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Mo n s t e r s o f I l l u s i o nBy Kenneth “Axel” Carlsson

Editing Chris Caran, Suzette Stone

Interior ArtworkJason Walton

LayoutDavid Jarvis

‘d20 System’ and the ‘d20 system’ logo are trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast and

are used according to the terms of the d20 System License version 1.0. A copy of this License can be

found at www.wizards.com

Dungeons and Dragons® and Wizards of the Coast® are Registered Trademarks of Wizards of

the Coast and are used with permission.

Copyright © 2005 Reality Deviant Publications. Monsters of Illusion™ is a trademark of Reality Deviant Publications. All rights reserved. This

work, or parts thereof, may not be copied without permission.

Designation of Open Gaming Content

All NPC’s, statistics, and all concepts, elements and text derived from the d20 System Reference Document are designated as Open Gaming Content. The following text is specifically designated as Open Gaming Content:•All creature statblocks on pages 4 - 15.•All creature descriptions on pages 4 -15.•All descriptions of magic items and magic item special abilities, specifically on page 15.•All spell descriptions on pages 16 - 19.•All NPC descriptions and statblocks on pages 19 - 22.•All Text and game mechanics related to Fordrusil Forest on pages 22-26.

All illustrations and pictures in this book are the Product Identity and the property of Reality Deviant Publications, © 2005.

The Open Gaming License is printed in its entirety at the end of this book. For further information, please visit the open gaming foundation website, www.opengamingfoundation.org.

ProofreadersSuzette Stone, Chris Swenson

Cover ArtworkJason Walton


Table Of Contents

Designation of Open Gaming Content --- 2

Introduction ---------------------------------- 3

Monsters -------------------------------------- 3

Asnae ------------------------------------------ 4

Ever-changing Ooze ------------------------ 6

Elder Ever-changing Ooze ----------------- 7

Elder Mother --------------------------------10

Shimmer Dragon ---------------------------12

Uilloctul --------------------------------------14

Appendix I: Spells --------------------------16

Appendix II: Monster NPC’s -------------18

Appendix III: Fordrusil Forest ------------23

Open Gaming License ---------------------27


“What follows is a short recollection of recent events. I have only just arrived at the city of Crant, traveling on the border of the Lost Lands. Yes, I was warned of the dangers, but these dangers were also one of the reasons for going to Crant. I could not have traveled by any other road. The first night I camped near a small creek and made my campfire much like always. There were sounds from the nearby swamp, but nothing that I hadn’t heard before. When I awakened in the middle of the night, hearing voices, I knew that someone or something was near. I could not be certain that the voices were human, as they were hard to discern.

I got my precious bag (the day I leave my bag behind is also the day I leave my mind behind) and followed the voices. Soon after, the voices diverged and I had to decide which to follow. I had heard the voices, but could not describe them, and so, after thinking long and hard, I chose one of them. The voice led me into the swamp with no idea of how to get out. It was then that I saw the creature, a strange flowery being that sat on a large stone and watched me silently. The voices obviously came from this creature by way of magic. There were more than two voices, though(and I could not help but wonder how I could have missed that). Not all monsters should be feared, and as I looked upon the uilloctul, I knew that I had nothing to fear from her.

(Note also that there could be no doubt about the gender of this creature, as she has a clear humanoid shape and no clothing, thus revealing just about everything.)

After staring at her for some time, I heard a voice in my head. It was so sweet and tender that I could not help falling completely in love. Something had been stolen from her - a ring. I knew the only way I could be worthy of such a magnificent creature was to recover her property. In retrospect, it was a charm of some sort; but I had only one thought in my mind. I had to help her in any way I could. Such was my first encounter with the mysterious uilloctul from the Lost Lands.”

(Fragment from Bendelbrook’s Journal, page 56)

MonstersAll contained within these pages all have some essence of illusion. They could be the creation of an illusionist or merely some force of nature, created for unknown purposes by gods. They may appear in any part of the world for no good reason, challenging, or perhaps even aiding heroes. They could just as easily become a close and trusted ally to help adventurers in times of need.

What follows are the monsters and their game mechanics. There are several adventure hooks to integrate these monsters of illusion into your game or form the basis for a small adventure.

After these descriptions is a small appendix of new illusion spells. Some of these are used by one or more of the monsters, but they can be learned by players if they fulfill the class and level requirements.

Another appendix details two monster NPCs, Nemorda the Elder Mother and Riianthil the Uilloctul.

The final appendix describes a new location to be used in any setting. Fordrusil Forest comes complete with a detailed description of the region and a full color map. Finally, we will offer advice on how to integrate this creepy forest into your own campaign.



Small Magical Beast (Good)Hit Dice: 8d10+8 (52)Initiative: +9 (+5 dex, +4 improved initia-tive)Speed: 50 ft.Armor Class: 18 (+5 dex, +1 size, +2 natural), touch 16, flatfooted 13Base Attack/Grapple: +8/+3Attack: Claws +15 melee (1d3-1)Full Attack: Claws +15 melee (1d3-1) and Tail +3 melee (1d4-1)Space/Reach: 5 ft. /5 ft.Special Attacks: Hypnotic Gaze, Spell-like abilitiesSpecial Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., Low-light vision, Shadow JumpSaves: Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +9Abilities: Str 8, Dex 20, Con 13, Int 16, Wis 18, Cha 15Skills: Balance +10, Climb +4, Concen-tration +6, Diplomacy +10, Escape Art-ist +13, Hide +18, Jump +4, Knowledge (local)+8, Listen +7, Move Silently +18, Spellcraft +5, Spot +8.Feats: Weapon Focus (claws), Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse (Claws)Environment: AnyOrganization: Solitary or PairChallenge Rating: 6Treasure: NoneAlignment: Always goodAdvancement: 9-11 HD (small)Level Adjustment: -

Asnae“My best friend is no human or gnome, as one might think, but a small creature which has stayed by my side in almost every possible situation. His name is Illawyth and is one of the strange cats known as the asnae. I trust him like I trust no other.” Bendelbrook of Lorthin’s Creek

The asnae is a small magical beast which looks somewhat like a cat, though it is much more. The fur of this creature is white, though it darkens when moving through the shadows and they have a long, tough tail. It has non-threatening red eyes that many consider to be quite pleasing.

These creatures are usually found serving good-hearted illusionists, often gnomes. Asnae will even consent to being used as mounts, if the rider uses reduce person.There has always been friendship between the gnomes and the asnae, and if you find a gnome community, then are sure to be asnae close by.

Asnae speak common, gnomish and elven.

CombatThe asnae realize they are not particularly dangerous in melee combat, so they tend to fight with magic and trickery. If the situa-tion looks grim, the creature will not hesitate to flee into the shadows, taking their closest friends with them.

Hypnotic Gaze (Su): Creatures who look into the eyes of the asnae will see streaming patterns that fascinate them. Hypnotize, range 20 feet; Will DC 16 negates. The subject is fascinated as if affected by a Hypnotism spell (caster level 9th). The save DC is Charisma-based.

Shadowrunning (Sp): By stepping into the shadows, the asnae come close to the Plane of Shadow and can travel up to 1 mile. This power can be used three times a day, and the asnae often use it to flee a lost battle.

The asnae can choose to take as many as two friends with it. These creatures must be small, tiny or diminutive. This ability can only be performed once per day.


Spell-like abilities: The asnae can cast the following spells; 1/day – Blur, Invisibility, Mi-nor Image (DC 16), Misdirection (DC 16) and Ventriloquism. Caster level 9th. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Skills: Asnae are masters at vanishing, and have a natural affinity for stealth. Asnae enjoy a +8 racial bonus to Hide and Move Silently.

Adventure HookWhile traveling through a swamp, the party is suddenly greeted by an elderly man sitting on a bare rock. He has white hair and wearily leans on a gnarled oak staff as he watches the adventurers approach. The old man introduces himself to the group as Laelwon and asks if they have seen a small gnome wizard.

This old man is an illusion created by an asnae. The asnae is using Minor Image and Ventriloquism to speak with the party. The asnae has indeed lost his friend, the gnome wizard, and has not been able to find him for days.

Anyone who makes a successful Will save (DC 14) will realize the voice is illusory, although they continue to hear it. Another Will save (DC 14) can be made to disbelieve the old man if the party interacts with him. If the party seems honorable and good, the asnae may choose to reveal the ruse himself.

The asnae (or the illusion) explains that he and the gnome wizard quarreled several days earlier because they were lost. The gnome left in anger and has not returned as the asnae expected he would eventually. He is worried sick and not sure what to do. The gnome, instead of finding a way out, found a troll. He is not dead yet, but will be if the heroes don’t find him within the next few days.