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TIlE DAILY sus GAINESVILLE FLORIDA AKY K w 6 1 t y r- s NEWS OF CITY AND COUNTY CONDENSED Mattel General Interest Oath trod bj Our Reporters PERSONAL AND SOCIAL Whet HM Happwwland What Is Going In Short Paragraphs That MH Wh Runs May Read ft In The Sun baked goods Keystone Bakery LasHetealliBR cards ia latest styles 8aa ells Deaaelly A Ratfleid minstrels nut Attorney W W Hampton is in Tal lahastee OB professional business L 3 Chats has returned from a brtf butfnwf rip tc JsekwnvHle Dry oak and pine wood for sale Also 00000 aeed cane J N Boa phone 19 TB SUB ladastrial Edition sent to address postage free for10 eats ROOMS nay be had at the Barracks at reasonable rates Apply at Bar neb B F HanptOB of Jacksonville is ta B iBjB few days ia this city on bBSlBCtM Its ea BOW the sale of clothing Get the habit and call on L J Barkalas W M Thomas of Alachua wes MBoag the busiaees visitors to this city yesterday Miat Addle Goode left yesterday for Jacksonville where she met a number of Keataeky bled 0 9 Rnbertaoa of the Express friferater has gone to Jacksonville oa buaiaeN- IB 46 hours there will be a great tBraiBR over of clothis Get the habit Call on L J Barkhlm I O Wakler led W I Aikeaa of Bell were anoag those who paid the eoaaty capital a visit f eetcrda- yAlexsder Walkar of Jackson- ville Development Company ia in the city in the interest of his company R O Davit of Jacksonville State agent for the celebrated typewriter i In the city in the inter tot of his machine W E Baker has returned from Mayo and Perry where he l interest- ed ia the attracting hushes He was absent several days Oscar J Keep of Atlanta Ga rep reaeating the Dodson Printer Supply Co ia ia the city tad made The Sun frateraal call yesterday- A trial will show you why lime Rib bon Lemon and Vanilla extracts have ao many friends Ask for Blue Ribbon Vanilla and say it plain- J L Winter of Waldo was among those who viiited Gsineiville on bri- nes yesterday Mr Winter ia a tank manufacturer of that town Iloa Robert B Weeks of Hawthorn chairman of the Board of Public In- struction was among those who paid Gainesville a visit yesterday Milt Clara Thomas the efficient principal of the Hatchet Creek school returned to her home Sunday after a pleasant visit to relatives hire W H Adkins of Atlanta Ga traffic manager of the Southern Hell Tele- phone and Telephone Company in in city in the interest of corporation D F Richardson of Tallahaisee is ir the city canvassing for Americar tf I i Belt I Oar Com Fa hol a Th ITEMS F s Hype Todd A t e s at 1Vedaeday eight way y Re- t r the t e w i g d W x his ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + Home Mfcgfexine He in an old Confed- erate veteran and some handsome photos to remind the folks of the day of the sixties The supper to b given by Kirby Smith Chapter on General Lee at the opra house will not consist of oysters but will be a spread pre- pared by some of the popular slurs of the city Fur Kent One house 4dS Kant Main street N four bkoks from furl in good repair one twelveroom house 805 X Iniversity street excellent repair and good out- houses Apply to H It Livingston The First tjuarterly Conference of Kavanaugh Methodist Church will be- hold at tilt parsonage this afternoon at 4 oclock All the officer of the church are expected to attend The presiding older Her F R Hridges will arrive in the city today The regular weekly meeting of Mount Vernon Lodge No JO Knight of Pythias will be held at Castle Hall over Dutton bank this evening be ginningt at 7 oclock A full attendance is desired Visiting bmth era will receive a cordial welcome I A Ill I has i s birth- day z moms len room half pat i t ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ W W jtroble and two on of Rich were n et r- A P stucVy of ea vc prt id t- itf the tt i vu HII li f KatrdvJ i a the Brow There d ittr at I J- Birklims th tt ik lift th halt Md makf bnHK fur t t rLf Turpentine lea fur at tln of fiv ir do en 3 hirJr i Cash tnunl accompany i rd r ilawtf Indtjjtrinl Kitti n of Th Sun i on ale at Avera and Vidal n w itanJ Get a coy rind it to your friend 1 E Wells of Archer S r ly in this city with family H l t Monday fnr Jaek onrille where KH war jmmori l on lu in s There will be quit a c thing revn lution thi week the habit for it i the proj er to d I J Bitrkhim will make the slaughter An agreeable movement of the bow- els without ant unpleasant efT xt U produced by stomach and Liver Tablets For sale by all druggists The Woman Foreign MiMinnar Society of the Methodist church ill hold it meeting in the church at 330 oclock thin afternoon A full attend- ance i desired Special Agent E I Stanford of the United States land office has returned to this city from South Carolina where he his been engaged in official work for the past three or four day Captain George M Lynch a member of the faculty of the University of Florida temporarily located at Lake City returned to his duties yesterday after a brief to his family here Wanted Lady or gentleman of fair education to travel for firm of 250000 capital Salary 1072 per year paya- ble weekly Expenses advanced Ad- dress George G Clow Gainesville Fia Mr and Mrs B M Heckard for- merly of this city hot now residing in Jacksonville are happy over the arriv- al of a tine girl at their home Saturday afternoon Gainesville friends extend A called meeting of Kirby Smith Chapter United Daughter of the Con- federacy will be held at the home of Mrs H H McCreary East Liberty 10 oook morning A full attendance icd sired J G Walker and E M Higgins of Ulackshear ia extensive naval store operator are itj the city They have decided to ungny in but in and would like to secure a location in this section an they are well pleaded with Alachua county One of the feature of Iunnelly it Hat tlild V Min trel0 is the which- i under the direction of Prof Janus Finning He will offer mine of the latest selection at their concert which i given during the morning of the day the company appears her Wednesday Or Thomas W Spankiin a famnu veterinary nurgeon of Baltimore presi- dent of the Maryland Veterinary Hos- pital arrived in the city yesterday and will remain in this section for several Dr Spankiin is a great dog finder and brought several fine with him He i very fond o shooting C McClenny of Cadillac who nov has a butinesn on the St Inhnx rive at Alcu near Aitor returned to that point after having made short vi it home and to friends in thi city Mr McClenny U from one o the oldest and must highly repectef- Alitilieii in Florida nnd ih himself P city HI a TI aid Got hit street at this I und r34 the ty ail tr great t per pent his thing Chamberlains s rnnRrtttlatl 0l Flor- Ida band week ca- nines > > < > < < < > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > + + + + young man full of buineH and tact READ THIS Ir iii iit iL i TKSV June I IJkil- Dr K V Hull St Louis Sir One bottlt of your Texa Won- der Halls ireat Discovery hits cured me of kidney trouble and lamer hack and I can cheerfully recommend it Yiur truly J At K MOKK MlTllntlt A TEXAS WONDER One small bottle of the Texas Halls Great Discovery curt all kidney and bladder troubles removes gravel cure diabete seminal emis- sions weak and lame hacks and all irregularities of the kid and bladder in both men and women reeulntes bladder troubles in children If nut sold by your druggist will be sent ly mast on receipt of f 1 tint small bottle ix two months treat tnent and seldom fails to perfect cure Dr Ernest W Hall sole manu fncturer O box 62 St Louis Mo Send fur timoniaU Sold by J W Co I I hlY a I I lcColum Io bear Won- der rheuma- tism A ¬ ¬ ¬ > Mr F t Sttnpsnn of P niint- ippiog in tte cty y stMty- T f T Itdo Prov in th ir r pnrrj IT fif Trio aid rrjni rn rthr animal are or uf t f ut re of tlet- frflny fur Itartnw till r tie mettiric f tji mv- cotiVtn ng tomorrow J H returnd from Pin n t ti where he lit bt ti fur tie fw days Mr i r ily pirchasnl n- int rc t in tr i n t j itie if V- iMiKe and wil riJ a jrreat deal of la tune that town- C C Vuyleof th Kt Flor da Trie- phiuf Company left terJay for the xe t End He wa accomp n ed l y two construction range who will at onsn resume work on the extension uf the jftm from to Trentun Tyler cuble ink and other point Allen Cil of Graham and S K- hrooker Of call rt at I ne in yesterday anti renewed tler ription B uh ar honored vet- erans of the Confederacy and are cl ar on the hank at I he Sun of- fice May th ir declining years be happy ones Mrs Julia Sadler and Miss Janie McCal hare returned from an extend- ed visit to Kings Ferry Fla ard Hlackshear Cia At the latter place Mr Salleri charming daughter Mil Belle is attending college and several days were spent with her Tilt num- erous friends of this young lady will be glad to learn that she i mKnc progress Mr and Mrs Hubert Carrel of Jacksonville err at the Brown House Mr McCarrel is the inventor and patentee of the famous McCarre stone of which the new Holy Trinity church i being constructed and which material it bring used in the new Uni- versity buildings material veil be manufactured on the University prem- ise and as soon as water can be cur- ed Mr McCarrel expects to begin the work Attention i called to tilt advertise aect tif the irtsrtcn Foundry sd Ma- chinery Cu of Iul at ka which appears elsewhere ill this issue Till is sine of tits largest and best institutions of kind in Florida nod products are to be found in all part of tin State They make a peciaity of phosphate plants and raw mil and both rate and good have always jrovtn satisfactory Thi firm ha l eti doing the ca ting work for the High prtngs shop of the At- lantic Coast Line ever the shops have been established at that point NEW YORK 5 and 10csnt SPECIAL SAL- Es BUGIX wa i tat B J H- r r It Hi 1 at tloll rty t it t rry put RACKET WfDnf DA T MORM t list lrl Mntrr l v r strut f t- w r tatr t t c t aI tr ill 1 has Ia Lit eqt e n New iil roes off a al- ways ex- cellent The its its sifter > > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ = + + InQ JAnUA T Il and will I t tl irk t Look for Our Announcement in Todays SUN O DAROAIn In turn fur PHIFER BROS Inter rIa rough tlurdayIrtnu FLT lust Pbtters Oaicesville + + NOW IN GAINESVILLE h saim M af t I vrr Vn t r t ty Commencing Monday January 15 C W PARK DRAMATIC CO lTlirr T GPANP PAVII LION the r t Pjy 1 efore the American People Everything NEW But The Name iMr Theatres Lighted by Electricity and Well hinted by W sod Furnace th e Play The 1 r Ofplaii At- 1iii v Rde Twltte Vasrants Th inb r iv- Himan H art rirna Mn Giant Mine and many otter jire enting Tuesday Mg- htAT PINEY RIDGE PEOPIK1 POPULAR PKICE W 35 and 5 DONT MISS POPULAR COMPANY Location of Tent On vacant lot on East Main St S oppo site City Hail and Fire Station THE CONTINENTAL CAFEF- irst corner Si uh of P O iintinriitul Cellar Kov Ovtfr Meats her vice Itief elled Open Early arid Late I t r I I I atur T II ONE WEEK i t J THE TIU THI H I Famous tern r r 11Ctt rig t tvdtJk 1 r- U I Drip ore > > ¬ > > ° + < C 1 Thurber of Chicago represent- ing the Dr Price Pure Food Company- is in the city in the interest of line Harry L Pearce lift Sunday for Iniiin after spending vacation at home He is attending the Atlanta ental College and expects to gradu ate this year- J R Feaster of Rochelle J M Shaw uf Bellamy John Videnn and on of Archer C M McKinney of Gra ham and P P Wood of High Springs were among the vifitors to thi city yesterday Mr Wood in agent f r the Atlantic Coast Line at High Springs T F UNDERTAKING CO FULL LINE OF NEW JOODS- MOMMKMS TOMHSTIOCH- aul IRON IEMKS- lcr uin Itf iii ti t Litter hi tri Mi ivi i oril Gainesville Florida TJONTrrii- iim t r- r fu Aarl i IXKK M- i t IT frru ufe r j ff h l r in i I rut j tn lt i f to J inter lo JAMES F 5A1ITH M of KISK KI1KIKS nT v t rri t r tu tir r i f ur star Stnlii IMaltlishcil hill hit TlalS h t11tt tIr r1 t it to f p I nJ sa Inl I t It tnt e t 11t n tu 1 I t 1 lIIur ill its I 1tN l j Lt l4 P a pea tint t a arr t b- t uI I rut r- a tr ir I 1Kr1 1rr r 1 rIiI4e flits ¬ > ¬ ¬ > > > < + The yTHOMAS CO 2000 Openings White Pine SASH DOORS BLINDS We ran nun While Piney o N- fruiii IN k at Hock llottoni IrireF- UTjHiin I build a lioiiM carried in t Mk It IN wept luinlii r Shingles Lath Lime Cement and Brick Write ii for Prin THE S J THOMAS CO MIM iVmEt FIUKIIIA itlltl Bet ei n d Ilia sell you r A >

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Post on 03-Aug-2020




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Page 1: r- i A I I J- t lrl i l J H- > < t c wufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01366/00109.pdf · TIlE DAILY sus GAINESVILLE FLORIDA AKY K w 6 1 t y r-s NEWS OF CITY AND COUNTY








Mattel General Interest Oath

trod bj Our Reporters


Whet HM Happwwland What Is GoingIn Short Paragraphs

That MH Wh Runs May Read

ft In The Sun

baked goods Keystone Bakery

LasHetealliBR cards ia latest styles8aa ells

Deaaelly A Ratfleid minstrels nut

Attorney W W Hampton is in Tallahastee OB professional business

L 3 Chats has returned from a

brtf butfnwf rip tc JsekwnvHleDry oak and pine wood for sale Also

00000 aeed cane J N Boa phone 19

TB SUB ladastrial Edition sent toaddress postage free for10 eats

ROOMS nay be had at the Barracksat reasonable rates Apply at Barneb

B F HanptOB of Jacksonville is

ta B iBjB few days ia this city onbBSlBCtM

Its ea BOW the sale of clothingGet the habit and call on L JBarkalas

W M Thomas of Alachua wesMBoag the busiaees visitors to thiscity yesterday

Miat Addle Goode left yesterday forJacksonville where she met a numberof Keataeky bled

0 9 Rnbertaoa of the Expressfriferater has gone toJacksonville oa buaiaeN-

IB 46 hours there will be a greattBraiBR over of clothis Get thehabit Call on L J Barkhlm

I O Wakler led W I Aikeaa ofBell were anoag those who paid theeoaaty capital a visit feetcrda-

yAlexsder Walkar of Jackson-ville Development Company ia in thecity in the interest of his company

R O Davit of Jacksonville Stateagent for the celebratedtypewriter i In the city in the intertot of his machine

W E Baker has returned fromMayo and Perry where he l interest-ed ia the attracting hushes Hewas absent several days

Oscar J Keep of Atlanta Ga repreaeating the Dodson Printer SupplyCo ia ia the city tad made The Sunfrateraal call yesterday-

A trial will show you why lime Ribbon Lemon and Vanilla extracts haveao many friends Ask for Blue RibbonVanilla and say it plain-

J L Winter of Waldo was amongthose who viiited Gsineiville on bri-nes yesterday Mr Winter ia a tankmanufacturer of that town

Iloa Robert B Weeks of Hawthornchairman of the Board of Public In-

struction was among those who paidGainesville a visit yesterday

Milt Clara Thomas the efficientprincipal of the Hatchet Creek schoolreturned to her home Sunday after apleasant visit to relatives hire

W H Adkins of Atlanta Ga trafficmanager of the Southern Hell Tele-

phone and Telephone Company in in

city in the interest of corporationD F Richardson of Tallahaisee is ir

the city canvassing for Americar





Oar Com

Fa hol




Fs Hype Todd


t e

s at

1Vedaeday eight


y Re-tr















Home Mfcgfexine He in an old Confed-

erate veteran and some handsomephotos to remind the folks of the dayof the sixties

The supper to b given by KirbySmith Chapter on General Lee

at the opra house will not consistof oysters but will be a spread pre-

pared by some of the popular

slurs of the city

Fur Kent One house 4dS

Kant Main street N four bkoks from

furl in good repair one

twelveroom house 805 X Iniversitystreet excellent repair and good out-

houses Apply to H It Livingston

The First tjuarterly Conference ofKavanaugh Methodist Church will be-

hold at tilt parsonage this afternoonat 4 oclock All the officer of thechurch are expected to attend The

presiding older Her F R Hridges

will arrive in the city today

The regular weekly meeting of

Mount Vernon Lodge No JO Knight

of Pythias will be held at Castle Hall

over Dutton bank this evening be

ginningt at 7 oclock A full

attendance is desired Visiting bmth

era will receive a cordial welcome

IA Ill




s birth-day



len room

half pat







W W jtroble and two on of Richwere n et r-

A P stucVy of ea vc prt id t-

itf the tt i vu HII li f KatrdvJi a the Brow

There d ittr at I J-

Birklims th tt ik lift th haltMd makf bnHK fur t t rLf

Turpentine lea fur at tln of

fiv ir do en 3 hirJr i

Cash tnunl accompany i rd r ilawtfIndtjjtrinl Kitti n of Th Sun

i on ale at Avera and Vidal n w

itanJ Get a coy rind it toyour friend

1 E Wells of Archer S r lyin this city with family H l t

Monday fnr Jaek onrille where KH warjmmori l on l u in s

There will be quit a c thing revnlution thi week the habit forit i the proj er to d I JBitrkhim will make the slaughter

An agreeable movement of the bow-

els without ant unpleasant efT xt U

produced by stomachand Liver Tablets For sale by alldruggists

The Woman Foreign MiMinnarSociety of the Methodist church illhold it meeting in the church at 330oclock thin afternoon A full attend-ance i desired

Special Agent E I Stanford of theUnited States land office has returnedto this city from South Carolina wherehe his been engaged in official workfor the past three or four day

Captain George M Lynch a memberof the faculty of the University ofFlorida temporarily located at LakeCity returned to his duties yesterdayafter a brief to his family here

Wanted Lady or gentleman of faireducation to travel for firm of 250000capital Salary 1072 per year paya-ble weekly Expenses advanced Ad-

dress George G Clow GainesvilleFia

Mr and Mrs B M Heckard for-

merly of this city hot now residing inJacksonville are happy over the arriv-al of a tine girl at their home Saturdayafternoon Gainesville friends extend

A called meeting of Kirby SmithChapter United Daughter of the Con-

federacy will be held at the home ofMrs H H McCreary East Liberty

10 oook morning A

full attendance icd siredJ G Walker and E M Higgins of

Ulackshear ia extensive naval storeoperator are itj the city They havedecided to ungny in but in

and would like to secure a locationin this section an they are well pleadedwith Alachua county

One of the feature of Iunnelly itHat tlild V Min trel0 is the which-i under the direction of Prof JanusFinning He will offer mine of thelatest selection at their concertwhich i given during the morning ofthe day the company appears herWednesday

Or Thomas W Spankiin a famnuveterinary nurgeon of Baltimore presi-

dent of the Maryland Veterinary Hos-

pital arrived in the city yesterday andwill remain in this section for several

Dr Spankiin is a great dogfinder and brought several fine

with him He i very fond o

shootingC McClenny of Cadillac who nov

has a butinesn on the St Inhnx riveat Alcu near Aitor returnedto that point after having madeshort vi it home and to friends in thicity Mr McClenny U from one o

the oldest and must highly repectef-Alitilieii in Florida nnd ih himself

P city







street at this



r34 the ty

ail tr great






rnnRrtttlatl 0l






> <

>< <
















young man full of buineH and tact

READ THISIr iii iit iL i TKSV June I IJkil-

Dr K V Hull St LouisSir One bottlt of your Texa Won-

der Halls ireat Discovery hits curedme of kidney trouble and lamer hackand I can cheerfully recommend it

Yiur trulyJ At K MOKK MlTllntlt


One small bottle of the TexasHalls Great Discovery curt all

kidney and bladder troubles removesgravel cure diabete seminal emis-sions weak and lame hacks

and all irregularities of the kidand bladder in both men and

women reeulntes bladder troubles inchildren If nut sold by your druggistwill be sent l y mast on receipt of f 1

tint small bottle ix two months treattnent and seldom fails to perfectcure Dr Ernest W Hall sole manufncturer O box 62 St Louis MoSend fur timoniaU Sold by J W



I hlY



I lcColum

Io bear









Mr F t Sttnpsnn of P niint-ippiog in tte cty y stMty-

T f T Itdo Prov in th ir r pnrrjIT fif Trio aid rrjni rn rthr

animal are or uf t f ut re of tlet-

frflny fur Itartnw till rtie mettiric f tji mv-

cotiVtn ng tomorrowJ H returnd from Pin

n t ti where he lit bt ti fur tiefw days Mr i r ily pirchasnl n-

int rc t in tr i n t j itie if V-

iMiKe and wil riJ a jrreat deal of latune that town-

C C Vuyleof th Kt Flor da Trie-

phiuf Company left terJay for thexe t End He wa accomp n ed l y

two construction range who will atonsn resume work on the extension ufthe jftm from to TrentunTyler cuble ink and other point

Allen Cil of Graham and S K-

hrooker Of call rt at I ne inyesterday anti renewed tler

ription B uh ar honored vet-

erans of the Confederacy and arecl ar on the hank at I he Sun of-

fice May th ir declining years be

happy ones

Mrs Julia Sadler and Miss JanieMcCal hare returned from an extend-ed visit to Kings Ferry Fla ardHlackshear Cia At the latter placeMr Salleri charming daughter MilBelle is attending college and severaldays were spent with her Tilt num-

erous friends of this young lady willbe glad to learn that she i mKnc

progressMr and Mrs Hubert Carrel of

Jacksonville err at the Brown HouseMr McCarrel is the inventor andpatentee of the famous McCarrestone of which the new Holy Trinitychurch i being constructed and whichmaterial it bring used in the new Uni-

versity buildings material veil bemanufactured on the University prem-

ise and as soon as water can be cur-

ed Mr McCarrel expects to begin thework

Attention i called to tilt advertiseaect tif the irtsrtcn Foundry sd Ma-

chinery Cu of Iul at ka which appearselsewhere ill this issue Till is sine oftits largest and best institutions ofkind in Florida nod products are tobe found in all part of tin State Theymake a peciaity of phosphate plantsand raw mil and both rate and goodhave always jrovtn satisfactory Thifirm ha l eti doing the ca ting workfor the High prtngs shop of the At-

lantic Coast Line ever the shopshave been established at that point


5 and 10csnt





B J H-

r r It Hi 1

at tloll



t rry




t list lrl Mntrrl v r strut f t-

wrtatr t t ct aItr

ill 1



eqt e



iil roesoff a


























InQ JAnUA T Iland will I t tl

irk t

Look for Our Announcement in

Todays SUN


In turn fur





Pbtters Oaicesville

+ +


h saim M aft I vrr Vn t r t ty

Commencing Monday January 15



r t Pjy 1 efore the American People

Everything NEW But The NameiMr Theatres Lighted by Electricity and Well hinted by

W sod Furnace th e Play The 1 r Ofplaii At-

1iii v Rde Twltte Vasrants Th inb r iv-

Himan H art rirna Mn Giant Mine andmany otter jire enting Tuesday Mg-



Location of Tent On vacant lot on East Main St S oppo

site City Hail and Fire Station

THE CONTINENTAL CAFEF-irst corner Si u h of P O

iintinriitul Cellar Kov Ovtfr Meats hervice Itief elled Open Early arid Late

It r I I I

atur T II







Famous tern

r r11Ctt



tvdtJk 1 r-


Drip ore

> >







C 1 Thurber of Chicago represent-ing the Dr Price Pure Food Company-is in the city in the interest of line

Harry L Pearce lift Sunday forIniiin after spending vacation athome He is attending the Atlanta

ental College and expects to graduate this year-

J R Feaster of Rochelle J M

Shaw uf Bellamy John Videnn andon of Archer C M McKinney of Gra

ham and P P Wood of High Springswere among the vifitors to thi cityyesterday Mr Wood in agent f r theAtlantic Coast Line at High Springs






lcr uin Itf iii ti t Litterhi tri Mi ivi i oril

Gainesville Florida


iim t r-

r fu Aarl i IXKK M-

i t IT frru ufe r jff h l r in i

I rut j tn lt i f to Jinter loJAMES F 5A1ITH

M of KISK KI1KIKS nTv t rri t r tutir r i f ur star

Stnlii IMaltlishcil






tIr r1


it tof p I nJ

sa InlIt It


t 11tn

tu 1 I t1 lIIur




1tN l

j Lt l4 P


pea tint t


arr tb-


uI I

rut r-



I 1Kr11rr r

1 rIiI4eflits


> ¬








White Pine




We ran nun While Piney o N-

fruiii IN k at Hock llottoni IrireF-UTjHiin I build a lioiiM carried

in t Mk It IN wept luinlii r

Shingles Lath LimeCement and Brick

Write ii for Prin



Bet ei n dIlia

sell you

r A
