r25 glasgow

Inner City Problems and Redevelopment What are the problems in an inner city? Can you make a list….. Here’s a hint: Overcrowding…

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Inner City Problems and Redevelopment What are the problems in an inner city? Can you make a list….. Here’s a hint:


Page 2: R25 Glasgow

Keywords: Urban decay Heavy industry Tenement buildings Comprehensive redevelopment Urban renewal Gentrification River Clyde Gorbals GEAR (Glasgow Eastern Area Renewal)

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Glasgow in 1900s One fifth of all ships were built here. Raw materials (iron,

coal and steel) and the River Clyde provided the perfect conditions for a shipping industry.

Problems: Jobs tightly linked to one industry 100,000 people lived in slum conditions half way through

the 20th Century There was high urban density- people lived in tenement

housing Jobs have been lost as the ship building industry has


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Comprehensive Redevelopment in 1950s

In 1957, 29 districts were marked as Comprehensive Redevelopment areas. People were moved out and the tenements were knocked down. People were re-housed in towns outside Glasgow, in five new towns (e.g. Cumbernauld, built in 1955) and on Council estates at the edge of the city (where 200,000 people were housed e.g in Drumchapel). In place of the old tenement buildings, some of the highest multi-storey flats in Britain were built (e.g in Gorbals).

Problems: Many people felt socially isolated (people described the buildings as

prisons). There were problems with structural damage and dampness. The inner city population decreased by about 65% in 30 years. Families and communities were often split up

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Urban Renewal from 1970s

In 1976 £100 million was invested in an Urban Renewal scheme to improve the inner city under a scheme called GEAR. The aim was to provide jobs and better housing. Grants were given to companies to encourage them to locate in the inner city.

Problems: Although jobs were provided, there were around

50 applicants for each jobBenefits: Tenement buildings were gentrified meaning the

sense of community wasn’t lost.

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Recent Developments

The Crown Street Regeneration Project (1990) has introduced new homes, 12 local shops, tree lined streets, a park, and the Riverside Business Park into the Gorbals area.

Developing Strathclyde Ltd have assisted 215 businesses and helped to create 1300 jobs in the past 5 years. E.g. Impressions Cleaning Scotland Ltd which received a £17,000 start up loan.

Glasgow was Europe’s City of Culture in 1990. This altered people’s perception of the city and created more than 8000 jobs in the arts and 600 jobs in the leisure and recreation industries.

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Slum tenement buildings Gentrified tenement buildings

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Modern Glasgow

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Case study past exam question.

Some settlements are growing whilst others are declining. Use examples you have studied to explain the benefits and problems that arise from either settlement growth or decline. [9]

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Mark scheme:

Level 1 (1-3 marks): Names an EU country or settlement. Describes a feature of growth/decline. Problem/benefit cited and explained in simple terms. Adequate written communication

Level 2 (4-6 marks): Description of growth/decline includes some place detail. A benefit and a problem explained. Adequate use of written communication with some use of specialist terms.

Level 3 (7-9 marks): Place specific detail of growth/decline given. Develops both benefits and problems. Accurate use of written communication with appropriate use of specialist terms.