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H.H. Pope Tawadros II

Pope of Alexandria &Patriarch of the See of St. Mark

H.G. Bishop David

Bishop of the Diocese of New York and New England




The Qualities of God 4

Our Success is Guaranteed With God 18

His Children are Steadfast in Him 33

We Arise because we are Diligent 43

We Build a Strong Foundation 50

Table of Contents


The Qualities of God

1) The quality of “Pantocrator” means that God__________.

a) Was incarnate from St. Mary

b) Is part of the Holy Trinity

c) Does not get hungry

d) Controls everything in the universe

2) How do we see that God is the Pantocrator throughout His cre-

ation? Explain three ways.

a) _____________

- _________________________________




b) _____________

- _________________________________




c) ____________

- ___________________________________________________________


3) The Eastern Wall in the church reminds us that ___________.

a) God’s bosom is open to everyone

b) We must pray towards the east all of the time

c) Jesus fed the 5,000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish

d) The priest is not allowed to look away from the altar during

the Liturgy

4) We call the Eastern Wall ___________.

a) Heavenly Jerusalem b) Paradise of Joy

c) Bosom of the Father d) The womb of St. Mary

5) In the picture of Jesus which hangs in the Eastern wall, He holds in

His hand ____________.

a) The Book ofLlife b) The Globe

c) The Sun d) The Moon


6) The icon itself (not the wall) is called __________.

a) The Pantocrator b) The Omnipresent

c) The Son of God d) The Image of God

7) One verse to show that God created and controls everything for

our good because He loves us is ________________________________




8) God is omnipresent because He ______________________.

a) Healed the blind man

b) Is present in all places and at all times

c) Can do anything d) Doesn’t need to eat real food


a) True b) False

10) We know that space and time cannot confine God because of this

verse _______________________________________________________




11) Is God only infinite in time and space?

a) Yes b) No

Support your answer to #11 with a verse





12) God first came into existence ___________.

a) When the Father created the rest of the Trinity (the Son and

the Holy Spirit)

b) When Lord Jesus was born

from St. Mary

c) God has no beginning (He

was, is, and will always be in


d) When He did His first miracle

on earth


13) One shape the church can be built in reminds us that God is eter-

nal. This shape is a _______.

a) Triangle b) Square

c) Diamond d) Circle

14) Can God change? What does this mean about His love for us?






15) Which verse from theBook of Malachi tells us about how God

does not change?






16) The word “create” means __________.

a) Building something out of wood

b) Cooking dinner

c) Making something out of nothing

d) Inventing technology

17) Although man cannot ________, we can use materials that God

gave us because He is the ________.

a) Build; builder b) Create; Creator

c) Think; Giver d) Eat; Chef

18) Does a carpenter create wood when he is building something?

a) Yes b) No

Explain how man is able to invent and produce different things with

the gifts God has given him






19) Which verse from the Book of Isaiah tells us that God created the

whole world and everything in it?




20) God gave us so many gifts and blessings, we should _______.

a) Fast more b) Exercise more

c) Thank God d) Go to church 24 hours a day

21) One way we can Thank God is by __________.

a) Sleeping all day b) Working hard

c) Playing Fortnite all day

d) Disobeying His commandments


Joshua The Successful Leader

1) The name “Joshua” means ______________.

a) God the incarnate b) Jesus the Messiah

c) God the Omnipotent d) God the Savior

2) Joshua was from the tribe of ___________.

a) Judah b) Joseph

c) Ephraim d) Benjamin

3) Joshua was born in ________ and learned from __________.

a) Congo; Hezekiah b) Saudi Arabia; Ruth

c) Israel; Nehemiah d) Egypt; Moses


4) Joshua was with Moses when he led God’s people across ________.

a) The Black Sea b) The Red Sea

c) The Dead Sea d) The Green Sea

5) Describe how Joshua saw the

Hand of God work during the battle

between Israel and the Amalekites.








6) Before God led the people of Israel into the Promised Land,

_________ became the leader instead of _________.

a) Joshua; Moses b) Caleb; Moses

c) Aaron; Joshua d) Cyrus; Nebuchadnezzar


7) God allowed Joshua to enter the Promised Land because of his

______ and ________ in God.

a) Love; Praise b) Faith; Trust

c) Obedience; Sins d) Rudeness; Disobedience

8) As a leader of the Israelites, the clear goal that Joshua set before

his eyes was ___________.

a) Find a rock that will give them water

b) Enter the Promised Land

c) Divide the land fairly among the tribes

d) Both answers B and C are correct

9) Which verse from the Book of

Joshua tells us about how God

reassured Joshua when he was











10) Joshua relied on ______ in ___________.

a) God; all circumstances

b) God; some circumstances

c) Moses; all circumstances

d) Moses; some circumstances

11) Choose two events which

demonstrated Joshua’s trust in

God Crossing the Red Sea

a) The Ten Plagues in Egypt

b) Crossing the Jordan River

c) Beating the Amalekites in the war

d) Finding Rahab in Jericho

12) Entering the Promised Land (Jericho)

Explain the miracle of crossing the Jordan River. (BONUS: How is this

different from how the Israelites crossed the Red Sea?






13) The walls of Jericho fell without _________.

a) Any noise b) Hurting anybody

c) Breaking any of the houses d) Fighting

14) How many days did it take for the walls of Jericho to fall and what

did the people of Israel do each day?





15) The total number of times the Israelites went around Jericho is _.

a) 17 b) 14

c) 250 c) 13


16) God instructed that _____ priests must play the trumpet when

defeating Jericho.

a) 18 b) 9

c) 7 d) 3

17) After the people of Israel made it into Jericho, God commanded

them to go to war with the people of _______.

a) Amalek b) Palestine

c) Ai d) America

18) Did the Israelites gain victory against the people of Ai? What did

God tell Joshua about the reason?





19) Who, among the people of Israel, did not keep God’s command-

ment regarding the spoil?

a) Moses b) Joshua

c) Aaron d) Achan the Son of Carmi


20) After Achan confessed, God told Joshua to __________.

a) Take a nap

b) Move on to the next city

c) Fight with the city of Ai again

d) Fast until further instruction

21) After defeating the city of Ai, Joshua

thanked God by _________.

a) Singing the whole tasbeha without sitting down

b) Building an altar to God and offering sacrifices on it

c) Doing 15,000 metanias

d) Taking a nap

22) The four characteristics that helped Joshua succeed in his goal







Saint TheognostaTout 17

1) St. Thaoghnesta was a ________ in a village of ________.

a) Nun; Italy b) Monk; Germany

c) Teacher; Switzerland c) Doctor; Egypt

2) St. Thaoghnesta was kidnapped in the year ______.

a) 2018 b) 457

c) 390 d) 392

3) She was taken by messengers from the King of ____________.

a) Amalek b) Jordan

c) Israel d) Raha

4) In Raha, St. Thaoghnesta became a __________.

a) Teacher b) Slave for the queen

c) Doctor d) Nurse


5) Describe how the picture shows St. Thaoghnesta was a slave to the






6) Even though she was a slave, St. Thaoghnesta did her work

________ and ________.

a) Happily; Faithfully b) Upset; Crying

c) Angry; Badly

d) She did not do the work she was supposed to do

7) She was always thankful so God

gave her to become the _________ in

the palace.

a) Queen

b) Princess

c) Head of the King’s advisors

d) Head of the servants


8) St. Thaoghnesta did not maintain her ascetic life (the life of a nun)

while living in the palace.

a) True b) False

9) The queen asked St. Thaoghnesta to pray over her son when he

was sick because _________.

a) She always cleaned correctly

b) She used to see her praying all the time

c) She finished all of her jobs for the day

d) The magicians were on vacation that day

10) Just like any miracle that the saints perform, the power to heal

the King’s son through St. Theoghnesta came from _____.

a) God b) The Angels

c) Herself d) The prophets

11) Provide a verse that explains why the

prayers of St. Theoghnesta were accept-

ed by God and He healed the King’s son

through her.







12) After the boy was healed, the king gave St. Theoghnesta the gift

of ____________ as she had asked.

a) A yummy meal b) Freedom from Slavery

c) A place to live on her own in asceticism

d) Both B and C are correct

13) After the boy was healed, _____ got

sick next and asked Theoghnesta to pray

for him/her.

a) The Queen b) The King

c) His sister d) His brother

14) The queen spoke to the king about

accepting the faith in Jesus Christ but

why did he delay?





15) The king and his men were going to _______ when a _________

hovered over them.

a) Downtown; Plane b) Hunt: Black Cloud

c) War; Fighter Jet

d) The king and his men did not go anywhere

16) After the wind started to blow very strongly and the conditions

became dangerous, the king remembered __________.

a) His wife b) His son

c) St. Theoghnesta d) The Kingdom

17) What did the king remember to do

about dangerous situations like this?











18) God answered the king’s cry for help with a guiding __________.

a) Pillar of fire b) Pillar of cloud

c) Star over the city d) Cross of light

19) When the king returned to the city, he asked St. Theoghnesta to

a) Make a banquet and celebrate his safe return

b) Evangelize the city c) Return to the palace

d) Heal the injuries he got during the storm

20) According to St. Theoghnesta’s request, the king brought a

______ from her homeland to help teach the people about the faith.

a) ) Monk b) Nun

c) Bishop d) Deacon

21) When the monk met St. Theoghnesta, what was the verse he said

to her?






22) St. Theoghnesta’s specific role in the ministry was with _______.

a) Children

b) Young girls and women who stayed with her to become nuns

c) Anyone who did not have a home

d) Counseling for the married people in the kingdom

23) St. Theoghnesta departed to Heaven on the __________ of Tout.

(Hint: it is the same day as the Feast of the Cross).

a) 14th b) 27th

c) 17th d) 30th


Onesimus the Runaway ServantSynexerium Amshir 21

1) Philemon was a _________.

a) Tentmaker b) Carpenter

c) Roman Merchant d) Roman Soldier

2) Philemon and his family loved to ______. They

turned their house into a ______.

a) Eat; Restaurant b) Pray; Agpeya

c) Shop; Mall d) Serve; Church

3) Philemon found _______ while at the servants


a) Paul b) Onesimus

c) Barnabas d) Luke


4) Describe the starting relationship between Philemon and Onesi-

mus. What happened to change their relationship?






5) After he stole from Philemon, Onesimus

fled to ________.

a) Rome b) Jerusalem

c) Greece d) Syria

6) When he ran away, Onesimus met ______ in ________.

a) St. Luke; Greece

b) St. Paul; Jerusalem

c) St. Paul; Prison d) St. Mark; The Market

7) Onesimus committed the bad act of stealing so St. Paul did not

love him.

a) True b) False


8) In St. Paul’s epistle to Philemon, he called Onesimus _________.

a) Profitable b) A good man

c) A criminal d) Unprofitable servant

9) What is the verse which includes the answer to #8?





10) St. Paul wrote ________ epistles.

a) 10 b) 57

c) 13 d) 14

11) St. Paul was arrested because

he _________.

a) Preached about Jesus

b) Performed miracles

c) Sold slaves

d) Was a Roman citizen


12) ______ was supposed to give St. Paul a trial.

a) King Herod b) Pontius Pilate

c) Caesar d) Herodias

13) While waiting for his trial, St. Paul was put under ___ with a ____.

a Suspension from school; Grounding

b) House arrest; Soldier c) House arrest; Servant

d) Starvation; Dog

14) St. Paul asked Philemon to __________.

a) Bring Onesimus back to his house

b) Forgive Onesimus for the things he stole

c) Get another slave to help Onesimus

d) Come visit him in Rome

15) Write the verse where St. Paul tells

Philemon his request







16) Onesimus is a good example of a __________ person.

a) Nice b) Repentant

c) Sinful d) Selfless

17) After repenting from his sin, Onesimus became a _________ and

later a _______.

a) Sunday school servant; Deacon b) Priest; Bishop

c) Deacon; Bishop d) Bishop; Pope

18) Onesimus was a bishop over the city

of ________.

a) Scetis b) Colossae

c) Ephesus b) Bereah

19) Onesimus was martyred on the

_________ of Amshir

a) 1st b) 15th

c) 23rd d) 21st


20) List the 4 things which allowed Onesimus to repent truly from his




III. ____________________________________________________

IV. ____________________________________________________


The Twelve Disciples and the Establishment of the Church

1) Disciples are the people who ________________.

a) Baptized in the Jordan River

b) Preached the Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ

c) Healed the Born blind man

d) Raised Lazarus from the dead

2) Before following Jesus, many of the disci-

ples were simple ______.

a) Pharisees b) Fishermen

c) Teachers d) Tent makers


3) The spread of Christianity was accomplished by money and educa-


a) True b) False

4) The “Constitution” for Christians comes from the __________.

a) Old Testament b) Sermon on the mount

c) Prayer at Gethsemane d) Transfiguration

5) The Sermon on the Mount can be found in the Gospel according to

St. __________.


6) One example of a miracle that the disciples attended with Jesus

was _____________.

a) The Samaritan woman b) The Prodigal Son

c) Feeding the 5 thousand d) Cursing the fig tree

7) Write the verse where the disciples ask Jesus to teach them how to











8) Besides the 12 disciples, Jesus called _________ apostles.

a) 45 b) 78

c) 70 d) 99


9) List 5 things Jesus gave His disciples and apostles the power to do.

I. ________________________________________

II. ________________________________________

III. _______________________________________

IV. _______________________________________

V. ________________________________________

10) After Christ rose, He taught the disciples about the Kingdom of

Heaven for ____ days.

a) 10 b) 5

c) 16 d) 40


11) Write a verse which tells us about Jesus sending His disciples to

preach to the whole world.






12) The disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit on _______.

a) Nativity b) Pentecost

c) Apostles Feast d) Epiphany

13) The first place where the disciples and apostles preached was in


a) Jerusalem

b) Greece

c) Rome

d) Damascus


14) After spreading the faith, many disciples and apostles were

_______ for Christ’s sake.

a) Sleepy b) Tired

c) Martyred d) Miracle workers

15) Provide a verse written by St. Paul which tells us the disciples are

the foundation of our church.

















_________________ _________________________________________























___________________ _________________________________________










This Workbook is a production of the Diocese of New York and New England under the Auspices of His Grace Bishop David Bishop of the Diocese of New York and New England and the current Papal Exarch of the Archdiocese of North America for H.H. Pope Tawadros II. May God use this ministry for the Glory of His Holy Name.