r svocablist3

RS List 3 Thanks to Lin, Fatimah, Eiman, Ileana, Yo, Shay, Mohammad, Luisa, Kyoung, Jacky, Chune and Bank

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RS List 3Thanks to Lin, Fatimah, Eiman, Ileana, Yo,

Shay, Mohammad, Luisa, Kyoung, Jacky, Chune and Bank

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Optimum (adj.)

Definition: most favorable or

advantageous; best: optimum conditions Example:

The optimum policy will make the best use of those investments

rather than ignore them.

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Predisposition (n.)

Definition:1.A condition that makes sb/sth likely to

behave in a particular way or suffer from a particular disease.

2.A genetic predisposition to liver disease.Example: Our predisposition is to be aware of as

much of what's going on around us as possible.

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Sanction (v.)


1.To give permission for sth to take place.

2.To punish sb/sth.


The government refused to sanction a further cut in interest rates.

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REVITALIZE Re-vi-tal-ize (v)

Revitalize: to put new strength, power, or life into something.

Synonyms: Refresh.

Antonyms: Enervate, Ruin.

Relaxation is a technique to revitalize body and mind.

They hope to revitalize the neighborhood by providing better housing.

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RETICENT Ret-i-cent (adj)

Reticent: unwilling to talk about what you feel or what you know.

Synonyms: uncommunicative, silent, secretive.

Antonyms: communicative.

He was reticent to tell the truth for fear he would be punished.



Unwilling to talk

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PROLIFIC Pro-lif-ic (adj)Prolific: a prolific artist, writer etc produces many works of art, books.

Produce a lot of.

Synonyms: productive.

Antonyms: unproductive.

Isaac Asimove is a prolific writer. 506 of his works being published.

The more productive we can be, the more money we earn .

I am a prolific writer. I wrote all these

books in short time.

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Exacerbate (v)• Make it worse ; aggravate - irritate

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Germane (adj)•Relevant to a subject under consideration ; relevant .e.g: Please only bring up topics that are germane to our discussion.

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Objective (adj)• Not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts , unbiased .

e.g: It is hard to establish an objective viewpoint on emotional subjects.

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Paramount (adj): 1. More important than anything else; supreme.2. Having supreme power.

Synonyms: principal, superior, outstanding.Antonyms: Inferior , last, minor, trivial

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Decorum (n): 1. Behavior in keeping with good taste and propriety.2. Etiquette.

Synonyms: appropriate behavior, good manners.Antonyms: impoliteness, bad behavior.

“Picking Pete” lacks decorum.

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Synonyms: distort, exaggerate, misinterpret.Antonyms: perceive, get , understand, discern

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convert (v.)to persuade to change to one's religious faith <young missionaries who go door-to-door trying to convert people>

to change in form, appearance, or use <the old factory was converted into an apartment building>

Synonyms: proselytize, make over, metamorphose,transfigure, transform, transmute

Antonyms: secularize; dissuade,

e.g.: An example of convert is when you exchange dollars into Euros.

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static (adj.)fixed in a place or position <the static installation of the statue in that niche means that no one will ever see its back, which is also of interest>

Synonyms: immobile, nonmoving, standing, static

Antonyms: mobile, movable (or moveable), moving, nonstationary

e.g.: Prices are likely to remain static rather than fall.

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stimulate (v.)to give life, vigor, or spirit to <research into alternative energy sources has been stimulated by this funding increase>

to rouse to strong feeling or action <the government crackdown has only stimulated the citizenry to more acts of violence>

Synonyms: amp (up), brace, energize, fire (up), invigorate, jazz (up), juice up, jump-start, liven (up)

Antonyms: burn out, debilitate, drain, enervate, enfeeble, exhaust, fag, fatigue, harass, knock out, undermine, wash out, weaken, dull, kill

e.g.: Stimulate thinking about what current trends mean for practitioners and their organizations ' activities.

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Def. - to change something to suit different conditions or uses

Part of Speech◦ Adaptation/ Adaptability (N)◦ Adapted/ Adaptable (Adj)

Example◦ She has adapted herself to college life quite



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Def. - a sudden event that causes very great trouble or destruction

Part of Speech◦ Catastrophic (Adj)

Example◦ They were warned of the ecological catastrophe to come.


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Def. - to give a possible but not yet proved explanation for something

Part of Speech◦ Hypothesis (N)

Example◦ Biologists have hypothesized a relationship

between the two species.


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Stern (adj.)1. serious and strict, and showing strong disapproval of someone's behavior: sterner penalties for drug offencesstern look/voice/expression etc 'Wait!' I shouted in my sternest voice.stern warning/rebuke His actions have earned him stern rebukes from human-rights organizations.

2.be made of sterner stuffto have a strong character and be more determined than other people to succeed in a difficult situation: Ann, made of sterner stuff than I, refused all offers of help. —sternly adverb —sternness noun [uncountable]

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Rage (n) 1. a strong feeling of

uncontrollable anger: Sobbing with rage, Carol was

taken to the hospital. 2. be all the rage informal to be very popular or

fashionable: DiCaprio became all the rage after

starring in the film 'Titanic’. 3. rage for something a situation in which something is

very popular or fashionable: the rage for mobile phones

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1. performed, exercised, received, or suffered in place of another: vicarious punishment. 2. taking the place of another person or thing; acting or serving as a substitute. 3. felt or enjoyed through imagined participation in the experience of others: a vicarious thrill.


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Adjective 1. harmful or injurious to health or physical well-being: noxious fumes. 2. morally harmful; corrupting; pernicious: a noxious plan to spread dissension.


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Verb (used without object) 1. to struggle in opposition: to contend with the enemy for control of the port. 2. to strive in rivalry; compete; vie: to contend for first prize. 3. to strive in debate; dispute earnestly: to contend against falsehood.


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YEARN (v) : to have a strong or deep desire.

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UNPARALLELED (adj) : without parallel, unequaled.

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·Definition: Something that is implicit is expressed in an indirect way·Synonyms: implied, undeclared, unspoken, hidden·Antonyms: expressed, explicit, specific·Example sentence: No one has yet answered in im-plicit question in the end of my column.

Implicit[im-plis-it] (adj.)Implicitly (adv.)

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Infraction [in-frak-

shuhn] (n)·Definition: An infraction of a rule or law is an in-stance of breaking it·Synonyms: violation, infringement, misdemeanor·Antonyms: obedience, observance, upholding·Example sentence: Accuse them of some infraction or other on their website, and have them shut down.

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Prime[prahym] (adj.)

·Definition: You use prime to describe something that is of the best possible quality.·Synonyms: best, elite, primary, top·Antonyms: last, secondary·Example sentence: Summer is the prime time to make this drive, though spring and fall can also be pleasant.

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Modified (adj.)

Def. changed in form or characterExp. GMO fruits are the genetically modified organism.

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Demise (n.) /d m z/ɪˈ ʌɪ

Def. • a person’s death• the end or failure of an enterprise or institution• [mass noun] Law conveyance or transfer of property or a title by

will or leaseExp. A demise of some local bookstores was occur when everything

is in the online market.

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Attributed to ; Attributable (adj. )

Def. If somthing is attributed to an event, situation, or person, it was likely to cause by that event, situation, or person.

• Synonyms: ascribe, impute, credit, assign, referExp. The success of students was attributed to their hardworking.