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Quinton Marine Plasma Brochure


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Introduction 7 René Quinton 11 The Discovery 13 Quinton Laboratories since 1905 17 The Ionic Bioavailability 20 The Hydro-mineral Homeostasis 22 Recent Research and Studies 25 Marine Therapy in Daily Clinical Use: Dermatology 32 Gastroenterology 44 Gynaecology 50 Paediatrics 56 Prenatal 62 Geriatrics 64 Urology 66 Endocrinology-immunology 68 Neurology 72 Skeletal Muscle System 78 Infections 84 Nutrition 88 Sport’s Medicine 92 Dentistry 98 Ophthalmology 102 Respiratory Physiotherapy 106

INDEX Pathology Index 116

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Introduction SEA WATER FOR THERAPEUTIC PURPOSES: THE TARGET CELL Quinton Laboratories markets a product that is unique and exclusive all over the world: Sea Water collected in a special place in the North Sea that undergoes cold sterilization so that none of its properties are lost. Sea Water’s therapeutic qualities that are extremely beneficial for the human organism had already been discovered in Ancient times by the schools of Pythagoras and Hippocrates, and in the XIX century this scientific knowledge was taken up again by the French Biologist René Quinton. He proved that any living organism, whatever rank it occupies on the zoological nomenclature is still a marine aquarium, where its cells, are born and die in the same water conditions as those in which primitive cells originated, which is based on the fundamental principle: human blood has a very similar composition to Sea Water. Nowadays, thanks to current research sponsored by our laboratories carried out by different universities, there is now specific data that proves and acknowledges these properties. It is prescribed by doctors and scientists all around the world for its high salt and natural mineral content; Quinton’s Sea Water favours the organism’s health by completely renewing and nourishing cells. The therapeutic values of Sea Water as an essential element for life development are fundamentally based on the fact that the quality of organic water is indispensable to maintain the hydro mineral equilibrium of our cells. These are nourished by the extra-cellular fluid and the ions that move around them. The bioavailability of the ions means that absorption is natural and immediate instead of being harmful which could result in metabolic disorders or poisoning. Marine Therapy is a cellular nutrition technique that is supported by more than 100 years of clinical use started by René Quinton and has proven to be very effective when treating illnesses related to Dermatology, Allergies, Gastroenterology, Dentistry, Paediatrics, Gynaecology, Sport’s Medicine, Ophthalmology, Respiratory Physiotherapy, etcetera. “Marine Therapy is a cellular nutrition technique that is supported by more than 100 years of clinical use” By Francisco Javier Coll Head of Quinton Laboratories

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QUINTON LABORATORIES´ HUMANISM The Quinton Laboratories head office has been located in the province of Alicante for fifteen years. This is where its constantly growing international distribution network is based. Our Organisation’s business philosophy is based on a “humanistic” commitment to each and every aspect of human life. This means that we are socially committed to providing top quality, excellence, protecting the environment, helping the community and reconciling our employees´ family and professional life. Furthermore, we are always involved in solidarity and charity projects for child relief, and the most disadvantaged groups of society. Given the scope of our work at Quinton Laboratories in the scientific-medical field, we believe that Training and Research is extremely important. That is why we help to train specialists and medical staff by working together with the Official Medical and Pharmaceutical Associations, annually organising a series of seminars throughout Spain, the European Union, the United States and Latin America. Our research work enables us to be at the forefront of cellular nutrition. Our commitment involves annually financing various studies, carried out by Spanish Universities, to obtain new data on the therapeutic benefits of Sea Water: “Our organism gets depleted for numerous reasons: dehydration, illnesses, contamination, nutritional deficiencies. Drinkable Sea Water restores the cellular system’s equilibrium and vitality by regenerating it”. Research is being done in the world of professional sports too, where it is consumed on a daily basis as a food supplement and has produced excellent results both during competitions and training. There are details on the historical, scientific and therapeutic aspects of Sea Water based treatment in the following pages of this brochure. “Quinton’s Sea Water favours the organism’s health by completely renewing and nourishing cells”

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“Quinton based his scientific theory on a universal premise that became his basic therapy: replenish the damaged cell using Sea Water”.

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René Quinton SCIENCE AT MAN’S SERVICE René Quinton included numerous areas of human knowledge in his work. His humanitarian and scientific education, meant that he was considered to be a true scholar and his usual quote in his work, even what was not published, was “Science de la sensibilité”, which basically means that he combined materialism and spiritualism together in complete harmony. Apart from his studies in Biology and Physiology, he was also a philosopher, a war hero, a philanthropist, an aviator, and a humanitarian of his era. “Compared with the physical world that obeys stable laws, evolutionism has accustomed us to seeing living matter as a plastic substance modified by the environment, adapting itself to survive the earth’s changing conditions”, as he explained in one of his books. Then in 1897, Quinton formulates a new principle that without rejecting evolution shows the end objective of life in all its forms. This is how he discovers that animal life originated in the sea and despite the different variations throughout time; it tends to preserve its original conditions. Instead of passively being influenced by the surroundings, life resists these changes. Anatomical forms change in order to help maintain the temperature and the saline concentration of the original marine environment. Basically, an organism, on any rank of the zoological nomenclature, is still just a marine aquarium, whose cells continue to live in the same aquatic conditions as those in which the primitive cells lived. Illness appears when this basic environment is altered. This principle, lead Quinton to base his scientific theory on one universal premise that became his basic therapy: to replenish the damaged cells using Sea Water, a fundamental resource whose mineralization is identical to our own internal ocean. His work culminates in 1904, with the publication of the book titled “L’Eau de Mer, milieu organique” (Sea Water, organic matrix) that establishes well founded scientific proof about the therapeutic values of Sea Water. For example, he stated that “any change in the extra-cellular matrix altered cellular nutrition”.

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The discovery

Quinton Hypertonic. Alicante University

>>April 2008. Batch BH-1 Total 28 elements in the sample >1000…..L >10 L < 0.1……L > 0.1 ……L < Quantification limit Not measured Main elements Lathanoids Actinoids “In present-day research, the qualitative composition of Sea Water’s iono-mineral total (TOTUM) shows that there are 83 BIO AVAILABLE ELEMENTS”.

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The Discovery SEA WATER, ALL THE ELEMENTS OF THE PERIODIC TABLE. When René Quinton began his studies, he discovered that Sea Water contained 15 elements that were classified in Mendeleev´s periodic table. As his research continued another five more elements were added, and he suspected that all of them were present. And indeed, as clinical studies progress, more elements appear, until René’s suspicions were finally confirmed: Sea Water contains all the elements from Mendeleev´s periodic table and in the same ratio as those contained in our own Internal ocean, that is made up of the different organic liquids such as: extra-cellular fluid, blood plasma, tears, cerebrospinal fluid, etc. Henry Doffin, Professor of Biology (Faculty of Science in Poitiers, France), discovered this in 1950. More recently, research at the Coral Gables University (Miami-USA) was carried out using a molar approximation through “neuron diffraction spectrometry”. This is the most accurate method so far to prove that the qualitative composition of natural Seawater’s TOTUM iono-minerals and concentration contains 83 BIO AVAILABLE elements at biological temperature. Originally Sea Water had a lower mineral salt concentration than nowadays, which means that it has to be diluted with low mineralization spring water. Every litre of Sea Water contains an average 300 milligrams of prebiotic carbon derivatives, such as amino acids, sugars, vitamins, etc. The ions (present in the liquid-phase, do not exist in the solid phase) are natural chemical-electronic elements, that are transformed into natural chains by phytoplankton and zooplankton. They work together on a natural symbiosis with our organism, whose mineral fluid composition is identical to that of Sea Water.

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“The white blood cells immersed in sea water continue to show all the signs of normal life.”

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The discovery

The experiment Experiments had to be carried out to prove that when diluted into isotonic water Sea Water is identical to the human “internal ocean”. The first experiment was carried out in 1897, at Professor Marey´s laboratory in the “Collège de France”: to completely drain dogs of blood. For 8 hours a 10 kg dog was given 10.4 litres of sea water through an intravenous injection, 104% its weight, without any problem. Renal elimination is perfect. >> A dog is completely drained of blood through the femoral artery. The dog is dying, losing the corneal reflex. It is injected with Sea Water for 11 minutes: the reflex comes back; the dog comes around, gets up and the next day walks around the laboratory. The dog is named “Sodium”, and dies 5 years later after being knocked over by a tram. Between1887 and 1904, René Quinton used his sea water treatment recording observations that enabled him to fine tune a “method” with the help of a few young keen doctors, teachers and distinguished heads of hospitals. Quinton started to use his therapy in hospitals in Paris, where he was allowed to practice on hopeless cases: a patient with typhus in a terminal coma who was expected to die that same day, someone who had been poisoned with oxalic acid, someone with syphilis, a man with cirrhosis of the liver, a young pregnant woman bleeding to death… Isotonic Sea Water administered in injections, which was then called Quinton Plasma, always had unexpected effects: those at deaths door are often saved. To round off his experiments, René Quinton went on to study the white blood cells which, due to being so delicate, are difficult to keep alive in an artificial environment. Quinton carried out his study on all species: fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals and birds. In all cases the white blood cells immersed in sea water continued to show all the signs of normal life. In a recent study, Dr José Miguel Sempere, Professor at Alicante University in

the Biotechnology Department, concluded: “I am convinced that white blood cells survive longer than the 96 hours counted up to now when kept in the

Isotonic Quinton Solution”

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Quinton Laboratories WORKING FOR HEALTH SINCE 1905. In 1904 René Quinton published his most important work “L’Eau de Mer, milieu organique”- Sea Water, organic matrix). This publication coincided with the establishment of Quinton Laboratories that started to market the famous “Quinton Plasma” in 1905. At this time René Quinton’s work was especially focused on children: those suffering from atrophy and/or from enteritis cholera actually recovered after the first few injections of Sea Water. They were seen to get their appetite back and quickly put on weight. In view of these results, René Quinton decided to open the Marine Dispensaries that were free. They soon became extremely popular due to the good results obtained from the Sea Water injection based therapy. The first clinic was opened in 1907 where 9,902 injections were administered a month. Clinics were then set up all over Paris, in other provinces and even in other countries (Great Britain, Belgium, Egypt, the United States, etc.). In 1921 a well founded clinical report was published “Le Dispensaire Marin” (which is still unquestionable today in experimental terms) on how Quinton Plasma was used in Paediatrics, under the supervision of the doctor of medicine, Jean Jarricot. In 1960, the “René Quinton Association” was set up in Paris aimed at legally defending the famous researcher’s report. At this time, René Anrep had already designed the double-ended vial and the equipment needed to pack the product. In 1970, the new “Permits” were established (the Registration of medicinal products) in the VIDAL dictionary (France’s equivalent to the Physicians Desk Reference): “Quinton Plasma” was registered under the number. NL 5735 and “Quinton Duplase” nasal spray under the number: NL 5736. In 1973, the “Permits” (generic) were converted into new registrations of medicinal products at the WMA – (World Medical Assembly) to identify each pharmaceutical form. In 1979, René Anrep comes up with “drinkable QUINTON” (QUINTON hypertonic 33%). In 1982, the harmonisation of the European Pharmacopoeia and the resulting obligatory adaptation of laboratories meant that the “Quinton Plasma” was gradually phased out. These registrations were then abrogated by the WMA and expired 1995. In the meantime, “drinkable QUINTON” (QUINTON hypertonic 33%) starts to be marketed as a “food supplement”. In 1989, the “Laboratories QUINTON–Océan-Thérapie” starts a new course of action, although still within the scope of “food supplements”. In 1996 it sets up the International Quinton Laboratories whose head office is in Alicante (Spain). It obtains the patent to be classified within the pharmaceutical industry and is granted the corresponding permits from the Medicine Agency on the quality of

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THE COMPANY AT MAN’S SERVICE its cold micro-filtered products. Nowadays the Quinton Laboratories are equipped with the latest technology. The pharmaceutical production plant complies with the ISO 9001 standard and has the European GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) certificate. The vortex phytoplankton is protected under international maritime laws. The extraction of the Quinton Sea Water using filtration techniques complies with the European Pharmacopoeia guidelines and is strictly controlled to ensure that the plankton is preserved. The Sea Water is then prepared in grade A Clean Rooms according to René Quinton’s original protocol. > For the Environment: Eco-Excellent Organisation Quality, excellence, the commitment to society and the environment distinguishes the Quinton Laboratories work in all these fields. Last year it sponsored and promoted numerous studies at the Universities of Alicante, Granada and Murcia and also helped different groups in society including seniors and people suffering from Alzheimer’s to improve their quality of life using marine therapy. In 2007, it was recognised as being an Eco-Excellent company, a title from the Valencian Community that is awarded to companies that adopt the Environmental Management system. Another step forward in the Laboratories´ commitment to mankind. > Reconciling family and professional life Quinton aims to reconcile family and professional life and that is why it follows an internal policy focused on its employees and their families, where staff are entitled to work straight through, a flexible timetable, maternity and paternity leave, an extra half an hour for breastfeeding, etc. Furthermore, it offers assistance for nurseries, a pension scheme, and private medical insurance. > For Charity Quinton Laboratories donates to different charity campaigns, which include the Inocente-Inocente,

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QUINTON LABORATORIES that is organised by Antena3 TV channel and it is currently involved with the new survey on how to treat people suffering from Alzheimer’s through the CENTRO AFA (Alzheimer’s Association for Family members and Friends of Torrevieja). > For Training and Research Quinton Laboratories contributes to specialists and medical staff training by annually organising a series of seminars on “The use of Sea Water in Therapy” in many Spanish cities, including Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia and Alicante; in Europe, the United States and Latin America. These are extremely popular among medical professionals who come to find out more about the properties of Sea Water. Furthermore, in depth research has been done for over a decade now on the properties of Sea Water. Different university studies, including those carried out at Alicante University and Murcia Catholic University recommend using and consuming Sea Water, not only in terms of health to treat illnesses as it has traditionally been used, but also as a food and mineral supplement for people who are under a lot of either mental or physical strain, and for athletes to recover from physical exhaustion. > For Sport Quinton Laboratories is especially committed to sport and helping athletes. For the last few years, it has sponsored various sporting races and events, including the ½ Marathon of Madrid, the ½ Marathon of Santa Pola (Alicante), the International Duathlon of Vilanova and the Marathon of Valencia; and it sponsors the Maratonianos Athletics club in Guardamar (Alicante); it promotes local sport by sponsoring the Ladies indoor football team of Soto del Real (Madrid). The properties of Sea Water have obtained excellent results in professional athletes who consume it on a daily basis as a food supplement when competing and training. Numerous professional sportsmen and women are now using Sea Water: First and Second division Football and Basketball teams; Elite athletes, in Sailing, Athletics, Cycling, Marathons, etc. > For the World: International Growth Quinton Laboratories adheres to a policy of international growth which is why it has recently registered” QUINTON” at the “US Patents and Trade Marks” office. This trade mark registration means that the laboratory can now develop and grow throughout the American continent. In Asia, Quinton Hypertonic vials and Quinton Isotonic vials have been registered as “food supplements” by the Malaysian Ministry of Health. This recognition enables it to distribute its products throughout Southeast Asia. Quinton Laboratories operate all over Europe, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Lebanon, Taiwan, Korea, China and Japan. This international work and recognition of the high quality and good practises is a great incentive for the whole corporate development and growth project.

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Ionic Bioavailability THE TRANSFORMATION OF MINERAL ELEMENTS In terms of nutrition today, our organism cannot get all the minerals it needs from common food to work properly. However according to studies carried out in the last ten years to find out what nutrients are suitable for us, it has been proved that a mineral balance is essential to re-establish the internal biological terrain and all round good health. The break down in the food chain in the last fifty years has contributed to damaging the links that it is composed of. In agriculture, there has been a change from consuming “handmade, local produce” to consuming “industrial, global” produce where chemical pesticides and fertilizers or genetically engineered seeds and more recently genetically modified crops are used. In Livestock antibiotics are now used on mass, herbivores are fed with animal origin fodder, even the fish farms use unsuitable feed, exclusively aimed at increasing the production. This breakdown affects man through the food that is consumed and according to the majority of nutritionists this is causing new illnesses that weaken the immune system and is producing other different harmful synergies which are depleting the biological basis of the human organism. Luckily, there is a second food chain on Earth where all the mineral nutrients that today’s food lacks can be found, and what is more it is natural because it exists in the oceans. Trace minerals that form on the sea beds and on the land are inorganic due to the fact that they are not digested by living micro-organisms first. Moreover the content of each trace mineral varies from one sample to another and does not reflect the same ratios as those contained in the human body. Indeed unlike land minerals, every essential trace mineral in Quinton is present in a perfect synergistic ratio.

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IONIC BIOAVAILABILITY THE SEA: THE NATURAL ALTERNATIVE FOOD CHAIN Animals first evolved in Sea Water. As they evolved, they developed a symbiotic strategy in order to survive. Their adaptation to life on land was a foundational evolutionary achievement that called for extensive biological progress, especially in terms of the more critical factors such as being able to maintain a constant pH, mineral composition and temperature. With the help of the sun’s photosynthesis process, the phytoplankton that is the planet’s biggest biomass produces every single existing mineral which is then transferred to the sea water. The zooplankton feeds off this “natural marine garden”, and in turn generates masses of bioavailable elements for the human organism. This marine biocenosis is just the transformation of non bioavailable minerals into bioavailable mineral elements. So Sea water provides all the trace minerals and elements needed for cell regeneration and nutrition in a bioavailable way and without any antagonism due to their concentration levels being similar to those of our own internal fluids. The ions (present in the liquid-phase, absent in the solid phase) are natural chemical-electronic elements that interact in a natural symbiosis with our organism whose fluid mineral composition is identical to that of Sea Water. There are huge concentrations of phytoplankton in the Eddies sea where there are huge whirlpools called Vortex. Quinton Laboratories collects its water here due to the stable balance in the water’s mineral composition. A suction pump is placed 30 metres down, in the aphotic zone, under the phytoplankton layer to extract the water. This is how the highest quality Sea Water is extracted. It is collected from a specific point in the North Sea, which has the second best tides in the world, up to 17 metres high, which gives the product an extra natural revitalising pharmacological effect. The zooplankton feeds off this “natural marine garden”, and in turn generates masses of bio available elements for the human organism.

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The Hydro mineral Homeostasis

The Hydro mineral Homeostasis The identity of Sea Water’s mineral formula The identity of Sea Water’s mineral formula, a prebiotic colloidal solution that contains all the organic fluids, has been biologically proven and supported by clinical use. The nephron excretes twice the water and solid particle volume when it is treated with Sea Water compared with when it is treated with conventional saline. Oceans contain life’s homeostasis, the original genetic code that dominates and controls evolution. Sea Water’s genetic, nutritional and mineral content is used to <<refill>> the extra-cellular fluid by increasing cell communication. Oceans contain life’s homeostasis, the original genetic code that dominates and controls evolution Indeed, according to studies carried out homeostasis directly depends on the quality of the Internal ocean, and any change to this causes malfunctions in the control mechanisms (temperature, hormones, CNS…) which immediately alter cellular nutrition. Cellular nutrition and communication are established through the Extra-Cellular Fluid E.C.F. Malfunctions caused by membrane depolarisation precede the onset of sickness and ends in disease. Therefore the mineral and prebiotic element content of Sea Water re-establishes all round cell performance. The effect of all (TOTUM) the iono-minerals naturally enables each cell to recuperate and work properly again. Furthermore Sea Water is the oldest communication system between living cells and as the cells are not in direct contact with each other, all the intracellular information, (nervous, metabolic, immunological, vascular etc.) flows through the extra-cellular fluid. The crystalloid mineral synergetic matrix of the extra-cellular fluid is crucial in determining the health of the biological terrain and therefore the health of the person in question and the quantity of minerals and water from the extra-cellular fluid determine how well the cells communicate with each other. The different concentrations of Sea Water help to balance cellular nutrition for isotonia and also promote it for hypertonia.

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The Hydro mineral Homeostasis

GENETIC BIOLOGY: MINERALS CODES The latest advances in genetic biology have shown how important minerals are in genetic coding. There are chromosomes in plant, animal and human cells that carry all the information needed for growth and cell division, as well as information for protein production. These chromosomes have information about the genes. The connection between the physical, chemical and biological aspects of the minerals, life processes and how the specific minerals are assigned governs each one of these entries in the genetic code. When reading the genetic map, the “zinc finger” proteins are directly related to the metal. The metal or protein bond produces this three dimensional formation that is strengthened by the presence of structural water. Zinc only works in the presence of other elements, such as copper or potassium (in fact there are more than 13 elements involved in this process); their total absence or excess however inhibit the element. The ionic equilibrium of the composition of elements must be maintained. Sea water has the total iono-mineral homeostasis which means that the genes can be read, expressed and transcribed correctly. Therefore Sea Water is the ultimate universal, molecular and revitalizing solvent; it does not «forget» the information that is dissolved in it. The minerals, the organic compounds and genetic material stored in the Sea Water form a biological information matrix that helps us when there is a cellular deficiency and detoxication. The similarity between human blood and Sea Water makes complete cellular regeneration possible. That’s why consuming Salt Water can rebalance the organism right from the base: by regenerating the cells. Sea Water is the ultimate universal, molecular and revitalizing solvent; it does not «forget» the information that is dissolved in it.

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Recent studies and research Different university and scientific studies, including those carried out at Alicante University, Murcia University and Granada University recommend using and/or consuming Sea Water, not only as part of the traditional treatment for illnesses but also as a food and mineral supplement to make up for any existing deficiencies or if someone is under a lot of physical and/or mental strain. Sea Water contains all the minerals needed for cells to work properly and their ionic bioavailability can restore and revitalize any type of mineral deficiency. FIRST STUDY IMMUNOMODULATORY ACTIVITIES OF “QUINTON ISOTONIC WATER”, WITH EX-VIVO AND IN-VITRO TESTS WITH MURINE SPLENOCYTES. OBJECTIVES Quinton’s Isotonic Water is a commercial formula of Sea Water that undergoes an isotonized, cold micro-filtration process, and is believed to have beneficial effects on our health. Some of these could determine how the immune mechanism works. The objective of this research programme is to find out if treating mice with Quinton Isotonic Water changes the capacity of their splenocytes to proliferate in response to nitrogen B and T cells (ex vivo model) and if the RAW 264.7 murine monocyte cell line, grown in the presence of Quinton Isotonic Water modifies their iNOS inducible nitric oxide synthesis activation response to inflammatory stimulus (in-vitro model). CONCLUSIONS The increase in the iNOS enzyme expression is part of the cell inflammatory response like the macrophage and is associated to the pathologic effects of inflammation (7.8). The iNOS action produces nitric oxide, that finally produces nitrate as a stable metabolite. LPS stimulation (a powerful inflammatory agent) of the RAW 264.7 murine monocyte cell line results in an accumulation of nitrate in the …………

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STUDIES AND RESEARCH culture medium which is an inflammatory response marker. When a culture is grown with 10% Quinton Isotonic Water, the nitrate levels are seen to drop considerably. Seeing that the basal production of nitrates is not affected (unproven data), the inhibiting effect of Quinton Water does not seem to result in cytotoxic action. Consequently, Quinton Isotonic Water seems to have an anti-inflammatory effect on in-vitro tests with murine macrophages. Obviously the tests carried out show an in-vitro property that cannot be extrapolated to in-vivo conditions, although they do provide a basis for future research done on this matter. Director Alfonso Ruiz-Bravo “Estudio de la Cátedra de Microbiología de la Universidad de Granada ” (Study carried out by the Chair of Microbiology at the University of Granada”. STUDY TWO IMMUNOMODULATORY EFFECT OF THE IN-VITRO QUINTON HYPERTONIC AND ISOTONIC SOLUTION >> OBJECTIVE The cellular proliferation test is one of the most popular tests used to analyse the effect of different medicines on the immune system, and to find out if the medicine being studied has any possible immunodulatory effects. Briefly, the test consists in seeding mononuclear cells of peripheral blood (lymphocytes and monocytes) in plate cultures that contain amino acids, glucose, ions and other elements to nourish the cells in the most suitable way. Once seeded, the cells may or may not be stimulated with different standard substances. After the normal stimulation period of 3-4 days, the normal stimulated cells are activated and proliferate inside the culture plates, whilst the cells that are not stimulated (control cells) will remain inactive and will not proliferate. In this study anticoagulant blood (EDTA) was taken from ten healthy volunteers, their mononuclear cells (PBMNc) were separated and the following culture conditions were used: >> RPMI, supplemented with 1% of antibiotic, 1% of glutamine and 10% of fetal calf serum (FCS); pH = 7.3 >> Solution isotonic Quinton only (ISO-); pH = 7.3 >> Quinton hypertonic solution alone; pH = 7.3 >> Quinton Isotonic solution (ISO+) supplemented with 1% of antibiotic, 1% of glutamine And 10% of FCS; pH = 7.3 >> Quinton hypertonic solution supplemented with 1% of antibiotic, 1% of glutamine and

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Studies and research

10% of FCS; pH = 7.3 >> Physiological saline solution supplemented (SS) with 1% of antibiotic, 1% of glutamine and10% of FCS; pH = 7.3 >> CONCLUSIONS 1. The mononuclear cells cultivated in-vitro with the Quinton Isotonic solution, keep their morphology and viability during the four days of the culture, especially with the ISO+ solution. 2. In terms of the cellular aggregation, proliferation and/or activation, the ISO+ solution behaves like the RPMI medium. Moreover, it seems capable of stimulating cells by itself, due to the existence of aggregated unstimulated cells in the medium. 3. The absence of practically all cellular aggregation, proliferation and/or activation in the ISO solution might be due to the lack of nutrients. 4. The PBMNC´s tolerance shown in-vitro with the Quinton Isotonic Solution, as well as its possible effect on cellular activation, suggest that, when it is added in ideal conditions, it could replace the conventional culture mediums. Head Dr. José Miguel Semperé, Immunology specialist, Biotechnology Department at Alicante University. STUDY THREE RESEARCH DONE ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS ON ATHLETES WHO REGULARLY CONSUME SEA WATER. >> OBJECTIVE Experiment with 11 semi-professional indoor football players. A maximal triangular treadmill stress test was carried out, along with a rectangular treadmill stress test using continuous load equal to a speed corresponding to 70% of their maximum oxygen consumption. The test lasted 60 minutes. A blood sample was taken from each of the athletes twenty minutes before the test. The athletes then consumed 20 ml of the liquid being studied or the same quantity of

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placebo. The blood parameters analysed from the samples taken were: pH, partial oxygen pressure, partial carbon dioxide pressure, sodium, potassium, calcium, bicarbonate, lactate and glucose. One minute before the test each athlete was weighed and another blood sample was taken using the aforementioned method. >> CONCLUSIONS According to the study the most significant increases produced are those in the sodium, chlorine, bicarbonate and glucose graphs. Sodium is essential to control hyponatraemia in athletes, as it prevents a depletion of this intracellular ion with the resulting decrease in intracellular hydration. Given its relationship with glucose, this increase in Sodium also makes the glucose more available for the cell. The increase of the blood sugar in a product that does not have it is very important. Perhaps it promotes the mobility/ supply of the glucoside reserves which are available on demand. This would explain the so-called recovery that the athletes talk about. Chlorine is seen to increase as it is present in the sodium which is contained in the drinkable Sea Water. The increase in bicarbonate suggests that the product is like a blood buffer favourably controlling the cellular acidity. The increase at minute 30 is interesting as it could be due to the fact that the product has an ionic pool available for the organism to use whenever it needs to. In the light of the results and the comments made by the athletes, Hypertonic Sea Water should be taken by professional and semi-professional athletes when training to increase their stamina throughout the whole season. Director: Dr. Manuel Ballester Cátedra de Fisiología del Ejercicio de la Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia. (Head of department of Army Physiology at the Catholic University of Murcia). ARTICLE ARTICLE PUBLISHED IN INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC MAGAZINES. “For the last 100 years, the Quinton plasma has been successfully used to re-establish the physiological balance, support gastrointestinal health, stimulate the growth of intestinal probiotics, maintain its optimal performance and increase physiological stamina. There are however specific protocols for each of the following clinical uses which I will now summarise and explain in greater detail in the future editions; • Prenatal Care: It helps the correct fetal development. • Paediatrics: It complements nutritional intake; improves growth, development and cellular hydration. • Gynaecology: It improves the glandular function, vaginal health and helps to regulate the

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menstrual cycle. • Dermatology: It re-establishes the mineral balance needed for the correct formation of the collagen matrix. • Respiratory Health: It helps to restore the respiratory function after acute prolonged stress. • Stomatology applications: It helps to strengthen gums, keep a correct oral pH and promote health bacteria proliferation. • Gastrointestinal Health: It regulates the intestinal and physiological pH; it promotes the proliferation of healthy probiotics and favours the amino acid metabolism. • Hormonal Production: It favours an optimal hormonal production due to the presence of bioavailable minerals and amino acids. • Neurology: It helps the brain to function properly and promotes neuron development. >> GENERAL PROTOCOLS AND RECOMMENDATIONS • Mode of Action: It re-establishes the biological terrain by replenishing the extra-cellular fluid with all the bioactive minerals, salts and amino acids. It promotes homeostasis through the intra and extra-cellular osmotic principle. It promotes rehydration (it is an electrolyte regulator). • Initial Dosage: 1 Quinton Isotonic ® vial daily on an empty stomach for the first 7 days. Increase to 2 vials a day on an empty stomach for the next 3 weeks. • Dosage for the first month: In the second month take 1 Quinton Hypertonic ® vial in the morning on an empty stomach and then 2 Isotonic vials in the afternoon on an empty stomach. A maximum of 4 Quinton Hypertonic and 4 Isotonic vials can be taken a day in specific cases under professional medical supervision. • Maintenance dosage: After taking Quinton Sea Water for 3 consecutive months, 1 to 2 Hypertonic and Isotonic vials should be taken a week. • Side effects: The patient should have regular bowl movements. If not, in very rare cases, the patient could temporarily show signs of detoxification, such as skin blemishes or constipation. No side effects have been reported. Dr. Roy Dittman, O.M.D., USA. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE

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Marine therapy in daily clinical use

Marine therapy in daily clinical use In this brochure we try to show how consuming Sea Water actually balances the organism by regenerating the cells and revitalising them, which means that numerous illnesses can be treated with marine therapy, as curing the “cell” cures the “organ”. We try to show that Sea Water is not intended to “cure” the illness but rather re-establish our organism’s homeostasis as any alteration in this can give rise to endless pathologies. How Sea Water is used to treat certain illnesses and the different clinical tests involved are covered in the following pages. The recommended quantities of Quinton Isotonic are 2 to 6 Drinkable vials (DV) a day and 2 to 4 vials of Quinton Hypertonic. The quantities mentioned are for guidance only and can be increased or decreased depending on how serious the pathology is. The product should be taken on an empty stomach so that it is absorbed better, which means it should be taken first thing in the morning before breakfast, at midday 15 minutes before lunch and then in the evening 15 minutes before dinner.

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Marine therapy in daily clinical use 3 DV (Drinkable vials) should be taken a day, separately if possible, repeating the dosage three times a day. If 6 doses are to be taken the best way is to take them is 2 + 2 + 2. How long the treatment lasts depends on the evolution of the patient in question, although in general, treatment of at least 1 month is recommended and then according to the results obtained the treatment is prolonged if necessary. Daily Nasal Sprays (Hygiene Nasal Diaria) should be used as a preventative measure and for minor symptoms. Nasal Hygiene Extra Action (Hygiene Nasal Acción Plus) should be used for chronic, serious symptoms. The Dermo Nature Spray solution is recommended for very sensitive skins and for other types of skin Dermo Acción 150ml should be used.

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WHAT IS DERMATOLOGY AND VENEREOLOGY? >Dermatology is a surgical speciality that focuses on the skin, appendages (hair, nails, follicular glands and sweat glands) and mucous membranes (oral and genital). >Venereology is the study, diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. This is closely related to Dermatology due to the varied skin symptoms of syphilis. How long has Sea Water been used to treat dermatological problems? Egyptians, Greeks, Romans all used this therapy. Swimming in the sea is still recommended today for skin lesions that are improved by the ions that are absorbed through the skin. The hydro mineral homeostasis should be kept constant at all times. ATOPIC ECZEMA / DERMATITIS SYNDROME. (AEDS) Consuming Sea Water reduces the levels of IL- 4, IL-13 and IL-18 interleukins that lead to the production of IgE in patients suffering from AEDS compared to drinking distilled water that doesn’t. This decrease in the interleukin production means that the skin inflammation decreases, thus the AEDS symptoms significantly improve. Improvement of skin symptoms and mineral imbalance by drinking deep seawater in patients with atopic Eczema/dermatitis syndrome (AEDS). Hajime Kimata and col. Department of Allergy, Unikita Central Hospital, Uji City, Kyoto. “Medical Report, 2002”.

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DERMATOLOGY IRRITATING DERMATITIS The effects of sea water and its main components on irritant contact dermatitis caused by the Lauryl Sodium Sulphate are evaluated. Transepidermal Water Loss measurements (TEWL), used as an indicator of epidermal barrier function, and capacitance, have proved that sea water significantly stops the increase in transepidermal water loss compared with when deionised water is used. The effects of sea water may attribute to preserving the skin barrier and moisturizing it. Sea Water or its components alter experimental irritant dermatitis in man. Yusuke Yoshizawa. Department of Dermatology, School of Medicine. University of California. “Skin Research and Technology, 2001”. Anatomy of the skin. Sample of the epidermis, dermis and the subcutaneous tissue


Epidermis Dermis Subcutaneous tissue Hair follicule Sweat gland Artery Vein Fatty tissue Nerve Lymphatic vessel Sebaceous gland Hair stalk

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THERAPY GUIDE It has been proved that Quinton’s products help the following pathologies: ACNE

• Isotonic 3 DV a day • Apply dressings that are soaked in Q. Isotonic • Spray 3 - 4 times a day with Dermo spray


• Isotonic 3 DV a day • Spray 3 - 4 times a day with Dermo spray


• Isotonic 3 DV a day • Spray 3 - 4 times a day with Dermo spray

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• Isotonic 6 DV a day Boils

• Isotonic 3 DV a day • Hypertonic 3 DV a day for very acute cases


• Isotonic 3 DV a day • Apply dressings that are soaked in Q. Isotonic • Spray 3 - 4 times a day with Dermo spray


• Alternate the consumption of Isotonic and Hypertonic

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INSECT BITES • Isotonic 3 DV a day • Spray 3 - 4 times a day with Dermo spray


• Isotonic 3 DV a day • Spray 3 - 4 times a day with Dermo spray


• Isotonic 3 DV a day • Spray 3 - 4 times a day with Dermo spray • In more serious cases start the treatment with 2 DV Hypertonic a day.

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BURNS • Apply dressings that are soaked in Q. Isotonic • Spray 3 - 4 times a day with Dermo spray


• Spray 3 - 4 times a day with Dermo spray • Dry the area well •

VARICOSE ULCERS • Isotonic 3 DV a day • Spray 3 - 4 times a day with Dermo spray


• Isotonic 3 DV a day

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CLINICAL HISTORY IMPETIGINOUS ECZEMA 50 YEAR OLD WOMAN Impetiginous eczema – different therapies failed • Eczema on hands, forearms, neck and face. • Intense flaking of the skin. • Lichenification. • Suppuration. >> Exclusive Quinton Plasma Treatment • Continual 30, 50 and 100 cc injections. • Flaking skin stopped after the third injection. • Suppuration stopped after the fourth injection. • Complete cure. Photograph 1 Photograph 2 Marine Dispensary Archives from Paris. Property of Quinton Laboratories.

LICHENOID ECZEMA 39 YEAR OLD MAN Lichenoid Eczema - different therapies failed • Big patches of eczema on the forearm and the elbow. • Intense flaking >> Exclusive Quinton Plasma Treatment • 2 first injections of 20 and 30 cc. • 22 50 to 60 cc injections For 4 weeks. • Almost complete cure in 15 days • Definitive cure in 1 month. No relapse. Photograph 1 Photograph 2 Marine Dispensary Archives from Paris. Property of Quinton Laboratories.

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DERMATOLOGY IMPETIGINOUS ECZEMA OF BREAST FED BABIES. BREAST FED BABY Impetiginous eczema (different therapies failed) • Eczema on the face. • Developed over 10 months. • Appeared after changing system. (After 2 months with bottle milk the baby goes back to breast feeding) >> Exclusive Quinton Plasma Treatment • Continual 10, 15 and 25 cc injections. • For 49 days. • Huge improvement in 15 days (First Photograph). • Complete cure. • Second photograph 1 month after the treatment ends. Photograph 1 Photograph 2

CUTANEOUS TUBERCULOSIS For cases of cutaneous or bone tuberculosis otherwise known as spina ventosa only isotonic sea water has been used as treatment. Lupus in a 20 year old person’s leg. 10 year development of the disease. First photograph taken on the17th of February, 1909. Treatment consists of 50 ml and 100 ml injections of Quinton Plasma three times a week. • The second photograph was taken on the 9th of March, 1909; 20 days after the treatment started. The treatment continues for three months more. The patient is monitored for 2 years and complete recovery is observed. Photograph 1 Photograph 2 Marine Dispensary Archives from Paris. Property of Quinton Laboratories.

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PSORIASIS 16 YEAR OLD WOMAN Lesions bleached in hospital (Not cured) • 5 year development. • Very intense flaking. >> Only treatment Quinton Plasma • Continual 50, 100, 200 and 250 cc injections. • Two injections a week. For 6 weeks. • After 6 weeks the treatment stops. • A year and a half later, no relapse. • Appetite and weight quickly improved. Photograph 1 Photograph 2 Marine Dispensary Archives from Paris. Property of Quinton Laboratories. 20 YEAR OLD WOMAN Different therapies have failed, apart from a slight improvement due to chrisophanic acid. • 6 year development. >> Only treatment Quinton Plasma • Continual 30, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150 and 200 cc injections. • Two injections a week. For 10 months. • Complete cure. Photograph 1 Photograph 2 Marine Dispensary Archives from Paris. Property of Quinton Laboratories

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ALOPECIA UNIVERSALIS RENÉ QUINTON’S DIAGNOSIS OF ALOPECIA TOTALIS AT THE MARINE DISPENSARY IN PARIS At the beginning of 1905 patches appear behind the left ear with the gradual loss of hair. In September 1905 the hair has completely disappeared. The patient follows a treatment from September 1905 to February 1908 at the Saint Louis hospital which consists of injections of cacodylate of soda, ammonia, sulphur, acetic lotion, etc., but without any success. The first photograph was taken on the 10th September 1908 when he was admitted into the marine dispensary. The second photograph is from the 18th of February, 1909. The only treatment given was 50, 75, 100 ml injections of Quinton Plasma three times a week. The photograph from the 2nd of February, 1910 (Photograph 3) is 8 months after the treatment has stopped. The 24th of August, 1910 the treatment has not been re-administered (Photograph 4). Photograph 1 Photograph 2 Photograph 3 Photograph 4 Marine Dispensary Archives from Paris. Property of Quinton Laboratories.

LESIONS PRODUCED BY SNAKES AND SEA CREATURES Lesions produced by coelenterate, such as the anemone, the red actinia and different species of jelly fish that produce a maculopapular rash or erythematous together with itching and a burning sensation in a line (like zoster). In some cases blisters form and even slow developing necrotic ulcers. The lesions usually limit themselves to an area in a few hours. Skin lesions can become chronic: hypo pigmentation, keloids, skin atrophy. Sea water treatment should be used to wash the area. Don’t forget that drinkable sea water is also a good anti-inflammatory.

Marine Dispensary Archives from Paris. Property of Quinton Laboratories.

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GASTROENTEROLOGY If we study the clinical use of Quinton Plasma isotonic sea water probably its best therapeutic results have been in treating conditions within the gastroenterological speciality. As is explained hereinafter, successful results are obtained in inflammation related pathologies (don’t forget that sea water is an anti-inflammatory) and dehydration related pathologies, which are all treated with isotonic sea water based on the principal of homeostasis. VOMITING AND DIARRHOEA The diarrhoeic, diarrhoea and vomiting processes are symptoms of or caused by dehydration both in children and adults. Isotonic Sea Water is a natural and effective remedy used to counteract these symptoms as it naturally re-establishes the equilibrium between the minerals lost in dehydration and restores the normal physiological water concentration of around 62%-66% in the faeces. If the patient has the above-mentioned symptoms, the following can be done: Take two Quinton Isotonic 24 vials every two hours until there is an improvement. HYDROTHERAPY COLON THERAPY The proportion and number of minerals identified in Sea Water up to now (84 elements from the periodical table) confirm everything that was included in René Quinton’s paper “L’Eau de Mer milieu organique” in 1904. Current advances in physiology and molecular biochemistry help us to understand that the mineral identity of the two environments (our own Internal Ocean and that of Sea Water) and their common origin enables the organism to NATURALLY choose or reject what it needs. Twice the volume and concentration of what is eliminated with artificial saline solution is eliminated through the kidneys with Cold sterilised isotonic Sea Water. Therefore, the benefits of QUINTON Isotonic for Colon Hydrotherapy are: • The lining of the intestine is washed out with saline. • Sea Water’s anti-anaphylactic action. • Replacement of micro nutrient minerals through the portal vein. • Physiological balance of the K+. (When there is a risk of hypokalaemia). • Anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic action, controllable. • Absorbed more in infectious processes. • Increases immunity • Balances the endocrinal intestine system.

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• THERAPY GUIDE It has been proved that Quinton products help the following pathologies: Canker sores (Mouth ulcers) • Isotonic in gargling solution

• Isotonic 3 DV a day Spasmodic colitis • Hypertonic 1 DV in the morning + Isotonic 2 DV evening and night. •Irritable bowl syndrome • Isotonic 3 DV a day Diarrhoea • Hypertonic 1 DV in the morning + Isotonic 2 DV evening and night.

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DYSPEPSIA • Isotonic 3 DV a day CROHN´S DISEASE • Isotonic 3 DV a day as an adjuvant treatment CONSTIPATION • Isotonic 3 DV a day GASTRITIS • Hypertonic 1 DV in the morning + Isotonic 2 DV evening and night. GASTROENTERITIS • Isotonic 3 DV a day

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• Spray 3 - 4 times a day with Dermo spray INTOXICATION • Isotonic 3 DV a day ULCERS • Isotonic 3 DV a day

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CLINICAL HISTORY DYSPEPSIA HYPOCHLORHYDRIA AND ENTEROCOLITIS DYSPEPSIA HYPOCHLORHYDRIA DIAGNOSIS A 20 year old woman who had been admitted into hospital two times before without any success. Weight: 23.830 Kg. • Chronic enterocolitis and constipation. • Phlegm with mucous in membranes. • Continual weight loss for 5 years. • Deterioration before starting the “Quinton Plasma” treatment. DAILY VOMITING for two years. Uncontrollable for a few weeks. AMENORRHEA for 4 years. Terminal cachexia. Exclusive Quinton Plasma treatment: 30, 50, 75 cm3 three times a week. Constipation ends after the third injection. Normal periods after 45 days. In two months her weight went up to 42.500 kg. Later she got to 49 kg.

Photograph 1 Photograph 2 INFANTILE ATROPHY (Marasmus) 40 DAY OLD BREAST FED CHILD 40 day old breast fed child weighs 2 kg, which means he is 55% below the ideal weight for his age. He is 50 centimetres long. (For his size) 1 kg below his weight. The baby is just skin and bones. (Photograph 1) >> Exclusive Quinton Plasma Treatment. The baby boy is 2 months and 27 days and weighs 3 kg 980 grams. He has gained 1.980 grams in 47 days and has also grown 4 centimetres. When the baby is 4 months old he will be 10% of what the normal percentage is for his age. When he is 10 months he will have reached the normal weight and size. (Photograph 2) Photograph 1 Photograph 2 Photographic collection from the Marine Dispensary Archives from Lyon. The Jarricot Marine Dispensary

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DURING PREGNANCY The first 7 months 2 Drinkable vials in the morning and 2 QUINTON ISOTONIC vials at midday (24 DV). • The last 2 months 2 drinkable vials of QUINTON HYPERTONIC 24 DV in the morning and 2 drinkable vials of QUINTON ISOTONIC 24 DV at midday. CLIMACTERIC-MENOPAUSE. The Quinton Laboratories has a natural product available for doctors whose functional micro-rehydration has been clinically proved to be effective in all the terrain regulating processes. The impact and effect of natural sea water on cell nutrition, its distinct rehydration capacity due to the ion effectiveness, its powerful action on the kidneys, its unquestionable micronutrient bioavailability (Ca+ + for example) means that it can be used for a series of applications related to the women during a special period of their life cycle that they often find hard to come to terms with. Hot flushes and sweating are annoying symptoms (not pathological) that can respond perfectly to a balanced amount of marine ions. In osteoporosis, the immediate bioavailable iono-mineral total (totum), transmineralized by the sea water telemediators can only be a bonus for classic treatment. Only recently has it been recommended to women whose hormonal activity is in its last stage; modern scientific knowledge about the mineral and organic composition of the oceans has proved that it has a significant effect on cell life and therefore does complement regular medicine. RESULTS >> They have to be noticeable in the first 15 days of the treatment. • Decrease the sudden hot flushes. • Improve the general state. • Emotional rebalance. • Notable improvement in the circulation. • Improvement of the state of the skin and skin appendages. • Weight loss or gain depending on the regulatory effect. • Lessening or disappearance of concomitant pathologies.

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GYNAECOLOGY-OBSTETRICS- SEXUALITY During menopause, the water distribution of a woman’s Internal Ocean can be regulated as follows: QUINTON HYPERTONIC In women who suffer from depression, asthenic problems, exhaustion, low blood pressure, etc. 2 to 4 vials a day in the morning and at midday QUINTON ISOTONIC In hyperactive, overweight, stressed, flustered women or those suffering from high blood pressure, etc. 2 to 4 vials a day in the morning and at midday The doctor will adapt the sea salt concentration level to suit the vital signs of the diagnosis.

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GYNAECOLOGY-OBSTETRICS- SEXUALITY THERAPY GUIDE It has been proved that Quinton products help the following pathologies: ANDROPAUSE • Isotonic 3 DV a day SEXUAL ASTHENIA • Hypertonic 2 DV a day. BALANATIS • Isotonic 3 DV a day

• Spray on the glands 3-4 times a day with the Intimate-hygiene spray. CANDIDIASIS /VAGINITIS • Spray 3-4 times a day with Intimate-hygiene spray.

• Hypertonic 2 DV a day when there is no burning

• Isotonic 3 DV a day with burning

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GYNAECOLOGY-OBSTETRICS- SEXUALITY DYSMENORRHOEA • Isotonic 3 DV a day STERILITY 1 Hypertonic DV in the morning & 2 Isotonic DV in the afternoon and evening as adjuvants. MENOPAUSE AND PRE-MENOPAUSE • Isotonic 3 DV a day with agitation symptoms.

• Hypertonic 3 DV a day with symptoms of exhaustion. ICHTHYOSIS VULGARIS • Isotonic 3 DV a day

• Spray 3-4 times a day with Intimate-hygiene spray. PRE-MENSTRUAL SYNDROME (PMS) • Isotonic 3 DV for nervous women

• Hypertonic 2 DV a day for depressed women

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THERAPY GUIDE It has been proved that Quinton products help the following pathologies: ASTHENIA • Hypertonic 2 DV a day CHILD CHOLERA • Isotonic 2 DV a day in prolonged treatment (6 - 8 months) DEHYDRATION • Isotonic 2 DV a day

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MALNUTRITION Isotonic 1 DV a day DIARRHOEA • Isotonic 1 DV every 2 hours until the system returns to normal

• Hypertonic in chronic cases. ERYTHEMA • Isotonic 1 DV a day

• Spray the clean nappy when changing with Dermo Nature spray •GASTROENTERITIS • Isotonic 2 DV a day

• Hypertonic in chronic cases.

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Impetigo • Isotonic 1 DV a day

• Spray 3-4 times a day with Dermo Nature spray

Milk intolerance • Isotonic 2 DV a day in prolonged treatment (4 - 6 months) Nappy rashes • Spray every clean nappy when changing with Dermo Nature spray Patches in the scalp • Spray 3-4 times a day with Dermo Nature spray

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Premature babies Isotonic 2 DV a day Weight deficiency • Hyper 2 DV a day in prolonged treatment (4 - 6 months) Vomiting • Isotonic 1 DV every 2 hours until the system returns to normal

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THERAPY GUIDE It has been proved that Quinton products help the following pathologies:

2DV Isotonic should be taken a day during the whole pregnancy to guarantee a correct hydro mineral supply.

• Anaemia • Hypertonic 2 DV a day

Postpartum depression • Hypertonic 1 DV in the morning + Isotonic 2 DV in the afternoon and evening Breast feeding • Isotonic 3 DV a day Vomiting/nausea • Isotonic 3 DV a day

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THERAPY GUIDE It has been proved that Quinton products help the following pathologies GERIATRICS

• Seniors should use Quinton Isotonic rather than Hypertonic, although the latter is recommended to treat exhaustion.

• In pathologies related to malnutrition, dehydration, incontinence

etc… Isotonic 3 DV a day is recommended.

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THERAPY GUIDE It has been proved that Quinton products help the following pathologies:

CYSTITIS • Isotonic 3 DV a day

• Spray 3-4 times a day with Intimate-hygiene spray URINE INFECTION • Isotonic 3 DV a day

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THERAPY GUIDE It has been proved that Quinton products help the following pathologies:

DIABETES • Isotonic 3 DV a day as an adjuvant treatment THYROID DYSFUNCTION • Hyperthyroidism: Isotonic 3 DV a day

• Hypothyroidism: Hypertonic 3 DV a day

Multiple sclerosis • Isotonic 6 DA a day in long term treatment (6 – 8 months) HYPOGLYCAEMIA • Isotonic 3 DV a day

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PARKINSON’S DISEASE • Isotonic 6 DV a day in long term treatment (6 – 8 months)


• Isotonic 3 DV a day in long term treatment (4 – 6 months) CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME • Alternate taking Isotonic and Hypertonic.

• 1st week 2 DV Hypertonic a day + 3 weeks 3 DV Isotonic a day

• Isotonic 6 DV a day in long term treatment (6 – 8 months) and as an adjuvant.

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THE CONCEPT OF DEGENERATIVE DISEASES. For many of us many of the concepts about degenerative diseases, especially neurodegenerative diseases, are unclear. The first two concepts are basic: 1. There are genetic factors. 2. There are environmental factors. They promote the appearance of a disease. Although the two concepts are extremely different they cannot be separated and we are going to explain why. Various environmental factors are involved; we are going to use two examples Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. In Parkinson’s disease damage to the grey nuclei is accompanied by the accumulation of lead deposits, in Alzheimer’s, abnormal deposits of aluminium have been found in the brain tissue. These heavy metals act in various ways: • They block the enzymatic chains • They create inflammatory or neighbouring immune reactions. • They modify the depolarization of the neuron membranes and on a long term, their structure. • They promote the increase in free radicals and/or prevent them being neutralized. These changes are accompanied by an overload of the extra-cellular matrix, our “interior ocean”, and according to Hay, this overload then alters the gene expression. This means that in normal conditions certain genes are not expressed, if however our “interior ocean” is altered in any way, they are expressed and abnormalities appear. The question is: can a genetic abnormality be expressed through a pathological change of our “internal ocean”? Of course it can, and how do the environmental factors affect it? The xenobiotic compounds from heavy metals (chemical products that have hormonal effects) are unconsciously absorbed through the skin, through breathing or ingestion and cause this overload. HOW CAN THIS EFFECT BE REDUCED? There are 3 types of treatment: -Increase the amount of protection enzymes, especially the Glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and the SuperOxide Dismutase (SOD). Nowadays the only product that contains enough of these two enzymes is Fermented Papaya.

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NEUROLOGY -Make the neuron membranes more flexible. This is due to more Omega 3 being incorporated. Data from our study on Perilla oil shows that taking Alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA) is far better for us than taking short chains such as fish oils. The ALA accumulates in the triglycerides; Perilla oil contains 66% of ALA, and also 0.1% of myristic oil, which is essential to produce long chains. A study done on elderly Japanese citizens proved how effective it is. There are two problems with fish oils. Firstly there is the risk of absorbing the heavy metals and then the effectiveness of distilled fish oils has not been proven. -Clean our “internal ocean”: In this case we use cold micro filtered sea water that not only “washes out” the extra-cellular matrix but also contains 78 minerals and measured trace elements that enable ALL THE ENZYMATIC REACTIONS TO OCCUR normally. And it enhances the performance of the two first treatments. This just a summary of what is currently known about the matter and there are of course many other alternatives Dr Marco Francisco Payá Torres Medical Director of Quinton Laboratories.

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THERAPY GUIDE It has been proved that Quinton products help the following pathologies:

EXHAUSTION/CHRONIC FATIGUE Hypertonic 3 DV a day ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE • Isotonic 2 DV a day long term treatment (6 – 8 months) •SEASONAL FATIGUE/ ASTHENIA • Hypertonic 2 DV a day DEPRESSION • Isotonic 3 DV a day for extroverts

• Hypertonic 2 DV a day for introverted people

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SPASMOPHILIA • Isotonic 3 DV a day

• Hypertonic 2 DV during an attack

INSOMNIA • Isotonic 3 DV a day MEMORY AND CONCENTRATION •• Isotonic 3 DV a day STRESS • Isotonic 3 DV a day for nervous people

• Hypertonic 2 DV day for depressed and dejected people

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SEA WATER AND BONES A lot of progress has been made recently in the field of general bone metabolism and the disease, Osteoporosis. Treatment for osteoporosis includes taking calcium, more recently vitamin D and some modern molecules. Fluorine has now been forgotten and so have hormones which were formerly used to counteract the development of the disease but due to the risk of tumours are no longer being prescribed. But we have forgotten a basic physiological concept: “bone duality”. It seems that only the mineral phase of the ossification has been covered and the organic phase has been completely forgotten. I often say that a bone is like a building in which the supporting structure crumbles away little by little (the concrete) and the only thing that is used to hold it together are unsuitable bricks. The organic phase involves the secretion of the collagen matrix that supports the minerals, and densitometry is a very primitive method that only measures the mineral phase. As men also suffer from osteoporosis more than just oestrogen and progesterone are needed for this matrix to be secreted properly. Zinc, Copper, Silicon and Manganese are needed too. The mineral phase needs Fluorine, Calcium, and Magnesium. It is well known that administering pharmacological doses of Calcium stops Magnesium being absorbed, a mineral that people generally lack. Only sea water provides all the minerals and trace elements needed for the 2 phases of bone regeneration. What is more they are bioavailable and do not have any adverse effects as their concentration is very similar to that of our own internal fluids. Dr Marco Francisco Payá Torres Medical Director of Quinton Laboratories.

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THERAPY GUIDE It has been proved that Quinton products help the following pathologies:

ARTHRITIS • Isotonic 3 DV a day long term treatment (4 - 6 months) ARTHROSIS • Isotonic 3 DV a day long term treatment (4 - 6 months)

• Hypertonic can be taken instead of an Isotonic vial in the morning for chronic cases. CRAMPS• • Isotonic 3 DV a day

• For athletes, take 1 DV Hypertonic before and one after doing exercise.

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MUSCLE PAIN • Isotonic 3 DV a day long term treatment (4 - 6 months) FIBROMYALGIA SYNDROME • Hypertonic 2 DV a day long term treatment (4 - 6 months as an adjuvant treatment. BONE FRACTURES • Isotonic 3 DV a day long term treatment (4 - 6 months • Hypertonic can be taken instead of the Isotonic vial in the morning for one week a month. GOUT • Isotonic 3 DV a day long term treatment (4 - 6 months)

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SKELETAL-MUSCLE SYSTEM OSTEOPOROSIS • Isotonic 3 DV a day long term treatment (4 - 6 months) RICKETS • Isotonic 3 DV a day long term treatment (4 - 6 months)

• Hypertonic can be taken instead of the Isotonic vial in the morning for one week a month RHEUMATISM • Isotonic 3 Isotonic 3 DV a day long term treatment (4 - 6 months) BONE TUBERCULOSIS • Isotonic 3 Isotonic 3 DV a day long term treatment (4 - 6 months)

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THERAPY GUIDE It has been proved that Quinton products help the following pathologies:

CONVALESCENCE • Hypertonic 2 DV a day POISONING • Hypertonic 1 DV in the morning + Isotonic 2 DV afternoon and evening. PURULENT HAEMORRHAGE • Hypertonic 1 DV in the morning + Isotonic 2 DV afternoon and evening. MONONUCLEOSIS • Isotonic 3 DV a day as an adjuvant.

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UNPERFORATED OTITIS • Isotonic 3 DV a day SUPPURATION • Isotonic 3 DV a day

• Spray 3 - 4 times a day with Dermo spray INFECTION SYNDROMES • Isotonic 3 DV a day

• Children under the age of 1 should only take 1 DV a day • Children aged between 1 and 6 years old 2 DV a day

• Adults 3 DV a day • Spray 3 - 4 times a day with Dermo spray

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STUDIES ON HYPERLIPAEMIA AND ARTERIOSCLEROSIS Studies have been carried out on rabbits on a special cholesterol diet. The total cholesterol and LDL (Light Density Lipoprotein) increase was less in rabbits that were given sea water than in the test rabbits. When the cholesterol diet was stopped the decrease was greater in the rabbits that were given sea water than in the test rabbits. The sea water controls the increase of the lipid values and helps to reduce the Hyperlipaemia and Arteriosclerosis.

HYPERLIPAEMIA* Pharmacological Activity of Deep-Sea water: Examination of Hyperglycaemias Prevention and Medical Treatment Effect. Saburo Yoshioka - Atsuhide Hamada - Tailin Cut - Yunko Yokota - Sayada Yamamoto - Masahiko Kusunose - Mitsuhiko Miyamura - Shojiro Kyotani - Ryou Kaneda - Yasuyuki Tsusui - Kazuhiro Odani - Ichiro Odani - Yutaka Nishioka. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, Vol. 26, num. 11, 2003

ARTERIOSCLEROSIS* Difference between deep seawater and surface seawater in the preventive effect of atherosclerosis Miyamura M. - Yoshioka S. - Hamada A. - Takuma D. - Yokota J. - Kusunose M. - Kyotani S. - Kawakita H. - Odani K. Tsutsui Y. - Nishioka Y. Department of Pharmacy, Kochi Medical School Hospital, Nankoku, Kochi, Japan. Biol. Pharm. Bull. 2004; 27 (11): 1784-7 (ISSN: 0918-6158)

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THERAPY GUIDE It has been proved that Quinton products help the following pathologies:

ANOREXIA • Hypertonic 2 DV a day

ARTERIOSCLEROSIS • Isotonic 3 DV a day •DEHYDRATION • Hypertonic 1 DV in the morning + Isotonic 2 DV in the afternoon and evening

HYPERLIPAEMIA • Isotonic 3 DV a day

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HYPONATRAEMIA • Hypertonic 2 DV a day HYPOVOLAEMIA (Decrease in the blood volume) • Hypertonic 1 DV in the morning + Isotonic 2 DV in the afternoon and even. PHYSIOLOGICAL LIQUID LOSS • Isotonic 3 DV a day VOMITING ISOTONIC 2 DV every 2 hours until the system returns to normal

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HYPOTONIC HYPONATRAEMIA IN ENDURANCE SPORTS Current research on physiology and molecular biochemistry shows that the mineral identity of the two environments: the internal ocean of the human organism and that of the internal marine environment have the same origins. This identity enables the organism to naturally select or reject elements from the Sea Water that it needs, which are then naturally eliminated through the kidneys, sometimes up to twice as much in terms of volume and concentration as when artificial physiological saline is consumed. The latest studies carried out on professional athletes show that there are increasingly more cases of hyponatraemia, due to the increasing popularity of endurance sports (ultra marathons, triathlons, marathons, etc.). Some of the conclusions obtained from these studies are: Rehydration whilst doing long muscle exercise and training is crucial, which means the hydro mineral homeostasis must be maintained. • The relationship between sodium and the amount of water consumed is extremely important. • Athletes shouldn’t just drink when they feel like it or when they are thirsty, because then it is too late for hydration. Recommendations for the right hydro mineral supply when doing endurance sports are: • Before: 2 hours before the race, 500 ml of liquids. • During: Drink plenty early on (before getting thirsty). Drink between 0.5 litres and 1 litre for every hour of exercise. Content 1.2 g/l of NaCl. • After: The recovery drink should contain 1.2 g/l of NaCl with other Na salts. B. Melin and Chantal Jimenez Cah. Nutr. Diet. 39, 4, 2004 (Nov. 2004) Centro de Investigación del Servicio de Salud de los Ejércitos. (Army Health Service Research Centre)

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SPORT’S MEDICINE Some of the data available from doing studies on athletes includes: The most significant increases on the graphs are those of sodium, chlorine, bicarbonate and glucose. Sodium is very important to control hyponatraemia in athletes, as it prevents the depletion of the intracellular ion that then decreases the intracellular dehydration. Furthermore, the increase in sodium, given its relationship with glucose, means that the glucose is made more available for the cell. The increase in the blood sugar is very significant in a product that does not have it. Perhaps the glycoside reserves are mobilised/ supplied so that they are available on demand, which would partly explain the so-called recovery mentioned by athletes. Chlorine is seen to increase as it is present in the sodium which is contained in the drinkable Sea Water. The increase in bicarbonate suggests that the product is like a blood buffer that helps to control the cellular acidity. On the whole, after the test it does seem that Sea Water provides the organism with an ionic pool that can be used whenever it is necessary. Consult the section “Recent Studies and Research” from this brochure too.

CONSUMING COLD STERILIZED MICRO-FILTERED SEA WATER Glucose Bicarbonate Sodium Cátedra de Fisiología del Ejercicio de la Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia. (Head of Department of Army Physiology at the Catholic University San Antonio of Murcia)

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EXAMPLE OF REHYDRATION AFTER A HALF MARATHON • 2 DV Quinton Hypertonic Water station Total water 1 litre Total Na 0.6 gr

Km 0 START Km 7 water station Km 14 water station Kn 18 water station Finish line 21 km

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THERAPY GUIDE It has been proved that Quinton products help the following pathologies:

Doing sport • Hypertonic 2 DV before exercise

• Hypertonic 2 DV after exercise

• Hypertonic 2 DV during exercise if it is over a long period time

Resting • Isotonic 3 DV a day

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ODONTOSTOMATOLOGY Odontostomatology has been known for years. Natural, hypertonic, or diluted isotonic Sea Water is used in oral crenotherapy, without risk of any adverse effects. QUINTON ISOTONIC >> Rinsing out root canals. Filling in dry sockets: Preventing alveolar ostetis (To complement alveolar cement, for example). Neural therapy: (As “a rival” of adrenaline free anaesthetics). Mouth Washes: (Leave the liquid under the tongue for as long as possible). According to the periodontal pathology QUINTON Hypertonic can be used instead of QUINTON Isotonic to get better results. Use as a mouth wash in bone polishing. To Disinfect abutment posts: (with T.M. or A.E.). Administer at the gums to complement a periodontal disease treatment

Dr. Nicolas STELLING (Geneva). Mme L. / Dr Meynadier, Centre de Santé La Corbière, Estavayer-le-Lac

(Head of the dental medicine sector: N.Stelling, med.-dent. SFMD-SSO). Odontostomatology


8 QUINTON-ISOTONIC LOCALIZED NEURAL THERAPY 20.10.2001 Two years after the extraction 6.06.2002 24.10.2002

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THERAPY GUIDE It has been proved that Quinton products help the following pathologies:

DENTAL CAVITIES • Isotonic 3 DV a day

• Rinse mouth with Hypertonic 2 times a day EXTRACTIONS • Hypertonic 1 DV in the morning + Isotonic 2 DV in the afternoon and evening.

• Rinse mouth with Isotonic in the evening GINGIVITIS • Isotonic 3 DV a day

• Rinse mouth with Hypertonic 2 times a day HAEMORRHAGES • Isotonic 3 DV a day

• Rinse mouth with Hypertonic 2 times a day

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As ophthalmic solutions contain active ingredients, and also preservatives, buffers and stabilisers, topical use of the solutions in the eye is often unpleasant and causes stinging, itching, watering. Eye spray is an alternative way to administer ophthalmic solutions that might not be so irritating, especially Quinton Acción Ocular that has none of these agents. The volume in one squirt is the same a drop from an eye dropper. >> The advantages are: • It’s quick • It’s not as irritating as using drops and children prefer it. As Isotonic Sea Water’s is an anti-inflammatory, the Quinton Acción Ocular is ideal as an eye wash to treat inflammation related pathologies on the eyelid, the conjunctiva and the cornea; it also helps to treat allergy related pathologies, as allergic agents that are commonly found in the eye in lower concentrations than in other parts of the body can cause inflammation. . “Fundamentos de farmacología ocular” (Basis of eye pharmacology) Alfredo Orts Buchón, Professor of pharmacology and Therapy from Alicante University. 1994 The anti-inflammatory action of Isotonic Sea Water to treat inflammation related pathologies makes it an ideal eye wash

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THERAPY GUIDE It has been proved that Quinton products help the following pathologies:

BLEPHARTIS • Spray 3 - 4 times a day with Eye spray •CONJUNCTIVITIS • Spray 3 - 4 times a day with Eye spray CHALAZION • Spray 3 - 4 times a day with Eye spray •DERMATITIS • Spray 3 - 4 times a day with Eye spray

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SCLERITIS • Spray 3 - 4 times a day with Eye spray INTERNAL/EXTERNAL STY • Spray 3 - 4 times a day with Eye spray KERATOCONJUNCTIVITIS • Spray 3 - 4 times a day with Eye spray

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NASAL HYGIENE We learnt to clean our teeth every day so let’s go one step further and include our nostrils in our daily hygiene routine. This is how we will keep the nasal mucosa healthy and ready to defend us. There are many healthy benefits to be obtained with good regular nasal hygiene. It strengthens the mucous respiratory defence mechanism and improves tear duct drainage. It prevents colds, flu and pharyngitis. It reduces allergies due to the desensitization of the nasal mucosa. It helps prevent otitis in children and prevents a lot of minor surgery that is so frequent among children today (tympanic drainage, tonsil and adenoid extractions). It helps to stimulate the adenoid and tonsil glands so that they work properly. It improves hearing, smell and taste. And it produces a general feeling of well being, clear headedness and increases optimism and mental concentration. Dr. Miquel Pros, in his delightful children’s book titled “Mocs Fora!”, explains how you should clean your nose, it gives parents a full explanation of how the respiratory tract works, why nasal hygiene is so important, and it includes the different treatment that is available in his Respiratory Spa in Barcelona. “Good nasal hygiene strengthens the mucous respiratory defence mechanism and improves tear duct drainage” HEALTH COMES FROM WITHIN US

The latest medical advances in physiology confirm that our health directly depends on the quality of our “internal ocean” (the interstitial fluid around all the organism’s cells) which transfers information and sends nutrients to all parts of the organism. If it isn’t fed, structured or drained properly, our vital organs won’t be either. The continual physiological (functional) alteration of our internal ocean is the first step towards disease and illness. Sea Water treatments help our internal ocean to work properly again and restore our health thanks its mineral content and its supply of

Upper airway 1. frontal sinus 11.tympanic membrane 2. ethmoid sinus 12.external ear 3. maxillary sinus 13.lacrymal 4. nasal vestibule 5. superior nasal concha 6. middle nasal concha 7. inferior nasal concha 8. pharyngotympanic tube 9. middle ear

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RESPIRATORY PHYSIOTHERAPY prebiotic elements (the basic chemical elements needed to build all the molecules of our organism). Natural Sea Water, which is called hypertonic due to its high salt concentration (33 parts per thousand), rebalances cellular nutrition. It stimulates isotonic concentration (9 parts per thousand), because it has exactly the same salt concentration as that of our own internal ocean.

Long term trapped mucous could result in a decrease in hearing Tympanic membrane Middle ear

Eustachian tube

(Passage that connects the middle ear with the Nasopharynx)

A lot of otitis starts here: mucous coming from the nose, blocks the Eustachian tube and often results in the middle ear becoming infected

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THE NOSE LABYRINTH THE MAIN ENTRANCES OF OUR BODY ARE OUR NOSE AND MOUTH. This is where the air comes in, it then goes through various passages; and finally it gets to the air sacs in the lungs. Here by means of a chemical reaction, enough energy is generated for our body to carry out all its vital functions and for us to carry out our daily activities. What is the nasal mucosa? It is the membrane that covers the nasal cavities and passages and it has three functions:

• It filters and cleans the air and eliminates all the impurities it contains (smoke, dust, pollen, fungi, virus and bacteria).

• It prepares the air breathed in so that it gets to the lungs with the right amount of moisture and at the right temperature.

• It acts as a sensory organ to capture smells. With some variations, this mucus is what covers the respiratory system’s passages and cavities inside.

What do the sinuses do? The paranasal sinuses, just like a labyrinth, are made up of small cavities located inside the skull, behind and above the nose that communicate with each other and with nose by means of narrow passages. The paranasal sinuses start developing from birth right up to adolescence and they determine the definitive shape of the face. Their shape and size vary from one person to another and their volume ranges between 50 and 70 cm3. Due to their labyrinthine structure, the continuous build up of mucus in them can cause sinusitis. A persistent infection should not be left untreated as it could become a serious problem. Its function is to prepare the air inhaled, act as a sounding box for the voice and lighten the weight of the whole skull structure.

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THE IMPORTANCE OF THE NASAL MUCOSA How does the nasal mucosa work? When the nasal mucosa is clean and physiologically active there is no risk of getting sick as it is ready to defend us against respiratory infections. It has three devices for this.

• The mucous membrane makes the mucus that, in a healthy person, finely lines the respiratory passages. The mucus is sticky so that it can capture the impurities contained in the air. It also has an enzyme, the lysozyme that is capable of destroying numerous germs that are in the air.

• The defence mechanism: the cilia (microscopic hair like structures) move to pull the mucus towards the pharynx to be neutralized later on in the digestive system.

• An internal and closed lymphatic network is in charge of the immune system defence. This network produces the macrophages cells which specialise in destroying the microbes contained in the air that is breathed in.

Did you know that…? The nose is the only organ in the body that establishes direct contact with the outside world and the brain. This is where the olfactory cells are located which specialise in perceiving smells. The sense of smell is probably the oldest of the five senses although very little is known about it apart from the fact that it enables us to analyse the surrounding smells and directly connects us to our store of emotions.

Balneario respiratorio (Respiratory Spa) Camp. 87 local izco. • 08022 Barcelona • Tel.: 93 212 15 04

Medical consultation Muntaner, 551 3o • [email protected] • www.doctorpros.com

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• Isotonic Sea Water considerably reduces the cytokine Interleukin (IL-8) and the RANTES gene expression of the bronchial epithelial cells in humans, by inhibiting the nuclear factor Kappa activation.

• The 0.9 % of sodium chloride does not reduce the IL-8 or RANTES levels. • With Sea Water a concomitant decrease of I-kappa B-alpha phosphorylation

associated with the significant inhibition of NF-kappaB-DNA is also observed. • Using isotonic Sea Water complements the treatment for lung inflammation

diseases. “The decrease in IL-8 and RANTES reduces lung inflammation.” NEBULIZED HYPERTONIC SALINE SOLUTION FOR CYSTIC FIBROSIS The tests were done on patients by measuring the feeling of a clear chest (Average Load Difference) that showed that the nebulized hypertonic saline solution is more effective than the isotonic saline solution. • In another test, it was proved that the hypertonic saline solution improved the mucociliary separation (measured by isotopic separation) more than isotonic saline solution. • Furthermore, the increase in Forced Expiratory Volume in one second (FEV1) was measured: There was a 15% increase in FEV1 in two weeks with the hypertonic saline solution, whereas there was only a 2.8% increase with the isotonic saline solution. • No adverse effects were reported. • In mild or moderate lung diseases, nebulized hypertonic saline solution improves the muscular separation immediately after it has been administered and has a long term beneficial effect on cystic fibrosis.

Wark PAB, McDonald V. Department of Respiratory Medicine John Hunter Hospital (Australia)

Cochrane Review 2002

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BRONCHITIS RELIEVING THE SYMPTOMS OF THE RHINITIS Take Sea Water which reduces: • Allergic skin reactions. • The total IgE rate. • The specific IgE rate of the Japanese cedar pollen. • The rate of Interleukins-4, -6, -13 and –18. Distilled water does not have these properties when consumed.

Hajime Kimata, Hideyuki Tai, Hiroshi Nakajima Department of Allergy, Unikita Central Hospital (Kyoto)

“Otolaryngology Nova, June 2002”

SALINE NOSE WASH AS AN ADJUVANT TREATMENT FOR SINO-NASAL DISEASES. • Studies carried out from 1980 to 2001. • Washing the nasal cavity with sea saline solution promotes the mucociliary clearance and removes encrusted material, with no side effects. • Its use means that there is less dependence on other medications and fewer visits to the doctors are made. • In Canada and the United States nasal irrigation is recommended for rhinosinusitis and for postoperative cleaning of the nasal cavity • It minimizes the antibiotic resistance. • It’s a comfortable and cheap way to alleviate the symptoms of a wide variety of sinonasal illnesses. “Flushing the nasal cavity with salt water promotes mucociliary clearance by moisturizing the nasal cavity and by removing encrusted material, with no side effects”

Papsin B; McTavish A Otolaryngology Department

Children’s Hospital, Toronto, Canada “Can Fam Physician (Canada), February 2003”


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THERAPY GUIDE It has been proved that Quinton products help the following pathologies Use Nasal Hygiene Daily for mild symptoms and as a preventative measure and use Nasal Hygiene Action Plus for more serious or chronic cases.

ALLERGIES • Isotonic 3 DV a day

• Spray 3-4 times a day with Nasal spray Tonsillitis • Isotonic 3 DV a day • Spray 3-4 times a day with Nasal spray •ASTHMA • Isotonic 3 DV a day

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BRONCHITIS • Isotonic 3 DVD a day

• Spray 3-4 times a day with Nasal spray •CYSTIC FIBROSIS • Spray 3-4 times a day with Nasal spray •FLU • Isotonic 3 DV a day

• Spray 3-4 times a day with Nasal spray •LARYNGITIS • Isotonic 3 DA a day

• Spray 3-4 times a day with Nasal spray

COLDS • Isotonic 3 DA a day

• Spray 3-4 times a day with Nasal spray

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RESPIRATORY PHYSIOTHERAPY RHINITIS • Isotonic 3 DV a day • Spray 3-4 times a day with Nasal spray

DRY NOSE • Isotonic 3 DV a day SINUSITIS • Spray 3-4 times a day with Nasal spray •PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS • Isotonic 3 DV a day

• Spray 3-4 times a day with Nasal spray

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Pathology index DERMATOLOGY Acne 35 Blepharitis 35 Eczema 35 Scleroderma 36 Boils 36 Wounds/cuts 36 Athletes foot 36 Insect bite 37 Itching 37 Psoriasis 37 Burns 38 Dry skin 38 Varicose ulcer 38 Urticaria 38 GASTROENTEROLOGY Canker sores (mouth ulcer) 46 Spastic cololitis 46 Irritable bowl syndrome46 Diarrhoea 46 Dyspepsia 47 Crohn´s disease 47 Constipation 47 Gastritis 47 Gastroenteritis 47 Haemorrhoids 48 Intoxication 48 Ulcers 48 GYNAECOLOGY Andropause 53 Sexual asthenia 53 Balanitis 53 Candidiasis / Vaginitis 53 Dysmenorrhoea 54 Sterility 54 Menopause and pre-menopause 54 Ichthyosis vulgaris 54 Pre-menstrual Syndrome (PMS) 54 PAEDIATRICS Asthenia 57 Child cholera 57

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Dehydration 57 Malnutrition 58 Diarrhoea 58 Erythema 58 Gastroenteritis 58 Impetigo 59 Milk intolerance 59 Nappy rashes 59 Patches in the scalp 59 Premature 60 Weight deficiency 60 Vomiting 60 PERI-NATAL Anaemia 63 Postpartum depression 63 Breast feeding 63 Vomiting/nausea 63 GERIATRICS Various 65 UROLOGY Cystitis 67 Urine infection 67 ENDOCRINOLOGY- IMMUNOLOGY Diabetes 69 Thyroid dysfunction 69 Multiple sclerosis 69 Hypoglycaemia 69 Parkinson’s disease 70 Acute articular rheumatism 70 Chronic fatigue syndrome 70 NEUROLOGY Exhaustion/Chronic fatigue 75 Alzheimer Disease 75 Seasonal fatigue / Asthenia 75 Depression 75 Spasmophilia 76 Insomnia 76 Memory and concentration 76 Stress 76 SKELETAL-MUSCLE SYSTEM Arthritis 80 Arthrosis 80 Cramps 80 Muscle pain 81 Fibromyalgia syndrome 81

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Bone fractures 81 Gout 81 Osteoporosis 82 Rickets 82 Rheumatism 82 Bone tuberculosis 82 INFECTIONS Convalescence 85 Poisoning 85 Purulent haemorrhage 85 Mononucleosis 85 Unperforated otitis 86 Suppuration 86 Infection syndromes 86 NUTRITION Anorexia 90 ARTERIOSCLEROSIS 90 Dehydration 90 HYPERLIPAEMIA 90 Hyponatriaemia 91 Hypovolaemia 91 Physiological liquid loss 91 Vomiting 91 SPORTS MEDICINE Doing sport 96 Resting 96 DENTISTRY Dental cavities 100 Extractions100 Gingivitis 100 Haemorrhages 100 OPHTHALMOLOGY Blepharitis 104 Conjunctivitis 104 Chalazion 104 Dermatitis 104 Scleritis 105 Internal/External sty 105 Keratoconjunctivitis (Dry eye syndrome) 105 RESPIRATORY PHYSIOTHERAPY Allergies 113 Tonsillitis 113 Asthma 113 Bronchitis 114

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Cystic Fibrosis 114 Flu 114 Laryngitis 114 Colds 114 Rhinitis 115 Dry nose 115 Sinusitis 115 Pulmonary tuberculosis 115 PATHOLOGY INDEX 120 LABORATOIRES QUINTON, S.L. Ctra. Almoradí-Rojales, Km1 Nave 4 03160 ALMORADÍ (ALICANTE) SPAIN TEL.: 965 70 25 11 FAX: 965 70 25 57 MOBILE: 630 94 12 72