ra c.ooopee,ami powrossei a controlling )hiwer oytr tbo crvuus sybltui. tim romarhsmo cures cttcolca...

—i- DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, AUGUST l'J, 187fi. NO. 36 IE IRON ERA ^CB11SIIIJI ErFnr BATCWNII M jiBNJ. II. VOGT. EIJI roil AKI> rtioniE'ron. ti on M°'™ Slr6 "' naor BUclnn TiaiJis uv sunscniPTion IsvAiiiAn" i!» AuriOTK. 'PASSAGE TICKETS JO AUD ynoii ' . I Liverpool and Queenstown, 111lliu Wluvrlllf? StOftlliall.p llHUM ! Afl, WHITE STAK, NATIONAL, I |i, t f 14 uii Kuglnnil anil Iloyft! Tlanli of In "LISDSLEV A BON, Afioutn, lllicliivoll Struct, DUVL'I, N. "Dr. P. A. HARRIS, IplIYSIUIAN mill SURGEON, DOVER, N. J. : AT THE UKHIDEHOB' OV IMKIUb WlOOtNR, Vll. ULM'KWBI'I. AND KHBKI I JoHV V. STICKLE, Counsellor at Law AND JIASTEIl IN ClIXSCIMt, ROCKAWAY, N, J. JTT. VREELAMD! Cni'iicntcr and. Ifiiildcr, Jobbing promptly attended to. ip%S10.\ HOUSE. Currier uf U l a e k w d l anil HiiVBOX Bt«. DOVER N. J. ||.B.JOLLEY, Proprietor. fluwoa aud Carriage* 16 L*ct. . . m j. w. coi I VTf T. LEPOHT, Counsellor at Law, AKD MASTER IN OITANOEBr, I O.iico In Hie Nalloual Onion Dunk Balldhiff 2iAcrv.iiuBr., DOVER, JT. J. At QMITII. I ATTOItNEYS A COONSELLOBS AT LAW, UdtwellantlSuHKDxBlfl. . DOVEli, N. J. it, 187X , 1-1 yr n Ao Btpnn T IIUMAS ANOBnSUN. . AtTQRNEy ' AKO ' " 0OVE11, IV. J, Hk-0 nn Booood floor of Ibo Hallonal Onion k DilildiDR. . - . • 21-ir ?•.—.~: > ». - . . . . : . ... . } C. MAGIE, Jr., .-'•'• : jlTTOBNEt' AT LAW, . IVElt 111^6 )VN\S DHUG STOHI' Oor. Biapkwell.aid Sussex Sfs, 50-Oin. ; D.JSvERK <T. '. lyrOSES. ELANOHAPP, 1TJ - . ATTqilSEVATI.AW, C K. OIL1UX, t , * Oatieral Furnishing Undertaker ' LICENSED AUCTCIONEEH AND COMMIS- SIONER-pP DEEDS, All onlorfl Bromplly BtUniJo.1 to; .. I'.UL'KWlxi StntET, Dover, N. J. MijiimcriJBinOf Carriages and Sleiglis, C™. lllacliwon ui,l nnrgoa Hb, DOVKIt; H. J. PirLlouiar at^auttoD pal'1 torciiairlpH: and UlnllUB, •"•••• TUj> IM>VKIl IiAllOKA^OnV. and Armlywa of all iioBtflptbns of CAllEirULLV M I D I . Mil uMiftrgoii vlll bo fnrr.laluHicm application. L. c.jiiEmvmTO, Allen Palmer & Son, DOVES, If. 1, prgfljpttyalte S. J. CALMIilt, Architect. Repaired and Tuned wmplly. tnnny p,»rt of Munrla Oinnty.. A0- r.B< .•'.' ., w. s.wiuani, IJOTW, N. l^llliu D. SMITH, ATTOHKE? AT LA W. Omoa: OH BLAOKWELL STREET, k[-tf . Owpurni SEOUI'U BASK. SHAVING AND HAIR CUTTING SALOON. SUSSEX STREET Ibolxcui th« STANSIOX DOVEB, N.J- , Tlio p h r e IJSS boon unllnl* riaittod lu aiioal toannLT. Tlia Tory best branfla o r ' " . Foreign tuidbofhb'sticiSegars ALWAYS ON BAjjO. »°" QEO. A. PRESCOTT", TA11ERNAQLE nUjh, D0VEI1, N. J. JOBB 0? ETIUlt BEBCWPTIOH anaexccute^.BDit tnatGrlatfurulaliei). PLANSand SPEOmOATIO raralabod, and contrMta taken fttpall trot*. Tjiobc»rraroronc'oB pircn an.to capacity '! •o»ery branch' of tlio EnaineBB, and all.w ss(Tij(i»a: ' •• .-• • • VDOVBIWII. :&. Beemer; "•' |tKAL ESTATE AUENT, Ijlnck?iia8t.,iieiir SUMCI, DOTOT, N. Far Oiiiirip.ioni'orProperlr andp it. AT HOMCEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN & SUUGEON, Cor, BlackwclU Warren St$., (Ojiposita Dover Banl:,) DOVE]t,N.aT., Bt'aata of Women ^111] ClilUiri-n, nml ot the . Ti , SURVEYOR. Surveys, levels and Grades adc for Puttie and Viivv.it Xiniirovcminilit. OFPICE : BUSSES STREET, y ' DOVEn, H-J.. J. M. IJASSETT, Civi) Engineer anri Surveycr, ROCKAWAV, N. .». ALL ORDERS WtOMITLY ATTKNTiI'.DTO. 10-fl A.. LICENSEDA ]JKIKII;S Bxiiun 1 , TJtiVEH, K. J. " Onlii-tt loft lit M. H. Jliciicrsuti'ri storu. u r a t lay itMoiioo wlli reivivv i>ri>ii>pt JJUI'DUOD Sewtid-liBiiil KwilrHif nil (km:H|)tU>i]i IKII OIII n 0. B. GAGE, USTICE OFTHE PEACE, OMt-c on Ulucktvell Street, DOVER, N. J. Collection attainted to vritli dili^xncc. AIHO, Agent far tbu btUt Lifo andl'lro Innnr- nee Jtini[>[iiitt!B. U-ly. "iTwrfHU"RBE"R7~ aPEtttSTEHUzm OF l'UJlCrld SCHOOLS OF 3101(1118 COUXTV, ffii'o over OEO. WCHAltDS & CO.'H 3X0 HE, DOYEE, K. J. .... .it J. II. UK.WN'M flniB itnrn, conic. ... Wncktvitll mill Hniai-x Bis., mid Vwiftht .UCIll- >, now uoim'i" ilmg sloro, Dover, N. J. It. J. W. COLLINS, mid 1UWDCKCH omiuKilu tl.0,, SCHOOL HOUSE, MINK HILif, N. .1. .i* niojiiTLv Aifusutw •mUAr'tor. xtaur. 4j-a.ii n . . ^ MRS. A. BEEMEB IB UOWrai,1.Y witb nil Ibc newBtjlca fur SPRING of 1876. Fashionable Millinery AM) Fancy Goods. HIE Latest Styles & Newest Designs EAHLTf OlTOBtTE NATIONAIi, ilSIOH HANK lMtllrOlNa, DOVmi, N. L w BRADBURY PIANO SMITH AMERICAN" ORGAN. •rices very l«w. Call nt D. A, pEItBYB «lo» iHVUwoll 81., Dovw, K. J. 4!Mf Jfflco over A. WlffliinuValoM' n'" 1 ''" •low. WtehlAo'«'«ton> flwil tin *loi llfrjckwiJllntrcut, RA C.OOOPEE, Mason and Builder. . OontracU tafcon for all Hilda of Mason. Work iaJobbings- - : . fcutnliiiod at uliort notlca. ' ' Jfltpo under "Tlio Iron Brii Oluse," ''Donj, S. R.0SMW. Dentist, MOKRISTOtVN, N. J., oloProprietorfor Horrip CountjofFoUoi. Gold Filling a Specially. iqtlidNHroua CJlifla Gnu, 40, Ac, 4a* ^ IMP. . • • Grandin"House. '*-, 100 YARB8 PnOMD. L. *W. DEPOT T. P. Git AN DIN, Prop'r. LtTcasanabla cliarsos. W. 8. b E. F. BeC'AMP, nOT03'X4WlW.i PROSPJECTQSS lor Iron Ora and Ifinoral f rojort ?OWEIlVi;tX.E,.N. | J. P. 0. ntBOqSTWi.N-'J. . a DEOAMP ' Fo.F. DEOAUI 1 PASSAQE TICKETS DRAM, HANCE &Co.'s STORE, POBT ORAM, N. J U A, BLANCUABll'S nESTAUnANT ' ftr lailra m«l genUowra, HACKWELL Bl EOVElt, N. J-i bolHcan Bnp»o» ami MnrrlB 8tB. A.l'lXB HILL1AB11 H005I atudlu.1, «»li two elcuoiit tMiliB. sl-lf THE mm HDMPHEEYS' HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS BrrnlnRcncrnl liverynlierc 1 mcillriiicH aWn : tuc m.,].!,• wi linn SUM nm. hiirniiic ttie wen un eminent 11! use (•il [||^4 i. T urn tii all lie -in tricn elm ir tivtMilyrenrs. lit mint MAl'i:, •Di i',i'i'H:it;,n l' yoreJiist nlmt iff lime, moncv, lirenrrliuion of c. CTuilRm-.'tloi _ 1. CnunltH, Coldf, jiconcuKin, . . . . . ^ 0. Hcntlarlics, Wet jriwlaclw, Vwdgo, . te 10. ItyNprpNln, Kliloiifi tstnnmch, . . . . 13 1i wlHtC^/too'Pn.fiifio'pMlmSii. ."'.' '. ', £5 f/f, i:vttup. CaUfil'i VISlcnit Drfsiulng, , , S3 14. NnltllllClllll, r.fynl|iclos, Kru|ilkinn. . i» 13, KlmuiuitlMii, flthriimutiel'nlni, . . S5 in. Fever nml Amir, Clilll ttvi-r, Ayu^,. ro 17, J'llm. Wni or hhciiUig, CO ja UplniinliiiF, nml Borofir VnnttBjca, . CO si. C i e n c r n l IK-Mlity, i ' M c n l WcaLiieM, S3, Ilron^y nnd scanty hKrettotif TO SIL Hi-a-HlChnwit, BfcUncfBrromrWfns, , CO ST. IClilney-ni«p'>**. Gmvcl, ro !W. Ncrvntu UcUllHy, Vital Wtiotiaea, 1 00 30, HoralHotitli, Canker, ta Bl iarnni[Pc Rt ttUeantot ffl KnllriHey. 81, IHvhfttrr1t 85 U l C i . Bpnmni kl.Vltim Du 1t*,i't<*ralctlsore llrnia imjEnlloiiitniiaiirwii TheNe rcmedlcn oro »Mit My tlio ct «lnfflfl I»ox «r vJnl, io any *""!?,".'] Ictv Voi Tlio inrgCHt ami mort coiuplctu ntoclc of Mllll- icry and i-'nncy tlnoda to bo rouurt In Dover Bonnets lints, Flowers, I'cnt era. ltlbUous; Lmcc»—- rcnl u»il ijiiIlnlJoii"J\ti:lUi(B •' an'il UuivBt Colltirn. / Lace ' nud I^incii- ,- Sets. Crapes, niouniiiig JJOHM , J mirtUolIs; . , (ifgnonsySvyitches, Also, oyfty hrRo rnrictyo vorvlijiuff ofU y tbo'moiit com of-UiulKJitmaterial fliitlnindo«p pntcm nBalBtanta. , - '^ rili JIliDIOAL KtOrEUt.ES ARE ALTERATIVE l .T0N!ciS0LVENT . AND.DIURETIC. VFOLTINE Uiiifltiu ticlufllvuly from llio Juices f larcfiUly-tclceted Uarki. roolu an-1 Iiorbr, ludnoBtroimlycoaeiiiilrateti, lliatitwillafiocl- usHj orodtuato from Llio eyBtcm evnry taint of rJcrofuli, Hcrorulona IIumnr.l'umoiB, Oinoer, Onncoroim Humor, llryttlpolnn, Suit, Itlicum, Htoniacli^nctiirdlBOftwn Hint arlno tromtin- nnru blood. tJclal.cn,lutlummutovy nodOliroulc tiiatunDtlam, Ncumlem, QmH nudti|>.nalCom- |)[tiJn(rt, caw only ho cfacltialiy ciinU through lio.bioud. ; - ' - . ' . For Ulcotn anil Eruptivo dlseinos of tbeBWu •USIIIIIIH; rimnlos, U1OIC)IOH, Itolls, Tit or, BoalJlinnd nnd 111ngworm, VBOBTIHK Imn never fiilleij toofluuL & pormment euro.' \ • : • ' For PRIDB in Hie "ftk, Kidney Complaint*, Dropsy, Fcmiio \Ydknens, Lcucottti(Bi,arte' n'Hfrouiintern*! ntcoraUan, nnd utorlnnUh- . 1 fj Mn^1 FiAilliri.. XfuntaliWH rt H.H IUU .ruui III.VJtin. iiiwiuvux, » eases and General Debility, dlrootly upon thecauses of tuusa-vLtit.jtiuiiiig. I l tnviRorntCB and ttlronctlionatliB wLoIo syn- torn, qcla upon tbonccrcllva organs, altar a in- "ammntion, ctiros ulconvtfdn and rogulatoa ttio TalDUation of tVio Uuait,Ik'oJociio,i'Jto», r.i.T.oiiBiicB9 mitl Oenenil frustration of tlio Jierrou* tJy*i(«oi, nocuedlei no hat ever fiivca 1) nprleot Batisractlon n« tlie VEQETISE. It .urmostbo'bloaa'blb'nnacflnll of tt,q orgPi.n, ami poWrOssei a controlling )Hiwer oytr tbo crvuus syBltui. Tim romarhsMo cures cttcolca by VEorrm, inve liiflatod milnyiilijiithiiisanil Hpotliccarlra ciioio no knuw to proBuribo and Una it lu.tlicir iwn rmnllluB. ' ' In fact, VsoEtiNE )B tlio bust rcmotly yet (lb- ovcrcd for tli<ialn>vc4i)uinfluii,an(. Is tlio only tiaUJo ULOQV PW1IFJKII yd j]]apc|l W lUi r 10 b What is VtBCTWE^—^t fa n'poi*ipiiin(.. - traotot} from barks, roofs nml litrpp, It is Katurc'sltuCTcily. ItikqMrfoatiybaVmloiit'fram aayha.il etfutt apnn tho eystcro, }tin nourish- r ind etrcnKlboniiiff. It »otB directly H[ior 1I1IHK1,< II imli'U tlio norvouu syuteni. >] a you fiuod, BWODI alcep nt nlrlit, It Ui t panacea Tor our ngo J Mi\an and n'oUxrts L KIVCB ticni ftronfjih, qulcta tljolr tiorvp*, iprovcil Iiy many un nf^cd person. It iu tUo Knul IIIWKI ruriflur, It ia n Rootliins romody rnrour cliildrun. -It* lias rclloTcd- a n d o a W lUongnndB. U iflTi-ry [diJOBaut-lu taku; ever., cluM Hkes It. I* rofio«« owl enroi all flis- <nnca oriciimtlng from fmpuro blood. Try tl fEOEliKE." Qivo'lffalr trial for yam' cot. ilftlntu; I lion yoa flill.any to yonr' Irittai, iciclibor and nc<liwllit8iicc, l 'lrvii; it ha.. ?<treu VWIETIKV. fur rto.cpiupisiDtB f«r wliieii " ' oMJ^UnS «"Iu V » "fid"!, »ny C o "ife? OD? 1 , icine, Wiiy? yiconisi, will cv^pj Hn!«\'cora? A LEX. KANOUSE; JIAStFJCTUriE SAIISAFARILLA «n^. GINGER ALE, lioi'iindin^Ki WPlliil r-WWRlfe Dover, N. J,, ntlfjiidcA to prmii.-Hy. 25-Zm" YOOEHEES BBO'JHEES,- t or my SUD being overeii" wit-ll nlnipUs ami eruptions, many rlifoil cutititil aiJ pra&l,mm ttnii aaaoyaut ui'dkiiuwlnii U to tio ft blood iliacaao, 1 lou many of tlia ndvurtlsud blood prciMirntloDn, •- liloli waa any qnaiiul* ut Hanaiiatii- nliloftiiiitf aiiy-liauctlt uatll l.ca ahInu Utti VEdimKc, anil bcloro I hat' •1 tint flrit uottlo 1 daw tbat I had go mediciro. Coiimiqncntly,-! follow t nntillUniltnlttn Wcifhr" 1 jWniQcK'U a well man, >nu BitioolVi' nnd eiiliruly Una from ]>..«!...-<. ». craatloaa. ]lm«ijo»eroniiiyedBo/;iK)dbcalil liDf jrc, and UttriLntD it nlFloilio usool• VHI nsK. ToWntlU Uioso uqtclpa pit!! lUiO' ns'i noiicJerru) wyw ?[ tfrluit. moot tli ""'ftili'iTOKEit. ra?. As ! t nicii. 6. It, n. . - i CaH'lHlnnKfoa lit., UoKq IS fiOT^ «V tiJih PHU001STS AS» newt. ORt^un iw Hardvyare, Iron and Steel, N A I L S , BUILDERS'. HAI.ipWABB, COR. WlHIUhOTU^ A^t> H*9 RPUT. MOEBISXQWN.N. J. ' . x coHrLCTE BIWK op 'iVooilciiWarpniia- = - Hoiisekocplng Gooas. PAINTS', Lime, Cement,,Plaster, . jmu' Dmt. sutMnr'VandiBti' of lime, and Ml -• ! - oilier FsfWJ**** 1 ' • • • JAKE8 It. VOOIlllKKH. SLATE ROOFS! T1LB CHEAPEST. [, PALS^Uf-90N, aronowpreparoilwftli oitn( fwOW* f* [ rotibtnfttmm pf rilyles ^^K'^^f'^ Bootniiicntly-liinllflcdtonrotlceo, ' -" poroTio. 'i'lli: II0MH1 MAN. IV/io/s.hefwiicst man? i Hint doth Elllland BtroDRly Rood pirsiiQ, Ood, lilu Qfjifilibir aud uiiuuulf motet truu ; Wiom neither fot en nor frowning can ip.B, or wruntli froi.i giviiij; all their die. Wlinmi Jiancgtv IB II'H 1O[ML> or eauj ttinL a rnflliiij wnicl n blow away, or plittoring lock it blind ; Who riOuo hia purii aud own I tut, "Into tlio tvurtil lion- rldcn l-y, uuvr byj Uolilm Wltu vrlicu firent Lrlilx conn;, H'ka I]or uliubB Ihcm, l*at dull) calm ill hi! tha tiling and Ibo oiauijilo woicli; All buing broiiKbl into a mm, . ( 'bat i>lacu ur puinoji calls fur, liu ilolli ['^J. > mo In m y tiling a frldt or ullgUt; irohovd nil tlilugrj Iio nlilinrH tJoirii; Ilia worda, »ud norfiH, and faitUmiat.. II "fa nicuo, and all arc cltnr and atr»lp;lit, Wltu uovot multn or thntrj ,t oloan tumptotiom I When tbo tiny !• danu ' goodness BL-Unot, but in (Urit csu mil; This eua .ooffmrn inllcfli lnir<i Ii6tlii;[rvirluo; virtu iunUimii. TJie lUscoi'Rrjr of Hllvpr In Nerililn. The earliest ditoovcry of .silver iu cviula wua rondoby two brothcis, Alleu and Rosoa Grtmb, on wJifltiauow Jtnoivu th C t U f ad Rosoa Grmb, us the ConibtooU to dlmowrj of R y cluiius nont* ."sugar -Loaf llonntuin in El Dorado Cvmly, Oalifoeim, wliiclj thsy wnrkuit for flevtinil yc-iirK. with but in- different HnccciH, uliilo iu Kl Dorado Onimty they tsouiiiadeil If try Kovadn TorritoiT, having licurdrciini-ti) that wcro i iULi tht oldh d b ( d A Toxnabeat wuigbK 23 ponntla. They tu't toll UBliin tiitino. A Connecticut llirco-ycur-oUl cliuwt jbutuo. Quito n Bfjirl. E\|njusive flgbting—Ciin-.yitig on Ibo idiim war till wo lmrcii't a roil. Thero 1ms not boon trncli ti ye&r for nithinoe Adiiin nnd Kvu ntiiiiL tbiiir EJc». The yoiuitt rrldoD Imperial, Ni^oleon, ii3 lii.i liuntlHorao niotlier'a \mi\d*, Jnutcuu f lits nnfortuuiito futfior'B crown.' Tbu nuuiit thnt Ilia grajiabopiiors luid ivadoil liio Nortlnvcst Ufrnin tn«)3out i Iio it giim-whoppcr. Olo Dull wjMits to'sou tho wan vim nld tbut *\|> ubnut inmsoIfnnJ liia u r iolint truutintmt is in store for liim. Mr. Joinings aavsyon cjii't winkin li hotel witlioiit paying far it. s tipu witliit pnyiug iom you wiujj at. Prnm nbtty'tt composition onlienH, in lie Boston Courier :—"I cut MY Uiiolo iVilHam's-bou's nfok off with a hatchet, mil it scared Iior lo denlli." Tlio body-Hcmmls of Gwirtje Wash- These young i 1849 f yg io Xo California in 1849, from jiiijJfl (Hioir jjiiiivoStale,J They wero sons of it UuiversiiHst clergymtin, were wull editcntud, uuJ bud aoino Imtiv?!- d of chomialry,- ."gt'ol",?/, aud i itthiHl tbo dlm tii tin wrj of of ml venture, tUoy " "" Itiito iu tho , eiinticd Jjy They local ."I toiT, having licurdrciit tt wcr ctiULion, thnt gold hud buen (ouud ttulitt&t hy mitten in aounyou -itiwy, find Unit the im>oioi)8 bniii^ found iii ini'ii largo il ih iu Di iti Ri-wit ti in that T u y , f inctal was bniii^ found iii g tmioiniN Mmi the\i)i}Ot> hn\ iweiveil iho MUM i>f Gold O:Uiyou. TDK ])I1iiTllRII> OlioHIT left El Dorndu Cminty in tbo Spring of 1854 f N l Til bddi ft El Dorndu Cminy in 1854 fur Noviuln Terriliiry, hfi d b t their Spg bidding a Irionds ut 1854 fur Noviuln Terrili chi^3J-fui giiod-byo to th Sugar Louf Muiiululu (nuwj «>f whom thoughti |,ho GI'OHII brollicm wetastnrt- iuy ou a wilil-goosQ chnse.) Tlio Oroslis Wiiro bupuful and and they would return will] something worth huving. . After encouutcring tho iie'rila and •i!inlH.ii[.H inuidont to a jmirnoy oc^ruaH tbo Bicrni Novndna iu thuuo du.vflot no ihU l>dl- VU Htl etc., lliu.v IIII'WLHI ILLQuid Canyon, pvoa- peeled, nml commenced wurking u cluiin tlioil). Tim gold that tbo,y (onoil con- tuinud Hucli it Inrgti pcrfljutapo of ailvor that tlio ynwlj Imjn wore induood to believe tluil u voinjol u'.lvor oriatod In tlioiriieigliborhoodjiind ttioydeteitniuoil to proHpcci for it; omisBqueutly all their sjmi-e titmj waa (moot tnivcling oyur the uUjnceut bills, rillo hi Ijiid, on joying tho sports of llio cufisawliilu looliiag for. tlie aujipoiicil Bilvor lode. Ouo day while in the excitement of. bunting floor, Ihoy pfelicil uplioriiQ rock au'n hiliutdo wliioli UKB BlLVEIt WllE. They took bonrinBa of, and wuofully innrkod (lin'spot wlioro tin's rock wiw foiiDiJ, tbut tbeymiglit bo able lo vctiim it, sboiild they deota U necessary. ' oncarWydBOVCmJaiiL'ciinenstllnt trusty nld v«lnt» »FP»owbe iimiiig toniipoar, . Tlio follow who couldn't got ft julep HI tin? CoiitBuuiiil CUouuda, lm» mudu ip bin miod Ihut I'liiluilotiihiit la »ut llio tiopcr plftco tor tbo mint, _, .... .for nooUy und you will flail it •verywhere," weitea Lucy LtuvoJi), l)o on snppoBO, Lurcom, that tliia wovldis lolbing but mwnsto-lJQsliot ? .Said Mr. Tunlcy, of D.mbury, feeling loftjy of hia nose, "I don't wntit to be :oo bupefnl or sniignino, but I beliovo I'ui going tuliuvo it boj}, 1 ' . . Nnarly till tho iiont-ofllcos in Tesiwnro [oiifirgQat tcuialcs. It works so voll lint tbu rinilcH' DOW nitivo and dopait ivory lioiir in tbo day. Tbo jutlgis iho other morning cislcing a iriBoneFfllinrgtHl with ilmnkenoas wimt is intended to do, tfo replied, frankly, lint ,1)0 "wnsn't bio ownboas tljiH morn- ig." l - "; ' • • ireat (Iran nt croquet P" says Hie jvUp nitvidaii nt Roivport, "Voth," man'ora her polo gnllnut i "j''itii, oneo 0 .ctBwIiilo, Jwit. it's ,n\rtiill$. dall.tittoL matnnga, you knowl" ' .,*• •-. .iT _•'.••-. A pnidcct Indy npnliod ton frco Bililo istnbiitor the other day forft-lurgo il>y. Bbo enid it wns linntly to press overs in, oml it rondo a uioa oi'uainotit ,r tho oentre-tablo, Doa of Uio qausos cif tbo linrtl times Is 16 over-production .of uuolem oaoaiiro- ffl, Bovcutcoo liundrod of tliertlo&con- touts," of two I'ontisylmnia pmre nro nbout to hold n "rontiton" in that Stato, •;£.., SDIDD of HiaHonkido to.iortora complain jat tbey don't got onougli to oat, while Uio landlords rotort, oa tiw ntborbnnd, tliat can't sot a Sclisoniao's tnblo for ivon dollars a wcelt." ' B o t h .aro tight, )on^b, iu tlieir wnj*; : - , - ' Ayoniig Indy wont *to JToia rccootly md wishad bimtoInko her pietnro with LH cxproasion as if ^composing » poem. [t came out,with fliecxprosetou she had hen the editor pilt tho poem in tbo A South End man nccidentally stnm- >lod and tell A lady, thinkinf they picked up.on tbo tsttrfacct, to tboir caUip, to limits [i iBorb cavefiil exam inn- tiou of it. Tlicy cxliibileil tlioit apecl- mUna to tho miuors at Gold Uanyon, but uono SDcincd. cnpablo of ilccidiug wlmt they were, (laying no monnn of nasftyinc or feflthig |liia I'opfct Tboqgb oovtu'iu it Wiw silver iiimrU. thny.oould unt lector, luinci vliotliiir it waa or not, Kcojtiug ttuiirowuoimiiscl, tlio Qrosh bby« workeS on, but not meeting ".ill. eiiuli MJOOJHH nt gold niining us they Iitut oxtiDctod, UJD.V rctnmbil to Qnl^onitaiu the full ofl85D, ,nnd went to.work oa tlioir own oluiins near Sugar Loaf 3fmiu_tajn,wliero- tho writer joined them aa u nilaitig pnrt- nor, working mij living with them. . While nt-SugtirXoflf Moiiutain. fu 8G0-57, tlio Qi-osb' brothers uindo <-ep- itutioia to soioo of thoir friends Tbe Oroj>h brothers continued »rng*| An <>ll I'iim Three Iliiiidrcil 3IHi'.s Lime-, peeling for fiomo iDoiitlis, Smving iiml Tho Penusylvania Truusjiortation built it riulo tompomry fm-nnoe toHinolt Ooinpuny, of which Mr. Ilcnry Hurleyia oro ; they mndoauumberofteBtHof rock nrflHiilent haabccucbnrtercdby thcHtutc ' o f FcnuHvlvauia for the purpose of twiw irtiuo; oil £rom tlio oil togiens to 1li» •iiiL'ij)al Atlantic Reuhoiinl cities. Tho nn proposed ia to run tlio oil through fourincli pipo bid 0.1 tho«urfi:cd ; tin 1 •rciujr jiower will bo uino bundled aundi tu tbotirpmru inch ; tlicro uvo to i station!) ut distaucus of fifteen niilca, t each of which nu engine of a huudred orno power will be erected lo w»rli u to Cdiitiimo tbe fluw from paint to The company having deoitlud pon Iboconatrnotion ot the work, ihe Tcsideut Houglit tbo .serviced of General •nmii lluapt. He proiioimceiJ tlie Jiuo. after u fiorougb exaniinntion, to entirely pruuticahlc, and ii now .ctitjpaa tuigiBcwln-chiiil. In view of ho onormoua product, of iiil .iu this unitry—thirty tlioiviaml burri'ta jior iy—and llio rank it now holds uintmft io_ kmliiif; artii-K'B of oxpoil, coupled ith tho exm-liitant clinvgea for rnilroad ••arriago Srom tbo irdU to tbo senbonrd, ty the completion of Ibo nuterprino mid l-i succesHful operation, a complete rov- utioa will bojiccompliaJjodin tbe lmijtl- ig of Uiis nrticiu. Afra proof ol bow ilnablc thin tmflio ba» been tutho HQVO- I nilkoada over, ivhieh tho oil JJU» 3ea burno, it iuonly uccessury U> Ray nit u|> to tho prcaont timo tho rnilroad tiri'DH nggrcgato seveuty-uino miHious dollaw. The minimum cost of truiis- jrting oil by rail is fifly oonts pnr b:ir- (1, nml tho luioiuiuui cost by tbo JIJ'I>O •rueuss ia hiitiiou tuuta. Tbo averujjo :liaigo by mil is ono dullur uiul a<iuur- Tho estimated vital ot 'bo putiru •\i, incliKliiig fixtures, utc., is one nud (pmitor tnilliiin doliiti's, and eonsitler- sjilio liiSemntui iiir.thi hoiweeu Him ithoil und that b,v r.iil, upon tho hy- Ihesifl that tbo com)iuuy will di«oomit least tweuty-flvo wills n bjintil on rail :es. it will readily bo KHOII tbut witb II the exponsea of opomtitig, Ibc first est'fl caruluxs will pay tha first cost of iio work. Tlfe X'unusyhuuia conipnuy i tho parent coninany, but thoru in also IO Biiltlmoro TrnuBpurlntiou Company, jarterod by tho fltnto uf Maryland, and sine live other companies aro expecting uuite. ThaBrat objective |>eiinl «r ruiiiuiitvill bo B.iitimuio, tia boingtbo naHt feasible and direct route fur tho lipoa. Fullmring irliteb «IJH?1" termini 'ill bo established, in I'liiliulbluhi, New 'oik, etc. Tliopipca boiutf laid un the tli'/uoa sot} tlioro bolus tu* ohstaalo in no wayof foroing tho oil to any height, 110 lino will literally I>o nu air linn, and IQ distance from thu Oil Itcgious ta nltimoro ia tlireo huiidrcil uiilus, Tlie 111 """ ' "" from bun no tU tbu mirfoco of tho ground, nil of which wero promising, undgtive hopes of futuru MICCCSH. While tbcii- work was nrogieaaiug fav- orably mid giving much encouragement lo continue their labors, an accident occurred lo tho ynntiger Grouli tlint cant a pull over th« forhuio* of tha youuR i'iitenirisP, iii«d callod awny ono of its louuclom to journey to"tbut bourne from whence no traveler returns," TUB ?AXB OPTUP FIttoT BBOTHEH, While engaged nt hia UBUUI work, (.•a GroBli struck the point of apick tliiuugl] las foot, watting n very mintiil wound,whiclievontiially Juflauied ,nd timrtiflod. Youug Groah died sborlly tor in great agony, and wua buried hy io miiiora nt Quid Canyon. Tliia yon up ' Id in great cncein, nnd had imnv warm frluniiu among: tho minors. n IDCS liin body IVHS rebmied with uou- idciable ceremony, tbe Hon. fifthuyler !o]fux (then Spcitker of tho United itatea iloii^e of Itoprescntativca and Itenrurd Vioo-l'reaMeut of the Uuiled doliveriiiff tiji ouloyy over the ;r»vo of Ibe young pionoor of tbe Bilver ninoa of Waxhoo. Tlio trflRio mid uiiUjDi'Iy ond ol bia loloved brotlier f.nd fnithfiil coinpauion o operated ou AUeu Qiosh that fin hail 0 Jongei 1 tho spirit and eiiergy to romtii» 1 tliat end eiiot ant) eoutiuu^ bis work/ (ittjiugup hia affairs iirNovadn, aud Ibe iutcrest3 of Ibo Eutorprisp biupuny intbubuuda of mi auuut (Mr, Joiimtocli, whoHo unino tbo lodo now >ears), Allen ouda inom] mndo prepar- lioua to orosa tho moiiutaiiir!. Tho vintci biu'i net in. tbo rttinw bad fallen in iy pjjcfaoi) thomouutaiuB, IJjosea- oi carrying muila irregularly by par- on ttnoiv-tslioes was nt hitua, and -ju Qtonlikuow the trip wasporiluiw md fequircd koine risk, but be was pou* leased ol great uonrjgo, anil hud confl- Jplico in hia know^algo of iho routo lie md ti-avelou BO oftou uiul his ability to uraomitiiny diDlatilty that might nriso, (id wua not to bs delejTCd trow ma! ' lis jouruoy, TUB SEOQfOJ BB0THEB BDCOtJUBi. While in tho mouutulua, Oroali iscompauiou wut*t> overtaken by a severe torui, tlio snow falliiig toa greut depth, Pliey ioflt tlicir way, and wnndered troia ho road, sulTeriDg for several days all io jmnga ofcoid, fatigue and huiig-*i', 3tng compelled to ttirotv away their iflos nnd ftmnuiuitjicn in order ta keep iu (louditiou la travol. After luitlurgolnf 'dsJijjta, they finally reached i _ oaliin, andliore, rcoeiviiigtb< iKsinUii!Oo of Bomo miners, Buceocdod lazily in reaoliing fi pkee onlled L»s( 'ii.uoo, coinplotoly cxbauuteil witb iguo and huugor, nnduuahlo to tnivol 'mtliar. Tie mlaera trwted tin J kindly, nuddid'everything . _ alleviate, thoir pains but Mr. Grosb's oot wero very badly /rozoo, nnd " WHS ullver oro find that it exiuloil iu large quantities In! tlio 'UQiglibnirhnoil, aud at thoeamo tjuio expresned their intention, to thorongUy inasjioqt t||e country uHSobi) na fJ|oy, <vovp nblo, A private ooai|)Oiiy of mindr*, consist' ng ot Allan Qrosh.S HOBOH Groshi Wui, Drow, Qcorgo Brown, John Holao, Pratilt tt, Jolm Butjor, Jasoplt Hoa»e*, lt f .Him. narrative, was UE 1BS7 totiio, Jlm tlio'wrltor uul^od in i atreiiKtb.ofj tL Gro'sii brotliiii'ii, t jiaorato withiha mhhap, olisprv'oiV iho regretted liiauuluoky/nna-jjas. <l I lidn't burt my foro-iiattH, 1 ' ho roplied; Toll s "Aw.now.MiaaSibvli wl yoii jatsji.made mo think; UP, of tho 6'wcr, avt'—don'tyou'knowtliooIilBtory, Jtw, that old story—aw—'bout someuady In a lower looking for somebody—aw— j-ou lemember, don't yoii V' '•,.-?&? •'~ Tbe newest collar IBcullod tbo 'Safety." I- \aBo flnujetl from tho fact jut jt^s])igli .onauglii far.'u ny>n. who Cars one tocrawl up bchioil, \i »od liid.0 * n bin trjfs stopa }n at Uio nfflno to TUB P T V lolcnutol hs tbo Qifoslr brotbox-B, nr\H lovfllop tlio ininea, if tlie pros^oot proved itisfnotary,". - | *', Immediatoly afUr tbo formntlou of this impRtiy vpbioli waa olirUteHod tbo "En- terpriao," tbe Qroali brotliew atartod for Nevada Torritory, to taku upthe land on wbioh tboy had, found tlio quartz rook ud bring back a tew specimens fur tlio company. Onarriving at Gold Canyon the Qrbsh 'brothers took, up aclaim iu (he name of tao XaUtcrpme Oomimuy. but tho season being far advancou, mid they not doairing tospond tt)Q wintoc iu," Novadft, ttiay oolltotod a low 'spooimons of tl|o quartz from tbe "surface ami returned to tlio camp near Sugar Loaf Mountain in El Doraclo. "When the specimens collected WOIQ ^reseated to tlie Enterpriao Company, »ut few gf tho barJy minors composing [be camphny dreamed or thought, as hey lpokcd nt tl^o rook, of tho grout vrealtU'tlmt lay lieiieaiti the surfftpe a( ihe earth fwl}dro,ih,ftt enino rook ww auiid'j'nqr liwi .tlwy'.any 'icloa of the ivoalth tlmfc tbelr "EuUrpriso" waa about to Rive il|o world, and that tbey-wero oa«li' inirtionuirori at tbo timo ; of tlio liuuilretlaor men thoir nenly.discovered mlnc3 wouiil oaipluy, or tho great iuflu uco it wonld ia a low years eiorciso on b d t i f tb Pifi Sl euco it wonld ia a low y r s eio tbo destiny of tbo Puoific Slopo, "On applying tbo proner ^aiB quartz, \\ y/t& fo^ui) vQ tp }n t Ui ffl iqniro flliotllOt liu mailed 1iuihluLtt ; "Wbtro'a 'the tmr?'L aftltod n ffirty* looking straugnr of tbo IioIIboy' of A ho- tol tlio other d(iy, **VT1iat - kind of n bar?"-asked Ibo luttor, ''Wby, n so- loot) liar, of oaursc i wlmt d.6 you «u|i- IDSO I mean?". "Well," dmwlod tbo »ny, "I didn't know but you might bar ol. Eoaii t"'".,: -'_ ,'_•'.; : '-! A Uhicopco mun hndftcnt which bo eared no Joiigor to posscai.; M°k the-aniwal; iuto ^bo gardoti. atrt|qli lino timoa on tbe bond with a hniume nil,-'ai it still) nioyo^Iio qoxo.il (ts on aid "1 WUslpWta « dl baq bnritiait, morning tliat - ^ watked sarancly W bkft.^llin^: W forget tdo pNfo'- , Wbiitranil'ojo'uqnlttbeEast?'• anjaniii Nevada'to" a iiow-opmer,' it bl l i t l anjanii Ne pit into troublel nftH't\iitfvia\Him "I ioop, rrjiiiB two, wlvus, ''Well,"'enid tbe I it nftH .\itf\, -..Well, fatbor; "Icaino ont bocaaso I got iuto trouble by marrying only one wife,' VAnd I," said n'b.vBmndor,-" qauio 1|OPC ?BauBo.rffot n\U> trmibjo blst.pjj lw- ufil) I jirojpi^etl (o ^ri'y|Duii:V>.' - -, A lovo"flcorio'o'i» r tbo baaks'of tlie Cliat- ^jboocheo, its deseribpd bytlio St. Lotii Times: "TlieyncroaitUllgtuHplUBrUk two ol}oi]y ^nyca, hestanugviincityont jf'' uo^tjtpnfiiicx!,. flti(J : Bho;• reflluig her ven criiijiis on bia benyipg ti\|rt\iltjcv cx!, flti(J Bho; rel on bia benyipg ti\| tnf\ 1yS u '1JIW ' nwftj , rrnw ug pn, rrnwa lit at do BHHIU' eim— djic'awbar we'll po, GawRQ.' 'G-uvgOH lips moved not, neitber did Iio n(t?r IWS TTord, but tbuwbito Vi{ \\U byo<* |t>iio:ituut 'Par wlmr we'll RO. 1 " Oconslonully barbera get hold of a poti quality of;.bay-miri, anil wlieh mioh is iiplied to thotaoobt amini jimtalmvod t atsartfl liko fire far a, (ow monients. CiisoorttjU^iiiilopiiiure^ iii n.niiuf nm har])pr «li[}fis. tbp otlipr day. ^'Wli J fallS Wiaiy from llio olmir ri loff JJJJJ burning cheeks with botl " you inny al.iu ino—that's till t I'll b tlll ^1x1 i[ e, w on the f l t>U^E 1BS7 on the reaeiituHojiB pf tlw ne otijscl ol the com- if cold nud hunger wero too' muchfoe i fa gnuf-Jadoa spirit, Ha vtas buried by ho miuors at Luat Chance, His compamoo In Buffering Buved bLi fe by havlnj; a It'g nmputateJ. The brothers Groah wore yqnug mon loweBsoil of flue Bocial qualities, plena- ng muuucrs, anil a faculty ot ninMUR; mnu frionds wb.oroyor Uiey went, There ive many peoploliving in Novadit tt viia romomber Allen ami HOSGHQI . {n\ givo honor tothem for tboir groat- uau of ml ml uud honrl, ns wall OM lot tlio part they, took hi developing ibo mineral resources mid giving nu impetus to tlio growlli and, wealth of tlio Silver Stale. Littlo, indeed, did these young [outlemcn think tbat tlie venture of the iuttiqiriHO Cumpuuy would, io loss thni) ;weii(y years, -beoomo of suoli 'gpent im- soi'tauco to ttio ponim^rcinl wurld. as it ^ to qqni) \<x pc .,.,._„ .|Qrt^a Qf silver, \yl i to. gi\'O noiqe lione-i, II .-.(i8qujj niiostiouB . _,. .. loito,? Is tlioro _.,„.. to multo it pay ? - These qncstiona could only bo answered-by hard labor pqqtgp wa largoc s |'pun w% il t l could oly o and some coniiiinrnbio c didd t but t tli Oompnny decided tocohtjnUQ tlioir xo- Bearcbm, and c\\n \\\a now. oonntry a tl[oroHfjl| prospcotiug boilenth HID mir- noeinuitsutlBfy tVeuiaelvea as to whether silver 'existed as tbey believed, or not. A MOI1K BYMTEUATI0 EPP0RT. Enrly in the following spriqg [1838' tbo Orosh brother.'!, aoaocqnanieuVbj tlio; writer, loftH Dnrndo comity top auothar writei. loftEl Drndo c i t y p oorney upfow th« Btnrrn NBVIHI \yb "Tli j i l i (riYlot)' p aur VIHIU'HJ \\\\r\ t)' OR fpot, l t >yuHboe. "Thq ,. ., aking bat.nna' pack nnimnl tft carry bnlerVq b,o ablo *(p .jrosa Uio tni.na burlier in tl,ft'fiw\aoti Uwn ftH«l gn.ii, timo to.work thoir olnim, Ihoy woro e(Hiipno(i witb a copy of Kignolts work on ininenilogi, nndoarriod. a bas- ket coiitninhiRol lh iinG.il toata and matc- ' bottles, haf locu vury carefully packed inth,Oj bAskot Hio •basket wiia'cwitjfl, "qn tho iirm at h i t i ; t ' ich s]nn inluirii i^H was too precious i riek to' the nnoortrilu mcrciod of the riiy or nliim- molt nniuml, whn'mtglit nl Ati, or'by 6c«itlen(y *;liicl .... . tlioiisanil nhapL'3, dci>rivo tko |mrty pi thu mo of thoso ossmti'il t^bcii^icaU iu tbo bji3k,c& '^Mo. lqiiila wo in b^ail eo\\- dltloh", iii 5omo pbiceaalmoskitoirtcV-"- Rnnvv tn tba depth af ei^l|t i\i\d (oil BtiJ) remninliM'QJi plftficn m l\\Q l (^rcjitjviv** \¥na TiCpc*aaiy far flio pri tiim nuii- tliiuaportation of,that basket, wliloh n)mo3t ruled tbo Oestin,v of a Stale, Tbo sociiil exoollcDcoa of (Uo Qroab i many warm friends io took cm tight—but I'll bu I'm ffoinfflo* o^ it fltto^n! ^1x1 i[ ubbed fow 1 you Hear nib I" J 'll Q^iHiu VoUoy, who took ounsiderabli ulerost, in tboli* work. Tbo people o! Onrsou Vulley' saw' and acknowletlgoil that umoj advnutn^es woqld, aouriio their JOUUB tcrritftW Usilver wjia C- coyevqiVunH inipoa ^o^lapofl iaqt| mun; lfero (Im iB^mrjosproifMl g>n the tmvale; tliriuiRti tlio-\'niro/j«Bflrding tho progre: "Wloliy tbo tcllvor miners. . / • CONDITION OP.TIIB ODDUTJ1T. Nevada \viis, in 1558,'nuUu^ but Bago brusl\ desott, cnanioly populatud, flat] ljl!t '\\fllu vlBiteiI;;j/>ilvDr was'dis CAVornl, ana in qoantitiea to bouitc^aS 1 fully n;orlioil, tlie < - —' »|jei} and iiopr'" 1 -'' 'Liyrao oil GnAsstjorpmi'.-'^A t' irm . Bt CB^ing i\\ IJevQrJy, Qiuadn. iin-i <3is- joYcrou a now method of -Beting rid ol bis graaaliopncrs.' Ho Itcofia fl(t™'l P<R S - and duiinp t\iQ 1-...._,...„ Unowicl.gaj V nthought that tlin bbtK o( tl» young mea weffl t1oihi!6<l tQ t)o BO mil oh r esjie(i a grct (^ itQuon iu H nipora. h litter ave\ till tha nj) twthiLBi) „. two of (ho summer's httcr over..., pifirtBprlhg lo teiteu.tbe younfi tyood. Tiast sniaincr for Bovon •wcekn hia pigs fiyad ou tiio graBahonpcrs, and aatno oat fat nud ready for fait feeding on groin. youg awffl t1oih!6l tQ t)o BO mil o or esur<jie(i aq grcut (^ it^Quonoo iu Hi future al.lbnt Dago bmnh desert.ol Tho writer, ntter reatiiyr \tc\a\ tli. fntiguo9 of htsjourn.oyfltjro^fh,o Sierras loft tljo Qmali 1»rb(iicia, to wor^ qnt tin imUt blom that bad bnb d iui,rmrUmt , problom that bad bren tliemto WaahoD, and returned to Doiraio Oobnty-lo" 1 ^ork on' their f ixeitamunl veryb( it aud fai tiguo ol tlio past dnys aim;).—I' \an\pUei. op that euoh woaltb lay in thoir •"Vm a" recently published Acting In Ilciul t'urncsf, Tbe littloold tboairoin Albany, N.Y., .13 btou niado Ibo' scene qfm&ny curi ua theatrical atories. On ono occaeioii, Mr. Edwiu Porrcst, then a young man, nd more Samous for his EIW&IO thnP lila coniuB. guvo a trenieadons <liaplny of really powerful noting, lio wns aup- osml to reprflfl»nt n Ronsnn wnrrior, ind to. bo ntUokod by nit immonn of n luteatcil tymtit. . At the rehearsal, Mr. Forrest found n great deal ot limit witb io eupes who eoodcaoonded to play tbo jininns. They wcro too tamo. They didn't lay liold ol him. Tboy wouldn't go inas if it wero n real flglit. Mr. Forrest atormed nu il thrcntenctl; tbo nes sqlifed ami consulted, At length tb'ocaptain fha tmvV 9 'H inircd, in b,iq lopat slnug-*,'* Vor wnut tfa t o V « bully.flfflit, ottr 1( 1 da," replied Mr. Forrest. . All right,!' rejoined tlio captniu,.aud iQ tola tuictly prooaedod. 'In tb'o ovoiJing, tbo tittle tL._.,_ ,,. crowded, anil Mr. Forrest wan enthuu ast'tally received. Yjhoa tho fighting 1 ceno oeeiirrodi tbo great traaacliqu. tqak Ibo cpQtro of Ibofltagfl,p,ndtt\dsix niln Ipn^ aoWred rapidly «qt| (Je|i!oyod i kirmishing qrdor, At tno ouo, "Solz i,ira |" oqp minion, ivsaumod a. pugilistic ittHndc, (*ud fitrualtn Woff straiglit /rota bo riliouldor upon the nose af tbo Roman lero; another raised bim- 'about, aij uojics from tlio stage byn wolNilIfCOtoiI kick, and ttto otliera made rondy to rush iu fur a decisive tqvsQl. Tor a moment. Jf tft tj tdd hi b d sive tqvQl. T momnt, fltooj aatoadad, his broad itb ohost buiiviog witb rngo, bis „... liko QaBliiug flrOi bis sturdy legs pbu__^ ike columtiq upon tho stngo. ' '£hon mne tbo -fow tnomonts of ppworful ictitg, nfc \\o wO.' of vbi^.otio. sujid V(\3 9Qon BtiakltiR bcadforojno,s^ it\ the lass-drum ia Ujo, arche^tn^ fou.r von rre'caj-roDii, an^ one, fludiug uioiaaK in hoflies,'ru.9h,ed.'out nuoq tlio roof of lh,o tHofttrG n\\(\, e\\a,u,t<M\ *• J?ir*i |" at tbo ton of Ilia vo'oaj wlule Sir, Forrest, (K\Uod, bofoio: tho curtain, bowed bii linnka pnntlngly totiio applauding uu [ionoo, who lootcoil upon tho wholouffiti as part of tlio piece, nnd "lutd. wya Beou Forrest act BO spleiulUUlV 1 A H Vo llbslor., mborg oorrospondent des P Ell th A Homborg oorrospondent desenliOL poop at Pannio Elnalor, the ouco famous d who baa now scttlnd '\\ftvvn \v Wl Eai Panni , who b i ld ancer, who b n s tbat quaint old Obrmiut Wli r . Easie m'iglit pass forflwumna o,t wlddlo ago, ibU H<\ lmibt' to I\or ui-t inOi^Ol anUs, H\ (lmib,t' t t \ ^ iftliomviigiwoi time, nn KIIOU nosy in h r sixty-Bovonlli yeji|\ HOD oyca aw bright, filld •!"* '\ t'PW ( *f GWJ is vialblo ii) \]W \y\\f, fllio wmilil ordinarily bo allcrt liandaomo, nail sho HIIOWS idninl inongli that she lins no idea of bein boiiebt old. In bor palmy Oaya Bb vna tlio most boatilHuli obaiiuing, gmcc fill, voluptuous, mnrvellous being thai lintl evor whirled in gauze akirta bofori tbo flashing footlights. All Uqriii\ ^yonl wild over her. Sbo was pron^anuoocl' choreographic, vo\cln,Uun. Sho w iivor^i\V.V."WQCl(i\n\otl n pirouetting d viuitVt At Ihooloaa ot liar remarkubli careerrottho siago, nearly fifteen, years 'aai\filiopurchased a villa in tliSflub^rb o?Eomborg,'nud sbo still oBwpics i Hhc is reputed to h,a iiflincupefy ik-h Her property. t\ppoa» . to bo widely His- tribiUod* tf"° own ? vineyarja on Uli Bliitio, wlioat fields inSpnlUavii Husai mil stocks in Qornnuy, bank sliarcs r [ JioHftiid, and olivo oharvl« in Itiuljr- Ifcr namo U ltnowu t tha elderly ami midillo-nfliwj, nud be face and figuro 'nrv familiar lilqo. Bt the yoitnaop part of tbp presont flenora tinn Unowlittie of MOID. Elsslev. tib( Itvos very'quietlyl#liaying ftivj frjund^, most of Ibo old onw Iwvo. died, nnd a baatuot replaoajl tbora with now. .S bWtbn topi\tntion of hiving; been' vc gou.Dron.!> inher- relatives, um\ nl doil imicb good iuher dcoliuing yrard witl out tbo toast ostonlalioii.. U'tioyMcnt flsbing. i3Ho lookofl l uidlynt him find said: "t wish t isli would Wtont yonrliook. II I ww flsh I itoul'l, , • • fill bo dUtrlbutod train . thn pipe iritcnetisc rosorvoirs with rciuwig istublisliiuouts adjacent. O.f uourao tUo vliolo railroad uyutcm willopposo it, fo? is taking from tltcm a tmBlo from tha sry until to of wliieh fhero cuuttlba uu pmpatition, but tbo advautages lo the II producers, who will Jiavo tlio autiw Jturol, will ha imiuouso, nuil the nd- rantnpe3 which will accnio from nut-h. raoilHiC3 totin's important Itruticli of our riio feasibility of thin tnitovprko, HO far tdo pasanj,'o of tbo oil (Iin aoiicei'iiDil, haa boon fully ' tbo preaout flystoni in operation in bo Oil Regions, wlicro tlio aggrcgato oiigth of tlifi lnpoB ouuveyitg tbo oil row tbo HQVornl wclln to tho i iy two Imuih-ed and fifty Aud ton liltlo eyi'S wtrt wut with tear. 1 *, Inch worn niopptxl tip with dampened .udkerchk-ra. 'JliV-ro tbi-y riocd, luiit tiling, mi Coinjy Inland bi'uuli, «liiv;i ig in tln;ir litllo whit« dressca, aftt jiiiignuL of fbn mirf. In vniti di \Y utrniti tliL'ir eyea for a vobti^uof tlie I'witrk bojit, ^*ut wlie Jiad dop^rLod more nm au hour buloro. Ac^rcl^ps inini to lunii they hud iijtpciiied, glanced at Inn Utah and tolil lliciil tbesy bad plenty of uiL 1 , nnd NOthey rcninitiod in the water. n old lady, wlio might have been thi mdinotliur of ono o( theae girla, wit ito bcKide luTHilf with grief nud ex- tomont, Hliivbiiil puruhnsed escuj !i;utn ror nil tlmli'tlo ones, und d m> money- JIoauwhilQ ibc children (blind aa it tliifir lipurts would Ijreal, id tlmchilly wii breezes mnde (Iii;i white ili'ossc* nnd ribbons elinj ligbtly io Ilicir Jitlic sbivcj-jjij t. The ladins oschiiincd, "Poor littlo iw/jH,'" iiiid gai\icrwg upiJicir slijrls iinper«d across tho Bunds to Ihe New >rk bout. Tho men woro too much eu- ffcil witb.btiw di'iiiliJHg 1 nn(] biilltiitg jmy liiueli licoil to tlifi- lout bubt!B, in [iHiiud.i, und their di.itrc.ss incteuHuJ i Iho jiioun.'j)itt IVOJVJ on. Pfi.'Ni'ijtJy g-heartcd Henator Miko Kortou notic- Ibo cmwd and lioatcucd to it. •WJint Js tbo uiiittL-r, L-hildmi ?" auul Iiisfuntly ton littlo red eyes were rc- uved fiojfl hnudhfTchwia und glauceJ iward IUJ tlioy cseluitnod iu uniaou : ''Oh ! Hir, wb'ro from Newark, and "Sever mind, my littlo denrs ; Btoji iryiug, and I'll *(JO that yoii allgetMifc* Brushing aaido tho tears tbat stiu-tud ' bis eses, the Senator took two of them tho hand mid led tlio wayTor tlio lii- floflk, tbo old Indy, still much cxeil- „ briugingup tbo rear witb the In neb rsJcet. Oa the doelc, Norton met his rtticr. Murray, to whom the situation ,n explained. To ijirect tbo Captain tlie Eliza Haueoek to (alee (lid pavty New York frdo of charge nnd tlmn -- lliem ou a Newark train wua tbo if bnta moment.' TJIL-U tlia gou- oua Mun-iiy slipped a five dollnr noto ito tbo old lady's hand, anil told her to iy the n.ilrontl [arm witli tliat. Witli Mtcful thnnltH for tlolivoranco from bat they thought would bo n night an - watttatiil, tholitlla ones sonniiicreJ board. "I'liut was n Uintlly net ou your part, >}%" remarked 'i'lio firpn s i '*Hiiarm%v." "Oh, tbat'a nothing. Huoh eases as it occur hero throe OL- four limes a ale," replied tlio Boniitor. Aiid "tho LITOW" walked on board, minting how lily the rough and ruypod cdgc3 of to (iro tabcii off.—iV. " "' lie United Sf iito.i nno (,'iiminnn Uai I lunso hi 18:1(1. In the course of a debato iu tlio Hmiat n May, 1890, on tbo JPoitMcutian bill, r, C^uibrolins, of Now York, speaking if tbe prevailing bloated, condition- ot iffuira, tleclatotl tliat " tbo whole nation vas nonr ono common gambling-lioiiBO." 'ho noxf day '• Mr. Piekens, of Bouth' Unt-olina, mountod tbo rostrum, nnd in a ipopch of great ability, abounding in ailuBionB nnil." odoious" (lom- pnriimiiB, alluded to Mr. Camltf^HnR's remarka, unit inquired "wl\QW(nleit so?" Tlien ho cliarRKj tbo Administration with ,IIQ rcanohsibility of all tbo ilia witb ivlricl. tiio country woa nfQictcd. " Syco- phauoy nnd sorviJity," Jio snid, "linvo tnkon tbo placo alt tlialioroio and manly virlueH. Tho rocks, together witb •)^scptioh\tila,have porahoii Ibomaclvci ,u tbo high pliico.i of tho land, and we n't bcro bouontb, surrounded' daily with hole filth ami corruption. Office-bold- ^a (now bocorno tniaorablo dnpondonts) id odco-seekers infest every turn m;0 imer; and let it bo "known tbat tiny inn has influence, fram, bis being tha d uf• thuao wl\Q bavo pa,tronogo to ife?, nttil Iio is overwhelmed witli Ibo iviug mv\ cringing of .thoso slaves nnd ic^gats. Crowds of miscrablo, hungry loiiigserccfand crawl in tho (Jarkuoss of aid night through tUe bidden rcccsaos ud glvomy tw^nuos tl\nt lend u,p to the cvf royal {ufar. iflicao creatures, y [\xo iu deapotiam, aro country and,becoming aoro Icwtiiaopio than tlio crooning lice or shitty frog3 ot Bgypt ever woro in tbo days ot "God's iudgmouts, Tins, sir, in tho reform witb which wa'ata blessed." farthor oa bo declares thnt " tbis is tbe eign of Cmsur," andnlthongU be knows if no dim wttli " tha flno taianta and nc- luirotaonU of Mark Antony," ho.thinks "we bavo many with ]iis privito lirolli- gooy aud nbaudonetl principlea. For Lopidua he points to \i. M. Johnson, of Kentucky ; for Octayius f^>. JIartiu Van "uront tlio Vico-Preaiileut arid " ohoacu ivorite ot li.im. wb© boa tmraplwl- upon i,o liVprtiea'oI hia cdu.utrjV' This, itmuat'lvJitdmittodj yroa tathor toiig l^uetiflgo for' a man who was octod. to Qongroas 09 a Btipporter of io n<I ministr.Uion. But tlioso South nroliainna always wero n queer people, itld ready ta boil ovor at n moment's iotioe ns tbny did nt King's MountoJo md Ninety-Six and tbo Eutivws, For -heroia'in South Oarolinn yet, "foral hat's come nnd. cone," a great deal p ho fiery old. bJapi^ of Tournno and TJC ?eni\oo, that iu tbe daya of tlie Fronde, qiiiler tha groPt Coudo ond tho bravo Coligny, wa^ed such nu internecine war Against tho Church and Crown. Add to beso a fair proportion of the descend- intaof tlio qld Sootoli Covehintws and a BnrioWing of Highkndtra 'in Uwbill country, in say nuUiing of tho Anaio easily jjorooivo what mi oxplcwivo mixture id niiiilnood, Tho nitro-glyccrino-tlma oyolvcd gonewted old MoiUtro, Samtor, \inrioQ nud Cnmplicll, Hngan tbo resouoi jf Lafajetle, Wade Hampton, Wigfiili, ind tho rest. Aa a peoplo they ba«o boon [nil ot intellect, fu'l ol oultnre', nnd full ' fight—all premonitory symplona ol jBamty. When a stranger in Golumbi during tho war inquired of Mr. Pelti(jriK tbo wayto tbo Innnlia nsylum, bo" di rooted him to Uio Stalo Hoiuo wboro the " gialaturo wiu iuBossiou, with, there _..rk: "They avo all ns mud as March bnres tlioro, every' devil ol thorn."— WasJiingtan Sunday Jlcralil, A MEXICAN HIDER—A yonug*Moxicai liorsebreaker nametl Leon, who bud boci iu England ahont a month, undertook to ride ono bundred miles, infivocon- Bcciitivo houra at tbe Aloxandria park, nnd succeeded inaccomplish iug Uio fo.il in tbri'o iiiimitos and seven seconds les tliau tho stipulated time. Thn condi tions wore tbut Hhould riilo the mci ou tbo ten borsoa which lie bud brou^h over from Mexico willi him, nnd wlncl wore uot many uioulhs sineo wild on tbi Mexican prairies, Some of ihpm, lioi over, woro not yet Bufllciplitly docile ft bim fo tinpt to Hibni, and lie was co Bcquontly coaipollcil to use only sevt horses, nnd an ono ot ihose full Inn before lmnoonmpliMunl linlf tho (liatam tho number wns then rpiljiceJ to si Leon oleclod lo ride on tbo gmvobtro 1 ting track of tbe park itihlfiid "I oil Ui gmsa of llio vaop-t-'oiirso, uud us tliu Itittc was very bard bo.iio doiibt esorcisod wise discrotion, Iluis a well built mat ratlin- tinder Ibo nvorngo -Tieiglit* ui wciglia Homctliing under-ten tradoni bull Ktonet **"•'. Tin; I'liHwi (irtl "Ob, dear, oh. ilcar, w b, bow ttbiill wo get bii Ad t littl wu Jo? An rKiil (Joulnn, pa tha atroot kuoivn as Broadway, nt >rt ltiobmoud, Htaton Island, », Y., ?l'n ia 3 oo ii ted tboaboJo of an uuivoi 1 - I genius, by name Harlow G, Buel, Io ia awittchnmUer by tratlo, but wbilo runniing this culling, fills up his sparo iino with ntlontions tonumerous other liittcra. Ou hit, iirriwl in A'ort Midi- ond a dozun yenra ago or tnoro be pur- mbed n lot andjjluued iipoii tbo rear ot a small fiamo dwelling, in. wuich bo wided for n while and carried on bia isinoa 1 .. Near tbo front of-, tbo lot bo iijil ootumouocd tbo erection of a, fnato- il and substantial dwelling of concrete, intituling Inrga und uiry rooms. Pny tor day, ns time served liitn, bo cariiod liiont mid sbclb nud broken iitonea un- thc wullb were Hiitliciontly high for a ivo-story ami attic, house. Uin.ii thoso ia:plucca JI. Elcniiah roof-and oupala.' 'lieu 1 he completed tbo (loom nud woiifl- •orlt of tbo bouse, inclndijig n quaintly arveil Bianlel-i>ieco- in tuo, parlor.- and ila-itercd.. thj walls nml frescoed them, nd ornamented (tbc ceiling ot tho parlor itb pictures of tiowore. Ho then con- trncted.ialltbo furnitura, that of the mrlor being of solid walnut nnd tbu ibairs upbolstoml in groon run El iart was douo witb bit* own IIRUIIR.. Mr. Buel is ahvajn busy end is skillful liko repuiriug the most dolicuto Gou- so watch, adjusting tho most complex loekwork, imttlng in order tlio tinest Iry, tbo most costly plate, the euri- „ music box, or pntiontl;,' propaiing ic multitudes of.pieces of iron .and -fls wliiobgo to tho per/cot making lip u Btenia engiuo, which ho uses fot; many purposes, now cutting np kind* 1 ling wood, sow turning upon bis Intbo iBCful articles o£ wood or uintnl, or tnnk- ugt bis oiroular saw do good aorvico. udeed Iio aoems, with theao notv aids to jia Industry, tohiivo bad bis hands great- multiplied and toda all hia work well, io ongino itsolf, orery part of which raa made and fitted together by liim ,-ithout nny assiutauoo whatever, com- IICB uncommon clcBiaoQ and iloiali itb Btrongtb anddurability. It is of vo-boi-HQ jiowor. It is well worth nee- ig as nn evidence of want nmat: of raiua uudindustry can do in tbo sparo loments which most mou would waste. 'Mr. Bool's abilitifls in so mnay differ- tnt directiona coirimond him not onlyto ,1)0 rbsidouts of tho village of PorWBiob- nond,.witli whom ha is ^deservedly.pojj lor, bat bis osai^tanM is sougbt by per ions from avcrv part of Statca Island md OVOR from New Jersey. Uuoil Cheer* Tho pleasures of tbe table do not nlono insist in eating and drinking ; for thero tcibalittlo ploasuro ia pnrtakinpoJ n lolitary dinner, no,matter how riofi aud rariod may bo tbo ilishog, Tba anobor to, witli his broivii bread and 1 clip o] •ater, doubtless enjoys liis ropast quite muob as- ilocs tbo gourmsinil scatocl jnc nnd BluBltis himself with tiirHo cnison nnd wines; but neither of thea IOW tlio plcasarca ol ,lbo tubla. More .anlialftlio enjoyment ot aFeast do- leuils upon tbe company that flurrouud io table. , TlioEr tastes sbould, in a jgrco,' bo somewhat similar. There hould ho a spirit .of harmony, existing imnng them, and oacb/sbouldstrive to dd to tlio general entertainment. Vfc lave knowntin othorwiso uncoptiouiliic entertainment, correct in all its appoint: inouts, spoiloii ^by..the cittblicdncss ono'niilii—n iiiun, ton; 'nbop'rided 'hi olf on his kuoXvIodga of gastronomy and lis skiii ia coolfeiy. So could caacneX aivory di»bai; but bo did not know tb.nl [jood btiraor in tlio. guests'was essential io Uioeujoyinotit of n good dianor. L'bnre ia much truth in Ibo Bible snyin Better is a dinner of horu3 where \o\ is, ilian a filullcd ox nud lmtrctl tlicti witli." . • Thcra avo' oilier j-easoift, besido tin .ck ot conninnionslii|J, agninst Jiiiiti alone, w1iicir«hoitld not bn ovorlookci Tbeodoro Uookunderstootl this wlion Uc buinoroiiBly objected ta so doing', siyiag, •' When ona dines alono, tbo,battle dooi eotno round so fnst." Another wit, French uinii, looked at tlio matter, tioi ever, in a uifforent light. '" Mon Siott, ic exclaimed to a. fnend," folding lit muds complacently over his atomncli ' ua hnve just had a magniQcent turUi t wibt an perl), atuffed to the uoali ~n' vuRles; fu tho Pope's npso?with cheat- nuts, Icii'lor ns a capon, doiicita as an si or, fat tia an ortolan, and arontnati n. thniab. CielJ weleft nothing of it ..U'linnua !' "And whowere wo?" iu- qnircd tho friend. " Mysolf nnd the other," bo replied w'ith'iv complacent suidu. "Tbo other T" interrogatively aslieil tbo [tatoiiisbctl licarcr. " Oh, precisely ; tlioro vas mvaclf, and there ns^—tho turliM." : •• - That tliia Prcucbinnu rcgardptl llio tnrliey a triflo otlicrv.iso than diil (bo Now Englundcr ot wiioin wu liavu hoard, is apparent. "Sif/'^^d onr Yiiukee triendi to.a Kcw "i'nrUcr iirtio lintlu letter of iutmtlnetiou to him, " I nm sorry tliat I cannot nsk «oa todino witli mo ; but I amanacnQlorVnnil listva only-n gooao for dinner, nod though n poofiois nu ugly bird,'it is too nm:h fur'one, mid not ffnmigU for twu," SIMiiitr Itult as a AVfst IVinlcr, The B.iUirnnre Gazette's remarkable jry thnt SitfiiiK Uull wua formerly u ili:t at West l'uiilt ap])L'ars to bo eon- riocd by the littlo narrative. When .iltiiij,' Hull first entered ihe aeudeuiy bu ,nl long; filiag/o p Itnir nnd patches of ' on hi4 fact?. Home of tbo cadets p a juh on Sittiuj; Bull to tlm ef- _. . Ouo oftbem naked him sternly by tie liud uot bud hia linir cut and his „ .-liftvr.n iincordiiis toregulation, ttti miid lie did not knoiv of thu regulation. o Was tlici'ciijujii ordered to go to tlie ,rber rfiop and be fjliourud. Ho was rccted toHie ronni of AnibrasRBam- ido nml Harry Heth, who have since no well known to fume, Heth was may btnipping a razor, and Surnaide ad u tov«l oil for nu apron, bitting tall was informed tliat Ihis was tbo bur- ner shop, and bo was promptly seated l tlia opuniting nlmir. Ouo fiulo of tTin liuid waa closely crop- nd iiDd oiiu m\o at Hit? (ucu tih a von, lieu llio (Iriiin beat. Bisou, or Bitting ill, was informed Ihattbcy werooblig- to cpiit work when tbo drum bent, and o Wi.u seiit forth. Of conrso bo was 3on halted by thoguard. "Who aro ?" naked tho(rnnrd, "Vm micwoa- !*.." "Why nro yougoing about in at rniulitiun V" "Tbo batliur told tuu jcouJdn'tshiivonrtfrSoVlock." "Wlmt irber?" "In fhutrooni, tliero/'point- igto.tho abode of (be wicked cudute. Ob, if- waa thow, VUH it ? Come with fTIin oflicor of tlic puaril outers aud ft nun flu; nmtitour bar bers nti 11 in CLwliinio. 1 "3Jr. liuTUsiilc, did you Jmlf IHV3 tliix pmict V" »y™, nir." "Well, IIHII your work, Kir," wborcupon Sit- \i)ff Jinll eat ilowi}- urn] flt'H. AmbroHc I. UuniBide shaved him. When* Tiny CUIIII) Vrutit. Of tlifi 6(>Veiltt:UU riL-rtidC-UlM (<f UlO [nitod StutcM, . from Wimhingtoii to \raat, Tirfi-jui.'t had five—WuabhtRtoti, iToiaon, Mudison, Monroe and 'i'ylw-, id was cilied the "Mother of J'reai- iiifs;" MitBsaahueettH had two—Joliti dama and John Qiiincy Adams ; Now ork huil two—Vau JJureu nndPillinore; tinsylratiifi Iiml oueBuchanan ; How .injtahiro had ono—ricrco : Ohio had no—HaiTieou ; Toniicsiico hail two— ckaouftticl J'oik ; hanhiawi hud aceiylor [ Illinois hnil two—Lincoln aud 3mut. Of tbeso eovoutocn Presidents, tight wero from free Btatcs bud uiue iin alavo States, XbolV'BJduiitBOlPCt- for two forms woro Washington, Jef- non, Madison, ATouroc, Jaaksou, Liu- la aud Grant. Tlio Presidents wbn ' led tu uflico wero Harriaou, Taylorand ioln. Tho Vico-Prostdeiits who !>u- imo I'rcBidcnts wero Tyler, Pillinoro Very llmd to rtcntic* ' •Xhoro is n gentbmnn iu this city who liis acquired tlio hnbit of going to u. fruit laud, nml after pricing tlin melons, etc. ,nd tnting up about fivo cents' worth of icanuts, objocts to tho prico, nnd docs ot buy. ;Xestordtiy the fruit mnu made - bis mind toeoll liim Bomcthing, nuy- ' Howmuch aro tlieso melons ?" in- nircd tbo peanut IICIMI. "Fivo ecut.a apiece." "din 1 nick anymelon ?" "Tnko tho biggest you eau find." "Lot mo pluu 'cut to lludn ripe 6no V" "Horo'a o kuifo ; split 'era .Title open." "Don't you throw in a bnnan V" "Always."* "WhowJ If I bud any wiiy to get tbo leloii homo I beliove I'd iuvest." "Just my tho word, aud, I'll send you oth homo in a- hnclc, ana givo you 00 pB to pnyfor tlio IUOIOU." 'Melons tiro going lobo choapor after rbilo, hut if tUa uliroino Buita I'll tnko lie melon. Ko colio in ii, -in tlmfo ? iDt mo see the cliromo.' • , • • •WlmteUromn?" ''Why you ought tobe ablo to throw a chromo, if you iuoun tmsiuess. I. Iways get a chromo for a cash trausao- IDII lilto Ibnt. Horrv.cin't trade." And picked up a liandfid of pennutflftud nutcrcil out.—S'nii Antonio-Herald. OP A DRAMATIO Tnim.—A lmssar ia itting on the summit of u hill ovet- Doklug agarrison town.- HiVfaorso is ticketed near by; hois Eiuoklngleisure- f,' nad, from timo to time, glancing :om an cuphnmh tn a hig oQicial on- ilopo bo has iu lifc baud. A comrade issod, and Bi^ys; ' \ -. " Whul areyoa doing tlier* ?" -" I am bearing the King's, pardon (or inr friend FUcbinann, yrho is to bc.flhot '.bin morajiig," " Well thou, hurry alo»g withit." "Not much. 8oo, there is hardly a ml oa (Iio csp!anii<Jo, aud tlio ill ing ilatoon has upt beou formed. .Xou Id not bavo Huroly wou] IVO mo rob joy nji* tsaraiiaa at nil drnnmt'm affect I" A BAHY Esii'Eiioit.—TUo liltlo Etnptr- , ' ir of Cliina in ahout tocommence his 3ducfttion—according to repovfc. Ho IB ly six years old. Tim 14th of May viuf choaca as tlio [iropitious day for him o. begin bis Fj-stcmatic ntudica, tbo ltrologints baving nscDrlaincd'tbU im- ortaiit point. Hig littlo Majesty will study iu what is called tbo 'Jbu-King Room' of tlio imperial palaco. ' Hong- foug-Hoet nnil Ria-Toaug-Sah'tan will Lj(3 hia tutors. lie. will Icrvrn tbo Want- :lioo and Mongol languages -and litera- tures at* the satno timo, with riding, aroliory, swimming, plowing and other* ' bodily exorcises, Ayonng companion . ill bo appointed to receive all the flog 1 -' ings inenrrcd by thft imperial boy—an rrangement which would btiit many .nothor school-boy. A PROTECTOR OF THE- SIOKOS Tina- -lins.—Vico-Conau! Jago, iu his report an tho trado of Hyriti in 1875, states thnt bbo crop of sponges was very deficient, . ia conscqncnco of (he nppetirotico ot a soa monster, alleged to bo equal ioaizo' to n small boat, Tu tho nuigLliorhood of ,. ~ " nt Lnbnuoa, 'the chief !._..„ o locality. The aottmlin- jury done seems to buv» Tjeon conflnod to ouotTiau, but n3 ho was "swallowed whale," according to tho testimony of liia fellow-worker, there waa euoh o fright among the divers that many at them censed operations, nml tho dofl- ctency in lUo quantity of sponger ob- tained rau prices up, . . PCTUITIED TLlAnocuxY Titua.—Tho Eurcim (Nov.) &niii*eHeUs of a pottifled mahogany tree, nbout ten iuolies in diamctor, which' wus iliscoveVcd in tho Hamburg'mine, thirty-seven feet from tbo stirfncs. It wan found iu tbo oro vein, ami in portioua of tbo pclriBcation pieces of ore woro firmly nubwWoil in Iho wood, wbilo tlio outivo troo was thieUly iiicni&tcd with carboiiato ore, evidence beyond question that tho vein matter liiul fnrniLtl from "below instead ijf from tho eurfact 1 , aa ia held by many ot our geological sharps. . + a-> _ How Sun MiKAOED Hist.—Vermont newspapera toll of a Burlington .womnu who, when her husband cJnio bomo' driinlt. waited tiil ho went to slt-eit, then took bis only puir of pauta from him and made them over into a pair for thnir twclvc-vciir old lioy,*-worl;ii!g nearly nil night to fiuiMi' tliera.' Tlic hnaband invoke nbunt themiddle of tho foiuuoon, rendy to cnt brcnkfuRt anil start otit for nnothwr drinl:, but TTIIO'U ltistfit-ahWHS wrapped innu old shirt, nnd had prom- ised to join tho reformed mon's ulii:?. Tun BEST WOMAS.—The best.womnu i nil tbo world ia tho ono who host pro- .,jrve3 her goodness, purify and dignity. Such women, who look more tu tbo niloniiiioiit of tho mind and to bettering tbe condition of humanity thtVu to folr lowing tLo fripperies of faflbioUj will ba tho ijneims in tunhotter world, ooforo wlumi ninny a solfish being nowin lUia life will reverentially bow. Tliis is tlio season wliun'ji initii lu*a . ilown nniler nn apple treo m the orchard, .natnlh binisclfit is liioVthiifc m a t e s

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Page 1: RA C.OOOPEE,ami poWrOssei a controlling )Hiwer oytr tbo crvuus syBltui. Tim romarhsMo cures cttcolca by VEorrm, inve liiflato d milnyiilijiithiiisanil Hpotliccarlra ciioio no knuw




jiBNJ. II. VOGT.EIJI roil AKI> rtioniE'ron.

ti on M°'™ Slr6"'naor BUclnnTiaiJis uv sunscniPTion

IsvAiiiAn" i!» AuriOTK.


I Liverpool and Queenstown,111 lliu Wluvrlllf? StOftlliall.p llHUM !

Afl, W H I T E STAK,

N A T I O N A L ,

I |i,tf 14 uii Kuglnnil anil Iloyft! Tlanli of In

"LISDSLEV A BON, Afioutn,lllicliivoll Struct, DUVL'I, N.





Counsellor at LawAND


JTT. VREELAMD!Cni'iicntcr and. Ifiiildcr,Jobbing promptly attended to.

i p%S10 . \ H O U S E .

Currier uf Ulaekwdl anil HiiVBOX Bt«.

DOVER N. J.||.B.JOLLEY, Proprietor.

fluwoa aud Carriage* 16 L*ct. . . m j . w. coi


Counsellor at Law,AKD MASTER IN OITANOEBr,

I O.iico In Hie Nalloual Onion Dunk Balldhiff

2iAcrv.iiuBr., DOVER, JT. J.



UdtwellantlSuHKDxBlfl. .

DOVEli, N. J.it, 187X , 1-1 yrn A o Btpnn



0OVE11, IV. J,Hk-0 nn Booood floor of Ibo Hallonal Onionk DilildiDR. • . - . • 21-ir

?•.—.~ :> ». - . . . .: . ... .

} C. MAGIE, Jr.,

.-'•'•: jlTTOBNEt' AT LAW, .IVElt 111 6 )VN\S DHUG STOHI'

Oor. Biapkwell.aid Sussex Sfs,50-Oin. ; D . J S v E R K <T. '.lyrOSES. ELANOHAPP,1 T J - . ATTqilSEVATI.AW,

C K. OIL1UX,t , * Oatieral


SIONER-pP DEEDS, •All onlorfl Bromplly BtUniJo.1 to; ..

I'.UL'KWlxi StntET, Dover, N. J .


Carriages and Sleiglis,

C™. lllacliwon ui,l nnrgoa Hb, DOVKIt; H. J .

PirLlouiar at^auttoD pal'1 to rciiairlpH: andUlnllUB, • " • • • • TUj>


and Armlywa of all iioBtflptbns of

CAllEirULLV MIDI .Mil uMiftrgoii vlll bo fnrr.laluHicm application.

L . c.jiiEmvmTO,

Allen Palmer & Son,

DOVES, If. 1,

prgfljpttyalteS. J. CALMIilt, Architect.

Repaired and Tunedwmplly. tn nny p,»rt of Munrla Oinnty.. A0-r.B< • .•'.' . , w. s . w i u a n i ,


l^l l l iu D. SMITH,






DOVEB, N.J- ,Tlio phre IJSS boon unllnl* riaittod lu a iioal

toannLT. Tlia Tory best branfla o r ' " .

Foreign tuidbofhb'sticiSegarsALWAYS ON BAjjO. » ° "


TA11ERNAQLE nUjh, D0VEI1, N. J .


anaexccute^.BDit tnatGrlatfurulaliei).

PLANSand SPEOmOATIOraralabod, and contrMta taken fttpall trot*.Tjiobc»rraroronc'oB pircn an.to capacity '!

•o»ery branch' of tlio EnaineBB, and all.wss(Tij(i»a: ' •• • .-• • • VDOVBIWII.

:&. Beemer; "•'| tKAL ESTATE AUENT,

Ijlnck?iia8t.,iieiir SUMCI, DOTOT, N.

Far Oiiiirip.ioni'orProperlr andp

it. AT


Cor, BlackwclU Warren St$.,(Ojiposita Dover Banl:,)

DOVE]t,N.aT.,Bt'aata of Women 111] ClilUiri-n, nml ot the


Surveys, levels and Gradesadc for Puttie and Viivv.it Xiniirovcminilit.


y ' DOVEn, H-J..

J. M. IJASSETT,Civi) Engineer anri Surveycr,

R O C K A W A V , N . .».



]JKIKII;S Bxiiun1, TJtiVEH, K. J . "

Onlii-tt loft lit M. H. Jliciicrsuti'ri storu. u r a t

lay itMoiioo wlli reivivv i>ri>ii>pt JJUI'DUODSewtid-liBiiil KwilrHif nil (km:H|)tU>i]i IKII


0. B. GAGE,USTICE OF THE PEACE,OMt-c on Ulucktvell Street,

DOVER, N. J.Collection attainted to vritli dili^xncc.AIHO, Agent far tbu btUt Lifo and l'lro Innnr-nee Jtini[>[iiitt!B. U-ly.


OF 3101(1118 COUXTV,

ffii'o over OEO. WCHAltDS & CO.'H 3X0 HE,


.... .it J. II. UK .WN'M flniB itnrn, conic. ...Wncktvitll mill Hniai-x Bis., mid Vwiftht .UCIll-

>, now uoim'i" ilmg sloro, Dover, N. J .


mid 1UWDCKCH omiuKilu tl.0,,


.i* niojiiTLv Aifusutw •m UAr'tor. xtaur.

4j-a.ii n . . ^

MRS. A. BEEMEBIB UOW rai,1.Y witb nil Ibc new Btjlca fur

SPRING of 1876.Fashionable Millinery

AM) •

Fancy Goods.HIE

Latest Styles & Newest DesignsEAHLTf OlTOBtTE NATIONAIi, ilSIOH HANK

lMtllrOlNa, DOVmi, N. L

wBRADBURY PIANOSMITH AMERICAN" ORGAN.•rices very l«w. Call nt D. A, pEItBYB «lo»

iHVUwoll 81., Dovw, K. J. 4!Mf

Jfflco over A. WlffliinuValoM' n'"1 ' ' " •low.WtehlAo'«'«ton> flwil tin *loillfrjckwiJllntrcut,

RA C.OOOPEE,Mason and Builder.

. OontracU tafcon for all Hilda of Mason. WorkiaJobbings- -

:. fcutnliiiod at uliort notlca. • ' 'Jfltpo under "Tlio Iron Brii Oluse," ''Donj,

S. R . 0 S M W .Dentist,

MOKRISTOtVN, N. J., •oloProprietorfor Horrip CountjofFoUoi.

Gold F i l l i n g a Spec i a l l y .iqtlidNHroua CJlifla Gnu, 40, Ac, 4a* ^

IMP. . • •

Grandin"House. '*-,100 YARB8 PnOMD. L. *W. DEPOT

T. P. Git AN DIN, Prop'r.

LtTcasanabla cliarsos.

W. 8. b E. F . BeC'AMP,


lor Iron Ora and Ifinoral f rojort

?OWEIlVi; tX.E, .N. | J .P. 0. ntBOqSTWi.N-'J.






nESTAUnANT 'ftr lailra m«l genUowra, HACKWELL BlEOVElt, N. J-i bolHcan Bnp»o» ami MnrrlB 8tB.

A.l'lXB HILL1AB11 H005Iatudlu.1, «»li two elcuoiit tMiliB. sl-lf

THE mm


BrrnlnRcncrnlliverynlierc 1

mcillriiicH aWn:

tuc m.,].!,• wi



hiirniiic ttie wen

un eminent 11!


[|| 4i. T


tiia l l




ir tivtMilyrenrs.lit mint MAl'i:,•Di i',i'i'H:it;,n l'yoreJiist nlmtiff lime, moncv,lirenrrliuion of

c. CTuilRm-.'tloi _1. CnunltH, Coldf, jiconcuKin, . . . . . ^

0. H c n t l a r l i c s , Wet jriwlaclw, Vwdgo, . te10. ItyNprpNln, Kliloiifi tstnnmch, . . . . 13

1 i wlHtC^/too'Pn.fiifio'pMlmSii. ."'.' '. ', £5f/f, i:vttup. CaUfil'i VISlcnit Drfsiulng, , , S314. Nn l t l l l lC l l l l l , r.fynl|iclos, Kru|ilkinn. . i»13, K l m u i u i t l M i i , flthriimutiel'nlni, . . S5in. F e v e r n m l A m i r , Clilll t tvi-r, A y u ^ , . ro17, J ' l l m . Wni or hhciiUig, COj a U p l n i i n l i i i F , nml Borofir V n n t t B j c a , . CO

s i . Ciencrnl IK-Mlity, i ' M c n l WcaLiieM, • 5»S3, I l r o n ^ y nnd scanty hKrettotif TOSIL H i - a - H l C h n w i t , B f c U n c f B r r o m r W f n s , , CO

ST. IClilney-ni«p'>**. Gmvcl, ro!W. N c r v n t u U c U l l H y , Vital Wtiotiaea, 1 0030, Hora lHot i t l i , Canker, ta

Bl iarnni[PcRt ttUeantotffl KnllriHey.81, IHvhfttrr1t85 U l C i

. Bpnmni kl.Vltim Du1t*,i't<*ralctlsore llrniaimjEnlloiiitniiaiirwii

TheNe rcmedlcn oro »Mit My tlio ct«lnfflfl I»ox « r vJnl, io any *""!?,".']

Ictv Voi

Tlio inrgCHt ami mort coiuplctu ntoclc of Mllll-icry and i-'nncy tlnoda to bo rouurt In Dover

Bonnets lints, Flowers, I'cntera. ltlbUous; Lmcc»—- rcnlu»il ijiiIlnlJoii"J\ti:lUi(B•' an'il UuivBt Colltirn. /

Lace ' nud I^incii- ,-Sets. Crapes, niouniiiig JJOHM

,J mirtUolIs; . ,

(ifgnonsySvyitches,Also, oyfty hrRo rnrictyo

vorvlijiuff o fUy tbo'moiit com

of-UiulKJitmaterial fliitlnindo«ppntcm nBalBtanta. , - '^



VFOLTINE U iiifltiu ticlufllvuly from llio Juicesf larcfiUly-tclceted Uarki. roolu an-1 Iiorbr,

ludnoBtroimlycoaeiiiilrateti, lliatitwillafiocl-usHj orodtuato from Llio eyBtcm evnry taint ofrJcrofuli, Hcrorulona IIumnr.l'umoiB, Oinoer,Onncoroim Humor, llryttlpolnn, Suit, Itlicum,

Htoniacli^nctiirdlBOftwn Hint arlno trom tin-nnru blood. tJclal.cn,lutlummutovy nodOliroulctiiatunDtlam, Ncumlem, QmH nud ti|>.nal Com-

|)[tiJn(rt, caw only ho cfacltialiy ciinU throughlio.bioud. ; - ' - . ' .

For Ulcotn anil Erupt ivo dlseinos of tbe BWu•USIIIIIIH; r imnlos , U1OIC)IOH, Itolls, T i t or ,

BoalJlinnd nnd 111ngworm, VBOBTIHK Imn neverfiilleij to ofluuL & p o r m m e n t eu ro . ' \ • : • '

For PRIDB in Hie " f t k , Kidney Complaint*,Dropsy, Fcmiio \Ydknens, Lcucottti(Bi,arte'n'Hfrouiintern*! ntcoraUan, nnd utorlnnUh-

. 1 fj M n ^ 1 FiAilliri.. XfuntaliWH rt H.HIUU .ruui III.VJtin. iiiwiuvux, »eases and General Debility,dlrootly upon the causes of tuusa-vLtit.jtiuiiiig.I l tnviRorntCB and ttlronctlionatliB wLoIo syn-torn, qcla upon tbo nccrcllva organs, altar a in-"ammntion, ctiros ulconvtfdn and rogulatoa ttio

TalDUation of tVio Uuait,Ik'oJociio,i'Jto»,r.i.T.oiiBiicB9 mitl Oenenil frustration of tlioJierrou* tJy*i(«oi, no cued lei no hat ever fiivca

1) nprleot Batisractlon n« tlie VEQETISE. I t.urmostbo'bloaa'blb'nnacflnll of tt,q orgPi.n,

ami poWrOssei a controlling )Hiwer oytr tbocrvuus syBltui.Tim romarhsMo cures cttcolca by VEorrm,

inve liiflatod milnyiilijiithiiisanil Hpotliccarlraciioio no knuw to proBuribo and Una it lu.tliciriwn rmnllluB. ' '

In fact, VsoEtiNE )B tlio bust rcmotly yet (lb-ovcrcd for tli<ialn>vc4i)uinfluii,an(. Is tlio onlytiaUJo ULOQV PW1IFJKII yd j]]apc|l Wl U i r 1 0 bWhat is VtBCTWE^— t fa n'poi*ipiiin(.. -

traotot} from barks, roofs nml litrpp, I t isKaturc'sltuCTcily. ItikqMrfoatiybaVmloiit'framaayha.il etfutt apnn tho eystcro, }tin nourish-r ind etrcnKlboniiiff. I t »otB directly H[ior

1I1IHK1,< I I imli'U tlio norvouu syuteni. >]a you fiuod, BWODI alcep nt nlrlit, It Uit panacea Tor our ngo J Mi\an and n'oUxrtsL KIVCB ticni ftronfjih, qulcta tljolr tiorvp*,

iprovcil Iiy many un nf cd person. It iu tUoKnul IIIWKI ruriflur, • It ia n Rootliins romodyrnrour cliildrun. -It* lias rclloTcd- a n d o a WlUongnndB. U iflTi-ry [diJOBaut-lu taku; ever.,cluM Hkes It. I* rofio«« owl enroi all flis-<nnca oriciimtlng from fmpuro blood. Try tlfEOEliKE." Qivo'lffalr trial for yam' cot.ilftlntu; I lion yoa flill.any to yonr' Irittai,iciclibor and nc<liwllit8iicc,l'lrvii; it ha.. ?<treu

VWIETIKV. fur rto.cpiupisiDtB f«r wliieii " '

o M J ^ U n S «"IuV» "fid"!, »nyCo "ife? OD?1 ,icine, Wiiy? yiconisi, will cv^pj Hn!«\'cora?



lioi'iindin^Ki WPlliil r-WWRlfeDover, N. J,, ntlfjiidcA to prmii.-Hy.



t or my SUD beingovereii" wit-ll nlnipUs ami eruptions, manyrlifoil cutititil aiJ pra&l,mm ttnii aaaoyaut

ui'dkiiuwlnii U to tio ft blood iliacaao, 1 loumany of tlia ndvurtlsud blood prciMirntloDn,

• - liloli waa any qnaiiul* ut Hanaiiatii-nliloftiiiitf aiiy-liauctlt uatll l.caahInu Utti VEdimKc, anil bcloro I hat'•1 tint flrit uottlo 1 daw tbat I had gomediciro. Coiimiqncntly,-! follow

t nntillUniltnlttn Wcifhr"1

jWniQcK'U a well man, >nuBitioolVi' nnd eiiliruly Una from ]>..«!...-<. » .craatloaa. ]lm«ijo»eroniiiyedBo/;iK)dbcalilliDf jrc, and UttriLntD it nlFloilio uso ol• VHI

nsK. To WntlU Uioso uqtclpa pit!! lUiO'

ns'i noiicJerru) wyw ?[ tfrluit. moot tli

""'ftili'iTOKEit. ra?. As!t nicii. 6. It, n.. - • i Ca H'lHlnnKfoa lit., UoKq

IS fiOT^ «V tiJih PHU001STSAS» newt. ORt^un iw

Hardvyare, Iron and Steel,NAILS, BUILDERS'. HAI.ipWABB,

C O R . WlHIUhOTU^ A t> H*9 RPUT.


'iVooilciiWarpniia- = -Hoiisekocplng Gooas.


Lime, Cement,,Plaster,. jmu' Dmt. sutMnr'VandiBti' of lime, and Ml-• ! - o i l i e r F s f W J * * * * 1 • • ' • • •

J A K E 8 I t . VOOIlllKKH.



[, PALS^Uf-90N,aronowpreparoilwftli oitn( fwOW* f* [

rotibtnfttmm pf rilyles ^ ^ K ' ^ ^ f ' ^

Bootniiicntly-liinllflcdtonrotlceo, ' -"

poroTio.'i'lli: II0MH1 MAN.

IV/io/s.hefwiicst man?i Hint doth Elllland BtroDRly Rood pirsiiQ,Ood, lilu Qfjifilibir aud uiiuuulf motet truu ;

Wiom neither fot en nor frowning canip.B, or wruntli froi.i giviiij; all their die.

Wlinmi Jiancgtv IB II'H1O[ML> or eauj ttinL a rnflliiij wnicln blow away, or plittoring lock it blind ;

Who riOuo hia purii aud own I tut,"Into tlio tvurtil lion- rldcn l-y, uuvr byj Uolilm

Wltu vrlicu firent Lrlilx conn;,H'ka I]or uliubB Ihcm, l*at dull) calm

ill hi! tha tiling and Ibo oiauijilo woicli;All buing broiiKbl into a mm, . (

'bat i>lacu ur puinoji calls fur, liu ilolli ['^J.

> mo In my tiling a frldt or ullgUt;irohovd nil tlilugrj Iio nlilinrH tJoirii;

Ilia worda, »ud norfiH, and faitUmiat..II "fa nicuo, and all arc cltnr and atr»lp;lit,

Wltu uovot multn or thntrj,t oloan tumptotiom I When tbo tiny !• danu' goodness BL-U not, but in (Urit csu mi l ;

This eua .ooffmrn inllcfli lnir<iIi6tlii;[rvirluo; virtu iunUimii.

TJie lUscoi'Rrjr of Hllvpr In Nerililn.The earliest ditoovcry of .silver iucviula wua rondo by two brothcis, Alleu

and Rosoa Grtmb, on wJifltiauow Jtnoivuth C t U f

ad Rosoa Grmb,us the ConibtooU

t o dlmowrj of R ycluiius nont* ."sugar -Loaf llonntuin in ElDorado Cvmly, Oalifoeim, wliiclj thsywnrkuit for flevtinil yc-iirK. with but in-different HnccciH, uliilo iu Kl DoradoOnimty they tsouiiiadeil If try KovadnTorritoiT, having licurdrciini-ti) that wcroi i U L i t h t old h d b ( d

A Toxnabeat wuigbK 23 ponntla. Theytu't toll UB liin tiitino.A Connecticut llirco-ycur-oUl cliuwt

jbutuo. Quito n Bfjirl.

E\|njusive flgbting—Ciin-.yitig on Iboidiim war till wo lmrcii't a roil.

Thero 1ms not boon trncli ti ye&r fornithinoe Adiiin nnd Kvu ntiiiiL tbiiir

EJc». •The yoiuitt rrldoD Imperial, Ni^oleon,

ii3 lii.i liuntlHorao niotlier'a \mi\d*, Jnutcuuf lits nnfortuuiito futfior'B crown.'

Tbu nuuiit thnt Ilia grajiabopiiors luidivadoil liio Nortlnvcst Ufrnin tn«)3 outi Iio it giim-whoppcr.

Olo Dull wjMits to'sou tho wan vimnld tbut *\|> ubnut inmsoIfnnJ liia uriolint truutintmt is in store for liim.

Mr. Joinings aavsyon cjii't wink inli hotel witlioiit paying far it.

s tipuwi t l i i t pnyiugiom you wiujj at.

Prnm nbtty'tt composition on lienH, inlie Boston Courier :—"I cut MY UiioloiVilHam's-bou's nfok off with a hatchet,mil it scared Iior lo denlli."

Tlio body-Hcmmls of Gwirtje Wash-

These youngi 1849 f

ygio Xo California in 1849, from

jiiijJfl (Hioir jjiiiivoStale,J Theywero sons of it UuiversiiHst clergymtin,were wull editcntud, uuJ bud aoino Imtiv?!-d of chomialry,- ."gt'ol",?/, aud i

itthiHltbo dlm

tii tin

wrj of

of ml venture, tUoy" "" Itiito iu tho

, eiinticd JjyThey local ."I

toiT, having licurdrciit t t wcrctiULion, thnt gold hud buen (ouud

ttulitt&t hy mitten in a ounyou-itiwy, find Unit the im>oioi)8bniii^ found iii ini'ii largo

i l ih

iu Diiti Ri-wit tiin that T u y , finctal was bniii^ found iii gtmioiniN Mmi the \i)i}Ot> hn\ iweiveil ihoMUM i>f Gold O:Uiyou.

TDK ])I1iiTllRII> OlioHITleft E l Dorndu Cminty in tbo S p r i n g of1854 f N l T i l b d d i

ft El Dorndu Cminy in1854 fur Noviuln Terriliiry,h f i d b t their

S p gbidding aIrionds ut

1854 fur Noviuln Terrilichi 3J-fui giiod-byo to thSugar Louf Muiiululu (nuwj «>f whomthoughti |,ho GI'OHII brollicm wetastnrt-iuy ou a wilil-goosQ chnse.) Tlio OroslisWiiro bupuful and and they would returnwill] something worth huving. • .

After encouutcring tho iie'rila and•i!inlH.ii[.H inuidont to a jmirnoy oc ruaHtbo Bicrni Novndna iu thuuo du.vflot no

i h U l > d l - VU H t letc., lliu.v IIII'WLHI ILL Quid Canyon, pvoa-peeled, nml commenced wurking u cluiintlioil). Tim gold that tbo,y (onoil con-tuinud Hucli it Inrgti pcrfljutapo of ailvorthat tlio ynwlj Imjn wore induood tobelieve tluil u voinjol u'.lvor oriatod Intlioiriieigliborhoodjiind ttioydeteitniuoilto proHpcci for it ; omisBqueutly all theirsjmi-e titmj waa (moot tnivcling oyur theuUjnceut bills, rillo hi Ijiid, on joying thosports of llio cufisawliilu looliiag for. tlieaujipoiicil Bilvor lode. Ouo day while inthe excitement of. bunting floor, Ihoypfelicil up lioriiQ rock au'n hiliutdo wliioli

UKB BlLVEIt WllE.They took bonrinBa of, and wuofully

innrkod (lin'spot wlioro tin's rock wiwfoiiDiJ, tbut tbeymiglit bo able lo vctiim

it, sboiild they deota U necessary.' oncarWydBOVCmJaiiL'ciinenstllnt

trusty nld v«lnt» »FP »ow beiimiiig toniipoar, .Tlio follow who couldn't got ft julep

HI tin? CoiitBuuiiil CUouuda, lm» muduip bin miod Ihut I'liiluilotiihiit la »ut lliotiopcr plftco tor tbo mint,

_ , . . . . .for nooUy und you will flail it•verywhere," weitea Lucy LtuvoJi), l)oon snppoBO, Lurcom, that tliia wovld is

lolbing but mwnsto-lJQsliot ? •

.Said Mr. Tunlcy, of D.mbury, feelingloftjy of hia nose, " I don't wntit to be:oo bupefnl or sniignino, but I beliovoI'ui going tu liuvo it boj},1' . .

Nnarly till tho iiont-ofllcos in Tesiw nro[oiifirgQat tcuialcs. I t works so voll

lint tbu rinilcH' DOW nitivo and dopaitivory lioiir in tbo day.

Tbo jutlgis iho other morning cislcing airiBoneFfllinrgtHl with ilmnkenoas wimtis intended to do, tfo replied, frankly,lint ,1)0 "wnsn't bio own boas tljiH morn-i g . " • l - " ; ' • •

ireat (Iran nt croquet P" says HiejvUp nitvidaii nt Roivport, "Voth,"

man'ora her polo gnllnut i "j''itii, oneo0 .ctBwIiilo, Jwit. it's ,n\rtiill$. dall.tittoLmatnnga, you knowl" ' .,*• •-. .iT _•'.••-.

A pnidcct Indy npnliod to n frco Bililoistnbiitor the other day for ft- lurgoil>y. Bbo enid it wns linntly to pressovers in, oml it rondo a uioa oi'uainotit,r tho oentre-tablo,

Doa of Uio qausos cif tbo linrtl times Is16 over-production .of uuolem oaoaiiro-ffl, Bovcutcoo liundrod of tliertlo&con-touts," of two I'ontisylmnia pmre nro

nbout to hold n "rontiton" in thatStato, •;£..,

SDIDD of Hia Honkido to.iortora complainjat tbey don't got onougli to oat, while

Uio landlords rotort, oa tiw ntborbnnd,tliat can't sot a Sclisoniao's tnblo for

ivon dollars a wcelt." 'Both .aro tight,)on^b, iu tlieir wnj*;

: - , - 'Ayoniig Indy wont *to JToia rccootly

md wishad bim to Inko her pietnro withLH cxproasion as if composing » poem.[t came out,with fliecxprosetou she hadhen the editor pilt tho poem in tbo

A South End man nccidentally stnm->lod and tell A lady, thinkinf

they picked up .on tbo tsttrfacct, to tboircaUip, to limits [i iBorb cavefiil exam inn-tiou of it. Tlicy cxliibileil tlioit apecl-m Una to tho miuors at Gold Uanyon, butuono SDcincd. cnpablo of ilccidiug wlmtthey were, (laying no monnn of nasftyincor feflthig |liia I'opfct Tboqgb oovtu'iu itWiw silver iiimrU. thny.oould unt lector,luinci vliotliiir it waa or not, Kcojtiugttuiirowuoimiiscl, tlio Qrosh bby« workeSon, but not meeting ".ill. eiiuli MJOOJHHnt gold niining us they Iitut oxtiDctod,UJD.V rctnmbil to Qnl^onitaiu the fullofl85D, ,nnd went to.work oa tlioir ownoluiins near Sugar Loaf 3fmiu_tajn,wliero-tho writer joined them aa u nilaitig pnrt-nor, working mij living with them.. While nt-SugtirXoflf Moiiutain. fu8G0-57, tlio Qi-osb' brothers uindo <-ep-

itutioia to soioo of thoir friends

Tbe Oroj>h brothers continued »rng*| An <>ll I'iim Three Iliiiidrcil 3IHi'.s Lime-,peeling for fiomo iDoiitlis, Smving iiml Tho Penusylvania Truusjiortationbuilt it riulo tompomry fm-nnoe to Hinolt Ooinpuny, of which Mr. Ilcnry Hurley iaoro ; they mndoauumberofteBtHof rock nrflHiilent haabccucbnrtercdby thcHtutc

' o f FcnuHvlvauia for the purpose of twiwirtiuo; oil £rom tlio oil togiens to 1li»•iiiL'ij)al Atlantic Reuhoiinl cities. Thonn proposed ia to run tlio oil throughfourincli pipo bid 0.1 tho«urfi:cd ; tin1

•rciujr jiower will bo uino bundledaundi tu tbo tirpmru inch ; tlicro uvo toi station!) ut distaucus of fifteen niilca,

t each of which nu engine of a huudredorno power will be erected lo w»rli u

to Cdiitiimo tbe fluw from paint toThe company having deoitlud

pon Ibo conatrnotion ot the work, iheTcsideut Houglit tbo .serviced of General

•nmii lluapt. He proiioimceiJ tlieJiuo. after u fiorougb exaniinntion, toentirely pruuticahlc, and ii now

.ctitjpaa tuigiBcwln-chiiil. In view ofho onormoua product, of iiil .iu thisunitry—thirty tlioiviaml burri'ta jioriy—and llio rank it now holds uintmftio_ kmliiif; artii-K'B of oxpoil, coupledith tho exm-liitant clinvgea for rnilroad

••arriago Srom tbo irdU to tbo senbonrd,ty the completion of Ibo nuterprino midl-i succesHful operation, a complete rov-utioa will bojiccompliaJjodin tbe lmijtl-ig of Uiis nrticiu. Afra proof ol bowilnablc thin tmflio ba» been tu tho HQVO-I nilkoada over, ivhieh tho oil JJU»3ea burno, it iu only uccessury U> Raynit u|> to tho prcaont timo tho rnilroadtiri'DH nggrcgato seveuty-uino miHiousdollaw. The minimum cost of truiis-

jrting oil by rail is fifly oonts pnr b:ir-(1, nml tho luioiuiuui cost by tbo JIJ'I>O

•rueuss ia hiitiiou tuuta. Tbo averujjo:liaigo by mil is ono dullur uiul a<iuur-

Tho estimated vital ot 'bo putiru•\i, incliKliiig fixtures, utc., is one nud

(pmitor tnilliiin doliiti's, and eonsitler-sjilio liiSemntui iiir.thi hoiweeu Himithoil und that b,v r.iil, upon tho hy-Ihesifl that tbo com)iuuy will di«oomitleast tweuty-flvo wills n bjintil on rail:es. it will readily bo KHOII tbut witb

II the exponsea of opomtitig, Ibc firstest'fl caruluxs will pay tha first cost ofiio work. Tlfe X'unusyhuuia conipnuyi tho parent coninany, but thoru in alsoIO Biiltlmoro TrnuBpurlntiou Company,jarterod by tho fltnto uf Maryland, andsine live other companies aro expecting

uuite. Tha Brat objective |>eiinl «rruiiiuiitvill bo B.iitimuio, tia boing tbo

naHt feasible and direct route fur tholipoa. Fullmring irliteb «IJH?1" termini'ill bo established, in I'liiliulbluhi, New'oik, etc. Tliopipca boiutf laid un thetli'/uoa sot} tlioro bolus tu* ohstaalo inno way of foroing tho oil to any height,

110 lino will literally I>o nu air linn, andIQ distance from thu Oil Itcgious tanltimoro ia tlireo huiidrcil uiilus, Tlie111 """ ' ""

from bun no tU tbu mirfoco of tho ground,nil of which wero promising, und gtivehopes of futuru MICCCSH.

While tbcii- work was nrogieaaiug fav-orably mid giving much encouragementlo continue their labors, an accidentoccurred lo tho ynntiger Grouli tlint canta pull over th« forhuio* of tha youuRi'iitenirisP, iii«d callod awny ono of itslouuclom to journey to "tbut bourne fromwhence no traveler returns,"

TUB ?AXB OP TUP FIttoT BBOTHEH,While engaged nt hia UBUUI work,

(.•a GroBli struck the point of a picktliiuugl] las foot, watting n very

mintiil wound,whiclievontiially Juflauied,nd timrtiflod. Youug Groah died sborllytor in great agony, and wua buried hyio miiiora nt Quid Canyon. Tliia yon up

' Id in great cncein, nnd hadimnv warm frluniiu among: tho minors.n IDCS liin body IVHS rebmied with uou-idciable ceremony, tbe Hon. fifthuyler!o]fux (then Spcitker of tho Uniteditatea iloii^e of Itoprescntativca andItenrurd Vioo-l'reaMeut of the Uuiled

doliveriiiff tiji ouloyy over the;r»vo of Ibe young pionoor of tbe Bilverninoa of Waxhoo.

Tlio trflRio mid uiiUjDi'Iy ond ol bialoloved brotlier f.nd fnithfiil coinpauiono operated ou AUeu Qiosh that fin hail0 Jongei1 tho spirit and eiiergy to romtii»1 tliat end eiiot ant) eoutiuu^ bis work/(ittjiugup hia affairs iirNovadn, aud

Ibe iutcrest3 of Ibo Eutorprispbiupuny in tbubuuda of mi auuut (Mr,Joiimtocli, whoHo unino tbo lodo now>ears), Allen oud a inom] mndo prepar-lioua to orosa tho moiiutaiiir!. Thovintci biu'i net in. tbo rttinw bad fallen in

iy pjjcfaoi) tho mouutaiuB, IJjosea-oi carrying muila irregularly by par-on ttnoiv-tslioes was n t hitua, and

-ju Qtonlikuow the trip wasporiluiwmd fequircd koine risk, but be was pou*leased ol great uonrjgo, anil hud confl-Jplico in hia know^algo of iho routo liemd ti-avelou BO oftou uiul his ability touraomitiiny diDlatilty that might nriso,(id wua not to bs delejTCd trow ma! 'lis jouruoy,

TUB SEOQfOJ BB0THEB BDCOtJUBi.While in tho mouutulua, Oroali

iscompauiou wut*t> overtaken by a severetorui, tlio snow falliiig to a greut depth,

Pliey ioflt tlicir way, and wnndered troiaho road, sulTeriDg for several days allio jmnga ofcoid, fatigue and huiig-*i',3tng compelled to ttirotv away their

iflos nnd ftmnuiuitjicn in order ta keepiu (louditiou la travol. After luitlurgolnf

'dsJijjta, they finally reached i_ oaliin, andliore, rcoeiviiig tb<

iKsinUii!Oo of Bomo miners, Buceocdodlazily in reaoliing fi pkee onlled L»s('ii.uoo, coinplotoly cxbauuteil witbiguo and huugor, nnduuahlo to tnivol

'mtliar. Tie mlaera trwted tinJ kindly, nud did'everything .

_ alleviate, thoir pains • but Mr. Grosb'soot wero very badly /rozoo, nnd "

WHS ullver oro find that it exiuloil iularge quantities In! tlio 'UQiglibnirhnoil,aud at thoeamo tjuio expresned theirintention, to thorongUy inasjioqt t||ecountry uHSobi) na fJ|oy, <vovp nblo,

A private ooai|)Oiiy of mindr*, consist'ng ot Allan Qrosh.S HOBOH Groshi Wui,Drow, Qcorgo Brown, John Holao, Pratilt

t t , Jolm Butjor, Jasoplt Hoa»e*,lt f .Him. narrative, was

U E 1BS7

totiio, J l mtlio'wrltor

uul^od in iatreiiKtb.ofj tLGro'sii brotliiii'ii,


jiaorato withiha mhhap, olisprv'oiViho regretted liiauuluoky/nna-jjas. < lIlidn't burt my foro-iiattH,1' ho • roplied;

Toll s "Aw.now.MiaaSibvliwl yoii jatsji.made mo think; UP, of tho6'wcr, avt'— don'tyou'knowtliooIilBtory,Jtw, that old story—aw—'bout someuadyIn a lower looking for somebody—aw—j-ou lemember, don't yoii V' '•,.-?&? •'~

Tbe newest collar IB cullod tbo'Safety." I- \aBo flnujetl from tho factjut jt^s])igli .onauglii far.'u ny>n. whoCars one to crawl up bchioil, \i »od liid.0* n bin trjfs stopa }n at Uio nfflno to

T U B P T Vlolcnutol hs tbo Qifoslr brotbox-B, nr\Hlovfllop tlio ininea, if tlie pros^oot proveditisfnotary,". - | *',Immediatoly afUr tbo formntlou of this

impRtiy vpbioli waa olirUteHod tbo "En-terpriao," tbe Qroali brotliew atartod forNevada Torritory, to taku up the land onwbioh tboy had, found tlio quartz rookud bring back a tew specimens fur tlio

company. On arriving at Gold Canyonthe Qrbsh 'brothers took, up a claim iu(he name of tao XaUtcrpme Oomimuy.but tho season being far advancou, midthey not doairing to spond tt)Q wintoc iu,"Novadft, ttiay oolltotod a low 'spooimonsof tl|o quartz from tbe "surface amireturned to tlio camp near Sugar LoafMountain in El Doraclo.

"When the specimens collected WOIQ^reseated to tlie Enterpriao Company,»ut few gf tho barJy minors composing[be camphny dreamed or thought, ashey lpokcd nt tl^o rook, of tho grout

vrealtU'tlmt lay lieiieaiti the surfftpe a(ihe earth fwl}dro,ih,ftt enino rook wwauiid'j'nqr liwi .tlwy'.any 'icloa of theivoalth tlmfc tbelr "EuUrpriso" waa aboutto Rive il|o world, and that tbey-werooa«li' inirtionuirori at tbo timo ; of tlioliuuilretlaor men thoir nenly.discoveredmlnc3 wouiil oaipluy, or tho great iuflu •uco it wonld ia a low years eiorciso onb d t i f tb P i f i Sleuco it wonld ia a low y r s eio

tbo destiny of tbo Puoific Slopo,"On applying tbo proner aiB

quartz, \\ y/t& fo^ui) vQ

t p }n t Ui ffliqniro flliotllOt liu mailed 1iuihluLtt

; "Wbtro'a 'the tmr?'L aftltod n ffirty*looking straugnr of tbo IioIIboy' of A ho-tol tlio other d(iy, **VT1iat - kind of nbar?"-asked Ibo luttor, ''Wby, n so-loot) liar, of oaursc i wlmt d.6 you «u|i-IDSO I mean?". "Well," dmwlod tbo»ny, " I didn't know but you mightbar ol. Eoaii t"'".,: -'_ , '_•'. ; : '-!

A Uhicopco mun hnd ft cnt which boeared no Joiigor to posscai.; S ° M°kthe-aniwal; iuto ^bo gardoti. atrt|qlilino timoa on tbe bond with a hniumenil,-'ai it still) nioyo^Iio qoxo.il (ts on


WUslpWta «d lbaq bnritiait,morning tliat - watked sarancly Wb k f t . ^ l l i n ^ : W forget tdo pNfo'-, Wbiit ranil'o jo'uqnlttbeEast?'•anjaniii Nevada'to" a iiow-opmer,'

i t bl l i t lanjanii Nepit into trouble lnftH't\iitfvia\Him

" I

i o o p ,rrjiiiB two, wlvus,' 'Well,"'enid tbe

I itn f t H . \ i t f \ , -..Well,fatbor; " Ica ino ont bocaaso I got iutotrouble by marrying only one wife,'VAnd I," said n'b.vBmndor,-" qauio 1|OPC

?BauBo.rffot n\U> trmibjo blst.pjj lw-ufil) I jirojpi^etl (o ri'y|Duii:V>.' - -,

A lovo"flcorio'o'i»rtbo baaks'of tlie Cliat-^jboocheo, its deseribpd by tlio St. LotiiTimes: "TlieyncroaitUllgtuHplUBrUktwo ol}oi]y ^nyca, hestanugviincityontjf'' uo tjtpnfiiicx!,. flti(J: Bho;• reflluig herven criiijiis on bia benyipg ti\|rt\iltjcv

cx!, flti(J Bho; r e l

o n b ia b e n y i p g ti\|

tnf\ 1ySu'1JIW 'nwftj

, rrnwu g pn, rrnwa lit at do BHHIU' eim—djic'awbar we'll po, GawRQ.' 'G-uvgOHlips moved not, neitber did Iio n(t?r IWSTTord, but tbu wbito Vi{ \\U byo<* |t>iio:ituut'Par wlmr we'll RO.1"

Oconslonully barbera get hold of a potiquality of;.bay-miri, anil wlieh mioh isiiplied to thotaoobt a mini jimtalmvodt atsartfl liko fire far a, (ow monients.

CiisoorttjU^iiiilopiiiure^ iii n.niiuf nmhar])pr «li[}fis. tbp otlipr day. 'Wli

JfallS Wiaiy from llio olmir riloff JJJJJ burning cheeks with botl

" you inny al.iu ino—that's tillt I'll b tll l ^ 1 x 1 i[

e, won the

f l

t>U^E 1BS7 on thereaeiituHojiB pf tlw

ne otijscl ol the com-

if cold nud hunger wero too' much foei fa gnuf-Jadoa spirit, Ha vtas buried byho miuors at Luat Chance,

His compamoo In Buffering Buved bLife by havlnj; a It'g nmputateJ.The brothers Groah wore yqnug mon

loweBsoil of flue Bocial qualities, plena-ng muuucrs, anil a faculty ot ninMUR;mnu frionds wb.oroyor Uiey went, Thereive many peoploliving in Novadit ttviia romomber Allen ami HOSGHQI .{n\ givo honor to them for tboir groat-uau of ml ml uud honrl, ns wall OM lot

tlio part they, took hi developing ibomineral resources mid giving nu impetusto tlio growlli and, wealth of tlio SilverStale. Littlo, indeed, did these young[outlemcn think tbat tlie venture of theiuttiqiriHO Cumpuuy would, io loss thni);weii(y years, -beoomo of suoli 'gpent im-soi'tauco to ttio ponim^rcinl wurld. as it

^ toqqni) \<x pc . , . , ._„.|Qrt^a Qf silver, \yli to. gi\'O noiqe lione-i,II .-.(i 8qujj niiostiouB

. _,. .. loito,? I s tlioro_ . , „ . . to multo it pay ? - These qncstionacould only bo answered-by hard labor

pqqtgpw a largoc

s |'pun w%i l t l

could o l y oand some coniiiinrnbio c

d i d d tbut tt l iOompnny decided to cohtjnUQ tlioir xo-

Bearcbm, and c\\n \\\a now. oonntry atl[oroHfjl| prospcotiug boilenth HID mir-noeinuitsutlBfy tVeuiaelvea as to whether

silver 'existed as tbey believed, or not.A MOI1K BYMTEUATI0 EPP0RT.

Enrly in the following spriqg [1838'tbo Orosh brother.'!, aoaocqnanieuVbj tlio;writer, loftH Dnrndo comity top auotharwritei. loftEl D r n d o c i t y poorney upfow th« Btnrrn NBVIHI

\ y b "Tli j i l i (riYlot)'

p a u rVIHIU'HJ \\\\r\t)' OR fpot,l t

>yuHboe. "Thq , . . ,aking bat.nna' pack nnimnl tft carry

bnlerVq b,o ablo *(p .jrosa Uiotni.na burlier in tl,ft'fiw\aoti UwnftH«l gn.ii, timo to.work thoir olnim, Ihoyworo e(Hiipno(i witb a copy of Kignoltswork on ininenilogi, nndoarriod. a bas-ket coiitninhiR ol

l hiinG.il toata and matc-

' bottles, haflocu vury carefully packed in th,Oj bAskotHio •basket wiia'cwitjfl, "qn tho iirm at

h i t i ; t 'ich s]nn in luirii i^H was too preciousi riek to' the nnoortrilu mcrciod of the

riiy or nliim-molt nniuml, whn'mtglit nlAti, or 'by 6c«itlen(y *;liicl . . . . .

tlioiisanil nhapL'3, dci>rivo tko |mrty pithu mo of thoso ossmti'il t bcii icaU iutbo bji3k,c& ' Mo. lqiiila w o in b ail eo\\-dltloh", iii 5omo pbiceaalmoskitoirtcV-"-Rnnvv tn tba depth af ei^l|t i\i\d (oilBtiJ) remninliM'QJi plftficn m l\\Q l(^rcjitjviv** \¥na TiCpc*aaiy far flio pritiim nuii- tliiuaportation of,that basket,wliloh n)mo3t ruled tbo Oestin,v of a Stale,

Tbo sociiil exoollcDcoa of (Uo Qroabi many warm friendsio took cm

tight—but I'll buI'm ffoinfflo*o^ it fltto^n!

^1x1 i[ubbed

fow 1 you Hear nib I"

J'll Q^iHiu VoUoy, who took ounsiderabliulerost, in tboli* work. Tbo people o!

Onrsou Vulley' saw' and acknowletlgoilthat umoj advnutn^es woqld, aouriiotheir JOUUB tcrritftW U silver wjia C-coyevqiVunH inipoa ^o^lapofl iaqt| mun;lfero (Im iB^mrjosproifMl g>n the tmvale;tliriuiRti tlio-\'niro/j«Bflrding tho progre:"Wloliy tbo tcllvor miners. . / •


Nevada \viis, in 1558, 'nuUu^ butBago brusl\ desott, cnanioly populatud,flat] ljl!t '\\fllu vlBiteiI;;j/>ilvDr was'disCAVornl, ana in qoantitiea to bo uitc^aS1

fully n;orlioil, tlie < - —'»|jei} and iiopr'"1-''

'Liyrao oil GnAsstjorpmi'.-'^A t'irm.Bt

CB^ing i\\ IJevQrJy, Qiuadn. iin-i <3is-joYcrou a now method of -Beting rid olbis graaaliopncrs.' Ho Itcofia fl(t™'l P<RS-and duiinp t\iQ 1-...._,...„

Unowic l .ga jV n thought that tlin b b t K o( tl»young mea weffl t1oihi!6<l tQ t)o BO mil oh

r esj ie( i a g r c t (^ itQuon iu H

nipora. hlitter ave\ till tha

nj) twthiLBi) „.two of (ho summer's httcr over...,pifirtBprlhg lo teiteu.tbe younfi tyood.Tiast sniaincr for Bovon •wcekn hia pigsfiyad ou tiio graBahonpcrs, and aatno oatfat nud ready for fait feeding on groin.

youg a wffl t1oih!6l tQ t)o BO mil oor esur<jie(i aq grcut (^ it Quonoo iu Hifuture al.lbnt Dago bmnh desert.ol

Tho writer, ntter reatiiyr \tc\a\ tli.fntiguo9 of htsjourn.oyfltjro^fh,o Sierrasloft tljo Qmali 1»rb(iicia, to wor^ qnt tini m U t blom that bad b n b

diui,rmrUmt , problom that bad brentliemto WaahoD, and returned toDoiraio Oobnty-lo"1 ^ork on' their f

ixeitamunlvery b(

it aud faitiguo ol tlio past dnys


op that euoh woaltb lay in thoir•"Vm a" recently published

Acting In Ilciul t'urncsf,Tbe littloold tboairoin Albany, N.Y.,

.13 btou niado Ibo' scene qfm&ny curiua theatrical atories. On ono occaeioii,

Mr. Edwiu Porrcst, then a young man,nd more Samous for his EIW&IO thnP

lila coniuB. guvo a trenieadons <liaplny ofreally powerful noting, lio wns aup-

osml to reprflfl»nt n Ronsnn wnrrior,ind to. bo ntUokod by nit immonn of nluteatcil tymtit. . At the rehearsal, Mr.Forrest found n great deal ot limit witbio eupes who eoodcaoonded to play tbo

jininns. They wcro too tamo. Theydidn't lay liold ol him. Tboy wouldn'tgo in as if it wero n real flglit. Mr.Forrest atormed nu il thrcntenctl; tbo

nes sqlifed ami consulted,At length tb'o captain o£ fha tmvV9 'H

inircd, in b,iq lopat slnug-*,'* Vor wnuttfa t o V « bully.flfflit, ottr

1( 1 da," replied Mr. Forrest. .All right,!' rejoined tlio captniu,.aud

iQ tola tuictly prooaedod.'In tb'o ovoiJing, tbo tittle tL._.,_ ,,.

crowded, anil Mr. Forrest wan enthuuast'tally received. Yjhoa tho fighting1

ceno oeeiirrodi tbo great traaacliqu. tqakIbo cpQtro of Ibo fltagfl, p,nd tt\d six nilnIpn^ aoWred rapidly «qt| (Je|i!oyod ikirmishing qrdor, At tno ouo, "Solzi,ira |" oqp minion, ivsaumod a. pugilisticittHndc, (*ud fitrualtn Woff straiglit /rotabo riliouldor upon the nose af tbo Romanlero; another raised bim- 'about, aijuojics from tlio stage by n wolNilIfCOtoiIkick, and ttto otliera made rondy to rushiu fur a decisive tqvsQl. Tor a moment.Jf tft t j t d d hi b dsive tqvQl. T momnt,

fltooj aatoadad, his broaditbohost buiiviog witb rngo, bis „...

liko QaBliiug flrOi bis sturdy legs pbu__^ike columtiq upon tho stngo. ' '£honmne tbo -fow tnomonts of ppworfulictitg, nfc \\o wO.' of vbi^.ot io. sujidV(\3 9Qon BtiakltiR bcadforojno,s^ it\ thelass-drum ia Ujo, arche^tn^ fou.r von

rre'caj-roDii, an^ one, fludiug uioiaaK inho flies,'ru.9h,ed.' out nuoq tlio roof oflh,o tHofttrG n\\(\, e\\a,u,t<M\ *• J?ir*i |" at tboton of Ilia vo'oaj wlule Sir, Forrest,(K\Uod, bofoio: tho curtain, bowed biilinnka pnntlngly to tiio applauding uu[ionoo, who lootcoil upon tho wholouffiti

as part of tlio piece, nnd "lutd. wyaBeou Forrest act BO spleiulUUlV1

A HV o llbslor.,

mborg oorrospondent desP E l l th

A Homborg oorrospondent desenliOLpoop at Pannio Elnalor, the ouco famousd who baa now scttlnd '\\ftvvn \v

Wl E a i

Panni, who b

i ldancer, who b n s

tbat quaint old Obrmiut Wlir. Easiem'iglit pass for fl wumna o,t wlddlo ago,i b U H<\ lmibt' to I\or ui-t i n O i ^ O lanUs, H\ (lmib,t't t \ ^

iftliomviigiwoi time, nn KIIO U nosy inh r sixty-Bovonlli yeji|\ HOD oyca awbright, filld •!"* '\ t'PW (*f GWJ is vialbloii) \]W \y\\f, fllio wmilil ordinarily boallcrt liandaomo, nail sho HIIOWS idninlinongli that she lins no idea of beinboiiebt old. In bor palmy Oaya Bbvna tlio most boatilHuli obaiiuing, gmccfill, voluptuous, mnrvellous being thailintl evor whirled in gauze akirta boforitbo flashing footlights. All Uqriii\ yonlwild over her. Sbo was pron^anuoocl'choreographic, • vo\cln,Uun. Sho w

iivor i\V.V."WQCl(i\n\otl n pirouetting dviuitVt At Iho oloaa o t liar remarkublicareer rot tho siago, nearly fifteen, years'aai\ filio purchased a villa in tliSflub^rbo?Eomborg,'nud sbo still oBwpics iHhc is reputed to h,a iiflincupefy ik-hHer property. t\ppoa» . to bo widely His-tribiUod* tf"° o w n ? vineyarja on UliBliitio, wlioat fields in SpnlUavii Husaimil stocks in Qornnuy, bank sliarcsr [ JioHftiid, and olivo

oharvl« in Itiuljr- Ifcr namo U ltnowu ttha elderly ami midillo-nfliwj, nud beface and figuro 'nrv familiar lilqo. Btthe yoitnaop part of tbp presont flenoratinn Unowlittie of MOID. Elsslev. tib(Itvos very'quietlyl#liaying ftivj frjund^,most of Ibo old onw Iwvo. died, nnd abaatuot replaoajl tbora with now. .SbWtbn topi\tntion of hiving; been' vcgou.Dron.!> in her- relatives, um\ nl doilimicb good iu her dcoliuing yrard witlout tbo toast ostonlalioii..

U'tioyMcnt flsbing. i3Ho lookofl luidlynt him find said: " t wish t

isli would Wtont yonrliook. II I wwflsh I itoul'l, , • •

fill bo dUtrlbutod train . thn pipeiritcnetisc rosorvoirs with rciuwig

istublisliiuouts adjacent. O.f uourao tUovliolo railroad uyutcm willopposo it, fo?• is taking from tltcm a tmBlo from thasry until to of wliieh fhero cuuttlba uupmpatition, but tbo advautages lo theII producers, who will Jiavo tlio autiwJturol, will ha imiuouso, nuil the nd-

rantnpe3 which will accnio from nut-h.raoilHiC3 to tin's important Itruticli of our

riio feasibility of thin tnitovprko, HO fartdo pasanj,'o of tbo oil (Iinaoiicei'iiDil, haa boon fully' tbo preaout flystoni in operation in

bo Oil Regions, wlicro tlio aggrcgatooiigth of tlifi lnpoB ouuveyitg tbo oilrow tbo HQVornl wclln to tho i

iy two Imuih-ed and fifty

Aud ton liltlo eyi'S wtrt wut with tear.1*,Inch worn niopptxl tip with dampened.udkerchk-ra. 'JliV-ro tbi-y riocd, luiittiling, mi Coinjy Inland bi'uuli, «liiv;i

ig in tln;ir litllo whit« dressca, afttjiiiignuL of fbn mirf. In vniti di\Y utrniti tliL'ir eyea for a vobti^uof tlie

I'witrk bojit, ^*ut wlie Jiad dop^rLod morenm au hour buloro. A c^rcl^ps inini tolunii they hud iijtpciiied, glanced at InnUtah and tolil lliciil tbesy bad plenty ofuiL1, nnd NO they rcninitiod in the water.n old lady, wlio might have been thimdinotliur of ono o( theae girla, witito bcKide luTHilf with grief nud ex-

tomont, Hliivbiiil puruhnsed escuj!i;utn ror nil tlm li'tlo ones, undd m> money- JIoauwhilQ ibc children

(blind aa it tliifir lipurts would Ijreal,id tlm chilly wii breezes mnde (Iii;i

white ili'ossc* nnd ribbons elinjligbtly io Ilicir Jitlic sbivcj-jjijt.

The ladins oschiiincd, "Poor littloiw/jH,'" iiiid gai\icrwg up iJicir slijrlsiinper«d across tho Bunds to Ihe New>rk bout. Tho men woro too much eu-ffcil witb.btiw di'iiiliJHg1 nn(] biilltiitgjmy liiueli licoil to tlifi- lout bubt!B, in[iHiiud.i, und their di.itrc.ss incteuHuJ

i Iho jiioun.'j)itt IVOJVJ on. Pfi.'Ni'ijtJyg-heartcd Henator Miko Kortou notic-Ibo cmwd and lioatcucd to it.•WJint Js tbo uiiittL-r, L-hildmi ?" auul

Iiisfuntly ton littlo red eyes were rc-uved fiojfl hnudhfTchwia und glauceJiward IUJ tlioy cseluitnod iu uniaou :''Oh ! Hir, wb'ro from Newark, and

"Sever mind, my littlo denrs ; Btojiiryiug, and I'll *(JO that yoii allgetMifc*

Brushing aaido tho tears tbat stiu-tud' bis eses, the Senator took two of them

tho hand mid led tlio way Tor tlio lii-floflk, tbo old Indy, still much cxeil-

„ briugingup tbo rear witb the In nebrsJcet. Oa the doelc, Norton met hisrtticr. Murray, to whom the situation,n explained. To ijirect tbo Captaintlie Eliza Haueoek to (alee (lid pavtyNew York frdo of charge nnd tlmn- - lliem ou a Newark train wua tbo

if bnta moment.' TJIL-U tlia gou-oua Mun-iiy slipped a five dollnr notoito tbo old lady's hand, anil told her toiy the n.ilrontl [arm witli tliat. WitliMtcful thnnltH for tlolivoranco frombat they thought would bo n night an- watttatiil, tholitlla ones sonniiicreJ


"I'liut was n Uintlly net ou your part,>}% " remarked 'i'lio firpn s i '*Hiiarm%v.""Oh, tbat'a nothing. Huoh eases asit occur hero throe OL- four limes aale," replied tlio Boniitor. Aiid "thoLITOW" walked on board, minting howlily the rough and ruypod cdgc3 of

to (iro tabcii off.—iV. " "'

lie United Sf iito.i nno (,'iiminnn UaiI lun so hi 18:1(1.

• In the course of a debato iu tlio Hmiatn May, 1890, on tbo JPoitMcutian bill,

r, C^uibrolins, of Now York, speakingif tbe prevailing bloated, condition- otiffuira, tleclatotl tliat " tbo whole nationvas nonr ono common gambling-lioiiBO."'ho noxf day '• Mr. Piekens, of Bouth'

Unt-olina, mountod tbo rostrum, nnd in aipopch of great ability, abounding in

ailuBionB nnil." odoious" (lom-pnriimiiB, alluded to Mr. Camltf^HnR'sremarka, unit inquired "wl\QW(nleit so?"Tlien ho cliarRKj tbo Administration with,IIQ rcanohsibility of all tbo ilia witbivlricl. tiio country woa nfQictcd. " Syco-phauoy nnd sorviJity," Jio snid, "linvotnkon tbo placo o£ alt tlialioroio andmanly virlueH. Tho rocks, together witb•)^scptioh\tila,have porahoii Ibomaclvci,u tbo high pliico.i of tho land, and wen't bcro bouontb, surrounded' daily withhole filth ami corruption. Office-bold-a (now bocorno tniaorablo dnpondonts)id odco-seekers infest every turn m;0imer; and let it bo "known tbat tinyinn has influence, fram, bis being tha

d uf• thuao wl\Q bavo pa,tronogo toife?, nttil Iio is overwhelmed witli Iboiviug mv\ cringing of .thoso slaves nnd

ic^gats. Crowds of miscrablo, hungryloiiigserccfand crawl in tho (Jarkuoss ofaid night through tUe bidden rcccsaosud glvomy tw^nuos tl\nt lend u,p to the

cvf royal {ufar. iflicao creatures,y [\xo iu deapotiam, arocountry and,becoming

aoro Icwtiiaopio than tlio crooning lice orshitty frog3 ot Bgypt ever woro in tbodays ot "God's iudgmouts, Tins, sir, intho reform witb which wa'ata blessed."farthor oa bo declares thnt " tbis is tbeeign of Cmsur," and nlthongU be knowsif no dim wttli " tha flno taianta and nc-luirotaonU of Mark Antony," ho .thinks"we bavo many with ]iis privito lirolli-gooy aud nbaudonetl principlea. ForLopidua he points to \i. M. Johnson, ofKentucky ; for Octayius f>. JIartiu Van"uront tlio Vico-Preaiileut arid " ohoacuivorite ot li.im. wb© boa tmraplwl- uponi,o liVprtiea'oI hia cdu.utrjV'This, itmuat'lvJitdmittodj yroa tathortoiig l^uetiflgo for' a man who wasoctod. to Qongroas 09 a Btipporter ofio n<I ministr.Uion. But tlioso Southnroliainna always wero n queer people,

itld ready ta boil ovor at n moment'siotioe ns tbny did nt King's MountoJomd Ninety-Six and tbo Eutivws, For-heroia'in South Oarolinn yet, "foralhat's come nnd. cone," a great deal pho fiery old. bJapi^ of Tournno and TJC?eni\oo, that iu tbe daya of tlie Fronde,qiiiler tha groPt Coudo ond tho bravoColigny, wa^ed such nu internecine warAgainst tho Church and Crown. Add tobeso a fair proportion of the descend-intaof tlio qld Sootoli Covehintws and

a BnrioWing of Highkndtra 'in Uw billcountry, in say nuUiing of tho Anaio

easily jjorooivo what mi oxplcwivo mixtureid niiiilnood, Tho nitro-glyccrino-tlmaoyolvcd gonewted old MoiUtro, Samtor,\inrioQ nud Cnmplicll, Hngan tbo resouoijf Lafajetle, Wade Hampton, Wigfiili,ind tho rest. Aa a peoplo they ba«o boon[nil ot intellect, fu'l ol oultnre', nnd full' fight—all premonitory symplona oljBamty. When a stranger in Golumbi

during tho war inquired of Mr. Pelti(jriKtbo way to tbo Innnlia nsylum, bo" dirooted him to Uio Stalo Hoiuo wboro the" gialaturo wiu iuBossiou, with, there_. . rk: "They avo all ns mud as Marchbnres tlioro, every' devil ol thorn."—WasJiingtan Sunday Jlcralil,

A MEXICAN HIDER— A yonug*Moxicailiorsebreaker nametl Leon, who bud bociiu England ahont a month, undertookto ride ono bundred miles, in fivo con-Bcciitivo houra at tbe Aloxandria park,nnd succeeded in accomplish iug Uio fo.ilin tbri'o iiiimitos and seven seconds lestliau tho stipulated time. Thn conditions wore tbut l » Hhould riilo the mciou tbo ten borsoa which lie bud brou^hover from Mexico willi him, nnd wlnclwore uot many uioulhs sineo wild on tbiMexican prairies, Some of ihpm, lioiover, woro not yet Bufllciplitly docile ftbim fo tinpt to Hibni, and lie was coBcquontly coaipollcil to use only sevthorses, nnd an ono ot ihose full Innbefore lm noonmpliMunl linlf tho (liatamtho number wns then rpiljiceJ to siLeon oleclod lo ride on tbo gmvobtro1

ting track of tbe park itihlfiid "I oil Uigmsa of llio vaop-t-'oiirso, uud us tliu Itittcwas very bard bo.iio doiibt esorcisodwise discrotion, I luis a well built matratlin- tinder Ibo nvorngo -Tieiglit* uiwciglia Homctliing under-ten trad onibull Ktonet * * " • ' .

Tin; I'liHwi (irtl"Ob, dear, oh. ilcar, w

b, bow ttbiill wo get biiA d t littl

wu Jo?

An rKiil (Joulnn,pa tha atroot kuoivn as Broadway, nt>rt ltiobmoud, Htaton Island, » , Y.,?l'n ia 3 oo ii ted tboaboJo of an uuivoi1-I genius, by name Harlow G, Buel,

Io ia a wittchnmUer by tratlo, but wbilorunniing this culling, fills up his sparoiino with ntlontions to numerous otherliittcra. Ou hit, iirriwl in A'ort Midi-ond a dozun yenra ago or tnoro be pur-mbed n lot and jjluued iipoii tbo rear ota small fiamo dwelling, in. wuich bowided for n while and carried on biaisinoa1.. Near tbo front of-, tbo lot boiijil ootumouocd tbo erection of a, fnato-il and substantial dwelling of concrete,intituling Inrga und uiry rooms. Pnytor day, ns time served liitn, bo cariiodliiont mid sbclb nud broken iitonea un-thc wullb were Hiitliciontly high for a

ivo-story ami attic, house. Uin.ii thosoia:plucca JI. Elcniiah roof-and oupala.''lieu1 he completed tbo (loom nud woiifl-•orlt of tbo bouse, inclndijig n quaintlyarveil Bianlel-i>ieco- in tuo, parlor.- andila-itercd.. th j walls nml frescoed them,nd ornamented (tbc ceiling ot tho parloritb pictures of tiowore. Ho then con-

trncted.ialltbo furnitura, that of themrlor being of solid walnut nnd tbuibairs upbolstoml in groon run Eliart was douo witb bit* own IIRUIIR..

Mr. Buel is ahvajn busy end is skillfulliko i» repuiriug the most dolicuto Gou-so watch, adjusting tho most complexloekwork, imttlng in order tlio tinest

Iry, tbo most costly plate, the euri-„ music box, or pntiontl;,' propaiing

ic multitudes of.pieces of iron .and-fls wliiobgo to tho per/cot making lipu Btenia engiuo, which ho uses fot;

many purposes, now cutting np kind*1

ling wood, sow turning upon bis IntboiBCful articles o£ wood or uintnl, or tnnk-ug t bis oiroular saw do good aorvico.udeed Iio aoems, with theao notv aids to

jia Industry, tohiivo bad bis hands great-multiplied and to da all hia work well,io ongino itsolf, orery part of which

raa made and fitted together by liim,-ithout nny assiutauoo whatever, com-

IICB uncommon clcBiaoQ and iloialiitb Btrongtb and durability. I t is ofvo-boi-HQ jiowor. I t is well worth nee-ig as nn evidence of want n mat: ofraiua uud industry can do in tbo sparoloments which most mou would waste.'Mr. Bool's abilitifls in so mnay differ-

tnt directiona coirimond him not only to,1)0 rbsidouts of tho village of PorWBiob-nond,.witli whom ha is deservedly.pojjlor, bat bis osai^tanM is sougbt by per

ions from avcrv part of Statca Islandmd OVOR from New Jersey.

Uuoil Cheer*Tho pleasures of tbe table do not nlonoinsist in eating and drinking ; for therotcibalittlo ploasuro ia pnrtakinpoJ n

lolitary dinner, no,matter how riofi audrariod may bo tbo ilishog, Tba anoborto, witli his broivii bread and1 clip o]•ater, doubtless enjoys liis ropast quite

muob as- ilocs tbo gourmsinil scatocljnc nnd BluBltis himself with tiirHocnison nnd wines; but neither of thea

IOW tlio plcasarca ol ,lbo tubla. More.anlialftlio enjoyment ot a Feast do-leuils upon tbe company that flurrouudio table. , TlioEr tastes sbould, in ajgrco,' bo somewhat similar. Therehould ho a spirit .of harmony, existingimnng them, and oacb/sbouldstrive todd to tlio general entertainment. Vfclave knowntin othorwiso uncoptiouiliic

entertainment, correct in all its appoint:inouts, spoiloii ^by..the cittblicdncssono'niilii—n iiiun, ton; 'nbop'rided 'hiolf on his kuoXvIodga of gastronomy andlis skiii ia coolfeiy. So could caacneXaivory di»bai; but bo did not know tb.nl[jood btiraor in tlio. guests'was essentialio Uio eujoyinotit of n good dianor.L'bnre ia much truth in Ibo Bible snyin

Better is a dinner of horu3 where \o\is, ilian a filullcd ox nud lmtrctl tlictiwitli." . •

Thcra avo' oilier j-easoift, besido tin.ck ot conninnionslii|J, agninst Jiiiiti

alone, w1iicir«hoitld not bn ovorlookciTbeodoro Uookunderstootl this wlion UcbuinoroiiBly objected ta so doing', siyiag,•' When ona dines alono, tbo,battle dooieotno round so fnst." Another wit,French uinii, looked at tlio matter, tioiever, in a uifforent light. ' " Mon Siott,ic exclaimed to a. fnend," folding litmuds complacently over his atomncli' ua hnve just had a magniQcent turUit wibt an perl), atuffed to the uoali ~n'vuRles; fu tho Pope's npso?with cheat-

nuts, Icii'lor ns a capon, doiicita as ansi or, fat tia an ortolan, and arontnatin. thniab. CielJ we left nothing of it

..U'linnua ! ' "And who were wo?" iu-qnircd tho friend. • " Mysolf nnd theother," bo replied w'ith'iv complacentsuidu. "Tbo other T" interrogativelyaslieil tbo [tatoiiisbctl licarcr. " Oh,precisely ; tlioro vas mvaclf, and there

ns —tho turliM." : •• -That tliia Prcucbinnu rcgardptl llio

tnrliey a triflo otlicrv.iso than diil (boNow Englundcr ot wiioin wu liavu hoard,is apparent. " S i f / ' ^ ^ d onr Yiiukeetriendi to.a Kcw "i'nrUcr iirtio lintlu letterof iutmtlnetiou to him, " I nm sorry tliatI cannot nsk «oa to dino witli mo ; but IamanacnQlorVnnil listva only-n gooaofor dinner, nod though n poofiois nu uglybird,'it is too nm:h fur'one, mid notffnmigU for twu,"

SIMiiitr Itult as a AVfst IVinlcr,The B.iUirnnre Gazette's remarkablejry thnt SitfiiiK Uull wua formerly uili:t at West l'uiilt ap])L'ars to bo eon-

riocd by the littlo narrative. When.iltiiij,' Hull first entered ihe aeudeuiy bu,nl long; filiag/op Itnir nnd patches of

' on hi4 fact?. Home of tbo cadetsp a juh on Sittiuj; Bull to tlm ef-

_. . Ouo oftbem naked him sternlyby tie liud uot bud hia linir cut and his

„ .-liftvr.n iincordiiis to regulation, tttimiid lie did not knoiv of thu regulation.

o Was tlici'ciijujii ordered to go to tlie,rber rfiop and be fjliourud. Ho wasrccted to Hie ronni of AnibrasR Bam-

ido nml Harry Heth, who have sinceno well known to fume, Heth was

may btnipping a razor, and Surnaidead u tov«l oil for nu apron, bittingtall was informed tliat Ihis was tbo bur-ner shop, and bo was promptly seatedl tlia opuniting nlmir.Ouo fiulo of tTin liuid waa closely crop-

nd iiDd oiiu m\o at Hit? (ucu tih a von,lieu llio (Iriiin beat. Bisou, or Bittingill, was informed Ihattbcy werooblig-to cpiit work when tbo drum bent, and

o Wi.u seiit forth. Of conrso bo was3on halted by tho guard. "Who aro)» ?" naked tho (rnnrd, "Vm micwoa-!*.." "Why nro you going about inat rniulitiun V" "Tbo batliur told tuujcouJdn'tshiivonrtfrSoVlock." "Wlmtirber?" "In fhutrooni, tliero/'point-igto.tho abode of (be wicked cudute.Ob, if- waa thow, VUH it ? Come with

fTIin oflicor of tlic puaril outersaud ft nun flu; nmtitour bar bers nti 11 inCLwliinio. 1 "3Jr. liuTUsiilc, did you Jmlf

IHV3 tliix pmict V" »y™, nir." "Well,IIHII your work, Kir," wborcupon Sit-

\i)ff Jinll eat ilowi}- urn] flt'H. AmbroHcI. UuniBide shaved him.

When* Tiny CUIIII) Vrutit.Of tlifi 6(>Veiltt:UU riL-rtidC-UlM (<f UlO

[nitod StutcM, . from Wimhingtoii to\raat, Tirfi-jui.'t had five—WuabhtRtoti,iToiaon, Mudison, Monroe and 'i'ylw-,id was cilied the "Mother of J'reai-iiifs;" MitBsaahueettH had two—Jolitidama and John Qiiincy Adams ; Nowork huil two—Vau JJureu nndPillinore;tinsylratiifi Iiml oue—Buchanan ; How.injtahiro had ono—ricrco : Ohio had

no—HaiTieou ; Toniicsiico hail two—ckaouftticl J'oik ; hanhiawi hud ace—iylor [ Illinois hnil two—Lincoln aud

3mut. Of tbeso eovoutocn Presidents,tight wero from free Btatcs bud uiue

iin alavo States, XbolV'BJduiitBOlPCt-for two forms woro Washington, Jef-

non, Madison, ATouroc, Jaaksou, Liu-la aud Grant. Tlio Presidents wbn '

led tu uflico wero Harriaou, Taylorandioln. Tho Vico-Prostdeiits who !>u-

imo I'rcBidcnts wero Tyler, Pillinoro

Very llmd to rtcntic* '•Xhoro is n gentbmnn iu this city who

liis acquired tlio hnbit of going to u. fruitlaud, nml after pricing tlin melons, etc.,nd tnting up about fivo cents' worth oficanuts, objocts to tho prico, nnd docsot buy. ;Xestordtiy the fruit mnu made- bis mind to eoll liim Bomcthing, nuy-

' How much aro tlieso melons ?" in-nircd tbo peanut IICIMI."Fivo ecut.a apiece."" d i n 1 nick any melon ?""Tnko tho biggest you eau find.""Lot mo pluu 'cut to lludn ripe 6no V""Horo'a o kuifo ; split 'era .Title open.""Don't you throw in a bnnan V""Always."*"WhowJ If I bud any wiiy to get tbo

leloii homo I beliove I'd iuvest.""Just my tho word, aud, I'll send you

oth homo in a- hnclc, ana givo you 00pB to pny for tlio IUOIOU."'Melons tiro going lo bo choapor afterrbilo, hut if tUa uliroino Buita I'll tnko

lie melon. Ko colio in ii, -in tlmfo ?iDt mo see the cliromo.' • , • •

•WlmteUromn?"''Why you ought to be ablo to throwa chromo, if you iuoun tmsiuess. I .

Iways get a chromo for a cash trausao-IDII lilto Ibnt. Horrv.cin't trade." And

picked up a liandfid of pennutflftudnutcrcil out.—S'nii Antonio-Herald.

O P A DRAMATIO Tnim.—A lmssar iaitting on the summit of u hill ovet-Doklug a garrison town.- HiVfaorso isticketed near by ; hois Eiuoklngleisure-f,' nad, from timo to time, glancing:om an cuphnmh tn a hig oQicial on-ilopo bo has iu lifc baud. A comradeissod, and Bi ys; • ' \ -." Whul areyoa doing tlier* ?"

-" I am bearing the King's, pardon (orinr friend FUcbinann, yrho is to bc.flhot'.bin morajiig,"

" Well thou, hurry alo»g withit.""Not much. 8oo, there is hardly a

ml oa (Iio csp!anii<Jo, aud tlio ill ingilatoon has upt beou formed. .Xou

Id not bavoHuroly wou] IVO mo rob joy nji*tsaraiiaa at nil drnnmt'm affect I"

A BAHY Esii'Eiioit.—TUo liltlo Etnptr- , 'ir of Cliina in ahout to commence his3ducfttion—according to repovfc. Ho IB

ly six years old. Tim 14th of Mayviuf choaca as tlio [iropitious day for himo. begin bis Fj-stcmatic ntudica, tboltrologints baving nscDrlaincd'tbU im-ortaiit point. Hig littlo Majesty will

study iu what is called tbo 'Jbu-KingRoom' of tlio imperial palaco. ' Hong-foug-Hoet nnil Ria-Toaug-Sah'tan willLj(3 hia tutors. lie. will Icrvrn tbo Want- •:lioo and Mongol languages -and litera-

tures at* the satno timo, with riding,aroliory, swimming, plowing and other* 'bodily exorcises, A yonng companion .

ill bo appointed to receive all the flog1-'ings inenrrcd by thft imperial boy—anrrangement which would btiit many.nothor school-boy.

A PROTECTOR OF THE- SIOKOS Tina--lins.—Vico-Conau! Jago, iu his reportan tho trado of Hyriti in 1875, states thntbbo crop of sponges was very deficient, .ia conscqncnco of (he nppetirotico ot asoa monster, alleged to bo equal io aizo'to n small boat, Tu tho nuigLliorhood of ,.~ • " nt Lnbnuoa, ' the chief!._..„ o locality. The aottmlin- •

jury done seems to buv» Tjeon conflnodto ouo tTiau, but n3 ho was "swallowedwhale," according to tho testimony ofliia fellow-worker, there waa euoh ofright among the divers that many atthem censed operations, nml tho dofl-ctency in lUo quantity of sponger ob-tained rau prices up, . .

PCTUITIED TLlAnocuxY Titua.—ThoEurcim (Nov.) &niii*eHeUs of a pottifledmahogany tree, nbout ten iuolies indiamctor, which' wus iliscoveVcd in thoHamburg'mine, thirty-seven feet fromtbo stirfncs. It wan found iu tbo orovein, ami in portioua of tbo pclriBcationpieces of ore woro firmly nubwWoil inIho wood, wbilo tlio outivo troo wasthieUly iiicni&tcd with carboiiato ore,evidence beyond question that tho veinmatter liiul fnrniLtl from "below insteadijf from tho eurfact1, aa ia held by manyot our geological sharps.

. + a-> _

How Sun MiKAOED Hist.—Vermontnewspapera toll of a Burlington .womnuwho, when her husband cJnio bomo'driinlt. waited tiil ho went to slt-eit, thentook bis only puir of pauta from himand made them over into a pair for thnirtwclvc-vciir old lioy,*-worl;ii!g nearly nilnight to fiuiMi' tliera.' Tlic hnabandinvoke nbunt the middle of tho foiuuoon,rendy to cnt brcnkfuRt anil start otit fornnothwr drinl:, but TTIIO'U ltist fit-ah WHSwrapped in nu old shirt, nnd had prom-ised to join tho reformed mon's ulii:?.

Tun BEST WOMAS.—The best.womnui nil tbo world ia tho ono who host pro-

.,jrve3 her goodness, purify and dignity.Such women, who look more tu tboniloniiiioiit of tho mind and to betteringtbe condition of humanity thtVu to folrlowing tLo fripperies of faflbioUj will batho ijneims in tun hotter world, ooforowlumi ninny a solfish being now in lUialife will reverentially bow.

Tliis is tlio season wliun'ji initii lu*a .ilown nniler nn apple treo m the orchard,.natnlh binisclfit is liioVthiifc mates

Page 2: RA C.OOOPEE,ami poWrOssei a controlling )Hiwer oytr tbo crvuus syBltui. Tim romarhsMo cures cttcolca by VEorrm, inve liiflato d milnyiilijiithiiisanil Hpotliccarlra ciioio no knuw

THE IKON ERA.11EN.I. II. YUliT, IJHItT mid l ' rop 'r

Saturday, .Aug. HI, ISTfi.

•iliv ImllaiK.'ihflc-will In: no UH'ie liiivib'alii'ii "f

tlic Ydlonstouc until Ilii! iLfltilifc' of l i e<nmv in the S|>riw;. Tlic •"<'" linvlufifiilli'inaiimi'llllial till' limits »illi II"'S!i]i]'llivs LMDlnit n-'-tud, uml tint I'atiil'-lislitnt'Ut ul Ilio I mi military [loi-b r.'i-ci.l-Iv uulliorifi-J i'ia-t lie nliiuidimcJ milil

mai'tlio lend »:iU-ls i'f Hie UiK»-butl.An Indiiiti Iraillias Invnilr.ci'Vfrisl Irail-in;; t.i ll.c cast lirhU't u ti.li. Ciwk Jiiul11 o Vdl">v-I..iir. Gi'ii. 'JVrry lu» li'Itll.-i.i'iut!i"f HicJliB lli.rn iin>l S""'1 " '

A Dangerous Sommmlti'ii, «i,;le(in'ri-v Vi". Viuialti'ii, «i,;le oiileop enrli

< Moialay' iiicirniiiy. jumped mil 'ir a third Hto

i i'oiiiiiiMely lie e-captLl iiihtnnt dentil, niu' [he iujiiriC-rt me coiithied to bin feet, wliiclH.T-' limllv l.ruise.1. The particular* of thii

v " '• iimil'are a. fell.™ : ltetu-'""an i" fell.™ : HiVlwli tm Mowlay

1 ^itl* tin. i l

li.-l . •. hi » * i-' <•"•

. idiai-ked liy tlim' men, and tliul lih• i i , ii.*fM An iiiiiiL'iiiiirv ILUH VILTC

iB"iJe "«iwd. •Hinug vliiri. ^ «, rodiu-iunle by tlio tlirout nutl ikwlt li

s trom|x»uion tui Hun milo

uldi, . , 1—••*••• ••••"•over Ir^m Ilio i iV-rlM ui thin tiulDcikeil-fLv^inll. tliL hiiiiiiitiuilnili'itie iiuliviiliiii] LiiriM-ni'il Ihi' slutrt from tliq.bciist-jad, wrcc,1 a Wiiili-.Uuil, uml w<w iu Iho'wintioiv pi

iuri i !" f»r lii*. fuirful IIMII. iiiniuivliilu ahmiiu- h?r "L i ih i r Ju.it iw In- wn« ivbpnt lewiuy tin* wiuilow, toisiMpo friuii hits imr.git

te tov 1\

41111-lllittc, 1- D —

liin IMIIA ou iiin bboiruvent tin; W[i for lijotjiiniii, in Hie renr

,,„-,,,. I, v.-l :....! . ,M t . r | . . | .Mr.iv. . lW l . 11liii-n i.iv l.ii'liv i'f lln-iu <•»''«". l:»vilig

(' ' . '•.Til) u'l ' liri '.liiiii'.s in tbo s-hiidf\mll,- (.iii;.-il .-( «ll tl.fi t r i l . ^ ..f 11:

ISl-nAi"'i-i nation hiiN iiMilvi.l io ITJCIt!ii-]".yiii»-Mi!^ of Kilting Unit tu join itlif Si»ux ]n".l.litir» UKaiust tlia whileTlii-v liiiv.', tin tin* "ili-r IKIIHI, MRIIIII

) . ! " , , ^ i l V e Kiiwrmui'iit twmjw in t

i is well por ted /

i r n f htun "Vtc in . I f In* liinl KtiiK-k t l i t

(iuii'.-:,.,]l'y K-miltMl. ' ' f l ip homiii imbii l,n n u t iiAvulit'iiari by hi

j KV in-;lilist 111'' Sidr l M l i

J 'Xlft . fawr,! HM»..tSinus ilmvii nt (.0,0110; tho Crows .

.iiiuiiu; iiiiil in i»*l"iiaii'ii' thfrf^iuu tl

\"".Vc mats Tm> Ki-ttli*, H:.n Ann

n.'in^'iMi^'Vi^'^-iV^rv'Viut ninny w!uh'tt-iiil frici«l«!iil» willniitlwriiriiiaBi.imimiiiiti.ui I'"'- tlu'ir inii.% l ie HOHH'V iiiv iu i-tmitf ulliiimw willi eu..tlii-r t.» e.iw.v «ii Hi" war, iiltiion,wlit'ii tin y lu:vi! no (.'fininnjii I'titmyli^l.L tlu')- fltflit t'at-'l' "tltcr ; luil now tli

(".u.moil ciK-iuy, (mil will turn imtHii'irwaniuiB, anil Hi"'-will tmmliprK-iist Cli IHtO. mul t i e l'lithcr lays itlil't'lv to tic tb.! nu»t fornildablo R1,1.K»1V ludinu war in ilio lilhlory uf «Owvenimcut. Thtv ure •will mine:MH1 v.-ill iiiilit In tliu ilcalh wlicueitlicy lire tornL-rial.

Tiie ilr>t wii-e o! the Knst Itivcr ]JriJ|\;,v; ctrek'liL'tl iicross tlio river Momuioniint: ill H;y9. Tl"1 work wns cowi'iiwii »t nine oVlot'It, i t nliicb titin) Eibh—nlriMtly Mta-lcliml ovcu llUioolilvn tower—WHS Itislicil U llm ticuml tlit- Inru'c ilniui containing tliP wnan iJaf.il ht im«itiaii on one «f tKcmVH Two utcjini t»KS ftic-n made fito the KWtw, ninlitt JIIIU-IKWI nfro atnrtencrniiH tlic rivor. Tin- wiro n>i>o «mill out. HIOUIV fo tliu liutlom ot trivor, uml wiw tnlii'ii ULTOSS in VIRitiiniiks villirait ncddfiit. On nrriviuat tlio Ni'w VufU lower ilio oublo wluslml to Hit! ilwlt, mill lliot trmoini)on the reel was uuwinit'Joil UieUcck,hvift} i('|ic was llicn dionjii'd froui ttcii> nfiho iowcr nuil iniuto fust io toalilf, tl»! nthcr rml lit'tag woillt.l urountlic drum of a JiJ-liorso jiortci1 lioistitingint! on tiiu .lock. At 10:23 » uIvan ilrctl, ln'iuK ilic Hifrnnl for lioiutitlio ni|io nviH- tlio New York iuirer. 'f hiwas ncfom|ili»ii(i'l in ten minutes, tti1'iiL'iiio iniiltiiiK fitly rcvohitiona yimiiinie. Tlio work of tlmwlntf tlio eal.lIn tlici ion ol tbo tnweis'occupial ilvlniinitM mill a Imlf. Tliu BpcctatoTB w!witnc^pil tlif slrcidliilif,' i'f tlio cal'numbered fully .1,000. 'i'lic.v nwnnuGon i!m riRginjr'nf tlift fillips on Ilioilncl;uml every uvailiiltlc]10""1'1"1 i'lHiu vieiily, ami us lliu cubtu rom-hed ilio siiiimi>nbul»wi>r» round of clioer* Kiufttint hrrom uf ilio fi'at. TllO WHOwire wait placi'd in noaitiuii during tttflcrnuuii.

wan (in iiumcnsi! iiudiciu'e at AincriiIiiKtiluto Hull, N O T York, on Saturda;nifjht, toenoDauii'l O'Lcary ilniiili latiwalk of r»0(l miles in nix duys. Ho cainion iho track at 1:25 o'cloi-lt, A. M., liarhiKWiilkcil 111 miles. Ho felt Htroiiincl walked nt a brink jiaeo. Ho resttut tho end of tbc 418th mile for ID infonteu, and finished 4211 miles at i o'docliII« stopped on liis 42(ith Imlf uu lionfur vofroslnnciita, iiud comiilotcd 41]miles at 7 o'clock. A.t 10 o'ulock, on Ui•Mist mile he Htoppcd nn hour to clmii£bia clotbiiifj, l>ut started brisk u^viii.—Tho nsaenilily clieered liitn warmly. Ifinished -150 uiilos nt nbout 1 o'clockSI., and 11)0 ut 8 o'clock. At 5:20 tlond of 470 miles wimrcuchui, uml 480a7:18. 'i'ha woudurfnlly plucky peilestrinn tlieii Bccmcd to walk •with reiiuwcvigor, and ho finished 190 miles nt 9:Uamid great oiitliuK'ftsin, mid nt 10i.turtcd on tho -100th iinikr tbo npnrgrcnt cxcitomci.ton the part of tlio BJItutors. 'Iho fent pf wtilkiug 000 millwithin six days was nccomiilisiiod1132 o'clock—tlio Hrao of tho lust mhoing ciplit mimitcn nnd lorty-five snonds. Ho had over lialf mi Imnr

At Nowburfili, ou Monday, HoDuunati, about -1 yems old, whilotosicntcd, utteniiitcd to murder his fanilywilli u revolver. He first nttnebeliis niotlicr, ivboatniggliuff to nave Inlifi;, escaped with on.y u- eli^lit icouiin her liatid. jSupiiosinc lio liad killiher, however, us ho had aimed ut 1lioud, ho left her, nnd then nttneked li!cousin, n girl of'lC yours, who ran intobedroom. - Ho flrcd two HIIOU throujtlio door without hitting Lor, and thbroke in tlio door nnd shot her tliroiifrltho upper lip, tba ball glancing. Tinfiirl jumped from n window li fcotthe. Rtonnil. ^YhUo alio lny #on tlif^ruiind lio flrcd twice mure, each Iralukino effect io tho baclt, but infliolitouly ilcsh wounds which or» not consiiL'red dangerofl?. IIo tlirenton^il (lit* ciileus and iiolicu who went to tho icseiof liis tcrnflcil relatives, but ytm finnllarrested and-sifely lacked iu jail,

Wliilo a circus wasstayiugntOalikoaWin-, n few ilnys ngo one of tho wiig;oiconlaitiing ecu lions van backed inLako Winncliago to give tho ammowater, when nuddeuly tho doors flcopen nnd tho lions escaped. As ono cthem lias liy thin tii^o a litter of jouiiours it is.likely, that n colony of the nu>iml« will grow up in Ihc Inltc,

Timolhy Douovan, residing in WliitiPiaius, 'Wcstc'hOKtor conuty, on T1"1*™day morninff ucut his son Cornngod 17ycnifl, to igiiito a fuse which hiltttd nrrauged nt tho bottom of tho wellivhitl] ho wna deepening. Tlio bov vraaovoreomo by foul nlr, wborctipon tlifather dcscotulcd to hm sissiHtflnce. folowed b.v his cWt-r brother, nud all tltrciperished before they could be rescued.

I t is expected that the cables for t lmtpnort of tlio flooring fur- tho foobnugt'licrou-s theEaut river will hu pinein position this week. Tho flooringtnndo of lienvy oiik httice-vrerl;, nud .in Bcctionu twelve feet long nnd four foewide. - I t will require two jeaift longuiio complola tho bridge. The cables foiIho flooring of Iho foot-bridal) wenninimfiichirod nt Troutou, in turn Htiite.

On Tnnsdny Jfrs. Tlieudoro Ulnss gnvpnt her Long Branch villa it formal"breakfast," tho invitations for whic'iroro bent out five years ago. Of nil tliselected guesta not ono failed to bo pres-ent, nnd ineantimo tliero had been addedtwo uninvited guests—the latest uddi-tious to tho Moss family.

Tbo right nnnof thealatue of Liberty,wbicb is to bo erected in New Yorkharbor by the French Government, nr-rived ou Momiiiy. Tbo nrm is six feelin dismetor at its brondost part, and tcit is nttaohed a balcooj ca]i.iblo of hold'ing ten jjeopl*1.

ThoPnterson Fourth of July Colebrfl-lion Commiltco settled nil their affairsnnd liad'n snntlna of 87C0 left, nliicli wasequally divided between Iho Ladies'Hospital and tho Siflters' Hospital.

Uisbon Foster, Bov. Do Witt Talmagonnd Uov. George A. Hall ofDcintcd nttbc OliaxcU CoufcrMice at Maytille, N."Y., Tlraredny. '

Mr. Flimsoll, M. P. ( WOB prcaeatoilXlinreday with n memorial silver cup hytho workmen of a largo Sheffield firm.

Uiit ineiilui' lliciUiit in i c u i i i llic IIJII.S

mi-w iu tho b ^ t n m i i . l-'nilinp iiitteiuiitcd t» coiitiuiiu bis tligUi indiret-litm, VLL-11 lie fell i l t u full

h i h i li IILlt tllL- I'fTuL't tlfe then IH'C-'II I"m li,'

ll ilitou full uituj In tlio yiiril.tly uwukt'iitiiK Inm,t t i jdi- ies to lnh


artlyi'L't (ti fcut

il ttin' front ilunr, HIKTC ho WUH met and .,

-t' m'Liv )Lc uitiuite-i ol tlio hoi.Kf,D ilnirougliJvowiiki'iiea liy tliiHlimui''»a»Ui!riiii{ tiiti uaturii of tlio ground

urtwiinl i l io iSorthe Kai>, Ilia jumper l i ~ . .Uirrlontcil, }I\H OiiiMju.' from n(iri'ni« injury i«uliiinst II min.i'k'. i l i» feet are bniised nud

" 'ii, Imt lievoml tliihiitiuin Kli^ht n«r.udui, iU.i ii(».sc. ho is not iujiircil. nud will bo Hwork iu n fi-w ili.vu. He hiis lu-eu ftubiect twumiuiiiliiilisiii for yenrn, nnii from liN n

I i-xpi-rietu'C, IhinkH he hud bet tor HIUUiMltir nu the Unit llooi'.—.Viiwct J.VfjisiVi

Thui'sday inorniag Jnicph Cnvclrythe mHBtcr mui-hanied of thu Montulnirailway, was iusUutly killed nt Bloomfield, Ho won ingnget! in repairingbridge and wliilo givinjj orders t» sonworkmen lost lib bulaiiao and foil to tlground bolow, n diRtnnce of nbout tweity fct't. Ho was instantly killed andis buniiosed IIH nock was brokou. Tlhodv wna remoTed to tho deaconedhuiue at Monk's Station, new Orneiwood Lake. Mr. Cavelry was n mnrruman, nud apparently about 40 years i

Tho murder of A farmer near Ellwooil,Atlantic coiiutj-, hna bceu traced to agang of lawless men knomi ufl "pinerats," who have infested tho pinerifabout two miles dtstnut from tho BCOLfor somo time. BIiQril] Adams nndpaily of dfllorniiiied men TIBHOCI theililace (ind airested throe of them. Thpaliiiica lind taken rufugo iu what i

buowu as John's branch swamp whenIlipy nro rowflurroiinded. TUey nro tibo hunted out by bloodhounds.

Tho following declaration lias just beemade public in Yiueliiud ;

Pooling that a puro and spiritual loe<_.i9 uiiited our Boula in a two coiijugauninn, we hereby auuounoo to Iho worliour companionship an lovers, uskiug ubonds but tho enereJnos-i of our love,which accords to encti individual perfectfreodoin, rind consecrates our lives one1

to the cnuso of reform nnd progress.SADA BAIIJEY,

JoUN WlLCdX.Vi.s-ELAXD, N. J., July 18th, 187C.

Tbo IiiKuiyenl* iu Cuba appeal to bemeeting with comidorabie success. Ini recent encounter tbey Bet firo to n fort,burning it together with tho garrison,Col. ltoevcs, an American am! lusur

mt chief, had been killed.

Tho New York yncbt, Madeleine, woitbo Eiecond and concluding race, againitho (Jauudian yacht, Countess of Dufferin, on Saturday, This once more provcithe superior sailing qualities of thiAmerican over the Eoglih l t

James Uranuigan, while eittiug on lidoor Htep iu Jerney City on Saturdayniglit, wnn nsoiiilcd mid fatally etahbeiiy a drunken rnflkn, who was orrcstc1

Tho parties nrrested io Giouccsteicounty for Iho Atlantic county ranrtloiarc not the ones. Oov. Balls lias offeredSGU[) reward and Atlantic aounty $300,

Liver and Blood Diseases.By It. V. PiF-ncE, 31. 1)., Author of "Tb.

1'cople'H Comuioa Sense Medical A'tlvlfier.1A liealtliy liver Kecretcn ench davnba

..loitniln half poundu of bile, whieji cotiiiuu n great nuiount of wnxto matcrinf tateifrom tho blooil. When tbo liver lieconnlurpid or canutmtol, i t fiiih Io cliraim.tu thvast amount of noxious nubstanco, which,therefore, lemnins to poison the Iilooil, midbo conveyed Io every pnrl of tlio uyKtemWlut must lm tho coDilUiou of tho blcoirbcu It in rccoiving nml retiiiiiiiig «icli tjnywonmln Imlf JKHUKIS of poison? Nntnro

tries in work nn" tliiu poinou through oilierclinnndfi nnd orgtins—ihe kiilnevH, lun^n,uliin, etc., Ijiit thcHB orgnna becomu ovortax-cd in performing this lnbor in nddition I tIhcir tintural functionR, nnd cannot lonpwillixtnud tho pressure, but bccoiuo vnIy .lUonmd.

Tho brain, vklch iH t lo groat eleclrieulotcr of nil Titfility, in unduly slimulntcil by

the unhcnllliy blood which passes to it fromtlie heart, and it fuiln to perform itn offlcolicnlthily. Hcnco Uio syroiiloujs of bilo potKtminR. whiek aro dulbmiM, hoAdnche, iuovpitciiy to keep the miuil of nny Subject, inuii-iiiciit of memory, dizzy, sleepy, or. l ie'nun feelingH, cloomv foruodiugH. aud irritA-lilily of temper, ' rho blood ibutlf boiuj

(liHcnKcd, iw tt fonim tlio sweat npcii tlie stir-fuco of tho skin, i t is so irritating nutl pois-onous that it produccH ilisooloretl brownupolH, pipiplen, blulchuK, ami other enipliouN,Kon'fi, boils, carbunclcR, and Hcrofuloua (ll-more. The Htotuncb, IJQWCIS, and ether

, cnniiot oscnpo becora[uc affncUtd, tn>. „ Inter, miilwfi ha-vo, im tfio result, (

:ivQQesn, ])ileH, Jro])sy, dyt^KpsIa, dtnrrhooa.Other FyptoiiiH oro common, OH bitter orbud Innta iu month, interim! hoat, patpifn.lion, teasing cough, uiwtoaily flppetile,;bol[it.R mitiKnUoii in thnrnt, liloating of stom-Lcht pi iu in Fiiileu or about eliouJdota or buck,•uldncBS of eitromitiCH, etc., etc. Only acw of tho nliovo cyaiptanm nro likely to beiruHontiu any ennont ana timo, Tlio liverH-'ir^ tho f,Tcat doptirating, or blood-dens'ug orpin of the Bystcm, sotthiBgrc&f'liotuo-:(iopor of our hcnltfi'1 nt vtdik, aud tho foulwrruptioun which pcudcr in tho blood, and•ot out, us it were, Iho machinery of life, nrogradually expelled from Iho syRta.ii. Forthin purpose, Dr. Pierco'R Golden MedicalDiscovery, with very small (IOECB daily ofDr. Piece 's PlMuwut Purgntivo PellctB, inlirc-eminontly tho nrtirles uocded Theycure everj- Iiud of linmor fmra the worstHcroftiln to tUu comtnoii plaiplc, Hatch, orimption. Groat cntiuK ulcers kindly healmdir their mighty curative influence. Vir-nlcnL blood POIBDIIH Hint lurk in tbo ajhtctuare hy them robbed of tlioir tonora, ami bytheir pei-nevering and Roinowhnt protracteduse tlie moat tainted nyHtcntB mny bo com-pletely renovated niid built «p nncw. En

" " tumom,nud — • » - - - «-•••

iy aud di«ii>pcnr under (bo' csoivcnts.of these grcnt rcsol

AMEIUCAX F£OPLS.-KU pooplo ia tliouuflur m much with DjHix.'piiia HI

Aniorfoam. AlilioupU ynm of Piptrlcoco Inmwlidno bad railed to accompli tli a corlala

udy far thin diicaiio and Itsus Sour 81om»cli, Hcirtbnrn,

. Hick neadaclie, Coiti-FnlpitatfouortbvlIearl.-lInrCoiapUjiiLing up or tlio rood, Jon npiritn. cenural dublliljtc , yet einco tho Introdatliun ot QittZH'nlousT Fhovza we telioro tliero 1B no caaa of

Il.TKurpsk tlutcanootba trumcdlitcijrcliaveU..TO.OWl iloion gold last year wllhout ooo catw offill nro rcportod. On to your Drneglst, Von slit

KIL'Koru nnil got a sainnlo bottln lor 10 cenlinl Iry it. TWJ dosca will rclloro you. Eeg-!(.__ T

MARKIED.'EDIIICK-COCKEN-At tho IIOUKO of tbouroora's ralliL-r. iu UoTcr, August IdtU, 1670.byllcv. H. ]|. Ilnmwj, iolia D. VeiAck ofDover, nndHiii Ml May CocVen of Jersey

Situation "Wanted!BY a vonnK ProttiUtt woman, at boosu-

work. I i an eicellent osoV, and can eotbarceommcndeJ. Bnquiroat ttia n-ililunco

E. H. TAlfNIRR.Hucwaunna, K. J., Ang. Will, 1870. UMw

ADJOUBNED S H E R I F F S SALE I[orrii Count; Common Pleai, George Toilerva. Pettr II. Heron, ADD Heron »nd FatrickJim sell. Pi. fa. do bon. ct ter. In debt, ond k e t e d jadfiincnt l l r l b l O t T

FORD D, SMITO, Bol'r.o s&Io on behalf of the above-nam

., {• adjournpil to tako place at the9ta(os Hotel, in Uoniatavn, N. J., oa

MONDAY, September lltf,D. 1S7C, batwesn' Uio Lonn of 12 M. to

riEnsON A. PltESMAK, Sheriff.

141 00

REPOBTOf the Collector of the County

of Morris,From May Isl, 187C, Io July Slut, IB7C

REOErpTS.A. B. HltlTTIN, County Collector.

-70. Dlt.M a y l . Tu co«h receive, front Louis

A. Voft, lulo Couutv Col-Ifftor. 13,175 75

1. Du. r tcdu-d from T. fe. HoaB .Uml, Collector ltnckawayTtnviisliii), bilsu™ Uo.lai , 01 GG3

C. On. tinvti Alirial Lmdalov, 1'as-naic Tuivusliip, for oldUiilgc timber iiilO, 2 OU

0. Do. fifuui J . C. Leek, fur oldrarpot ttolJ Hum CuurtIlnni. , i 10

" Do. (row J. TV. Yoniifi, Jlont-villo Totruabip, for oldbmk'fl timltcr Kokl, S 6H

" Vn. trout E. K.Eionuaii, JtfTcr-unn Townsliip. lor i>ld

'• Do. Wi!ijSiii!McCBriy.'ciiiii.lyCIsrk, ior licundM, 570 00

2U. .Vuto (iiHcimiiibd a t -XstiuiulIron IJaiiV. 11,0011 m

'.'4. Crth itenvcii fni' interim I nuncriti, 8pr .ut . , ( j f Uio Mcr-cliaiit'x Mutual IIIB. Co.,

O'mfi'i"wl iniin 6bi" i3 . e™ D75 00nt 7. Do, (ro ,n J. Z. llmM. Collcc--

iw lVnuannoc Ton'iiBliip,halanut County t a i . 17d U0

0. Koto disL'uuiiU'il'at NationalIron Ilanli, 10,000 DO

Id. Do. dn, ilo. do. E.tOO (HI•' Cislt rrcoivod frum J. Dalt'H,

Hanover TuiviMliip, fui uld. [ilaukBold, t(K)

" Do, from 1'eler Ifiiiincr, I'u-<]iiu>U)QcTotTi,ibi|i, Tcroldirnu and timber nuld, £3 07

11.1)0, trnni DftTiUJacotus. Col-lectoruf ltuuntoii [oHimbip,balaiKuCunni)' liii, iBB 09

1G, Do. L'olk'uU'il 10 peri ' t i i t . i l iv-

MuiuaVi'lroaiidliiHurancoCuiupAny ncrin for tboyeara lU7*,ia;G and 1S70,

" D o . H )»>r ccui, iiitcrLflt col-ic clod on $15 of unrip, forIhc yiars iflOQ. 1B70,1871,1872 uml 1878, 0 U0

ii. IS'olc ' l i ieouutcd by GenrcuOotdbcrg, Mndiwin, U.OdO 0U

21. CaKb tcueivi-d Irani TlionimiK. Allen for fft) or Mecliamu' Firo IiiHimui. .Kci-in, sold at clgbiy, 53 21

July \'i. Nuteiiiscni.hleilQlKa.btialIionJJatik, ,l,(i00 DO

li), CJHII reccivmi from i)aiM A.iNli'liolai, Treasurer Mutlllt(Jli ve To«vnslil|). Tar Hostily

Xotnl, ' m^073 4!


L67G. ciiATitAU ToirNunir.May 18. P . L i n n , building br idge .

O r d e r of CUOTL'T a n d .Parrot 1105 00

Juno 1. P. Linn, repairing hrUlgo

of r n r n t and CIIOVPY, 11 008, AaroiiJDlinnnn.bulUljTis

br i ikc . Order Cburc jandl>nrrot, 125 00

2S.C. r . & l n a n l s and Son,repairing bridge. Ordera i o v e y a n d r a r r o t , 23 SO


May 1, P. E, Cramer, repitirintrbriilgc, Ordur yawgernndlJeHiclior, t 2 60

2H. UettnLT & ['aimer, fur-niiliiiiRKtoim for tli re abritlgotf. UrdvrDellkkcrnud YswBcr, GB 00

J u l j l . E . P . l 'otter, lulldhiB 2

nnd xanpf r, 69 9111. Nathan TCKJII, building

bridge. Order DullicktrandYAvgcr, 101-00

81 ny 3. Tliotuaa Dnlan, liu.kllnsbniice. Order IH-JlottnudIlatiH, $140 00

SO. A. 1. Tuori, ronftlriiiRMilao. Order llotvellandllccliPr, 10 00

y2. Jrtcrn.niefin.rcnalrfnst ime brides, OrderNorman Jt Cliambtrlaln (2fl CO

JunoG. Aaron Hluncbard, build-iiilf nml li'pillrinB brldfioOrder lirown ft HimnBon, 22 flO

S. J. \f. inflow, liuililinKbrlilt,'o. Ordor DrownandHimpaoii, 20 00

0. A. ]l. HiirlRff, btilUIntibridge. Order liruwu amiKlintinnn 21 nn


Van WinMr. J r . 10 73t>, Ix-'uii Clerk, Luilump

ht!,!),•(.. O r d e r l l u t t i n dV«a Winkle, J r . 6 00

" J<Jic|.W La^li, Imildinirurid^e. Urdi-r Jlott indVan Wiiiklo, J r . M 00

briilL'L'. OidtT Mutt miiiVan Winklu, Jr . 0 10

me n. TIH'K. TVihmi, repairingUrkk-r. O r d i r l l o t l a u d;'iinViiiklt>,Jr. !13 00

IU. Vail\. Wi^dn, liuitdintj

VauVintfe, Jr. ° "" 12 5022. Wm. II . I'ui-r, n-uaiilnR

hridpo. Order Siott nudVauWiullc, J r . i 00

a t .T(>KI-IIII F . Lasli, rppairitiR])ri(l(;o. Order U u t U n dVnn Winkle, J r . . C 00

3D. Tluo. Wilson, repair!tig

VaiiViiiLle. J r . 33 73July 21. Malilon HonR.'aiid, ro-


Hay 17. H I D I U U K . Wilkiimun,repairing tbrco br.dcea.OnKT Hnlio and l i a t t r , fl7 50

17. Thomas K. Wilkiuaon.building Ibroo Irldgca.Ortlur l l a l t r auil IJuU), 87 DO

u IU. J . U. Vtmug, lulldioKlind^o (it 1'n11 ItlorriH.O n k r llakei-, HUIKO,Ilvuin»r,Ukli.trdii lU»rt-Iry nnd HmlUi, 1,503 DO

21. J . 1). Young, liUildinra u d l

H of bi


tMorriu. cfnler

, Uatet; Bw.meri-liardK, 511 00


C0U11T IIOUHE.By oiilor of tlit Coinuiltteo.


>. A. It. HnricB, buililhigbridjjo. Ordur llrowii and

* S

21. O. \. WllRlit, bmlbrld(-o, _O nlcr llrum

MENmiAUTOftHBIIIP.May 1. Alexander Forxytli. re-

Onlo /Look , J r . andYivgcr, $0 00

D. CalTpn Wlltot, repairingbrtdgo. Ordur i i e h , J r .ana Yawtcr, 6 00

C. Gbnrlca J . Morris, rii-, pnli-lng 8 trlds<i9. Or-

der Lucli, J r . and Vaw-Kor, " SO 75

22. JobnTViilttacb.repairing'bridgo. Ordor Lock, Jr ,andTniYfiC!, 3 00

27.1'a.HcklTernor.rriialrinsbriilL'e, Ordor I*tk, J r .anCYauBcr, 3 00

July fl. John Wlitt-ock, bulMIr.Raud repairing bridge,Order C»m.UiidtiU(jur. 50 00

UOKTTILLE TOWNHHIF.M»v t,, IrfMo Oillauil, Luilding

paranol, walls, A c , tobriano, Order Van NCEBA Voiicc. *65 00

0. JonaP.Franclico,l>uild-

VaitSftWoons' "_2M« | U 0

uoBBia •tovsiun.May 6. Day t Xuchraoro.malo-

. rial for brlO|jo. OrderBcckerandllajs, *30 45

13. Bidnej Col Una, lopalring• brlilRe. Order llcokorand Hays, H 00

me 10, 0. H. Lcdf, rcnalrlofcbmlfic. Order Bockor andIUy?, c 00

28. Jacob T. Aitcll, repair-ing bridge. Order Hooker- I I I . , . , J L M t ( B s

:- irr. OLIVE Tovrmnu?.ijlO. Ilicliard II. Stepiionn,

bnildlntT bridge. OrderWulr and Drake, (20 00

June 6. John D, Bmld. imtlillngbriitgo ind two trunks.OrdurBarlluTBmlBmiili J I M

ing brldco and plankingIroia - brktfo. OrdirHartley and Smith, fit 15

UrderU«tYej"»nd~Sinftb, 15 00

May 4. JotinN.Uonnol.bDildlng

a, John Camnsat, buildingand repairing bridge.Order Allen & Undsluv, 0 C

8. Lewla It, HturcoB, build-ing am] repairing tiroUrfdgca. d r d n

repairingbridge. Order Allen andHayiion, 4 DO

37. Abialom Mattoi, bulld-luifouaroualriujjuriiliie.Order Allen and a» rden 7 05

tune 8. Huch Baxter, Imltdlngend ropalrlnR brldco.

• Order Allen and Hajden C 008. Absalom MitUo- * - • ' - '

Init and repalnOrder Allen an

ily8,'brTdfi CB rbnfc'r Altoii amiBockor,3obtiN.Conn_.bridecn. Ordur


on, 10 00

8. Jobt) N. Connol.bail Jloff

Hay 3. Walter A.Ilott,

7 00

&n GO


. .._bridg

. Iott, repairingOrder Hopper

land 1brldcc. Ordc; „. . , . , .„in-1 ailland, . 18 00

>' NatbanFtlrbsnka, ropulr-

and i-onalrio], „Order ftoppor and blnnd,

3 Jfa aJrIiigo HUB

OrdcrOlll indandJIcn- '

Er, • 7G 00

9 13"prifcV'BiilaLtidj

and Hopper,29. John F . 1'oHt, bnlmlsjT

4 br idges . Order Uun-per anil OllianO. 57

AAXDOLFK T0WMBHIP.y l . Hllin Uoiijimln, bnlltilDE

brldco. Order Ilcomcr•ndlt ichirda, • $25

8. S. D. Yuitniri. tmlliltnir• bride

g . Ordedlltj. 2rcpU J.LoBoy.bnildlngd.repainne four atunoidcBB. Order llcciucrd liicbirda, 6

. Maltlan Clark, hnildlnicbrldKi,. Order MottonSVan Vinklo, Jr-L i C l k b

il 1.1. (;iirrull.tf?L'ai

('linrlcH WariK,V. F-Saudcru,AlleuA; Cranston,Day itrolliiTH,

j ! C. Lfjek, n i l nidiitlualarj,

1". B,Frmi ian .J. 11. Ik'omer, Umiinll

H CiirtiH.13. \\\ W. Falrcliild,17. YooilieL'Hlirctlicri,

Hamiirl SIiNslr.SO AmLro?o,V Mcrlnoy,

no 15. Jolm iMorun," ellm Holly,

*2 7620 (JO17 4822 30

20 0021 Oil

2 2U

0 SO30 00IS EH)1 £0

MorrifltomTinimau K. jDfUipbl'j1, i W

July 15. CLu lux HcCollum, 6 COBlorr l s lown G t u O i . 12 DOHorisfn Mucdac t Co. 22 T5Allen & Craniton, 18H 01KmilU & Woir. 30 COToupkiiiB & WCIMII, 49 01Samuel lioNair, 168 01Oca. A. Lavreact!, 4 CO

19. Mows Miller, 30 COT2. Uiildwltii Cu,, 21 07

.(i.iaaaiCOUKTV TOOK 1IOU8E.

Slay 1. Tu cafdi imid Trtnioror, perarder or DeHolt, lliqipcr andWclac, Trtwicci. 1

o 7. To fa nil iiald Troaminr, pernnliT of linker, Haivtll audDuiker. TrtisictH,

July 3. To Daub paid Ticaiurcr, perurdcr or Daker, llowell andUecktT, TruHtoen, 1,000 Dl

tl,BOO 011870. LUNACY.

May .1. To ynld Jidiu M. Montr, ox-pctmii Io Ti-tnton and roluni .Order ol Bcobur, CtictroimiLmincyCom. | 2 1 1

3. TotiaidIt.U.l}(>el.ur,tMpoi)BCaand ttmu Io Tn-uton andrnturn, and lime OD LnnacjrCommutGo. OrdororCommit-too OD Lunacy, 30 I

Hay 10. To paid Will k m . Molt, timonuil ti[wnacit to Trcntun audromrii. Order of Uocker andMult, 151

July 10, To paid Blato Treasurer ofI.uimtlo AHylum, toAui/ . lStb,IMS, 1,030

SIIKRIFf.CUHII paid P. A. l^eemnu, filiuriiT,

i-ctimul Uo(jplug]iriiiimiirn,ic. OrdirrCDnimittco, 11,810Oioli |>ald him for .11.1n.}V strvlcca

iu January and Slav 'I'vnr OrderC u u n l y C I L T L - , ' DC

*1 ,030~

JUItOllS.fur order orCouuly Clerk.

Taid Pionon A, Frofmnt), Sheriff,roruLTVJtuniir Jurors, Uavlorui, aa'OIIOWB, to-wit:mi davH mv\co nt Petit Jur-irn, t2, tl,871•271) do. <1«. Hlmck ilo. «'J, 558


Tafd Picrnon A. Freemaa, aiiorifT,Inr por ilicci nud milcico til club toonCon*l*'.len tar voivlcci Mav Ttrm, 1961

COSTS.1870. l'cr order or County Clerk.May 21. Denial II. Brtc«Ph Slut a VH.

Tliumas Latidcgan, (3Juuu 10. liJwiii O. Uloiham, Btatn v*.

Clmrlolto WllUanis, • 621. William "J. £aalon, Slato ta.

EdiranlVandurlioor, 16Fienon A. Frccmin, RlierliT,letfod Inx bllln of Coat inCrlinina' Caaux iu May Torm, 811


lavti. Ordvr of Clerk and tinrrcgato.Julf 31. Jolm L. Kanomc, SO daja to

date, 15, $150Freeman iVooil. 27 days to

date t t 131B. O. Canlleld,. 31 ilnyo to

date, 15, 15oAllrtd lined, four days tu

date, Hi, 20I JCO

ItJQUWlTIONS.1B70. • By ordor or County Olerk.Juno 3. Tolcr tt. Fanctior, on body of

Frederick Jotmwn, *7Do. do., oul)ody of PatrickOatlncticr, - 7

0. Wlihiim J. Eaiton, on body orTbDodoro Ymzandt, - 20

10. Edwin O. Blot hum, on body or> MarcaictFrowIcy, US

July A. ncury II. Clianibro, on body of "'Aibni Bclcbur, - ,,10


1873. ftpltmber. Special Election'.Jolin TV. Jackson, Tor BCITICCS as

T.ffl?;.Kl.».,,t™.mta.. ""collector. . CI

C. A. McCarly, fnr ncrvieca aanfiRossor, 111

K. P. Ileacb, for Borricca ai clcik, U Imember. Annual Election:

Jolin V, Jackson, for Rorvlpra nnJadKr, » - 0 1

T. II. Uonglftiid, lor lervlcca aacollector, G C

C. A. McCarty; for iprviees aa'aaBciHor, • 01

E. 1*. Scacli, fur bcrrlcca aa clerk, 0 (

SCUOOLB. '- * M <

Order of Stalo Suporlntendtnl ana County do.JUDO 1. Lcnla W. Thurbcr, « l a r r to

tlato, . 1300 0323. Miss HI. H. nnnt , >Br»iffOB (or-- Mayaa County Eiatulner, 5 00

fuly 1. W, L. It. HaTon, (orviecn r.«Conmv Ewmlntr, i s IXI

23. J. JI. VamycklD, do. Ha,,


Iloonton—ArchibaldD. Green, ICUtbim-Uonjaniiu li. QrUwold.UliOHlcr—Ctinrloi Hardin,

Mendbam—Rebert Qirrabrant.MoutVillo-IUeliael Vaadnjue, Exoc- -

ntrlx of Aaron Vandayuc,SJorriti -Hitnucl K. J'icrion,Mouni Ollto—F.no« O. Said,Pagsalc-Ctiarlei W.Durcli,l'ciuaoiioc—Ii. W. Martin,ltandotpb-Ctiarles II. Muonoit,Itockavay-Cbarlua A. McUarty,ItosLury-Ednnrd Boll,


Alfred LiniLilcy. from Bent. 28tU toHay 3d, 1B7C. Order Allen and Linda-

{335 Od

J . It. llccmor, from December i lu to[ay 2d, 187B. Order fiecmor, Lock, j r .idHa.VB. 17 B0U, H. Decker, from Oct. 131b to Hoy

lit, 1870. Order Dolllckt-r and Beckor, 87 S"David TV. Dcllickcr, from AprillOtli,

1S7S, tn April 32d, Ifffo. Order Dockerad bolt is lei , , , 16 00Qarrot DoltoK, from Mat 21it to

April 30th, 1B7G. Ordor flatci nutl Dc-Mott, 121 SO

* ra O. Yangtr, from M»y lHtb tor . . . i 2 d . OrdorDolllckerauilTawgcr, 31 H)John W. lonoi; , from U a r 31»t fa>

lay 5 tb , IBTfl. Order Gillamd andoung, . 07 €0TLomm E . Allen, tram December

LBtb to May Oth, 1870. Order Allen audDecker, • 40 00

Abraham Yin H e n , from Jnnn 121U)April 17tli(lB70. OrderVanNenaandirniff, . 48 EllWin. Uott . from llarch 7l!i to Slav

tb, 1870. 6rdot Van WmUIo, J r . and[ait, 41 OSJ . Tan Wlnklo, Jr . , from Fibrnarif «9tb to May 6th. Ordor Holt Mil Van /

Alcia'nder OttUnd, from Nor. 11thi Uay 91b, 1B70. Order Gllland andopper, • 52 00H. N. Nnrmsn, from Jnoo M to May, 187C Order Norm on ami Obambcr-

'nUnion CUtDbcrlai'n, from U i y 9 dJatiuarr Olli, 167". OrUor Cbambor-l a n d Norman, SO 00felwn II. Drake, from Fcbruiry lOtliUay Oth, 187G. Order Brako and - '

Olfo, 16 15

I>. *I W.iliV, from Nnrpmljijr lOlh toia> l»ili, lfiTlJ. Onltx Wolfe »ud Dm to, Hi lt>Juliii Hull, from robrunri UOtli In

Inv yili. Order Ilott and IVhlmtn,lVI,r Hopper, rnin N o r . m ^ r imbi Slay till., l«7fi. Ordur Uippw andlilliuil,llirani HDIKP. finm Kuvrmlxr 241 li

) May Vtli, 1670. Order llultu und.ikcr;J . I'. Yawper, fnim Dec. jarh Io Ma

tli 1H70 ( W g r VavRr and Lrab J

SO 50

0«w. * . ' « " Kl'I . Jlirui u t i . . ' JI ll lxr

tun •

tli, 1H7U. Ordgr VawKcr and Lreh , J r . I tE . C . HTHInt. from Mnreb J th Io May

tli,lB7fi. O n W WciRf n i d Williit, 17-15Jiuvtn tnb l lakcr , Truni Dt-comlKr 21th

) May Stb , 1870. Ordur Uak i r niid[ulnf, AS >ri0Jul io XT. \tmng, to Mav Oil., IBTfi, 7 COJ .O .Le tk , Jr.T rruu'&'|ilcuiU-r4lli

> Slay Clh, 1- 70. Onb-r J.««k, Jr. nud

Jjtiu Datrii, fi'oni April 13ili[b,187fl. OMk-rof lb t .xondlWilliam lUoii.from May M b . - -

Ftb, 187C. Urilur Moll and Vnu Wiu-le, J r .OCUI-RO W. I'.rlibaiii, rniin NOT. 1sti Joly Will, 187il. OrdiTlVcUiani and


7fi. Orik>r«r O.mniillec.oj-3. J . H. Jiilmioij,mtr la.'Jli'robBiiU' Inn. Co-, New

15. U."i O. II. How A Itrccfr,

BILLS PAVABLE.Nnlnpa lda t Irou Bank, tluu Ju

lli,lH7«,Ui>. di.. do., 10th, IB70,

1NTEBKST.DIsL-ouiU 011 (10,000 nnle at

lontliu, from Nay Will, 1H73,D *lllOIK) t i t

m nntu a t nix tntmlliH,im Juno nd. 1878,Do. nn fS,000 imie at Hvo nioDtlu,oiu July li tU, 1B70,

10,100 0(1


<355 BJ

H55 63

'"' 177 \a

71 ID

1G1 CC








WHANN'S PHOSPHATE,IIout J)iih(, Guano, Poudieft


WOOD sawed in stove lengths,YAItD PRIORS:

HUK.1NIUN, LEH1OI1.Itove, | « r luii « & w Blovo, nor tun fiCG, 5.75 E R J T ,niealuut, c.25 Cliestnat,Town JuliTcrj id eta.; Uluo Hill 80 els.Orders May bo aildreiBctl ttirungli lbe Ft

)Meo LocV Box 28, or laft at. A. Bcemor'a ofta Ulaulivfell Bt., near iimcx, or nt tbo yard

HLACKSJimrs COALconsUnllyonban



61 GO


in(.itigMdyjoilil'l!i7Ci.nurdi'rVeL'Eiurmil Uayjj,

E . C. LVIII I , c l r rk , 8 mlm.i l n T , t t i t l l i i^ Mtiy Milt ,

I87fl, fG2 GO

EslateorLfc. Vuji', blankHuidblank boukH, Unlur Dicker «nU

^lyofnicmb^ri iof Dm lluard andclerk each 1 i!uv,

Ocnrgo J . Kibuac, h o l d bill. Ordor

William McCirlv, ncir furnliLlnsllcrk'a OQlcc. Ordur cif Commit too. 471 SI

Pay of incmlicry aud clork JimJnard eacb 1 <lay,

1'. h. Lundv, r»WI«WtiK Qoortcrly Itcpurt. 6rdurnfLeok, jr .ni iLUava, • 2100

J>\ L. Lnndy. bill printing CourtCalenders. Order County Clork, 45 00

Ouorge IleddaD, liutttl bill. Orderof Board, 33 00

ClinrloH L . Gay, Nicnograpbcr.Ordur or JUIIRQ Uiiryraplc, 1D0 1)0

Charles L. Uiiv, muinKraplier.

V'tlimm1"^'!2 lkera, crier. OrderCounty Clork, 87 00

J.ibn It, lliinvnu, utiilioncry.Order Becker aud Hays, - 11 81

A. 1). Drill la, blatlunor. OrdernuTB'anil Uoomcr, '

\\',B. Rub bu t , furultibiiii; toode" nlfr llcomor anil llaysf 110 10

QeoTRf F . Nosbltl & Co., Btotion-crv. Order or PnnoRiilc, 90 13

aoorffo F. NvabltL k Co., Btstlon-crv, Order County Clerk, 255 15

i \ L. Luutfy, nilnilug blunliH.Oi-Ocr Hborlff. ' £3 GO

11,770 0





Court < CUBC,County roor n




llillu l ' a


Tlic Tor

lasco wlttHay 12lb,

13,031 S'l.iau MOUSC, - 1,8(10 0

1,107 K1.B3C1,0112




• mwlent ' Hui -ih'tiH, V.intti i .

in l!n





m 2J13,0901,112


s1,771 »k, 2,703

$.17,07!DllITTIN, County Collector

U P por t Is pulilinhed lit aceoliilion of. Ilia Hoard, p a i

O. F. AXTELD, Clork





REUBEN HOWE,SUSSEX St.. DOVEIt, next to Ilio EN GIN..I1OUH13. Ordcn k i t Hi 11. U. Clime'o storepruniptlj nttendud to . "* 34-tf


NOTICE la bcreby given Ibat uniillcalloiwill bo made-tit tlio Ctruult Court, in an

tor tbo County of Slorris, at tlm Court Uon*cin tliu (own of Morritluwn, on Mnnila; Ibo 4tday of Hcptcmber next, at ten o'cloi'k In tlioforenoon of tbat day, or so noon thereafter BHHeld Court can attend to tlio eamo, by AliceO'DrodyroranorikT toautlionMsliertoflnmimc•'in name of Alleluia Wo on lor Owen.

July 20111, 1670. 85 Iw [Pr. TH. $1.50

VENDUE!11HE salitcribcr. about to remove, will Hell

X a t public auction In Dohci-'o Wood a, Mou1-ioaBant, eti '

SATUIIDAY, August lQtli,at 1 o'clock 1'. M.j all Lii propert ' , CODHIBUL.Cof 1 faHt trotiiOB tnnro, 8 years old, 1 tno-icaSIOIRII, 1 threo-Hpriof; wacon, nearly now, 1li(,lit bnggy wagon, 1 tnltcfi cov, a krtfa bogii,1 bird doe, duckim*. tDikcvi, ducks, aud 1vanoty or UOOSEUOLD FOKNITUHE.8Hwp BENRX BOBBINS.


•HJOIUtWTOWH. iITJL Closing OLt tulo of 8UMMEII DHES3GOODS, Lawna.Organtlica.aronadlnci.LlatuaiSWIIB, TarlctoDB, to bo Hold without renard t<coit to male room for FALL O0OD3.

Eirgtlng In all kin da of DfiY OOOD3 for tliioil TIIIttTY DAYS.

05 W . S. OAHniTT.



.PESTHY tnd BltUSSEL OA11PBT8 rc-unccd frnm Il.US per yird Io t l .

ingrain Carpola roduccd. Matlinei rcduecd.35 W. S. BABBITT.


ZWESS CAMBRICSand PERCALES, Just ncdrcil at nnn ilillltas*er yard. . W


rclinscd at bankrupt 'silo at lens IbiHA11RBT RATES.




MARSEILLES, etc.ntliilfkiLTmr'ipriBM.


1 DBEIIEJ D.PALUEB, l l . B . r




SHAWLS, SKIRTLadifu ready-made SUITS In


vh:,'h mil bo Raid a t OHEATLY REDUC]' i t lCEa to closn tliem out. Wo have recci'






BlaokweUSt.,DoviDover, N.J . , Aug. let, 1870. '

VOUGHT & KILLOORE,Ditoaaiers, con. RLACKWELL & huss




uftlo : jou can purcbiise of q i wbatorer yoia t any flraUclana drag sturo, and at satlsfaprlccH. Carofnl aitonlion t i f e a ladiipcntlof Prpicripllona. Deo) in Ing viluoa clonely Ilowed In price. 85-1



at less tliau former price*.

TF, S. BABBITT.[orr lKHnvn.Jul j 27111,18(17.


059 BROAD ST.HAZEE, CONWET S. Co.,ulro to ounounco ibo Mlowine Bpocial intl


IN LLAMA LACE POIATS.Ho. l.a •* 52-S2 ^ . R e d u c e d to GO.

S:-:::::::;::: - 'S3

»•« :.:::::: ••• i tSECOND t

I N 1.1. AM A LACE SACQUES.lSoMaim.00 H,,l,,ceai<, MM

." £•::::::: :: %:: » •» ::::::: •• » .

« " 1723All tho ftbaro Road* mro Heat Llamiw Q00d«id tro offered nt minimal prices Io clour

THiniM 'IK DEHT B U C K OnwjACi-tr.i.—WO will makededaotlon ot 10 nor ceut. on all lalei of Plain•id F«ncy QrunaJinei onindi ot onrJoblotSileb oro (.flored at 0, 13* and 20 cli por Tilto beat aiiorttnont or cliulco LIOIIT DOIITO MEDIUM rillHTB rt a t " t o ft FoJ" 1o boat 10 du . Qlcachod Mnilln In tbo world.









Tlio Bulmcribora liavo tho pleasure utiforniinf; ttieir nnmcrons soqBaiiitanci

in Morns nnd m] join ing conntioi ttiaa l to many veati ot nctho «oiroli ami

jnirf I hn IiaTOBCciirea nn OBIQJWAI,>PlTo/ I t u noted book, nail no» offar


PRINTED IN 1792,shortly after tlio trial of tbo etrita btongnlngainflt Kogera, tbo principal 'actor, ot"GH«sT,' ond ia, of oonrso, tho onljretiablo copy extant, the more receripublication in 1820 by David Young,uambers of copies of which mar be foamtUrongljont the ooanty,, bnvjng beowritten from tlio mtmorj of tbo " oldeiinbabitAnt" at that timo, and wliicli it inow apparent when comparaa with theoriginal copy in our possession is veryimperfect, in feet beanngnoresemblancein form or matter to tho original.


wishing an early copy will BOO-— ..^«aity lor immediate .attention to-his, DB sovcrnl weeks will bo required intho preparation of tho second c3itioD

Sona in your jrabsoripttoun inimedlntely to







llw DOVBn, TJ. J.





Spring Goods


Than Ever Before Offerc

in this Market.


Until You Look in


jEit, iv. .r.


CO£'S EVP£K fHOSFBATE OF HUE,Dover, May Mb, 1870.



lias remoTud Io UU ncir mil cotnmadiouH all

BLACKWELL STREET,carlj opponito tho National Uulou Uauk,

where joa will find tlio beat assortment i

Watches, Clocks and JewelryTlio moat elegant GeBignBof Bllvcrwaro :



and articles lor TABLE USE at QltEATIKUDUCED PRICES. Eajwelal altuitlon

• In glfcn to tlio


Agent lor tbc Howard, Elgin, Wdtliam, ia r l f l i a watcu moTomouU.


HAIR JEWELRY,conUlnea In icadinR paltcra book rondo to ortlt

i t SnOHT NOTICE. Tlio

FAIRCHILD GOLD PEN,uniiarpiflsoa for flocnoy and goncral eiccllci

Agent for tbo DIAMOND


*l»lcl; »ro msonractiircd from Ulnuto Crjiybblos, united by fusion »nd dcrivo their nit

dlimoDcl on account or tbclr hirdnces and br

REPAIRING A SPECIALTY«nil ill watch repairing warranted.


Warren Boiler Works,, jy. J .

STEAM BOILERS, TANKSStacks, Heaters, Buckets,



On Hand and for SaleOaoSO-H.-P. HnturnFlaeDoilur.OooW-H-r. UprigbtDoller.ODD 8-H.-7. Uprlfflit Dollor. .One 4JI.-P. Horiiontal Bollor, .Ono20-H..P. Hotum Tabular Boiler.




BIBLE,WITH H E F E R J I N O E S , printed from in entirelynewBemrelectroljpo pUtvi, coaulnliiz Ofcr

10 p»Rei muro cf tbo text llian an* arcmarylaarto liiblti pnblUbed, and cmtatliahed willleirly TWELVE HOJJUhEDENQRAVlNQSon

~ M n d 8tDeL I t li tbo gntndflrt JUJbio inrid, »nd ii a cnmploUi eucv ' " -I koottledfio; and contains at

„ an lllaelrated PronocDdnij-jury, with 600 onmvluRa: CsmprchsiitlvoilMtotho Stady ci" tl:o Ilibk-, a. complelo»iorj(irttioB<xik«of tbelllblo; CitUa of the

llbidwllli MiR«iDcent Vlewi and DescriptrfoICODOB ; Iteliglooi Dcnomlmtioni and Crcodi,f Ilia 'World j BibUttl Natural H|eu>r7

mory j noECurdanro, H*rRlnal H*rBron«t-B -,aim* In Holro ; Family Record; Fuc-ninJileii

r Ancient Mmnucrlpli; Parabloi, Uincloa anilificonricfl nl CUristj Soripturo Clfflcnltica*pltincd, M*p», and many olhor thlngu, «m-raclos


Yation* otjlc. or blnaing, from $7.50 to 120.Alao a Hat of Lugo typo

QUARTO 'BIBLESatpricoa from H to f7.B0,

itatnlng tho Concordance, Pmiroa In Metro,b tablet, Fimlir Itocord, etc., better Minu-ted thin any other cheap Blblei.

[ am aln ablo la proeore thu . . .'LTBltAHY OF POETRY AKD fiONQ,"any other bf J . L. Fatd & Co.'^jmblJcattonj,

In fact, any work of any TtdJkiown author.


Utoadway, Hen York.


On the old encampment of 101) joais ngo, pouring rod hot Bliot iul<tbo NEWARK CLOTHIERS, knocking tlicir priec-s


Compare Yourself and to C o n M !PRICES QOUTED toy


AUttoolSiiit, $ «

Silk Mixed Ciissimei'C, !)

AH Wool Cheviot, 10

Flue Black Mixed, 12

New Style Plnid, ' 14

Worsted Plaid, 16Black Uiiigoiiiil Frlnco' Allert Suit,. $18 to 23Working Pants, 1.50

SOLD BYM. I/. FELL & Co. for!



" 11

. " 13

" " 15

Tho sumo snit by M. L.Fell & Co. from $12 to 18

M. L. Fell & Co. for $1.25!If llicso HtlCES, wlion compared, do not convinco tlio puo

Honis County that tliey can do bettor in tho old historic tomi i|mJthey cnu in NEWAEK, just lot them drop into the


T, INT. ST.,

and look nt our STYLES and PKI0EH.

1 . DA1TON BABBITT lias full charge of tlio CUSTOM :PAHTMENT, ivhoro ho will boglnd tomoet'his old friends nnd showto thorn the largest stock of rrNE doom over introduced in tho Counl«

TAKE NOTICE. The Largest Stock of Boys|and Children's Clothing in the County..

llorrlllinrg, N. J., SIoj 25I1|, 1S70. • 2


GlotMer and Merchant TailorIn thin jiliwo bin euceccOed iu stlcoUiiy a silpcrb aHUntrlmcnt or

SPRING and SUMMER GOODS|. For tlio OfiNTESNIAC YEAn, 1870, conswliDg of


BLACK CLOTH DOE9KIN '\'EHtlNQS pf all daaarlnlloiiB. A 111 RUarsnlocil to ever; mrKuu Imatter how ho I* liulU. Ho- ban nlmy prociirod T1IK F1NEMT "

MCLOOE C L O T H I N Giid tlio C H E A P E S T tror iota In thla or any otUor nho in tlio Union. Dotylns all oompo. It!tora,lio out;uemroaacall toHatlBfy all licfore Rolng CIRGITIICK. Tlia flpcclat'aUoaljon of tl-01pnbllo is called to tbo fact that lio liaa conalanll on hum! a tuU at.wk of tlie latest fttjlts of |O E K T S ' F U R N I S H I N G GOODS, m o i n m .

GEOEOE FEDER, ««'• 0am to tho post-offloc, D07EH, N. J Icr, JUy l t t l i , 1U70. , . I


DRESS GOODS of fashionable styles. |DRY AD FANCY GOODS,




FANCY GROOERIES: Teas, Suglrs, "(SpicesCoffees, Canned; Fruits and Vegetables.






; ALSO, ,•




FUENITUEE!FEEEMAN, GILLIES & Co.,IVESTHll St.. ntiwtni CthVia Olh A\x'i


have »n band a larjjo Block otntxt CLlatand medium


wliicli wo aro oflnring » t ;


M»rFluit,n«.W!11 "aTD »«W*5JW"8 »'™ « t ^ r J ' I ^ M ' O R OH WO Hill 1011(1 A p l u l o -

.»i>lcBtna CbalrB to bo fonnd in tlie city.

•™C!pI*Iill'*f'lur R t ' F ° T y at HoboVoD,nmi root at Ohrl i topbtr HI. by Biraot

lor palrnns from Morrin Coaiity h»»o noicitrlsnltm to porrorra in toachhff m , u wu

«j( ^EEMAN, GILLlEa li Co.r*"" " 10 WEST Htb BT., H1W TOM.




mleg l

'O aJJItintnl clisrge for oitracUag irhero. . covrlMih»reli,Borled. Woaro nowtnilt-tg beaoliral iotn or tooth for - ••:


DOTCT, September Ul i i , IBTfi.

JOBCoughs, Culds, Hoarseness,

Anil All Throat Disenacsv


A TWED AND SDEE EEMEDV. ;BlbyDmgKlitsccnoray. ;.

JonnnoM, IIOLUITAX Jc Co., FUI1., Pa'

Page 3: RA C.OOOPEE,ami poWrOssei a controlling )Hiwer oytr tbo crvuus syBltui. Tim romarhsMo cures cttcolca by VEorrm, inve liiflato d milnyiilijiithiiisanil Hpotliccarlra ciioio no knuw


ro il.rtvnl from several aci-i••njilu, who r.-fitltii. »!J Ihuir livi-K, In Il.acinil.v, nud ivlm had 1'u^iiunity b.vu in tinamis Ibe Winter ami KpiriK It ft** occupiedlie \niL.;r or ibid ortk'lc Inn fianuuntly con!Tfi>-H with Vtn. L'uiiico Pitfrunt!, \rliaua hutmd, Berlin* I'iariiin, was living willi hisUier, mi tbo form,! part of which wan useir ilid Co rip j and t\w ila& tlio same gouoriifor:natinu from her liunJiami, who bus ortt

., .„„.„ . . . l l l l t l t l 101 l t l u l l c r , llio location nnd plan o[ tliC50 A .M. ; ilacltolUtto*n Mnll, 7.S«ni|i, nU that, In tba main, tlio above n lnui

|,rc»B,e.40A. M.J Uinj{lianfli!tciii>lk.ii ia <]<]UTjtl<<t<»



Q,tber oillcerB, in tho cmimo or thin or other• t i i iw* . .. ( » n * f i n t o n , during tbu Wat,

*!' Tbe bcnullfiil Lowautlea Valtey ia a p$n)toivcdnith patriotic asuucialioaB; unit nr

Irouia < ii.uQ 4iould it bo forgotlun tli.it, along iU R«t-tmcainiiiw ».W A.I1CS, a patten* tbo Anur which •chlonilPort Ornrn 1M A * 1 " 1 " " ' T r ( l l l l* ' ' ««<1 ITittcMon, heroicallyDover 7.20 fltuured (treat privations; and thai, often, tho

^ ^-r—- ~: .Tent men of llio Iimolullnn, Alexander ITai—-——"TT*i r < l n V*"' ' l l l t l l l l » T Wnjiie, Biroti aiuiiben, anil,Weekly S t a t e m e n t 01 Iron Orfcve nit, p^nnueut, vaibinntcn, bOv0 ilol<

TTAQKErj-sTowN BOALEK f* I C W 0 | l l l l Q l i r a V o lll1t tlilnuotl rauliH oflbeli•iSstNO T H E »*<"»• ' jpi,y. l l i ro , too, tlio umrlyr, Caldwell, o

JI, A E . B- B . TO PENNSYLVANIA, ^Izaboildown, I,lnlh9d by rlio soldiers, hnaT I I E W r n K ENBISQ THTtitBDA* ETBStoldfhrlbt iMironl of life," with simple bnAnff 10 1876. . fucllvu cloquunco, aud, mlh fervent paiboi,FTATIUM* raov> toss. «|» BnpiiJa-atid tbo nid vl Him In wbfwo

•"'"""v p dofcDilcre nrtholi Country. Narabuuld It_ , Vaunt la und Chei- j . forqotum, tlint, olung tlio slopes of tho

if'r Junction StatlotiB,) 08 wvantlca Valley oml in 'in Immediate vlclnily.fjniin . . . . i . , „ . , , . - 1,1120 0* many unknown Rrtvog, in which WMB

N i.lini>o,.'-'.'..' 20 o/tled patiint Hnldiers wlio &k&t Hint IVtotur,tl'cVctialown, '• H l^dls-'sneH induced by liardrhip, or by tbuli i i lniu View, IB OfitUpn wbfch pn»lio<l. Ilut u r Uili more

yT H. II. (



3 0 H ^ i\ya ililuRlou Bltttlmi

•M'.*" . j^clal l j - or llio Militiiaiiu, lu tl.o rcRiuii <»

a,under Oenfrtl William»f Pluulaiuiu and Qnili-

Suniurntil County, to vrntck the

4 ,SaHfllJfiBd.lDfiR nero ihtit about I

b b l ' • • • : ' ^

Vcrjflno county pcaclKB ore nulling

(ni8il>an1ict. ' : •Vin Aqiburgb's etiow ia Mllot] for, St

h l l

tiaviU or soldk-n, untying f ir pcuiloiu,U ^ , , j r o v o l l j J l t ( ! t f a o I n w j w w u r o ( , ) s n g t l ) l

uJ ohiut'iiro biuiuoh ; »!>d lliai t in lao I'm-i l t , i o u § Windu did very cMdcnt service. Olio

ire BcaBou was diulluirulfiltcd by SDvcrunirnilHliuii, In nliicli our Militia Udmvcd with

. > t V t n iul«r

..(cperal Iarouf Pulnnni WHB In con>ntnud of'troops, In llio uolRlitxirliooJ of HID Doln-'oj mid Oenornl HMlli, In tlio Hudson

^hlainla. Tim enem; ci lnbt iol Ibu most.ilysa (ll*roiinrd pi llio rlplija ovun of tlio in

" i b i d cUimcd mlcty, under "Brit ish Pro-JqiiB;" ouil Wnthiufflun wrote Hint tba

Iplo "a rc txcoedlDgij esiiRpcralod nt tbujtlncut tb-y bavo m e t ' u i l b , both from

rfjtfan and llrltiali Troops." Tlin rdigiou*nps of Iho peoplo wero dboebeJ by scolngr'Chatehoa ihncaratoil, the onomr dcitro.v-

md oflen ttabihif* their bornci[ul'rtNbyloiiau and llcrorinod Dutch goue-

wy nccldoul on fiatunliy JotmL,, ciiiircliOB lujlrmuiuR lo llio Kii((liiiti

Bcliuolej'a Mouutalu.iio of thoUrow property at Maillaoiisli»uod to Stpt. 22d.

hu ptcuty nfiiowi to fill cna.Tlic (shipment of poaohGS OurliiRtlie laxt

iii amouutcd to 8,051 baskets.Oeorj;o Vdnll, of Horrfatown, lod a vnluablo'alch iiiJ.alH>JIoifiilconfi Ibo ottt-r day.

I»itiiili ol Kchooluy's Monntitln, bad hia

trukcu. t.r-^ 'ii{le Clerjy, tlio L'burch of Englatul, liMorrmtowriht«an"Atlilc;lioClub" that will u'loiik'n, v-mi cither uoutral in tlio cou

.a t or ttbeleiloapfirlB In Scp-

A ii«ltitins Ui tho Cuntcmilal Exlnbilloii b jdaughter ot lllahuii Odonliulnior, L IB bi'cn solJfur I1,OM. • ~

Clia*. U. ' l tnymond, of Blorrlfl Plnlim,' liask m appointed ono of tho Judf;oa or tlio Ccilinnlal dog shon. - /

A (•nod hono bolongiuRto DavlJ Whftrp, i

Jtuilronil tlio otbor day.

Dover Council. No. 6. 0. U. A. St., will payItoitiurj UounOilj.No. 1054 a triendty <rlaltllomlnj tveninjj, Aug. J8ih.

A jirat tlopol has Jiotu couipletod &t QorntinValluy fiir.lba Longwood Valley ItalirQiBl,- FpaiIraltis liavo tlint place'dally.; ' - ' . ' '

'flms fur mriro tlckota for Camp Slcotliij; Imnlinen uol4 'M tho Holotton e n j of tbo ronlo thanever Mara »l |bfn tlio Bama tli'

Juduo K110H1 ti. I'micbor i« to deliver n connonl \ce\an» Ilic coming t¥ifit#rto Drew Tlieo-JofjiL-al r'tmliiBrj1 pn ' ^ c c l u l u t t c p l J*if.

Camn Sloetlnp wilt conolnOe on ?rjiloying niti, and tbo V. J . Torriporanna AHi»neomil hold a eanvcatlon on. Friday

Mr, Tboi. IlDatli'tnil Imly.or Baskli..on Thamday of laut wook colcbratoil tli lor£oMcn wr<141flff At uliifli tboy onlortalnod -.176

fh, haaCii't] frufotlie cueat* of the Injorlos U« rcfloti'i'd a rowitotVa ago in oltompifiif; to Ax-ito-'ib.i?iifgh airau»n I IOI IHC - -(..

'JhouBDio of Ctilar Pond, n«ir Ko»v Fimud-bDii, liau boeu cbatiRcd to LaliQ ltbotloili>ndi'(iti.nbieli is harder to pronounce auriBimml* ttunui

Coclior'n l l ra is bund of UorrKtovii WM'•lirilttl ivltii rotton peaches tlio other CTOUIII?hy a numlwr of emnrt urchiD% twn ot whomL»vo been arrcHfnd. '

A bank book, bfilo DEIBB to At ram lloyrp 4Co., in account xl lb Iho nietrnj NationalSink, vraa round lu Ihfi pl«m un Monday by aIHltoBoofrMr. Joba Collins, ,'

A« garden f Metro are o)nnilvz no*1- K wl"bo in order to pu t ihot gnnf> in rcaulncii. TUomelon patches .of JIOSBIB, John O. Mmmanu*J i i . A. QnoJalo ivoro thorottfilily it ripped thisweak, v . . .

Tho big. bljuk dog a t SliippitiRport did notha*e nottob of tha aooeial; itoUn on Tbursilav.Ho wna walking tolmroly hions on tho I tackirhontlio train fltrnck b l u OH *ba basil and lianw a doafl dog.' ' :". ' * * •

A llttlo eon of Edward Uiikelly vriu IOBSC.1 InI!m air by a caw, on BiacfcwcH eittxt, Itavtlay,V* nnimat nisi, attomptod to Roro him after-

it did n o t luccoed. Portunaluly tlio

tjio To?Ion uiiflen-.aettMit on-Ihore llio Qbrurnor bai} BJIOHI tlio pro-

oil, In every caw, lo uludu Ills onoiplea.Tif maulu oWcor HOB {dually. oBtocoicil

ti^ton; ami rendered iiivaiualilo. icr>tbo country, In Ihogo perilous times.part of tho Army wag quartered iu

^ Valley. I*arfio numbers WMO bll-pr i?4o lionscn, in tiio townships of

Uhalbim und Hanover, by Commii-«lo oppoliiUd for ' Ibo purport', Tbis

ibpiij^i-nfCCNBirlly nrhltrery, uwtacilo1 of "milling miiuli"- Aaron EMchc]atber, Joicpb, P [ UttBorcr, li»(J twoid j taw up tlio larfter one, on aoudittoaold [icoyto tainht liavo t))D other ,

only ta tako care of three sick Englliti. Of ffhoui ilioro nan uo danger or

momutra f iat bisy r nine indWIdnals;

i'll RH can bo rucollectoJ, foiirtcca.l BflUtpn »unt qnnrlorcd In tlio same

(»r," R i ' W i l» T H E CHMBTUX^,ix,632.) Tbo8ayrdB#Hlpl»arJB,Ely,itohol, SiinUi.-Tiitlle, and Dth«F fw

ierveil in tl.e itanio way, .mailing no

Iujipany, limiorv.1 na Hit) flnf vlllago laoijy torniacn Company a! Boldium, fur

dobtf llborlv, M n . Anna Kitcliol, dauffb-.tc ru i to lTut l le , iluvuut believer tbat slio

Uy«;/ " I V " f t " ">aod,u«rIxifcltir. - '

Tlirco car loadi of Illtiattci puscd throuHhporer on Tbnrs(J»y »oun on' tltolr' w y fromTVenton to tho now oy lnm. Four honflrtdt i t icnt i will be t h a i transferred ("mm tho ovorcrowded Trenton Aiyluw

Ixifcltir. f l icw wrFlby • people never satdto'lbidlcrfl, •Vlio JO irflnpjeil a»dJl l led ,"mereat BtwnyibaJ ro d frto prov

t t l b t l h O B o

e|» llio main avonnoat Camp Tabor on Than-<1».v o»*ning and let off liti machino near lliopcachn'd *lpntl to tbo tnnb ut "£ull Doivn U oiltilltifl," ' ljfo Wii* soon "honncod" by tbopolice. ','.' " ' .'..

Mr. Wilt; H . t a « > p f t enrilca tlio fluoBt'mcer-KUamplpeio pa eain lpr.<**x>nt». " " "'lito finest material, ha« bU raonoj^nj].iho (root, anil was prcicntcd i i blra by Mr.Fred. }l. )itmchyvha had It made tnr him' lufiennany. '"••'. -

That tnomf at luankind, CoTiBnmptioiLocnrad; lmt It It I«r better to proTont tliocruel dlBO»e from katontag Jtaulf oh tbo «ja-tcm, b j tho timely n ia of n «mcdjr liko piy

t B»l(»m- orltl l b

yBOfitB, andVUtaet B»l(»m or .Wdd.^ftrrr. BOfi,

lUbolt lo, largebottlBimncli the-cliupar. •ltlo, largebotl po want tfpaci dwto f « VblW r « ) « r u r

ootlnff, or Spring andBnniner'clojlilpgdmcriptton, go to «ui- .tffwninian,' Oep.atixtio'iUo pOBt>ffljiSwboro.yQti,can

l P b l ; t ui' be

amp»>r any

> j r y ,pnrchaio i tem teg par coalPbelo^;coitt, ui' beh compelled to clear lit: coiptem'for FallIVIatcr eaoda. ,. .;.' ' - ' . . .

Tho « o » "'flnmT Will" will Lo u t a f r o pfjorer (o tbu Haulaway track to-day to gl"°ibow «bo il0iU-« on opportunity, to ittoml thorocea. Thla will alao attord a good opportunityfor tims Vlio w&tiUo. allfini) 'Ibn Calbllcpie-nio at that pUcn^o-daf, as tbrue tripmy nill bo in ado, '*• • # • •

As Mr, A. J. Coo of tbla placo « gbrook near WWhluBlon, Warron County, ye^lerday.lioooiiaid annmbcr'o( Htllo orchlnHpicking t: j ioiDCthlngrrom Ibo brnoh, and oa m-vcitlgritug, (ba"ntUar fauna ihat ' thb laSrnliite in bathing fcadstnaulotl orcr. joraa lulna, a m l k a d i l ro^y BOCHM* obciutworth. . - ' . . ;

Xa Uw Cdnnion Gounclt proceflil/nRa It v\Ubonotknd th«t Uo Unrahol baa prbtntsed tctnako'cumptei of Bomn who lodnlp) io 1mproper hngnago oa Uio SUBBCX Btrcot.urldgo.Whllo thoro arc aomo who mako.no barm ofpiBBinsat) Idio moment 00 thn* briilgo, tliaroiro otlcrBwtD make It i plaoo vrhcxo tboy can"Uro at ludtos tntf indnlRO In eoarso remarks•I tbflj pass, anil inch cannot La pilnfahcil too" O O n . ; . ' • ; • . " • _ • "

On tho late oTenlng train from Camp Taboon Thursday owning WAB a crowd oryoaniconndrolB, who, oven In'tho prcienco of ladiBB,"ntodfrom their fbnl uuntha tbo mo*t blis-pliomoaa'»nd obiocno Ungaago. They nodoubt inppoioa thoy were (honing tboir fctlowi>a«flangan' lhaf l&ery'woro wniirt, when In ro-Jit th N t fid

g y ,y they worn only prattng that NatneottoQito.prorido Ihom with b id «TDH Hlten iUicm ft amallcr, tm t h d l I


'ordlnKrr Iioga powean,fl arf l iony ' to nay, got off

1th tbu grtntorin Hit Nidu of Iloyalty." (LITCDAUT

(kptcinucr 'JSH, 1818.). It ivaa notgo tliat Uio pcoplo should, lu Uieso cir-" reHflidTo bmimoa tboiwuRhlj woancil

I'nnBooritoynliy. ThqappealsarBiicli* an MaoWhoilor, of (Newark, and

tell, of KHzahcllitonii. and Qwvo, aud,u(l llnrUait nnd Woaillmtl, u fa ibr r i i

,y, wiro forcibly BiUlalnc'd by Iho eacrile-:coniluu( of Ibo ono'itiy. The conduct o!arlofl and rofUKoot «isti> Inhuman andsteuUH, thai tbo Ituyal osuao wan Idon-' lut l io popular ealccii],-iTith IIR'HD vaga-\ giiilly or treannii, robbery, and "niurdor.

Ifyy Council, iraro compelled lo itfuoratc,ami Ircquently, iiow holding their1 at TiDiitoii, Prliicuton, NoiTftik, »ror-

in, or. irlmi-cvur i t cimld bo dona, withti tot tin) goiiPra) (JP11*)' 'XI10 GovernorDt n bolil innii; but a v^ry pcrBcvcrln^.

' l lawaroprthoraat th'ittlloTprleiiimtl tn sc-lza him, an a r a n prixo,I to tbo enemy, ho «DH usunllyhid joumoja, by a detachment or

Light Homo"; and vary Boldom slopt

tho ntnl Orco


»nd frt

O B o l c r , ttibujli Lhoynn oiUcer attempted to

hllloty himttryroHoffBon ttimi Tor jrhonb o n ^ b c j LIIBB ovoi-tbo lire, "iLrf.larfikcltlillnu half a Imrrwl, Mod wltb rnopolateuil other ycgotiiblcB," co tliat they

*aA i u e r w o r o


n ; n M o W p ? ? (J pnit. ;Koblo iniDf n.ob1o ¥°*lNeBBou-IauiiiBtDpr.oi(d of tbol

r i l ' «o»« precioofl r*'l*i* Rf >. b paii{ilit fn ho parnerea 'IP *"i>V if '*'•*

DHL-IIC, tlio first Chnplsin o rCon- i«^ , nudit i-dut t tbo >lmrpnRniiyiil Bi-i.c.licl Anmhl*» tHOII, Ijofiire tin "flimi-a lliu Ciiiiiiitili^ti I'loriiifurAuimiin ;" triit "will) lint f.mild- iif l'jUcrcir," liu wit! do ] | .

hatarnctiou tn K.y ihut (iim nil i'tiil.'innna,inuuii*« buhtiviiir, in mi «c;iou that liappcntdnear amucrBi-t Court IIon •«•, «u Mill Monoer, K-lltiilcd Mi,, liiyhcht cuillt 011 lim.;thuiigti MB troops HL-IO nil raw, bu ltd HitinUirtiu-h llio river, middle ilu-p, aud WITH theenemy eettcrero u ehnw, tint glrdodgti ,Iiattetl by t i m e flulu>ntuctia, liny Kava wuy ar.Olull ilicirnunfoy or forty vr»«oiia eiiil npurinof DUO liuuilmi hoi'flcH, imml of Ilium or tlFiigHHh draft bneil.Biid t. uuintmr or vbei .ftiirtchtllo which Ihoy had cttlloclod." (Ibid,2B0.)

tu t tlu-n it n-»» not all or uniuly Hiin-ll^ht ithe "ohl Aructd Tavern ;" for on tbo tweiit'eutli or Jauuary WaHliiugton wrolo, "rdnrorcimcutu cumo up HO uxlrcmcly ulutr, t l i a l l a infi»id I nil all bo loft irithoiit nuy mon btfoitheyftrnvo. Tbo t-uciny muHl bo Ignottui orour ttumlxji'D, or ihoy havo nut bonca to ctbnr orllllorf, or ihe j would nut Buffer OB to re-main undiaturhod." (Ihld, 001. ) —

Al tliia jHJiut I may introduce au nmcilutwhich I had hom Q. l\ Matulloaeh, Es<{., hibtr-ln-law ol tSio luto Hoii. J . W. Milkr, witlinil It directly from Qonornl Doughty, ft Itcvolulhinaiy cfllut-r reHidmg in Morriidomi. ,mail haJ been employed by WaHhlngtou, OBKIIV; but Bomo circumstances baa l td ColonelIlaii'illon to aimped tliat he was carrying newsto Iho enemy; and ho iluturmilled to mainBinno Rood uac of tbo man. Aci-nrd[ni;)y wbenthe man called ouo day at the Colonel's ofScobe found liim very buay makiug out a ropoit olthe condition or tlin nmir tor tho Cummiiudcr-fQ-chtor. Tho report was madoout with greatnilnutonees of ilutalt; saub a dlvliisti bad somany men, and Budi a division had aouiiuy, etc., etc.; and tben Ihu wholn \\i* sum-in cJ up into a R|ilundid agsregalo at leant fourtiaiss BB lurcc an tho nclut) toreo. Tlio coi)di~tluuor.lhc lligazlncuvtaidolftllcl in tlio fame

mer, Boon iiflcr tlio HUHpGclci] epy t etc rodthe ofllco, Golouel llamillou )irctcntled to buvu(uimo errand and eictiBod luinBelf sayiiiH he

ild lie hack In a low minutuu. Apparently,iu liiu baste, ho bod kft bin report lying on bfutul lo , md no Banner wm ho gono than tlio foN

'aucins over its pngrp,tud Hiiro tbal bomvaliiablu doBinut-nt, through t most

alo clinnwi, poctutcd It and lefL fur tboenemy I . General Doughty tnld tlmt it wasCoi-

""smlltnn'ii opinion that tliia happy Mlrokedid not B 11 It In lo kubp the enemy from Jlorrlu-toirii, a t a tlaio nben tiio American Army was

condition (o rceelvo them. -JS past I'd tho inontb of January, In plans

(o do fund the country from IU loraih-n; buther invader nns opproacblug dreadful in-

ilcoil to contend willi, Ur . Jx>RMltig lutlmatcirhllo meamircB wora takun to innoculalo

tlin.olillerB ID the Ncirlhi.ni Dnpartmont, Buabnirniia wcro not taken at JtfordBtuwn. Kothaving hl« booh nl bnud , Ican oily glvo my

sion from memory. Ilut thi i Is a tuin-tako. II wan a common opinion, in Ibis region,ot tliat lirao, that tbo amall-pos A'ae wilfullyu.iH matlcioUHly Introduced by tbo cuoniy, bop

Dffttt dun* fatal ilumigo by Ilia mean a. Bu t'liatcvcr vtoro Iho m e a n * the "HorrlBlownIlli of Mortality" ibona that on tbe eloveotti of

iry, 1717, *'M«rthi, widow or Joshua Bull,ted of pmall-poi." "(jqnthom Halbaffay, onho?it l i , n and "GhoiiEzoi* Win da, on tho QUt"ir t l ioiamomoii tb, by tho mmo loslkHomotlla-:»ao. OB tliefilibnfFobrubry,1777,Wathing-

nn-rolo, "tho imall-puz haa mado ancli boat]every quarter that I find It itnpoaiillilo to

cp it fiom spreading Ibrungu tho vrlmlo ar-v In tlio niliirnl nuy. I havo thcroforu <]ot«r-

nlnod not only lo Innoculato all the troop* no<*icro tb i t havo not had it, but Bliall ordor Dr.

ipon tolnnoculaio Iho troops aa fast ai they

0 lo Philadelphia. They will la»o no time,ttiao thpy go through tha disorder nblla

iflr clollifiiff, nrnia and accoutromonta ate got-1 ready." (8parka*B Wartime ton, iv , 811. Jwas obmpcllcd lo iceort . to ' tula extrcmo

lanro by ibo (xpiirluuuu uf iho prorloni yonr,Hnocially ffl thuNnrtlicrnarmy, wliloh miQ ircd;r(tttly from amall'pnx. "An. oatablishment,"

s ejiafkf, ''foritihffciiJa'tifln was pnirliieUir Uurriilown fOi' tho troops In camp; onoPblladolphta, for Ibons ooming rrom thp

it t i j ' nn'otlior tn Conucctleat; another InProvidence.'; (Ilila,' SM.) Bo far. aa Morrjictown fBCuncemed, i t waa not BO much"a plnco,m a RorfoB of liipocuIntiiiK hospUali In dfDoront

Wosln tlio townsbipi of Morris and Hanover,ioH6v..Bflmti»| Jj.Tu.We.iri tils'.8balcta~of

tttlo Hill.donnR th* Involution,'from nblehliavo alreauy quoted, remnrliB that "MTOrnl

a purjilttfi of liiuociiktlon, as a, meanB ot 'nv-citing Ilio nrogn>fiH of tho diuotteV Ono oflnjEO>aa tho dffulilug nuhiiequenlly occupied

•Jonatlian TbompHon, in tho vicinity oj ibeUBO.botonfllrtft tp Mr. Bavld 0 . Mlllor. Ali t f i iwcm Pfvciippt sirs^P. waeBtstloncd;

md ibllber nil classes in and about thf a village,vent to pain through tlio -procon ol inocIon." "Another niieo nhicb vrai aofapir t forbo pnrpoio^of. luoonlatlon; va'a tho . hoirbicb stood at tba t timo oh *.bo farm of the

John Ofttlcn, nvor I'IR bf!t~at»<nt tiro cijitbDf MoVrhlowii-. • • • • Thalhonacaa then ptfnU spit oeonpipa by Mr • Elijahlersoni and for no?eral ffloptlo i | wna 001 *

,, .Hod >ntb both tnldlon f nd dtlauni, whobid rcpatrpd tbllUor In order to guard them-

by Inoculation,, against tha imall-pox.havo bcDn ip formed uy aomo or tlio Uroobfloldimily.roeidingbnt a. llltla distance from ibo

ranticacumj) gronnuYtnat tboy received iti im' tb t i r revolutioniry ancestors,' who livedBJ! died on t h o ground, iba't Jurinff that aam<rintor, tlicro tvia a ttnall OQcampaumt oc * tho111 hickflt thoBohsi l l jnaQBion.'a Bhort.dla-tneo Kortli of tho placo laal doscrlbod; and U\\u aDom'sd to mo not ' impr^bahlo' that1 that

arrangainoai alno' undo for luooalatlnglio army," ' f'Anotlior p r i n l a Iioato • tbat mta

;u|)loJ for a lioapUa), yrw nn old ono" lrhleblodcn tlio spot now occupied oy luVrcal*

lenconr Mr. Bailey, oo the road leading by thoa m p grbuna across tho Lo^antlca Talloy;but ajl t t lodisUnca from Iho roadleadingfrain3rcon.Villageto MorriBtoirn.-*:• • • Pby-ilclnns soil, nntsoa wcro stationed tboro a l to ;ild ovbrjlhlug was dono to'sayo'tbo'llvOB ofho poor lollDflrs wLO worn carried thither from

timotp Jfnio on litlcrs from tho camp. All titsroewi inlhQ iwQW jftTP cODtinually nllod with', . . . . . I tn t »»d a vorjp Inrgo prbporllpn or thornlied and ncro LurlJd In tba orchard, ahont flvo

«fl YirdK Konh-T.CHt of tbo iiouao, Motb„ row'. exiiis to- mark (hS-'placo or their

lorlai." " J u t tba principal -buspiud iu thiiciufly of (lit) cam|i-hwaR a large hoiio whichijougca, a t thnt tlmu, to a Gorman gontlc

ij,a fit tfto n»nio ot Uarporoo/on tho- farr•btcU now'bclougH lo J , J . S c o u e l d , E s q ^ o[10 pld rosft Itidipft from Botllu p i |o Uorrli

paitt Hiilil t-nriy In IVbruary, 1777, when tborch "31 i-ijiivtilril kilo n tom[inrary hoa-I fur IIIM..: ncililxrn "1.I10 bad taLni theme—Hiihil-p-'i-iii iliu natural way."JBI Gif iu, olilui-t .-i.n uf tho l'»rnnii, was1 uiiui'M l ir inu yearn o!<],BU(l wna "IraIn-to IllltiK >LUW u l J ; noii* I litink were

nmCi imdi-r 1m, UIIIL-DH IU imlit'iilunl orWII of tiiu-ixiiniiiii gniwlhr* (Life or Pr. A.

11, &").) h you, a diiinial litnc, In tlio wlioloin, aa ivo mny well imagiuu. Ill a valunble

ro(aafjp.-n<Ie(| (t, the tiatab'n>gra.phf tittitellur.'.t'oli Oreeu ur Ildum-i*, Dr. AHIIIILI (lri.cn

akoM Ibo followinK tHati-inonte offautB, wlnt-lio liiimdr n-ax vi'.in.^ to , In bit bo j lun ; ] ;Aflnr the u1.1110r.1ML' iiidiuuiirr.-i ai.O Il.ittliu

I'litim and Princeton, • • • Qeucroliigton qtmrk'i-cd IIIH wliolu aimy, tint aunu, in Mtirrlniidnnty. The mnMI-pnx-oliL'ii nut nn>ri;iK lliu trcujiH, mid pruvi'dliiilib fatal, Tliu Ciiurjli In wlm:li llmji inbUrt tn Mlntodiy ii|eHchi!(l was linedhospital for ILonu nhi) liad tal;i:U llio

iBcase in tho nalunil wny; mid tlio prcaoulcan never fni'^di the appalling acoura

n-lncli hu llifrc wl tumi 'd , produced by HIL-ravnera nl thnt frif-htrd iti'ilidy, mm- go hap-.[>lly dinanntii or ilu liiioin hy Ihu foiluuato

iacorvry ul \accli>:tliini. 'J'h» iiiutjw WITH[Rtrllnitu.l in Un; ilivu]IIlij,'"* t'f ilii^ inlialiilaiitii,nil tbo Surj-fonaof thu Anny liioeiilsiltil bulli

dit-rK and cilizi'int-ilii- cltiKfiij [uilboutirgo. Tlio rurally ol Itio wfltLT'* father con-ltd or nlnu hidivMunN ; nud, n* ITI'HOK cnurucolkclcd, fu 11 rt(.•(.'u iiftfc'im and HDMJLTHre qiiarlcrcd in llin mine dnulling. All wurceulated tugctlier, iuwlull liad lliu dliwano In

very favorable maniior. Iiulced, tbodiw;aau>cutnlioii w.ts HO nlightlliut tlicro was

irobahiy imta i l ay 111 «lncli tlio Army con Idot havo nuivliml oBa)mt tl,D uutn.y, if it had

in neewwary; but It |irovlilL'iittally wan not•oasarv." (CiutiftTi is AI>VOL-ATI:. IX., 622.)

All, boiTevur, i^l'l not bare iho ilihi/uno KUllghlly. Lit lie Eunico Kit clml, aricnvardu M n .

licit kfi tracer to dco;i au vnti no I fff.icc; j an>B a* «bo livmi. E.i-ela IW0I1, iluitjhtcr uriptclu Ivnoch llcacli, aftornatda manii'il to

ilas Dlckernon, of Htanluipo, lirqllii'r oft iov.[alilun Dickcraoii, then Io l i iefc to CuionoimiUJaclnaii.ofH'faiaway, wag e[(rj/rL-Hl)>-ilch 1111I0 (K'uth," with (bu iiiiiu dl^oawi; anditn hlio wna near t'ljlili yenrs u)$, the toldout Iho Inmcolal[011 uinilo <*vor her, byeuda, and bow tbat tlio ODutor tried to cou-

[>lo ttiuw by tbo Buiucwliat ru^uil 'wordR,thnt they Hlfrmlil not mako lucli an ado auuut

Tor ir »hi> u»t TVO1I+ Him would ho to -ug ly I"-prefixing <ino of IIIB Inlvrnnl M»Jduty'sorivativon. No donbl inanj other famllieo

)Uta\e, an tbo CsnimtHuiunuriiriillufitho toldlora an beat they CSID, Iftt oa

I>1I) "Arnold Tivorn t" thon Ima-

1.U lahlo, willi Up! enmpit(pL-d„,„.. Hy bleru. WnaWngton b " i m d «

Bblp Iliiwp, with a loiter ahaont ivlmlly ouor Hie crnol treatment which oumon, ¥ '"" pro nnbappy onongh Ir lifliidfi, rcoclvo «n hoard the prii

cr ••endeavor to oV'alij a rcilrrieBUM, bowouIO thinkhimwiraii.cul-no nbo Ipfifot inoli iwerMen upon•ho dl i t rcaior Ihu- ltriaonc;*,

not ba tnmionole»tea_ U;i t i « n not ha c<,mmUtiklttilJ n i j or thirty oloovcry day. Th

jjo In liunbnriod. \TliU- imrohotB. of myconojfi have dird by cold and hunger, per-

i n necciwariea orbfol 1

ve dird by l g pof Jim common necciwariea

prftish ejycji

miy I Iiy I(Araiafter'Vjnfiton


tbelr b a r U r l l y aud t i ,n swor l of l)io Hc«Biana,"-

, V,, ID* MM.) J U B t a " I (

W H r ^ l o w f lt » W -Hke to I / ) rd Howa,I « M r n tlio Ha

l l I ^" luomrui l u»*hu ""' """ •wra v « ; K lu Kcw York, "wbWMlwIreiitcil coinnnceacoBuim.", IBpwHi.'* 1Jhigton,' 1173-377.)

upon LHUJ*JI

arc presslit Tor I

imlwra il» mot. irioiplring and roost nr! n t letltro Bent " t o tjio Oounoll ul Bafotjgeni


aiotcB/'cigfornioro tnci1 It is " •'" " - ' '- :

i n d manilloiii |

Hie twuntorJniinary. "our affaln herIn ft vcryiporoua tram. "Witliln a montlpant, iu aoil ougaBcocnta irltb tba Blwrnjne bara it voaadcC nnd token' jwlnnncnbcl"wcei»'l4id lliroo thomind^n ien i^ I anvarycimfl'atbftltlio onemj's JoH' l ic r t voblleotticQ .recall their;force ;BSia J°ABtoto. I f Ijpmfcrl/anpporUid,! shall hnp<tooloso thftipaiEOglorlonily forAmorica,1

(LottcrtoGniorOoolf, in ttp*i*i*« 1Ingloo, lr.,i) U«l tlio couws O 0 Q B WhopclQl Walston haa r o t ib- jaaa thrcDRi

Cliftd'i F o r i d GcrnwnUnrn for Inita n a la: y o l ' b dcaorioS by Iho Hsv, Jaco

Summer /"/easuraa.Tbo Bhoogbum Pond, in which Dulling l.ns

oeu 'prohibited Tor esvcml yesra, vraa thinuek thrown open to Jim uso of tlio public, <nd

lie walcrbnmg partly drawn alf Ui admit ofoino jmnrovciiiuulH, llio sport lisa boon veryno. t-voroa uf llnhormnu bare been unou thu

water evory day, and bundreds of jiiclicrot,weighing from ouu' to flvo pounds buvo been

ight dally.'Squiro Dutlernorlbfl flue uciv bunt was

Ivcn at trial on Lako Ilnpalcung, on WcOnon-,ay, by tho.owiwranil Messrs. A.1pheuillceiner,

in.JI .Bnlnir , J. R. Itcrniur nml nlhcnt, In-ndiDg a luimbur or 1 idles, all of «lioin onjujeil(indilay'saiynrn/on in thanoval cruft.Tho liacitottutoini Jlall, going east, Mondaylorultig bad clovon can oomplotuly flllod wiilimBciigers roturning from their Sunday nt Iho.rlous resorts lu tbis (cclhm. The train c i -irlKiin'd Rnsat illulcully in Kettliis up Hit)cavy grado ot Summit.

Mr.D. Mollor bx'a earned tbo diallnutiuuM10 clifmplon oel catcher. On Jluudiy ntgm> eclipsed oil of hts fuiriu'r riloitB hy unlvhlug10, with book aud Hue, weighing flvo punndsnd llirco-ijuarlera.

Tbo 8abhatb School nf Ihn Fbillipfihurg Mainirrct M. E . Cburcli, will hold it* annual plc-

;tSlaii!i..|.onn tho SOtbinnl.; «ut will holo-ompanitil Iiy the Diillipslmrg enrnot Land.

Mr. B. "Praiili" TiJJjer oouionjplnlrJ givingluiiihcr ufiilw Dover aud Jlorristown trionds-rnud birthday uxcc.rtlon to Bndd'e L i l iumilav, bui. was provculed by tlio storm.5b*. Fred. II . Boneli arrived homo

[onday from bla European tour of about ouor. Ho ' looke wolj unu hourly anilmly ivccivca by hi* many filcndt.

Oliver T . Orano, Wtlhrd W. Cullor,'m Hcadloy, lleiiry V. Wilts, Oondict W.

i nillo aontii of 1U0 »bQfo fhorot&titara, andin stowail vulob sloped • towanja \)io Pontli,10 that U could uol .be seen ft-om tba jo^i.[t WBS a 0110 and a lialf mory houic,' h iv ingTour ronma on tho lowor floor and a graator

umher un llio u p p e r ; obout ono and a. hairiJIpiSJoilh-vreat or tbo teotro' of .tbo Canip;ml In W»»y -rrcpcrtH admlrablj adapted torlmohJi]ctfQrK'blcl| iV'tfag ))£Qt]; JJcrf, alao,

many, ot tbo IOWIOM t a n Iho. last nl parth.Xho plncu wlicio ihty woro l>nrled, tl la and,In aiflf (a bo scan ia tbo fteutli-wett eOrnor otLJ10 llaruoroo furm. A. triangular.picootji pground. iwnlaininR i.t. lea i

i i u r n ^ c i ] by oh old-raihloned wormyo.iurroiin^ci] by oh oldeuw kud'fllioa wiib n p q ^ i , iX closely a.Hoy could be placed to regular rowi, wai thoilrlpc ffliorc (hose Bnfortunato man, unblcfleod

itli IIJB cyippatliy of wives, alitorfl, anV l t i d ( fyi A t "

jjipb ire Iho ftcuwliloh Mr . Tdtli9 ! « • r c i .cued ironi oblivion; but, p roUbi j , Inrcrcroncoto tbo Itii tao places whicli b e doacrlbea, ha in;-ri,ng In calling them Inoculating hoapilah,Dr. AJ*II|(O/ Orcon, ; whoso fatlwr, " I'araonQrecn, nn» a byslclafl, Bays, nxplleitly, that,during Ibat seaaon, tho (llicaao by inbcolal'ion

o llfih t Uiat tbcro wai probably not a <Jaj(?/(/)' Ifio'^rmy. could 'not Iiirn tntrshc

'acainBf tho onomy, if H bad been upctSitarT.BiBiua AD. . ix./o2?.r..TboFe fa otbor con-Ivc- lcBt.in)QBr Ifl >»« «»fflB, eJrV*i (••*""lliyflonqidBivo I* Ibo'cvidonte, that tltocb tbo diafiaso [n tho natural nay 1

died. -Tho Bailor: and Harpprp.0 JjopjipBprobably boipltaU Ipr Lbo»u who liftd UlQ Bm&Hnoi in Iho natural way, wliicb aceonuti far "lijality.at thosoplacca. And woll might t'utlliOfatfloHlD Hll t , :durlns tho Itovolutiijwlalw. "Ver/'naBrPlI, t<s ft coriaequonco, aroIho oaioclMlona which gafiior arouofl llicwypotal Very prcclona ought they t ubo in ' t l n

ilimallon of all t w o American p i t n o t a j " (If wo ttovrptiirn W Hannvcr, during llili

1 season, vo Dud Hint 'Tarson Groea':gQla,rly In Ibn old Pruibytorli

„__„ 1, nol rrom a " Curpontor'a bonoh"„ In runner years, bnt rrota ft Mai pulpit* hulltfor him by Oarpontcr JodlOlftb Koach, to wblabeooAkl bo liad been, specially incited, aa I»«Id. by tbo Tsraan'i pioBQbtng oo ' tho aonia'what »ld subject or "lb!>Tonr Carpcntcn,1

llio mifo lnfcrEtj(ioorirbicJl''tllsconrjiQ-Hr• _ - 't I haso" a 'pplpJtT". Tbufpnli

mirlftrfltbofl et 11B rfgrthy occ

ibo c]lBtrosB|uB uiluatioii, and,u> uf thcni did not faro m m>ll.

ire camping otit'at Qreeanoad £aki• I I . H. AliiBon.of ierioy flUy, will aoou com-mence tbo building of a limdBomo d>.uble cot-tago at Damp Tabor, in Trinity l'laco, Ju»tahovo tho Taylor cottUp).' ' , V«:

Frank E. Tbompson, pf Waialiatoblo, Toxw,IRB* been aponding.a brief mention with bisW JriUUda.tit Jjovor, among ffbom ho la oyer

Independent-HOBO Company of MorrUtowmlake an cicuraion to llockawty Beach noxlu e i d i y r . , > - " : • • - ' t : ;

1 Gay-King and John Ujra-tn of tbia pUcohave pitched their ttnt-for a Bcbioa at GreenP c m l , 1 • • • - . . -

Ecv.Pr.Dai.blpU,,of Newark, baa roniod »owly aithliod cottage on lira Guap Ground*. ^Hon. Nftlhriulel NilcB 1>«B rotaroed to" It&di-

ion from Avon Spring in luiprorcd health.fi'BJ, h, Dickerson ami parly went to

! Uasa «ro cangbc ta largo aatubci* In Qreua

Wood Lako^ . • ' • ' ' ' " ' : '"'"'1 . ' - •••: ' f o r t h e L a d l e s • • • ' : "A demMoliotto of floo-barrcd rouilin "lia« a

doep ih lmd, blis'flnaneBM tbouotlom of theBklrL. yXlio catrneao ffaia;, iialMorf In Ilia nock,

trimmod with nirrairlritlu, and tbo blioriffed UIQVVOH are, furuislipd In' lika manricr.

Tbo over-skirt, out stinaro In front and ratbipointed tn tho back, it nrnamenlod mtb apliai

a shirred paff abate. Llttlo kuotaofnarronhlnoribuon aro placed al inlcrvalialong the puff and around Liu neck unaBkevoit^]ae uqaaro cm! of tho ovDrxhtrl is tum«il back,indfinlabcd wltha r/blwn bow, and tbootber

'oiiifthtnp nearly to tho walnl, and bold luilaco by a 1'rgi) how witb long eudt. 'p

X boni.0 d r w , or navy tlno etmhne with:ratripim!oB»J»«l«1inolynca't anil atyilBh.

Tho cVmM'mlun rtlrHi ' ' ' ' "doop klUtfl.pUllcd flouutbioi band of ecru canibilu; Tlio long pnbnatue

tlin m b t laJil In plalti, ind « u n w Waahand pr ccm in Htltclud down uctnoon eachplait. Tlio bottom Ii trimmed wttli llnon lauo,

lailed by'a hand or ecru ; tho po'ekew, cutEijd collar arc finished In libo m&unor. Tbo

polonniuolaliold.iu nl. Iho; walas ty. a broai>and ofkl)[up cacjbrlp, piped] wfth curu, and ttioliuttona'aro njohls, poyprod la blue, and olialn-Bljcbcd oerow tb.P (np^with ecrp l|oiu, Tbowlilto linou oojlur nnd c n ^ aronin" sUtplm 11

1. Apical brown, mado BudlHniuiodln tliutn'd way, 19 equally nflfeolivo.

X prctiy au'li Tor a girl of tonycira fa'madof lirotvn'XlRorloo canjel'a 'hair Raiiza ac:brown •Allki. TUo tropia, of.'ramcV* bair, arocut gabriello ahopo i -llio haolc or tho waist haafourpoj'l'pA BPftm'iTy!!'0!1 arobonmt wlih Rilk;ihcita poiats pstoudoi] tffP W. iht°P I°Jbolofftbublpa. K hilt plaiting ot lirotriforinti tho back par t of iho KUIr^ A Ui-nad

icii dlagonalty friTm.ilici right h ip , Iiknnttud on tbc loft si do WULTPIUO knlfc-plaiIng U atticbftd to tho Oabriello. Tliu ilocviam l i l t aud ttip enflj RjintclV hair clelli, pf(*with allk: Ibo qock la di>oor»tcd ^ i t b t m isailor pollor also of alili'. .Tlio .bu[tora of tin

littles. A. jiroop ptfilp M, «i fancybraid, i» irBimcd wilu loopi and ihoft CIJ "

!al brown Bilk. TJia broad brim, ftipudsilk, la caught up oa ono BiUo, wlmro a onof double marsuorltcii aro placed, ' Thobootuos arc bronto kid, and tliobroirn Bilk, decked In a ligblbr tdudo.

p r . >Via, A. Smith, a wull'lnovii Iind iot'orinary anrscnu,linn loatioJ t l . u v - « u . riqm pqnrae at Bocliawiy, and projioRDR tg keenIt warm thf) roraafndor pr tlfo io«H3 T»!'

oiling moct/jpsB, Ifo}ia» 119? ty fill tiber of tt»l Blenders, among t l i r

o Lab

trolling moct/jpsB, Ifo}ia» 119? }II fill tla enmber or TCBI steppers, amonii themolllljpif Rapid T l l o n j h t . b j P r , Tarmliy,



. . . . . , m*rp H?uip»,tato ptitpo |])ipimBAtu,rdAyer~«!.i-i,jififi., *..wliicb tiro IBCOB hftYo boon mnOc, . l l io fln[a. a tvecptUtics ol $300, Tor wlriali ~euteroa Nathaniel Eickorsou'a linitvn i t-

BnvilloiWra. A. Bmita's brown mam 1na)TOlfl,»nfl P*Pl..Ho"ti8«'« hay inuro 1Cliln buali, in baraesi, uost tj?o In three,

entered A. Do Cmnp'a biy fielding Cute, Jas,urown KOlillnffl'lowBoy, and Wm.

A.Smltb'a aorroi mnro MAttic j mllo Iwati^harnoai, boat Ihrpo In flvo." On Saturday ol u u l week, tlio 30th IniIbfro will he anollior mooting, whoa a namuorof Tory'fa»t liorscB will bn outorod for "stakes. ... . ' .

Tlio Dolawiro ItlVor wan Devon known to bo•ertlianatprcsonl,

A iivily Week in the Police Courts.IlieharJ Vnu die/O and William, hvo j cn•vs, wfib on Tue»day,|.nv»teil l.j Mi-.r:'lial

Mr. Ht-n .vr^Far lui .nnd jteslini: t"lol ol water luut'ius ami ajipl.s. Tliil(y lit-ftirn Jtufc-u W'ofH, r.hn, i».eat up iht- in-tty litr-'i'iy


- Hill bulloil Tlii;fi(!uy

icii 11 IUII* II t-tidi a:«3 pome.Jnliii Dune, prnprii-lur ur tin.- Mi

unaMiuilt on Juflcph F. Harvey, ulli'jjcil.oiaken jilacout a dug fl^'bl in tliat pi\iday. JUiaa vtir l-cil'iii-od hy Juuiioc OU^K lo.'(> titcuritv tu appear ntlolu>D.:i.vir Mini; Hfll, was arrculud Wi-.l-itlay by Ofllcer Wood, oa ccitu\ihial allil*V, nhn I1I-]HJIH'8 ibnt Jolin in an baUlu;ilmkurd. llmt lit KUIM h-.-r ulinu 1 run); :ini1en ])i'ovifiiuii8 from the bouw; aud ill In t'lum

Tor wliittkoy. Justice Uiigo cummitUil liim 10c county Juit fi.r two nuiiUu under the vn-antiy act.Ooorgo lliirlou, of Dovir, whose moutii U

iitslml Armltuca 011 Wodnraday Tor imintfmcenu loncnnco on tho Htruut. Jumicoige torn} him W a n d e m i n , cinuniitlnl him to0 nUllon hiiUKti lilt lboy n w paid, mill w<vin lo iiiuhTHlund tlmt hi; would fare wurju ir

irought buroi'o him ngaln on it Hhnihr i-liarffr.•rnnk Sniitli wax on Wednesday arrovtod onbarj,'e ol sii;nll»K iron from ibo simps or tliurri i Comity Sladilnn and Ir<in C.impany.u cumpunv, i t Is nlli'gfd, liad buou tvilsslnjj11 lor foinu time, mid eocnrcdO' huiri'b war-l.willl which JIurHliul Aniiitopo Bf a reliedIlli'ii iircmiriCH anil Uu-rc foniidTi quantity of' luulal k n r i n ^ the pr im to i.mrli of ibo.ipaiiy. Iking broiiBht bcfiiro JUORO Woodilli ynvo Kuciiilly f-ir tils nppnnriini'u nl a

loarhtg cm tile SOtli iuxt.. Smith, ion of dm above, nue roiterday

irreislt'tl by Nnr^lml ArmilnQn and iirongl.t Uo-

by iliu llantHul aa Ovtreoor of tbo Poor,IHIICQ reqnirud him tnglvu Bouurily forluuraiico ut u.trial, In ilitDilH ofivliich lienltoMoniHti-vi'li.

Joljit Nison, a Touug imn nf Wom'ii County,uiniiiilUd to ibo county, jail aa Wtidncu-lur bnuliioR into tbo liuuao ut Aarus.

lion, on WnHlilijyUin tonndilp, on llioigbt of tho21bt nit., and sloillng thcrclrum

10 clulliliiR. juwulry ami other arllelOR,

Fire Deparl'twnt Elevlt'otta,The various companion of tbc Dover Firo Do-i r lmtnt bcld tliuir aunual elccilons toroltlccrs1 Monday evening, willt tho ralloivlnff r e su l t :

' OITT tiV DnVftlL BTEAUl^H COllPAKV.All tlio old oflkeru or hat yunr

IB follow-clcct-

k U. DJb

nctt.l_.. lohnUoilen

j—Urlniullnddou.TrcaHurcr -Itubort Hichard*.?tonar«"—'fiuiotliy lloitmoati,

As'si8mrt"Eiigitiet}r-H. \V. Qordon.Kloker—Patrick I'ftyno.TboFinanco Committee will ho appointed at


Fonm&n—Iliram F^lvcr. •Assistant Foreman-John B. OibHon..Cletk—Win. 11. Mon1«eua. .Treasurer—SVtn. E . Bnbi: '

sward—Frank U. Liodaley,...rtStigflllngCoriiniittoo—Eil.L. Dlckcrdoii,

Itorco A. lllauchnrd, Wm. V., prnkc, 'Aiidltliig Uomniitlec—Ilohcrt Killymc, Frank

T ' - ' i l c y , Htcplicn H. Uorry.viniLAHT nobr. rfvwxv.

Foreman-Frank Ooi.Axi'lBtaut Foreman—John V. Cain.Olurk-JaB. H.Itoach.Tretmn r—J. J . Jinckuff,tttwM-d V. J . Coreornn.

Auditing Caniiniiteo~I). Frank Til Iyer, JaB.[oagan.In all,tbo companion every nfllccr nun ui^tuditbout oppnaitfflii, wlilcli Is Ibo 1>M[ ovl&eneothogood (uellnK ciiatlng among (bo mem-

Tvro of Iho com pan! en of tha otoi-riiDepartment also etcctui tlitir oDlcent on

; : INBSI'B.MIEMT UOBE OjMTlMIita IU old officora as follows:

Foreman—JamcB M. Donnall.AflBlntant Forotoau—Fiauk IiioilHloy,Clerk~L.lI.Atno.TrManror-A.F.KitUcart.. .

t - J . I l Htorom. • >rASHINGTON ENorHE CUMr*MI.

Foroman—Joliu JI. Moore.int Foreman—Qoorge It. Kin?.

,il—P. Ducy, -

Religious.On Babbalb last there was a change of preach'

rs in thla section. Itor. Clias. T, Ilurr)ireacUed In Iho Frosbyteriau ami Hcv, 0 . b .loit in tbu IT. E . Ohtireh; of Dover, llev.' J .:. Tuttlo ftt Mt. Hope. Ilcv. Mr. Olark lit

[tocbavfay anil llev. J . S . Fits Gerald on thointnp Or'ouad». -% . ,' t .'•',

Hon. Peter SniHl., of W-iUr l^ , nhois first cottage on tha Camp Grounds, baa

been uoabio to atleud ILo meeting fUia Beason,rtn*o oHllnoBd.Itev. S. E, WebBter, pastor or tho WauhioR

ton TroabyloriaB Obareh, has doclincd tinPrcsiaunby ot the Albany Collegiate institute,it All)aay, OrogQDt

ROT. W. W. Halliiway will again occupy thaalp l tof tho Prt'Bbjlcriaa Cburcli to-morrow

ind in tho cvsnlnff will prcacli particularly to10 YD an K pcoplo.

The greet tost ot tba Awamptlon of UieBkesDd Virgin Mary was obiorved In St. MCburch on Tuesday by tho cobbratlon or high

ID low maHiof.On the acconol of tbo dcatb of his wife

Bishop Jamca woi vnalilo lo on«n tho service*a t Camp Tabor, as waa cipocttd.

Tlio B e V A . N . Drnon is oxpected to preachin tub T-rcBbytorian Church a t Itooliawoy to-piorrow, morning ana evoniofi.

Mi, JaruoBItiloy will condnct tlto Y. U. 0. Aprayer rotoling to-morrow nrtornoon, 10'ttiiPrcBhytenan Ohurch. • • -

Her. Willlnin Trnmhnwor. 'or Kackottstoivn'ill occupy tlio pulpit of tbe il. E. Church li

ThiTOwcro ovor 1,001 pcoi>1o living on thBromidti lit Camp Tabor prior to ttio opening o

The D. h, A W. Uhrlriti^n Association wllorljoij.alo in 1)1* e e r v i m at Camp Tabor


up meoling traliiH loavu Dover at 0:50,7:30B:10»nd 0:20 i .M.,and at 2^1,C:Q0 and 8:27 r . U .

Tlio I I , 35, Pump Meet Ing nf t«>n ilayn at 11Brtflgo beniwt o» Maaday next.

• . The Iron Market- •"Tliotanoortiwaad JlinltiB Jom-nql unysi

tlio Kow Varh pfff Iron market hilt weeb. TliThomn* Iron Cmniwiny'reporlB BOICB or 700 toro f K a . ' a l and 12 rnunOry iroii ,al our quuU'.lour. Willi thin ciL-cpilou, we learn ofbiiiinpnn nort l .yurnole. ' Tim inquiry Imliennd rrom nil appLaranccii friccB aro fairly main-t iOu&latf22for.No.ir i iuudry; t^O for Ko. 2 ;irjil f 10 tn (20 for fDrgo.

Tlio f*lii|a|V Ipbia curFPtFi'fldi't't tlf tl!°poprr aaya of tho mar te t In that oity 1y/ri io niarVet throughout tho week IIBB bcooq'nlot, vidnn.aalci of ImportailCQ bavo 11pired. Prirfea ore wllhoul change; though tbtfeeling iK'not no utoaJy as a t onr last. Tbt

'Set compaulai ata Qrm in price; and oflur;N pf a flmull porcuuta'^o off h « Ijcca rofn'seifair lots, say °F TniW ? P to"|SP toos(wh!

(1)6 Hnjallur and ffealjiif oonjp.aiilL'fl fiip 4IBP011

tiiflccujit uSfnisil i hoof fprbc , Tha policythin \ m k ftPlina, hiirtlng tti* slotdy tnno tb<

;cl waa assuming, nil felt an ir the uottotih id (won roaobed. Thin low price will bo 'raby Iho iargor and stroiigor oompanloa, ao t lnext Balo will hard to bo made l.owt-r until the;will bo crondud cot entirely; OrmiiDiB ta tbo onl,salvnttdn for them bow. We quolo I M for No1 ; (20 to (20.00 for No. 2 ; aud I10.M to V.i fcforgo, tho latter prico for ravorilo brand 1 "

-$20.5(1; 100 tan» or Ko..l Crane, at $321 10tons of column tnjn,*at (22, t pur cent, aft to

EnUiusfastlc but UneucceBsfuf.Anculliusiastlo flsbonnBn from near Dovo

io & visit to Bliongam I^ako a taxt days sluce oiifliblde aienrslon, bad t h o ' h n d u turnedlira tn tho following manner j Ambitluua•bent" lili nelfihbori ho baekwl hin wailonn Into Ibo water until the flooring' 1imoHt subnicritci), thereby so t t ing bis line

out | | i |a flip lake bpyona thosu of otlitrs' cqunllnmbtttoud hn l uot poiicialnft'Btmh " niutBanfacilities.". Presently a big flsh took tbo lioollo liln VJOUIII awl our friend bccaiuo oicitodWban _altno»t In podaeMion or tho jirtzo tbitailboard of tbo wagon slipped out and onInnad slipped is, SH ncal lyai II everythingbaiboan groaned Tor tho occasion, Tbd'yulUdollght tbat erected', hla appenrauBo ubo

iter told liow.uenrllly g^ad hla companlo'•tu tbat lio baH not got—drowned.

Camp Meeting Accommodations- .l l i tv . j , N. ri.'KRcnit.l, nf JinB",v Tily, fcrn:-

ri-airhft-'K Htaml, t<r:<H"> tyltli Mr. .hwvt M.<iiif-all, TnaKinti-.nrd Mr. (I. Jlal!-".i (^iwylc,

llluiimU'J ivllli Chilii'>.< Intltcriis, (lit IIIL-1.[lit ii'fluuteil Ly (he nhcouof a Urge ar-

iy at fUnhfg, vfhich m't'sht wc)l for tlie nppp-

W. 1\ DJV nn usual tmci lk> l i a k r y , ice crowiunlrii and ami a r.iiintr.ii, in mil [-l«T«tioc, liml:»kit wiiutii-riijir^'viitrori lo Hi' Iimtr num.»ba lVuc'u hiiH a liincli tutit atljulmrig,the otb.r HKIQ in tho Inlly utuekua (jrot-cryofndt & XorriB.Jeurgc A. Laivr.-nco lm» ulmnic a U h u fur-ute tent. Win. IkcUi-r, J r . , conducts thoIxr Hhop. E. B. KarloB, Janitur of tho

mil da, bun charge or R nppl 1 ea—bedding, ico,iruoal, in:, &e. Alluf tlmproi-inton i n d t u p -

>y buildiuga am grouped togetber, belowtul oatwido of tbo clrote, tbo most convcu-

it,yot rvlli-td puuilion'tlul tuuia havo bcuu•Icctrd.Charlm Frviniiaii of JI#«-k«ivi»y in Ikin-t agvnt

ITalxir dupyt.Mini M<illii> UHtllnttgli, of J c r . i y Oily, m ulft' rmlmimrcita aud tokgrnpli o p e n lor, willia r t t n in tlto police InilliliRg. Tbo goniat C.Ucilart, of ltuckDway, Las nijuitidliln butih-* ntall and ^rcotshia fr(nuln nf former yean .

ubn T. Donnoll bns bliargc or tbo horso stip-n tbu loner entraucu to I ho ground a and

ipoallo Ilia Ivnls a ]>bv1a(;ra|>liic tttnljlifili-•tit Has been opened, by onoTcusli.

Tho vclcrau Chief 6r Police, Mr, A I. rum Klolz,Iho grounds with tho following 0HBint-

i la: RiJiberlff Coo, L . Taylor, Cliaikg Da-1, Capt. Hurt ami 3»». Klolz.Sir. CoolliauGb, tulugrapli opomlor at thoitiun, bupcrhiluuda n ia l lna In that dtpart-

icnl,i-oni> liiindrutl touts haV3 been orcctsd

id during lliu past year llicru baH IMJIJH au iu-ln tlio number of neat and oouvmienton His ta re Meen in groups over llm wholu


Railroad Mutters.ivey oftiio Now Juispy West Lino 1C 11.,fn Humuiit aud Nownrk, way rccculiy

ado by Ouorgc V>. Huiroli, tho cngiucerorlio cuinpnny, under Iho illreclbn or tbi) irus--mfnr iliu tSret mnrignign hinidlioldore, whoow havo Ilia control of tba railroad. Tor

1 ycaru I rains h:ivo been rnnniiig ovorllm road Trom llornardrvlllo to Summit, a Jls-

of thirteen mitcK, connecting ihem withIto Itmria and Essex dlvfiSou of the Delaware,

ivanna aud WcHtcrn Ilailrott). The grad-ig or Hie railroad from Uuuimit to Notvark wagearly oomplclua Rhou tho work vena abau-Hifd, J ibe object of tlio roccnl uurvoy waa lomho ou ciitlinato uf tha amount or moneycceBBary to comptoto tdo railroad and p a t itti ruunthgordL-rbutwcGii Xi.-nark and Summit.:ho oiiginoor cBtimalOB the ox pen no at three

Tbo milk traffle on tbo Uidland railroad baa;rovn from SOOor 400 cam to ov«r 1,500 dally.

lisrnad now runVi os third or tlio railroad*uulng Into >;•>»• York lu the oi lcnt or Us

illk buslL'CBa, At tbis rate tbo current Incomemniug milU tnioa alono will, it lunald,

nort than pay the bonded'debt of tlio com-iauj-, amounting to tt,500,O0O, vllhln the nexttree or four yoara. *

Tho Kuw JLTKOJ Mld1amluffloiaUpa»cd over;ba road on a hand-car Ju t Baturday, ylpwlngtbo condition of (no roid-bid and tnistlcs.Immodlnto elops sliould |io taken fa an up tbot rcatlofj between OgdcuBbiirg and. QtooLholin.

Tim gtnok or tbo W. A1!. Itiltroad twd a fullItbin a fuw days from 103 to QGJ, said to havo.'cu canecd by unrounded rumors aa to itshtlon nitli tho D., L . i W. coin tuny.TlirQUcara or Uio camp •(ftolfng excuralu rnn off tbo track s t i l t . Hopo uu Tuesdayrenlnp, bu t boyond tha dulay no damago

fteeolutiona of Respect. ,At a ppculul mooting of Frolcction Hook

Ladder CoUipauj ol Ibis placo, bold ou Monday:Tcniug last, t h o full owing icsolutiauu wtroiCopteil: ' . •iVnmiBui, I t bi\lb plooncd AltnlKhty Giid i<-

rcuiovo rrom ltin field of labor our friend audcom nation A I . E I * N D 3 B J . C*ux» wbo by litohlfili ind bouuraulu dnpoitmuntand hih up-rightness atiH purity orcomluct lias won outnaiooni and confldouco as a fnond.nnd whftSOzutx] ind promptnosB In tbo call of doty madoh l m a t a l n a b f o MetriBcf of Froteotlon Hookand Uddor Company nt tho Dover fire Do*tmrtmonliffodotlioroforo, vhtlawomnrn bfiIosH imd bow with snbmlsalou to this dispun.satton, deeply regrot ibat one who id earthlyfntnro waa «o bright and pleasing, aud wuoiownllf and cuuversatlon voro oiaraplog norlbyto bo imitated, alionhl bavc boon cut off aonnddouly In tha midst ot h is UBefnlncflu.Tiwtetorc, bt> i t

ltesoLVED, Tba t wo exli-nd to tuo bcroaveilFamily and rrlcndi onr sine ITO sympivtby, andwith It Iho maurance that tuouama of A L E T —iE3 J , CABX will bo ever clionshea by UH, —— pauled by pleaelnR foaoll«ct!on«, 1..ISOLVKO, T i n t Ilipao roaolutious bo entered

In tho minute book of our Company, tha t ansngroaacd cony uo Bant to tbo family of (tin do-BoaBod, and tlmt tlio Baroo bo nnullxhed In lliu

iwgpanora of Dover, and In tho Ould Springocorilur, of Ooltl Spring, H. Y.At a moatiog or Ilaniioipb Lodg*, Ko. 130,1.

3. of 0 . F . . luld on Wtuneaday ovoning, Aug.Otb, lbs ftlluwing wero tdoptotl t.'HEHG4B. I t bna pltaucd Trovldcnco to removefrom our midst our eitociofid llrotbur, THOI .CLIKO, who unfortumtcty lost his ilfo in amlua In Colorado; tbcrarorc, bo itREVOLTED, That whlia n o rscogtmo in his

dcnlb tho will of an Ail Wloo Qod, otlll we aainBrnhora or Randolph Lodgo (eol doeptyitiiuIons of our Unloved lirotiier.

ItsioLVEn,'Tliat WP tenilor our kind sym-palliy 10 lib wiTo ami family In their sad

Drool oroont. , .RKIOLVED, Tba l Ihoso rosohittombo rocordrd

j tbo miDEtcB or tbo Lodgo, that lboy l otmbliihcd Iu tba.IuoK E i u . a n d a. copy for-nardcil to onr deccasctl llrothor, and that ourcharter bo dropod in moarnlng for 1ho spaco

T r o u b l e Abimi IMtlweu WclU.In lln- fldt c<iw:li\' mirruundinjf WestflclJid i'ljiiil'i''.'. \ . J., ilitu1 aro hundreds•ivon \id!i ftuvrn of nh icbaro now pur-I'Sidiiyit . .au ina.'i' upon t l c m b y o n o B.. (i ift i i , r.-i #10 nrtaity niK>n 1u r n , daiNiug Unit hn w ibo owner or theitdit urfeiual/y inienifd l»y Kelson W. Oreea.

A ^raat txt^ittjiniiiit pr^vuiliiiii tliatsoction oveihi; Hiidih'ii I'ldin, iho iieifHpaperH are tilledlib the controversy, aud Ibu ownttru of the•t-llw aro biiitling logi-lbcr and coutrrliuling

fuudu tuiuHinl tliuonruro.nicut of tlic daIH MIII tlmt t i n n intcudx to exact iru ii royalty upon all wnlitt drivou (hruigbontc country, and ir MI «> may expert B«


" tlixlu " Uuacli Baya lit* flaw tft'11 is'ttijoiiHt r ou Thursday that did not lia 'o ti thor:hi:i, apples or pears forflnl''. -l»h" Lump-wau one, mid tbo otlior, be 1ed two UUkslrom I'ort J t rvw.i cnlcrprimng peach vender 01' Dofcr lhatr day boapht a Hue loid of fruit !^. Hftya a bntiknt tn noil abont Hlaiihopc, ba t on»liig at that place round that peacbrs couldUy Lo aold for tvtimiy couts a basket, lie-ling homn he found aiiclhci- fluxions lincli-ubo wanted la dlHpoxo or hlu load, nnd

tklhim tbat they were paying t-lfihly eenta atket In Blaahupo. Tbo follow slnrted'at;o for thnt town, and fur tli roo Kulrtciin '

1.V8 hnnlflJ for*'Cnlo" Bcacb wltb a club.

Tho ladles or tbo Plunders ^renbytcrian;hurch will lu ld a. fair and festival on thu

urchKrouuda on Wednesday, tUo 301b mat.sJdeB tbo ortJinarj Juatiircn tbcro will boitork'al and other addionsos' oitpropriuto toi occasion, a number or ttciuutiuo uipori-;ntu bv Dr. W'pniworili, a balloon aaomniun,

:c. If stormy, thon tho next fair day.Tho Juul j r 0 . U. A. M.'i, oi Btnnbopo, will

I llio popular <Irainn,"Ten K/ftiiBin atorn," in M-'CliniilcuMIati, Umt-pUon, ou•nlligif of (bo 28th and 20tli lus t . '

TUo gross recrtpts of tbo amalour ilmmatiouancoi i ia lJof tho Uorrlxlown LibraryImday vvaniun tmotntei to (250,

Nol in I)C ha i l fur Loi r IVugva,Gent uf tbc IMttKUwti, PH., nnil ivfti-k*

iti ted lloontoii laiit vruck lo employ nailers ID1 plnco of iho UillcrB 0:1 as lnko ln lhat place.1 night Itilfonluts hit v!x!t iiollcov roatlinij ns

IIIOWB \10re iiunltid nliua; ilib (onii 1"NoTlCEl lloonlnu. :•:. J . . Aug. 0,1870.

Drolbora: Tho nall-xi or l'ottitlowu. l'a.,bavo b«on dofumllng tliuir rlghtB manruily forthu pant six months. M l Mr. Wonlfiou'ii Jin-;nceful mission hero bo unsucceitsrul. Our

am utireasotiablj law now, and ivmem-

Toiing lVoplfi'a Asnacbtloti, which lia atemptation ibocHtabllitbmcnt ofa library,.Ible, a rcndinjjrooui, md litora'-y recrc-during tho winter IUODIIIH, oiwna HB

;aai[itleu on Friday uoxt, tho 2Glh lust., whoar, Venu-Okrk trlj) fiirc iiricclhn ofpslhetlu

nd humorouii rvadlngs from Mark Twain,ongrulloOT.nii-'keiift md other mthora. llio

mterlainment will bo In tbo Prcahjlerian:linpel. On Tuesday tliu 29tu inU. a pcaclimil ice crcnni frativil will bo bold during tbofti'inoon anil evoiifiig hi (bu Cflntcudla! llalld-nn's kindly U-ni- Tur tho purposa by Mr.'urtbrup.

Good Tcinjilar*.At a regular communication of Yiotor Lodgo,

Ko. 18,1. O. ofcG. T., of Dover, liotd ou Won-dny evening last, tbo following offlcora TTOIO du-

Inntalled for thu cunning term:\V. 0. T., Win, A. Waer) W. V. T., -IIBI

moil! W. Sec'y, J. 0. Jolwuon i W. F. 8., J . W.Sdinpson; W. Treax., Mlsn A. K. Liuulng; W

8., L. V. Olllon j W. M.,.0. VanueKB; I. (1.,ram W'aai; 0. Q., Andrew Fm-inan; B. II-

3., Mrs. Wm. A. \V10r; tf. B. II., Mian Mary

.. A Good Day'n Sport,In company with. Capt. D. S, Alton, "yo

local" on Tknrsday enjoyed a raro day's sportat tiliongbaui pond lu ntbing for piokcrel.Going upon tho iuvitallnn or Ifi. JOB. J . Losey,no were t i n t 'gentlemen'a guests Jur lnc theday, and to htm biltongs tbo credit for tbo aucess lhat attended our efforts, After a Hispout in tftbine Bpcclmcps pr U1I9 Ean^oy tlithat neighed from' ono and & half to thrn

>nnila each, wo relurned with about a i t ;tunils Of pickerel, highly plcMcdwIib tboro-

..oatlon nffurded u«,ar,d deeply grate rot to Mr.Loaoy, whoao vcellkuonn Rcncrosiiy to all bisacquaintances hat mado him ancb a bout or.frlonfl*. . • . • , . • • • " •

Dating tlto Say tboro wcro Hrobalily a Imn-drcd porsons engaged tn fl*liliiK tbont thepond, and many besides onr own' p u l yindchlod to Mr. Losoyror fumlRhing thornhalt free of coal. Among thoio from Dovci

Mensru. H. It, Bounott and Vranb II.LIud-sley, who, although (licy wont late bad fiood

ens—Frank laklug.lho "boas"fl*li or Ibe

I l oth, 1670.

/ b..._,i<l|Uqn Of cruelly towlntl baRs,|nalMdto otilmala, tin oalocrs wouM Imro had yotIncaroertWd ero Uili for Ibe wuy you havopHoled and annovod tha editor of oitr morallittlo cbtld'a paper in thla p l ace It may btfnn lor you, bu t pray consular (bat tt is deal

IIM. and I atk yon lu all candor if itly right to torttir* a human being morel;

Itocaiiw it afforili you nroiisemerit ta soe hisquirm, lrcouatderailou forhl i own puaromind will not movo yon, ploaso consider tbattbo inlorrslH of tho wlinin ponplo or this coimtmlty aro at BtaVoi for euonld tb is greatstrnln upon his tnlflkly Intclloot ttnbalanco Isa wo preanVfea.r it will if It continues mtvlonger, Doonton will IOFO Itn great bo no factor,and Iho xfhala community will mourn. AgiJ ask yon to eonftluVr. You havo had ipoi

aougli 10 (al'alo you ; now havo pity. J . II.

WLo could m i n t sncli an urgtnt npiWo nro tbraugh,

Tim nepnbtioans of tlio Flftli Wan] of Pateson, liavo dcoiarod In tajtor of lion. John HTor CongrciB, Via are not warranlcil in mn1

Ing m y afacrllon, unl n e doubt uot John-vontctabs (lid nominatJoo If offered him, anil wiwonli probably uaVB'poinc litely sport in tlicuidttcr or Cotlor vs. Hill.

Tho Itepuhllcin pr i ra iHt i (Q tho varktowniUlpa o f lb l i oouufr, to elect dclegatDSlha Blalu Convention, will bo hold on Wcdnday »rt«rnoon bcxl,-excepting ltandolph aMorna, which will bo hc|il in tuo evoning-tlitatter In Ibo old Cornell room, Dover,

Qcn. Kilpitrlok, of SOBRCX, TVIIO (a no<"Hluniplng" for.Itayoa and,\VUtulcr, bad itolcfrom bfa fiitRcr a rins ivarfa tSQO, irliila itslecIn Ihc care tho other evening.

Tnonty Sabhilh School» I10M a Ccnlonniipie-Die at itirLnboro next Wcdncadiy.

Tho BKcut went ano any hniula.


Ohl Name*.Wo qnoto Ibo following from Iho Kow York

Itpross: Tho oW Now Jersey towns have gen-rally declined, aud Iho network of now rail-tads ban built up a series of now place a wltbjoodiujr mmoi, like Vine land, Unglowood,lymdo, Seabrlgbt, Konlclalr, and Biyoune.0 aco only on old maps or waysldo road*

mpbonlomDoUloBill.LoiiR-a-coining.PnvorlyIkacu, Turtle Qat, Tuckihoo,-BaekBhntuni,Scalltovu, Batlertottn, 8quaukum, ronnypot,Monnt Ulsory, Bcrabbfelotrn,' JWckJositoiro,OnfjB* Hat, Bnckartunny, Snnfnotonn, Dolionis,Tt ap, and OranhBrry.

Teacher'* Auoclutlana.At tho kst ineoOng or tbo Chester, 'Waslin, Stoant Olivo and Hoidniy Amaeiitlop, JiKB decided to unite vfllh tbo IUndolph ABBO

ciation.-and hottl,ftimo3llug at Tort Orain liHoptombor, McsaflKloyiiolilB or Dover and

:au-Clerk or Chbswr belug appointed to or-rango tha programno. Tonchim In tho firstmonlloucd dlnlrlcta aro.invitcd to com muni-Mlowltb Mr. Boau-Ctcrlt, at present residingit Hoy. IL N. Uornll'8, Morrlnlown.

• - • - *nutu Daii. ' '

Tho Ilrutact* or Illbornla boat Iho Hill ltoi>r Looiilou un Satnrdoy last, 28 to 13.Tbo Alerts of Madison Ibo nines day defeated

lio Ilurals ot Calttvall by a scoro of Si to 11 . ,•J ho Hanovore, o'r Wbippany, wbb challenged

my cluu tn tho county, were bcalcn by thoJlucs or Boontnn 38 to 5. They don't r an t ha cbamplona now. i' " •ThoWorriubltibor Worrlstonn defeated thonmjalea uf Cbalbam an atondiy, JO to 20.

I m p roVc me i> t >.Bra. M. 11. Baaring, aro building Tor ox-

Slieriff Itriant a ncvr rcBldoiico 011 that gcntlo-man'afarmatMilibrook.

The.fitreqt Oommlpaloner hat dono a goodwork in rniaJufj a nnmbcr yl Uio Blackwol)street crosainga. • r- : - -. ., .

HairbouBcj tU*3 jowulcr, Ii pain ling tho fronof hla store In block nnd gold, ioakinf a ucacaropaplon t« Picrsoii's walnnt and gold front.

Iron Nutu,

Tlio Jack&Oll Silne, at Ftrrfl ito 111o, HU_,.._ad operatioim on Saturday last, fhronriagwrnty mnn nut at cmplovmcnt, ' .Well known Irou men discuurago any^tdca

r a, very near roiumption In Iron mining lu

It Is reported thai the Fort Orani furnacewill ho put In bluat'ngaln In'a lew wo oka. ,

• T ru« .Tho baby's tittle game—Hawl.—BuLtinis,Andhoiv welj Iho Illtie baby who riinul;

VIGINITYNEWS.liayi, the husband of tberouidcreil woinit

Dtursod toStnwartiivillon, wtcL or WO elnciand ia now employed ou ouo of tbo railroads II hat Motion. Hrtbas boon lirlug in Indiana

i Urn ffttJersey paper conlainlng ft imtlooor Iho triaconcliiJctl to oomc cast and tako a peep aCunningham, tlio«Upg(d amrdertr of bis mhUo arrived too la to, however, but oxprcsaCBhimself aa being Tory anxious to sco.that Indvldnal, Hovaaokligcdto part n-ltli a portlo(•r hiti wardroba In order to.reach Jersey, tmm said to bo in qnito dcBtttute circumalanci,1 the present time.

Last Saturday, no»r Oirord, onnH Iw minoorthD moat deuporato atrugclbs, bottvain unkntiwn tramp who endeavored by forco

and violoocoto raUah llio purion of a reHpccl-ablo woman. .Ilml It not been far tlio llmnl:appearance or a cirriajw ltitli two ladfos.ffhibo.aupposoti to be men, this rako would lnvicommitted Ills foul and villa!none act,

LnBlwoeka child ot between two *ndyears ot ago, belonging to Tkoodoro Tlnamnn

f Btoomsbary, Mod from Ibo effects of oatllaldiea. , I t ts 'jelievod t b a t l h o child ato

Iho tops of almost hair a box or matches.

A giuR of Nowlon rongbfl aisanltod Boveralnou"eonivo pooplo In tba t town on Thursdaylight or last week and nearly killed ono

them. Alt tlio am>&il»nta woro arrested; ,.

Ex-Scnalor J . B. Cornish, or Washington,Capt. John Oiveaiis tiMlolvlikre, find Col. 0II. Valentino or [Uckotlsluwn a » named fui

nagiCBB inl i ie 4tli nidli lcl .Tho barn of Samuel F . Card, at Stockholm,

..aa Inrnod ono night last week. Cauau uknown; low Mo linndrcd dollars; msuran

no huntlroU dollars.Tippet t £ Wood, Fhilllp»burc havo roceirt

JIJO conlract to build the b r % o across thuMniconotcong at Uuskrevulc. Tllolr. b id$l,07B.

Ocorgo Miller, a Trenton dariicy.liad a l emaBhedrtnttio Ilol.l t It. a t Phillips burg tlother day lftillo trying to catch a rldo on a cctralo. . . . .

David I t Hade, ft woli known character otKcwton, ban been arrastcclbi Htrtrark for steal-ing bootR, " ' "~"- ;(

The ofUce tif Himhiua Urovu Khti. J. 1"w comforlniily iilltd liuil Kiiliirilriy whu

lip jjruiit triul uf Linvrciico vs, MillH miiff. Tlic ucliim wuy Ijront'bt by Mr. Lareuttts to ivjuuKlitt writ uf utbiehuiwit in^uul»y.l.iHliccHrtJ*vu ou .ifli.livil of Dr. Joi). Milln lo the eflVct ilml iho mid Lriwroucni. mi nUcomliug (k'lu<.r, mid owmd iliid Di>(!t(ir AliiiH tbe NIIIII ur twenty dollarIt npi«.'nr<«1 by tbopvidt-nri.' Hut Louin I

jiwn-jK.-L> liiul got k t lura jwilcut en wiwrticlt'n diiri imlhi) p,wt wiutur, nnd thu(

d b J t i i t b b liiriimlhi) p,wt wiutur, nnd thu

i!id been nJvurtiHiiiL'tbcHtj by cinuilurtihrrwims; that lio ijiid hvon U K' ^ i l i l d i I J i i d

inuilur nuilKew l'ork

irlhcminrc, tlmt hu had Uiki-n 11 ptirtiiur,ml oil the a7lli diiyof Jnlv vt thtrtiilioiit^

irul n-nttil ti lihieo at 77 Newul i St., Hobo-lull, for Uio uiaiiuliicturc nt thu HI id jiiitciita t ba hud uot given t ip tlio IinUKu iu wliicli•rt'Miileil mill nt ill ri-Hidt-Miit I 'ort M w r i s.it he wtiHguiiiK tuivm-k with IIIK wirliirrHobolten.nud bin wife and two children

are ntrurtMurris;lhut bis printed circular*fbich be j ient loul l quartern of tbu nlol>t:,•HVO his pobt ofljee adtircm a" iVtft Slorrib,lew Jertjov. T b u t n t tho timo ibo ntlnch-out WILH [asmoi!, o r wliilo llio COIIKIAIIIO WIWvying ou h is yoodriund tiikin^ them out ol;shoUHU, ho (uiwrcnctO •wiw 111 ihu bouKc

ml IIIH wife mid fmiiily uhn.Tho couiitiiblo whu made tlic nttaclmii'iil' - • i k I . DiiviK) twilinVd that wlion ho (ooku {i»o<ls out ol1 llio hon*!, tliu looliiiiK-Kbifw

tan 011 the nul l , the carpet wna on tbe Hour,1 " i could Imve servo J n mnuinoaH nr u

*,,„„ o u l l r . Lawroiiuo ut any t imo while10wus lunkiiiKtho l e w , liu being in tbuMUM nt tho tinw. In fact l)o bntl fl war-

in bia poul td foe Uio nrrcot of Ifr , Uivt*0 which bo ilid uot ficn-o, which warrant.-fiiHtitl to ulinw on tbo witness Buwd by

..JO of Mr. filiU'HcomiwI. Ur , Davis tOKtiud thnt ho bnil lovicd on a. Hofu, 2 tjil.los,

-•ving nmchine, 25 bottlcH of wiun and n0 to cnvfr II11? doc tors bill nf twenty ilol-

Wlwa A. C. Smith tmke.l the doctor how2 know thnt l i iwrumo van goiug lu leu r e10 Kliitc, bu replied thnt BOIHO timo a\u> lie

him why U" did nut utuich more o f ] .i()dx nml (lie doctor rcjilied, "litciiuw u til not want to bo too big a bop."Mr. Lawrence cinnloyctl Nuiglibnur nndiiilh of Dovor, to look uftor IIIH loynl rigbttiflio uintlor. find A. C. Sniilti npiwanid for

ofinii. T b e Doctor employed • Walter I.>KH cf Btituhopc, and Ford D. Bin illi ofjver t o 1I0 the law biisinesa fur him.AH tbcro wuru two bmilhs, 1 will uUoj,i>lrown pntctjco nud cull them Al. nu_.m l for tho sake of iHnlinclii>u. Al. conic ud-! llutt t i o writ wua Ulcgul uud noted nn-

ttrillttt liml lUichVtuuK of, tbu Blipoort of Now Jersey to provo it. I t vaigul first, bccauKo tho law -ww t i n t if a

lopius could bo BOrved on the jxirty_, -1 of nu Intent ion tORbscoud, n wri tattncbinout "woold 11 ot lie.". (They do

11: fitmuliince tliougii.) I t was illegnl e o cndly, becauBQ ju tbo present cano Mr. Lmv-!>n«ti wiisnot nn nhscondlnp; debtor ; lirtd 110iitciitiouof ubuconiliug ; t t m l l h a t i f Doctortills lmJ bcliovQil tho evidouco of hie. eyes

veil un he believed neighborhood goHslp,t)w ntim of ki» Hplcn, h e woulil n o t hiiov

idutbonfilduvit ouwhioli tlio writ was ie-neil, 11 D,(Jnoted the cuso of Cugler nfpinHt

riovo, or Itetjvo, I am not certniu which,ding from . ono of Duleher 's Reporui,

bich wnfl ti cnno iu p o i n t ' Cu t le t lincl binuodn loutlud 111111 ennui boat nt Trunton ; had

-•on u p the keys of M B house to tho wntl-(1, with Iho nvojved purpose of going toirriutovrn, l'n, Cuglor.wM there Bniierin-uling tho lmuling of l i i t gooilt.;lio owed

10 landlord *U7 for t e n t ; tho landlordot a wil t of ntliicbmeut, levied on h is gnadtt.luglcr curried Ibe cmte u p to tho Supremetourlund Uio judges tucru dooidud tlmt the•ritwoH illegally isaueil becanBO tha land'jrd could have uorved a euininons o r a en-iiu, o r nuy other lccivl doohtnent on Ouglecid tlio v n t of nttaclimeut could only bo IH-101I when tbo owner of fbo goods could not1 reached, by (ha unmmona of the court.Poril wanted, t he court to enter .ou bin'

locket tlftt he , Fonl , pu t in a B\K \ 'leomncO, nud tlio piir}>oso of lila Bpeoiil Q(>-laraiice seonitd to ho to object to tho juriu*

liotiou of tho court. Ho mid they Ind nolotico of the trinl, thoyjus t linnjicucd thereit'C otti. B u t I notice their witnesses were

romly enlipoonnod nud happened there tooAl. w i u m ni thernbi id fix. Ho liml Iwo

iwjors end n doctor pi t ted ngulust h im multi ILo croaa exumlunUou of hia wituoHeea,

throo of tlioua woro • poking queotions nt1 wTtncriB at once, aad- ta ha cnttdid

ibout i t tho doctor wna about (UJ_ coocl n**rofifi'OxnnitQ€ruii tho lnwycrs. t

yAl.wcro obsolote.tho decifiiou in tbo Oliverh a d been tcrcriecl. Tlmt tl^p roviHOd

...lies mi<l Uim uud KO, bu t fnnguhirlyluough, nobody had tlio revfucrt RliitiHos nudhe court ilonb(le»a took IU. HOSM'K word fur

nml rpiiorveil h i s ilucitiion for tsvo weeks.IL wiw-fuD-ta'hoiir the>lnwyen-go for ench

itlior. _ '•Aftorwltiit my lusjucmlu linn Bnid,"niil Hois, I need no t hay a word more."'Set down'tifefi," olid Al. Smith..

l l(«s, (Sottp voco). " 1 luivo n' heurt l iko nveot potiitoo down i u TcnucfuwQ'nuil -willivu you unylblug you wnnt, Al." "Give n« -eat then.11 , .

Dnxiug tho ailurees to tliQ.conrt Al. wild.saaA" ouco nnd Ford jumjiod to his feet

njing, " I h c l l o v o i t i s ' a nnoiiblt oiTonce tomr in court."' I t is also EI ilucablo offoueo t o mnko a pttb-

[0 exhibit ion o f a jackj iarwi thout . llceuBo,"retortod Al. "Tnko in your enra," suli F o n tAl. naked one of Uio witnesses- n quea-iloa about tnr> nntl fetithom whiah wtw noliunwe.^1 ; lint llorfa finited wbnt Itiud of[catiers they were?- 'Of lioliiul got. UifimT you, they would have bocti goose funth-B,'1 suld Al.When Sir, EOBH iu eummtng ap, liiisqnot-

lag t be tobtiinoiiy of ono of b is awn nitncsn-so, m i d : l i o caina to the c o m cr ib i f t e r sibug of coro,"tlierownHfl roar i n Court whichtba L-ruiuout uuuunel did uo t BOO any rcn-ion for, tlioneh thera was Urn In i t , find honlloit forort lar in tho . C o u r t . , Somebodyiid tho luwyoro ought to not tho oxiunpla. IIYO g iven ' Ihifl miioli 'OtWntiA to. l i i s CUBQicnaue i t i s abon't U m o ^ i t waa deflmtely

ictllotl. wlint nn tvbbcoiiding debtor inemirt,mil wlmt xighui ft poorcnu t lies n u d c r tho

A part of tho Lord's, pmyor, accordiuL . .it, J lnUhow, (vi, 13.) rcadu: "And forgiveH our d e b t s ' n s :wo forgive ou r -deb ton . 1

Chin IB tlio King • •Tames • t raaslat iou am[bough Senator Freliuguiiysbn shys there in1 difforonco in iho truuslntiQus, I nver thnt:ho snnjo vorso iu tho Douay version Ttads'iBsomo, TrorA for word. •.

Who bolicves la tha Lords nearer Record'i(f to Saint Matthew ? : "**T b e RTOBB rccointfl of tha p io aic at Qron-

In'tt Grovo, Sontli Stanhope, for tha bonedaf St, Michnela Cburcli, which is to bo bullthis full, vaa SU31G3. Eiponsea SI20.4(1,lenving n e t profits $231.21). I coll that Jiie-

'- - fiuccetw tbeao t imes. Yotis wcro taken.... cnuo to b e givGu to Iho phyfiician of

tho plnco who Hliunlil lmvo a majority. - Dr.titroblc pot (ho cane. Hurry Lut t diuw thepilzo wliicU mado h i m tha owDcr*: of nreighteen dollar ring. J o h n l lcaton tuul J .Qlaver eachdroxr a boqnst" VBBC. ' 'Jlio fmiwhich was to b e given tu llio moul uopuhvryonng lmly WRH nwurded to UlBHFuuuy Clark,of P a r t ftlnrrln. A splendid wni-flower c'roHH

n d o by Miss Annie Lawlods, of Stauhopc,.nd presented to tlio pic-iiio folks haij 110Iye tbeeu drawn for.

T b o J r . , American Mechanics ftro goingIn glvo u s T. S. A.-lhur'u story of " T o n nightsin n bar room" in Mechanics'.Ball, Stonhopo,

tha 28th of Acirust.,! J t will. be » homolir iiltogctLor, auu I am Mtarad by those

who htivo been .behind the scenes that thefarts will all he- played lo purfootion. LclioTjoja have a fuilhouBO. Tbofio who bavo

rend tbo popnlur etory wiU aiinrccinto the.Inimntteallou of i t , nnd thono w^o uiwi BOO-lug i t now will jniHa ono of tho liest of torn-pornnce lecturen. - 1>. J ,

, Common Council Proceedings,Xbo August raeotiiiR van bald on Tut-pili

corder Criltapden, Aldurman Uencn, Conu-diniEU Bennett, Brown, Gago nnd Searing.Tho minutes of tha last meeting were rcaami approved. .

An invitation to tho Mayor and Council-meu, fioui tho Now Jercsy Oontcnninl Com-ini.siiiou, rcnccBting.thorn to attend tho re-ception of UOT. Bedle, at tho Ooatcnninl Ei-hibition, ou tho 24th lmt., wns rend, nnd nmotion prevail oil that it bo accepted, nmHint Ilia Oonuctl Attend iu a tody.

Ou motion, it vox resolved that tho 8tree_ammiiwioncr& ba instructed to inform MiJ. II. Beemer that ho muht pnt down hinidownlk in hlorria street, nnd report atmcotiug. "*

The following billBWtvo ptasontcd, referred to tbo proper ctimtnittoo, roportcil corroct nnd ordered paid : Protection Hook antLadder Company, $5 ; Gouj, H. Vogt, $23.00 ; A. Taylor, $11.53; V iVylor, $11; U nrift County Machine nnd Iron Co., $18 ;7Wighton, $Gfl.B4j A, Wgbton, ?2.4(Street Commissioner's p&y rotifer July, $371

-A communication -from Wui.-H. MoDarilCbit'fKugineur of the Firo Deportment, •waipreHCUtcil requesting that tha recent electlonsof Forouien ana AmiiBtant, Foremen, otho different companies be .confirmed ;'nlithat tbo election of &, number of now nicnbem, tba' oxpnbnon of isome, and Uiaaccctance of tlio resignation of others, all of Vilant HOBO Comi»fljr, no conflrmnd. Ou ittlou tlio Chief a request a were'complied wit]

Tho question of loafing ahont tlio SasstStreet briilgo wnn next brought up, audbains staled that ft number of camplmiliad been tnnilo by l&illos and others, t!marshal in nccordance idth tha wish enCouncil, said ho wonld • unite examplesEomo of tho oCTendcrs.

Tho unsafe condition of tbo foot bridgethe sama point wan also discussed.- I t vms roquostcil that the Mayor aigu n nob

for $5,000, In ordor to Be euro fnudatomaotho necessary expcnBOB of Uio eorporaliniuntil the colk'ctiou of taxo1*, ', .

Camp Meeting-

Tiio nnii iul Cam|i inecdnff of (lm N c w a r t,1. K. Cgufi-reiict* opi-iietl ftt Gimp TtiUor 011I'tKsiliiv. T b c larcno }iri-K<:nlril vna RU nni-tater] ,'iufi. r..r we'jb^prL.vf.rtW thn K J ^ j J

iouK"'ui"inf"r K"v<-ral duy* before tliu (ipen-tlKniim<Kl/ciHl)ii*ff«r(iri«v. Tlio now cot-.«eHwtT(l.oiiiKlinrrit5il to rompk-tiou, nm-

iv w-re bi'iii" iiiminhcd, nnil the usniil num*,er oftcutB were t^nns uyi amavg the trees,,-hili: ovi-ry Irain bronylit fresh add iU 011s lolio Lucy worl;er». An enterprising photo-niplH-r Ififiittiil bis lent ou the grmiuila uu<llrufil n Bfi».l insiiiy l ionet }i€>Uuii-H in niiifc-

nibor ofthrul ilc w uug


iturcH iu tht, wuy of preparation -wainia thnt h^puix l<, lmvt w.ncA all for uoeo-iunti with J'crjiN, nml luimv a twlt.ig'i frontH tastily (ulurncil willi "furutriefi,"' con-

ituled «ith thu 11 id nf old hhniips, rncka.• tbiit would L-iiiitrilmln to uot

1V1I1 Iho" beuuiy <if nutiirc 11ml the hkill of.ir ludicH.Tbu lii-nt rcmiltir cnmi> niet-tiug Bcrvirc bo-

ut 8«Vl,«k iu the afternoon, Itov. Dr. .inrlino opfiiiini; thu HC-rvieo in the ahaencttfBiHhop Junes, who WBH prevented by Uiocatb oi IIIH wii'n. Itev. It. Van Homo readlio first bvinu, grand old "Coronation," nf-T which itev. Dr. MCUOWIID, (if Jurney City,

• 1 sit Rb]» wrmau. Slav. 0. ChirJ;,1*., 111'vt nffi-rfd pmycr, uud Dr. Hurtiueilluwi^l v, itli nu eti'uutivt] cilnntiition.At Ibe evening iiicetinir. At hair-iiastBfiVenI'louk, Ituv. J. Irvinu, wbo bus huen euRug-l in livangeliciU work in Europe, preachud10 Bcrmou, lii}\, H. W. Docker offered pmyor,il Iter. C. Clark, Jr, nud Itev. Dr. Diiab-1 itimio oxhoriulioiiB of great .IOHIT.

V.TJINESPAS.Athnlf-pnU five o'clock in tho moruiug.

Ibcuezer jmviliuit wins tilled with people, audu interesting nit'etiug wuu helil, which wattid by Itev. T. Witltora, who made the opeu-i« pniycr. The other foalnrcH of tbo inct.t-

0 Biuglug, and a pmyor by Hew 8. W.:ker.

T h e liefur tlioand at 8j o'cloirli Vati well attended ondBjjirit. Tho trusties Jwd » inSetiug ibisiruiiig and tnniBai'teii Koine bUHinosa. J,Tiitllo nud T. Wiiltern wcro ft CommitteeMiuiic. Itflv. 0. H, Coit iniikvH cirrango-

mtH for tha collectiuiiH. It won movedit the annual uiuctiug of tho 1st ownerb IJOilil nn W«>dnciiiliiy aftornoou uoit, iu JJotb-•wvillou, nt 1 oVlock.

t IU* o'dnckllev. 11. S. A null, V. E. ofU/Jiticfli DiHlrict, prnnched nn excellenttnuou on 1st Cor. Ltd, 11 : "Forolliur foju-itiott can uo imm Iny thau in kid." llev.Ir. Goo. W. Wliitnov, Preadout of the Ool-wfato Imlitittc nt liuchcUntowi), followedi t h enforcing tho Wordu of truth tbnt liadicon B))olieu. l 'niyer by Ilcv. A. Craig. Dr ,JuHlifell tben c l ^ c d thix bcrviuo with r e -

rk« nml tho benediction. U1 hough t beithcrwaH coal t b k moruiug i t i s qnito

...TO tbia nrto-iioon.

Tbcro nro now ithoiit forty prenchers pros-it. Probably (hero will bo live tiinca tha timiicr buforo tho mccliiigclo&CH.PniTor meeting wns held in Bethel n t l jeluclc, nnd ouo begnu in Sirs. Fitzgeruld'H1. I n tbU but muotitig nuiy bo tjucm jior-

JJH of rttriwa fleuomioaUoBH, AU npjjejirbo aiming a t a higher religious oxpcrl-

lce. Itev. I t . Van I lonio, P . E., npuned10 services n t 2J o'clock P . M.. and Itev. W.. Wigg, of Eicblb, Aveuuo M. E. Cburcli,

Newark, p m e b e d 011 l leb . 4, 1G : " L e tus come willi boldneas to t i e tlirano of graco,bat wo may obtain morcy and liud grnco toiclp in every time of neop." I t was nn eara -

t, (tpicyaud ilooply intorefiting discourse.Ir. Crmifio, of Drew Somiuan1 , gave wi thme effect, ••Knfoiu tboa rms of JOHUS," D r .iurliiia giivo tho notices, nml tbis very t u -

service irna closed irilh IIJO bent 'dio-

At ii V. M., tbcro waaau iu te«n t lng occa-lon for tho children nud ninny others. T h o'rufitocshct apnrt a new Hite for tbo elijl-ron's tontii, wbcra i t is hoped ere long (onve a convenient chapel erected. . Dr . Diisli-;ll nud J, I I . Tut ilu nddrcbstit llio niKOting.lie young peoitlo'rt luoiiting was held lu iutId nbtce, the Jlethel, n t (! o'clock, nud wiixmuueted by Ilcv. D. I t . Lowery.A t T j o'clock Iho publ ic service coianienc-nt tli3 Hlnnd. P m y e r Van o&crctl by Hev.K. DooUtile, of Vlanilers. llev. J. It. •

Irynn read t he second hymn—r'Thoro lag, fountain filled with blood,' cto.IV. Brtttlno nnnotineea tbnt Dr. H I I D ^ ,

tho Btniui, w ju ld preach Tliiimdaylurniiig. Dr . II. ix now uuperiutendeut of[IRBIOUH in Mexico,I ter , Sir. Blattenborgcr nimounccd for hh

linh 'M aud 7th.

Harly in tlio morning tbo camp wiw m i t e da drecchiug shower, tint the water m n

,M Iho hill ay f<ut ns It fell, uud no coimid-iblo incouvenlenca was experienced.A TniRtce'n meeting x,tw Leld, nt which i tas resolved Hint tho nnuunl ment ingof lh«it-llolderaTjo bold iu Bethel pavilion at ouu'clock iioxt Wednesday nftcruoou. -The morning meeting wascondnetcd br l lev..Ti, 13nruod, liov. Dr. Duller iircacfied on

HtatoefmlnBlnn vforltiu Moilco a u d a i t e da co) Ice tlou of (300 for |iabllHhing roiigloua

orka tboro. Itev. Dr. . Buttiiell took hold ollie matter and managed it so adroitly thnt thu1111 ot *5S0 was anon raised,Tlio 1 o'clock r . 11. meetings ucro licit! in

McncznrPavilion and Mrs, Fltz Ocritltl'n cot-

Ac 3 o'clock Dr. Bailor jirc.icbod a t | [ ] p r e .ulilcll and Dunn exhorted. ' •

Tlto children Vi tncothg a t i o'clock was con-Inctod b j B. W. Clnrli, Esq., Binl tlm youngwoplo'a meotlus nt n.o'clcik by I tuv .D. It.

ry.tbo ovenluK Ksv.T.WjHerirrcacUod, Dr .

luller oxliorlcd, and Dr . Dashloll led «. prnyci* ,thift. Two porEone wcro converted.

\0bituary.-JIUPH IToppiuy, n well-known ngricnltlir>

nt of Hnnovor, died very Rudtlcnly ou Fri-lay of laist ncclr. Ho WIM taken a boot four'clock in (lie iiioratug vitli vnralydg nailied in tlio evening of the name dny, beingQHcniiibio from tbe bogiunitig. Ilo was aicnltny, hnnl-workinff, industriotiH man, nneinbcr of tho Presbyterian Church anil aworker in <1io Subbnth School. Ho waa 43jura of ngo, nnd leaves n wifo nud four cliil-rcu. The fun c nil took plnco ou lion day.Tho wifo of Ihn widely catccmctl Bishop

rnncRoftho llothodiat Church died on tho13tli in&t. Ilcr maiden nnmo wns GbnrloltoTbibon. Ilor father, Louis TLibou, \roa.n :mcrclmntof New York city, who owned a .funn npou which part of the clty.of Ifownrlclinn boon Imilf. Sue was bom there in 1808.iba Ici.sa a eon nud two daughters.


Vital reaUncsB or depression: a weak cx-austed feeling, no energy or coarnpo; this:BUU ot menial OTcr-vrork inueBcrcllons or

OXCCDGCD, or tinwo drain npon the BjEicm, fealways cured by Humphroys' Homeopath tospecific Ko. 29. It tones an nnil iuvi(^r&tcBtlio s.rntcni, dispel* lha loom anil desposdentf,imparts aticnRtb and energy—stops tho drainand rcjurcnntcB tlio entiro man. 13oon used20roars flill» perfect SUCCGFB by thoaeandi. goldliydcklcra. Price t l per ulngle rial, or (5 perpackage of flvo vials and J2 vial of powder.Sent by mall on receipt of prtco. Addrcg*' l ' IJonicn]mtbic JTfiilcliio Company,

DC2 Ilruilway, Kew l'ork. 27-ly

barrn&slnfj jban nlccrs or.ttiey can bo quickly healed>oil)i. rurtunalctly tliGr can E» quickly

by thn into of Qfenn's Sulphur Hasp, irhiclipurges tlio itoro al ita polmmoiiH rtrnn of rrand• p ••" -MtluimlrobaUdetolMIciih, &ud tliUH ri'mofos tba only obstaclebcaliuy. Orotv •Yotinc tn ten minutesHILL 'S INBTA-VT.VSEOUB IlAin D I E - . 31

baUdeitolMinutes nilh .




LATEST n e v u s l'ASOT NOTE PAPr.n, ,

Newspapers and Periodicals,




MABE «> onDEB.

WALIj MOULDISO m d r l C T U n E UOOlia.

Gilbert's Pure Confectionery.. cuolec nnAirns or



•Mr BOVEIl , N. •>•

Page 4: RA C.OOOPEE,ami poWrOssei a controlling )Hiwer oytr tbo crvuus syBltui. Tim romarhsMo cures cttcolca by VEorrm, inve liiflato d milnyiilijiithiiisanil Hpotliccarlra ciioio no knuw



K.,..iLn.... • ':•••>• • « • •"""•'


Alar* .n.l«cil»*Hi.ii»iiK-!.i.f





Italics iu




tilnss Ware,

Wood & Willow W a r e


Iron and Steel ,

Clns 1'ipe mid Fittings,



'owder, Fuse mid Mining

Materials constantly on


Cor. Blackwoll ana Morris Streets,



I hi. ' S . II. WHITE, Ko. " I llnail »lrtol,V«ar l , S. J. " f






E, UNDSLEV & SON, Agents,




MA!trr.>.cnTiti:itB OP ASD UEAIXIUI IN


S T O V D S , «*JO.


• boll, portable ami inMtael . WE ALSO MAKE


A SPECIALTY, and iir.ploy only practicalFLUMDERSfur thisbmncli or the (mile,

IMans MI.1 specification) given whun required.

H O O F I N G , . G U T T E R S , & c . ,

n( lowest market rates.

Wood.nnd Iron Pumps and Pipocf nil kinilri.

DRAIN TILE, nil riaw.

Fittings or alt VI ml a For DIUVBN WELLS.

Oar manyyrarscipcricncoln the above IraileennWes m to iKBerl with rnnn.lnnre. our n ylo do any nnd oil work, in tbia litio of tratlo tallin cntiio satisfaction oflhc employer.




Sussex St., Dover, K. J .lllccp t full and select ilock of good! cotnprUiog

WATCHES, CLOCKS,JEWELRY, SOLID GOLD MNQS, WAIN,Engraved ami Engine-turned, Lidloa' and

tuts Clmim, BETH of JEWELRY nil now ile-Igna nnd at contidorably ieduced prices,iiildron'g and Misses' Ear Jllngii in groat vari-ly. Gold iftiil plalid Studs »ad BfaOTo Bul-

OUH, at reduced fiKuroi. ttllyor Hingn andriilniblo*, Itnbbor and ltllbon Chains for hdiesindgonta. Afcinaclio.co aelootton of SILVERPLATED O00DH, of tlio no we it and moatLienulirul di-Binn* from Bo eon' uoled New York

clnry, consUtinjr of CASTOItS, CAKE UAS-

KCKLVJillS, FHU1T HTANDS. TEA 'l'OTS,Vaitcrn, Spoon Halderi, Gobloti, Drinking!upn, Vase*, Call Hulls, Flo KUWOB, Nspltiu

tiKB, Hmok.Dj* BotB. Knives, FutkB, Bpoons,itldrattt' KniYOH mil I'orkB. 4c. Alirayi on

inrd a. fine tasortmont or SPECTACLES andCTB OLASSES. A fino lino of GOLD PENS,or dlflureut tunkcH. Tim moit carornl attontioD,with a view ' - — • " ' * "—••"•"""—

SatUrnctory re

». a. AU.cs.

•c given, wbci requli



1S"7O. 1876


Merchant TailorM O I U U S T O W V , S, J . , '

IT IK wllli n Rrcat Aral of JIICIBUI-O thatnnuounca to my frlcudtt and unnicruus cm

ttiumm, thai [ormorothana

QUAKTEIt OF A CENTURY,1 liavo been ablo to mluUlor to their wnnla i;tlie lint, or CLOTHING will, small jimflt begreat plui.snro lo myself, and with tneroaiingtdttHfactiim *o them j an« that I &m now prn-tmred with 6 full lino ot NKIV GOODS to - ' -them bet ter BAHGAINH than ever before.

Goods aro cheaper new than they have ^tor vcarfl and you h&vo onlv lo titeii In nnd takei l o o k a t ' m y i a N B CLOTHS and llANDSOMECABHBrEHES to mtko you lorgct all about

HARD TIMES-TLo S W I N G STYLES liarb attained thai

hippy medium Tor lcnctliB and lizo that notuued bosllats about ordering Barmen la rear ittlioy will be ont of fashion in a fow monlUi.

For dunblo-broastcM Frock Coatx, tlio Pruneand English diagonal worsted aro tlio mo

SUITSnil sizes ot-Ptuw ^ i CHECKS MO in TOJJUC.


CUTTING DEPARTMENT(till continues under my own rxaso^Al. ciunos,and It will bo niy utmost endeavor In tbefutnre,

2. CLOTHING Ttry cheap.I\ II. JIOFFMA1*.

MERCHANT TAILOll,McrrUtom., April 1st, 1878. . 19-tf

": . TO LET!Tlio office rooms over J. H. A<3, Fluwm'

hntbtore, on . B h c W I S L D i m r , K. J

Dorer, Hoy Clli, 1870.




DOVEK, N. J.,.ilcBnUlii.' friciKlnsiid Ilio gcuurul jmlilie li>

•all on him, anil !»"* convinced ttiat Iw linn Urnfinest nuarieni 111 tliiit section, and in utiuiiOuLiil vable u i t h l ib iucrcas^d facilities to meet tlieirvnals mill H&tUrv t l idr Uuteu.

MEALS AT ALL HODES,rcjiaraS tu cider, iirumjilly *ai]. dicoptv.

OYSTERSved in every H.yb, and euld by thu liundrcd

or tliuutaiiil. Tliu choicest l>ran(lij of


iy nlwaJB hv found a t rny pl»er, nn well ouA BUl.pIyof

IINEHAL WATEI18, COKFCOTIOKEnV, etc.Parties, Balle, Fflsliva>, etc., supplied wltliu l m , Cream, Conf-icticiiicry nod oiht-r,duli-

dcH, ami 6U|>|)crB at reduced nice iiirimlieJilicIicHtnnraiit.

; o .

liSPEOXAL NOTICE!Having boon appointed SOLE AGENT furiiftviclufly foT

DA1"S ICE CRI3AM,'ind !mvin(( Httcd up Imndsonio parlors nnJ a

ivate eniraiico Tor httici, I Mliall moko tlioilo of ICB CIIUAM a B|)t>cially tlio comingonann, oud will gusmnteo peraonal comforlid freedom from aiiimyauco lo my gitcsli.




E CAN convince yon lint you can save, money itnt. Siirlna anil Bummer by liuy-vunr llools oiid filiocu at Oeo. W. Drakc'ii

•ip Hoot and JJlioo Store. Our uotr iitock is.,,: in and wan ntvur mnro complete In every

rennet than at prownt. Every dciirabln atyh>ofladlctT, gents', mibHuiT, yuiilli o ami cblldrcu'sHultou Lacennd Conjrreit*- Gaiti'rs mid Shopsconstantly oulmml. K.U. HUKT'fi hocH canbo lied only at « . W . Ul lAKK'B Cheap Boo.udSbMtl lon . CUSTOM WORK and Jotbincironi|)tly attended io. Ouo door from Hulfurtin .t Co.'s Clotliinj! Store.




S.' It. OSMUN'8


MOllllISTUWN, N. J.Hie boil sct« »r AllTII'IOIAI. TEETH, »l lb

.-ontiaunua QUMB and EOLSOM'B PAT-ENT I'.IDQE nltaclied Tur

llli I i lon lo HKILI, uud PIIOMFTNESS,ivon to ltKPAlRINQ of WitchoB and Jovolry.




Fill ST.Jlccawtc- tbo stock k larco at nil times nnd

oiniimcoi event Toricly oTEEUBBH MEATS,RUOAIl CUItfeD HAMS, SALT PORK,FRESH nud HALT FISH, and all kltula ofVfiUITS and. VEGETABLES in their seasons.

SECOND.DeennsQ especial pains nre taken that the

stock Khali ba (drays FRESH, GOOD aa&CLEAN, Uio Vegetables bolng looorvod dallyaa FOOD us they appear in the New 'YorkMarkets, and sold BO rapidly, tha* no stalegood* nre ever found about tlio premie*

THIRD.jrlesy in waiting oil customer*

Isarula of'Uia niarldit, all ciMtonicrs beingtreated alike, nnd purchases being deliveredfreo of charge.

FOURTH.kraniBe tlio pricoA aro made to suit Iho

..-iket books of tbo paoplo in these timeswhen cheap wngca demand cheap ratablea,n liberal dmnauut being mada to those whobuy n qnnntlty at n, tiino. .





Liverpool, Queemtown, Glns-gow, Londondcrrr* Louilon,

Bristol or CardlaT.'Pur TICKETS and Farlleulari applj" to






Stove and Tin Ware Sibre,


S U C C A S U N N A , N- J .fTlIIE lobscrlb'er fafcel nlciiure In inrurmlnjX the citizens ol Bnocunniia and snrronnd-ic([ conntrj, tfaaUJelua ciUbliihod a stoveand tin waro establishment at lbs abpvo stand,tinder tho sapervltfon nf Mr. J . SU1TII. wellknown as an experienced «to»a' dealer anil tin-smilli. Tbo stuck or goods conilstlog of ttilatest and most tmproi'MliyT*

PABLOB & KITCHEN STOVES,JUMGEH anil-IIEATEItH, IUTB justbeenipntIn.and aro oonieqaently tbe VERY NEWESTin DESIQN; ^JlUUFING, PUJMUINO «ndJDnniNO.a t iholowcit HAIID-PAN TriceOar stock of tin naro of ofery descriptionaim new, and xheap. Call aud ice our Ooodibefore purchasing BIBUwhere.

JOS. J. OOBTVIN.J M I I U I I H , H . J., Oct. jlBl, 1875.; ^ IS-if

»• {fffn/\perdsjathom) ra ifija U Krlb II Ireo.

4 Co., roilKad, Jlninc. ; 1M7


:all nliilo guuh IliductniealB arcDflorcd. Neverbefore In llie history of Ibis city could a

TWENTY-rrVE DOLLAE•ct 6: IpctU bo. baa far TEN DOLLARS.

S. R. OSMUN, Dentist,


(FFIOB ON THE PABK.FoWnarj; 111U. 1870.

SHERIFF'S SALE!n Chancery nf Nov Jersey. Aliofl VI. Fa . TorBaloofuiorlsafsnl priiimsus. WhiToluKU-o-iBurlloiitayui ia toiiiiiliiiiu.ut, mid John W.Duclmnau, ltciijuruin 0 . tonnx, David M.Locaii, BSB. DuTttl M. IAVUI bis mlb, Vu»First National Haul. <>( l i urn* town. I b uAnjL-ricaii Tnwt Company of New Jenny, Mid

g.i]>> to Octtilii-r Ti-rni, A, D. 1B70.JOS. F . IIASDOU'H, HtilT.

\J\ th lu . : of Ihn ubuvc bUUU writ uf fieri3 lia-iiiriiti my hai.dN, I sliall L-xpoito for Silo

.t 1'VliLlV VJiNJJUJi. nt Uio liuilod Hlaluulottl, in Slorrhlmvii, N. J..OH

MONDAY, the 28th day of AugustL U, 167(1, Imhvfcn iLc bourn of 13 Jl. anil 0

•lock 1'. ii., ttitit IB to Buy. at 2 o'clock in tbe

ict or parcel of kn'd and prciuliifH, Hltimlo,tig and tultiB In tbti tuwunlii)) ur Itoiliury I"

lio Citutity of MurriH nnd Htuic of New Jurttuv."indud as fuilon H ; Tlio uaino being situated

mt tlntO-ijiiartur.1. of a milu enstoi lliu (jrentid. and being a tract recorded in Iho mir-or'a uilico nt I'vrtti Am boy ID Look H page, adjoining Ibo HCCUUII lino of lliu Lo^'anL-t including Pnucy nmadoiv. beginning at actas l i Hlunip in Ilio Mtcond liuo nu'1 on nrHUHoutli tbir t j -hto degrees and* nest ditt-t livo cbnluii nnd flfty Ihiha from the locoiul

. nor iif the en id Lilian tiuci, and din Ian t oneliain on a conriu, south lifi.v-two iligmuB tiiirtylinules weut from tlio Inrjiunt rock in tlie

d ncir HID outlui of said meadow | (lii-nuu>g (1) Hdulli tbirly-two tl^rMn w n t

iwcntyciglit cliainK and fifty liuka; tiionco (2)utli Cfty-ulclit dcgreiJB oast ten chains nudU-tliruo linkn; lliunto (3) north thirty-two

I'KroL'H catit livenl.v-i>[plit cbnins aud lifiyiikji ; Ibciicu (J) lurrli tlriV-LiKht drgwca ivcnt

ains and ifriy-llirco links to Ilio !>laoo of•ing, containing: Uilrty actct mure or I(J«BfiiK eut of Iho HQIIIO liowuver, to Jolina, junior, all Ilio mines, minenln nml

il euUitmic-H which nro on or under saidract uf land, willi the privilcL'o ol tug rust, and

itgroea, tvlicnevcr the nnid John I'owurs, Jr..or any otber pui'non bix hoirti or ariaE iiri should

-(u it expedient tu work at ttio eanio; aluo,t certain otlitr Iract nf laud plluato in tliouuliip or lloxbury, county and Utato afoic-

..1, nnd Ivin (fldJoiiiinK'o tlioobovodescribedIract and liounikd OR fnllmvintj: Ik'tjlnniiig at

- ' ite oak tree htaiuliitg bv tbo road on thei.r what is called buiid'hill nud running

iiutu ( l ) uoitli fourteen degrees ircit tbruumills; iBi-ncu i'i) nurtli ten ik^rt'CB f is t fuur

.. . . lilittitiB uud Htivcnty-Hcvcn lluta [ tliencoI) north nrty-unc decrees went clglit chaiiiBnd tlnrty-elRlit l inks; thence {&> norlb flfty-

ligUL ilcf-rocs woit iwclre ohains and tllfyiiibd; tlionco (0) north IIfly-four degree nal;VFOcliaiin.and elgbiy l inks; ihoucu (7) coi lh^eveiitcciiilcgrcea woBtfunrcbuiiiB.ibcnco (B)

- l h eleven degrees west BOVOU clislus tulilou V. CaiiQcia'tt l ino; tlionco (0) northeuty-three degrees and tirtcon minutes runtir chains anil ninnty-four linKs; tbenco (ID):tb slklj-tlircu diurtcHcuut ihrcu ulimna andrtj-fonr llnku; thenco (11) norlli Hliy-aii

IcirrcnB and ilflceu miuulre cast Ihruo clialimnillirty l inks ; thonco (l ' i)nortli tliirly-tlmu

lecrecs and furlv-flva minulec coat tn'oclmlns;Ihtnco (13) nnrtL tUty-three degrees and forlyDvo tniiiutdB east four chalnn and BPvonty-fotir-••-; tliccco (11) north thlrtv-Andogiees and.. -flvo mlnnles tvtst CIRIII clialus.and fllty

Inks; Iliouuo ( l i ) nortti flfty-flvodegrcca wentuu chains tu two marked clieutu.it eprouliilenr (hoedgo of Ilia great pond; thence (16)w l l i Hiirty-Bcvon ikgrcca cant to a ruck bylio sidoor ihuHfcrns»id pond being a corner

rc<jj npoii by llunry Ilillitrd andCalcli'Dick-ton and sum tbunoo (IT) BOUIII (Itiv-eovutiK?cei oust forty-llvo cluins nnd llfty links tumono liesp oil lliu I'ful Imuk uf tlia outlet of

'ituuv inoauow near a largo rin-U ; tlionoo (IB)iitlithlrtyihrecdPBreugwtHtiorty-twoebamBul Hovcuty-llvo llnkH la lbs hep tailing cuniur,ntalnltiRonu liDiiilriidandtilirm aoroi of land

. ttio Hamo nmro or lean, boiuf; tlio lamo trnctHf land and pBenilson omtveyed In Juhu W.litclianan bv Elinlia C. Jonrs .

1'IEIlbON A. iai££3IAK, flliorllf.Dated Jnnu lOili, 18*0. [(18.00



D O V E R , N. J.


• • # - . '











H E BnliBOtllior. l i a t b r dolcrmlnRtl lo ulOBe«ul III. enllru aluck ut Furniture, nnera It lati. <iu Mil' entire muck uf Furniture, otlcru It fur

>lo, ATCOST.OD and after tbiit date,until the.rboWiteck ii <•.£• This la not intiinded lodrairenitomen and tbon aell >t old prlaca, butIi a genuine offer, tbo subscriber intending toretire from the furnltnro builncii and enterupon another enterprise. .

C U B S T E U , N . J ,

Sodici proienroa wttb'Cr without left, and altlio materials or the bit tineas furnished at tlii•liortoaL notice. Jk.Dg poafasned or all Ihimodern sppliarcei pcrlaininf* lo,the trada, anihaving oanaldfrablo ciporlonct, I fed confidonlto performJtBdutle! latiifitftorily aDtLrcason-ibly tCKtrd tlioiw rho require inch serried.

: -y-'K <*'.. • J>, O. YAWGER.


FOSTEET. EIEOH, Proprietor,



TANKS ana OBE BUCKETS,coDstantlyoD linnd.

iNa rnpiiTTLY ATTENDED TO.to Mowii County,Machine *Iroi


BOOT and SHOE STORETo Ita lirKo las aloio TWO D00113 A1IDVK

HIS OLD STAND, (latulj occupied 1»> J. W.ThompaM) »nd ona door from Morton!, Son kCa.'iclotbinR>loro,wbarslio will bo ploiflcil tolev all hi, old cnatooors and ounj now onoa.



Custom Work and JobbingPROWiiih ATTENDED TO.


Freeman Wood,3PIR.E3


cfiully autlmrlzi-J nBCiil <>r Ibe f,illp>vln« tli'Bl-CIBIH coiiipmiici—tlio ht-'Hl in lliu world:

rONDON uii.1 LIVOtFOOIi and

(iLOUH, Culiilul 820,001,000.


Cnjiilnl 810,000,000.

TATE TIRE INSUEANCE Co.,Coiiilnl, 6300,000.

SO1!AL OF LIVERPOOL,Cnpih.1 810,000,000.


Ciipilnl S6.O00.O00.

HOME, • - " COB.OOO.-

STAH, Jersey City, " COO.000.


cuiiiiui sacw.ooo.

iTANDAED, Trcnlon, " 300,000.

PEOPLE'S, Nowurk, " 300,000.

EIBEHNIA, " " 200,000.

HUMEOLT, " " 200,000.



Choice Lots in Dover,• for nnlu cheap, nut!


Freeman "Wood,uo of tlio Peace nud Polico Ma titrate.


MACHINE SHOPS,M. Iloagland, Proprietor,


Jhill mill rfry Sand Kolls,nud all Hilda or


Engines, Pumping Machines,ALL BIZE3OP

GEAItiiVO & P U L I J E V S .



Hoisting Apparatus

Piirnlil icd nt Shortest Nolicc.


Turned and Grooved to Order




rrou.pt attention glvon to REPAIR WOTtK,


The Old Reliable Market inNEW QUARTERS!

J. H. BEEMERaviny rouiovt-d bin tnarhcl—tlio oldest ii

Dover—to his

NEW BUILDINGn SUSSEX BTItEKT, two doors tontli or tti

old slantl, IT Hi hereafter fjrnlali choice


1770. 187G.Agriouljrnral Implements,EDS, FKRTILJZEna, CULTIVATORS,


MOWINn MAOniNGS, Horso HaV.fi, Ha?

eddurs, Ac LAWN M0WE118, Rollers, WinVurU, llakcK, Vonoa, cnixjtJET, 4o. QHnJdonci,roll curbs, cucutnlior purnpt, &c. All siiDKAIH PIPE, DIItT DA1U10W8, &o. • •JLOVEB, TIMOTHY, AND ALL ori}


A full uwaortment TUOIlBUnN'S GARDENEG1JS, LlflTiiIl'8 and ALLENTOWN BOISE,

S. P. LIME, dissolved lone, blood and pcru-vlnn guano, double refined poadroUo, pisstmto., at lowest trade prices.

Voorhees Brothers,HAEDWAEE MEE0HAN S,

io-5m H0EEISTOWN, N. J.



CINCINNATI HAMS,Ihn ncBlIn Uio market. We m t i k o a . , . . . ,if It IIII tig all our own meat, and there Tor a knotHintifiaof thobtHl. All kinduxif

licpt on hand as sonn aa they onpoar In tliomarkets, and said *t reasonable prices.

Tlio liighciitinarkotpricoR paid In cath, feiBcDf HUt'8. Vual BkiiiB and Hlioop KM us, bnugbtat tlifl ifinrlel. diiHlnmoni tnpplliil hjvtnwmon TueiJayB, Tbuntdoja aud Kaiurdaya,


Miners' Oil Company.123 & 134 i U I D E S LANE NEW YOKE,

Niu busmen formerly carried on urnlor thmo of P . W. MEAD will noraR** be kuowa •


nnd Uiirnin

Oils for Miners ' Use.EXTRA ENGINE.


F NATDIUL ^VEST VinGINIA,ma Olle are eBMclallj id»ptcd to Mloing

hoLIueryandarofiuaraQtced to iiiit. sperm.Vlialo, OIITU, Noat B l'oot, Lud, liOb., Coil ind

l furnished on application, and goodi o r a e r . ] ^ A I'Ji.SIaiJunUnu








E. & G. H. Ross & Breese,OBNGUAL nRK AHD LIFE

Insurance Ageiits,Offlpp. Old Irou Dank. Buildinet

Morristown, N. J.Euwislioss, GEO. H.Iloss,' Bupn&a Bnrxns.

A, J COS, Collector;DOVER, H. J. *

COMPANIES HEPRESEHTED.Ad&rioan Uatnal Ins. 0a., of Kewark

B.J . , Ajsetsover $1,00.000

Merchant*1 Kutn&l Ins. 0o,, of NetfarkH. J,, Aisetsovir,. ' GOO.OOO

Firemen's l lutna] InB. Go-, of Ncmmk,N.J. , AHOIJ ever 600,000,

Qerin&niK. Mntaal Itis. Go., of NewarkV.I,, Oapital, 100,000

\n InBnrBncD Oompan , of SarLford,Oonu., Assets, 6,000,000

Continental IcBnranoa Oouipany, of KenYork. Oaoltal, 1,0001000

Hntnal Benefit-Life InB. Go., ofKewark.N . I , . Assets, ' 0,000,000



HARDWARE!s complete alook of


MeobanioB1 and Faimor'fl Tools,



F I S H I N G TACKLE,Blank Keys and Keys Fitted

' • " ' . , • ' " • . ^ " .

S. H. BERRY'S,Bhokwell Bt| near Morris,-

DOVER. N. J-Do»or. AiiBQBt SOIh. 1875.

ADJOUBSED gnEBIEF'S SALB IIn Chancery or NoWeratj-FI. Ta. Faraals of

mortganodprcmlBft, Wherein Ira'Iliarp anaMabcr it. Tliarp, Adratnlatratot, or I'altjO.TlMrp, dA:eaBO(l, are cemplalDanU,.B0d 71>e

d l I C y roTlMrp, dA:eaBO(l, are cemplalDanU,.0dImala Land anil IraprorttmoiK Company arodercndanla. llelorDable to October Tenn,1879. NuouiMUB k b'lUTU, Sol'H.

Tn E ailQ on b«bair of tbe abor.-named par-Mlua, 1, adjourned to tako pli£e a t lbo Man-

" m UOUBO Hotel, In^lorHBtowo, N. J,, on

MONDAY,. AUGUST aist,A. D. 187C, uetweoD the IIOOTB or 19.M, and 5o'clock P . M .

c JESS& HOFFltAK, Late ShorilT,,DatadJiino20lb,1870. SMff


so-trM. & I. SEARING.


CROCKERY, Tin, Wooden iWillow Ware.

Groceries nnd Provisions.

Fancy Groceries, Gan^od Goods, Dried Fni i lTCBH, COITWM, SiiKarji, Spices »nd ora r j -

thinK iu tbo.Groetiry line.



Iron, Btcol and MinluR Matorlali of all kinds•nwdor and FQRO, Hicara and Oas r ipe ant'lUingf, Oat K M I I . llnllden1 H*nlnaro/B!-- 'millu and Carpcutori1 Tools, Klnam lVc!

Being large viiolosalc buyers, wo aro onableilo offur all rjoodi at clieapest ratci.




br. arli

Tbo aubserlbtr tnkci plcaioro (n nunounelnjIn lho ro i i Jon^ of Olifiler and Yicinityilmttill ilrup Bloro it now comptolud vrllh a froihmock or 11>o pnrcit CIlUQlt t l n l tlio marketaffords. Fancjrand UBcfulTOILETAHTI0LE8.&c, Ac, 1'artg areon, far tlio dt>Biraction oltlio Gnloriclo Hoc tic—tho only rollnblo rotnody.

Tho bett or.aidii Wttfir will, ilio tlncit ofrapn, fri'iti and cold, nglit from tlio TuDDtaiI Inpo Ly slrict aiiontlon tf IjimlncBa alialile gnoila lo merit your piironogo.

P. If. JENKINS.Cli^lcr , N. J., May 371b, 1B76. 3M



having dttcrnjincd to nqgaga In tlio undertak-ing tniBlnoMt,; wanld rc«poetfolly itifartq tpnbllo Ibat lia Iiu pnrdiBBcd a . '


tugothcr nith bora en, ind all tlie HMCBMcquipmtnt* for tho inccusful carrying

on of the bnalnosH.

•MBTAi CASKETS, COFFINS,8HHODD8, ICE DOXE8, and cvcrytblnff por-laluloR to tho tndo. I .lull tnalu it my bns-Ineis lo give my pcrnniul altentlon in all castswhen culltd'nnd will endeavor to mcntsllrc'qnircmculsinlhn bcitnunnor, at tbo low-it ratci,



Oraildrca* Uj mill., D0TKE.N.




cliigh, Scranton, & Bituminous


r burning ID open K"tuB. Born a will) flimuud froo Itom Bmoho Bad nulpbur.. Mucb

tboaiwr tu tu Cinuel CuaU AJuo



1-IllB BRICK nud CI.AY,


Masc u 3' Material, &c.OUHST&NTLI oa BAUD.

Bergen Street, near R. R.

EDILDING LOTS FOE SALEnu Ihn roitd loading from


, By M. Sigler,AT LOW 1'HICEB.

Horns Ccunty Surrogate's Office,' JULY lOlli, 1870.

i Hie mttloi- of Jacob A. Bkinuor ani DanlulN.Hkinner.EicoutomofJacobtiliiuuur.tlee'd.Hprrogato'n Order to Liiuit Oroditors.

f\H appHctttloD of U * ibovc-nanm.l Kxccu-J torB.it la ordorM by tlio Burrngalo Hintliu mid Uxucutors giro Tublla Not leu to (beiroditors tif tlio cutatu o fu ld dtccdoni to bringi tbeir doblH, demands and claimB against theinio, under o»tli, within ulno montliB from tliin

Ilo plkcca'in tho county of MorHi for . - -montlii, and also triliilu Iho said twenty daye

. tho nowjpaptirs or tills Slate, for tho snnio;>acG of ilmo (tbe Burrogato judging m y fur-

tficr uollcti to bo unnoucmry) ; and if anycreditor eball nf elect tocxlilbitl i lsnrhur ilobt,demand and claim willifo the said [wriod oflino uionlhs, public nolico bcius (riven asforoBafd, ancu creditor i iul l bo furoTorebarred it MB or her action therefore against

tUo satd Eieoutum.ii, ti. WILLIS,, SurrugHle.

A truo enpy from Ihe miuiilcd, Si-lOw

SHERIFFS SALE!In Cbinccrr ol Now Jeraey. i ' i . fa. For ealo or

mortRBRed prcmuua. Wlicrulti Williore II .Lamlxirt is complainant, and Aarou L.Dlnnciiard, MittUlas Willtlock, Jamoi It.Luwia, Clinrloa F, Gago and FrciieHck H .Uoflch are- ilorendinti. Itaturnablo to Octo-ber Toitu, A, D. WO,

W.T.LEPOBT,8ol ' r .O V y i r i n o of tbo aboro elated writ offiori

MONDAY, tho 21st.day .Augustn o i l , A. D. 1676, between the lioiirs or 12 M.'ana ' l k l ' u t b t l t t U ' ] knoi l , A. D. 1676, between the lioiirs or 12 M.ana o o'clock l ' . u . , t b n t li to »y,atUo'n]( .ckin Iho afternoon of nntd day, i l l that tract orparcel of la ml and premium, situalo in tholownBlilp of Itandolpb, In tbe County or Blornnind Hlate at New Joney. bounded anddeacrlbodas followB: Lying t>n tbo cta t BIJB of tboUnion turnpike road and Ii a p i r t o l tha laudhat trail coin-eyed to James A. Ooodalo by

deed from Hour/ McFurlsr and wlfo tintedMarch 2'id, 1H10, and recorded in the MornaJounlyClork'iiOnico in Book V 7, page 3 4 \

/to., uui Iwnlim at a corner ou tbo oast nfdu oftbe turupiko road t h i r l h f tnfllcn from th t

P.W.MEiDE.Trcninror.B, P. OltAIQ, Agent.

Morris County Surrogate'e Office.• JUKE IQIh, 167C.

i llio matter of Ponuli Osboru, Eiecnlor ofJulia Dickoraon, docoaied. Surrogate's ordcto limit urodltont,

OH application of tho abote mmod EioeulorI t u ordered by,tlio Burrcgato that tbe

ssld Eiooulor KIVO puWio notice to tbe orcdl-inraoftliotglaloof said docedent to bring iniliolr debts, demands and chlnn agifnat tbodome, under oath, wllbln nloo inonlbs from'tis itoto, by unttiijfj np a oopy - of this ardor,

..itblo twenty d»jp botonftei-, Jii five bf themost public plsocs in tlio county of Morris fortwo montlm, and also witliln the said twentydays by advertising tbo same in tbo IBOH EBA,ODO ol tbo nownrmpcra of thii Stats for theBamestace oftimo (thoStirroKalojndglna.sDyfurllierootleo to bd unnoccstary); and if an;croditBr shall niglect to oxblbii bis or herdebt, datnand and olaim within tbo Bald periodof ulno month•, public notice being given asaforoBaid, sunn crtditor eh all be for ere r barroiol his or her notion therefor against tlio u id

KOCU or. ^ WILLIS, Snmigato.A trno copy from Iho minutes, - - , 38-lOiT

ino Miernoon ui taia o» j , au moio in<cts or paroolH or land and promlaet, hereinur piriicnltrly doicrlbcd, uttuato, (fiSg amOR In tho townnlilp ol l to ibury. In the count;

SHERIFF'S SALBI.In Clunoery or Now Jersey. Pi. fa. For nla pi

uorlgagod pramisea. tfborcln MaryAvOobbmid Alfred Mills, EiDcntora o t t h e wilt ofQrwrce 7 , Ocbb, diH)*d, werd"Mmpliin»nts,and Joseph A. Hoy t andJlM. Joseph A. Hoytliia wiro, and JBDO M. Aosms and Hitcn W.

' Adaiis her htiBband, wcw defendants, lie-turnablo to October Tarm, A. D. 18Tfi. • ..

JllIi9ACUUnCH,Bol,ri.TJYTlrtuo of tbo abgre rtatcd Writ or fieriJ 3 facias In m; handH. I sball'einoBO for talo.-.•1'ubilc VcnduP, a t tlio United States HoldIn Morristowo, N. J., on .

MONDAY, fie 2Lst dayofAugwJiixt. A* ti. 1676. between tho 'iioora or 13 M.and 4 o'clock V. k , that is to any, at 3 o'eloein tho afternoon uf nald day, all tboi 'tractBcr .--..—•—.* •— •alter pibeiuglntliotownBtilpof Morriu and Stalo or Now Jersey.

TUB FIRST—Beginning at a Btako and heap ostones Bastntrdly frou tha houao a corner ofUnd formerly, ol (he<Widow Jennings, DO*Clement Caiy, nod runalns tUenco sontn ni tyooo dusriics nod thirty minnlcs cist, lonrtmichains and forty li|Vi ta t, corner of linds for-mar); of Abraham Day, but now "f tbo heirs olJohn UcOord. deceased, In tho mlddlo or thoroad that leads pom Aaron Case's 1 o tho bouseInto belonging to JaLltb Trowbrldse: theiicenorth twemy-eisbldegroescasteigbue'nohtlniand iiity-ono links lo swhfto otk tree j -henceuuiih Biilj-uLtJ duxrcvB snd thirty miunteanest nluo clialm and ulty-Ove links; theucnorth saieDteoQ degrocs east flro chains annfty-oigbt links; tlianco north Mxty-ono dogroct and thirty relnutos west tbres ohslos snsavenl; links lo a Btako a corner of a lot or Ianthat Joanna Cue, HID father of Aaron Caio,bought ol tiimuel Ho well; thencs north IBT-euty-flro decrcot wuil fivo chains and thirty-five Units to Joshua Cain's comer j thooee souththirty-four itoRrets west forty-tiro cbifna indsixty liuksjo Deojumln Conillt'i hue; .boncesouth tweulv-iho dbt(tt«B and thirty minntoseist eleven chalnv and seventy Haw to laidCondlt's corner In the avamp: thence-northtwentymtKht degraei cast twanty*six chaim tothe bcginniDg, containing eUtyfour acres,moreorlcsn. ., .

THE BECOKD—Beginnlrie at tbo moitnartlly comer of Uud lite of Hlnm Onndlt, ina lino of land thit Blclatd Gtilnoll.bouRbtofCornollua Vliicbt; thence south twenty fourdegrees ana thirty minutes east fifteen chiinito a stako in said CondiI'a line opposite a Itrgi>hlte wood itatcp andsaplliiff; Ibeuee aootlill ty-flre degreoa wost mven chaini and twenfliuKstoastiko; tbeneo north .twentj-fourdo-'Rroes and thirty nlnntoi west-thirtcon chilusand forty Units to i maple tree In Btllncirs line;tbonce uorth fifly-two degreei and thirty min-utes cist icrcn ohami and. thirty-six Ifnlitothe place of boftinnlng, conUiuiog tou aorei,raoro or Icn. '

l'UiiiaON A. PPGEUAN, BherilT.Dated Juno l*tb, 1870. [Fr. roBs *10 81




• and r




Dov*r, ti* J»

Orders for Sawing and Planing


' FAKOr OARDfl 11 sl;lcs with nains 10} cla. Agonti wanted. J. B. HUBXED,'nn.N.Y. . : W-ir

Harris County Surrcgato's Offlcs,JULV Mb, 1H7U.

i Ilic niatl'-r uT Kdmuu'l D. H.il.wj aud \Sn\.H. Uiki-r, iisi-eolor* at Wiili.in. II. 1)JU<T.tli-cuaiti-d. *>urru^Ktu'i« urdur t • limit civili-

f \ N spaUcatmn O P I I M alxtvp-iiaimsl l apc -J ntoSTli in <>rd<-ri». In- liu- Snrnisiiii' 'liai

mid Eiitutnlfl ti'i^i I'ill)II<: Kullic- .Jci'tMlitwti nt tltt' uilati: •>T*nid dL-ct?doiit toK iu their dublfl, dumuiidd ami tlalniHlist tho nil me, uudei ualli, wtlhtii nine111* from tLUdntc, bv nut liny up m-nny uTorikT, witliiuttTL'niydnyHliL'iuiiIUT, in live

uf tlm muut jjutilic I>1H(XH iu tliu emiulj ul' Mur-ri« fur two tiuiiilliH. anJ HISD within Ihu uaiilIffuuiv d»jB bv advertiaiuj; Ihu HJine in tliu[HUN t i u , nuo ht tha UBiv^^pors of tl.in St i le ,ur the name np*eo of time (tlio Surrogate judR-ug Buy further nolho to be unuvcuHtaryliamifauv creditor shsll neglect to ciltlliit his ornr ilubt, demand and claim within tbo «uidcrioj or nine monlliB, public nolleo bi-tn.;ivenaspforcsaid, such creditor stiall he for-(or uHrrud ofhisorliRr actiou Hjerefif agaimttIO Haid Exconlorn.

E. E . WILLIS, SurroRatc,A trno copy from the minuted. 32-10«


JE1ISEV.»ucce8Hor iu Sur*«ii'& Hunk ino tuc k itlailoti Btinlt til J )u rc i . '

Capital,-$100,000.ATTENTION GIVEN TO T H E I'OllCIIASEmil sjloofnll linudH-lu'llio colleclitin ol all

dlusl'lj'aiiViiiy Cuiiipm'iy, Irelui'id.II. II. DICKEIW'JN - - - I'wftiik-nt.WAIUIEN Bisaiin - - * CBshier.



Dover Savings Ifistitution,


O F F I U E U S i

.VAllltBN DKtiUH - - - - Tmauurur.

T 1 1 U 8 T E E 8 I

Htnry Baker. John Hanco.M. H. Dickoraon, James B. Low a,Thou. K.CritteudLii, Jas. H. Niighbour,Alox. Wighton, ChMM. SI. Tunis,

If'lciiVrd Hteplit'iiH,' E. N. Norman,Itobert F. Orani, (leorce PleTaou.I. P. Bandanna, Wm. l i . Mnpftvil,' ' J. HkolldiiKor. Martin V. It. Bearing

SI. U. WhitloL-k.

This InsLItulicn Is now organ we J nnd open[or htifllueSB.

Ofllco, In Dover Dank.Intoreat shall commeueo running upon all

Buratdopoilteden the llratdiivof ararcb.Juno,September and December, which cvtr nhi!lfirst lisppon noxt after tho deposit is made,WAltllEN KEQUH - - - - TroaBuror.

Fob, 11, lUTi). O-tf

o rotheh l

rner ou tbo oast nfdu ofirtv-lhrou foot at risbt

utaatd road, ilio olgbtlit lonald dnod being tho

B|AH,CD n u l l . IUL- UVUIIU Ul BU1U fUaMI, L11U UlglliN

line of tho wholo [met In mid died being thoconlronf said road, and r i n s along said furn-iiko read south fuuriuon dogroou and lorly-Ivo minutes etujf, and tbo hcslnnlnR oorntr orIbis lot i» found by rawmcnclnff at iho elfibtlicorner of tbo irtiolo lot and running alone Ilioelgbtblino sonth fonrleon decrees and forty-flvomlntyoacast two hundred feet: tlionoo attiffht sn;1ci north aerentv-llve and a quarterdegrees east tlilrty-threo feet to said beginninglornerof thlg lo t ; thence st rijrlit miglea t alaid eighth lino ( l )*or t l i sovonty-five and amarter degroea emit one hundro-1 feet ; tliouee12) at nglit anelcs sonth fourloen and tbruequarter ilegroeB east llfty feet; thsneo a t r ightnuclCB IS) ioullt five suu a quarter dogrron wontpne hundred feet; tlicncu parallel loeaid olghlhline (i) north fourleen and throe-quart ' - ' -jrons we»t fifty fuel to Iho placo or TICBIL_.__,oontalnlug Hvo thousand feet nt Ian if: Iwliictho Mtuo lot of laud conveyed by Ja-.tca A.Ooodalo aud wife to said Aaron L . Blaiicliardby deed boariiyr date July 8d, 1371,

FIEIM0K A. r i lEEUAN, Bbcriff.Dated June Ifltb, 1870. [ft-fe, 10.00


Capital, • $200,000.BanVingboursfromOA.it. Io4i\w. Prompt

ittontlon given to tlie purchase nnd Halo otboiidi and other Bocurtuea; the collection olforcli-n and domestic taper, drafts, chcolm, Ac.




otr. .

I I ran . Copper. BniBfl, Lead, Jhui andlunacies laupn In oxcunoso fur cuoas,


|Kocknwny, Marcli 1,1878,

Morris Orphans' Court.MAVTEnM 1870.

In tho1 natlcr of Uir i E. Jones, Eitontrlx ofTimoiuy Southard, doceaied. It uio to ibowcauso nli; tliero suogld not bo a sate of kudu.

TVTA11Y H. JOKES; tho Riccntrix ofTimotk;i r L Southard, Uio of tho COQllty of Morris,dcucsiod, having made and exhibited to Ibis3onrt, under oath, a Just and truo account oftbo pors inal citato and debts of said deceaaed.as far an Blio hat been ablo to discover the- i, by which H spnoarB that tho pewonal

le or laid deccaena is iniufllolcnt lE pay allUBt (lubts, and statin*, that Bald decoissa

dlod luUod of lands, tenemontji, hotedllatucntiiind real eslatc, sltnato In the County ulilamnauU prayliig the aid of tbe Court lu tno prem-•iBOt. -Tborulbro,- It- Is- ordered by tha taurt,tout all penoni inlarcBtcd in ibaUadi. tone*monti, bcredltameata snd real estate el talddocosgod, do appear bororo tbo Jndcos of thisCourt, at the D>Drt l lonu in WnrrTitotriii onSatnnlay. tho seventh day of October, A. D1B70, and show canRD, if on; they har hmacii of i\n »fd Undo, tenement., £mpiits and real estate of Baid dccoaiod Rtiduiclnot bo Holdasirlil-bciamoienttopayblB debts.

, E .E.WILU8, Surrogato.• A truo copy from the tnlnntci, 85-Gw

TEHBER aiKT Open tlatly fr.<in I! o'clock A. I

o'clortt p . M.M A N A G E R S ;


nr1™^™,' Moves. Stoves.SiiiSuimlS 'vtoPmMmtl THE OLD STAND.


i SHERIFF'S SAI$!In Chancery of New Jersey. FI, h; For Bain i

jnortif*n(i(l pnrniiiutB, Whfir in 'Vb" OloU.;Hntual Llfu Inu ranco Corapin) i i com-plainant, and FraneiB H. -Gore, Alfred J .Taylor, Woraeo W. Fowler and Oeorgo H .IUinton aro defendants. JJotnrnablo to Oclo-bor Term, A. D. 18T|1. .

-t .'Iiloo of Iho, ab<Wj' ataled writ of HL. .facial In my b>ni]«, I shill cznosofor Bale a trDDLIOVENPDE.a t the UntiedBtatesHotelIn Morrlttonn, K. J,, on

MONDAY, tU llth day Septanter,A, D. 1P70, betweon the bonra of 12 M. anil 5o'elwk T. It,, tlmt !• to Bay »t 2 o'ctuck in thearUrnDODofiUdday.allthofollowIngdcicribediraotor parcel of bpd and f-roitlnen, titmtolying anil heinn in tho township of Koihnty.luthe county of Horrii and State or New Jenny,and which la called the Mount*!n rondlnt, antbegins at a slurp rock In tlio northu .it tcrneror ihe irart ; (fence (1) »uutl> flfiyufnade-cret-a east seven chilna ta a heap of utonoitlionco (2) n;irth neventy-peven dogreos casilonclialnfc tfl » (|eapor • tones; thenae(3) jiortLnfty desrccB e»iLiiitcrn pUijns to a !>rcerock i thenco (4) north tnlrty-llvu docroos an^th rty mlnnlw «Bt thirteen ehalna and fiftylinks; thenco (6)noithforly-thrucdecrccsnoBitwemy-olght ulalni and forty links to Iho plicoor teHtnnlnir, contalnins thiny-Blx acres andiWrty-«lffht hundrwlthu of an aero; belnjr litetame premines con»eyod to nno Chirlei F .Marjott by Ralph Cirey and wife by deed ilatcitho elcvouth day of Ovlobcr, oue thonunieight hundred and iiixtv-six.'anLl recorded iathe cletk'H uffice of intt count; of Morris Inhook W.Bof iluodi pacea m, fto. .

alt Uio following dcwrihci] parcel _.

.- , d : lluginalntr• : - • - , Jd ilouos in the edga'cfanoliQala, beinit a corner of Job L. Uronni thencerunnldB (i) sontli Btty-lhree i k m i -rent flvochalniandthirtyfiTo links la tffe edgo of thoral n n d ; tbenco (3) alonn tho cast Ma of thenlJroad uutli tweuty-i"oyon desrooa cist threochalng and Iwonty.efeht links ; tbenoc (3) elilalong tho east sldo of tha railroad iinuth thlrty-a?edegrcCicoBl tno chat us and dglity-clghtlinks; UiBQCB (ij still along'tbo eatt tide ortb« railroad aouth tbirty-nloo and one-quirtcrdegrcei e»at threo chain a and dn-Dty-tlnlitlinks; thenco (6) slill alooethe C M | iids of therailroad tontb Torty-ono and thretMinarterdesrees east threo ohiins and thlrty-iwo linksthenco (0) mil along the cast udo or tho nitroad •ontli flfty ileerccB cist two dmlna.nurorly-»ii links; thence (7> itill along tho eastjlds oftlio railroad loath fltlj-throe and a barH—"» »p »•••• mw'r n«a nfniM Ma a j l u i n j aim u 114II

degrees oant two ohoiuBand twonty-Baton linksto a heap or stonca; tbonco (B) north forty-»ixdegnes cait • o » n chains and forty-two liuLsto a.black oak Btnmp; thsneo-fO) nntlb SOTon-teon and tlireo-qo»nor degroos east ibiTly-twocbaioi to a Leap or BIODOB above an old orch-a r d ; thenco (iB) Bontb c lgl i l j^no and i h r wnnarlfr degrees eul twenty chiinn nod flriylinks to a boap of stunoa near the otlso u( thepond ; lLonco (11) north thirty-six and tbrooquarter degrees east ten chains and fifty linksto a neap of stones an the nortli ildo of ft snhlbill • t iunco (13) north ftfly-fivo and ono-quir-tor degreti nes t nlcotocn chains and fiity lluVato a bean of stones one chain north o r a s m a i•ink-hole; thenc (18) s t h flflf dquarter decreesthirty HnlBhoriiilnk-hule; thence (18) south flfty-foor and—utcr dccreoi west tblrlj-nluo chains _..„

rty ilnti horiionla], or forty-ono cbalniknd—: ty lln^B horiionla], or forlyono athirty link* snporfldM' tntasuro, lo a hein oratones In J o d e a Ford's Uuo; Uiencoll l i suutb

J!K!1!?l5?Sl?>?&^lr km^1taining ninefyrtno aarea'and seTenty-*ix* Imn-drcdlhs of an'acre cJ land; belne tho BUOHpremltoa convoyed by Qoorgp'H. tfeiiton intwife to said Fraocls ii. GoV«, by deed bearingeven dale Bith u id mortgage.

riEltSOH A. FHEE1IAN, Sheriff.Dated Jnly'uth, 1876. , *'. IPr.f, $1MO

M; & I; SeaHng.QARPgNTERS,


" . . BLACKWBLLST., ' * '


i>[au u d mlcrlDlB

Jobbing in

io7)d\'d^i^ri.f^^i)alentbToUa^frconf coit, writ*) at onee to J. BRISB k CoV, 767Bfaadm/, New York. . ^ • 8W'"


l'ICAL 'VAlUnt.

ira In tLo clutliliiL. l,nalur.i.H 1,,II8TU1VK, kaa Infill Tin a lareii

troda atiil n o * Jcuds tdocIU la

."iiWrtS1.1"- '"•"'"• •'•»*

Wucl Double nnil

T tu i l i only - - 810.00

Gofavy Suits - - GOO

"firkiiig Paul. - 1.00

" extra l.fio

Gol'orkiuD; Pantfi Doublu


FllOir $2 TO $9.

A l|;nrtmDitl or 1'INE CLOT111KQ f.irUS, YOUTHS' Bllil BOVH.

In a.ooo 1'AIB oi» TANTS.

[to call and sea tUo BA1K1AIN3 andbal l icd at tho Ioff pri«ta for (,'oodtlolb-

Tho Miners' Savings BniikO F DOTEIt, N. J . •

ie New EmpireLir, Clns & Lasc-biirii-

liig Cooking Stove.I:ST BAKINO STOVli IN TUB WOULDfa Id rgo ABEOrtmont of oilier ElyloaICoolllK! Biov.-I, IlaiiKES. l'arlorI fitoVOB, &C,

|SUMMER & WINTER USEAlao, a choice Block of

irdware, Cutlery,[ Woodun, Copper, r ia tu Alld Japanned


blotlia, CariwtH, LampR, ra in ta and Oila,rnirca, Fuathcra, Tratt 'a Aatral Oil (nun,Ivc) AlBO,


Dling, Fluinbing nnd Job


I AI'1'AIUTOS.lL.. Scale, at JI«..,. .actill*]I'd l»jfiC«B 1

1776. CENTENNIAL! 187(



Tbd aulivcribrr li&viu|;Jdat rocclvcd aLAItSTOOHor

Hot Air Furnaoes,Iho lalrnl And most improvpil •tylct;. f-jr

irnihig pnblio and private buildings, Ajjigt)(iBHortmont nf BtevQR, chenp for .cash,-...


STOVES, RANGES,Ac, Alfln a variety of

for Spring and SnmraQr ircar ivilt otr»r tlio:cuslomori at tho LOREST FIUCKS, BB folk

ifbr'iSaitH, - - ' - , .t7.00tottfUon'B Woraled C<iaU and Veals, 7.G0 •U ' b l k ti S


Aful ntflortment of

Uen'i black tioiiYoulba' Balls,B ' Bull, (a largo iiuaulily)

ton'M Sulti,Worllngranta, - - - - , ,

11 " ojlra, .


S.IHI •0.00 •9,00 '2.00 '



exceedingly loir, and i ecni>ral assortmt;^


Diagonals, Vorstedti, VesUngs,|

•old by tho yard and cnt gralis. Clolhhto order ID tha bent ind latent stylo at]Inotice. I l l pontons Jealrlng anythingaboTo-montioneil line of gooda a n adicalldud cxamini) Uili Block and con»[iprioos, which iro mucb LOWEIl thabeforo eolil In Dwcr . Do not forget tfci

VM.SIMOSUSSEX St., near lllnckjl.

Doter.N.J., April 2M, I87J-.


, JllillS, •nd.Dll Uio J i or Jobbing lo nil line,donoiu tha bDBtmauncr and aUlio auortcBlnollca. Illglieilprlcofl pnl4 for old Iron.

Copper leal and pofftor taken in oichang.forgnod..

A- Tbo Bubscriber baa upencd a njrd'ur.ibo BUB or COAXand WOUJ), onWELL St., next lo 0101! t IlAtSl"icrYanlB. GonBtantlr.un band all

«>ALt LISIIIGH, iJOBAMI'OM AtMINOUS COAI«DkLIVI!llEDT0 AOF tdVKll oil YICIMTr. S v olanreaBndlonfr.lnraalnuLilioyAi'LIMS. I L M t a . OEMENT,OIurf tOF'"- J ', FEIi

once or tWBPro yearfl In tbo b


IS now ready again .for tha Fall and WmteTrod* with afirgcly inercaabd ttook of


Oak SpoVei, II to 3. Hickory Bpokca, 7-8 to l j . jIIuhB, 3 | to 101. lUran. 7-at0 2| . KliaflB, lTtjot 1andbaavr. Poles. Nock Yokes. Back nunners. Jllelgh Itnrmors. Carnago Down; also Truot. f

LIcEt and Heavy WhoeU.ainhotillaetoryratei.. Also,alUlndflor-.. . . .


Hming bad a long oiporfonco In tbo Currloge IuBlnoia snablcflmo to Wnteirjipotoct Judtte

ofany " " ' ' -*- * —' *

AnpTiwrionco or tw<No yeara in tlioorn jtB, I think a perfect knowledgeII wlut fsTor me with tlieir palrono iav?}UH'm m "ciglitB, hjnost dealinj )W'mttB.ntid pntaptarai ID filling orrfOflloo In J. J Tro»laad'B Oarponter 8!

of any arlielo eonnooted wiuy poraoui firorinft mo nroiy npon mj fnrniHbinK 'iauflaliTo to their wants, a

lido uoanooted with tho bnainoiti, and J" * with thfllrordon. may I

them wltban artiDle I— ^ . . ._ , and at as roasonahlu I

prices aa can ho obtained at any other placo. 1Ordnra fay letter fnr OarHni-n nnd Rlolgh Or* 1

HBtnenls v,\l\ bo flultshlx filled by sUtiiiR [or Iwhat {lurpoio' tbuy aro wanted, and Rending Imoney onungh to coror tho.amount. \uui |pntrouago ia renpootfilly solicited. . -

H. P. SANDERSON, ,85 < Opponlte Driver Depot j

December 2ith.lB70.

IRON IN T H E BLOOD.Caaghi.CoUs, Dmii-Ctllllit,»vr« Tiiront,InOu«iiM,'Vroup, I

[ l L i v . r l

_ irSlde, Ulctillnff at I* the I tunsi , and ertry 1If.. affection of tho Throat I

Lungs and Obcit, ire 1apocdily and porinan-1

cutly DhreU ityniio use of Dr. Wlittr's* Balbum-1Of Wild Gharry, which doca not dry np a couch Jm i Icavo tho canno behind, as Is (he cato with 1moit rcmcdicB, bnt looiioni"-, cleannca the ]Innga and allays IrritaUdn.thns. removing Uio 1canse of tho complaint, '- • -

CONSUMPTION CAN BE CUREDbyatirai]T nisort to Ibis tU'niTiira roraody. »iis proved 1ty hnndredx of (estlraonials it faairooekod, Nono Rontiine HDIDW Blgned,"!.-" ™ « ~ on ibo wrapper. 60 ots. and f 1 a h o t - |

• bottle. I A : , t » Vbnvfiti • HETIf I

Work for the Unemployed!THETHIBTLE EDITION iaibD'ooly IUHJJ

llloitralod edition of Hit \yaltor Bojtt'i . *

jf Amerloan make, and is " the bust oditlon otha bcBt Xnoliau novellat." The horns ~aUriddrd, and will soli for all tlmo. Tlio tchnnlcal oxaantlqn IB of tba best/ Thii price }•orthDloncst. AbMTawASTKnfcTKiiTWiaiut,"whom liberal loins nnd oxcluslvo terntorj a r

" - Forty-olBbt ? •

.. work!ithiy. Elovan montba' ilollroriea (31 TOIF

nmeai a n now reidr. Prieo-ln oloiU. RII]extra por volnme, «1.50: haUlnrkcy.gili t<fa.86, "lfnr f-J~-•-'- ~u*— " •

Knttc.'i.watv,,,ipplled with two YolnmcilicbnonthlT. Elovon montba' ilolito

nr Toinmo, •i,ou j-u«u l u t ^ ^ i h i " •»,"'^'j?S£&jtep.b...l.or,,

.-,• - •17Mnniij8t:'rlI"rVor