quiz barringer chapter 02

1 Chapter Quiz Entrepreneurship, 2012, Barringer & Ireland – 4 th ed. Chapter 02 Recognizing Opportunities and Generating Ideas 1. _____ is a favorable set of circumstances that creates a need for a new product, service, or business. a. A niche b. A venture c. A trend d. An opportunity 2. Each of the following are ways to identify an opportunity EXCEPT: a. observing trends. b. solving a problem. c. trying out alternative uses of existing products. d. finding gaps in the marketplace. 3. Which environmental force pertains most to a trend such as the continual increase in the use of cell phones? a. economic forces b. social forces c. technological advances d. political and regulatory changes 4. Entrepreneurs can recognize problems and find ways to solve them through each of the following EXCEPT: a. recognizing problems in emerging trends. b. identifying a currently available product or service and then building a business around a better version. c. framing a problem differently than it's been thought of before, and then proposing an appropriate solution. d. experiencing a problem in one's own life, and then realizing the solution represents a business opportunity. 5. All of the following are characteristics shared by those who excel at recognizing opportunities EXCEPT: a. brainstorming. b. prior experience. c. entrepreneurial alertness. d. social contacts and ties with others. 6. _____ is the process of generating a novel or useful idea. a. Serendipity b. Intuition c. Opportunism d. Creativity

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Chapter Quiz Entrepreneurship, 2012, Barringer & Ireland – 4th ed. Chapter 02 Recognizing Opportunities and Generating Ideas 1. _____ is a favorable set of circumstances that creates a need for a new product, service,

or business. a. A niche b. A venture c. A trend d. An opportunity

2. Each of the following are ways to identify an opportunity EXCEPT:

a. observing trends. b. solving a problem. c. trying out alternative uses of existing products. d. finding gaps in the marketplace.

3. Which environmental force pertains most to a trend such as the continual increase in

the use of cell phones? a. economic forces b. social forces c. technological advances d. political and regulatory changes

4. Entrepreneurs can recognize problems and find ways to solve them through each of the

following EXCEPT: a. recognizing problems in emerging trends. b. identifying a currently available product or service and then building a business

around a better version. c. framing a problem differently than it's been thought of before, and then proposing

an appropriate solution. d. experiencing a problem in one's own life, and then realizing the solution represents a

business opportunity. 5. All of the following are characteristics shared by those who excel at recognizing

opportunities EXCEPT: a. brainstorming. b. prior experience. c. entrepreneurial alertness. d. social contacts and ties with others.

6. _____ is the process of generating a novel or useful idea.

a. Serendipity b. Intuition c. Opportunism d. Creativity



7. What is the first stage of the creativity process?a. Incubationb. Preparationc. Insightd. Evaluation

8. Which technique for generating ideas depends on freewheeling, the carefree expressionof ideas free of rules or restraints?a. focus groupsb. Benchmarkingc. Brainstormingd. Projection

9. Focus groups usually work best as a ________.a. follow up to brainstormingb. way to increase creativityc. substitute for brainstormingd. way to survey large numbers of people

10. An underutilized source of information for generating business ideas is ________.a. the consulting firmb. the libraryc. the focus groupd. Brainstorming

11. An idea is a favorable set of circumstances that creates a need for a new product,service, or business.a. Trueb. False

12. Window of opportunity relates to the time period in which a firm can realistically enter anew market.a. Trueb. False

13. As an entrepreneur, it is important to be aware of changes in trends.a. Trueb. False

14. Major retailers that serve large groups of customers with similar needs by competingmainly on price would be an example of finding gaps in the marketplace.a. Trueb. False

15. Often, entrepreneurs are able to pursue an opportunity even before it is recognized asan opportunity.a. True



b. False

16. Entrepreneurial alertness is largely a learned skill.a. Trueb. False

17. It is more likely that an entrepreneur will get a business idea through a weak-tierelationship (infrequent interaction between casual acquaintances), than through astrong-tie relationship (frequent interaction between friends and co-workers).a. Trueb. False

18. Studies show that less than a quarter of start-up ideas emerge from a person's priorwork experience.a. Trueb. False

19. Brainstorming sessions are structured discussions that stay focused on one idea until anopportunity is identified.a. Trueb. False

20. Much of the effectiveness of a focus group session depends on the careful recruiting ofover 20 participants.a. Trueb. False

21. What are the essential qualities of an opportunity?(1) attractive(2) durable(3) timely(4) anchored in a product, service, or business that creates or adds value for its buyer or

22. Researchers have identified several characteristics that tend to make some peoplebetter at recognizing opportunities than others. Discuss them.

end user

Prior experienceSeseorang yang berpengalaman atau bekerja pada suatu bidang akan cenderung lebih mudah untuk menemukan suatu peluang bisnis dan membaca kesempatan. Selain itu pengalaman disuatu lingkungan kerja dapat memberikan wawasan yang membawa kesempatanCognitive factors Seseorang dengan karakter ini cenderung lebih "alert" pada adanya suatu kesempatan.




Social networksSeseorang dengan sosial network yang luas akan lebih mungkin bersinggungan dengan suatu kesempatan bisnis dan berinteraksi serta berdiskusi dengan banyak orang mengenai suatu ide dan kesempatan dibandingkan dengan seseorang dengan sosial network yang sempit.CreativitySeseorang dengan kreativitas yang baik dapat melihat suatu hal dari banyak sisi sehingga lebih mungkin menemukan ide untuk menjawab suatu masalah di masyarakat.





Marshall Hanson, the founder of Santa Fe Hitching Rail, a chain of nine steak restaurants in New Mexico, is considering expanding his menu, which is currently restricted to steak, hamburger, potatoes, and fries. He has just read a book about entrepreneurship and learned that entrepreneurs should study social trends to help identify new product opportunities. List the social trends that might help Marshall choose items to add to his menu. Given the trends you list, what items do you suggest Marshall add?


Salah satu trend global saat ini adalah diet, baik untuk memperoleh tubuh yang ideal ataupun karena masalah kesehatan.Sehingga menu yang dapat ditambahkan antara lain:Salad, Olahan Jamur, berbagai macam menu vege lainnya. Dapat juga ditambahkan menu alternatif pengganti steak dan hamburger yang lebih rendah kolesterol misalnya olahan ikan (yang disukai di New Mexico, seperti fish tacos).