quilling art form amita


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Post on 13-Apr-2017



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History ofQuillingQuillingis also known as paper filigree, paper rolling, mosaic or paper folding (even though it is not really folded, it is curled).Although the origins of quilling are not recorded, some think it began just after the invention of paper, in China in 105AD.It is believed that in the 300s and 400s,silver and goldwire was quilled around pillars and vases, and beautiful jewellery was made using this technique. By the 1200s, this hobby was quite popular.

DISCOVERYFrenchandItaliannuns and monks used quilling to decorate book covers and religious itemsQuilling became popular in Europe where gentle ladies of quality ("ladies of leisure") practiced the artQuilling also spread to the Americas In India quilling practice over thousand decadesIt is an art that is practiced around the world

transformationsThe craft has gone through many transformations and changes through the ages using new techniques, styles and materials. Dimension Quilling was also combined or married with other techniques such as its creates 3D items. asembroideryandpainting.

3d format

Quilling Paper Types

Acid-FreeQuillingpaper:Asthe nameclearly indicates this is a paper that is completely acid free. The quality makes it an outstanding choice for making scrapbooks, rubber stamping, and creating frames for pictures. It assures your project will last a lifetime, without any side effects on the framed picture or album.Graduated Quilling Papers:This type of paper provides you an exceptional look to yourdecorativequilling projects. On the edges, you will have a solid, concrete color but gradually, it will fade to white. It is the nature of thequillingring, that, when using a graduated paper, it begins with a dark shade but ends up being faded to a lighter side. On the contrary, some graduated papers begin as white, or a lighter shade, and then slowly fades into a solid, darker color.Two-ToneQuillingPapers: This is another important type ofquillingpaper. It is quite similar to the graduated quilling paperin its use. The look consists of a concrete color on one side and comparatively lighter color on the other side. Although, with two-tone paper, the color remains same, however, the intensity of color is different. The main use of thisquillingpaper is to provide a desired level of softness to the quilled subject. It possesses the capacity to quill many papers ina singlespiral.

Quilling Tools

TWEEZERSYou'll find that a good pair of tweezers are excellent for placing those small pieces in the right place. I have several pairs. Try several types to see which one works best for you. which shows the different types of tweezers.Tweezers can be used to hold your shaped coil while you put a few drops of glue on the edges you're gluing together without damaging it.Tweezers are useful to pull the center to your coils edge when creating concentric coils.

PINST-Pins orregularpins will help hold your pieces together while the glue dries. The pins will also allow you to put the project aside and finish it later should something come up. I use several different T-pin sizes.

GLUEWe've found that thebest glue(and it's inexpensive too) is Elmer's Glue All. It is a whiteglue that dries clear. It's important that you try other glues and decide which glue works best for you.STRIPS This strips ofpaperthat are rolled, shaped, and glued together to create decorative designs. The paper is rolled, looped, curled, twisted


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