r wu- · 2019. 8. 30. · statement of proflt and loss for the year ended alst march, 2019 (rs, in...

mm”... mm, r. .mww mm: r wu- n-‘Hmummwm mm mmmmaam‘ Dare - Augusr 25, 2019 To Mr Sambhair Sulal, Deputy genera] Manager Listing Compliance ESE Lui Fhlmze Jeejeebhoy Towers naral swear Mumbai ~ 400 001 Dear Syrr Please find enclosed the Annual Raped 2019‘ Vor your necessary record Thanking you. Yours rannruuy FurTeesta Agra Industrles Ltd. flaw Signatory ym‘a‘mmm Prawn m4: Basardkwy MENU-w Hum rum r ram Emma/25991207 R591 amam mama mew um mmw warmm 7:5 114‘ {raw/zsuayzwmwzu Kammmr Dam; WueryaPD SaWETmim mun 734m Emm‘ mmmvmmrm

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Page 1: r wu- · 2019. 8. 30. · Statement of Proflt and Loss for the year ended alst March, 2019 (Rs, In Lakn) > Nate Far "I: year Far the yen Particulars ND ended 3151 ended 315! March

mm”... mm, r. .mww mm: r

wu- n-‘Hmummwm mm mmmmaam‘


Augusr 25, 2019


Mr Sambhair Sulal,

Deputy genera] ManagerListing ComplianceESE Lui

Fhlmze Jeejeebhoy Towers

naral swear

Mumbai ~ 400 001

Dear Syrr

Please find enclosed the Annual Raped — 2019‘ Vor your necessaryrecord

Thanking you.

Yours rannruuyFurTeesta Agra Industrles Ltd.

flaw Signatory

ym‘a‘mmm Prawn m4: Basardkwy MENU-w Hum rumr

ram Emma/25991207

R591 amam mama mew um mmw warmm 7:5 114‘ P» {raw/zsuayzwmwzuKammmr Dam; WueryaPD SaWETmim mun 734m Emm‘ mmmvmmrm

Page 2: r wu- · 2019. 8. 30. · Statement of Proflt and Loss for the year ended alst March, 2019 (Rs, In Lakn) > Nate Far "I: year Far the yen Particulars ND ended 3151 ended 315! March


1 Name oithe Company

2 Annual Financial

Statements for the year

Teesta Agra Industries,Limited

31 st March. 2019




3 iType ofAuditigbservaition NIL

4 iFrequency of Ob§§ryatiorL Not Applicable5 To Be Signed by:

Hardev Singh -\

Managing Director AL”,

Anil KumarTnpalhy ,

Chis! Financiai Officer kiwifl/Sakelh Kumar Aganual


Auditor of the Company WVSudesh Kumar

Chalrman afAudIt Can-y

Page 3: r wu- · 2019. 8. 30. · Statement of Proflt and Loss for the year ended alst March, 2019 (Rs, In Lakn) > Nate Far "I: year Far the yen Particulars ND ended 3151 ended 315! March

Balance sheet as a: 31st March, 2019

(Rs m Lakh)

”mm”:Note A: at 315! As an 3m

1m March 21119 March mLL Assn“

(1) Nnn~currenk assets

(a) Prupeny, plan: and equipment(i) Tangrme assets 3 4,555 4,535

(n) Carnal Workrlnrpmgmss 21 7

(h) Nanrcurrant lnvesxmenls 4 55 58

(z) Lung term mama and advances s 123 855

(d) other nonrcurrem assers a 14s 15:

(e) Inter bmnch mamas u n

(2) Current assets

(5) Invenzones 7 4,119 2,1171

(b) Trade resembles a 2,719 3,1125

((1 Cash and cash equwsxsnrs 9 135 an:

(a) Shunrterm mans arm advanzas 5 925 407

(a) other current assets 10 17 13

Yul-a! 12,979 12,139

11. Equrrv AND LIAuLmEs

(1) Sharehnlder's Funds

(a) Share Lama 11 557 557

(b) Risen/es and Surplus 12 3,441 5,157

(1) Non—currsm uabimies

(a) Lung-term bormwlngs 13 179 o

m Deferred tax Habmfles (Net) 194 185

(z) Long rerm provLsrons .14 24 25

(3) Current Llahlllties

(a) shaman mrmwwngs 15 540 14s

(a) Trade payab‘es 2,939 3,052

(:1 Other Current Habmuu 15 as 49

(a) Shun-term prnvlsvuns 1-1 9 a

YnIal 12,579 12,199

Commaca lniurmah’nn 1

srgnmcarn accouunng were; a umer axpyanamry notes 2

The Nmas rsVsrma Io ahwe are an mlagral pan nl ma finanuar srarernems

Fm and an mm a!


Chartered Accaumams

Fum Rs Is" No azgoaaE



Fm and on :12th or me Even: a! Dwemnrs

DITessti Agra man as Lumen

Hardev Srngn‘ )fi

Managmg Dream

Paramdeep arngh 2511,11,, L")Dvrector

Membersmp No 305233’

Rama Kant Mrsnrn 1,»;waerguN, mum. ,

2019 Company Sacrerary /

Page 4: r wu- · 2019. 8. 30. · Statement of Proflt and Loss for the year ended alst March, 2019 (Rs, In Lakn) > Nate Far "I: year Far the yen Particulars ND ended 3151 ended 315! March

Statement of Proflt and Loss for the year ended alst March, 2019

(Rs, In Lakn)

> NateFar "I: year Far the yen


ended 3151 ended 315!

March. 2019 March, 2018

L REVENUE frum operanons 17 10,177 9,516

LE5: Dunes RTaxes _ ,

m,277 5,515

LI. other Income 13 112 91

In. Total Ruvenna (I +11) 10,389 5,607

m Exgenses:

C051 a! raw moterms cansumed 19 7,043 5,548

Changes m \nvenlorles af urusnoo goods, work-m-pmgressand stocwnv‘rmde 20 (100) 176

Emp‘oyee benems expense :1 734 723

Flnanc‘a‘ Costs 22 74 25

Depreciation and amomzauun expense 192 122

Omar expenses 23 2,10] 1,779

'rMal Expenses 10,0“ 8,475

v, Profit before exceptlana‘ n zytraurdmary items and tax (qu) 345 131

v1. Exceununal noms 24 (2) (3)VII. Profit before tax (vwx) :42 125

vm. Tax =xpen52:

(a) Current tax (57) (7)

(2) Deferred (ax (9) us)

(3) Earner year tax‘

7 .

IX. PmFMLDSS) Frum the pend 1mm contlnulng spar-mans 284 106

x. Basic & DHuzed Eammg per equity share:

(1) Before Excepuonal Rams 5.14 1 ~25

@After Excepuona< Items 5.11 151

Cnrpuvala \nfurmauon 1

Significant accounhng police: 5 mar expvanamry Amos 2

The NUIES reamed (D above are an \ntegva‘ {EH 0' the l‘nsnma‘ slalamenis

Far and on beha‘l of Fm and on beha" D! We Ecarfl hf DWEEIOTS

SAKETH AGARWAL & AssochTEs ofTaesIa Agra Influsm leNed

Chartered Accountams

va Regrsuanon No 329093EMM; 4‘

Hardsv smgh

_ ,5 {:3 Managing nrrecmr\

3 srucunfig] p,


. ,

Paramdsep Smgh mq,‘ 11Prourlz‘cr mreom

Membership No 305233

Rama Kan! Mishra

surgum Ayn-HE , 2019 Company Secretary/r‘

Page 5: r wu- · 2019. 8. 30. · Statement of Proflt and Loss for the year ended alst March, 2019 (Rs, In Lakn) > Nate Far "I: year Far the yen Particulars ND ended 3151 ended 315! March



To the Members of Teen: Agra IndusInn Lummd



Wa have audIIaa IIIa accumpanymg Ind As FInancIaI SIaIemems aI TeesIa Agra Indusmes

mm (“the company‘) wnIcn conIpnaa Ina BEIancE sIIaaI as aI Match m 2015 Ina

Simemem an Profit and mass the Cast Flow smemenl tor Ina yaar man ended and was In

Ine IInsnnIaI sIaIemenIs Incluflmg a summary or signIncanI accoIIrIIIng rmIIcIas and dInaI

epranawry InIu-maIIcn

In ouropinrdn and Io the nest oI om InIurrnaIIan and accurdmg In ma epreHilmrlS uwen In

as Ina aIdresaId Ind as FInancIaI SIaIemenIs gIve Ina InImnIaIIun redIIIrad by Ihe

campanias Aamma‘ as amended (‘Ihe An“) In Ins manner so readIrad and gwe a Irue and

IaIr mew In aanomIIIy WIIh Ina accaunhng pnncIuIes gsneIaIIy accepIad In Indra aI Ina sIaIe

0| aIIaIrs aI IIIe Campany as an Maren MI 2019 II; prom Hmludmg dIIIsr cnmpvehenswe

mDOmE. IIs cash flows and Ina changes In equIIy 1dr me year ended an InaI daIa


We mnducIad uur audII a! ma Ind As FInancIaI SIaIarnsnIs In accumanca wnn IIIe

Smndams on AudIIIng IsAsII as saacIIIad under secIIcn Idsnm dI IIIe Am Our

responsIaimIes under muse SIandards ave lunhe! descnbed In me ‘Audllors ResponsIbMIes(fir me And“ aI Ina Ind AS FIrIancIaI SIaIemenIs‘ secIIofi M W rapan We are Independem oI

Ina Ccmpany In accmdance mm the ‘Cade dI EIIIIcs We daIIave IIIaI me audrI evIdence wa

have amamed Is smIcIenI and ippmpnale In pmwda a hasIs for our upIIIIun


Kay sudII mauers are «me nraIIars InaI. In our pnflessnna‘ Iuflgmem‘ were oI masI

algmficanoe In our mm m IIIa Ind A5 FInancIaI Sale/“ems (or me UIIHHCIE‘ year andad

March 21.2d19 Tnass maHErs were addressed In Ina aanIaxI a1 our addII oI Ina ma A5

FIHSHCIRI sIeIemenIs as a whoIe‘ and In Ionnmg our apInIun IneveanI and wa da nm pmVIdF,a separate annInn on IIIesa manars For each matter bsIoW‘ our dascIIpIIaII a! now am audII

addressed Ina maIIar Is prdwded In IIIaI aanexI

We have deIerIrIIned IIIe rnaIIers descrIbed below Id be IIIe key audII mauals Ia be

commun aIad In our repdn We have IIIInIIed IIIa respunsIbIIIlies descn‘bad In Ina Audlxurs

raspdn mas Icr IIIe audII m we Ind AS FInanaIaI SIaIemenIs seem an our report

InaIudIng In raIaIIan m Inaaa maners AcwrdInegI aur audII Included Ina peflmmame ol

prucadures deslgned Id respond In our assassmanr quhe nsks ol nIaIerIaI mIssIaIement or

me Ind AS FInancraI sIaIemenIs Tne IeauIIs aI Du! aadII pmcedures‘ IIIcIudIng the

procedures aerIamIad to address the maIIers below pvade IIIa hasIs IoI UL" audII daInIan

on IIIe aocompanymg Ind AS FlnanCIEI sxaIamenIs

“Opp Hag! Travals a ToursPI/l LIdI I/IdyasagarRaad Khulna/a SI/IgIm-734005 DIS( Danae/mgMom/e 97190-91311 94340-76313, ErmEIV uasakamay®ymau cum

Page 6: r wu- · 2019. 8. 30. · Statement of Proflt and Loss for the year ended alst March, 2019 (Rs, In Lakn) > Nate Far "I: year Far the yen Particulars ND ended 3151 ended 315! March

Revenue Recognlllon

Thu key - flllmaller

Revenue lmm sale at goods is

remgnlsed when control at lne

oreduols being sold ls rranslenred lowe nuslumer and when lnere are no

longer any unlulrllled uhllgauons The

perlormanoe abllgallans in lne

mnlmols ere lulnlleo el lne lime or

dispa‘ch‘ dellvely or upon rorrnal

eoslorner aaceplanee depenalng on

ouslorner terms

Huw me matter was addressed ln our audll

our eudrl prucedures included

- We assessed the appmorralenees or me revenue

recognrllon accuunlirlg policies including llrdse

relanng la rehales and dlecdunls oy nolnpanng Wllh

applicable acwunllng slandarde~ We lesleo llie design implemenlallon and

operellng ellecllveness or managemenls generallT eonlrols and key applicalldn commie over lno

Company's lT syslerns which gal/am revenue

recognition. We lssled the dies n. lmplsmanlalron and

operating enecllvaness ol :unlrnle over me

calculanen nf dlsoounlsrand rebeles

Provisioneroruxaliom gallon anddmdrslg aanlprov dns

The key audll matggr l How the mayor was addressed in ourau

Acclual for tax and alter Ouraudrl procedures included'

wnllngoneies requires me

Managemenl lo make Judgemenls and

eellrneles ln relalron ta lne issues andexposures erlslng mm a range 01'

matters relellng lo drrecl {ax‘ lndlreol

taxi claim; general legal praceedlngsEnvironmental issues and olner

evenluamla arlslng in me regularcourse or business

he key ,udgemenl lles. VI lne

esllmallen nl provisions wnere lneymay dlller lrorn lne lulure eoligalronsBy namrt provislon ls drllleull lo

oslnnale and includes many varlaoles

Addilionally. dependan on ("vinylmere is a ll'sk rnal oasis could be

pmvlded lnapproorlalely lnal are non


- We msled lne ellecllveness o1 eonlrols around me

reeognlllcn ol provisldns.- We used our simian mailer expens ld assess mo

value or malerlal provisions ln llgnl or me nalnre el

lne exposures. Bankcabla regulenons and relaled

ddnesoondsnce wrln lne eulnorllres- We challenged lne essurnplrons and annual

lodganlenls made by manegemenl wnron lmpflcledinelr eslrmale ol lne provisions reoulred.considering ludgernenls previoualy made by rlre

aulnorllres in ma relevant lurlsdlcnons or anyrelevanl oornlons given by me Comoany's advisers

and assessing wnelner lnere was an rndroenon or

management oiad- We discussed We slalus m raped M srg cam

provisions wrln lne Company's lnlernal tax and

legal learn

~ We pendrrned relrospeeuve val/law ul

managemonr ludgemenls relallng lo accounlingestimate included m the financial slalemenl nl prreryear and wrgpared wllh me ouleome,

Page 7: r wu- · 2019. 8. 30. · Statement of Proflt and Loss for the year ended alst March, 2019 (Rs, In Lakn) > Nate Far "I: year Far the yen Particulars ND ended 3151 ended 315! March

Assessment a! contingenz |' es relating“: "fig ns and claims

\ The key audit mine!

The Company Is penadesny subjaclla challenges/Sammy on range a!

mama relanng m duem Vax‘ Indrred


Assess-mam or canunpem liabmhes

arsemsure requrres Managemem up

make judgemems and esumaIes m

velaNan lu (he Issues and expdsuresWhexner me nannuy \s \nhevenllyunsenam. me ampdms \nuolved are

pokenually srgnmuam and me

appnesmon e1 accuunmg :mndards w

dammme me amnunh u any. (n ae

pravrded as nammy. rs Innerennywh‘actwa

How the mafia! was addressed in om an

Our audn procedures \nc‘uded.

- We lesmd [he enacweness er ccmrms around me

ramrdmp and reamasmam av cummgemhamlnies- We used an! subject mansr expens \o assess me

vame pi rnanarial comrngem uaenmes \n Hgm or the

"3|qu 0' exposures appncame regdranans ane

Yemen correspondence mm W: adrnenues- We drscussed me slams and pmenuar exposuresrn reaped at s‘gnmcam mngannn and dams wrm me

Company’s Inhema‘ \egar |earn includrng [new mews

an (na likely omcome at each mgahnn and mam

and We magnnuae p1 pmanua! exposure and

ngntad any re‘evam aplnmns gwen N «ha

Campany‘s adwsors

~ We assessed the adequacy of d-sclpsures made- We discussed me s|alus ‘7! respec‘ a! $191 Lam

pmwslnns wrtn xne Company‘s mtEma‘ lax and

legaHeam. We panemed velmspeclhle rewew oi

rnanagemem judgements m‘a‘mg m accnummg:5! ate rncruaen rn me nuancra‘ slalemem or nnur

\ ear and cum ared whh me outcome \



The Company‘s Board 0' Drrecxors <s respons‘ble Var the mar \nidrmauon Tne erner

rnlnrmanpn wmpflses Ina mlorrnehon mduded m the Annual «span hm does no! rncmde me

me AS FrnancuaL Sialemams and our auduors' rapun meredn

Our Dplman on the 1nd AS F‘nanda‘ Summer“: dues Hm CUVBFHVB OMEI \nfuvmanm‘ and we

do not express any «mm at assurance conemsran (hereon

m epnnecmn wnn our am We \nd AS Financed Smemems nur responsmrho/ s \0 read

me omar inlnrmauan and‘ H1 dnmg 30‘ cansrder wnemar such mner rnvonnatrdn rs malauaHy\ncpnsrslent wdrr the finanma1s|alsmems dr eur knewredge amamed in ma eudn ar amarwse

appears m be matenEVy nrrssmed Ur hased on we wurk we have peflmmed‘ we caneruda

that male [5 a nrerenar rmssezemern d: |Ms olher lnlomanom we are reqwred ro rapen mal

facL We have nummg m repdn m We regard

Page 8: r wu- · 2019. 8. 30. · Statement of Proflt and Loss for the year ended alst March, 2019 (Rs, In Lakn) > Nate Far "I: year Far the yen Particulars ND ended 3151 ended 315! March

Manngemem’s Responsl ly her bra ind AS Financlal Slalemenrs

The Cnmparly‘s Enard or Diraclors is responsible inr me maners sieled in Seniian mini n:

inc lelpa Ani 2013 who Acl‘] wnn respeciio |he preparalion dunese lnd AS financial

siarernsnis lnai give a rrue and ran iilew ni ine nriancial pesninn. i‘inancial performance and

casn llows or inc Company in accordance wnn inc accounllng principles generally accepledin main including ine Accouniing Slandalds llnd ASl prescribed under seuridn l33 ol llle


l'nis respai'lSlbillly also includes niainlanaiica oi adequale acceunllng racnros rn accordance

wnn me promsiflns or me Aer lnr saleguardirlg lne assols or me Company and lor plevenllrlgand delzcllng frauds and mm Irregularllles selecrinn and applicalion cl approprlale

accounllng policies making iuognienls and csliinales inal are reasonable and orudeni. and

design implemenlaiion and maintenance or adaquale iniernal financial conlrols mar were

operaring ellecllvely fur ensuflng ine accuracy and completeness or me accourliirlg records

ielevanl lo me preacraiion and presenialion or inc lnd AS nnancial slalemsrlls llIal give a

line and isli View and are ires irom malarial missieienieni. wnalner due in irauo or ennr

Audltcr's Responsihlmy for line Audit of ind As Financial smnmcnis

Our objeclliles are is oblaln reasonable assurance sboui wnelner ins ind As nnancral

siaiamanis as a wnola are nae iron. malarial i sslalamam‘ wneiner due in fraud or anal.

and tn issue an audllur‘s repnn trial includes our opinion Reasonable assurance is a nlgnlevel if assurance, bul is nni a guaranlae lnal an audil coiiduclcd in acmrdance wnn SAs

will always delacl a malarial misslalemanl wnen ii exlsls Missialernenis can anse irein

ireud or error and are cansldemd mamrial lr‘ individually or in ice aggiagele. lhev couiu

reasunabiy be expeeleo lo lnlluence ine ecnllamlc decisrnns or users lake" on me oasis nl

inese lno AS lrnancrel slararneriis

As pan 01 an audil in accordance wlm SAs, we exercise prnressinnei ludgmam and mainiain

pmlasslanal skepticism lhmughuul lhe audlli WE aISU

- ineriiny and assess me risks M malarial missieienieni oi lne ind as ilnanclai

slalemems. whalher due to fraud crarror design and perlomi audii procedures responsivelo lhase risks. and ociain aiioii euiosnes inai is suiiicienl and appropriele io pmvide a basis

lnr aur npinlnrl The risk Ul nol deleclirlg a malarial mlsslmmem resulting 7mm fraud is

higher mall lar one resullfllg lmm error as [rand may involve wlluslun, largely lnlenllunai

omissions, misrepresenlatlnnsi Dr "is ovemde DI inlerilal canllnl

~ 0min an underslanding or inieinai conuol relevanr in line audn in urdar ro designaiidii procedures inai are appropnsle in me circumsiances under sectiurl 14313)“) or iiie

ALL we are also responsible inr expressing our opinion on wnamer the company has

adequais lnieniel nnancial connois wnir reierenoe lo irnaneiai siaiemenis in place and ma

operatlrlg eriecriueness oi such conirols

- Evaluale ins approprialansss ol aocaunling policies used and inn reasonableness oi

accounllnn esllmares and relaieo disclosures made by managemerll- Conclude on me appmpnarenees ulmanagemsnl’s use or llle going concern basis pi

accounting in preparation oi ind As financial slalamenls and based an me audii ewderice

obliairisdl whether a malcnai uncenainly exisls reialed la evenls or condilians inal may casl

signiiicanl mum on tile approprialensss oi ihia assumpiion irwe conclude inal a manual

uncerlalnly :3le we are required lo draw anenlion in our auditor‘s repurl in in: ralaled

disclosures in me ind AS financial sialemenls an ir susn disclosures are inadequale in

many our opinion Our conclusions are based on lna audil ewdsnce obtained up to me dale

Page 9: r wu- · 2019. 8. 30. · Statement of Proflt and Loss for the year ended alst March, 2019 (Rs, In Lakn) > Nate Far "I: year Far the yen Particulars ND ended 3151 ended 315! March

ol our auflllal‘s repan Howevar‘ rurure avenls or condllrons may cause me Company lo

cease lo con|lrlue es :1 aolng concern

- Evaluale rne overall prasanxanon slmmure and mlllem cl rne lno AS nnanclnl

slatsmsnls rnslodlno rna dlselesuras and whether the Ind A5 llnanelal srarernonls represem(ha unaarlyrno lransaallons and avanls m a manner rnal achleves lalr prssenxanon- oulaln surnolanl apprdonale audn evldence regardlng me llnancral lnlorrnanan al

such enlllres or nusrness acnvlues wrlnln lna admoany lo express an oolnlon on me lno AS

unanolol slatemenla‘ or man we are rho lndapendem audrlars We are respunslble lor me

dllsclloflr supervlslon and perlorrnance ol lne audlr ol financlal lnlormanon or such enmres

Fur lne ulnar anmy rnoludarl rn lne lnd As financlal slalernenls. wlnan lrava uaen eudlled eyorner audilor‘ such other auduor remams responslole (m rne dlreollon snoarvralon and

oehonnanae ol lna audrr named cm by rhem We remaln solely responsrela lnr our audll

dornron cur responalollrllas rn rnls regard are lurlner descnbed In me secllon nlled ’Omer

Mallevs' rn Ih‘ls audll repah

We uelreva lnal rna audll avrdenoe oblalned by us along war we odnslderanon el audll

repon of rhe olner au lor referred lo lfl me Omar Marlee: paragraph helaw ls sulhorenl and

appropnale u: pravlde a basls lor our addll oplmorl on the Inn AS llnunclal slalamanls

We mmmurllcale mn those cnargod wlln governance ol [he Company and soon ulnar

ennues lncluded rn the lnd AS hnanoral stalelrlenls cl when we are me lndependenl audllors

leqavdlng. amono mner mailers the planned saope and lrrnlno or the and“ and slonlrlcanlaudll llnumgs‘ rnolddrno any srgnrnoarrl delrsranoree ln rmernal comml «her we ldenllly dunnounraudll

We also pmvlde muse charged wllh governance wllh a slalarnenl that we have cumplledwllh relevanl elhical raqulrarnenls regarding lndependence, and lo nummurllca|e with linear

all relallansnles and other matters \l'lal my reasonably be lhouonl lo bear on am

lndepandence, and where applmahla‘ related saleguards

me the mallels mmmunlcaled Wlfl'l those charged Wlm governance‘ we dalermllle those

mailers mar were or near slglllficance rn lhe auoll ol me lnd AS llnanclal slatamenls or (he

curve!“ nellod and ale therefove the key audll miners We dascrlhe these mailers ln our

audllul’s lepufl unless law or regulallorl precludes Dubllc dlsclosure about We mallel or

when. ln exllemely vale clmumslanws‘ we dfl|ermlrle lhak a maker Shuuld no! be

communlsaled ln ow reporr because [he adverse cansequences or dolng so would

reasonably be EXPECIEd \D oulwelgh We public lnlerest benefits of such cummunlcahan

Olhu Manors

We dld nol arm the rrnencral statements or chillorgarn Plan! wnose nnonslal sralernenls

reflect lolal assars ol Rs 37 an orores as at 31 March 2019‘ lolal revenues or Rs 31 as

orarea ldr [he year ended on ma dale as considered ln me lnd AS nnanelal slalemenls

These hnanolal sralarnems have been add-lad by olnar audrlor whose repon has been

rurnrshed In us ov me Managemsnl and our oplnrun on the lnd AS noanaual slarernanls‘ rn so

lar as l| relales re «re amounls and disclosures included ln resoea or lnrs planvurlil‘ and our

raodd ln rernrs or seam" 14312) or me Am ln so la! as H Ielalzs \n lhe aloresard olanl ls

based solely on lne audll raporl cl lne olnar audnar

Page 10: r wu- · 2019. 8. 30. · Statement of Proflt and Loss for the year ended alst March, 2019 (Rs, In Lakn) > Nate Far "I: year Far the yen Particulars ND ended 3151 ended 315! March

Om owmon an the 1nd As finanda! armaments and um vepun on (Mar Law and

Regulamry Requiramarfls he‘uw‘ .s nu! warned In resped or me above maner me respadIn any relianoe an me walk dime and ma repun at me cmer audnan

Rapnn on other Legal mm Ragnlalury Requiremems

r As requrrea by me Campames (Aummr's wepom Order 2015 mm Order y as

manual \saued by ”15 Cerium Govammsm nf \ndla m terms or seam mm) m the

An, and an on: bas‘s ursum checks :1! the hacks and records 0! me wrnpany as we

considered appmpri'ale and acwvdmg m 012 mlmmamn and zxplanauuns gwen In Us

we awe In “Annexure A" a Slate/“em on (he mailers Specified m paragraphs 3 and 4 of

me Order

As Asqulled by serum 143 (3; 0! ma Ac: we yawn thzl

a we have sought and obtalned 3H me rmurmauon and explanamns mm m me new

or am Knowledge and mm were newssary my me purpose of our mm

b m our uplnron pmner banks 0! accuum as rammed by law have been kepl by me

Campany su far as it appears rrum our exammanan 01 these back;

n ma Ea‘ance Sheel‘ the Statement nl Pmm and Less and the Cash Haw S‘a‘emenl

dean wllh by (his Ream are m agreemem wnh the banks or ammm

d m uurcpmmn‘ |he a1uresard Ind AS flnancral staremanu Comply wrm the AccoummgStandards specified under Seclmn 133 0! me Act

a 0n me basis or wrmen representations rscawea lmm [he duecmrs as an March 31

2mg taken on record by me Board or Durscmrs, nnne with: dflacturs .s d‘squallfiedas on March 31‘ 2019mm! bemg summer! as a wrecxor m rerrns ar semen 164 (2)

loe Act

V Wrm respen to me adequacy of me \ruernar tmanmat cumms Ewe! finanmal repnmngur the Company and me aperallng eflecweness ml such conrrurs. reIEr (0 our

separate Repurl m "Annexura a'

g wan respect (a ma amar maners «a be mc‘uded m me Auduofs Repun m accamance

wnh Rule n 0! me Campames (Aunfl and Auu'lurs) Rures, mm m our npxmun and

n: «he hesl cf nur mlnrmsuan and mmmg m we explanaucns g‘ven m us

L The Company has dlsmosed me \mpam oi panning |ihga|mns on us financw

pnsmon in 1nd As :15 finanual slalemenls - Refer Note 2 17 s 2 2102mm Ind AS

financral slatements

Page 11: r wu- · 2019. 8. 30. · Statement of Proflt and Loss for the year ended alst March, 2019 (Rs, In Lakn) > Nate Far "I: year Far the yen Particulars ND ended 3151 ended 315! March

H In our omnmn and as per the mmrmuun and expVEnafions prowded to us‘ me

Company had mm entered m m any \cngr‘erm wruraots. Andudmn derivaWE

cummms‘ veqmrlng provision under Epphcable \aws m accoummg Siandards‘ In:

maternal furesaeab‘e losses and‘. Thera rs no amuum named m be nansrsneu Vo lhe \nvesmr Educaliun arm

Prolucuun Fund byme Camuanym 17.2 d‘sdnswes m m Ind AS finsncha‘ sialements regardmg hu‘dmm as wen as

deahngs m specified bank motes ummg Ihe penDd {mm a November mm m an

Decembel 2016 have um been made since may do run wenam m m Hnavicla! yea!ended 31 March zms


Charmed Accoumams

Fm Reg‘stramn No 3290535

» (f


CA. aketh Kumar Agarwal

Piaoe Singm ,


Da‘e' an August. 2019 (M No. 308283)

UD‘N 19305253AAAAAW5550

Page 12: r wu- · 2019. 8. 30. · Statement of Proflt and Loss for the year ended alst March, 2019 (Rs, In Lakn) > Nate Far "I: year Far the yen Particulars ND ended 3151 ended 315! March


(Referred w in par mph 1 under the heading ‘Repofl on Other Legal and RegulatoryRequirements' section at our repnrt at even date)

1‘ (a) The Company has matntatned proper recovds shoane TuTT oartturTars TncTurtTne








:TuaT'TmalTTle detatts and snuattons at rte fixed assets

Most or the Ttxed assels anhe Company have {men physT-TTy yerthed unnng the

year by the Management and m: matenaT dranreeaney hehveeh the bank records

and The physlca ventory have been netioeo

TttTe deeds at tmmovabte oroeeruee are had Tn The name or The company

FTXEG asse|s depcsefl a" durTng me yeah TT'T our oanTon dn rum mHSKTmTe a

substantrat par] of the flxedrassats eT the Company and euoh deposeT has not

aflemed goTng concern status loe company

The stock oT finTahed goods. stores spare parts, and raw mutenats (other than

rtems Tn transit and TyTrtg wnh ThTrd oarhes) ml The company have been phystcaTTyverrtred by the management at the yearend

Tn our upInTnn the procedures at physTCal verNrcatron at atereeard stocks renewed

by the managemem ere reasnnable and adequate TH veTalTon to the ste m the

company and nature at rte busmasi.

The company has matntaTned propav records of rnuentories. Tn our DDIHTOH. the

vatdatron or stock uf trmshed goods. sTores spare parts and raw ma|eITaTs has

been VaTr and pmper Tn accordance wtth the normaTTy accepted accoummgenncteTes and Ts on the same basTs as Tn the preceding year The decrepannTesnetteed eh physicaT yermeauen at The Inventory as campared to bank remrfls have

been property deeTr with Tn the books ot account

the Company has granted rnreresr nee Tinsucured Tnan Tn earner years or Rs 312 49

[skits 1L7 Nepun Gems/Tl and Paw/er LTm/Ied

Tn our epInTnn‘ The rate arTnterest and etherternns and mndmons oT Toant secured

or unsecured taken by the Company dunng The year Tram numpames. nrma and

ether pamas Ttsted Tn Tho regtster rnatnterned under Semen 139 at the Ad are

pnmetame not prejudteraT to the tnterest oT the Campany

Tnterest Tree smaTT advances Tn the nature or Toens given To certaTn etnatoyees are

generaTTy bemg repard as stipuTated