quran - alphabetical

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  • 8/13/2019 Quran - Alphabetical


    Abu Lahab

    Abu Lahab

    [111:1] Perdition overtake both hands of Abu Lahab, and he will perish.

    [111:2] His wealth and what he earns will not avail him.

    [111:] He shall soon burn in fire that flames,

    [111:!] And his wife, the bearer of fuel,[111:"] #pon her ne$k a halter of stron%l& twisted rope.

    Adam, Eve, Abel and Cain

    [2:'] And when &our Lord said to the an%els, ( am %oin% to pla$e in the earth a khalif,

    the& said: )hat* wilt +hou pla$e in it su$h as shall make mis$hief in it and shed blood,and we $elebrate +h& praise and etol +h& holiness- He said: urel& ( know what &ou do

    not know.

    [2:1] And He tau%ht Adam all the names, then presented them to the an%els/ then Hesaid: +ell me the names of those if &ou are ri%ht.

    [2:2] +he& said: 0lor& be to +hee* we have no knowled%e but that whi$h +hou hasttau%ht us/ surel& +hou art the nowin%, the )ise.

    [2:] He said: Adam* inform them of their names. +hen when he had informed themof their names, He said: 3id ( not sa& to &ou that ( surel& know what is %haib in the

    heavens and the earth and 4that5 ( know what &ou manifest and what &ou hide-

    [2:!] And when )e said to the an%els: 6ake obeisan$e to Adam the& did obeisan$e, but(blis 4did it not5. He refused and he was proud, and he was one of the unbelievers.

    [2:"] And )e said: Adam* 3well &ou and &our wife in the %arden and eat from it a

    plenteous 4food5 wherever &ou wish and do not approa$h this tree, for then &ou will be ofthe un7ust.

    [2:8] 9ut the haitan made them both fall from it, and $aused them to depart from that

    4state5 in whi$h the& were/ and )e said: 0et forth, some of &ou bein% the enemies ofothers, and there is for &ou in the earth an abode and a provision for a time.

    [2:] +hen Adam re$eived 4some5 words from his Lord, so He turned to him mer$ifull&/

    surel& He is ft;returnin% 4to mer$&5, the 6er$iful.


  • 8/13/2019 Quran - Alphabetical


    Abu Lahab

    [":1] +hen Allah sent a $row di%%in% up the earth so that he mi%ht show him how he

    should $over the dead bod& of his brother. He said: )oe me* do ( la$k the stren%th that (

    should be like this $row and $over the dead bod& of m& brother- o he be$ame of thosewho re%ret.

    [:1'] And $ertainl& )e have established &ou in the earth and made in it means oflivelihood for &ou/ little it is that &ou %ive thanks.

    [:11] And $ertainl& )e $reated &ou, then )e fashioned &ou, then )e said to the an%els:

    Prostrate to Adam. o the& did prostrate e$ept (blis/ he was not of those who prostrated.[:12] He said: )hat hindered &ou so that &ou did not prostrate when ( $ommanded &ou-

    He said: ( am better than he: +hou hast $reated me of fire, while him +hou didst $reate of


    [:1] He said: +hen %et forth from this 4state5, for it does not befit &ou to behave proudl&therein. 0o forth, therefore, surel& &ou are of the ab7e$t ones.

    [:1!] He said: >espite me until the da& when the& are raised up.

    [:1"] He said: urel& &ou are of the respited ones.

    [:18] He said: As +hou hast $aused me to remain disappointed ( will $ertainl& lie in waitfor them in +h& strai%ht path.

    [:1] +hen ( will $ertainl& $ome to them from before them and from behind them, andfrom their ri%ht;hand side and from their left;hand side/ and +hou shalt not find most of

    them thankful.


  • 8/13/2019 Quran - Alphabetical


    Abu Lahab

    [2':11] o )e said: Adam* +his is an enem& to &ou and to &our wife/ therefore let

    him not drive &ou both forth from the %arden so that &ou should be unhapp&/


    there is no doubt, and ever& soul shall be full& paid what it has earned, and the& shall not

    be dealt with un7ustl&-


  • 8/13/2019 Quran - Alphabetical


    Abu Lahab

    [!:1] (f &ou shun the %reat sins whi$h &ou are forbidden, )e will do awa& with &our

    small sins and $ause &ou to enter an honorable pla$e of enterin%.

    [!:2] And do not $ovet that b& whi$h Allah has made some of &ou e$el others/ menshall have the benefit of what the& earn and women shall have the benefit of what the&

    earn/ and ask Allah of His %ra$e/ surel& Allah knows all thin%s.

    [!:!'] urel& Allah does not do in7usti$e to the wei%ht of an atom, and if it is a %ood deed

    He multiplies it and %ives from Himself a %reat reward.


  • 8/13/2019 Quran - Alphabetical


    Abu Lahab

    [8:12] And all have de%rees a$$ordin% to what the& do/ and &our Lord is not heedless of

    what the& do.

    [8:18'] )hoever brin%s a %ood deed, he shall have ten like it, and whoever brin%s an evil

    deed, he shall be re$ompensed onl& with the like of it, and the& shall not be dealt with


    [8:18!] a&: )hat* shall ( seek a Lord other than Allah- And He is the Lord of all thin%s/

    and no soul earns 4evil5 but a%ainst itself, and no bearer of burden shall bear the burden ofanother/ then to &our Lord is &our return, so He will inform &ou of that in whi$h &ou



  • 8/13/2019 Quran - Alphabetical


    Abu Lahab

    [11:2!] +he likeness of the two parties 4the disbelievers and believers respe$tivel&5 is as

    the blind and the deaf and the seein% and the hearin%: are the& eBual in $ondition- )ill

    &ou not then mind-

    [11:1''] +his is an a$$ount of 4the fate of5 the towns whi$h )e relate to &ou/ of them are

    some that stand and 4others5 mown down.[11:1'1] And )e did not do them in7usti$e, but the& were un7ust to themselves, so their

    %ods whom the& $alled upon besides Allah did not avail them au%ht when the de$ree of

    &our Lord $ame to pass/ and the& added but to their ruin.[11:1'2] And su$h is the punishment of &our Lord when He punishes the towns while

    the& are un7ust/ surel& His punishment is painful, severe.

    [11:11] And it did not beseem &our Lord to have destro&ed the towns t&rannousl&, whiletheir people a$ted well.

    [1!:2!] Have &ou not $onsidered how Allah sets forth a parable of a %ood word 4bein%5

    like a %ood tree, whose root is firm and whose bran$hes are in heaven,[1!:2"] ?ieldin% its fruit in ever& season b& the permission of its Lord- And Allah sets

    forth parables for men that the& ma& be mindful.[1!:28] And the parable of an evil word is as an evil tree pulled up from the earths

    surfa$e/ it has no stabilit&.

    [1!:2] Allah $onfirms those who believe with the sure word in this worlds life and inthe hereafter, and Allah $auses the un7ust to %o astra&, and Allah does what He pleases.

    [1":!] And never did )e destro& a town but it had a term made known.

    [1":"] Co people $an hasten on their doom nor $an the& postpone 4it5.

    [1":='] Like as )e sent down on the dividers

    [1":=1] +hose who made the Duran into shreds.[1":=2] o, b& &our Lord, )e would most $ertainl& Buestion them all,

    [1":=] As to what the& did.

    [18:=] And upon Allah it rests to show the ri%ht wa&, and there are some deviatin%

    4wa&s5/ and if He please He would $ertainl& %uide &ou all ari%ht.

    [18:81] And if Allah had destro&ed men for their iniBuit&, He would not leave on theearth a sin%le $reature, but He respites them till an appointed time/ so when their doom

    will $ome the& shall not be able to dela& 4it5 an hour nor $an the& brin% 4it5 on 4before its


    [18:"] Allah sets forth a parable: 4$onsider5 a slave, the propert& of another, 4who5 has

    no power over an&thin%, and one whom )e have %ranted from urselves a %oodl&sustenan$e so he spends from it se$retl& and openl&/ are the two alike- 4All5 praise is due

    to Allah* Ca&, most of them do not know.


  • 8/13/2019 Quran - Alphabetical


    Abu Lahab

    [18:8] And Allah sets forth a parable of two men/ one of them is dumb, not able to do

    an&thin%, and he is a burden to his master/ wherever he sends him, he brin%s no %ood/ $an

    he be held eBual with him who en7oins what is 7ust, and he 4himself5 is on the ri%ht path-

    [18:=] And if Allah please He would $ertainl& make &ou a sin%le nation, but He $auses

    to err whom He pleases and %uides whom He pleases/ and most $ertainl& &ou will beBuestioned as to what &ou did.

    [1:1"] )hoever %oes ari%ht, for his own soul does he %o ari%ht/ and whoever %oesastra&, to its detriment onl& does he %o astra&: nor $an the bearer of a burden bear the

    burden of another, nor do )e $hastise until )e raise a messen%er.

    [1:18] And when )e wish to destro& a town, )e send ur $ommandment to the people

    of it who lead eas& lives, but the& trans%ress therein/ thus the word proves true a%ainst it,so )e destro& it with utter destru$tion.

    [1:1] And how man& of the %enerations did )e destro& after Cuh* and &our Lord is

    suffi$ient as nowin% and eein% with re%ard to His servants faults.


  • 8/13/2019 Quran - Alphabetical


    Abu Lahab

    [2':12=] And had there not been a word 4that had5 alread& %one forth from &our Lord and

    an appointed term, it would surel& have been made to $leave 4to them5.

    [21:18] And )e did not $reate the heaven and the earth and what is between them for


    [21:1] Had )e wished to make a diversion, )e would have made it from beforeurselves: b& no means would )e do 4it5.


  • 8/13/2019 Quran - Alphabetical


    Abu Lahab

    [2=:1] And most $ertainl& the& shall $arr& their own burdens, and other burdens with

    their own burdens, and most $ertainl& the& shall be Buestioned on the resurre$tion da& as

    to what the& for%ed.

    [:2] urel& )e offered the trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, but

    the& refused to be unfaithful to it and feared from it, and man has turned unfaithful to it/surel& he is un7ust, i%norant/

    [:] o Allah will $hastise the h&po$riti$al men and the h&po$riti$al women and the

    pol&theisti$ men and the pol&theisti$ women, and Allah will turn 4mer$ifull&5 to thebelievin% men and the believin% women, and Allah is @or%ivin%, 6er$iful

    [!:=] 3o the& not then $onsider what is before them and what is behind them of the

    heaven and the earth- (f )e please )e will make them disappear in the land or brin%down upon them a portion from the heaven/ most surel& there is a si%n in this for ever&

    servant turnin% 4to Allah5.

    [":] 4As for5 those who disbelieve, the& shall have a severe punishment, and 4as for5those who believe and do %ood, the& shall have for%iveness and a %reat reward.


  • 8/13/2019 Quran - Alphabetical


    Abu Lahab

    [!':=] m& people* this life of the world is onl& a 4passin%5 en7o&ment, and surel& the

    hereafter is the abode to settle/

    [!':!'] )hoever does an evil, he shall not be re$ompensed 4with au%ht5 but the like of it,and whoever does %ood, whether male or female, and he is a believer, these shall enter

    the %arden, in whi$h the& shall be %iven sustenan$e without measure.

    [!':"] Eertainl& the $reation of the heavens and the earth is %reater than the $reation of

    the men, but most people do not know

    [!':"epel 4evil5 with what is best, when lo*

    he between whom and &ou was enmit& would be as if he were a warm friend.

    [!1:!8] )hoever does %ood, it is for his own soul, and whoever does evil, it is a%ainst it/

    and &our Lord is not in the least un7ust to the servants.

    [!":22] And Allah $reated the heavens and the earth with truth and that ever& soul ma&

    be rewarded for what it has earned and the& shall not be wron%ed.

    [!8:1=] And for all are de%rees a$$ordin% to what the& did, and that He ma& pa& them

    ba$k full& their deeds and the& shall not be wron%ed.

    [":1] And Allahs is what is in the heavens and what is in the earth, that He ma& reward

    those who do evil a$$ordin% to what the& do, and 4that5 He ma& reward those who do

    %ood with %oodness.


  • 8/13/2019 Quran - Alphabetical


    Abu Lahab

    [:"] Assert their relationship to their fathers/ this is more eBuitable with Allah/ but if

    &ou do not know their fathers, then the& are &our brethren in faith and &our friends/ and

    there is no blame on &ou $on$ernin% that in whi$h &ou made a mistake, but 4$on$ernin%5that whi$h &our hearts do purposel& 4blame ma& rest on &ou5, and Allah is @or%ivin%,



    [!:1"] And as for those who are %uilt& of an inde$en$& from amon% &our women, $all towitnesses a%ainst them four 4witnesses5 from amon% &ou/ then if the& bear witness

    $onfine them to the houses until death takes them awa& or Allah opens some wa& for

    them.[!:18] And as for the two who are %uilt& of inde$en$& from amon% &ou, %ive them both a

    punishment/ then if the& repent and amend, turn aside from them/ surel& Allah is ft;

    returnin% 4to mer$&5, the 6er$iful.

    [1:2] And %o not ni%h to forni$ation/ surel& it is an inde$en$& and an evil wa&.

    [2!:2] 4As for5 the forni$atress and the forni$ator, flo% ea$h of them, 4%ivin%5 a hundredstripes, and let not pit& for them detain &ou in the matter of obedien$e to Allah, if &ou

    believe in Allah and the last da&, and let a part& of believers witness their $hastisement.

    [2!:] +he forni$ator shall not marr& an& but a forni$atress or idolatress, and 4as for5 theforni$atress, none shall marr& her but a forni$ator or an idolater/ and it is forbidden to the


    [2!:!] And those who a$$use free women then do not brin% four witnesses, flo% them,4%ivin%5 ei%ht& stripes, and do not admit an& eviden$e from them ever/ and these it is that

    are the trans%ressors,

    [2!:"] F$ept those who repent after this and a$t ari%ht, for surel& Allah is @or%ivin%,6er$iful.[2!:8] And 4as for5 those who a$$use their wives and have no witnesses e$ept

    themselves, the eviden$e of one of these 4should be taken5 four times, bearin% Allah to

    witness that he is most surel& of the truthful ones.[2!:] And the fifth 4time5 that the $urse of Allah be on him if he is one of the liars.


  • 8/13/2019 Quran - Alphabetical


    Abu Lahab

    [!2:2] +hat is of whi$h Allah %ives the %ood news to His servants, 4to5 those who

    believe and do %ood deeds. a& 46uhammad5: ( do not ask of &ou an& reward for it butlove for m& near relatives/ and whoever earns %ood, )e %ive him more of %ood therein/

    surel& Allah is @or%ivin%, 0rateful.


    [2:1'=] 6an& of the followers of the 9ook wish that the& $ould turn &ou ba$k intounbelievers after &our faith, out of env& from themselves, 4even5 after the truth has

    be$ome manifest to them/ but pardon and for%ive, so that Allah should brin% about His

    $ommand/ surel& Allah has power over all thin%s.

    [:2] Have &ou not $onsidered those 4ews5 who are %iven a portion of the 9ook- +he&

    are invited to the 9ook of Allah that it mi%ht de$ide between them, then a part of them

    turn ba$k and the& withdraw.

    [:2!] +his is be$ause the& sa&: +he fire shall not tou$h us but for a few da&s/ and whatthe& have for%ed de$eives them in the matter of their reli%ion.

    [:8!] a&: followers of the 9ook* $ome to an eBuitable proposition between us and

    &ou that we shall not serve an& but Allah and 4that5 we shall not asso$iate au%ht with

    Him, and 4that5 some of us shall not take others for lords besides Allah/ but if the& turnba$k, then sa&: 9ear witness that we are 6uslims.

    [:8"] followers of the 9ook* wh& do &ou dispute about (brahim, when the +aurat and

    the (n7eel were not revealed till after him/ do &ou not then understand-[:88] 9ehold* &ou are the& who disputed about that of whi$h &ou had knowled%e/ wh&

    then do &ou dispute about that of whi$h &ou have no knowled%e- And Allah knows while

    &ou do not know.

    [:8=] A part& of the followers of the 9ook desire that the& should lead &ou astra&, and

    the& lead not astra& but themselves, and the& do not per$eive.

    [:'] followers of the 9ook* )h& do &ou disbelieve in the $ommuni$ations of Allahwhile &ou witness 4them5-

    [:1] followers of the 9ook* )h& do &ou $onfound the truth with the falsehood and

    hide the truth while &ou know-[:2] And a part& of the followers of the 9ook sa&: Avow belief in that whi$h has been

    revealed to those who believe, in the first part of the da&, and disbelieve at the end of it,

    perhaps the& %o ba$k on their reli%ion.

    [:11] +he& are not all alike/ of the followers of the 9ook there is an upri%ht part&/ the&

    re$ite Allahs $ommuni$ations in the ni%httime and the& adore 4Him5.

    [:11!] +he& believe in Allah and the last da&, and the& en7oin what is ri%ht and forbidthe wron% and the& strive with one another in hastenin% to %ood deeds, and those are

    amon% the %ood.

    [:11"] And whatever %ood the& do, the& shall not be denied it, and Allah knows thosewho %uard 4a%ainst evil5.


  • 8/13/2019 Quran - Alphabetical


    Abu Lahab


  • 8/13/2019 Quran - Alphabetical


    Abu Lahab

    [!:181] And their takin% usur& thou%h indeed the& were forbidden it and their devourin%

    the propert& of people falsel&, and )e have prepared for the unbelievers from amon%

    them a painful $hastisement.[!:182] 9ut the firm in knowled%e amon% them and the believers believe in what has

    been revealed to. &ou and what was revealed before &ou, and those who keep up pra&ers

    and those who %ive the poor;rate and the believers in Allah and the last da&, these it iswhom )e will %ive a mi%ht& reward.

    [!:11] followers of the 9ook* do not e$eed the limits in &our reli%ion, and do notspeak 4lies5 a%ainst Allah, but 4speak5 the truth/ the 6essiah, (sa son of 6arium is onl& a

    messen%er of Allah and His )ord whi$h He $ommuni$ated to 6arium and a spirit from

    Him/ believe therefore in Allah and His messen%ers, and sa& not, +hree. 3esist, it is

    better for &ou/ Allah is onl& one Allah/ far be (t from His %lor& that He should have a son,whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth is His, and Allah is suffi$ient for a


    [":1!] And with those who sa&, )e are Ehristians, )e made a $ovenant, but the&ne%le$ted a portion of what the& were reminded of, therefore )e e$ited amon% them

    enmit& and hatred to the da& of resurre$tion/ and Allah will inform them of what the&did.

    [":1"] followers of the 9ook* indeed ur 6essen%er has $ome to &ou makin% $lear to

    &ou mu$h of what &ou $on$ealed of the 9ook and passin% over mu$h/ indeed, there has$ome to &ou li%ht and a $lear 9ook from Allah/


  • 8/13/2019 Quran - Alphabetical


    Abu Lahab

    [":8'] a&: hall ( inform &ou of 4him who is5 worse than this in retribution from Allah-

    4)orse is he5 whom Allah has $ursed and brou%ht His wrath upon, and of whom He

    made apes and swine, and he who served the haitan/ these are worse in pla$e and moreerrin% from the strai%ht path.

    [":81] And when the& $ome to &ou, the& sa&: )e believe/ and indeed the& $ome in with

    unbelief and indeed the& %o forth with it/ and Allah knows best what the& $on$ealed.[":82] And &ou will see man& of them strivin% with one another to hasten in sin and

    e$eedin% the limits, and their eatin% of what is unlawfull& a$Buired/ $ertainl& evil is that

    whi$h the& do.[":8] )h& do not the learned men and the do$tors of law prohibit them from their

    speakin% of what is sinful and their eatin% of what is unlawfull& a$Buired- Eertainl& evil

    is that whi$h the& work.

    [":8!] And the ews sa&: +he hand of Allah is tied up* +heir hands shall be sha$kled andthe& shall be $ursed for what the& sa&. Ca&, both His hands are spread out, He epends as

    He pleases/ and what has been revealed to &ou from &our Lord will $ertainl& make man&

    of them in$rease in inordina$& and unbelief/ and )e have put enmit& and hatred amon%

    them till the da& of resurre$tion/ whenever the& kindle a fire for war Allah puts it out, andthe& strive to make mis$hief in the land/ and Allah does not love the mis$hief;makers.

    [":8"] And if the followers of the 9ook had believed and %uarded 4a%ainst evil5 )ewould $ertainl& have $overed their evil deeds and )e would $ertainl& have made them

    enter %ardens of bliss

    [":88] And if the& had kept up the +aurat and the (n7eel and that whi$h was revealed tothem from their Lord, the& would $ertainl& have eaten from above them and from

    beneath their feet there is a part& of them keepin% to the moderate $ourse, and 4as for5

    most of them, evil is that whi$h the& do


  • 8/13/2019 Quran - Alphabetical


    Abu Lahab


    that has $ome to us, while we earnestl& desire that our Lord should $ause us to enter with

    the %ood people-[":

  • 8/13/2019 Quran - Alphabetical


    Abu Lahab


  • 8/13/2019 Quran - Alphabetical


    Abu Lahab

    [2:1e$eive5 the baptism of Allah, and who is better than Allah in baptiIin%- and

    Him do we serve.[2:1=] a&: 3o &ou dispute with us about Allah, and He is our Lord and &our Lord, and

    we shall have our deeds and &ou shall have &our deeds, and we are sin$ere to Him.

    [2:1!'] Ca&* do &ou sa& that (brahim and (smail and ?aBoub and the tribes were ews orEhristians- a&: Are &ou better knowin% or Allah- And who is more un7ust than he who

    $on$eals a testimon& that he has from Allah- And Allah is not at all heedless of what &ou


    [2:18] And &our Allah is one Allah* there is no %od but He/ He is the 9enefi$ent, the



  • 8/13/2019 Quran - Alphabetical


    Abu Lahab

    dead from the livin%, and +hou %ivest sustenan$e to whom +hou pleasest without


    [:2=] a&: )hether &ou hide what is in &our hearts or manifest it, Allah knows it, and

    He knows whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth, and Allah has power

    over all thin%s.

    [:1'=] And whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth is Allahs/ and to

    Allah all thin%s return

    [:12=] And whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth is Allahs/ He

    for%ives whom He pleases and $hastises whom He pleases/ and Allah is @or%ivin%,



  • 8/13/2019 Quran - Alphabetical


    Abu Lahab

    [!:1!] )hoever desires the reward of this world, then with Allah is the reward of this

    world and the hereafter/ and Allah is Hearin%, eein%.

    [":!'] 3o &ou not know that Allah;; His is the kin%dom of the heavens and the earth/ He

    $hastises whom He pleases/ and for%ives whom He pleases and Allah has power over all



  • 8/13/2019 Quran - Alphabetical


    Abu Lahab

    [8:8"] a&: He has the power that He should send on &ou a $hastisement from above &ou

    or from beneath &our feet, or that He should throw &ou into $onfusion, 4makin% &ou5 of

    different parties/ and make some of &ou taste the fi%htin% of others. ee how )e repeatthe $ommuni$ations that the& ma& understand.

    [8:1'2] +hat is Allah, &our Lord, there is no %od but He/ the Ereator of all thin%s,therefore serve Him, and He has $har%e of all thin%s.

    [8:1'] Jision $omprehends Him not, and He $omprehends 4all5 vision/ and He is the

    nower of subtleties, the Aware.

    [8:1] And &our Lord is the elf;suffi$ient one, the Lord of mer$&/ if He pleases, He

    ma& take &ou off, and make whom He pleases su$$essors after &ou, even as He raised

    &ou up from the seed of another people.

    [8:182] a&. urel& m& pra&er and m& sa$rifi$e and m& life and m& death are 4all5 for

    Allah, the Lord of the worlds/

    [8:18] Co asso$iate has He/ and this am ( $ommanded, and ( am the first of those whosubmit.

    [8:18"] And He it is )ho has made &ou su$$essors in the land and raised some of &ou

    above others b& 4various5 %rades, that He mi%ht tr& &ou b& what He has %iven &ou/ surel&

    &our Lord is Bui$k to reBuite 4evil5, and He is most surel& the @or%ivin%, the 6er$iful.


  • 8/13/2019 Quran - Alphabetical


    Abu Lahab

    forth the dead from the livin%- And )ho re%ulates the affairs- +hen the& will sa&: Allah.

    a& then: )ill &ou not then %uard 4a%ainst evil5-

    [1':2] +his then is Allah, &our true Lord/ and what is there after the truth but error/ howare &ou then turned ba$k-

    [1':"8] He %ives life and $auses death, and to Him &ou shall be brou%ht ba$k.

    [1':1'] And if Allah should affli$t &ou with harm, then there is none to remove it but

    He/ and if He intends %ood to &ou there is none to repel His %ra$e/ He brin%s it to whomHe pleases of His servants/ and He is the @or%ivin%, the 6er$iful.

    [11:8] And there is no animal in the earth but on Allah is the sustenan$e of it, and He

    knows its restin% pla$e and its depositor& all 4thin%s5 are in a manifest book.[11:] And He it is )ho $reated the heavens and the earth in si periods;; and His

    dominion 4etends5 on the water;; that He mi%ht manifest to &ou, whi$h of &ou is best in

    a$tion, and if &ou sa&, surel& &ou shall be raised up after death, those who disbelieve

    would $ertainl& sa&: +his is nothin% but $lear ma%i$.

    [11:12] And Allahs is the unseen in the heavens and the earth, and to Him is returnedthe whole of the affair/ therefore serve Him and rel& on Him, and &our Lord is not

    heedless of what &ou do.


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    Abu Lahab

    [18:1] Allahs $ommandment has $ome, therefore do not desire to hasten it/ %lor& be to

    Him, and hi%hl& ealted be He above what the& asso$iate 4with Him5.

    [18:2] He sends down the an%els with the inspiration b& His $ommandment on whom Hepleases of His servants, sa&in%: 0ive the warnin% that there is no %od but 6e, therefore

    be $areful 4of &our dut&5 to 6e.

    [18:] He $reated the heavens and the earth with the truth, hi%hl& ealted be He abovewhat the& asso$iate 4with Him5.

    [18:1=] And Allah knows what &ou $on$eal and what &ou do openl&.

    [18:2] +rul& Allah knows what the& hide and what the& manifest/ surel& He does not

    love the proud.

    [1:!] 0lor& be to Him and ealted be He in hi%h ealtation above what the& sa&.

    [1:!!] +he seven heavens de$lare His %lor& and the earth 4too5, and those who are in

    them/ and there is not a sin%le thin% but %lorifies Him with His praise, but &ou do not

    understand their %lorifi$ation/ surel& He is @orbearin%, @or%ivin%.

    [1=:8!] And we do not des$end but b& the $ommand of &our Lord/ to Him belon%swhatever is before us and whatever is behind us and whatever is between these, and &our

    Lord is not for%etful.

    [1=:8"] +he Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is between them, so serve Himand be patient in His servi$e. 3o &ou know an& one eBual to Him-

    [2':"] +he 9enefi$ent Allah is firm in power.

    [2':8] His is what is in the heavens and what is in the earth and what is between themtwo and what is beneath the %round.

    [2':] And if &ou utter the sa&in% aloud, then surel& He knows the se$ret, and what is &et

    more hidden.[2':

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    [22:82] +hat is be$ause Allah is the +ruth, and that what the& $all upon besides Him;;

    that is the falsehood, and be$ause Allah is the Hi%h, the 0reat.

    [22:8] 3o &ou not see that Allah sends down water from the $loud so the earth be$omes%reen- urel& Allah is 9eni%nant, Aware.

    [22:8!] His is whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth/ and most

    surel& Allah is the elf;suffi$ient, the Praised.

    [2:=] And He it is )ho multiplied &ou in the earth, and to Him &ou shall be %athered.


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    [28:=] And most surel& &our Lord is the 6i%ht&, the 6er$iful.

    [28:1!'] And most surel& &our Lord is the 6i%ht&, the 6er$iful.

    [28:1"=] And most surel& &our Lord is the 6i%ht&, the 6er$iful.

    [28:1"] And most surel& &our Lord is the 6i%ht&, the 6er$iful.

    [28:1=1] And most surel& &our Lord is 6i%ht&, the 6er$iful.

    [28:21] And rel& on the 6i%ht&, the 6er$iful,


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    [2=:81] And if &ou ask them, )ho $reated the heavens and the earth and made the sun

    and the moon subservient, the& will $ertainl& sa&, Allah. )hen$e are the& then turned

    awa&-[2=:82] Allah makes abundant the means of subsisten$e for whom He pleases of His

    servants, and straitens them for whom 4He pleases5 surel& Allah is Eo%niIant of all

    thin%s.[2=:8] And if &ou ask them )ho is it that sends down water from the $louds, then %ives

    life to the earth with it after its death, the& will $ertainl& sa&, Allah. a&: All praise is due

    to Allah. Ca&, most of them do not understand.

    [':2"] And one of His si%ns is that the heaven and the earth subsist b& His $ommand,

    then when He $alls &ou with a 4sin%le5 $all from out of the earth, lo* &ou $ome forth.

    [':28] And His is whosoever is in the heavens and the earth/ all are obedient to Him.[':2] And He it is )ho ori%inates the $reation, then reprodu$es it, and it is eas& to

    Him/ and His are the most ealted attributes in the heavens and the earth, and He is the

    6i%ht&, the )ise.

    [1:2"] And if &ou ask them who $reated the heavens and the earth, the& will $ertainl&

    sa&: Allah. a&: 4All5 praise is due to Allah/ na&* most of them do not know.[1:28] )hat is in the heavens and the earth is Allahs/ surel& Allah is the elf;suffi$ient,

    the Praised.

    [1:!] urel& Allah is He with )hom is the knowled%e of the hour, and He sends down

    the rain and He knows what is in the wombs/ and no one knows what he shall earn on the

    morrow/ and no one knows in what land he shall die/ surel& Allah is nowin%, Aware.

    [2:8] +his 4Allah5 is the nower of the unseen and the seen, the 6i%ht& the 6er$iful,

    [:"!] (f &ou do a thin% openl& or do it in se$ret, then surel& Allah is Eo%niIant of allthin%s.

    [!:1] 4All5 praise is due to Allah, )hose is what is in the heavens and what is in theearth, and to Him is due 4all5 praise in the hereafter/ and He is the )ise, the Aware.

    [!:2] He knows that whi$h %oes down into the earth and that whi$h $omes out of it, and

    that whi$h $omes down from the heaven and that whi$h %oes up to it/ and He is the

    6er$iful, the @or%ivin%.

    [!:2!] a&: )ho %ives &ou the sustenan$e from the heavens and the earth- a&: Allah.

    And most surel& we or &ou are on a ri%ht wa& or in manifest error


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    [":1"] men* &ou are the& who stand in need of Allah, and Allah is He )ho is the elf;

    suffi$ient, the Praised ne.[":18] (f He please, He will take &ou off and brin% a new %eneration.

    [":1] And this is not hard to Allah.


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    Abu Lahab

    [!':] 4Allah is5 +he @or%iver of the faults and the A$$eptor of repentan$e, evere to

    punish, Lord of bount&/ there is no %od but He/ to Him is the eventual $omin%.

    [!':82] +hat is Allah, &our Lord, the Ereator of ever&thin%/ there is no Allah but He/

    when$e are &ou then turned awa&-[!':8] +hus were turned awa& those who denied the $ommuni$ations of Allah.

    [!':8!] Allah is He )ho made the earth a restin%;pla$e for &ou and the heaven a $anop&,

    and He formed &ou, then made %oodl& &our forms, and He provided &ou with %oodl&thin%s/ that is Allah, &our Lord/ blessed then is Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

    [!':8"] He is the Livin%, there is no %od but He, therefore $all on Him, bein% sin$ere to

    Him in obedien$e/ 4all5 praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

    [!1:!] +o Him 4Allah5 is referred the knowled%e of the hour, and there $ome not forth

    an& of the fruits from their $overin%s, nor does a female bear, nor does she %ive birth, but

    with His knowled%e/ and on the da& when He shall $all out to them, )here are 4those

    whom &ou $alled5 6& asso$iates- +he& shall sa&: )e de$lare to +hee, none of us is awitness.

    [!2:!] His is what is in the heavens and what is in the earth, and He is the Hi%h, the


    [!2:=] r have the& taken %uardians besides Him- 9ut Allah is the 0uardian, and He

    %ives life to the dead, and He has power over all thin%s.

    [!2:1'] And in whatever thin% &ou disa%ree, the 7ud%ment thereof is 4in5 Allahs 4hand5/

    that is Allah, m& Lord, on Him do ( rel& and to Him do ( turn time after time.[!2:11] +he ri%inator of the heavens and the earth/ He made mates for &ou from amon%

    &ourselves, and mates of the $attle too, multipl&in% &ou thereb&/ nothin% like a likeness

    of Him/ and He is the Hearin%, the eein%.[!2:12] His are the treasures of the heavens and the earth/ He makes ample and straitens

    the means of subsisten$e for whom He pleases/ surel& He is Eo%niIant of all thin%s.

    [!2:1=] Allah is 9eni%nant to His servants/ He %ives sustenan$e to whom He pleases, and

    He is the tron%, the 6i%ht&.

    [!2:1] And &ou $annot es$ape in the earth, and &ou shall not have a %uardian or a helperbesides Allah.

    [!2:!=] Allahs is the kin%dom of the heavens and the earth/ He $reates what He pleases/He %rants to whom He pleases dau%hters and %rants to whom He pleases sons.

    [!2:"'] r He makes them of both sorts, male and female/ and He makes whom He

    pleases barren/ surel& He is the nowin%, the Powerful.[!2:"1] And it is not for an& mortal that Allah should speak to them, the& $ould not bear

    to hear and the& did not see.


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    )ise, the nowin%.


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    Abu Lahab

    ["!:"1] And $ertainl& )e have alread& destro&ed the likes of &ou, but is there an&one

    who will mind-

    ["":] )hi$h then of the bounties of &our Lord will &ou den&-


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    Abu Lahab

    [8!:2] He it is )ho $reated &ou, but one of &ou is an unbeliever and another of &ou is a

    believer/ and Allah sees what &ou do.

    [8!:] He $reated the heavens and the earth with truth, and He formed &ou, then made%oodl& &our forms, and to Him is the ultimate resort.

    [8!:!] He knows what is in the heavens and the earth, and He knows what &ou hide and

    what &ou manifest/ and Allah is Eo%niIant of what is in the hearts.

    [8":12] Allah is He )ho $reated seven heavens, and of the earth the like of them/ the

    de$ree $ontinues to des$end amon% them, that &ou ma& know that Allah has power overall thin%s and that Allah indeed en$ompasses all thin%s in 4His5 knowled%e.

    [8:1] 9lessed is He in )hose hand is the kin%dom, and He has power over all thin%s,

    [8:2] )ho $reated death and life that He ma& tr& &ou;; whi$h of &ou is best in deeds/and He is the 6i%ht&, the @or%ivin%,

    [8:1] And $on$eal &our word or manifest it/ surel& He is Eo%niIant of what is in the

    hearts.[8:1!] 3oes He not know, )ho $reated- And He is the nower of the subtleties, the



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    4others &et5 sa&: even, and the ei%hth of them is their do%. a&: 6& Lord best knows

    their number, none knows them but a few/ therefore $ontend not in the matter of them but

    with an outward $ontention, and do not Buestion $on$ernin% them an& of them.[1


    [:128] And Allah did not make it but as %ood news for &ou, and that &our hearts mi%htbe at ease thereb&, and vi$tor& is onl& from Allah, the 6i%ht&, the )ise.


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    Abu Lahab

    [:12] +hat He ma& $ut off a portion from amon% those who disbelieve, or abase them

    so that the& should return disappointed of attainin% what the& desired.[:12

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    appointment, &ou would $ertainl& have broken awa& from the appointment, but;; in order

    that Allah mi%ht brin% about a matter whi$h was to be done, that he who would perish

    mi%ht perish b& $lear proof, and he who would live mi%ht live b& $lear proof/ and mostsurel& Allah is Hearin%, nowin%/


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    Abu Lahab

    [2:"8] +hen )e raised &ou up after &our death that &ou ma& %ive thanks.

    [2:"] And )e made the $louds to %ive shade over &ou and )e sent to &ou manna and

    Buails: Fat of the %ood thin%s that )e have %iven &ou/ and the& did not do #s an& harm,but the& made their own souls suffer the loss.


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    Abu Lahab

    [2:2] And when &ou killed a man, then &ou disa%reed with respe$t to that, and Allah was

    to brin% forth that whi$h &ou were %oin% to hide.

    [2:] o )e said: trike the 4dead bod&5 with part of the 4a$rifi$ed $ow5, thus Allahbrin%s the dead to life, and He shows &ou His si%ns so that &ou ma& understand.

    [2:!] +hen &our hearts hardened after that, so that the& were like ro$ks, rather worse in

    hardness/ and surel& there are some ro$ks from whi$h streams burst forth, and surel&there are some of them whi$h split asunder so water issues out of them, and surel& there

    are some of them whi$h fall down for fear of Allah, and Allah is not at all heedless of

    what &ou do.[2:"] 3o &ou then hope that the& would believe in &ou, and a part& from amon% them

    indeed used to hear the )ord of Allah, then altered it after the& had understood it, and

    the& know 4this5.



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    Abu Lahab

    [2:=] And when )e made a $ovenant with &ou and raised the mountain over &ou: +ake

    hold of what )e have %iven &ou with firmness and be obedient. +he& said: )e hear

    and disobe&. And the& were made to imbibe 4the love of5 the $alf into their hearts ona$$ount of their unbelief a&: Fvil is that whi$h &our belief bids &ou if &ou are


    [2:=!] a&: (f the future abode with Allah is spe$iall& for &ou to the e$lusion of thepeople, then invoke death if &ou are truthful.

    [2:="] And the& will never invoke it on a$$ount of what their hands have sent before, and

    Allah knows the un7ust.[2:=8] And &ou will most $ertainl& find them the %reediest of men for life 4%reedier5 than

    even those who are pol&theists/ ever& one of them loves that he should be %ranted a

    life of a thousand &ears, and his bein% %ranted a lon% life will in no wa& remove him

    further off from the $hastisement, and Allah sees what the& do.

    [2:111] And the& sa&: Cone shall enter the %arden 4or paradise5 e$ept he who is a ew or

    a Ehristian. +hese are their vain desires. a&: 9rin% &our proof if &ou are truthful.

    [2:122] $hildren of (srael, $all to mind 6& favor whi$h ( bestowed on &ou and that (

    made &ou e$el the nations.

    [2:211] Ask the (sraelites how man& a $lear si%n have )e %iven them/ and whoever

    $han%es the favor of Allah after it has $ome to him, then surel& Allah is severe inreBuitin% 4evil5.

    [2:2!] Have &ou not $onsidered those who went forth from their homes, for fear of

    death, and the& were thousands, then Allah said to them, 3ie/ a%ain He %ave them life/most surel& Allah is 0ra$ious to people, but most people are not %rateful.

    [:=] All food was lawful to the $hildren of (srael e$ept that whi$h (srael had forbiddento himself, before the +aurat was revealed. a&: 9rin% then the +aurat and read it, if &ou

    are truthful.

    [:=!] +hen whoever fabri$ates a lie a%ainst Allah after this, these it is that are the un7ust.

    [!:1"] +he followers of the 9ook ask &ou to brin% down to them a book from heaven/ so

    indeed the& demanded of 6usa a %reater thin% than that, for the& said: how us Allah

    manifestl&/ so the li%htnin% overtook them on a$$ount of their in7usti$e. +hen the& tookthe $alf 4for a %od5, after $lear si%ns had $ome to them, but )e pardoned this/ and )e

    %ave to 6usa $lear authorit&.

    [!:1"!] And )e lifted the mountain 4ainai5 over them at 4the li takin% of the $ovenant5and )e said to them: Fnter the door makin% obeisan$e/ and )e said to them: 3o not

    e$eed the limits of the abbath, and )e made with them a firm $ovenant.

    [!:1""] +herefore, for their breakin% their $ovenant and their disbelief in the$ommuni$ations of Allah and their killin% the prophets wron%full& and their sa&in%: ur

    hearts are $overed/ na&* Allah set a seal upon them owin% to their unbelief, so the& shall

    not believe e$ept a few.


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    Abu Lahab

    [!:1"8] And for their unbelief and for their havin% uttered a%ainst 6arium a %rievous


    [":12] And $ertainl& Allah made a $ovenant with the $hildren of (srael, and )e raised up

    amon% them twelve $hieftains/ and Allah said: urel& ( am with &ou/ if &ou keep up

    pra&er and pa& the poor;rate and believe in 6& messen%ers and assist them and offer toAllah a %oodl& %ift, ( will most $ertainl& $over &our evil deeds, and ( will most $ertainl&

    $ause &ou to enter into %ardens beneath whi$h rivers flow, but whoever disbelieves from

    amon% &ou after that, he indeed shall lose the ri%ht wa&.[":1] 9ut on a$$ount of their breakin% their $ovenant )e $ursed them and made their

    hearts hard/ the& altered the words from their pla$es and the& ne%le$ted a portion of what

    the& were reminded of/ and &ou shall alwa&s dis$over trea$her& in them e$eptin% a few

    of them/ so pardon them and turn awa&/ surel& Allah loves those who do %ood 4to others5.

    [":'] Eertainl& )e made a $ovenant with the $hildren of (srael and )e sent to them

    messen%ers/ whenever there $ame to them an messen%er with what that their souls did not

    desire, some 4of them5 did the& $all liars and some the& slew.[":1] And the& thou%ht that there would be no affli$tion, so the& be$ame blind and deaf/

    then Allah turned to them mer$ifull&, but man& of them be$ame blind and deaf/ and Allahis well seein% what the& do.


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    Abu Lahab

    [:18] And when &our Lord announ$ed that He would $ertainl& send a%ainst them to the

    da& of resurre$tion those who would sub7e$t them to severe torment/ most surel& &our

    Lord is Bui$k to reBuite 4evil5 and most surel& He is @or%ivin%, 6er$iful.[:18

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    Abu Lahab

    [!!:] And )e %ave them of the $ommuni$ations wherein was $lear blessin%.

    [!!:!] 6ost surel& these do sa&:

    [!!:"] +here is nau%ht but our first death and we shall not be raised a%ain.[!!:8] o brin% our fathers 4ba$k5, if &ou are truthful.

    [!!:] Are the& better or the people of +ubba and those before them- )e destro&ed

    them 49ani (srael5, for surel& the& were %uilt&.

    [!":18] And $ertainl& )e %ave the 9ook and the wisdom and the prophe$& to the

    $hildren of (srael, and )e %ave them of the %oodl& thin%s, and )e made them e$el thenations.

    [!":1] And )e %ave them $lear ar%uments in the affair, but the& did not differ until after

    knowled%e had $ome to them out of env& amon% themselves/ surel& &our ;Lord will

    7ud%e between them on the da& of resurre$tion $on$ernin% that wherein the& differed.

    Believers, The

    [2:] +hose who believe in the unseen and keep up pra&er and spend out of what )e

    have %iven them.[2:!] And who believe in that whi$h has been revealed to &ou and that whi$h was

    revealed before &ou and the& are sure of the hereafter.

    [2:"] +hese are on a ri%ht $ourse from their Lord and these it is that shall be su$$essful.

    [2:!1] And believe in what ( have revealed, verif&in% that whi$h is with &ou, and be not

    the first to den& it, neither take a mean pri$e in e$han%e for 6& $ommuni$ations/ and

    6e, 6e alone should &ou fear.[2:!2] And do not mi up the truth with the falsehood, nor hide the truth while &ou know

    4it5.[2:!] And keep up pra&er and pa& the poor;rate and bow down with those who bowdown.

    [2:!!] )hat* do &ou en7oin men to be %ood and ne%le$t &our own souls while &ou read

    the 9ook/ have &ou then no sense-[2:!"] And seek assistan$e throu%h patien$e and pra&er, and most surel& it is a hard thin%

    e$ept for the humble ones,

    [2:82] urel& those who believe, and those who are ews, and the Ehristians, and the

    abians, whoever believes in Allah and the Last da& and does %ood, the& shall have their

    reward from their Lord, and there is no fear for them, nor shall the& %rieve.

    [2:aina and sa& #nIurna and listen, and for theunbelievers there is a painful $hastisement.


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    [2:11'] And keep up pra&er and pa& the poor;rate and whatever %ood &ou send before for

    &ourselves, &ou shall find it with Allah/ surel& Allah sees what &ou do.

    [2:112] ?es* whoever submits himself entirel& to Allah and he is the doer of %ood 4to

    others5 he has his reward from his Lord, and there is no fear for him nor shall he %rieve.

    [2:18] a&: )e believe in Allah and 4in5 that whi$h had been revealed to us, and 4in5

    that whi$h was revealed to (brahim and (smail and (shaB and ?aBoub and the tribes, and4in5 that whi$h was %iven to 6usa and (sa, and 4in5 that whi$h was %iven to the prophets

    from their Lord, we do not make an& distin$tion between an& of them, and to Him do we


    [2:1] (f then the& believe as &ou believe in Him, the& are indeed on the ri%ht $ourse,and if the& turn ba$k, then the& are onl& in %reat opposition, so Allah will suffi$e &ou

    a%ainst them, and He is the Hearin%, the nowin%.

    [2:1"2] +herefore remember 6e, ( will remember &ou, and be thankful to 6e, and do notbe un%rateful to 6e.

    [2:1"] &ou who believe* seek assistan$e throu%h patien$e and pra&er/ surel& Allah iswith the patient.

    [2:1""] And )e will most $ertainl& tr& &ou with somewhat of fear and hun%er and loss ofpropert& and lives and fruits/ and %ive %ood news to the patient,

    [2:1"8] )ho, when a misfortune befalls them, sa&: urel& we are Allahs and to Him we

    shall surel& return.

    [2:1"] +hose are the& on whom are blessin%s and mer$& from their Lord, and those arethe followers of the ri%ht $ourse.

    [2:1] (t is not ri%hteousness that &ou turn &our fa$es towards the Fast and the )est, butri%hteousness is this that one should believe in Allah and the last da& and the an%els and

    the 9ook and the prophets, and %ive awa& wealth out of love for Him to the near of kin

    and the orphans and the need& and the wa&farer and the be%%ars and for 4theeman$ipation of5 the $aptives, and keep up pra&er and pa& the poor;rate/ and the

    performers of their promise when the& make a promise, and the patient in distress and

    affli$tion and in time of $onfli$ts;; these are the& who are true 4to themselves5 and these

    are the& who %uard 4a%ainst evil5.

    [2:1="] And spend in the wa& of Allah and $ast not &ourselves to perdition with &our own

    hands, and do %ood 4to others5/ surel& Allah loves the doers of %ood.

    [2:2'] And amon% men is he who sells himself to seek the pleasure of Allah/ and Allah

    is Affe$tionate to the servants.

    [2:2"!] &ou who believe* spend out of what )e have %iven &ou before the da& $omes

    in whi$h there is no bar%ainin%, neither an& friendship nor inter$ession, and the

    unbelievers;; the& are the un7ust.


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    [2:2] urel& the& who believe and do %ood deeds and keep up pra&er and pa& the poor;

    rate the& shall have their reward from their Lord, and the& shall have no fear, nor shallthe& %rieve.

    [:1!] +he love of desires, of women and sons and hoarded treasures of %old and silverand well bred horses and $attle and tilth, is made to seem fair to men/ this is the provision

    of the life of this world/ and Allah is He with )hom is the %ood %oal 4of life5.

    [:1"] a&: hall( tell &ou what is better than these- @or those who %uard 4a%ainst evil5are %ardens with their Lord, beneath whi$h rivers flow, to abide in them, and pure mates

    and Allahs pleasure/ and Allah sees the servants.

    [:18] +hose who sa&: ur Lord* surel& we believe, therefore for%ive us our faults and

    save us from the $hastisement of the fire.[:1] +he patient, and the truthful, and the obedient, and those who spend 4benevolentl&5

    and those who ask for%iveness in the mornin% times.


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    [:1'"] And be not like those who be$ame divided and disa%reed after $lear ar%uments

    had $ome to them, and these it is that shall have a %rievous $hastisement.


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    [":"1] &ou who believe* do not take the ews and the Ehristians for friends/ the& are

    friends of ea$h other/ and whoever amon%st &ou takes them for a friend, then surel& he isone of them/ surel& Allah does not %uide the un7ust people.

    [":=] n those who believe and do %ood there is no blame for what the& eat, when the&are $areful 4of their dut&5 and believe and do %ood deeds, then the& are $areful 4of their

    dut&5 and believe, then the& are $areful 4of their dut&5 and do %ood 4to others5, and Allah

    loves those who do %ood 4to others5.

    [":1'"] &ou who believe* take $are of &our souls/ he who errs $annot hurt &ou when

    &ou are on the ri%ht wa&/ to Allah is &our return, of all 4of &ou5, so He will inform &ou of

    what &ou did.

    [8:1=] a&: )hat thin% is the wei%htiest in testimon&- a&: Allah is witness between &ou

    and me/ and this Duran has been revealed to me that with it ( ma& warn &ou and

    whomsoever it rea$hes. 3o &ou reall& bear witness that there are other %ods with Allah-a&: ( do not bear witness. a&: He is onl& one Allah, and surel& ( am $lear of that whi$h

    &ou set up 4with Him5.

    [8:12] +he& shall have the abode of pea$e with their Lord, and He is their %uardian

    be$ause of what the& did.

    [:!2] And 4as for5 those who believe and do %ood )e do not impose on an& soul a dut&

    e$ept to the etent of its abilit&;; the& are the dwellers of the %arden/ in it the& shall


    [:"8] And do not make mis$hief in the earth after its reformation, and $all on Him

    fearin% and hopin%/ surel& the mer$& of Allah is ni%h to those who do %ood 4to others5.

    [:2'1] urel& those who %uard 4a%ainst evil5, when a visitation from the haitan affli$ts

    them the& be$ome mindful, then lo* the& see.[:2'2] And their brethren in$rease them in error, then the& $ease not.


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    [1':1'!] a&: people* if &ou are in doubt as to m& reli%ion, then 4know that5 ( do not

    serve those whom &ou serve besides Allah but ( do serve Allah, )ho will $ause &ou to

    die, and ( am $ommanded that ( should be of the believers.[1':1'"] And that &ou should keep &our $ourse towards the reli%ion upri%htl&/ and &ou

    should not be of the pol&theists.

    [1':1'8] And do not $all besides Allah on that whi$h $an neither benefit &ou nor harm&ou, for if &ou do then surel& &ou will in that $ase be of the un7ust.

    [11:=] And if )e make man taste mer$& from #s, then take it off from him, most surel&he is despairin%, un%rateful.

    [11:1'] And if )e make him taste a favor after distress has affli$ted him, he will

    $ertainl& sa&: +he evils are %one awa& from me. 6ost surel& he is eultin%, boastin%/

    [11:11] F$ept those who are patient and do %ood, the& shall have for%iveness and a %reatreward.

    [11:2] urel& 4as to5 those who believe and do %ood and humble themselves to their

    Lord, these are the dwellers of the %arden, in it the& will abide.

    [11:112] Eontinue then in the ri%ht wa& as &ou are $ommanded, as also he who hasturned 4to Allah5 with &ou, and be not inordinate 4 men*5, surel& He sees what &ou do.

    [11:11] And do not in$line to those who are un7ust, lest the fire tou$h &ou, and &ou have

    no %uardians besides Allah, then &ou shall not be helped.

    [11:11"] And be patient, for surel& Allah does not waste the reward of the %ood;doers.

    [1:1=] (s he then who knows that what has been revealed to &ou from &our Lord is thetruth like him who is blind- nl& those possessed of understandin% will mind,

    [1:2'] +hose who fulfil the promise of Allah and do not break the $ovenant,

    [1:21] And those who 7oin that whi$h Allah has bidden to be 7oined and have awe oftheir Lord and fear the evil re$konin%.

    [1:22] And those who are $onstant, seekin% the pleasure of their Lord, and keep up

    pra&er and spend 4benevolentl&5 out of what )e have %iven them se$retl& and openl& andrepel evil with %ood/ as for those, the& shall have the 4happ&5 issue of the abode


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    [18:'] And it is said to those who %uard 4a%ainst evil5: )hat is it that &our Lord has

    revealed- +he& sa&, 0ood. @or those who do %ood in this world is %ood, and $ertainl& theabode of the hereafter is better/ and $ertainl& most e$ellent is the abode of those who

    %uard 4a%ainst evil5/

    [18:='] urel& Allah en7oins the doin% of 7usti$e and the doin% of %ood 4to others5 and the

    %ivin% to the kindred, and He forbids inde$en$& and evil and rebellion/ He admonishes

    &ou that &ou ma& be mindful.

    [18:=8] )hat is with &ou passes awa& and what is with Allah is endurin%/ and )e will

    most $ertainl& %ive to those who are patient their reward for the best of what the& did.

    [18:=] )hoever does %ood whether male or female and he is a believer, )e will most$ertainl& make him live a happ& life, and )e will most $ertainl& %ive them their reward

    for the best of what the& did.

    [18:12] And be patient and &our patien$e is not but b& 4the assistan$e of5 Allah, and%rieve not for them, and do not distress &ourself at what the& plan.


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    $ontented and the be%%ar/ thus have )e made them subservient to &ou, that &ou ma& be


    [22:] +here does not rea$h Allah their flesh nor their blood, but to Him is a$$eptablethe %uardin% 4a%ainst evil5 on &our part/ thus has He made them subservient to &ou, that

    &ou ma& ma%nif& Allah be$ause He has %uided &ou ari%ht/ and %ive %ood news to those

    who do %ood 4to others5.[22:

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    [2!:2] &ou who believe* 3o not enter houses other than &our own houses until &ou

    have asked permission and saluted their inmates/ this is better for &ou, that &ou ma& be


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    [2":8] And the servants of the 9enefi$ent Allah are the& who walk on the earth in

    humbleness, and when the i%norant address them, the& sa&: Pea$e.

    [2":8!] And the& who pass the ni%ht prostratin% themselves before their Lord andstandin%.

    [2":8"] And the& who sa&: our Lord* turn awa& from us the punishment of hell, surel&

    the punishment thereof is a lastin%[2":88] urel& it is an evil abode and 4evil5 pla$e to sta&.

    [2":8] And the& who when the& spend, are neither etrava%ant nor parsimonious, and

    4keep5 between these the 7ust mean.[2":8

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    [2=:8=] And 4as for5 those who strive hard for #s, )e will most $ertainl& %uide them in

    ur wa&s/ and Allah is most surel& with the doers of %ood.


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    [8:11] ?ou $an onl& warn him who follows the reminder and fears the 9enefi$ent Allah

    in se$ret/ so announ$e to him for%iveness and an honorable reward.

    [=:1'] a&: m& servants who believe* be $areful of 4&our dut& to5 &our Lord/ for those

    who do %ood in this world is %ood, and Allahs earth is spa$ious/ onl& the patient will be

    paid ba$k their reward in full without measure.[=:11] a&: ( am $ommanded that ( should serve Allah, bein% sin$ere to Him in


    [=:12] And ( am $ommanded that ( shall be the first of those who submit.[=:1] a&: ( fear, if ( disobe& m& Lord, the $hastisement of a %rievous da&.

    [=:1!] a&: Allah 4it is )hom5 ( serve, bein% sin$ere to Him in m& obedien$e:

    [=:1] And 4as for5 those who keep off from the worship of the idols and turn to Allah,the& shall have %ood news, therefore %ive %ood news to 6& servants,


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    [!":1!] a& to those who believe 4that5 the& for%ive those who do not fear the da&s of

    Allah that He ma& reward a people for what the& earn.[!":1"] )hoever does %ood, it is for his own soul, and whoever does evil, it is a%ainst

    himself/ then &ou shall be brou%ht ba$k to &our;; Lord.


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    ["1:1] +he& used to sleep but little in the ni%ht.


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    [8':12] Prophet* when believin% women $ome to &ou %ivin% &ou a pled%e that the&

    will not asso$iate au%ht with Allah, and will not steal, and will not $ommit forni$ation,

    and will not kill their $hildren, and will not brin% a $alumn& whi$h the& have for%ed ofthemselves, and will not disobe& &ou in what is %ood, a$$ept their pled%e, and ask

    for%iveness for them from Allah/ surel& Allah is @or%ivin%, 6er$iful.

    [8':1] &ou who believe* do not make friends with a people with whom Allah is wroth/indeed the& despair of the hereafter as the unbelievers despair of those in tombs.

    [81:2] &ou who believe* wh& do &ou sa& that whi$h &ou do not do-[81:] (t is most hateful to Allah that &ou should sa& that whi$h &ou do not do.

    [81:1'] &ou who believe* shall ( lead &ou to a mer$handise whi$h ma& deliver &ou

    from a painful $hastisement-[81:11] ?ou shall believe in Allah and His 6essen%er, and stru%%le hard in Allahs wa&

    with &our propert& and &our lives/ that is better for &ou, did &ou but know*

    [81:12] He will for%ive &ou &our faults and $ause &ou to enter into %ardens, beneath

    whi$h rivers flow, and %oodl& dwellin%s in %ardens of perpetuit&/ that is the mi%ht&a$hievement/

    [81:1] And &et another 4blessin%5 that &ou love: help from Allah and a vi$tor& near athand/ and %ive %ood news to the believers.


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    [':2!] And those in whose wealth there is a fied portion.

    [':2"] @or him who be%s and for him who is denied 4%ood5

    [':28] And those who a$$ept the truth of the 7ud%ment da&[':2] And those who are fearful of the $hastisement of their Lord;;


    $ut off.


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    [=2:"] +hen as for him who %ives awa& and %uards 4a%ainst evil5,

    [=2:8] And a$$epts the best,

    [=2:] )e will fa$ilitate for him the eas& end.

    [=2:1] And awa& from it 4hell;fire5 shall be kept the one who %uards most 4a%ainst evil5,


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    [":] And remember the favor of Allah on &ou and His $ovenant with whi$h He bound

    &ou firml&, when &ou said: )e have heard and we obe&, and be $areful of 4&our dut& to5

    Allah, surel& Allah knows what is in the breasts.


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    [18:11!] +herefore eat of what Allah has %iven &ou, lawful and %ood 4thin%s5, and %ive

    thanks for Allahs favor if Him do &ou serve.

    [1:2'] All do )e aidKthese 4disbelievers5 as well as those 4believers5 ;; out of the

    bount& of &our Lord, and the bount& of &our Lord is not $onfined

    [1:88] ?our Lord is He )ho speeds the ships for &ou in the sea that &ou ma& seek of

    His %ra$e/ surel& He is ever 6er$iful to &ou.

    [1:8] And when distress affli$ts &ou in the sea, awa& %o those whom &ou $all on e$eptHe/ but when He brin%s &ou safe to the land, &ou turn aside/ and man is ever un%rateful.


    with understandin%.

    [22:8"] 3o &ou not see that Allah has made subservient to &ou whatsoever is in the earth

    and the ships runnin% in the sea b& His $ommand- And He withholds the heaven fromfallin% on the earth e$ept with His permission/ most surel& Allah is Eompassionate,

    6er$iful to men.

    [22:88] And He it is )ho has brou%ht &ou to life, then He will $ause &ou to die, then

    brin% &ou to life 4a%ain5/ most surel& man is un%rateful.


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    [2:8!] r, )ho ori%inates the $reation, then reprodu$es it and )ho %ives &ou

    sustenan$e from the heaven and the earth. (s there a %od )ith Allah- a&: 9rin% &our

    proof if &ou are truthful.


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    Abu Lahab

    [1:1] 3o &ou not see that the ships run on in the sea b& Allahs favor that He ma& show

    &ou of His si%ns- 6ost surel& there are si%ns in this for ever& patient endurer, %rateful

    one.[1:2] And when a wave like mountains $overs them the& $all upon Allah, bein% sin$ere

    to Him in obedien$e, but when He brin%s them safe to the land, some of them follow the

    middle $ourse/ and none denies ur si%ns but ever& perfidious, un%rateful one.

    [:!] He it is )ho sends His blessin%s on &ou, and 4so do5 His an%els, that He ma&

    brin% &ou forth out of utter darkness into the li%ht/ and He is 6er$iful to the believers.[:!!] +heir salutation on the da& that the& meet Him shall be, Pea$e, and He has

    prepared for them an honourable reward.

    [!:=] a&: urel& m& Lord amplifies the means of subsisten$e for whom He pleases ofHis servants and straitens 4them5 for whom 4He pleases5, and whatever thin% &ou spend,

    He e$eeds it in reward, and He is the best of ustainers.

    [":2] )hatever Allah %rants to men of 4His5 mer$&, there is none to withhold it, andwhat He withholds there is none to send it forth after that, and He is the 6i%ht&, the )ise

    [":] men* $all to mind the favor of Allah on &ou/ is there an& $reator besides Allahwho %ives &ou sustenan$e from the heaven and the earth- +here is no %od but He/

    when$e are &ou then turned awa&-

    [8:] And a si%n to them is the dead earth: )e %ive life to it and brin% forth from it

    %rain so the& eat of it.

    [8:!] And )e make therein %ardens of palms and %rapevines and )e make sprin%s to

    flow forth in it,[8:"] +hat the& ma& eat of the fruit thereof, and their hands did not make it/ will the&

    not then be %rateful-

    [8:!1] And a si%n to them is that )e bear their offsprin% in the laden ship.

    [8:!2] And )e have $reated for them the like of it, what the& will ride on.

    [8:!] And if )e please, )e $an drown them, then there shall be no su$$orer for them,nor shall the& be res$ued

    [8:!!] 9ut 4b&5 mer$& from #s and for en7o&ment till a time.

    [8:1] 3o the& 4men5 not see that )e have $reated $attle for them, out of what urhands have wrou%ht, so the& are their masters-

    [8:2] And )e have sub7e$ted them to them, so some of them the& have to ride upon,

    and some of them the& eat.[8:] And therein the& have advanta%es and drinks/ will the& not then be %rateful-

    [=:] (f &ou are un%rateful, then surel& Allah is elf;suffi$ient above all need of &ou/and He does not like un%ratefulness in His servants/ and if &ou are %rateful, He likes it in

    &ou/ and no bearer of burden shall bear the burden of another/ then to &our Lord is &our

    return, then will He inform &ou of what &ou did/ surel& He is Eo%niIant of what is in the



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    [":""] )hi$h of &our Lords benefits will &ou then dispute about-

    ["":1] +he 9enefi$ent Allah,["":2] +au%ht the Duran.

    ["":] He $reated man,

    ["":!] +au%ht him the mode of epression.["":"] +he sun and the moon follow a re$konin%.

    ["":8] And the herbs and the trees do prostrate 4to Him5.

    ["":] And the heaven, He raised it hi%h, and He made the balan$e["":

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    [8:1"] He it is )ho made the earth smooth for &ou, therefore %o about in the spa$ious

    sides thereof, and eat of His sustenan$e, and to Him is the return after death.

    [8:18] Are &ou se$ure of those in the heaven that He should not make the earth toswallow &ou up- +hen lo* it shall be in a state of $ommotion.

    [8:1] r are &ou se$ure of those in the heaven that He should not send down upon &ou

    a punishment- +hen shall &ou know how was 6& warnin%.[8:1

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    [1'':!] +hen thereb& raise dust,

    [1'':"] +hen rush thereb& upon an assembl&:

    [1'':8] 6ost surel& man is un%rateful to his Lord.[1'':] And most surel& he is a witness of that.


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    women, or those whom their ri%ht hands possess, or the male servants not havin% need

    4of women5, or the $hildren who have not attained knowled%e of what is hidden of

    women/ and let them not strike their feet so that what the& hide of their ornaments ma&be known/ and turn to Allah all of &ou, believers* so that &ou ma& be su$$essful.

    [2!:8'] And 4as for5 women advan$ed in &ears who do not hope for a marria%e, it is nosin for them if the& put off their $lothes without displa&in% their ornaments/ and if the&

    restrain themselves it is better for them/ and Allah is Hearin%, nowin%.

    [:"=] Prophet* sa& to &our wives and &our dau%hters and the women of the believers

    that the& let down upon them their over;%arments/ this will be more proper, that the& ma&

    be known, and thus the& will not be %iven trouble/ and Allah is @or%ivin%, 6er$iful.

    'a%ood, Prophet

    [2:2!8] Have &ou not $onsidered the $hiefs of the $hildren of (srael after 6usa, when

    the& said to a prophet of theirs: >aise up for us a kin%, 4that5 we ma& fi%ht in the wa& ofAllah. He said: 6a& it not be that &ou would not fi%ht if fi%htin% is ordained for &ou-

    +he& said: And what reason have we that we should not fi%ht in the wa& of Allah, and wehave indeed been $ompelled to abandon our homes and our $hildren. 9ut when fi%htin%

    was ordained for them, the& turned ba$k, e$ept a few of them, and Allah knows the


    [2:2!] And their prophet said to them: urel& Allah has raised +alut to be a kin% over

    &ou. +he& said: How $an he hold kin%ship over us while we have a %reater ri%ht tokin%ship than he, and he has not been %ranted an abundan$e of wealth- He said: urel&

    Allah has $hosen him in preferen$e to &ou, and He has in$reased him abundantl& in

    knowled%e and ph&siBue, and Allah %rants His kin%dom to whom He pleases, and Allahis Ample%ivin%, nowin%.[2:2!

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    not for Allahs repellin% some men with others, the earth would $ertainl& be in a state of

    disorder/ but Allah is 0ra$ious to the $reatures.

    [!:1'] And $ertainl& )e %ave to 3awood e$ellen$e from #s: mountains* sin%

    praises with him, and the birds/ and )e made the iron pliant to him,

    [!:11] a&in%: 6ake ample 4$oats of mail5, and assi%n a time to the makin% of $oats ofmail and do %ood/ surel& ( am eein% what &ou do.


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    [:1!"] And a soul will not die but with the permission of Allah the term is fied/ and

    whoever desires the reward of this world, ( shall %ive him of it, and whoever desires the

    reward of the hereafter ( shall %ive him of it, and ( will reward the %rateful.

    [:1"] And if &ou are slain in the wa& of Allah or &ou die, $ertainl& for%iveness from

    Allah and mer$& is better than what the& amass.[:1"

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    [2':"] And whoever $omes to Him a believer 4and5 he has done %ood deeds indeed,

    these it is who shall have the hi%h ranks,

    [2':8] +he %ardens of perpetuit&, beneath whi$h rivers flow, to abide therein/ and this isthe reward of him who has purified himself.

    [21:!] And )e did not ordain abidin% for an& mortal before &ou. )hat* +hen if &ou die,will the& abide-

    [21:"] Fver& soul must taste of death and )e tr& &ou b& evil and %ood b& wa& of

    probation/ and to #s &ou shall be brou%ht ba$k.


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    [!1:"!] Cow surel& the& are in doubt as to the meetin% of their Lord/ now surel& He

    en$ompasses all thin%s.

    [!:1!] And surel& to our Lord we must return.

    [!":28] a&: Allah %ives &ou life, then He makes &ou die, then will He %ather &ou to theda& of resurre$tion wherein is no doubt, but most people do not know.

    [!:"] He will %uide them 4who were slain in the wa& of Allah5 and improve their$ondition.

    [!:8] And $ause them to enter the %arden whi$h He has made known to them.

    ["':1=] And the stupor of death will $ome in truth/ that is what &ou were tr&in% to es$ape.

    ["8:8'] )e have ordained death amon% &ou and )e 4Allah5 are not to be over$ome,

    ["8:81] (n order that )e ma& brin% in &our pla$e the likes of &ou and make &ou %row into

    what &ou know not.



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    [2:] Allah has set a seal upon their hearts and upon their hearin% and there is a $overin%

    over their e&es, and there is a %reat punishment for them.


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    [:=1] urel&, those who disbelieve and die while the& are unbelievers, the earth full of

    %old shall not be a$$epted from one of them, thou%h he should offer to ransom himself

    with it, these it is who shall have a painful $hastisement, and the& shall have no helpers.


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    messen%ers who $ame with $lear ar%uments and s$riptures and the illuminatin% book.

    [:1=8] Let it not de$eive &ou that those who disbelieve %o to and fro in the $ities


    [:1=] A brief en7o&ment* then their abode is hell, and evil is the restin%;pla$e.

    [!:] +hose who are ni%%ardl& and bid people to be ni%%ardl& and hide what Allah has

    %iven them out of His %ra$e/ and )e have prepared for the unbelievers a dis%ra$eful$hastisement.


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    [":] +he& would desire to %o forth from the fire, and the& shall not %o forth from it, and

    the& shall have a lastin% punishment.

    [":1'!] And when it is said to them, Eome to what Allah has revealed and to the

    6essen%er, the& sa&: +hat on whi$h we found our fathers is suffi$ient for us. )hat* even

    thou%h their fathers knew nothin% and did not follow the ri%ht wa&.

    [8:!] And there does not $ome to them an& $ommuni$ation of the $ommuni$ations of

    their Lord but the& turn aside from it[8:"] o the& have indeed re7e$ted the truth when it $ame to them/ therefore the truth of

    what the& mo$ked at will shine upon them.

    [8:8] 3o the& not $onsider how man& a %eneration )e have destro&ed before them,

    whom )e had established in the earth as )e have not established &ou, and )e sent the$louds pourin% rain on them in abundan$e, and )e made the rivers to flow beneath them,

    then )e destro&ed them on a$$ount of their faults and raised up after them another


    [8:11] a&: +ravel in the land, then see what was the end of the re7e$ters.

    [8:2"] And of them is he who hearkens to &ou, and )e have $ast veils over their hearts

    lest the& understand it and a heaviness into their ears/ and even if the& see ever& si%n the&

    will not believe in it/ so mu$h so that when the& $ome to &ou the& onl& dispute with &ou/those who disbelieve sa&: +his is nau%ht but the stories of the an$ients.

    [8:28] And the& prohibit 4others5 from it and %o far awa& from it, and the& onl& brin%

    destru$tion upon their own souls while the& do not per$eive.

    [8:2=] And the& sa&: +here is nothin% but our life of this world, and we shall not be


    [8:] And the& sa&: )h& has not a si%n been sent down to him from his Lord- a&:

    urel& Allah is able to send down a si%n, but most of them do not know.

    [8:=] And the& who re7e$t ur $ommuni$ations are deaf and dumb, in utter darkness/

    whom Allah pleases He $auses to err and whom He pleases He puts on the ri%ht wa&.

    [8:!'] a&: +ell me if the $hastisement of Allah should overtake &ou or the hour should

    $ome upon &ou, will &ou $all 4on others5 besides Allah, if &ou are truthful-[8:!1] Ca&, Him &ou $all upon, so He $lears awa& that for whi$h &ou pra& if He pleases

    and &ou for%et what &ou set up 4with Him5.

    [8:!!] 9ut when the& ne%le$ted that with whi$h the& had been admonished, )e opened

    for them the doors of all thin%s, until when the& re7oi$ed in what the& were %iven )e

    seiIed them suddenl&/ then lo* the& were in utter despair.[8:!"] o the roots of the people who were un7ust were $ut off/ and all praise is due to

    Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

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    Abu Lahab

    [8:!=] And 4as for5 those who re7e$t ur $ommuni$ations, $hastisement shall affli$t them

    be$ause the& trans%ressed.

    [8:8=] And nou%ht of the re$konin% of their 4deeds5 shall be a%ainst those who %uard

    4a%ainst evil5, but 4theirs5 is onl& to remind, hapl& the& ma& %uard.

    [8:'] And leave those who have taken their reli%ion for a pla& and an idle sport, andwhom this worlds life has de$eived, and remind 4them5 thereb& lest a soul should be

    %iven up to destru$tion for what it has earned/ it shall not have besides Allah an&

    %uardian nor an inter$essor, and if it should seek to %ive ever& $ompensation, it shall notbe a$$epted from it/ these are the& who shall be %iven up to destru$tion for what the&

    earned/ the& shall have a drink of boilin% water and a painful $hastisement be$ause the&


    [8:=] And who is more un7ust than he who for%es a lie a%ainst Allah, or sa&s: (t has been

    revealed to me/ while nothin% has been revealed to him, and he who sa&s: ( $an reveal the

    like of what Allah has revealed- and if &ou had seen when the un7ust shall be in the

    a%onies of death and the an%els shall spread forth their hands: 0ive up &our souls/ toda&shall &ou be re$ompensed with an i%nominious $hastisement be$ause &ou spoke a%ainst

    Allah other than the truth and 4be$ause5 &ou showed pride a%ainst His $ommuni$ations.

    [8:1'=] And the& swear b& Allah with the stron%est of their oaths, that if a si%n $ame to

    them the& would most $ertainl& believe in it. a&: i%ns are onl& with Allah/ and whatshould make &ou know that when it $omes the& will not believe-

    [8:11'] And )e will turn their hearts and their si%hts, even as the& did not believe in it

    the first time, and )e will leave them in their inordina$&, blindl& wanderin% on.

    [8:111] And even if )e had sent down to them the an%els and the dead had spoken tothem and )e had brou%ht to%ether all thin%s before them, the& would not believe unless

    Allah pleases, but most of them are i%norant.

    [8:11] And that the hearts of those who do not believe in the hereafter ma& in$line to it

    and that the& ma& be well pleased with it and that the& ma& earn what the& are %oin% to

    earn 4of evil5.

    [8:12] And thus have )e made in ever& town the %reat ones to be its %uilt& ones, that

    the& ma& plan therein/ and the& do not plan but a%ainst their own souls, and the& do not

    per$eive.[8:12!] And when a $ommuni$ation $omes to them the& sa&: )e will not believe till we

    are %iven the like of what Allahs messen%ers are %iven. Allah best knows where He

    pla$es His messa%e. +here shall befall those who are %uilt& humiliation from Allah andsevere $hastisement be$ause of what the& planned.

    [8:1!] urel& what &ou are threatened with must $ome to pass and &ou $annot es$ape4it5.

    [:!] And how man& a town that )e destro&ed, so ur punishment $ame to it b& ni%ht or

    while the& slept at midda&.

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    Abu Lahab

    [:"] ?et their $r&, when ur punishment $ame to them, was nothin% but that the& said:

    urel& we were un7ust.

    [:'] A part has He %uided ari%ht and 4as for another5 part, error is 7ustl& their due,

    surel& the& took the haitans for %uardians beside Allah, and the& think that the& are

    followers of the ri%ht

    [:8] And 4as for5 those who re7e$t ur $ommuni$ations and turn awa& from them

    hau%htil&;; these are the inmates of the fire the& shall abide in it.

    [:=8] And if the people of the towns had believed and %uarded 4a%ainst evil5 )e would

    $ertainl& have opened up for them blessin%s from the heaven and the earth, but the&

    re7e$ted, so )e overtook them for what the& had earned.[:=] )hat* do the people of the towns then feel se$ure from ur punishment $omin% to

    them b& ni%ht while the& sleep-


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    Abu Lahab



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  • 8/13/2019 Quran - Alphabetical


    Abu Lahab

    [1':="] And &ou should not be of those who re7e$t the $ommuni$ations of Allah, 4for5

    then &ou should be one of the losers.

    [1':=8] urel& those a%ainst whom the word of &our Lord has proved true will notbelieve,

    [1':=] +hou%h ever& si%n should $ome to them, until the& witness the painful


    [1':==] And if &our Lord had pleased, surel& all those who are in the earth would have

    believed, all of them/ will &ou then for$e men till the& be$ome believers-[1':1''] And it is not for a soul to believe e$ept b& Allahs permission/ and He $asts

    un$leanness on those who will not understand.

    [1':1'1] a&: Eonsider what is it that is in the heavens and the earth/ and si%ns and

    warners do not avail a people who would not believe.[1':1'2] )hat do the& wait for then but the like of the da&s of those who passed awa&

    before them- a&: )ait then/ surel& ( too am with &ou of those who wait.

    [11:118] 9ut wh& were there not amon% the %enerations before &ou those possessin%understandin%, who should have forbidden the makin% of mis$hief in the earth, e$ept a

    few of those whom )e delivered from amon% them- And those who were un7ust wentafter what the& are made to en7o& of plent&, and the& were %uilt&.

    [11:121] And sa& to those who do not believe: A$t a$$ordin% to &our state/ surel& we tooare a$tin%.

    [11:122] And wait/ surel& we are waitin% also.

    [12:1'"] And how man& a si%n in the heavens and the earth whi$h the& pass b&, &et the&turn aside from it.

    [12:1'8] And most of them do not believe in Allah without asso$iatin% others 4with

    Him5.[12:1'] 3o the& then feel se$ure that there ma& $ome to them an etensive $hastisement

    from Allah or 4that5 the hour ma& $ome to them suddenl& while the& do not per$eive-


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    Abu Lahab

    [1:!1] 3o the& not see that )e are brin%in% destru$tion upon the land b& $urtailin% it of

    its sides- And Allah pronoun$es a doom;; there is no repeller of His de$ree, and He is

    swift to take a$$ount.[1:!2] And those before them did indeed make plans, but all plannin% is Allahs/ He

    knows what ever& soul earns, and the unbelievers shall $ome to know for whom is the

    4better5 issue of the abode.[1:!] And those who disbelieve sa&: ?ou are not a messen%er. a&: Allah is suffi$ient

    as a witness between me and &ou and whoever has knowled%e of the 9ook.

    [1!:2] 4f5 Allah, )hose is whatever is in the heavens and whatever (s in the earth/ and

    woe to the unbelievers on a$$ount of the severe $hastisement,

    [1!:] 4+o5 those who love this worlds life more than the hereafter, and turn awa& from

    Allahs path and desire to make it $rooked/ these are in a %reat error.


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    Abu Lahab

    [18:=] o that He mi%ht make manifest to them that about whi$h the& differ, and that

    those who disbelieve mi%ht know that the& were liars.


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    Abu Lahab


  • 8/13/2019 Quran - Alphabetical


    Abu Lahab

    [21:!!] Ca&, )e %ave provision to these and their fathers until life was prolon%ed to

    them. 3o the& not then see that )e are visitin% the land, $urtailin% it of its sides- hall

    the& then prevail-[21:!"] a&: ( warn &ou onl& b& revelation/ and the deaf do not hear the $all whenever

    the& are warned.

    [21:!8] And if a blast of the $hastisement of &our Lord were to tou$h them, the& will$ertainl& sa&: woe to us* surel& we were un7ust.
