r ainni11 it nnufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/uf/00/02/82/98/01391/00288.pdf · the anthracite coal roads...

Vu VTOL XXIII iNO UAINESVILLE KLoKIKA SATIKDAV FEKRCARY 10 19015 TEN CENTS A WEEK nn h a r a 1 it j ainni11 = = MAY SHUT HIKES STRIKE Save More Coal Mined Than Is Demanded HUTDOWN MAY BE An Estimate Is Made that Allowing for Cold Weather There Would Be Five Months Supply of Anthracite Coal on Hand April 1 Nt turn Fib S Fallowing meeting ul ol M vra the anthracite coal roads tlicit wu an inllmitioii glen lit quart r tiki ly to th opeiators that In atithruriti which hail beer intmd u much In ect of the matid that i flown In Ute nIna tuny IK in c a ur if there i in Mi Ike mi Apt it Henrv S Fleming jecr uiry ul itu- uitummou vital trado which Inrlmlos most of the large suit coal and Secretary of the anthrsiclte coal uper- ntors made public cMimiites which In had been ting us in ih probable proportion ol mim rt who will obc ttc strike order In the nnthiaclte- trlct ho salt per void uf trie tnlu would strike In calculating the tnoii who arc Ills ly to strike In the coal district he lu found that minors wa much wealur In organization than wa- iistially tfiipjMiscd and hi based hts- C2cu liJ2 t the j r ij M iliin of union men and tin result of fustier soft coal strikes As to anthracite he std the average summer consumption Is two million tons a month and the aver age winter consumption Is eight mil linn tons a m nth Ip tn the pret nt the consumption has born tar behind thu itilneil About sixteen million tons ul anthracite have been mineil In excrys of the d mand titm there art inarlx two months before April I In which coal tau he mined For sonic time bark the railroad compinlef have lieen stocking an- thracite aril tiny never haul such a large siipplv In tore Mr Fleming enniattd tha even ul lowinlK for rold weiiihcr inre won be u live months Mippl ol anihruciie on hand on April 1 Homeseekcrs for Southwest Chicago Feb V The Itecordller aid sa h that lieiweeti and Li OH homesceUers started for the west and Tuesday through the tewn s ol Chicago M SijI- xmls luu as rn anti Omaha art cording to declaration of pa singeri then who have hi en closely Matching the inovcim ni that ha In en going ever sine t ho new rates were put ofTcct hft fall Tuesday was a rcc otdlUMkfi iinl It i snld mon have xouulit homes In the southwt- In this lure three months than ever borne lulu Sibasilnn pasen er traff- ic mnnir of the llock Island lin lust returned irom the oiihwe and said i he movement of houii tH ktrt lu direction wt alinoot be oitd be- lief Two Killed in Exploalton Aoberia Cii Felt x John Hntr- hts mill IM filed on Idrh Hill Craw ford c uiiiii blew up Tuesday HllliiK John llatclut and Sim UiMr j Hatchet llvtd ubtutt one hour and Vildpr four lio r 3 Ikvhaju u mUi Ufls4 man lluwii into n and euvorpd wHit Inmbcr which firo- tecicHl him A tttiilo was ta la tired Elk Home Dedicated l n i Wilier of viiniiu Klks Kxrtl iultr U W I 9itlvt21i w r In atretilu- Carried to Asylum I i I j j i BEFORE TOE NECESSARY h coal I lit shut i I 1t era I suit 1 K j I I Many l ull1 h WIt i u1 j tnt I I inept I II f litdJ 1 irtupbt h rTh ilf JInI- Iuh 01- If of balk ldflun St itt lion dthUj I tau f u of r I ta eII gII- lauttor w 1111 to It J t tat t tit vial t hello cull ll h bald I non quail lty u a r sits f that saw sear F ut I sash X11 ii Ott uas d lfrau i S lay 1 friw < Ctlanthtr 1 n tae prumtnl AIIk- 3mkh a fttt d- Initttr4 iii- laaan Tuw ana a > > > > > > > > > < > > = > + + SHED TEARS OF GRATITUDE- For Kindness Extended to Young Lady In Hour of Bereavement nuluth Minn Feu NVlrh tin tuneial evpi fur the burial of her mother in bum In Ohio and her patsaue back to N u Orlratis white- Jie is caipiMd pall by traiuiis lU i M Farhiiid LL y 11 it refined girl jit ol for the lindns ot liiiliitii people when sle boar lid the trills las I UK alter the l d of IHI mother haI- iKen dcpoMUd In the baKua e taro Her Mrs Mar McFarland had rant noiili I nun a small Ohio town thru iiioiths a o with eonsump mil iiiltm to Mek in the pine woods but rapldlj urcw worse Fearing her death llessle left New Orleaiih toll in DuMiith yes tcidax ainl found IICT mother dead Without firndi with which to return the body tu Ohio the New Orleans ptnt the reiiuilnlnt money hln had tiliKiaphliiK fur aid but none raise Then h r plUht became known to the citizens of iMiluth and roan than suf Itcleiit moiiev way Imiuedlaiely forth- coming Tim casket of the mother cov- ered with lowers the lift d strnn- Kt bivitllse of he symiilliv for Me lonelv till in her trouble REDUCTION MADE ON HAULS Reduction Will Be General on the Southern System Montiromery Ala Feb meeting of the railroad commission d neral Fi iuht Agent Course H Hiowder of till S nit hern rallwav said that reductions would be made on cot- ton on local hauls on the Memphis tool Charleston divisions of the will be u general reduction so far as the hauls on that line uru con- cerned The commission postponed the mat lor ot rates from Alabama jxtlntK to Alabama trills on cotton until till meeting In March The matter of the electric Inns of ihn HlrmlnKhnm Hall way ltchi and Iower company doing Ireluhl busltnss xvus also postponed The coniinls ltfi deciib d to hold an Inspection of i In Ihns of the rn railway In Intilim March Tin start will b mute from lltitnlnghnm and Citiil Manager II H SpeneT will be asked lo be a member of tn Negro In Shot to Death alias F b s Mm Cot ton n- ncpro was to death near Kinm- ville Sunday night by n posse of un- known men Saturday he curs d Jim lilllips at Hlamvlllc laid waa brute by him At oclock that evening soiiii one shut Phillips as sat In I hU room at home Suspicion pointed to Cotton a the offender and till last chnpter in the followed j Bartender Slays Protege HOIIIOII Tex Feb S Charles Wulkr liir nd r shot and fatally Miiinlel li k Siincifion ii l 2 Ill proteKe 11111 tlnn tired a bullit Into his own heM but It will out ptoe dial SltiKli ton died later No m- otlp ii kio n lor the murder though Ibeie li n trouble becaue of an air on Walkers purl becausi of an HHWH ilte ot Slllglelon Slays Self and Children Hostuii F li A woman null four children w r i ind dead lu Ind m the Ir home in the Itoxlxtry dimriet All tnve itka hMJ l the pttlict nidi- r tt ii ilat he wotaaa Mr Annie 1 Ulvon hm thlldrrn her Mlf iHH tilt ttret xn j Tb- rtiildn n wi tinUf aiMi T years liwirp a Mtlton 2 year ilarkrfi I year Articles Signed for Bout ftr IV mii K i s i IMTJ a 2 i rt bl- iik NVaJ have Ijwu xiKB d- Anwrkun iind Harry Trans t IJ ptHJJ- llt will Hi pi i j i lilt t all IIIt Will 1111 With girl fat next IIII art I tIC I tI and fly aral ladl rr < I a I OH a r I I t I f A t I r IIJ I I ors u- attn stun hl ant vld was shay Salt the s- Ails ill ark shot tray rd hits kilt d rs r t I hart v rtgt < erts Uegro- 3l l I fr t I w > > < > > > ¬ > > > < I I I JURY TO PROBE INSURANCE Jerome Notifit Witnesses To Be Rends TO TESTIFY OEFOnE GRAND JURY This Will Be First Active Step Taken by District Attorney Jerome in the Criminal Prosecution of Life Insur- ance Offenders i w on IV1 Witnesses in- ot ol the lite caes which line beeii tiinKi examination by the ili rut utturnejs olllce have notitli to be lu leadliUM to appear be lOll the fialnl jlllv tall Thtlxi This will be he lint attire atop to be iak n by District Atturney Jeiomu in the criminal prosecution of thu lile insurance ofTenders It liiillcutia- iibandoniiient on the part ot Mr Jcr of his original plan t have an exliionlluar jury lnianeed rill special consideration of life UJMiiainv i MS Whether an dinar grand jury will be Impanelled later dtp ads upon the number ami character ol cases which the district attorney hhall decide us deserving of criminal Indictment Mr Jerome It Is stated has practi rail decided UHII a large number of- piosecullotis and Is only awaiting the piililicaMon of the report of the Jativi hivi tl utiua commlttev for the iidllMoniil II M It will throw on tune mattero involed Special of the affairs of the Kfiiitabb Life Assurance hoclety within a yeat have cost that rorj orn lion more than fluuooO according to a statement autliorbeJ by Paul Mor- ton president of the Kiiiitable who added that while these Investigations had hecii exceedingly expensive they have been worth to the policy holders more than they hail cost Having just completed their joint investigation of the New York Mfe stiranco Miperlntendent of the states Wisconsin Kentucky Mln in sola and Nebraska it was stated ifi y have practically determined to lie ln i an iarl day a similar In glary liiii the affairs of thu Mutual Lite InMirmco coiii any FrANKLIN STATUE FOR PARIS Is Replica of Statue In Front of the Philadelphia Postojfice i v F i v A broim Htatue- ot 1Unjamiu liaIMii which John liarjrs a iinm1 r of the Parisian brain h of the banking house of J ierponi Moruau Is to give to inn till Ipality of IarN has been complet- ed M Cnetn Point It is a repilci ot in statue In front of Hie Philadelphia pontofllce and text IIH II Its wiiuht Is 7HIM pounds and it repri niH I ranldln In a Kitting The tutor IK eiahl feet tiluh find cast Ill a broue bane It oils In shlppiil to till French cap- ital lulls and be placed III Ihn Hue Franklin w r the Inltcd States imltahsv wus locatid when Franklin wai Inlied Suites atiibaMnndor to Fraser TIll statiiu wil be unveilod III April Will Receive Medals St Pcter liiifR Fih s Medals for nil ih n e who pjirMrlpated In the war with l i i ti4 irf n ordered necprd n 10 AH liiperiHl rvucrlpt published lay Thu who deended Pori Arthur anre i lnul d out frtr ills tlnctMn Tf will yUeri a silver mt l l Anti H ronx mi tlab will l h stowed n fh e who r twl In bale iji I wa Th 4- ijt n whr wir n under Arc will r- wive titoi nude Want Lit tavirtfl SUtlon- tfrw Vurk J 4JfRci lii irf the failttc Cu Mf H wihl criiitpmtv- w liiwe shin at Wail YiF n ft I I I i 11111 1IJa Ill II too XII allr legls III I till I h l fir Jan lit J n t t I I r I I fJI OJ lira r i betu rand the lust stlgatinn Ten nessee 1 nth itt nl Mali slx vial ncr h dark I k sr i- a lRC r Ir11- II r L s > > > < ¬ > > > < > < > > + + + ARTIST 18 SHOT TO DEATH Miniature Painter Meets Tragic End In Birmingham lllrrniiiKhani Ala Feb S George Fretiiiia a minlalure artist formerly of I itoii was shot and killed In u house of III loins in lUrtntnghani at 1 oclock j Vnesday He is well known In AtMUn winre nid M hnv hud I a nunier of li nN Permnh who I ki w him will hire stated that he- I hi l pnlned a niitdber of mlnlature ot known p ople in Atlanta al- though tiny were unable to give the name1 i if Ins ot the people whose pic i snits In hiti I He freijiuntl- yitiiirrid to friends in Atlanta Fn email Was shot in the hark and as the result Chief of Pcdlce Wler ha ordered two wonn n and two men lour of die the witnessed of the shoot on charges of murder I Il art Dick stay Charles l ands dioviie Irma Henderson and Mario i Martin I > I w II I tin iii lit t sirs I1 I >> > Henry Mathewn better known B- BMattv former catcher for Atlanta and at pnsint backstopper for i lllrmlnghiiu knseball team wan also i present at tits time nnd In being held on bond as a witness Womans Death InvestllgatetL- Moultile a Feb S Coroner line i her nMimed his Investigation Into the j death of Mrs Stacy Tucker a post I mortem examination being made by I Dr H H Harris of Atlanta and Dr I Cverelt Daniel of Moultrle Though it tiny been six works since tho death of the woman slit lady was In a perfect Htati of preservation and the j physicians found nothing of organic I trottntcii to have caused death Tho- i sloiiiaeii HiialtidN will lt ciiinluctod by I Dr Harris In Atlanta Speeding Car Crushes lays Attain Fiti S eo Sims Walk I er the Vyuirobl son of M M Walk cr of ItolMin Is dying and its old brother Koliert In badly anti KI- Sslily seriously Injured n the result ot an aaccldcnt Monday afternoon nt I odiMl Kolton in when a work I cir of the dorgla Hallway and Klec- i trie eonpain smashed Into n wapon In I vIleh the bush were riding tore i it Into purr WWII sent the occupants Hurling through the nil Charge Was Dismissed Coiumbus Cia Feb S When Dop- ut Sheriff Hube llnguley of Runnel county Alabama was arraigned ba- ton Tutted States Commliuloner Sam ford on H charge uf Illicit distilling the commissioner after hearing th evidence discharged the case It was nn Huguleys firm ID miles west of Columbus that tho still was nlltKtJd to have been in operation Johnnon Charged with Manslaughter Sun FranclMo Feb S An a result of the autopsy performed the body of Alex Dovln the INv who was killed in an unlicensed prize light at cilubs pavilion at Colmu on Monday nUU by Chlrtio Johusoa n of manslaiiKhter hums bran plan iiLMtmt Johnson and his where utinis are being hought by he ti iff of SHU Mnteo county and by tile local puller Abuses of Crisis In Hungary ISmlaiHM Hungary Fen s Tho- hunper till o i reign power and the at- tempt io restrict the rointlmtioiiil- rights nnd hiiicthins of tin chief of In niiih a way ati even tin pres- ident ot tin ripiitlfe would not sub- mit to nre declared b Priinler Fejva- it to be the abiifcett of the crlslh In- Hiinynry Gives 5000 to Memorial Xnahrlll Tinn Feb s James II- floili of lla iu toM given to tut iru i lu K iiiirky eolkjt1 4inM the rn4 u- to In i n i nr tintt a bukUiltu Ui of MU II n I UoHh Jr rhci WHM a tmit ut 11 I n the I I III 1 h C ulna hart I 1 has I III jcrltttgu Tf h t 11 j fro I IP year nr tan upon the slat w Hit r mt miry cotta tit V17i eta fttakse ftspues- U 1 f Prtn i i < > ¬ > CONCERN IS FELT ABOUT THE OUTCOME Of Germany Claims At The Moroccan Conference MAY FAIL TO REACH AGREEMENT It la Said in Government Circles that Even a Failure to Reach an Agree- ment on Police Question la Frefea ble at Algericaa Conference Berlin Feb h While government circles maintain un outwardly hopeful attitude regarding the conference at Algeclran the indications are that much concern la felt about tile out COllie Kvvti a failure to reach AH Y t agreement on the imllcu quvatioB U ng- mrdtd an probable Tina inference U drawa from UM fact that the inspired press had beffna- cllcusalug the probable results of a failure to reach an agreement These papers assert that a failure would Mt Involve the danger of war so far M Germany IM concerned aad argue that France would serer fo to war on account of Morocco Three papers interpret the waratag of the lavas agency agaiast exec sire optimism as the padfte Intentions of the Paris govenusMMt rho result of a failure to reaah aa- aRrecment would according to tier man Inspired utterances that Mores cnn nnar rontlnn to b nlnted under the arrangement of IBM Hut some observers point out that tie controversy of SOS originated la ata of that arrangement and tkat the terrace being due to Germaa tattia- tlvc Its failure would larolve damage to German prestige The Hamburger Nachrtctea says a failure of the conference world late alfy the friction between Gonaany aad France and compromise Genaaajr position Woman Found UncenKlaua- Iluffnlo N Y Feb 8 Two tarN hamlM found a woman UHCoascloaa la a cove In the Niagara river a ar La Halle She was most eipenslvely at- tired wearing among other thlaga ala slits of the finest silk underwear Doctorii say she was nut exhausted bjr tout but by hunger The police are trying to find out whence she She hail only 12 cents on her aenoa but had many advertlaemeata of deal era In old ROM and sliver last alght- Hho was delirious at a hospital where she had been revived with dlflculty Killed by Seller Explealen Chattanooga Tens Feb 8 A ape elal to the News from Grayavllle Penn KRVH that the boiler of a saw mill owned by llobort Jordan explod- ed and was blown BO yards Jordans yoiuigcrflt son was no badly hurt that he dill in two bourn Another arm was bmktii and the fathers skull was fractured The accident watt due to low water In the toiler Giving Poultry Show LaGrange u Feb 8 The second annual iouliry show of the Troup County Poultry unit Pet Stock a wocl atlon Is being held In LaGrange thin wcek Quite u number of very fine exhibits are to hr seen and many from over the country are attend- ing I he poultry show will lost sev- eral flays Forner Marshal Suicides hut J pr8 Irk Ftb S Samuel Clay IlifiI i IiMtcr city marshal of Sbruve irt la oinmtited suicide dur- ing tin in lit m u lotlxlng house i at i UK poiMii lit was a married mUll with kevenil hildren hli wife being a dauKMi t ot Treasurer Ilckeri- ol UiiiiniiniH ltoeri haI been ii clerk viii by Coopti UfOS coin uf Hhrevoport Hit loft n p Mr rv te addressed to hlj wlfi anil clt n at Lake Village Ark Delivery for Griffin UfuUlrVn fVb X Iht j9tmsi Kntfni ha rrtfnil cstnbllsn- inent of ctty delivery at irottnwotMl H C std Urltllu Ga on May 1 prod boo clan b I t Ciy tee h r they 1 hold rag es eerie r t J a Nuts s p- Are re j y peo- ple a 4 Itfta fet t w M ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ +

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Page 1: r ainni11 it nnufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01391/00288.pdf · the anthracite coal roads tlicit wu an inllmitioii glen lit quart r tiki ly to th opeiators that In atithruriti







1itj ainni11= =



Save More Coal Mined Than IsDemanded


An Estimate Is Made that Allowing forCold Weather There Would Be FiveMonths Supply of Anthracite Coalon Hand April 1

Nt turn Fib S Fallowingmeeting ul ol M vrathe anthracite coal roads tlicit wuan inllmitioii glen lit quart r tikily to th opeiators that In atithruriti

which hail beer intmd umuch In ect of the matid that i

flown In Ute nIna tuny IK in ca ur if there i in Mi Ike mi Apt itHenrv S Fleming jecr uiry ul itu-

uitummou vital trado which Inrlmlosmost of the large suit coal andSecretary of the anthrsiclte coal uper-ntors made public cMimiites which Inhad been ting us in ih probableproportion ol mim rt who will obc ttcstrike order In the nnthiaclte-trlct ho salt per void uf trie tnlu

would strikeIn calculating the tnoii who arc Ills

ly to strike In the coal districthe lu found that minors wamuch wealur In organization than wa-

iistially tfiipjMiscd and hi based hts-

C2cu liJ2 t the j r ij M iliin ofunion men and tin result of fustiersoft coal strikes

As to anthracite he std theaverage summer consumption Is twomillion tons a month and the average winter consumption Is eight millinn tons a m nth Ip tn the pret ntthe consumption has born tar behindthu itilneil About sixteenmillion tons ul anthracite have beenmineil In excrys of the d mand titmthere art inarlx two months beforeApril I In which coal tau he mined

For sonic time bark the railroadcompinlef have lieen stocking an-

thracite aril tiny never haul such alarge siipplv In tore

Mr Fleming enniattd tha even ullowinlK for rold weiiihcr inre wonbe u live months Mippl ol anihruciieon hand on April 1

Homeseekcrs for SouthwestChicago Feb V The Itecordller

aid sa h that lieiweeti and LiO H homesceUers started for the westand Tuesday through the

tewn s ol Chicago M SijI-

xmls luu as rn anti Omaha artcording to declaration of pa singerithen who have hi en closely Matchingthe inovcim ni that ha In en goingever sine t ho new rates were putofTcct hft fall Tuesday was a rccotdlUMkfi iinl It i snld monhave xouulit homes In the southwt-In this lure three months than everborne lulu Sibasilnn pasen er traff-

ic mnnir of the llock Island lin

lust returned irom the oiihwe andsaid i he movement of houii tH ktrt lu

direction wt alinoot be oitd be-


Two Killed in ExploaltonAoberia Cii Felt x John Hntr-

hts mill IM filed on Idrh HillCraw ford c uiiiii blew up TuesdayHllliiK John llatclut and Sim UiMr j

Hatchet llvtd ubtutt one hour andVildpr four lio r 3 Ikvhajuu mUi Ufls4 man lluwii into nand euvorpd wHit Inmbcr which firo-

tecicHl him A tttiilo was ta latired

Elk Home Dedicated

l n

i Wilier of viiniiu KlksKxrtl iultr U W

I 9itlvt21i w r In atretilu-

Carried to Asylum










coalI lit

shut i











l ull1 h WIt


u1 j

tnt I







irtupbt h rTh ilf JInI-Iuh 01-

If of balk ldflun Stitt lion

dthUjI tau f u of r


ta eII

gII-lauttor w 1111




tat t tit


t hello




bald I


quail lty









Fut I sash X11

ii Ott

uas d lfrau i S lay 1


Ctlanthtr 1 n

tae prumtnlAIIk-

3mkh a fttt d-

Initttr4 iii-

laaan Tuw ana a




> >













For Kindness Extended to Young LadyIn Hour of Bereavement

nuluth Minn Feu NVlrh tintuneial evpi fur the burial of hermother in bum In Ohio and herpatsaue back to N u Orlratis white-

Jie is caipiMd pall by traiuiislU i M Farhiiid LL y 11 itrefined girl jit olfor the lindns ot liiiliitii peoplewhen sle boar lid the trills lasI UK alter the l d of IHI mother haI-iKen dcpoMUd In the baKuae taro

Her Mrs Mar McFarlandhad rant noiili I nun a small Ohiotown thru iiioiths a o with eonsump

mil iiiltm to Mek in thepine woods but rapldlj urcw worse

Fearing her death llessle left NewOrleaiih toll in DuMiith yestcidax ainl found IICT mother deadWithout firndi with which to returnthe body tu Ohio the New Orleansptnt the reiiuilnlnt money hln hadtiliKiaphliiK fur aid but none raiseThen h r plUht became known to thecitizens of iMiluth and roan than sufItcleiit moiiev way Imiuedlaiely forth-coming

Tim casket of the mother cov-

ered with lowers the lift d strnn-Kt bivitllse of he symiilliv

for Me lonelv till in her trouble


Reduction Will Be General on theSouthern System

Montiromery Ala Febmeeting of the railroad commissiond neral Fi iuht Agent Course H

Hiowder of till S nit hern rallwav saidthat reductions would be made on cot-

ton on local hauls on the Memphis toolCharleston divisions of the

will be u general reduction sofar as the hauls on that line uru con-

cernedThe commission postponed the mat

lor ot rates from Alabama jxtlntK toAlabama trills on cotton until tillmeeting In March The matter of theelectric Inns of ihn HlrmlnKhnm Hallway ltchi and Iower company doingIreluhl busltnss xvus also postponedThe coniinls ltfi deciib d to hold anInspection of i In Ihns of the rnrailway In Intilim March Tinstart will b mute from lltitnlnghnmand Citiil Manager II H SpeneTwill be asked lo be a member of tn

Negro In Shot to Deathalias F b s Mm Cot ton n-

ncpro was to death near Kinm-ville Sunday night by n posse of un-

known men Saturday he curs d Jimlilllips at Hlamvlllc laid waa bruteby him At oclock that eveningsoiiii one shut Phillips as sat In I

hU room at home Suspicion pointedto Cotton a the offender and till lastchnpter in the followed j

Bartender Slays ProtegeHOIIIOII Tex Feb S Charles

Wulkr liir nd r shot and fatallyMiiinlel li k Siincifion ii l 2 Ill

proteKe 11111 tlnn tired a bullit Intohis own heM but It will out ptoedial SltiKli ton died later No m-otlp ii kio n lor the murder thoughIbeie li n trouble becaue of anair on Walkers purl becausi of anHHWH ilte ot Slllglelon

Slays Self and ChildrenHostuii F li A woman null four

children w r i ind dead lu Ind mthe Ir home in the Itoxlxtry dimrietAll tnve itka hMJ l the pttlict nidi-

r tt ii ilat he wotaaa Mr Annie 1

Ulvon hm thlldrrn herMlf iHH tilt ttret xn j Tb-

rtiildn n wi tinUf aiMi T yearsliwirp a Mtlton 2 year

ilarkrfi I year

Articles Signed for Boutftr IV mii K i s i IMTJ

a 2 i rt bl-iik NVaJ

have Ijwu xiKB d-

Anwrkuniind Harry Trans

t IJ ptHJJ-llt will Hi pi





t all IIIt

Will 1111










tI andfly


ladlrr <

I aI

OH ar


I t I


A tI r IIJ I




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ant vld



Salt the





tray rd


kilt drs



I hartv rtgt <

erts Uegro-3l l

I fr




















Jerome Notifit Witnesses To

Be Rends


This Will Be First Active Step Takenby District Attorney Jerome in theCriminal Prosecution of Life Insur-

ance Offenders

i w on IV1 Witnesses in-

ot ol the lite caes whichline beeii tiinKi examination by theili rut utturnejs olllce havenotitli to be lu leadliUM to appear belOll the fialnl jlllv tall Thtlxi

This will be he lint attire atop tobe iak n by District Atturney Jeiomuin the criminal prosecution of thulile insurance ofTenders It liiillcutia-iibandoniiient on the part ot Mr Jcr

of his original plan t have anexliionlluar jury lnianeedrill special consideration of lifeUJMiiainv i MS Whether andinar grand jury will be Impanelledlater dtp ads upon the number amicharacter ol cases which the districtattorney hhall decide us deserving ofcriminal Indictment

Mr Jerome It Is stated has practirail decided UHII a large number of-

piosecullotis and Is only awaiting thepiililicaMon of the report of theJativi hivi tl utiua commlttev for theiidllMoniil II M It will throw on tunemattero involed

Special of the affairs ofthe Kfiiitabb Life Assurance hocletywithin a yeat have cost that rorj ornlion more than fluuooO according toa statement autliorbeJ by Paul Mor-ton president of the Kiiiitable whoadded that while these Investigationshad hecii exceedingly expensive theyhave been worth to the policy holdersmore than they hail cost

Having just completed their jointinvestigation of the New York Mfestiranco Miperlntendent of the statesWisconsin Kentucky Mlnin sola and Nebraska it was statedifi y have practically determined tolie ln i an iarl day a similar In

glary liiii the affairs of thu MutualLite InMirmco coiii any


Is Replica of Statue In Front of thePhiladelphia Postojfice

i v F i v A broim Htatue-ot 1Unjamiu liaIMii which Johnliarjrs a iinm1 r of the Parisianbrain h of the banking house of Jierponi Moruau Is to give to inntill Ipality of IarN has been complet-ed M Cnetn Point

It is a repilci ot in statue In frontof Hie Philadelphia pontofllce and text

IIH II Its wiiuht Is 7HIM poundsand it repri niH I ranldln In a Kitting

The tutor IK eiahl feettiluh find cast Ill a broue bane

It oils In shlppiil to till French cap-ital lulls and be placed III IhnHue Franklin w r the Inltcd Statesimltahsv wus locatid when Franklinwai Inlied Suites atiibaMnndor toFraser TIll statiiu wil be unveilodIII April

Will Receive MedalsSt Pcter liiifR Fih s Medals for

nil ih n e who pjirMrlpated In the warwith l i i ti4 irf n ordered necprdn 10 AH liiperiHl rvucrlpt published

lay Thu who deended PoriArthur anre i lnul d out frtr illstlnctMn Tf will yUeri a silvermt l l Anti H ronx mi tlab willl h stowed n fh e who rtwl In bale iji I wa Th 4-

ijt n whr wir n under Arc will r-

wive titoi nude

Want Lit tavirtfl SUtlon-tfrw Vurk J 4JfRci lii irf the

failttc Cu Mf H wihl criiitpmtv-w liiwe shin at Wail

YiF n ft





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Miniature Painter Meets Tragic EndIn Birmingham

lllrrniiiKhani Ala Feb S GeorgeFretiiiia a minlalure artist formerly of

I itoii was shot and killed In u houseof III loins in lUrtntnghani at 1 oclock

j Vnesday He is well known InAtMUn winre nid M hnv hud

I a nunier of li nN Permnh whoI

ki w him will hire stated that he-I hi l pnlned a niitdber of mlnlatureot known p ople in Atlanta al-

though tiny were unable to give thename1 i if Ins ot the people whose pic

i snits In hiti I He freijiuntl-yitiiirrid to friends in Atlanta

Fn email Was shot in the hark andas the result Chief of Pcdlce Wlerha ordered two wonn n and two menlour of die the witnessed of the shoot

on charges of murderI Il art Dick stay Charles l ands

dioviie Irma Henderson and Marioi Martin


> I

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sirs I1 I

> >


Henry Mathewn better known B-BMattv former catcher for Atlanta

and at pnsint backstopper fori lllrmlnghiiu knseball team wan alsoi present at tits time nnd In being heldon bond as a witness

Womans Death InvestllgatetL-Moultile a Feb S Coroner line

i her nMimed his Investigation Into thej death of Mrs Stacy Tucker a postI mortem examination being made byI Dr H H Harris of Atlanta and DrI Cverelt Daniel of Moultrle Though

it tiny been six works since tho deathof the woman slit lady was In aperfect Htati of preservation and the

j physicians found nothing of organicI trottntcii to have caused death Tho-i sloiiiaeii HiialtidN will lt ciiinluctod byI Dr Harris In Atlanta

Speeding Car Crushes laysAttain Fiti S eo Sims Walk

I er the Vyuirobl son of M M Walkcr of ItolMin Is dying and itsold brother Koliert In badly anti KI-Sslily seriously Injured n the resultot an aaccldcnt Monday afternoon nt I

odiMl Kolton in when a workI cir of the dorgla Hallway and Klec-i trie eonpain smashed Into n wapon InI vIleh the bush were riding torei it Into purr WWII sent the occupants

Hurling through the nil

Charge Was DismissedCoiumbus Cia Feb S When Dop-

ut Sheriff Hube llnguley of Runnelcounty Alabama was arraigned ba-

ton Tutted States Commliuloner Samford on H charge uf Illicit distillingthe commissioner after hearing thevidence discharged the case Itwas nn Huguleys firm ID miles westof Columbus that tho still was nlltKtJdto have been in operation

Johnnon Charged with ManslaughterSun FranclMo Feb S An a result

of the autopsy performed thebody of Alex Dovln the INv who waskilled in an unlicensed prize light at

cilubs pavilion at Colmu onMonday nUU by Chlrtio Johusoan of manslaiiKhter hums branplan iiLMtmt Johnson and his whereutinis are being hought by he

ti iff of SHU Mnteo county and bytile local puller

Abuses of Crisis In HungaryISmlaiHM Hungary Fen s Tho-

hunper till o i reign power and the at-

tempt io restrict the rointlmtioiiil-rights nnd hiiicthins of tin chief of

In niiih a way ati even tin pres-ident ot tin ripiitlfe would not sub-mit to nre declared b Priinler Fejva-it to be the abiifcett of the crlslh In-


Gives 5000 to MemorialXnahrlll Tinn Feb s James II-

floili of lla iu toM given to tutiru i lu K iiiirky eolkjt1

4inM the rn4 u-

to In i n i nr tintt a bukUiltu Ui

of MU II n I

UoHh Jr rhci WHM a tmit ut 11

I n





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Of Germany Claims At The

Moroccan Conference


It la Said in Government Circles thatEven a Failure to Reach an Agree-

ment on Police Question la Frefea

ble at Algericaa Conference

Berlin Feb h While governmentcircles maintain un outwardly hopefulattitude regarding the conference atAlgeclran the indications are thatmuch concern la felt about tile outCOllie Kvvti a failure to reach AH



agreement on the imllcu quvatioB U ng-

mrdtd an probableTina inference U drawa from UM

fact that the inspired press had beffna-cllcusalug the probable results of afailure to reach an agreement Thesepapers assert that a failure would MtInvolve the danger of war so far MGermany IM concerned aad arguethat France would serer fo to waron account of Morocco

Three papers interpret the waratagof the lavas agency agaiast execsire optimism as the padfteIntentions of the Paris govenusMMtrho result of a failure to reaah aa-aRrecment would according to tierman Inspired utterances that Morescnn nnar rontlnn to bnlnted under the arrangement of IBMHut some observers point out that tiecontroversy of SOS originated la ataof that arrangement and tkat theterrace being due to Germaa tattia-tlvc Its failure would larolvedamage to German prestige

The Hamburger Nachrtctea says afailure of the conference world latealfy the friction between Gonaany aadFrance and compromise Genaaajrposition

Woman Found UncenKlaua-Iluffnlo N Y Feb 8 Two tarN

hamlM found a woman UHCoascloaa laa cove In the Niagara river a ar LaHalle She was most eipenslvely at-

tired wearing among other thlaga alaslits of the finest silk underwearDoctorii say she was nut exhausted bjrtout but by hunger The police aretrying to find out whence sheShe hail only 12 cents on her aenoabut had many advertlaemeata of dealera In old ROM and sliver last alght-Hho was delirious at a hospital whereshe had been revived with dlflculty

Killed by Seller ExplealenChattanooga Tens Feb 8 A ape

elal to the News from GrayavlllePenn KRVH that the boiler of a sawmill owned by llobort Jordan explod-ed and was blown BO yards Jordansyoiuigcrflt son was no badly hurt thathe dill in two bourn Anotherarm was bmktii and the fathersskull was fractured The accidentwatt due to low water In the toiler

Giving Poultry ShowLaGrange u Feb 8 The second

annual iouliry show of the TroupCounty Poultry unit Pet Stock a woclatlon Is being held In LaGrange thinwcek Quite u number of very fineexhibits are to hr seen and many

from over the country are attend-ing I he poultry show will lost sev-

eral flays

Forner Marshal Suicideshut J pr8 Irk Ftb S Samuel

Clay IlifiI i IiMtcr city marshal ofSbruve irt la oinmtited suicide dur-ing tin in lit m u lotlxlng housei at i UK poiMii lit was a married mUllwith kevenil hildren hli wife beinga dauKMi t ot Treasurer Ilckeri-ol UiiiiniiniH ltoeri haI been iiclerk viii by Coopti UfOS

coin uf Hhrevoport Hitloft n p Mr rv te addressed to hljwlfi anil clt n at Lake VillageArk

Delivery for GriffinUfuUlrVn fVb X Iht j9tmsi

Kntfni ha rrtfnil cstnbllsn-inent of ctty delivery at irottnwotMlH C std Urltllu Ga on May 1








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