek a. of nid d ir.

W. H. POSTLETHWAITKdees A ad it. r.


fue put "i- - are a'tia-- l n-- to rerr-nje- aju iuier.u exemption xiyen i.y the an.lor.ntn- - my wile and p:uiier toWli.i:n Moederiek. oa the ldthda of fteem1"4- - eaiiius ur Tentv .L.iUrs parnLie ow tnelith !:ir of leeeemner. .T'. I e..eev-- -i &. valtlo'"r r1" 'ae same anie.. ctiipeite--l

w- -


r0TICE.Sealed j r will i re ire--l at tbef.,m

!ni'i"DT i flTiee. S.'.meret. up to the itn iav oJanuary next, to Ik. Court ir.dJail wi:h eoai. w..l .n.1 kindhna-- w.e-- 1 r tti.tomng vear. enaataearrnt; .n th. Ma .lay or Jan-nar-

17. ad en.iu.a- - ...a the ith day ol Jaaaarr.It". Kt oMr-.- th teiarl.Jacob XErr.

de--i Cierk.

D.MIXISTRATOR'S NOTICE.AEstate of Shnrr. deraMef.

Lr?ttT of ixiir.ujtrn:i')ti ra th mtMte haT- -(.ti frtnte-i la the aniirrs;T.tNi ty uie prop-

er M.tir'y. iioti i bf-- ifirm to i h tlr'Te-i tMt oiak(iirtaftr-j-fpa:nT-.i:-

bavtmr rltrji acAin ft will j: rr-n-t tht-- iuiya!iii:if-m:-- l f .r rii.eBi at tlie r)' e 'A 'Lt


PfJE f omjr.!i'jwr, t K.rjrwAlo-

fr Xn let t mtrry. V tb atl t

iar of . aton't ihm Su.wiinirn( hniijf? uir aLfteirri Hill "Tvk. whT'hi

r'dl fpi ui rai ftemr th bnsi3 m J fltrr-- t wnn!p. FUa

ai !!--- . nca: ; wtl b tiaifclleU go ifce iaye'

V ALFXTIX t J. MrTarF?IJhANfi.S J. - ' Mit.MJ,

Ja OB KFF. lVBa.U.'i' UCT.

Pressed Brick,Mad m the Phi'.ad.tptiia pnr--'4ie- . fr.aitr.the.: v arti.-i- e. Han m in. n ioe bra ka rtiT toanv ma.le in tbe equate, aiaie a.-- ua hn--l

unlt'.rm eo.r. w.-- I will eli at l.w rate..C rre-- p. a -r . .. i.atd ;n m purie. irten.: jiai.uii 1. t will tais :n ifiraialij: auia-pie- e.

Ad ir-T. MAXeTtil

a f.-'in- tnerf t C uu! .


( art of So t.Vuaty. wiT- -

Si..p. WiiJ jtt At pTUai- .-

Saturday h Lh cemler CO, I b !o

of tgrk aboal ) e m nrar. baiaae aeUlimtiere.!. wi.j hnje tt.oe, b:.uiaur.u. caiiioXIT. ore oo the .aire..

1 EKMS . One-ii-a--d la band In A jtl. Wanee ba bve e.irt.1 aacnal pa.nta:. t'ai tbe . Vi per cent ol laehara TH-- y

to L ia, i as o.jB a-- in pro;.' ' tra. k ..rLt.ri W".H.

W M- - HtJiN H.Lxoeat.itx.



JoiiXiluVX, PA.

Caartere.1 SieteBiirH PrfP rrfr-e- d

ut ail iuaa but iea tbaa c doLJ. Peearatrat of iatcre--t --it per near. iotere do iathenaoBtB. of J una anil Ivemnbay. aa.1 If so.wr.bdrawa is adied to the .ir- -. taa. eooi,xua-din- s:

laiea a year aitboa. tr.aidio tbe depoei-u- r

io call or area tai feseat ta depueit boua.Money loaned .at real estate. Preierewe. w:ib

liberal rataaaad loo aae. xivea toII rst " Una. kmT ut mora

time, tb amoani" of loan deelred. (iHl reler-ene- e

perr-- rt tule.. ax . r"Oird.This erp.-.!e- a u a Sav I no Rank.

'oeosniaen-ia- l depait. reeerved. aor uiaroaciaavau. o bus ua persuaal seeunty.

ilUak appifc-a:h- a ke bnrre.wers e..ieuf taraiea, s aa l Bporial law r.!aunaT !.tNina it to any

Iltmtt-jiB- M Cmp-r- . Davit IliTwrt. .B. EiJ.S. A. J. Kawei. F. . Hay Joha La wavaaj.L H. Lapelv, Liaaiel ilcLaaatu-iu- . 1. J. liorreU.

H. A. Butra-a- . .onrad Snppe. ijeo.r Swanit. Jaaae. MjJaluen, Jama-- aadW. W. Wallers.

Daniel J. Morrell, Fraaa Dibert, .

Tiusiiin I Cents Eider, Ssoiiciior. au- -.

' U:' eeeaaV. at 1 e el'- - ar.ICoart to mate ot the fund ia th. , paacUof Ieunu Co..k aixl Jeiwc-.k- . l'Mil-- - real e au?. in aaiaiit

theetau..f Jacob Cat.k. 'an of u a Un-is.- Lint sa-- l Hutu. Petej i-;

am .too deeeaeed. harei-- n..tire t "!''' '."' J'" Kr - devi-!- . .!- -tnalkew ll atr. a.1 ... ,v ... 1.t ... I ttel ir and otberv e r.uauiir aa loiioasT A.


C'NBa.a tbethe

of e


1 aanitor.

ibereto, hereby


















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