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FEBRUARY 23, 2015

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1 R sessions

• The R programming can be carried out as an interative R-session. To start an R session, type ’R’from the command line in windows or linux OS. For example, from shell prompt ’$’ in linux,

$ RThis generates the following output before entering ’>’ prompt of R:

Copyright (C) 2010 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing

ISBN 3-900051-07-0

Platform: i486-pc-linux-gnu (32-bit)

R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.

You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.

Type ’license()’ or ’licence()’ for distribution details.

Natural language support but running in an English locale

R is a collaborative project with many contributors.

Type ’contributors()’ for more information and

’citation()’ on how to cite R or R packages in publications.

Type ’demo()’ for some demos, ’help()’ for on-line help, or

’help.start()’ for an HTML browser interface to help.

Type ’q()’ to quit R.

[Previously saved workspace restored]


• Once we are inside an R session, we can directly execute R language commands by typing themline by line. Pressing the return key terminates typing of command and brings the > prompt again).In the example session below, we declare 2 variables ’a’ and ’b’ to have values 5 and 6 respectively,and assign their sum to another variable called ’res’:


> a = 5

> b = 6

> c = a + b

> c

[1] 11

• To get help on any function of R, type help(function-name) in R prompt. For example,if we need help on ”if” logic, type,


then, help lines are printed.

• To exit the R session, type quit() in the R prompt:

> quit()

Save workspace image? [y/n/c]: n

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2 Numbers and Mathematical operations

• In R, we can assign integer and floating point values to variables directly. The mathematicaloperations can be performed with symbols following a format exactly similar to languages like C,C++, java, python and perl. We have already performed a simple operation c = a+b in the previoussection.

For example, we can perform the operation c = (a+b)(a×b) by assigning values directly at declaration

> a = 7.5

> b = 6

> c = (a+b)/(a*b)

> c

[1] 0.3

In another example, we apply the formula y =√

1.0 + ( zr)0.38 as,

> z = 22.9

> r = 6.7

> y = sqrt(1.0 + (z/r)^0.38)

> y

[1] 1.610978

Note the explicit usage of brackets for grouping the terms to remove ambiguity.

• A list of useful inbuilt functions in R is given below:

Function Description


abs(x) absolute value

sqrt(x) square root

ceiling(x) ceiling(3.475) is 4

floor(x) floor(3.475) is 3

trunc(x) trunc(5.99) is 5

round(x, digits=n) round(3.475, digits=2) is 3.48

signif(x, digits=n) signif(3.475, digits=2) is 3.5

cos(x),sin(x),tan(x) Triginomteric sine, cosine and tan functions

acos(x),cosh(x),acosh(x) arcsine, arccosine and arctangent functions

log(x) natural logarithm

log10(x) common logarithm

log2(x) logarithm to the bse of 2

exp(x) e^{x}

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3 String operations

• In R, a string can be declared within double quotes:

> str = "abcacabac"

>str1 = "qqqqqq"

>str2 = " ++++++"

• For assignment, the operator ”< −” (a left angle bracket followed by a dash) is also extensivelyused in R. Thus, above mentioned commands can also be written as,> str <- "abcacabac"

>str1 <- "qqqqqq"

>str2 <- " ++++++"

The assignment operator can assign either from left to right or from right to left.

Thus the following two assignments for a string s are equally valid:

> str <- "abcacabac"

> "abcacabac" -> str

• The length of the string is returned by the function ”nchar()”

> slength <- nchar(str)

> slength

[1] 9

• We can concatinate strings with ”paste()” function.To concatinate 2 strings with single space between them,

> scat <- paste(str, str1)

> scat

[1] "abcacabca qqqqqq"

While concatinating two strings, the separater between them can be specified.For example, to concatinate two string with a separator ”- - -” between them,

> scat <- paste(str, str1, sep="---")

> scat

[1] "abcacabca---qqqqqq"

To concatinate without any gap between them, use a null separator:

> scat <- paste(str, str1, sep="")

> scat

[1] "abcacabcaqqqqqq"

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• A substring can be formed by calling ”substr()” function specifying the start and stopcharacter locations of the substring in the main string. To form a substring from location 4 to 8 ofstring ”scat”,

> ssub <- substr(scat,4,8)

> ssub

[1] "acabc"

• We can also replace a portion of string with other substring:

> substr(scat,4,8) <- "UUUUU"

> scat

[1] "abcUUUUUaqqqqqq"

In case we want a substring from a given start positition to the end of original string, give anarbitrarily large integer for the end location:

> str3 = "WWW.objsite.com"

> sublg <- substr(str3,4,100000000L)

> sublg[1] "objsite.com"

• A string can be trunkated to a certain number of characters from its beginning with”strtrim()” function:

> str4 <- "AECH9939-ALM"

> strunk <- strtrim(str4, 4)

> strunk[1] "AECH"

• The function ”strsplit()” is used for spltting a string by a given character. For example,

> strsplit("fname.doc", "\\.")[[1]]

[1] "fname" "doc"

The two portions of the split string can be converted to a list, as shown below. More onlists later:

> aa <- unlist(strsplit("fname.doc", "\\."))

> aa[1][[1]]

[1] "fname"

> aa[2][1] "doc"

• For converting the upper cases to lower cases and vice versa, we use functions ”toupper()”and ”tolower()”

> strr <- "This is a sentence"

> strrup <- toupper(strr)

> strrup[[1] "THIS IS A SENTENCE"

> tolower(strrup)

[1] "this is a sentence"

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4 Data structures in R

R has a wide variety of data types including scalars, vectors (numerical, character, logical), matrices,dataframes, and lists. We can perform many algebraic operations with these data structures andmany useful built-in functions are defined for these data types. Here we will learn to use them.

4.1 Vectors

• A Vector in R is an ordered collection of numbers or strings or chars. A vector with elementscan be defined by placing the comma separated list of elements inside a pair of brackets next to theletter ’c’ and assigning it to a variable name as shown below:

> avec <- c(10.2, 5.5, 6.9, 7.2, 8.1)

• The data type of the vector is decided by the the data types of the elements itcontains. Thus, if all elements of the vector are numbers, the vector takes the type numeric. Wecan do many numerical operations with such a vector. However, if one or more elements of thevector happen to be string, the entire vector will be treated to be string vector, and wecannot perform numerical operations with it. For example, the vector ’avec’ defined above isa numeric vector, while the follwing two vectors are treted as string vectors:

> avec1 <- c("AEC", "AED", "AAB", "AFC")

> avec2 <- c(10.2, 5.5, "6.9", 7.2, 8.1)

• A vector can be assigned in many ways. We can use ’assign()’ function instead of above syntax.Thus, all of the the following assignments define a vector named ”vec” with elements (10.2, 5.5, 6.9,7.2, 8.2)

> vec <- c(10.2, 5.5, 6.9, 7.2, 8.1)

> assign("vec", c(10.2, 5.5, 6.9, 7.2, 8.1) )

> vec = c(10.2, 5.5, 6.9, 7.2, 8.1)

> c(10.2, 5.5, 6.9, 7.2, 8.1) -> vec

• The individual elements of a vector can be accessed by subscripting the elementnumber inside the square bracket:

> x <- c(10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,110,120,130)

> x[3]

[1] 30

• We can also access a block of vector elements using subscripts:

> x[c(4:9)]

[1] 40 50 60 70 80 90

• Once a vector is defined, basic mathematical operations like addition, subtraction,multiplication and division performed on it is applied to all its elements individually.See the examples below:

> vstr <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)

> vstr + 100

[1] 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109

> vstr - 100

[1] -99 -98 -97 -96 -95 -94 -93 -92 -91

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> vstr*100

[1] 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

> vstr/100

[1] 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09

• In the same way, the algebraic operations between one or more vectors are appliedto their individual elements. Thus if we add two vectors of same number of elements, theirindividual elements are correspondingly added to give a new vector. This is illustrated in the followingoperations between vectors ”vec1” and ”vec2” below:

> vec1 <- c(1.5,2.5,3.5,4.5,5.5,6.5)

> vec2 <- c(10,20,30,40,50,60)

> vec1+vec2

[1] 11.5 22.5 33.5 44.5 55.5 66.5

> vec1-vec2

[1] -8.5 -17.5 -26.5 -35.5 -44.5 -53.5

> vec1*vec2

[1] 15 50 105 180 275 390

> vec1/vec2

[1] 0.1500000 0.1250000 0.1166667 0.1125000 0.1100000 0.1083333

> log(vec2)

[1] 2.302585 2.995732 3.401197 3.688879 3.912023 4.094345

• Vectors can be combined with other vectors or individual elements and grow insize. For example, with the vectors ”vec1” and ”vec2” defined above,

> cvec <- c(vec1, vec2)

> cvec

[1] 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0

> cvec <- c(vec1, 0.0002, 0.00003, vec2)

> cvec

[1] 1.5e+00 2.5e+00 3.5e+00 4.5e+00 5.5e+00 6.5e+00 2.0e-04 3.0e-05 1.0e+01

[10] 2.0e+01 3.0e+01 4.0e+01 5.0e+01 6.0e+01

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• We can also perform mathemaical operations with whole vectors, provided theycontain same number of elements. The mathematical operations with vectors is appliedto their respective elements individually:

> rvec <- 3*vec1 + vec2

> rvec

[1] 14.5 27.5 40.5 53.5 66.5 79.5

• The vector can be sorted in ascending order by ”sort” function

> vec <- c(8.9, 1.5, 3.4, 6.7, 12.8, 7.4)

> sort(vec)

[1] 1.5 3.4 6.7 7.4 8.9 12.8

• We can get the maximum and minimum values among the elements of a vector:

> vec <- c(8.9, 1.5, 3.4, 6.7, 12.8, 7.4)

> max(vec)

[1] 12.8

> min(vec)

[1] 1.5

• It is very easy to generate a sequence of numbers in R. Use ”seq” function to generatea sequence from a given number to an end number:

> sq <- seq(1,50)

> sq

[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

[26] 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Use the following syntax to generate a sequence from 1 to 50 in steps of 5

> sq <- seq(1,50,5)

> sq

[1] 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46

The sequence can be generated in reverse by flipping the sign of the step:

> sq <- seq(50,1,-5)

> sq

[1] 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5

• Given a vector, logical operations can be performed on each of its elements to evaluate a”TRUE” or ”FALSE” value. For example, in the following R statement, for all elements of vector”lseq” that satisfy the given logical condition, a ”TRUE” is assigned, and for others that don’t satisfythis condition, ”FALSE” is assigned. The resulting vector ”lresult” has ”TRUE” or ’FALSE” valuesin the corresponding positions.

> lseq <- c(23,15,34,25,46,58, 59,34,29,36,44,89)

> lresult <- ( (lseq > 24) & (lseq < 60) )

> lresult


• The vectors in R can handle the missing values. The missing value is recognized by ”NA”.For example, in the statements below, ”zm” is a vector of elements: numbers 1 to 10, and two ”NA”(missing) values. The vector ”data” has ”FALSE” for genuine values, and ”TRUE” for missing valuessince ”is.na()” is looking for missing values:

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4.2 Arrays and Matrices 4 DATA STRUCTURES IN R

> zm <- c(1:10, NA, NA)

> zm

[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NA NA

> dat <- is.na(zm)

> dat


Only ”NA” is taken to be a missing value. Other states like ”-Inf” and ”Inf” are evaluated as”FALSE” while looking for a missing value.

The missing values in a vector can be replaced by zeroes as shown below:

> x <- c(1.22, 3.44, 2.95, 4.23, NA, NA, 5.99)

> x[is.na(x)] <- 0

> x

[1] 1.22 3.44 2.95 4.23 0.00 0.00 5.99

• Finally, if we want to create a character vector with indexed strings like ”X1”, ”X2”, ”X3”, ...etc.,

> labs <- paste( c("X"), 1:20, sep="")

> labs

[1] "X1" "X2" "X3" "X4" "X5" "X6" "X7" "X8" "X9" "X10" "X11" "X12"

[13] "X13" "X14" "X15" "X16" "X17" "X18" "X19" "X20"

4.2 Arrays and Matrices

• An array in R can have one, two or more dimensions. Array is just a vector stored with additionalattributes like dimensions and names for the dimensions, if needed.

• All the elements of an array should be of same data type (string, number, characteretc).

• Also, all the rows of an array should have same length, and rows and columns canhave different dimensions.

• We can convert a vector into any dimensional array by specifying its dimensions in the ”array()”function. Below, we convert a vector ’x’ into an array arr of dimension (4,3), where (4,3) refers to 4rows and 3 columns:

> x <- c(10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,110,120)

> arr <- array(x, dim=c(4,3))

> arr

[,1] [,2] [,3]

[1,] 10 50 90

[2,] 20 60 100

[3,] 30 70 110

[4,] 40 80 120

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4.2 Arrays and Matrices 4 DATA STRUCTURES IN R

Similarly, we can create an array of dimension (2,2,3) as follows:

> x <- c(10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,110,120)

> brr <- array(x, dim=c(2,2,3))

> brr, , 1

[,1] [,2]

[1,] 10 30

[2,] 20 40

, , 2

[,1] [,2]

[1,] 50 70

[2,] 60 80

, , 3

[,1] [,2]

[1,] 90 110

[2,] 100 120

• Individual elements of an array can be accessed by giving the name of the array followed bythe subscripts in square brackets, separated by commas. For example, in the above arrays, arr[2,1],arr[1,1], brr[1,1,1], brr[2,1,3] etc.

• Dropping a subscript of a row or a column will give all elements in the corresponding row orcolumn. Thus, arr[2,] is entire second row, arr[,1] is entire first column.

• A Matrix is a 2 dimensional array. Like an array, all elements of a matrix are of same datatype and all the rows should be of same length. The general format for creating a matrix of ’r’ rowsand ’c’ columns from a vector ’vec’ is,

amat <- matrix(vec, nrow=r, ncol=c, byrow=FALSE)

Here, byrow=TRUE indicates that the matrix should be filled by rows. byrow=FALSE indicatesthat the matrix should be filled by columns (the default).

For example,

> x <- c(10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,110,120)

> amat <- matrix(x, nrow=3, ncol=4)

> amat[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]

[1,] 10 40 70 100

[2,] 20 50 80 110

[3,] 30 60 90 120

> amat <- matrix(x, nrow=3, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE)

> amat[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]

[1,] 10 20 30 40

[2,] 50 60 70 80

[3,] 90 100 110 120

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4.3 Dataframes 4 DATA STRUCTURES IN R

• The rows and columns of a matrix can be named using functions ’rownames()’ and ’colnames()’> rownames(amat) <- c("r1","r2","r3")

> colnames(amat) <- c("c1", "c2", "c3", "c4")

> amat

c1 c2 c3 c4

r1 10 20 30 40

r2 50 60 70 80

r3 90 100 110 120

• The number of rows and columns in matrix ’amat’ will be returned by function callsnrow(amat)’ and ’ncol(amat)’

> nrow(amat)

[1] 3

> ncol(amat)

[1] 4

• There are a number of functions to manipulate matrices exist in R library. Sophisticatedoperations like matrix multiplication, inversion, transpose, computing eigen values and eigen vectors,computing determinants can be done by calling appropriate functions from R library.

4.3 Dataframes

• Dataframe is a data structure similar to matrix, with a special feature that differentcolumns can have different data types. Dataframe is very useful for combining vectors of samelength with different data types into a single data matrix.

• Similar to matrices, all the columns of a data frame should have same number ofrows.

• In the example below, we create a data frame called ”frm1” with three vectors namely ”data1”,”data2” and ”data3”. We call the function ”data.frame()” for this. The created data frame will havecolumns ”data1”, ”data2” and ”data3”.

> data1 <- c("Iron","Sulphur","Calcium", "Magnecium", "Copper")

> data2 <- c(12.5, 32.6, 16.7, 20.6, 7.5)

> data3 <- c(1122, 1123, 1124, 1125, 1126)

> frm1 <- data.frame(data1, data2, data3)

> frm1

data1 data2 data3

1 Iron 12.5 1122

2 Sulphur 32.6 1123

3 Calcium 16.7 1124

4 Magnecium 20.6 1125

5 Copper 7.5 1126

Note that the column names of the data frame ’frm1’ we have created are just the names of theobjects themselves.

• To get the column names of a data frame, use ”names(frame name)”:

> names(frm1)

[1] "data1" "data2" "data3"

• The columns of a data frame can be named explicitly using a vector of strings. For the aboveframe ”frm1”, we can set the column names with our own vector of strings:

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4.3 Dataframes 4 DATA STRUCTURES IN R

> names(frm1) <- c("Element", "Proportion", "Product_ID")

> frm1

Element Proportion Product_ID

1 Iron 12.5 1122

2 Sulphur 32.6 1123

3 Calcium 16.7 1124

4 Magnecium 20.6 1125

5 Copper 7.5 1126

• Instead of providing the column names through ”names” command, we can provide columnnames directly during the call for the creation of the data frame. The above data frame can becreated with column names direc data1 data2 data3 1 Iron 12.5 1122 tly as,

frm1 <- data.frame(Element=data1, Proportion=data2, Product_ID=data3)

• Similar to the column names, the row names of a data frame can be obtained and set usingthe ”row.names()” function. We will first get the existing row names for the above frame ”frm1”,and then set new row names:

> row.names(frm1)

[1] "1" "2" "3" "4" "5"

> row.names(frm1) <- c("elm-1","elm-2","elm3","elm-4","elm-5")

> frm1

Element Proportion Product_ID

elm-1 Iron 12.5 1122

elm-2 Sulphur 32.6 1123

elm3 Calcium 16.7 1124

elm-4 Magnecium 20.6 1125

elm-5 Copper 7.5 1126

• The elements of a Data frame are accessed using same subscript convention as matrices. Thus,frm1[1,3] is the element in first row third column, frm1[1,] is entire first row, frm1[,2] is entire firstcolumn etc. Also, frm1[1:3,] gives the rows 1,2 and 3. This is illustrated here:

> frm1[1,3]

[1] 1122

> frm1[1,]

Element Proportion Product_ID

1 Iron 12.5 1122

> frm1[,2]

[1] 12.5 32.6 16.7 20.6 7.5

> frm1[1:3,]

Element Proportion Product_ID

1 Iron 12.5 1122

2 Sulphur 32.6 1123

3 Calcium 16.7 1124

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• We can also access a column of a dataframe by its name, by typing the frame name and thecolumn names separated by a ’$’ sign:

> frm1$Element

[1] Iron Sulphur Calcium Magnecium Copper

Levels: Calcium Copper Iron Magnecium Sulphur

> frm1$Proportion

[1] 12.5 32.6 16.7 20.6 7.5

> frm1$Product_ID

[1] 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126

• In case we feel that typing the ’$’ sign every time we want to access a column in a dataframe is becoming tiresome, R provides a command to ’attach’ the variable in the data frame to ourworkspace:

> attach(frm1)

Now, the column named ’Proportion’ can be accessed directly by its name, rather than by a ’$’sign:

> Proportion

[1] 12.5 32.6 16.7 20.6 7.5

4.4 Lists

• A list is an ordered collection of objects known as its components. The objects collected inside alist can be very different like arrays, matrices, vectors and dataframes. Each object inside a list andthe element of the object can be accessed by proper symbol and indexing.

• To create a list with many objects, use ”list()” function. In the example below, we will createa list of the following 5 vectors of entirely different data types:

> expt_name <- c("Experiment-A","Experiment-B","Experiment-C", "Experiment-D", "Experiment-E")

> sample_length <- c(12.5, 32.6, 16.7, 20.6, 7.5)

> sample_weight <- c(1122, 1123, 1124, 1125, 1126)

> sample_category <- c(’A’,’S’,’P’,’K’,’G’)

> lab_name <- c("IBAB_LAB")

We now put together these 5 vectors into a list using ”list” command as shown below.

> alis <- list(expt_name, sample_length, sample_weight, sample_category,lab_name)

Now ’alis’ is a list which has the above five objects in the same order they are typed while creatingthem using ’list’ command. Just type the name of the list to get a description of its data structure.

> alis

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[1] "Experiment-A" "Experiment-B" "Experiment-C" "Experiment-D" "Experiment-E"


[1] 12.5 32.6 16.7 20.6 7.5


[1] 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126


[1] "A" "S" "P" "K" "G"


[1] "IBAB_LAB"

• Each object in the list can be accessed in its entirity by typing the object order in the listwithin double square brackets after list name:

> alis[[1]]

[1] "Experiment-A" "Experiment-B" "Experiment-C" "Experiment-D" "Experiment-E"

> alis[[2]]

[1] 12.5 32.6 16.7 20.6 7.5

> alis[[5]]

[1] "IBAB_LAB"

• To access the individual members of a specific vector in the list, use a second subscript asshown:

> alis[[1]][1]

[1] "Experiment-A"

> alis[[4]][2]

[1] "S"

> alis[[3]][3] * 100

[1] 112400

• Now we will create a list consisting of components of different data types:

> Lst <- list(name="AA-list", lengths=c(12.5,32.6,16.7,20.6,7.5),

+ XX=array(1:20, dim=c(4,5)))

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In the above list called ’Lst’ consists of a string component called ”name”, a vector called ”lengths”and a 2 dimensional array called ”XX” with dimension (4,5). Note that we have given names to thecomponents and created them inside the list() function itself.

Now let us print the components of the list:

> Lis


[1] "AA-list"


[1] 12.5 32.6 16.7 20.6 7.5


[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]

[1,] 1 5 9 13 17

[2,] 2 6 10 14 18

[3,] 3 7 11 15 19

[4,] 4 8 12 16 20

The elements of each of the components can be directly accessd by the format

list_name$component_name. For example, element (3,2) of array XX can be accessed

by "Lis$XX[3,4]", and the elements of third row of array XX are accessed by "Lis$XX[3,]".

5 R Scripts

So far we have been typing the R-commands in the R prompt ”>”. Though this method is convenientfor learning few lines of commands, this cannot be used for real life applications where codes spanningmany tens of lines are required to be written. For this purpose, R allows us to write a script, which isa collection of many lines of R statements written in a file. The statements are written one below theother separated by line break, without the ”>” character at the beginning of each statement. Thisscript file can be executed inside R prompt with a single line of command, which in turn executesthe statements in the script one by one sequentially. This way, very complicated long logical codecan be written and executed.

The R script is recognized by the file extension ”r” or ”R”. Thus, ”test.r” is an R script named”test” and ”compute.R” is an R script called ”compute”.

As an example, create a text file with the name ”test.r” and write the following lines of code inthe file:

a = 5b = 6c = a*(a+b)print(c)

To execute this code, go to R prompt and source the script file with the command:

> source("test.r")

[1] 55

If we source an R script inside another R script, then the variables of the sourced script will beaccessable to the second script. They need not be declared separately inside the second script.

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6 Logical statements and control loops

In R, an expression or a statement consists of one or more data types and operations applied tothem. For example,

c = a + bHere, ’+’ is an addition operator that operates on integers a and b (called ”operands”).We have already learnt about the arithmatic operators +, -, *, /, and %.R has many operators for creating relational and logical expressions. They are mostly used in

the control flow statements for executing simple or compound statements based on whether a givenexpression is evaluated to be true or false.

The syntax of logical expressions and control flow statements in R are very much similar to thecorresponding constructs in C language.

The important equality, relational and the logical operators are listed below:

Operator Function usage

------------ ------------ --------------

< less than expression1 < expression2

<= less than or equal to expression1 <= expression2

> greater than expression1 > expression2

>= greater than or equal to expression1 >= expression2

== equality expression1 == expression2

!= inequality expression1 != expression2

& logical AND expression1 and expression2

|| logical OR expression1 or expression2

! logical NOT not expression

isTRUE(x) test if x is true isTRUE(logical expression or logical

is.na(x) returns TRUE if x is a missing value

In the above table, ”expression”, ”expression1” and ”expression2” means expressions like,3.1456 (simple constant)radius (simple variable)xvalue * sin(x) (a compund expression)These operators operate on one or more expressions.

To understand the way a logical expression works in R, have a look at the following tiny R-scriptand the output it generates:

x = 5y = 6print(x < y)

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When these lines are executed as a script (say) ”test1.r”, the following output is generated:

> source("test1.r")[1] TRUE

What has happened here?. In the statement ”print(x < y)”, the result of ”x < y” is evaluated.Since x is indeed less than y in the above script, the result evaluates to be TRUE. That is what isbeing printed by the ”print(x < y)” statement. Thus we see that when a logical statement inside apair of paranthesis is evaluated, the result is either ”TRUE” or ”FALSE”.

The logical statements can be very simple (as above) or can be a compund statement. Someexample statements are given below:

The statement (x > y) & (x < z) means ” x greater than y and x less than z”. This evaluatesto TRUE when x=3,y=1 and z=4.

Similarly, the statement

((x == 5) & (y == 6)) || (z > 10)

means ”either x equals 5 and y equals 6 should be true, or z should be greater than 10”. Thisstatement demands either a simultaneous conditions on valus of x and y to be true, or, alternately,z should have a value greater than 10. Note the clubbing of statements using pairs of brackets.

For a given set of values for the variables x, y and z, the evaluation of above logical statementproceeds in the following 4 steps:

(i) First ”(x == 5)” is evaluated (TRUE or FALSE)(ii) Second, ”(y == 6)” is evaluted (TRUE or FALSE)(iii) Next, ”(z > 10)” is evaluated (TRUE or FALSE)(iv) Evaluate whether statements (i) and (ii) are true simultaneously.(v) Evaluate whether at least one of the result of evaluations (iv) or (iii) are TRUE.

Thus for a set of values x=5, y=7 and z=12, the whole statement above evaluates to TRUE. Foranother set of values x=5, y=2 and z=9, above statement evalutes to be FALSE.

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6.1 Data filtering with logical statements6 LOGICAL STATEMENTS AND CONTROL LOOPS

6.1 Data filtering with logical statements

Using simple logical expressions, data stored in various data structures of R can be easily filtered tocreate subsets of data. In this chapter, we demonstrate this through examples in the form of smallscript lines which can be typed into a file and sourced inside R prompt as shown in the previouschapter.

• We start with a simple example in which we filter out the elements of a vector whose valuesare greater than certain number. In a second filter operation, we filter values in a range.

To achive this, we place the required logical statement inside the square bracket where arrayelements are accesed. See the script below:

marray <- c(2.1,5.4,7.3,9.7,3.2,6.8,7.6,9.9,11.4,14.6,17.4,16.5,5.5,4.4,3.1)

highfilt <- marray[marray > 9.5]

bandfilt <- marray[(marray > 7) & (marray < 15.0)]

print("High filter : values above 7")


print("Band filter : values between 7 and 15")


When the above code lines are executed in an R script, the following output is created.

[1] "High filter : values above 7"

[1] 9.7 9.9 11.4 14.6 17.4 16.5

[1] "Band filter : values between 7 and 15"

[1] 7.3 9.7 7.6 9.9 11.4 14.6

In the above statements, the statement

highfilt <- marray[marray > 9.5]

basically picks the elements of vector ’marray’ whose valus are greater than 9.5 and creates thelist ”highfilt” with these numbers. The print[highfilt] statement prints the elements of filtarr.

Similarly, the statement

bandfilt <- marray[(marray > 7) & (marray < 15.0)]

picks up the elements of vector ’marray’ whose valus are greater than 7 and less than 15 to createthe list ”bandfilt” with these numbers.

• In the second example, we create a vector of numbers with some missing values (ie. NA). Wewill apply a filter to select elements which are not NA’s and at the same time have values below 100and write them into another vector. In a second operation, we will remove all the NA values fromthe original vector itself.

The script below achieves this:

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6.1 Data filtering with logical statements6 LOGICAL STATEMENTS AND CONTROL LOOPS

tarray <- c(2, 7, 29, 32, 41, 11, 15, NA, NA, 55, 32, NA, 42, 109)

karray <- tarray[ !is.na(tarray) & (tarray < 100) ]

tarray[is.na(tarray)] <- 0

print("Filter with NA’s and numbers greater than 100 removed:")


print("Filter with NA’s replaced by 0")


When the above code lines are executed in an R script, the following output is created.

[1] "Filter with NA’s and numbers greater than 100 removed:"

[1] 2 7 29 32 41 11 15 55 32 42

[1] "Filter with NA’s replaced by 0"

[1] 2 7 29 32 41 11 15 0 0 55 32 0 42 109

In the above script, the statement

tarray[ !is.na(tarray) & (tarray < 100) ]

selects elements of vector ”tarray” that are not NA’s and at the same time less than 100. Thestatement

tarray[is.na(tarray)] <- 0

assigns the value 0 to the elemts of vector ”tarray” that are missing values (NA’s).After this, all NA’s in vector ”tarray” are replaced by 0.

• From a data set, a subset can be created by applying conditions on one or more columnmembers.

For example, suppose a data frame is called ”datframe” with many columns and one of themhave name ”npcol”. Then the statement

subdata <- subset(datframe, datframe$npcol > 30.0)

will select all the rows of datframe in which npcol is greater than 30 to create a new data framecalled ”subdata”.

The subset function can be applied to data types like vectors and data frames.As a third example, we will create a data frame with an (imaginary) experimental data. In

this data set, there are 7 genes for which some experimental measurements are available from 7experiments.

We first create a data frame with these data vectors, and then use ”subset()” function to createa subset of data after filtering on individual column values.

The code below demonstrates this. The comments are self explanatory.

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6.1 Data filtering with logical statements6 LOGICAL STATEMENTS AND CONTROL LOOPS

# creating a vector of gene names

genes <- c("gene-1","gene-2","gene-3","gene-4","gene-5","gene-5","gene-6")

# creating a vector of gender

gender <- c("M", "M", "F", "M", "F", "F", "M")

# creating 7 data vectors with experimental results

result1 <- c(12.3, 11.5, 13.6, 15.4, 9.4, 8.1, 10.0)

result2 <- c(22.1, 25.7, 32.5, 42.5, 12.6, 15.5, 17.6)

result3 <- c(15.5, 13.4, 11.5, 21.7, 14.5, 16.5, 12.1)

result4 <- c(14.4, 16.6, 45.0, 11.0, 9.7, 10.0, 12.5)

result51 <- c(12.2, 15.5, 17.4, 19.4, 10.2, 9.8, 9.0)

result52 <- c(13.3, 14.5, 21.6, 17.9, 15.6, 14.4, 12.0)

result6 <- c(11.0, 10.0, 12.2, 14.3, 23.3, 19.8, 13.4)

# creating a data frame with this data.

# genes along rows, results along columns

datframe <- data.frame(genes,gender,result1,result2,result3,result4,


# adding column names to data frame

names(datframe) <- c("GeneName", "Gender", "expt1", "expt2", "expt3", "expt4",

"expt51", "expt52", "expt6")

# creating subset of data with expt2 values above 20

subframe1 <- subset(datframe, datframe$expt2 > 20)

# creating a subset of data with only Female gender

subframe2 <- subset(datframe, datframe$Gender == "F")

# creating a subset with male gender for which expt2 is less than 30

subframe3 <- subset(datframe, (datframe$Gender == "M")&(datframe$expt2 < 30.0) )

# printing the data frames

print("subframe1 : Rows with expt2 > 20")


print("subframe2 : Rows with gender Female")


print("subframe3 : Rows with Male gender and expt2 < 30.0")


When the above code lines are executed in an R script, the following output is created.

[1] "subframe1 : Rows with expt2 > 20"

GeneName Gender expt1 expt2 expt3 expt4 expt51 expt52 expt6

1 gene-1 M 12.3 22.1 15.5 14.4 12.2 13.3 11.0

2 gene-2 M 11.5 25.7 13.4 16.6 15.5 14.5 10.0

3 gene-3 F 13.6 32.5 11.5 45.0 17.4 21.6 12.2

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6.1 Data filtering with logical statements6 LOGICAL STATEMENTS AND CONTROL LOOPS

4 gene-4 M 15.4 42.5 21.7 11.0 19.4 17.9 14.3

[1] "subframe2 : Rows with gender Female"

GeneName Gender expt1 expt2 expt3 expt4 expt51 expt52 expt6

3 gene-3 F 13.6 32.5 11.5 45.0 17.4 21.6 12.2

5 gene-5 F 9.4 12.6 14.5 9.7 10.2 15.6 23.3

6 gene-5 F 8.1 15.5 16.5 10.0 9.8 14.4 19.8

[1] "subframe3 : Rows with Male gender and expt2 < 30.0"

GeneName Gender expt1 expt2 expt3 expt4 expt51 expt52 expt6

1 gene-1 M 12.3 22.1 15.5 14.4 12.2 13.3 11.0

2 gene-2 M 11.5 25.7 13.4 16.6 15.5 14.5 10.0

7 gene-6 M 10.0 17.6 12.1 12.5 9.0 12.0 13.4

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6.2 The if...else statement 6 LOGICAL STATEMENTS AND CONTROL LOOPS

6.2 The if...else statement

• The ’if’ conditional statement helps us to execute certain commands subject to the conditionthat a given statement is TRUE.

The general syntax of ’if’ statement is given by

if(condition) statement

Here if is a reserved key word. The condition typed inside braces refers to a logical statement.The statement refers to a single or a set of statements which will be executed if the condition is true.First the condition is logically evaluated and if it evaluates to TRUE, the statement is executed. Ifthe condition evaluates to FALSE, the statement is not executed.

Following script illustrates this:

a = 5.0

b = 10.0

if(a < b)

print("a is less than b")

Executing the above code prints this output in R prompt:

[1] "a ia less than b"

In the above code, the condition (a < b) is evaluated. Since a = 5.0 and b = 10.0, the conditionevaluates to TRUE, and hence the print statement is executed. If the condition evaluates to false,print statement will not be executed.

• When the condition in the if statement fails, we can provide an alternate path with elsestatement followed by if. The general format is as follows:

if(condition) statement1 else statement2

When condition evaluates to TRUE, statement1 is executed. When it fails, statement2 is exe-cuted. See the illustration below:

a = 5.0

b = 10.0

c = 15.0

d = 20.0

if(a > b)


print("a is greater than b")

} else {print("a is less than b")}

Since a=5.0 and b=10.0, the condition (a > b) evaluates to false in the above code, and thecontrol is transferred to else condition and the following line is printed:

[1] "a is less than b"

• A set of nested if...else if conditions can be set up as shown in the example below. The codeis self explanatory.

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6.2 The if...else statement 6 LOGICAL STATEMENTS AND CONTROL LOOPS

a = 5.0

b = 10.0

c = 15.0

d = 20.0

if(a > b)


k = k + 1

print("a is greater than b")

} else if(b > c)


k = k -1

print("b is less than c")

} else { print("both are not true")}

Since the conditions (a > b) and (b > c) both evalate to FALSE, the print statement inside thefinal else is executed to print the following line:

[1] "both are not true"

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6.3 The for loop

• The for loop is useful for iteratively executing a group of instructions. The general format isgiven by

for(variation in a sequence) expression

A sequence inside the pair of braces next to for is considered. For every element in the sequence,the expression will be evaluated. The expression can be either a simple statement or a set of complexstatements which may or may not involve the iterated elements. See the example below:

for(i in 1:10)




In the above code, the word 1:10 creates a seqence from 1 to 10. The keyword in refers toindividual elements in this sequence. The letter i is a variable name which refers to the element inthe sequence. Any name can be used instead of this. The statement for(i in 1:10) iterates throughevery element from 1 to 10, and the print(i) is executed 10 times for every value of i in the sequence,and values of i from 1 to 10 are printed. After the 10 executions, the for loop terminates, resultingin the following printout:

[1] 1

[1] 2

[1] 3

[1] 4

[1] 5

[1] 6

[1] 7

[1] 8

[1] 9

[1] 10

• The for loop in R can be used in two ways. In the first way, we can access the elements of avector directly though an iteration inside for statement. See the example below:

avec <- c(2.1, 3.2, 4.3, 5.4, 6.5, 7.6)

for( num in avec)


num = num*10



In the above script, a vector avec is created with 6 numbers. The statement for( num in avec)assigns the elements of avec iteratively to the variable num. Inside the loop defined by a pair of curlybraces, every value of num is multiplied by 10 and printed, resulting in the following output:

[1] 21

[1] 32

[1] 43

[1] 54

[1] 65

[1] 76

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• In the second method, elements of a vector can be iteratively accessed inside the for loop bythe index generated inside. Carefully go through this script:

avec <- c(2.1, 3.2, 4.3, 5.4, 6.5, 7.6)

for( i in 1:length(avec) )


num = avec[i]*10



in the above example, length(avec) returns a number 6 which is the length of the vector as definedin the code. Thus, 1:length(avec) generates a sequence from 1 to 6. As we have seen before, thefor loop iterates through this sequence assigning values 1 to 6 for the variable i. Inside the loop,avec[i]*10 accesses the values of vector avec using this index and multiplied by 10. The resultingoutput is presented here:

[1] 21

[1] 32

[1] 43

[1] 54

[1] 65

[1] 76

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6.4 The while loop

• The while loop is used for executing a statement until a condition is valid. The loop terminateswhen the condition fails. The general format is

while( condition ) expression

First the condition is tested. If it is TRUE, the expression is executed, which generally modifiesthe condition. Then, the condition is again tested. If it is TRUE, the expression is executed. Thisgoes on until the condition fails. When this happens, the while loop is terminated. This is illustratedhere:

num = 100.0

while (num > 0.0)


num = num - 10.0



In the above script, the condition tested inside the while loop is whether num is greater thanzero. Initially num = 100.0 and inside the loop, num is subtracted with 10 during every iteration.Thus the while loop keeps on executing until num reaches a value below zero where it terminates.This login results in the following numers:

[1] 90

[1] 80

[1] 70

[1] 60

[1] 50

[1] 40

[1] 30

[1] 20

[1] 10

[1] 0

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6.5 The break statement

The break statement breaks out of a for or while control loops. When a break is encountered, controlis transferred to the first statement outside the inner-most loop. When combined with if condition,the break can be effectively used for the conditional termination of for or while loops. Example belowillustrates this concept.

nevent = 100

for(i in 1:nevent)


if(i*12.0 > 200)




print("Now control is outside the for loop")

The value of the iterator i varies from 1 to nevent = 100 inside the for loop. There is an ifcondition inside the for loop that tests whether i*12 is greater than 200 for every iterative value of i.When this test is true, the break statement transfers the control outside the first enclosing for loop.Since 17 ∗ 12 > 200, the for loop should run for first 16 iterations when i varies from 1 to 16. Thiscode prints out the following lines as expected:

[1] 1

[1] 2

[1] 3

[1] 4

[1] 5

[1] 6

[1] 7

[1] 8

[1] 9

[1] 10

[1] 11

[1] 12

[1] 13

[1] 14

[1] 15

[1] 16

[1] "Now control is outside the for loop"

Similarly, we can break out of while loop under specific condition.

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7 User defined functions in R

Like other languages, R has the ability to support used defined functions. An R function takesobjects and data variables as function argument and returns an object.

The function in R has the following structure:

myfunction <- function(argument1, argument2, ...) {




Here, function is a key word used for defining the function. argument1, argument2 etc. arefunction arguments. They can be either simple variable types or objects like arrays, lists etc. Insidethe function, the arguments passed in are used by the function. The statements refers to such lines ofscript. Finally, the function passes the computed object through a return statement. All the lines ofthe code inside the function are enclosed in a pair of curly brackets following the keyword function.myfunction refers to the name given to the function. When a function is caled, it will be called withthis name.

Once a function is defined, it can be called with the general syntax,

objectName <- myfunction(arg1, arg2, ...)

The object returned by myfunction is copied to the new object called objectName. As with anyother program logic, the data type, number and order of the arguments during the definition andcall of the function should exactly match. If not, error is flagged by R.

In the example script below, a function called normalize takes a vector avec and a number anumas arguments. It divided each element of this vector by the number and take a square root. Theresulting vector with normalized number is then returned as a vector.

In the script, a vector called vec and a number called anumber are created and the function callis given. The resulting vector is printed.

The script is given below, which is self explanatory:

# defining a function called normalize

normalize <- function(avec, anum) {

norvec <- (avec/anum)^0.5



# Defining a vector and a number for data.

vec <- c(45.0, 67.0, 81.0, 57.0, 103.0, 122.0, 68.0, 98.0)

anumber = 21.5

# function call

normalvec <- normalize(vec, anumber)

# print the resulting vector returned by the function


Executing the above script generates the following output:

[1] 1.446728 1.765299 1.940990 1.628239 2.188766 2.382104 1.778424 2.134980

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8 Plots in R

Various types of sophisticated plots can be created in R. For each plot type, a plot function has tobe called with parameters to set plot properties like range, axis, point type, line type, titles, legendetc.

We will start with plots with points and lines. We sill discuss all aspects of plots in this section,most of which are common to all plot types. In the later sections, we discuss specific feature of eachplot types.

8.1 Point and Line Plots

Point and line plots can be produced using plot() function, which takes x and y points either asvectors or single number along with many other parameters. The parameters x and y are necessary.For others, default value will be used in the absence of the parameter.

• In the script below, we create 2 vectors called x and y with data points and call the plotfunction. Obviously, vectors x and y should have equal number of elements:

# We create vectors of (X,Y) points and plot.

x <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)

y = c(12, 23, 36, 48, 53, 64, 78, 89, 91, 110)

# Just plot points


The above code creates a plot with points. This is a simple plot in black color with both axesmarked with vector names. Ather parameters of the plot have been given default values.

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8.1 Point and Line Plots 8 PLOTS IN R

8.1.1 Joining points with lines

• We will now add more features to this plot in steps. First, we join the points with a linewhile retaining the points. This is achived by the parameter called type, which takes a charactervalue in double quotes. See the code:

# We create vectors of (X,Y) points and plot.

x <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)

y = c(12, 23, 36, 48, 53, 64, 78, 89, 91, 110)

# plot points overlaied by lines


The other important options for type are:

type="p" plots points

type="l" plots lines

type="b" plots points and lines

type="o" plots points overlaid by lines

type="h" plot with histogram like vertical lines

type="h" plot with histogram like vertical lines

type="s" plot with stair steps

type="n" no plotting - blank plot with axis marked (x,y)

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8.1 Point and Line Plots 8 PLOTS IN R

8.1.2 Symbols for data points

• Now we will choose a symbol and size for the data points. This is achieved by theparameters pch (meaning ’point character’) for point symbol, and cex for the symbol size. The codeis below:

# We create vectors of (X,Y) points and plot.

x <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)

y = c(12, 23, 36, 48, 53, 64, 78, 89, 91, 110)

# plot points overlaied by lines

# plot with a symbol for data points and a size for them

# ’pch’ means ’point character’

# ’cex’ represents size of point

# give a line type and line width

# ’lty’ is line type, ’lwd’ is line width

plot(x, y, type="o", pch=20, cex=1.1, lty=3, lwd=1)

Important values of these parameters are given here. For details, see R manual.

pch ---> takes values between 0 to 24 to give 25 symbols.

In addiditon, 10 keyboard characters like "*", "+", "o" etc can be used.

cex ---> A number indicating the amount by which plotting text and symbol

should be scaled relative to the default value.

Thus, cex = 1 is default size

cex = 1.5 is 150% of default size

cex = 0.5 is 50% of default size

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8.1 Point and Line Plots 8 PLOTS IN R

[Note : cex.axis --> scales the axis

cex.lab ---> scales the label

cex.main --> scales main title

cex.sub ---> scales the subtitle


lty ---> a number like 1,2,3... indicating type of line like plain line,

dashed line, dot dashed etc.

See manual for details of each type.

lwd ---> number indicating the line width

lwd = 1 is default

lwd = 2 is twice the default width

lwd = 3 is thrice the width etc.

8.1.3 color the data points and lines

• We should now add color to the data points and line we have plotted. This is done usingcol parameter.

Modify the plot statement in our code as follows (we omit printing other lines of code)

plot(x,y,type="o", pch=20, cex=1.1, lty=3, lwd=1,col="dark red")

The col parameter can be defined in 3 ways:

col = 5 ---> number from 1 to 657, each representing one color.

See manuals for this table

col="blue" ---> names of the color given as a string. See manual for list

col=#FFFFFF ----> octal color code format, as in HTML language etc.

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8.1 Point and Line Plots 8 PLOTS IN R

8.1.4 adding main title to the plot

• Now we will add main title to the graph with its own color, font and sizes.For this we use main parameter. This takes a string value which will be displayed as the main

title of the plot at the top.The col parameter can be defined in 3 ways:

col.main ---> sets the color of main title

Takes same values as ’col’

font.main ---> sets the font of main title.

font.main = 1 for plain

font.main = 2 for bold

font.main = 3 for italic

font.main = 4 for bold italic

cex.main ---> scales the main title, as explained before.

With these, the plot call for a plot with main title is as below:

plot(x,y,type="o", pch=20, cex=1.1, lty=3, lwd=1,col="dark red",

main="Plot of Data-1", col.main="blue", font.main=4, cex.main=1.2 )

8.1.5 Adding subtitle to the plot

• A subtitle at the bottom of the plot can be added with sub parameter, which takes a string valueand displays it at the bottom of the plot. The other properties of this text are set with parameterscol.sub, font.sub, cex.sub which take usual values. See the plot statement below:

plot(x,y,type="o", col="dark red", main="Plot of Data-1",

col.main="blue", font.main=4, cex.main=1.2,

sub = "This is sub title", col.sub="blue", font.sub=7,


8.1.6 Axes titles and their properties

• We will also add axis titles with chosen color, size and font. The titles to the X and Y axis canbe given with xlab, ylab parameters (meaning ’X-label’ and ’Y-label’). These two parameters takestring values which are displayed as labels for X and Y axis. The font type, color and size are setthrough font.lab, col.lab, cex.lab whose values are similar to the ones we saw before.

Here is the plot statement with X and Y labels set:

x <- c(1,2,3,4,5ha,6,7,8,9,10)

y = c(12, 23, 36, 48, 53, 64, 78, 89, 91, 110)

plot(x,y,type="o", pch=20, cex=1.1, lty=3, lwd=1,col="dark red",

main="Plot of Data-1", col.main="blue", font.main=4, cex.main=1.2,

sub = "This is sub title", col.sub="blue", font.sub=7, cex.sub=1.0,

xlab="This is X-axis Label", ylab="This is Y-axis Label", col.lab="red",

font.lab=6, cex.lab=1.1)

The plot with axis titles and subtitle drawn for the above statement is shown here:

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8.1 Point and Line Plots 8 PLOTS IN R

Figure 1: Different types of data

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8.1 Point and Line Plots 8 PLOTS IN R

8.1.7 Fixing the Ranges of X,Y axis

When plot function is called with data, it computes the ranges of X and Y axis based on the data.Sometimes, we may require to fix the range of the data by hand, rather than by the range of data.The ranges of X and Y axis can be varied using xlim, ylim parameters. (xlim means ’xlimit”and ylim means ’ylimit’).

The parameters xlim and ylim take a 2 element vector as input. The first number represents thebeginning of range and second represents end of range. Thus, xlim=c(1,10) means an X axis rangefrom 1 to 10. Similarly for ylim.

See the plot call below. This plots with x axis in the range 1 to 20 and y axis in the range 1 to150.

Xvalue <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)

Yvalue = c(12, 23, 36, 48, 53, 64, 78, 89, 91, 110)

# Ranges for X,Y axis (other parameters to default, for clarity.)

plot(Xvalue, Yvalue, xlim=c(1,20), ylim=c(1,150))

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8.1 Point and Line Plots 8 PLOTS IN R

8.1.8 Writing text inside a plot

.We can write text inside the plot for explanation and labelling curves using text parameter. This

parameter takes 2 numbers for the (x,y) coordinates of starting point of plot, and a text string whichis displayed inside the plot starting from given (x,y). Note that the units of these coordinatesare same as units of x and y axis used in the plot.

If text labels to be written near many points in the plot, we can give x and y as vectors, andanother vector of strings as label. In this case, all these 3 vectors should be of same length. Thegeneral format of text command is,

text(x, y, textString, col=color, cex=value, font=fontType)

The text() call can be given inside plot() function as well as after the call to the plot().See plot call below for all these:

Xvalue <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)

Yvalue = c(12, 23, 36, 48, 53, 64, 78, 89, 91, 110)

# To add text to a plot. We add text at a particular

# location (2, 105) in the plot.

# First look at the plot, and decide the units for (x,y)!!

plot(Xvalue,Yvalue,text(2,100,"This is text at (2,100)"))

# Here, we place a text near every point, at 0.3 unit

# from x disrance of each point.

cch <- c("a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j")

plot(Xvalue,Yvalue, text(Xvalue+0.3, Yvalue, cch, col="blue"))

# We will draw both - text at a particular location as well as text at

# every point as labels.

plot(Xvalue,Yvalue, text(Xvalue+0.3, Yvalue, cch, col="blue"))

text(2, 100, "This is text at (2,100)", col="red")

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8.2 Multiple graphs on the same plot with legends 8 PLOTS IN R

8.2 Multiple graphs on the same plot with legends

• To plot more than one curve on a single plot in R, we proceed as follows. First, create the firstplot. For the subsequent plots, do not use plot function. Instead, each one of the subsequent curvesare plotted using points and lines functions, whose calls are similar to the plot function. See thecode below:

# multiple graphs on the same plot with legends

x <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)

y1 <- c(1,4,9,16,25,36,49)

y2 <- c(1, 5, 12, 21, 34, 51, 72)

y3 <- c(1, 6, 14, 28, 47, 73, 106 )

# First curve is plotted

plot(x, y1, type="o", col="blue", pch="o", lty=1)

# second curve on same plot -- use points() and lines() function

points(x, y2, col="red", pch="*")

lines(x, y2, col="red",lty=2)

# third curve on the same plot. Use points() and lines() function.

points(x, y3, col="dark red",pch="+")

lines(x, y3, col="dark red", lty=3)

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8.2 Multiple graphs on the same plot with legends 8 PLOTS IN R

• Legends can be added to the plot within a box at a desired location using legend function.This function takes the following parameters:

X and Y axis locations in the graph coordinates.A vector of string consisting of legends, typically one per graphA vector of colors for col parameter. These colors are same as the ones used in the graphA vector of character symbols for pch parameter, same as the ones used as pch parameters

in the plots.A vector of line types to be given to lty parameter, same as the one used for plotting curved

In the code below, we have added legend to the above plot. Full code is given.

# multiple graphs on the same plot with legends

x <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)

y1 <- c(1,4,9,16,25,36,49)

y2 <- c(1, 5, 12, 21, 34, 51, 72)

y3 <- c(1, 6, 14, 28, 47, 73, 106 )

# First curve is plotted

plot(x, y1, type="o", col="blue", pch="o", lty=1)

# second curve on same plot -- use points() and lines() function

points(x, y2, col="red", pch="*")

lines(x, y2, col="red",lty=2)

# third curve on the same plot. Use points() and lines() function.

points(x, y3, col="black",pch="+")

lines(x, y3, col="black", lty=3)

# Adding a legend inside box at the location (2,40) in graph coordinates.

legend(2,40,c("y1","y2","y3"), col=c("blue","red","black"),


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8.3 2D Scatter Plot 8 PLOTS IN R

8.3 2D Scatter Plot

The 2D scatter plot is same as the plots with points. We just have to pass X and Y vectors for thetwo coordinates to the plot function as arguments. All other settings are similar. The example codeis given here:

# R Scatter plot demo

# Generate 10000 random numbers from gaussian distribution

Xrandom <- 10*rnorm(10000)

# Generate 10000 numbers from Gaussian

Yrandom <- 10*rnorm(10000)

# plot the scatter plot. We choose color in Hexadecimal system

plot(Xrandom, Yrandom, cex=0.2, col="#FF9999", main="2D Scatter plot")

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8.4 Histogram 8 PLOTS IN R

8.4 Histogram

• We can generate histograms in R using hist function. The arguments of this function are almostsame as that of plot

In a histogram, we have to decide the number of bins beforehand. The function hist has aparameter called breaks. This is the number of bins in the histogram.

In the simplest code below, we generate 10000 points from a Gaussian distribution and histogramit.

# Generate Gaussian deviates with mean=5, and SD=3

data <- rnorm(10000, mean=5, sd=3)

#plot histogram with 40 bins

hist(data, breaks=40, col="red", xlim=c(-10,20), ylim=c(0,800),

main="Simulated Data", col.main="blue")


The above script creates a histogram of these 10000 data points on the screen.

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8.4 Histogram 8 PLOTS IN R

8.4.1 Accessing the results of histogram

• We can also access the data of the histogram through the object returned by the histogram. Forthe above data, try this:

# Generate Gaussian deviates with mean=5, and SD=3

data <- rnorm(10000, mean=5, sd=3)

#plot histogram with 40 bins and get the returned histogram object.

hdat <- hist(data, breaks=40, col="red", xlim=c(-10,20), ylim=c(0,800),

main="Simulated Data", col.main="blue")

# print the contents of hist, which has histogram data


# we can access (for example) first 10 elements of bin data

print( hdat$breaks[1:10])

# we can access (for example) first 10 elements of counts on bins


# First 10 elements of Intensities


## First 10 elements of Kernal Densitieshdat


# First 10 elements of mid values



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8.5 Box-Whisker Plot 8 PLOTS IN R

8.5 Box-Whisker Plot

• The Box-Whisker plot creates a pictorial representation of statistical spread in the data. In R,the function boxplot creates this plot. This function can take many data types as inputs. We canpass a vector, a list of vectors or a data frame made up of column vectors as input. For each one ofthe columns of data, a Box-Whisker diagram is created.

We first create a single vector of data and call the boxplot function:

# Generate three vectors

x <- c(1,5,7,8,9,7,5,1,8,5,6,7,8,9,8,6,7,8,10,19,6,7,8,6,4,6)

y = x*1.5

z = x*2.3

# We call boxplot with single vector

boxplot(x, range=0.0, horizontal=FALSE, varwidth=TRUE, notch=FALSE,

outline=TRUE, names=c("A"), boxwex=0.3, border=c("blue"), col=c("red"))


The above script creates a single boxplot in the screen.

Various parameters of the function are explained below:

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8.5 Box-Whisker Plot 8 PLOTS IN R

range ---> this determines how far the plot whiskers extend out from the

box. If range is positive, the whiskers extend to the most

extreme data point which is no more than range times the

interquartile range from the box. A value of zero causes the

whiskers to extend to the data extremes.

horizontal ----> A TRUE value for this will make the plot horizontal.

Default is vertical

varwidth ----> if varwidth is TRUE, the boxes are drawn with widths

proportional to the square-roots of the number of

observations in the groups.

notch ----> if notch is TRUE, a notch is drawn in each side of the

boxes. If the notches of two plots do not overlap this is

strong evidence that the two medians differ

outline ----> if outline is not true, the outliers are not drawn

names ---> group labels which will be printed under each boxplot. Can

be a character vector or an expression

boxwex ---> a scale factor to be applied to all boxes. When there are

only a few groups, the appearance of the plot can be improved

by making the boxes narrower

border ---> an optional vector of colors for the outlines of the


col ---> Contain colors to be used to colour the bodies of the box plots

• We can also call the boxplot function with lists of vectors and data frames in which column vectorsare in the form of matrix. In the script below, we first create a list of vectors and call boxplot. Next,we create a data frame of the same numeric vectors are call boxplot. Both the calls create a plotwith three boxplots, each for one column of data.

# Generate three vectors

x <- c(1,5,7,8,9,7,5,1,8,5,6,7,8,9,8,6,7,8,10,19,6,7,8,6,4,6)

y = x*1.5

z = x*2.3

# we create a list of vectors and call box plot with it.

# Three Box-Whiskers are plotted, for x, y and x vectors

alis <- list(x,y,z)

boxplot(alis, range=0.0, horizontal=FALSE, varwidth=TRUE, notch=FALSE,

outline=TRUE, names=c("A","B","C"), boxwex=0.3,

border=c("blue","blue","blue"), col=c("red","red","red"))

# we create a data frame of these vectors.

# Box plot can take many data structures.

# See the effect of notch=FALSE.

aframe <- data.frame(x,y,z)

boxplot(alis, range=0.0, horizontal=FALSE, varwidth=TRUE, notch=TRUE,

outline=TRUE, names=c("A","B","C"), boxwex=0.3,

border=c("blue","blue","blue"), col=c("red","red","red"))

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8.6 Pie Charts 8 PLOTS IN R

8.6 Pie Charts

The Pie charts in R can be drawn using pie function of the plot library. This function is called witha vector x and a vector of colors for these segments. We can also choose the data segments to bedrawn clockwise or anticlockwise, which is the default. In the script below, we draw 2 pie charts,onw without legend and simple labels and the other with legend and percentages marked:

result <- c(10, 30, 60, 40, 90)

# Create a Pie chart with a heading and rainbow colors

pie(result, main="Experiment-1", col=rainbow(length(result)),

label=c("Mol-1","Mol-2","Mol-3", "Mol-4", "Mol-5"))

# Calculate the percentage of sections and put it in the label

alabels <- round((result/sum(result)) * 100, 1)

alabels <- paste(alabels, "%", sep="")

colors <- c("blue", "green","red", "white", "black")

pie(result, main="Experiment-1", col=colors, labels=alabels, cex=0.8)

# draw the legend

legend(-1.2, 1.0, c("molecule-1", "molecule-2", "molecule-3",

"molecule-4", "molecule-5"), fill=colors)

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8.7 Bar-plots 8 PLOTS IN R

8.7 Bar-plots

In bar plots, individual categoroes are represented as vertical bars standing next to each other forquantitative comparison. In R, the barplot function is called to create bar plots. This function cantake a vector or a matrix as data input. Code below shows this:

# We plot various bar charts here

# Define a data vector

data <- c(1,3,6,4,9)

#bar plot the vector -- simple plot with no legends and colors

barplot(data, main="Cancer-data", xlab="Days", ylab="Response Index",


border="blue", density=c(10,20,30,40,50))

# Create a data frame

col1 <- c(1,3,6,4,9)

col2 <- c(2,5,4,5,12)

col3 <- c(4,4,6,6,16)

data <- data.frame(col1,col2,col3)

names(data) <- c("patient-1","patient-2","patient-3")

# barplot with colors

barplot(as.matrix(data), main="Experiment-1", ylab="dosage", beside=TRUE,


#Add legends

legend("topleft", c("day1","day2","day3","day4","day5"), cex=1.0, bty="n",


These two plots are shown in the next page:

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8.7 Bar-plots 8 PLOTS IN R

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8.8 Multiple plots in a single figure 8 PLOTS IN R

8.8 Multiple plots in a single figure

We can place multiple plots in a single figure. For this, we use par() function in R. The functionpar(mfrow) sets up plots one by one along rows, and par(mfcol) sets up plots one by one along thecolumns.

For example, par(mfrow, c(2,3)) sets up a plots with first three plots along first row and nextthree plots along the second row. When this command is given, blank screen is created by the device.The plots pltted are one by one alloted the positions as they are plotted

The code below splits the screen into 2 rows and 3 columns to contain 6 plots. The commentsmake the code easy to understand.

# This script demonstrates multiple plots in a single figure.

## Set up plotting in two rows and three columns.

## Set the outer margin so that bottom, left, and right are 0 and

## top is 2 lines of text.

## Plotting goes along rows first.

## To plot along columns, usde "mfcol" instead of mfrow.

par( mfrow = c( 2, 3 ), oma = c( 0, 0, 2, 0 ) )

## Call the first plot. This is automatically located in row 1, column 1:

plot( rnorm( n = 10 ), col = "red", main = "plot 1", cex.lab = 1.1 )

## Call the second plot. This is automatically located in row 1, column 2:

plot( runif( n = 10 ), col = "blue", main = "plot 2", cex.lab = 1.1 )

##Call the third plot. This is located in row 1, column 3:

plot( rt( n = 10, df = 8 ), col = "springgreen4", main = "plot 3",

cex.lab = 1.1 )

## Call the fourth plot. It is located in row 2, column 1:

plot( rpois( n = 10, lambda = 2 ), col = "black", main = "plot 4",

cex.lab = 1.1 )

## plot.new() skips a position.


## The fifth plot is located in row 2, column 3:

plot( rf( n = 10, df1 = 4, df2 = 8 ), col = "gray30", main = "plot 5",

cex.lab = 1.1 )

# Title is given to the whole of the plot.

title("Many distributions", outer=TRUE)

The plot is shown in the next page.

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8.8 Multiple plots in a single figure 8 PLOTS IN R

Multiple plots in a single figure.

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8.8 Multiple plots in a single figure 8 PLOTS IN R

• Multiple plots by splitting the screen

Another way of creating multiple plots on the same screen is to split the screen into regions andplotting. We use split.screen() function for this.

The general usage is like,split.screen(figs = c(2,1))

which splits the screen into 2 rows and 1 column. We get screens 1(top) and 2(bottom). We canfurther split the top and bottom screen again. For example, command below splits screen 1 (topscreen) into one row and three columns. We get screens 3,4,5:

split.screen(figs = c(1,3), screen = 1)We now split bottom screen (scrren 2) into 2 columns to get screen 6 and 7.

split.screen(figs = c(1,3), screen = 1)now when we start plotting one by one, plots start from screen 3 and go upto 7. Thus we get 3

plots on top row, and 2 on bottom row, achieving an odd distribution.See the code below, which is self explanatory because of comments.

## Split the screen into two rows and one column, defining screens 1 and 2.

split.screen( figs = c( 2, 1 ) )

## Split screen 1 into one row and three columns, defining screens 3, 4, and 5.

split.screen( figs = c( 1, 3 ), screen = 1 )

## Split screen 2 into one row and two columns, defining screens 6 and 7.

split.screen( figs = c( 1, 2 ), screen = 2 )

## The first plot is located in screen 3:

screen( 3 )

plot( rnorm( n = 100 ), col = "red", main = "plot 1" )

## The second plot is located in screen 4:

screen( 4 )

plot( runif( n = 100 ), col = "blue", main = "plot 2" )

## The third plot is located in screen 5:

screen( 5 )

plot( rt( n = 10, df = 8 ), col = "springgreen4", main = "plot 3" )

## The fourth plot is located in screen 6:

screen( 6 )

plot( rpois( n = 10, lambda = 2 ), col = "black", main = "plot 4" )

## The fifth plot is located in screen 7:

screen( 7 )

plot( rf( n = 10, df1 = 4, df2 = 8 ), col = "gray30", main = "plot 5" )

## Close all screens.

close.screen( all = TRUE )

The plot created by the above code is shown in the next page.

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8.8 Multiple plots in a single figure 8 PLOTS IN R

Multiple plots of variable sizes in a single figure drawn by splitting the screen:

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9 Input/Output operations in R

When we start R, it starts an interactive session by default. The user gives input from keyboardand output is printed on the screen. We can also take input from files and scripts into R session andwrite into external files from R session. This section explains various Input/Output operations in R.

• Including a script in current session – source() functionUsing source() function, we can include a script in R session or into another script. For exmaple,

the command in R session¿ source(”datfile.r”)

include the whole contents of datfile.r inside current session. Subsequently, we can use everyobject declared inside datfile.r in the current session This also can be used to source one scriptinside another script, and make the second script to use the variables and objects in the sourced file.Example below illustrates this:

script datfile.r

PI = 3.14

Epsilon = 0.034

K = 1.788

KMM = 2*PI*Epsilon

Now, the following script includes the first script and uses the variables in it:script calcul.r


cc = KMM * 29.5


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• Writing the output of current session into a file – sink() function

Using sink() function, we can direct the output of session to the terminal. This function canalso takes arguments like : output file name as a string, append parameter that decides whether toappend to existing file or overwrite it and a split parameter that allows printing to the screen whenTRUE. Once the function is called with file name, all the subsequent print statements write to thefile. Another call sink() with no parameter terminates the writing to the external file. See codebelow:

# call the sink function.

# append=FALSE means Don’t append to the existing file

# split=FALSE means don’t write on screen

sink("test.txt", append=FALSE, split=FALSE)

# Following print statements written to the file test.txt

for(i in 1:10)


print("Start Printing")

i = i*10 + 5



# now return output to terminal


# Now the following statement will not be printed

print("Hi, this is over")


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• Writing R objects into external files

To redirect the graphic output plotted by R into a file, we cannot use sink() function. For this,there are many functions given by various libraries. Here we demonstrate the use of two functions,dput and save for writing R data structures into files, and retrieving the data frem them.

# Creating some vectors

avec1 <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6)

avec2 <- c(10,20,30,40,50,60)

avec3 <- c(100,200,300,400,500,600)

svec <- c("aa","bb","cc","cc","dd")

cvec <- c("A","B","C")


# create a data frame with vectors

aframe <- data.frame(avec1,avec2,avec3)

# create a list of this data frame and 3 more vectors

alis <- list(aframe, svec, cvec, astr)

# another vector

kvec <- c("AAA","BBB","CCC")

# Write into a text file as simple ASCII using dput()

dput(alis, "test.out")

# Read it back into R by dget()

dd <- dget("test.out")

# Access the member data structures with dd





# Write two R objects into file using save() function. See help for options.

# We can save many such objects

save(list=c("alis", "kvec"), file="test1.out")

# load them into R using load() function


# Once loaded, just use them by name!!



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• Writing R plots into image files

Many libraries exist for writing the R plots produced on screen into image files line .png, .jpeg,PDF etc.

The image is plotted and svaed in the following steps.(1) Open a device for plotting. The default device is screen itself.(2) call an image function in R with image filename.(3) plot the image with plot() function for example. This is also written to the file name in

image function.(4) close the device by image.off() call. Now image is saved in the directory given for file

name.See the code below:

# For writing plot into jpeg file


plot(c(1,2,3,4), c(1,2,3,4))


# For writing plot into png file




# For writing into bmp file


plot(c(1,2,3,4), c(1,2,3,4))


# For writing into PDF file




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