r school children every dollar worth two will decorate

PAGE EIGHT. THE DAILY GATE CITY r rHUESDAY, MAY 26,1910. , 1 - ! ^ ' Every Dollar Worth Two If You Buy Now During Our 1-2 Price Sale Our entire stock of Trimmed Hats, Un- trimmed Hats and Flowers are offered to you at an actual saving of fifty cents on the dollar. SCHOOL CHILDREN WILL DECORATE Committees Announced for Memorial Day to Assist in the Memorial ' for the Dead Heroes. - ?> 0 ' ' .' THE FIRING SQUAD Approved Keokuk's Safest Theatre Management Frank Sana one She's Coming Tomorrow Who*? - •; - "• "v'-'•** ' '-v. .• ; ' I && "Cleopatra" LeBRON'S WEDDING GIFTS Quality Unquestioned Annual Moonlight \ Give® By I St Peer's Y&BBg Men's Cleb ON! THE . | STR. DUBUQUE J May 26 k MX im-f h' V^r . J&r T" * Sjeotves Xae^aAc 8:38; Wamsaw, 9:80; Alcaata&ria, 5:2CU | Ague'* Fall Orchestra. j TICKETS—GENTS, 5Qc~ LADIES, 25e Positively no intoxicating liquors al- lowed on beard. Rights of admission strictly reserved.' Tickets on sale zt Moeller's, M. J. j Burke, Ward Bros. ' •*».' ? r- ] BASE BALL KEOKUK VS. MONMOUTH May 26, 27, 28 and 29th : ~' Thursday, Friday, Saturday t, 1 " and— 'St' I. « Sunday Double Header FIRST GAME CALLED 2 P. M. j 3ox seats and reserved chairs on J.V. 6ale each day until 1 p- m -> at Ward j S. Bros.' Cigar Store. .=• WEEK DAY GAMES—3:30. : A Bargain In Fuel is what you get when you use fuel gas— the fuel that is de- livered at the stove— clean, quick, conven- ient. Just light a match and the fire is ready. - p tPiiis- Water Jug Flustra ted Crystal Glass, 1054 inches , high, Stiver Applied Top $3.75. J?8nj IN STERLING SILVER Boa Bon Dishes $ 1.75 up Bread Trays ..... 10J30 up Frail Bowls 18.00 up Card Trays 6.00 up Sandwich Trays 12.75 up Honey Jars 3*00 up Mustard Jars ? ^ up Compotes ....... 6.00 up Other single pieces and com- plete sets from S2.00 to J50J00. Your gift to the bride is accepted without question as to quality and correct style if it comes from "LeBron's." This assurance costs you nothing. Our charges are no higher than those usually made for inferior goods. LeBRON'S Scott & O'Reilly Prescription Druggists PURE DRUGS Accurate Prescription Work 6oo MAIN ST. ** * Keokuk Gas & Electric Co. 1 Double Quartette is Announced and Other Arrangements Are Made for Next Monday. The following named pupils have been selected for the purpose of dec- orating the graves on Memorial Day: H. S. boys for the forenoon to re- port at the cemetery at 10 o'clock a. m. will help the committee of ladles decorate in Catholic and Oakland in forenoon. High school volunteers: Zenos Mil- led. Frank Ewers, Edwin Elder, Clar- ence Sutherland, Rudolph Ringstrom, Frank Swan. Grade pupils to report to the G. A.. R. hall at 1 o'clock p. m. May 30: j Carey school: Howard Malone,! Dale Kammerer, Edward Westman. ! Helen Woolley, Helen Auld. Mildred; Wright. > ! Wells school: Clara Maertens,! Madeline Haubert, Alice Steenburg, Raymond Bauer, Floyd Semones, Ken- neth McBain. Lincoln school: Harry Bunner, Ludwig Lantz, John Van Ausdall, Al- thea Patterson, Elizabeth Ricker, Gertrude Off. St. Mary's school: Edwin Bnsch, Bernard Deiling, Walter Hillyer, Louise Schenk, Marie Miller, Marie Oertei. Garfield school: Dorothy Duncan, Janette Schoel. Ruth Bivin, Emma Winkleman, Frank Hal beck, Orville Pulis. Leon Halbeck. Torrence school: Clarence Alden, Albert Boehm, Ralph Worster, Helen Metsinger, Edith Coit, Ruth Happs. Geo. Washington school: Marshall Fulton, Fred Bregenzer. Don Parsons, Hazel Jester, Helen Peterson, Anna Cooghlis. St. Peter's school: Emanuella Flood. Rose Mary Finigan. Anna Land- man, Henry Bawden, Max Veith. O'Bryen Skyles. I v ^ 1 i . iQr# f ' The Firing Squad. Bzcil F. Ren&ud In charge of firing squad will have the following assist- ants: W. G. Blood Van Morris, Sam V. Cox, George Hardin. Herman Hesse, Wa. Eisenhuth, Carl Trott, Burt Mer- edith, Cebus Jacobs. The double quartette in charge of P. C. Hayden, will be composed of the following: Sopranos—Miss Louise Klein, Miss | HaHie Sample. j Alto—Miss Sadie Webb, Miss Jennie j Schouten. Tenor—Mr. Wilbur Hughes, Mr. f Philip C- Hayden. Bass—Mr. Paul Luedtke, Mr. Frank Kenney. The executive committee of Memo- rial day desires all persons in the city and out of the city who have sol- dier frieads buried in Cat&olic and Oakland cemeteries to please notify F. W. Temme at cemetery by card or [ otherwise, giving the location of such ourial place so tfcat no grave ahal 1 fail to have a flag. The band has been engaged and will be discoursing excellent music, in-ad- dition to the singing of the double quartet in charge of Prof. P. C. Hay- den. The committees on decorating the! graves hi Oakland and Catholic ceme-! reries will perform their duties at 9 ] o'clock a. m., May 30. \ The committee on decorating the : monument to the unknown dead will j do their work on Monday at 9 a.m. j Tte school children who will assist in the decoration of National cemetery j will please report at Hawkes' hall, known as G. A. R. hall. Eighth and Main streets, at 10 o'clock a. m., Mon- day, May 30, where a committee of ladles will receive and instruct them. Mrs. Lucy Elgin will read Lincoln's Gettysburg address. Mrs. S. H. John- ston will act as chaplain at the monu- ment of tte unknown dead. The fur- ther action of the committee will be I published later. Silver The Family Silver of today becomes die Ances- tral Plate of tomorrow. Posterity will treasure our silver service even as we cherish the heirlooms hand- ed down from Colonial It is fitting, then, that silver selections be in patterns of approved taste, possessing definite character—preserving the idealsof the present period. Such an one is off<yed in Towle Sterling by the Silversmiths of old New- bwypoit, in The Newbury This appeals to lovers of the Colonial Period—ex- pressing in its refined lines, the Purity and Simplic- ity of Colonial ideals, also affording in its delicate bead- ing an enrichment both pleasing and appropriate. RENAUD Reliable Jeweler The New- bury M typically i American, .v , Colonial in in- spiration, perfect in taste and work- manship. The New- bury is available in in- dividual selections and in Chest Combinations from the amplest piece to a complete Family Service out- fit of several hundred pieces. L ADIES'Suits, White and Col- Of AM^'C ored, Dry Cleaned at— OLiAli Pk O Satisfaction Guaranteed Keokuk Steam ~ Dye Works 924 MAIN STREET IOWA PHONE 249-B CITY NEWS). —Sherwood's, the p acj for harnesB. i —Great program tonight, Colonial | Theatre Beautiful. | —Sherwood for naruess repairing. I 703 Main. j —Telephone your wants to The Gate City. Both phones 35. j —Have you attended the Central's | silk sale? If not, why not go? j —Try a sack of that delicious pop j corn, popped in creamery butter, at j George's pop corni wagon, Seventh j and Main. < —Keokuk lodge, No. 256, A. O- U. j W„ meets every Thursday night at i 7:30 o'clock at hall over Keokuk Sav- i Ings bank corner Fifth and Main. streets. Visiting brethren cordially : Invited. C. W. Trott, M. W.. Ed. W. ' Moore. Recorder. ' —"The Stupendous Sensation," at Colonial Theatre Beautiful tomorrow, j —The following Keokuk Elks have 1 registered at the Quincy meeting of; the Illinois association: Dr. C. A.! Leech, F. Rollins, A. C. Bode, J.; W. Berlin, C. M. McMillan, E. J. Fletcher, Dr. B. L. Gilfillan, Dr. T. A. Hartley. —Quincy Herald: Henry Pechsteln, a brewer of Keokuk, and his wife are, here for the Elk's convention and to see Quincy friends. Mr. Pechstein is a member of the firm of Pechstein ~ Nagel, who have a big plant at thfi Gate City. " —"Cleopatra," and amateuFnlght to- morrow night. Colonial Theatre Beau- ^ ^ 1 vv —Nauvoo Independent: Ed McMil-j v lan, living 2% miles northeast of Fer-I _ ris, Sunday morning found a mall i " pouch concealed in his strawstack.! The bag was the one which had been j taken from the post office at Car- j thage. 111., a week ago, when the safe was cracked at that place. The bag! contained about S50 in stamps and checks, but no currency. As yet no other trace of the robbers has b^en i found. V _ ' ' —Best china silk all color!, 35c a i yard at Central's silk sale. —A dispatch from Bonaparte says: It Is now pretty definitely settled that the big Bonaparte Woolen Mills and Clothing factory which has been closed for more than a year will soon resume operations and will run to their full capacity employing more workmen than ever before. A stock company has been organized and Player Piano and Piano Bargains Friday and Saturday you can buy a piano at almost your own price at— T.R. J. Ayres & Sons Lowney's Milk Chocolates " in 1 lb. and 1-2 lbs. Fancy Boxes "r i At Schouten's ' ym - - -a*—-*•' Lowney's Nut Milk t ******* Chocolate iggjin 5c Packages g SCHOUTEN'S r PERSONALS, v George Halbeck of Frederickstown was a Keokuk visitor yesterday. Fred Chambers, county recorder, of Fort Madison, and O. R. Johnson, dep- uty county clerk, were in Keokuk yes- terday meeting a number of their most of the stock has been subscrib-1 [ riends a7ld attendln g to offlcial mat ed for. This company Is headed by ers ' G. D. Pocock of Jacksonville, 111., and Mossley Brothers of Chicago. W. A. Mrs. Walter H. Hennlngs left thl3 morning to visit with her sister in Gruber, superintendent of Sheboygan', I ® wi " g - Mo " ® he was accompanied by Wis., was here recently and looked j r f ' Edward Harrison, who will through the mills and reported them *" en j ain for an indefinite visit In Ewlng. Rev. Meigs V. the stu- 5c ICE CREAM 5c Soda's and Sunda I at | Marchefke's tes ANNOUNCEMENT. I respectfully announce to tb« re- publican voters of Lee county that I am a candidate for the nomination for sheriff, subject to the decision of the voters at the coming primary election. I:, case of my election I will appoint Henry Kesselring of Keokuk deputy sheriff. JULIUS EICHORN. —Tonight 2 Vltagraphs and change of vaudeville. Colonial Theatre Beau- tiful. . ' to good condition. —Tomorrow "Cleopatra," pendous sensation, Beautiful. —A new vaudeville act and new pic- tures, Colonial Theatre Beautiful, tonight. —The police intend to enforce the ordinance prohibiting bicycle riders from using the sidewalks. This cus- tom has become so common that it is not only aa abuse but it is dangerous to pedestrians. Some of the violators are so impudent they crowd the peo- ple from the walks. It is time that an enforcement of the ordinance was Crouse and Mrs. Colonial Theatre Crouse of Cincinnati are guests of Dr. and Mrs. G. Walter Barr this week. Mr. Crouse Is a leading light in the field of charities and correction and has been attending the congress of that department of pfcilanthropv St. Louis. In CITY NEWS. 4 ' Wilkinson & Co. UOKUK'S BIGSEST DRUG STORE - ' 422 Main Street : 1 V" ilg —$1 silks at 69c at Central sale. —Sherwood's, the place for buggies —Attend Central's silk sale. —Will be on the street soon. What? made against these parties and a fe^ Brassil's Ice cream cone wagon arrests and heavy fines might pos-, —New shirt waists, $1, ?1.25 and un nlbly be a wholesome application. The .just recelved at central store police also Intend to see that bicycle , riders have lights on their wheels | . after nlgbt as. Is required by law. h* ANNOUNCEMENT. And again, 'i-iose automobile own-' I wish to announce my candidacy ers who persist in using their ma- : for the office of representative, subject chines after night without lights j to the will of the republicans of the properly displayed will also find them- - county at the. coming primary eleo- eelves In trouble. i Hon. GEO. W. GREEN. CLEARANCE SALE Of Tailor-Made Suits, Jackets and Capes ^ Beginning April 25, we will sell all otii< . Wool Tailor-Made Suits, Jackets and Gapes at less than cost of manufacture. This sale is a Sullivan & Auwerda Sale—• you know what that means. We feel that we have the confidence of the buying pub- lic, and we consider it a most valuable asset, and we shall always endeavor to maintain this confidence by true and hone&t advertis- ing. We will not sell anything in our Ready- to-Wear Department Monday morning, as it" will take some time to remark these goods. Sale Opened Monday Afternoon at 1 o'clock No suits can possibly be sent out on approv- , al during this sale, and a small charge will be made for alterations. Sullivan & Auwerda The Home of Ferndell An important factor in a good meal Is to have a cup of delicious coffee, s? >•; We cannot speak too highly of THE ^ FERNDELL brand, as it is what is desired. It is the best. You can get it only at art's Both Phones—706 Main Well Backed Up nre our styles and fashions. We are icknowledged leaders here in the tailor's art, which is one reason why we monopolize the cream of the best business. Let us demonstrate to you the class of work we do. It will be a revelation of two -things—that you have not had your clothes made as well before, and that you have hither- to paid too much for them. Fred Lindsey 20 North Fifth Street. | n The Beauty of Good Teeth per. will is that they always enhance a son's appearance. Ugly teeth spoil the best looking face. We practice all branches of Den- tistry, and have a reputation for giv- ing complete satisfaction to all per- sons—in work and in price, as well. DR. H. B. WESCOTT Office over Younker'r( Fifth and Mci.i, mm mm { * g HI Scrccn Wire, Screen Doors, Lawn Mowers. Pumps and Fishing Tackle SEE RENWALD 1300 MAIN ; /S1 f •- - Have a Good Time ^ \ Taking a bath in one of our bath tubs. The neatness of our plumbiug appeals to critical people/ - '* , See Us for Tin Work. Glad to Give You Our Prices. Ijr Ette & Prasse Both Phones . 418 Main St inton's Storage inton's Transfer! Merchandise, Machinery, Furniture^** 8tovea, Musical Instruments, Pictures^* and everything In the Storage Large, clean, safe warehouses. P r,ce, |# reasonable, Including Insurance. if* TRANSFER LINE IN CONNECTION^ Office 525 Blondeau. Both phones Spicer Makes Your Watch Keep Time . ~ 719 Main ft*. JACK Mammoth Jack 15 hands 2 1-2 inches high and one of the best colt getters in tte country and very sure. Come and see him before breeding elsewhere. McUreary Stock Farm 3 Miles North of Keokuk

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1 -


^ '

Every Dollar Worth Two

If You Buy Now During Our

1-2 Price Sale

Our entire stock of Trimmed Hats, Un-trimmed Hats and Flowers are offered to you at an actual saving of fifty cents on the dollar.


Committees Announced for Memorial

Day to Assist in the Memorial ' for the Dead


- ?> 0 • ' ' .'


Approved Keokuk's Safest Theatre Management Frank Sana one

She's Coming Tomorrow

Who*? • -•; - "• "v'-'•** ' '-v. .•; '

I &&





Annual Moonlight \ Give® By I

St Peer's Y&BBg Men's Cleb ON! THE . |



MX im-f


V^r . J&r T" *

Sjeotves Xae^aAc 8:38; Wamsaw, 9:80; Alcaata&ria, 5:2CU |

Ague'* Fall Orchestra. j TICKETS—GENTS, 5Qc~ LADIES, 25e Positively no intoxicating liquors al­

lowed on beard. Rights of admission strictly reserved.'

Tickets on sale zt Moeller's, M. J. j Burke, Ward Bros. ' •*».' ? r- ]


May 26, 27, 28 and 29th

: ~' Thursday, Friday, Saturday t,1" and— 'St'

I. «


Double Header FIRST GAME CALLED 2 P. M. j

3ox seats and reserved chairs on

J.V. 6ale each day unt i l 1 p- m-> at Ward j S. „ Bros.' Cigar Store.

.=• WEEK DAY GAMES—3:30. :

A Bargain In Fuel

is what you get when you use fuel gas— the fuel that is de­livered at the stove— clean, quick, conven­ient. Just light a match and the fire is ready.

- p tPiiis-

Water Jug Flustra ted Crystal Glass, 1054 inches , high, Stiver Applied Top

$3.75. J?8nj

IN STERLING SILVER Boa Bon Dishes $ 1.75 up Bread Trays ..... 10J30 up Frail Bowls 18.00 up Card Trays 6.00 up Sandwich Trays 12.75 up Honey Jars 3*00 up Mustard Jars ? ̂ up Compotes ....... 6.00 up

Other single pieces and com­plete sets from S2.00 to J50J00.

Your gift to the bride is accepted without question as to quality and correct style if it comes from "LeBron's." This assurance costs you nothing. Our charges are no higher than those usually made for inferior goods.


Scott & O'Reilly Prescription



Accurate Prescription Work

6oo MAIN ST. ** *

Keokuk Gas &

Electric Co.

1 Double Quartette is Announced and

Other Arrangements Are

Made for Next


The following named pupils have been selected for the purpose of dec­orating the graves on Memorial Day:

H. S. boys for the forenoon to re­port at the cemetery at 10 o'clock a. m. will help the committee of ladles decorate in Catholic and Oakland in forenoon.

High school volunteers: Zenos Mil­led. Frank Ewers, Edwin Elder, Clar­ence Sutherland, Rudolph Ringstrom, Frank Swan.

Grade pupils to report to the G. A.. R. hall at 1 o'clock p. m. May 30: j

Carey school: Howard Malone,! Dale Kammerer, Edward Westman.!

Helen Woolley, Helen Auld. Mildred; Wright. > !

Wells school: Clara Maertens,! Madeline Haubert, Alice Steenburg, Raymond Bauer, Floyd Semones, Ken­neth McBain.

Lincoln school: Harry Bunner, Ludwig Lantz, John Van Ausdall, Al-thea Patterson, Elizabeth Ricker, Gertrude Off.

St. Mary's school: Edwin Bnsch, Bernard Deiling, Walter Hillyer, Louise Schenk, Marie Miller, Marie Oertei.

Garfield school: Dorothy Duncan, Janette Schoel. Ruth Bivin, Emma Winkleman, Frank Hal beck, Orville Pulis. Leon Halbeck.

Torrence school: Clarence Alden, Albert Boehm, Ralph Worster, Helen Metsinger, Edith Coit, Ruth Happs.

Geo. Washington school: Marshall Fulton, Fred Bregenzer. Don Parsons, Hazel Jester, Helen Peterson, Anna Cooghlis.

St. Peter's school: Emanuella Flood. Rose Mary Finigan. Anna Land­man, Henry Bawden, Max Veith. O'Bryen Skyles. I v ^ 1

i . iQr# f ' The Firing Squad.

Bzcil F. Ren&ud In charge of firing squad will have the following assist­ants:

W. G. Blood Van Morris, Sam V. Cox, George Hardin. Herman Hesse, Wa. Eisenhuth, Carl Trott, Burt Mer­edith, Cebus Jacobs.

The double quartette in charge of P. C. Hayden, will be composed of the following:

Sopranos—Miss Louise Klein, Miss | HaHie Sample. j

Alto—Miss Sadie Webb, Miss Jennie j Schouten.

Tenor—Mr. Wilbur Hughes, Mr. f Philip C- Hayden.

Bass—Mr. Paul Luedtke, Mr. Frank Kenney.

The executive committee of Memo­rial day desires all persons in the city and out of the city who have sol­dier frieads buried in Cat&olic and Oakland cemeteries to please notify F. W. Temme at cemetery by card or [ otherwise, giving the location of such ourial place so tfcat no grave ahal1 fail to have a flag.

The band has been engaged and will be discoursing excellent music, in-ad­dition to the singing of the double quartet in charge of Prof. P. C. Hay­den.

The committees on decorating the! graves hi Oakland and Catholic ceme-! reries will perform their duties at 9 ] o'clock a. m., May 30. \

The committee on decorating the :

monument to the unknown dead will j do their work on Monday at 9 a.m. j

Tte school children who will assist in the decoration of National cemetery j will please report at Hawkes' hall, known as G. A. R. hall. Eighth and Main streets, at 10 o'clock a. m., Mon­day, May 30, where a committee of ladles will receive and instruct them.

Mrs. Lucy Elgin will read Lincoln's Gettysburg address. Mrs. S. H. John­ston will act as chaplain at the monu­ment of tte unknown dead. The fur­ther action of the committee will be I published later.

Silver The Family Silver of

today becomes die Ances­tral Plate of tomorrow. Posterity will treasure our silver service even as we cherish the heirlooms hand­ed down from Colonial

It is fitting, then, that silver selections be in patterns of

approved taste, possessing definite character—preserving the

idealsof the present period. Such an one is off<yed in

Towle Sterling by the Silversmiths of old New-

bwypoit, in

The Newbury

This appeals to lovers of the Colonial Period—ex­

pressing in its refined lines, the Purity and Simplic­

ity of Colonial ideals, also affording in its delicate bead­

ing an enrichment both pleasing and appropriate.

RENAUD Reliable Jeweler

The New­

bury M typically

i American, .v , Colonial in in­

spiration, perfect in taste and work­

manship. The New­bury is available in in­

dividual selections and in Chest Combinations

from the amplest piece to a complete Family Service out­fit of several hundred pieces.

LADIES'Suits, White and Col- Of AM^'C ored, Dry Cleaned at— OLiAli Pk O Satisfaction Guaranteed Keokuk Steam

~ D y e W o r k s 924 MAIN STREET IOWA PHONE 249-B

CITY NEWS). • —Sherwood's, the p acj for harnesB. i

—Great program tonight, Colonial | Theatre Beautiful. |

• —Sherwood for naruess repairing. I 703 Main. j

—Telephone your wants to The Gate City. Both phones 35. j

• —Have you attended the Central's | silk sale? If not, why not go? j

—Try a sack of that delicious pop j corn, popped in creamery butter, at j George's pop corni wagon, Seventh j and Main. <

—Keokuk lodge, No. 256, A. O- U. j

W„ meets every Thursday night at i 7:30 o'clock at hall over Keokuk Sav- i Ings bank corner Fifth and Main. streets. Visiting brethren cordially : Invited. C. W. Trott, M. W.. Ed. W. ' Moore. Recorder. '

—"The Stupendous Sensation," at Colonial Theatre Beautiful tomorrow, j

—The following Keokuk Elks have1

registered at the Quincy meeting of; the Illinois association: Dr. C. A.! Leech, F. Rollins, A. C. Bode, J.; W. Berlin, C. M. McMillan, E. J. Fletcher, Dr. B. L. Gilfillan, Dr. T. A. Hartley.

—Quincy Herald: Henry Pechsteln, a brewer of Keokuk, and his wife are, here for the Elk's convention and to see Quincy friends. Mr. Pechstein is a member of the firm of Pechstein ~ Nagel, who have a big plant at thfi Gate City. "

—"Cleopatra," and amateuFnlght to­morrow night. Colonial Theatre Beau-

^ ^ 1 vv —Nauvoo Independent: Ed McMil- j v

lan, living 2% miles northeast of Fer-I _ ris, Sunday morning found a mall i " pouch concealed in his strawstack.! The bag was the one which had been j taken from the post office at Car- j thage. 111., a week ago, when the safe was cracked at that place. The bag! contained about S50 in stamps and checks, but no currency. As yet no other trace of the robbers has b^en i

found. V „ _ ' ' —Best china silk all color!, 35c a i

yard at Central's silk sale. —A dispatch from Bonaparte says:

It Is now pretty definitely settled that the big Bonaparte Woolen Mills and Clothing factory which has been closed for more than a year will soon resume operations and will run to their full capacity employing more workmen than ever before. A stock company has been organized and

Player Piano and Piano Bargains

Friday and Saturday you can buy a piano at almost your own price at—

T.R. J. Ayres & Sons

Lowney's Milk Chocolates

" in 1 lb. and 1-2 lbs.

Fancy Boxes "r i

At Schouten's ' ym - -


Lowney's Nut Milk t ******* Chocolate

iggjin 5c Packages g SCHOUTEN'S



George Halbeck of Frederickstown was a Keokuk visitor yesterday.

Fred Chambers, county recorder, of Fort Madison, and O. R. Johnson, dep­uty county clerk, were in Keokuk yes­terday meeting a number of their

most of the stock has been subscrib-1 [riends a7ld attendlng to offlcial mat

ed for. This company Is headed by ers' G. D. Pocock of Jacksonville, 111., and Mossley Brothers of Chicago. W. A.

Mrs. Walter H. Hennlngs left thl3 morning to visit with her sister in

Gruber, superintendent of Sheboygan', I ®wi"g- Mo" ®he was accompanied by Wis., was here recently and looked j r f ' Edward Harrison, who will through the mills and reported them *"enjain for an indefinite visit In

Ewlng. Rev. Meigs V. the stu-

5c ICE CREAM 5c Soda's and Sunda

I at

| Marchefke's


ANNOUNCEMENT. I respectfully announce to tb« re­

publican voters of Lee county that I am a candidate for the nomination for sheriff, subject to the decision of the voters at the coming primary election. I:, case of my election I will appoint Henry Kesselring of Keokuk deputy sheriff.


—Tonight 2 Vltagraphs and change of vaudeville. Colonial Theatre Beau­tiful. . '

to good condition. —Tomorrow "Cleopatra,"

pendous sensation, Beautiful.

—A new vaudeville act and new pic­tures, Colonial Theatre Beautiful, tonight.

—The police intend to enforce the ordinance prohibiting bicycle riders from using the sidewalks. This cus­tom has become so common that it is not only aa abuse but it is dangerous to pedestrians. Some of the violators are so impudent they crowd the peo­ple from the walks. It is time that an enforcement of the ordinance was

Crouse and Mrs. Colonial Theatre Crouse of Cincinnati are guests of Dr.

and Mrs. G. Walter Barr this week. Mr. Crouse Is a leading light in the field of charities and correction and has been attending the congress of that department of pfcilanthropv St. Louis.



4 '

Wilkinson & Co. UOKUK'S BIGSEST DRUG STORE - ' 422 Main Street

: 1

V" ilg

—$1 silks at 69c at Central sale. —Sherwood's, the place for buggies —Attend Central's silk sale. —Will be on the street soon. What?

made against these parties and a fe^ Brassil's Ice cream cone wagon arrests and heavy fines might pos-, —New shirt waists, $1, ?1.25 and un nlbly be a wholesome application. The .just recelved at central store police also Intend to see that bicycle , riders have lights on their wheels | . after nlgbt as. Is required by law. h* ANNOUNCEMENT. And again, 'i-iose automobile own-' I wish to announce my candidacy ers who persist in using their ma-: for the office of representative, subject chines after night without lights j to the will of the republicans of the properly displayed will also find them- - county at the. coming primary eleo-eelves In trouble. i Hon. GEO. W. GREEN.

CLEARANCE SALE Of Tailor-Made Suits, Jackets and Capes

^ Beginning April 25, we will sell all otii< .

Wool Tailor-Made Suits, Jackets and Gapes at less than cost of manufacture.

This sale is a Sullivan & Auwerda Sale—• you know what that means. We feel that we have the confidence of the buying pub­lic, and we consider it a most valuable asset, and we shall always endeavor to maintain this confidence by true and hone&t advertis­ing.

We will not sell anything in our Ready-t o - W e a r D e p a r t m e n t M o n d a y m o r n i n g , a s i t " will take some time to remark these goods.

Sale Opened Monday Afternoon at 1 o'clock

No suits can possibly be sent out on approv-, al during this sale, and a small charge will

be made for alterations.

Sullivan & Auwerda

The Home of Ferndell An important factor in a good meal Is to have a cup of delicious coffee, s? >•; We cannot speak too highly of THE ^ FERNDELL brand, as it is what is desired. It is the best. You can get it only at

art's Both Phones—706 Main

Well Backed Up nre our styles and fashions. We are icknowledged leaders here in the tailor's art, which is one reason why we monopolize the cream of the best business. Let us demonstrate to you the class of work we do. It will be a revelation of two -things—that you have not had your clothes made as well before, and that you have hither-to paid too much for them.

Fred Lindsey 20 North Fifth Street. | n

The Beauty of Good Teeth per.


is that they always enhance a son's appearance. Ugly teeth spoil the best looking face.

We practice all branches of Den­tistry, and have a reputation for giv­ing complete satisfaction to all per­sons—in work and in price, as well.

DR. H. B. WESCOTT Office over Younker'r( Fifth and Mci.i,

mm mm

{ * g HI

Scrccn Wire, Screen Doors, Lawn Mowers. Pumps and Fishing Tackle



• /S1 f •- -

Have a Good Time • ̂ \

Taking a bath in one of our bath

tubs. The neatness of our plumbiug

appeals to critical people/ - '* ,

See Us for Tin Work. Glad to Give You Our Prices. Ijr

Ette & Prasse Both Phones . 418 Main St

inton's Storage inton's Transfer!

Merchandise, Machinery, Furniture^** 8tovea, Musical Instruments, Pictures^* and everything In the Storage Large, clean, safe warehouses. Pr,ce,|# reasonable, Including Insurance. if* TRANSFER LINE IN CONNECTION^ Office 525 Blondeau. Both phones

Spicer Makes Your Watch

Keep Time . ~ 719 Main ft*.

JACK Mammoth Jack 15 hands 2 1-2 inches high and one of the best colt getters in tte country and very sure. Come and see him before breeding elsewhere.

McUreary Stock Farm 3 Miles North of Keokuk