ra grumpy da unts - library of congress€¦ · ns which were worked in ho--,w lis. rocaptlona and...

Football Elevens Tune TIGERS PREPARE FOR GEORGETOWN GAME fjoiwh If nli ProhnMy Will Be ff ii Vanity ivnm t 's I'mrtico. ; LAW ON SICK LIST sr vr v. sent Coach Ruttl of Princeton """I at w"rk - tryi- ng ;,i .l.-- rlop enine enrt nf u eomliltni-- I on M Mid naalnnt neorKetnwtt mi Sat- urday r ,h ,,,'"'r ,,!" "f n" ,,0,ir Id kept m,n out ln lr!v,n nmrn-l- n run et dummy and ,t H Rgaitl In tlM afternoon nnil-- r ,, favorable weather condition. The fttrnoM aorttniBMa was bji far the lellat and haruVet fuuaht of the sea- - tad lasted Ihraa qaartara of an , :t iy a atam liinek-practic- e nn.i aMaraJ wotkowl n varatty wlactloti haa mada , llT1j none haa been attempted, but iiM eoachaa aadoatitidly win have le set- - on orw WWMWlMlH and gork vntli t l..--t for hetter or worse. t enks at present at thoush Ullrk will j, geed ill quarter, although Aran ha M running the varsity in ill iha raceal scrimmages. Mata probably will be utilised nt half lntnd of .it end. which position h played imi yaar and during ins prep nciiooi f'T'tcr. Billy Moor.- - haa shown yn Well nd WOttld surprise nobody by atirtlnfl iha other half, i'yrii Haa ., Mathlaaan appear to bo the logical r tot fullback. On Iha line, ltd lenneri appaara to iw a fixture nt reni- n-, arhtla Halaajr, mu ixwe and Lwnta !i ner undoubtedly will alternate in h KiiHnl pvsttione. MacLean and La Iroht should be the starters at inkles. Billy RayhlU and H. R Brown ore llip nt- M iik-- l choice for ends, with Charlie H.Kfiy and Wilson ronmijc in later i r vi them. The first pair ia the atur-llt- r eotnblnatloo, while the latter two nre ptad left ileil Itmbert- n appeared mi Hie flel.l for the first tlmo tOdmy, hill the aotd news of his arrival Wa I .mi. w f at modlflad by tie annonwcaiBotii thai Hun Law !s ill at present and will tint he able to play for a week or two. while Kberstadt is eliminated fur pood hwausa "f parental Tib. nets hao boon sick and Dliapa absent fe- - ll - last two days. T: ira-tle- will le held i: th.. stadium, as the roaches wish to llv 'he men a rhan-- - to baeome arcus-ta- i ' lo its peruliuriti-e-s in wind CUT. fnt and llphl effects. HINKEY IS DISSATISFIED. Work of Inl. PfJMMI Kails lo PlMae I'oaeh. Sum Havks. Sept. Jl H.ad Conch H ' and his assistants expressed ills-M- l : oi With the work f the Yale rarilty, Moond, and third ttaina after r ' it Ya!e Kield to-.- la On a mul'ly t.eild the Yale ptayori wont uli twenty minutes of aOfimilMgt a :s afternoOTi. the varsity pitted -: the si-.- - nil team for ton tnln-- . - .i"l fur the same period agSlMI tbe ti: ! team. tapt. Uao Wilson, Ouernoey, Pootrll t i Uowr played in the backllold on th irslty. while I.eore played full-bac- k for t .. imd team. The roaches, declared the work of all their teams t' raffgeit Lppora puntod we.;. .1.. ii iluernoey. Cap:. Wilson made tw" .. arns, onp acalnol the aocond aii-- i Hie agalnal the third teams, that belt.n U'e :'iy so ring of the aften con's Si ipe. T.ie in als w1ii have been chosen for th'- - of Maine same Which It to be played in the Yale Howl on leturda) ar-- - Nate Tnf's, referee: Ban t. iimplra; K. I.. King. ext:.i offi-- e a Iteraen. linesman. PENS SQUAD BACK AT HOME. Parsltj Men it.-tur- to Poaaklla I l. i, I ang Brgtla itrni Work. I'n ant:: i n ia. Sep:. 11, The roaches o' : Univerafty of Pannaylvairla fool-ba- ll ttam celebrated the varsity BQuad'a riturn ti Pranklta Vlald this aftemo n ' ' i M IT half hour After ' i i.;i. preliminary laialfta Coacbe Bl - a- - Dickson selei-te- the first Varsity lineup, with Ray Grant, last )' r't sturd) freehman, at quartarbaok. Ut-- - ..a rust and second varsity tennis lined up f.,r the kickoff aid Pranklln field wan the SOOOO nf tlie first real fo' b ill Of the Itll seas n. rot nboui an hour the coaches had 'h . rja afilj iinsjinen running down tiie Hold in der mints. Berry, William and DottirHerty did the purstiriK, Kerry doing est m -- k lu the face of a siroriK ' Urant, Ball, WuiKloy and Hose ad i'ie aouad delegated to re- -j ' e pur.ts. Barring Grant, their Vorl v ia pisir. CORNELL VARSITY DOES WELL. senses Three ToueBgWwae la Boat si-r- i in inn hi- - Tkaa Par, Ithaca, Kept, 11, The Cornell var-- t Ipped up tlu- - second team this n 'h.- haroest scrimmage of the - i :,ir three touchdowns and :t - opponenta aoorelaaai Th inie broughi out somo promising play ' "- sicijnd team, Inaiuding Oil I1 IMiwerful tackle, and Zander, a -- .im I ipeedy end. Tl acne mad a number of shifts ii" tv lineup, Cool look Ills old ii ontr, Ballap want ,n at rlgnt .1 Kleinert nrplaoad Mueller at ' i.. 1'u latter Roing to the second '' Kleiner) showed surprising pei for this time of the pear and r' ide good gains, though In ' pi' It :i s hol-- s as well as Har-''- " Collins. The latter Is doing ' ' i .i ly good work, Barrett made a r' long rtina, one a li'l yard - ' r a touchdown. Th- - hard work '' "e past week has sent about a eieii ii to tne sidelines with brUlaea nd : r ilns. ARMY HAS NEW COMPLAINT. Hevsption aa Wall ns Drllla inter- - i.re with Poo t hall. w it I'uiNT, sept. 2i. Coach Dal) so trouble mohllialug enough ol ' A rOxH ball men for a workout ' i.i li.nl to be satlslied witn two ns which Were worked In ho- - ,W lis. rocaptlona and avonlng ' " ' As ll was, t lie men toiled In swi .lers anil uniform trousers and I'd ihing but a light preliminary I aiei fol lowed by a (harp slcnul 0 '" .'evens were on the Held, and " Irani and Neytand were tried at "'I. k. Neyiand ronltnues lo im- - lh lew e that have In i n Iha men were run off su thlv '' Ins have scheduled a real .. for first big n praotlaa. Tin. wiu.ni has aaen vi md now numhora smiy aati i RA IN! DA Many Impatient at Delay in Starting Tournament Or- dered by Committee Ties Result for Both Net and Gross Prizes. Rrp, N V. . :m NO where was the eaantitMi of tin- raM ami the appanr. ami of the sun about noon y Wall ontad mora heartily than at the ApawamiM I'luli where the eleventh an-- , nual seniors poM loumameni was to hava boKun st half past o'clock this morning. The storm, which seemed bent 00 turning the cm-ru- Into a quagmire made the starting of the tourney on i schedule time an impossibility, and al- - ' though sume of the veteran golfers set OUl shortly after 10 o'clock during a lull in the rainfall, another downpour soaked them thoroughly and it was. not until tin- sun broke through the clOUdl :i couple ot hours later that the nun pletlotl of the first days play, according to the terma of the programme, was assured. Tin- - Senior! themselves were willing to risk the fury of the elements, but he Committee In charge declined Inl8t on tin ir lining "n until it seemed Certain that the storm really was at an end A few dropped out, hut oyer 100 nf the Veteran! made the round of the links The deposition of only two prises, one fur tlie loWaat gruss score fur the day. and 11 tin, fur the lowest net score. Was to be decided and IIS is getting to be the case year after year In the Seniors tourney with its lug fields and keen competition, ties resulted for both trophlaa, Bwmi though the sun shuiie down upon the veterans all after- noon, the wet course underfoot and a blustering wind overhead, made low Scoring a most difficult proposition, aid " was tin- beat gross score turned 1ft. Three golfen shareil the honor of mak- - Ing the round in so. .lames A Tyng of BaltUSrol, Judge W. O. Henderson of Irlingtnn, Ohio, and 1'. (iilbert Waldo of lirooklawn. Por :!.e net prle there was a four, aided tie at T'.i In Which the participants wera Jamee V. Bless, Canoe lirook, l ' 111. .: Rolto Kgden. Baltusrol. 81 - is. 79 v t. Kaufman, PUiafleld, is, 7.1. and Benjamin B, Laarrence, ApawaTnis, :itf 17, 7'.'. of the four Mr. Bless received the most hearty oortgratulatrona, for ha is a claaa D a an! in liis eightieth year, and all th-e- e of the others who tied with him belong to cUiss a. which Includea the young. ste:s of the tOUIHOy, thuse between the minimum age limit, hb, and 69. The prises in the tout classes A. H, C and l will Is- d- termitied by the s for the two das uf play, to-d- and A putting COIttOet was to have been Played y to while away the time for those who were awaiting their tuin tn begin tin more serious work of the day and for the early starters after :iu ir rounds were over, hut the storm cauaad t iie committee lo put It ovt r Utttll to-- u orrow. All if the veterans who ptiyed Will oontinua with their sec- ond round. When that is over they will make way fur the second division, w i w :'l j,l t on Thursday mid Friday. All of those who played y were glad that they did so. despite the ram, and mud and wind Bven Henjsmm F. Nie'.ds Wilmington, the oldest gol'or on the links y he Is M years obi w.s in the lest of splr.ts when he cams in. although his aoore, 11'.' S. ll!. was TORONTO RACING RESULTS. Plrsl RacePeels Plate; mildens; a'l sge foaled in Canada: adddi i furimss Dorothy Cirlin. HI (Oeltlnil, stralghl I'll-'- , plare JI.I, (how III tlret . Mr Arthur, ll.' (Rlesl, place l.e. nhevv I". ' '. i. id. Itavetn i.urt. I" igrhuttlnaeri, shoo II fa, third Time, II :i S sAleeto, xTorn fl k. Watertown, v i ilarn tv . Ldlertory and Hhrov-etld- also ran vSeirinm intry. ..u.i Rare Currauah P'.ate; thre year-old- a and upward seiiins. a eddedi il furiuns'- - Croesbun, III iKelsayi, stralghl lit.io. plae I' i". (how ' nrst; Kmile. tColllns), place 114 I", sh-- w li li second i Betwten Us, li Warring too), show ll.lt, third Time, 1:11 Twilight, Pair Helen, Nlgsdoo, Mrelkka, Kin Radford, Lobeagrln, Vaoe and Blla Ja i... p. Caronome Pamlaea nines also ran. Thirl ftaci Ijalagtoa Plall ihre--- - ysar-ol- d sad upward; sei.ina; I added; one mils and twenty .,njs- - Alston. II Collins), straight I4.!0, plare 50, ehoy .0, tir- -i Mir l'p. '."1 Igmythl plf 11 mi ,iin' 7 10. se.on.l; riian 1"0 gi . '. Ihow 10 1". third Time ; ;i j aetfoleger, Haliou. gtske ami i .in. siit-rlo- , 1c iluirnHs .in.l Mnonlisni a.nn ran. Kioirlh llai e Woodbine Autumn ateeptsrhase Handicap; threerar-el- d and upward; I'i" added; uimat twa miles ...ii ure, 111 (Russell', utruirht in Ji. Biars 1 id hiov 11.11 first ; gtueea, it I Williams i, plars lt.lt, show IS . Tropaeolumi it iHmlthi. haw II. ihtrd. Tl 3 Ii Bryndewn, Cu R"i ., ml Old Hn also r .in. Hue Ulcheelma Bandleaa; rv .. year.olds; mo added; hi furlongs -- Candle, in i Warrington!, itrslghl llt.l. .. .. III. In. almw ..! Oral Balnlil. "I It'laveri, plae 111. show IT so. seonnU: i. ..r Plsaeure, i"" lPorbandi. how II .in, third. Time, 1:11 l Hrohlbltlon, Philistine, Rsserve, Audrey Au-tl- ltlue c.ip and lolire else rim. Sixili Rae lllnortl Handicap three. yearulds nd upward; If adiied; ore mile iiriii a sixteenth Commonada, 111 Hnl .il .tic Itralabl 13 iiO, i. ace. out. flrat ; piste ;i. is... io:- iCIareri, out, place sec ii. Mi.i.l ii I. .i'i.i nil! p1 ihknt Tim- ) 111 Only trir tartori Si-- nth Raoo Handown I'l il' itir-c- o b .ma up "! . I no .Ttlilf-- una mill .Hi tl ' tl Harry Laudar, iM !oi molt f K f i ". plact II 10. 0hw Hut'. Aprtaa 109 . if .1 411, $ 30. M'lunil, 1'iittj hunk. i; (Koranand), ll,'w ifclfd Tinu. Htrathoarn, Mlaa wa-tara- ritht .tnr, I, Hi du dai .urpatiBina unj Buprami alao ran. jabitaiia " Keaaa Draw, r..,tiiinit .iini Jobnaotti tram the smith Dm lalanda, boxed a ten round draw vvitli Soldier K'iinis in the Cleirisint link, Brooklyn. Last night. m mm li Bkirkf.Uj It'? 1! S H. B. & the worst of all. Like all Iha iilhefg he came to Apawam.s more for 11 good tiffla than for winning prhMa, so he refused to worry alsiut the la.ienlat-l- iputlitles of the weather and his golf. The summaries : Jmnee illeee. raROfl llronk si 12 7 Hallo Ogdi 11. Itiitiisrnl .. si u " w. t. Rauman, I'lalnfield. II 7i Itenintnhi 11. Lowrsnes. Ana- - wmlii M T'l John llsrliier. Lancastll t"1 mi M M Shi ily, Aitootis It ii W. o. llen.iersiui, Arllagtoa D Henry atoddard, New If even... If II Jeha pepper .t sahattan t' l J. It PTentiss, Mobawn S3 II I. K lllOltlUHilon Valley 101 It n. il Perkins i.'bsvy f'base, .. .lit 11 lleorge W PettS, Pall more., lot l James a Tyng, Baltusrel io 11 Aniiur 11. mmnns, Mcrrimactai it J M. atewart, aearstfale.. Ill I 17, u tllllstt, Wyhagyl II II K. 1' Jehasoo, Ne Hrunswlck..ll it Kugene Prayer, Knglew una. . . :., Ii i.hstles l'u.,y,r. iiiikliuul li.' 1 P, J Wpstela Ilrooklswn -; I Al. Weaver, i uy chess .. s". i .hsrii s ii Waldo, Breohlawn M Hi a e Browaell, tt. Andrews,,.. lal 1; Alfred Cravea, Ht Andrew. ... in-- . IT II. v Ormebss, Piaeburst . .. . mi ; A. D. Chandler, lii.Hu.rol te 1; J Godfrey, Drooklawn 1; P A. Wright. Iteltusrel 11 H. w Devaieday, Apawamls, . .Ill ii Nathaniel Beatn, Wellasten... as 1 Weslsl M. nier. Apaw. mils. .. .Ill H. Knglewped. ,. , in Ii H. Rowland, aintt. :e) mx I n J P, MePaddea, Ki.rest mil II l W II Cttftla, llniokllne lul 1 1 .lehn K lleach. New II teen T I'. Knnever, Italtairnl ml I , ll, Platte, tiardn Clll II T J. I.lntntt, Forest BUI..... J".- is J W. Brlsioi. New linen Ill Alhro Aiken, lit lie.Tgs H Ooni i, unat aehe.l II Pea body, Broobllae....ltl u Richard a. Male, attrrtntas lit K. E Kelly. Apawamls ! A. Hslmsr, Midi uhlan lit K. P. Tracy, iiinsiiamion 103 J a Wood, unnttachs.1 11 Hi M Aldeii. Wii'.,uturi II ll Holmrt K Prench, HriHiklawn l"l 1 11. w. laimb, BrookUae ... i".. t Horace 1.. II a. Iiklae. Aiwwamia. loj ii A s Werthlagton, Chevi ?i lenby Ksjotlwood Ill Ii Auaiavn h Ca4vln. Ulea Palls. ill! ll II M. 11 Eagle weed., im Ii Walter Rrown, Montctslr '.i 9 c Cuehmen. i nner Muntelalr 11 1 Bernard Bartow, 11 uffaiu ,....14 t n C Pepper, Palrvtew. ..lit llenr Ittisse-.l- . lire, kilns 11 w v By set. Plalndld id WllUsm 11 Pasoa, Bugalo ..til N M niteiuan. tlreenwi h . til Charles X llarrt. El s.e isel. . 11 (leorge Woodward, ueal .. 111 14 II He'd Ureokllne 114 4 Win T JlcVauBh. Vountakah ,111 John Ilea si v. Wyhagyl, Ill II Heary a (Hlderolssvs, tMk.anj lis i.i.irge Sinsr. A .eghen. ..114 l huries porter, aeej Haven, in. l: W Ii ll.u ell. ivmi;.ni.l .IP :i a M Linnet t, K..ret iiri. ii Ueorae Ryall, tTeutMabab ,it w H. Iterrlmaa, Waterbury nj 13 j.ll i leedepet i. B'oeallaadi .lit Simeon l'r I. Apawamls..., All ST Wt dam Jrie. lias Rei k 11J 1 ii P, Mam N- - H en .. lit IT John l Ctarrlngtoa, n 111..' U ; jssnes Bsrner, Kni.r.i.i. ...Ill Bdword Rode, DuawomHe .ill i : : .luhn t: Puohee 14'ss li'irn ,11 : Ob m tiunni Pes Haven.... IK 1.. lee John Thorpe, aiwaaoi ::, imt A. P. Aftert-ur- . Aoawamls !: i 11 John Blldreth, Mount Tom .III 1 le; v Jordaa, BreebUae. .. ,121 Ii T. K Jewell. Cbevy Chaee,i ,111 :i il K. DitBd rrdaie. Crescent .1J1 il . it P Poster, Bewspaoor . ..t 11 .1 M aterrett. Chevv i: 1" Benjamin F Kletde, Wllmingta i in 113 XVIthiii.w A. II a no pa w .itiiN atephea O Lockwood Ureenwleh; tloorgs It Qeatoni Apawamls I" I ir M llonnes, Wllmlns'en W I" PulSlfer, un ie A. J. Ouierbrtdge, Apuwamie. i: u u MoMrlslr. LOUISVILLE RACING RESULTS. Flrat I! a Tlirt f ar o ktfl r up ar1. mr n; purac IfOOi wiv fur' nr. mm Wtrn i'Miiti) i" mi nt r 1.11 p . v lit; ' i how I 'harm u l n m pi f a 4 whom I CI. 1. Purlonra. ht"- I' im t Time, 1.1 ?. 'r Mi-- - y r, 'm- fir- - !'. Ilieih Qml m.n. i' tr.ltfjfi. Krt nni iirrie trint ran ml II I' M. IddHI HllHMjj t n n , r tilled!. pill t.i.i tl c ru r ri f ic Lady V'ftnttrjprtfii J"3 (K4ra) - raiitht f 1 lo, I'Ijiv $1 khow I. 10, i.r;, leir- ITeirti K. yft (eltMims), pTaci o.to, nhom 11 TO. Botwitii I" igna 1" ' !in II 10, third Tilt lt. Uiiinh' o'lui, Mlltr-.t- , Ul4l Mother. Vktfmf Mt"kf. Ollva MoUm, Umi ii jj. Bur'md. Da Mn.!ri r Bd Krnlly H .i!o r tr Thlfl Raca- - Thre. nnl up- - war.t aalllac; p 6 m Tur - Llbaratnr, I0 UtlltO !.l: .1 f plai . till. hiw .i. nrer ijk iiri. Uurph) plm 3S 10 afcow I mm Wnita Crown, i"i Lopalfli 1, ihoa f thin! Tim". tit, African H nu. Lai k .I.. Lo, (la bfio, RUt-- Thorn. Maial aiid atliaar( Suo alio run. h Kaoa Handicap ii HRn pnraa ITOO; m fur!onga Vuarua, a A ndraa atratghl IT.It, plavo $3'.". tn Bh. nnt. Luka, nt (Hoolfi placo ll.OO. and tin to alaaa 'H4.. HanovlOi lOamari. nut to allow, third, Tim , itll lt otnollu alon ran. Fifth Raoa Twoyai itin. it-- i ma; puraa Ififlo, (,- ,,u. hail fttrlonoja lay-mita- '.'n (Lapaltla), "ftald." at ru lent I ; H to. placv IIS.-- 0. anoa $ Itrat; ?v Uardnaa, 00 iMotlL plaoa 17, ahoa 1 aacond ; Ha vino, 104 ( Stirling!, how it 10, thlrl Tlma, I "! Itrtfuo Khun li k a; Old "rnM r. . . Infldal Im pivaaava. Thalrtia. Marl, Dora O., Mik MtlUafl Htil leou m Htoao almi 'ti fiixi h Rati- - Balling: for thrryarolda and upWdiT'i. ona mjlo ond aixtaanth -- Juolluo in: iHanryi, atraight I". 10. place It 10. ihoa l- - lit wonj Lomotil I Math an), plae a i: i", ohoaj H. - ml nbolua, Wl tMatcalll, ahow 11.10, third TfntOi 1 4T Tr n,t port.it ion, poogrii ond Wander oloo ran. iovanth Raw s' dk . for throe-yra- i and 11prt.1i '. iint milf n1 tin furh'h RaRi. loo niiihiirti, atr.iiKht $?':!". plaoa III. 10, ahow M.49, won. oiini Mmr, in; tgtaaritoii placo Mlo, ahow 4.00, oac and. Ot ii ru M, II 11 'int ahow 1 1. third Tlrn Any r rt, Lady Panohlta ond K a Wfiaia oloo ran HARRISON JOrNS NAVY SQUAD. ANNAf'tlH. ".'1 Ttiere were severs I additions tn th. Naval football aquad this aftamfion. In ludlng Hgrrtaon, arlio played a atrong gaiua ul end list aaaaon and who is expeoted to lie inn- - nf the tnnat useful men llil sea eon. Pat Off. fi ax- - VOL? CHOW,1 New N. Y. America s Finest Rye HAND MADE SOUR I.1ASH STRAIGHT PURE RYE MADE IN U. S. A. KIRK CO., York THE SUN, SEPTEMBER 22, 1915. Up for Trials Senior Golf Begins MUD! WIND! NOTHING UNTS SENIOR GOLFERS A OLD CROW RYE WHISKEY KENTUCKY, WEDNESDAY, 01TTENS CASE IS FOLLOWED. .lustier Mnnnlna llrrldes In I'ltnr Of ll- u eil II .ml. inn I. i r Justice Manning, sitting in the Queens County guprantl ('null, xesteiday up- - held the decision of Justice Kcudder In the Olttens case when he ordered the release from CUatOd) of John M. riul- - l.ps, who had n OT relied and charged with uookinaklng. Philllpa was arreated on July 31 ami taken tu the Long Island City Magia- - ir.it. e' Court Hetectives Bcanton and Kellj swote thai tliey round on him a numbi i of sl! containing memo- randums of bets on horse races anil IkM Ihoy saw an anidontlfled man give hlfP one of theae slips. I'oilllps was admitted In 11,000 ball for examination He w as out rendered by lus bondsman esterdav. Imt as I'tnler Shet iff Mlteltafl took hint In charge t lie) ofBOtf wis nive.l with a wi t of habeas corpus to prodtlC PMfllpi at once before Justice Manning. Attorney Toutaf made a nvnlon to dis- miss the charge auainut PhllUpa on the ground that the allegations oonta'ned In the affidavits of the detective, did not constitute a crime. Asslstnnt lhstrlct Attorney l'rank npiiosed the m dlon, WOMEN TO SWIM FIVE MILES. v no mil Itnee will He I onillleted I llder I . sanction lifdny. A larg- - held of WUBiail swimmeia will start thll afternoon In the five nnle race from Potirt Bros as, Km kawap, to Mrlghton Ilathe. Tills l tin- llfth year of the race, but tn oe npoitance Is at- tached to It this year thin ever before because It will be derided under A. A. V, snnctkMI and Will be an open event I notsod nf leinv limited to the National Women's Life Paving le ague. Mapl of the prominent Women swim- mers have entered, including Martha Hegstedt. last year's winner, The start will bo at 2 o'clock and the pnxra will be presented on the beach at Brighton as soon as the race !s finished. TEAM SELECTED AT N. Y. U. I nirh Itelllv IMeka Trntallif Ver- - altp After Hard Brill. t'oach Rellly of the New York y football team t.iok advantage of the change - the weither yester- day afternooti to put bis men IBIWagh the lasrdesl drill uf Ut SeaBOtV Aft-- r a ahon dull on the fundamental points the Mh gave hs nun a WorkOVl oei the tackling dummy From the way the ir.-t- l nre grasping this art it seems certain that the Violet def. nee will be' conaklerabiy stronger than last year The first division of the aqtiad wa made yesterday afternoon The fellow-- i mg men were picked for t o first team : Baahbaum, r nre Bn wn and stcs-k- - OvOWer, guar Is M rt'i- - and Homers. ta-k- s IValdman and McCuliatigh, I onda; Olawang, quarter; Cann and I Bgan, halfa . Barnataln, furhai k Atm.ng, the now men i appaar yesterday were OTooJe of ft. Peter's Academy, Thomp i of Bautmora City High Ptooi, Hammerachlag of Covgote and Brwlg of Mortis High. Heat Women llaer Cognued. Mora than half a hundred of the bes: women toTir.is player of the Baal w .ii begin oompatltion In a spe, ial Invlta-ta- c toumament, alngiea and doubles, at the ocurta of tin Orange Lawn Tannla Club, Mountain Btation, n. j . thi n.orn-in- g Among the prominent women who will be seen Ir. the tournament are Mia Molla BJurotedt the national champion ; Mrs Marahall Mcloan, Men Ji state ohantplon M.ss Marie ipm r. former itit'l ind- r oha-n- on : Miss Clare Paaaal, Mrs David C. Mills ai d Miss Florence Ballln The matcha w l. start it m A M aid continue through. nut tne oay, I MI t Ml XT ENTRY LIST GROWS FOR ASTOR CUP RACE Ptlgh Spprinl Is Latent f Com pctltOfl for Trophy nt Slioppslioiid Ray. TRIALS WILL I5KGIN SOON Rntrle f,,r the Astor Ctp race which w'll open the Sheepshead Hay Speedway on O tober 2 were brought tip to twenty-nin- e yesterday by the addition of a I'ugh special, nominated by the I'ngh brothers of ProvMenoa. The entry was received by mall yesterday and con- tain, d the Information that the driver of the latest entry would he Jack The elimination trials will begin on Saturday afternoon and continue for three days, ruder the rules each Astor Cup candidate must make at Iwist onn two mile time ttlal each day so that tho public will have a good chance to Judge the ability of the Competitor before the actual race starts on (ictoU-- r 2 Manager Kverard Thompson received an offer yesterday from the Vacuum CHI (Vmpany of 1100 In cash for the driver making the fastest lap In th elimination trials und a silver cup filled w in mo sliver dollars to go to the leader nt 3"0 miles In the rai-- Itself. John Aitk.ri and Koward Wileoa left rndlanapOlla yesterday with the tw l'etigeots they will dri for James M. Allison, one of the Hoosier Speedway lug four (Ml Anderson will reach here tostnorrow with the Stutx racers xrhloh will be driven by hln. and Karl oper. Kddla ftoekanbacpar, Who win drive one of the two Maxwell car, arrived at the I i daray yatl rday and began overhaul- ing his csr to get ready for the trials Tin- - l H. I'. csr Is a new sapirani for speed honors. This car Is made by the Findlay-rorte- r concern, and there will be two of them In the Aetor Cup race, Jean PorporatO Will drive on. Out the pilot of the other ha not yet teer. named Tliere will lie at least twenty-t-- o American car tn the r.n-- Prance will fi n.- nee Peugoote, ilermany will have Ula Mitcedes, dfive by He rnlma. and Kh gland sends the Hunts-m- i, drlvan by lluli Moore. Hi ii.nd Kennrrdalt, chairman f the Conteol Isiard of the American Auto- - mobil Aaaoeiatlon, yaitarday described li s senatlon In travelling over the new speedway at racing speed He said: "1 have made a few trips around rac-ln- tra ks In racing cars, snd I can't say that I entirely enjoyed t.e experience. Ir scares me. to be perfectly frank. I huVS myself driven racing cars at eighty miles an hour on a dirt or macadamised road and It did not seem tn tne that 1 w - ..ng at a dangerous speed It was Straightaway and I euuld see w hat I was doing. "On the racing track, with the curves h s.i d, tho surfa e in front Is so imisith that there Is nothing to catch and old the eye. At high speed you pass over th" level track after rounding one curve and itrlka the nail bank liefore you have had time to catch your breath. And the f i.ei il impression Is that the car Is continually Climbing an Incline Space - c. vered SO rapidly that the imprea-- s un uf gointf Uphill Is continuous. 1 suppose Iha drivers et used to it, hut I never have been ar-i- lo OVercofllg the feeling of going up an Incline at a reckless apead, and the senaatlon is not ornfurfable Ml MR M K NT. at Apaivamis CHASE WEIGHTS ANNOUNCED. I'onndnffe llotteil to Tent-sl- s Horses In One Kvent. A large entry lias been received for the second day's events of the 1'nlted Hunts Racing Association. The meet will tie held nt lb Imont I'ark Terminal next Saturday and tie? tvnnoum-einen- t of the weights for the handicaps show twenty-si- x horses entered In one event and seventeen In another. The weighis follow ion Huh Wncht H sadieap for sll atei. snout six turnings Rhine Maiden 1ST t'llo Floto Peny Moo 1J l':imii-ii- i Texaa Star. Hauberk .. Alleito 122 Pet ' ltd .show .. U Culvert ilraa-mn- IF. n:i irllelt Huguenot in limy Plaintiff 101 Huatla Manhciia ... ion Hillside High Weight Handicap: three year Old find upward: alimrl one mile. P num. in Vsss II Illillittet l.Vi liiliuenut 141 Atabov lit ftandow . hi IM between the Klatrs Plata; handicap ateepls .hsse: three year-old- mid upward, atsmt tan nillea uparbuman IXCaeiui Hud .. .. us Hurler Iluckle IW J 0 . i.l 1W Holly Mrullsivrj n:- H.ivannah 12 Cnharet 141 llihlrr IJs Al Heevee .... ir. be.iu liroadwsy lie Csrliostrq 14; It.11 Huillev It oriclan llend in ciuvalrr 'V O TIesr IU Nurlhwood III VlHr Hi W Hiking Kox I:U White Metal itoPlorlda imi May brook l Cimul I Huke of Huluth IM 11 Skibbereen 141 Pluck and White IM REIDPATH ISSUED THE PERMIT Have Oprlnter Hoy Morse Rlirlit to I omprli- - In I nnadu. Hoy Morse, the national 220 yard ohamplon. will In all pt ba.blllty be ab- solved from the charge of competing In a meeting In Canada without the neces- sary permit from A. A, I'. authorities Fred W Hublen, chairman of the na- tional nvglstratlon committee, gave t.o such permit, but Iha received a lutter from Charles r. Reldiiath. the A. A I' oommlsshner for Buffalo, stating that he gave the penult to compete across the border to the New Yurk nthlxte nubleii said that he had delegated the authority to Issue permit tu Heldpath as the Buffalo clubs frequently hold meets on C.iraidlan ter- ritory In most cases this r'ght would be evercised only In regard H Buffalo at'vletes Morse previoualv live.'. In Buf- falo, The case will not lie dlapoaed "f tl: ally until Chairman Hublen receive-- . eip.arat. i fern the at'i te as to why he asked f'T a iermit in lluffalo ImMoad of In this city, whore his club ,s lo oatad, The Theatre Managers of New York Have Decided in thr 1'1'dTr.' ni tilt .'ilit' that ''rchru ' :i ihall nut r Willi r inttH thfin Mil khti fK'i' ahif t.Uat fMllnrt's nri' Inmi'ili- - th I h at thr bubuC nhtiuUt in MfTrnl-- rriMt'-- oopctii unll ami QMVVnifBCa in Mwurinit ' MVfl hii'U h tin Theatn' Mdiur"-t- ' m to han-llt- ' thr rlrni. uiuUr prlOt Met fur H ttr.ir(Un. without Off MtTI hrKf for atrvirf. To my many Patrons: !i on know whut tht- - inMnf- Thii i lliftt 0O)y fUW s mi HUM W RJaBdtt 'h" U IsdH ui im- 'vir Thtettrv Th'ki-- lnikw nr bjm if ti twtiiBfv thmtn tMTn IT ou rannnt rail i - mail oi'ltTB irtita tjtni'ini en. pIii.' will ran-fu- l attcnttmi. Thr TrmhiirtTn of thi' Thwiin are liOOll tor rontinnnniT 1iiimitow PVBLM mkiK riCKBI on ii i:, Jor Id HIuiik. Mgr. In ira l)ni Hturf. S V. 'or 4 r. A It war T'l ;t."U. ('!' Urint ftNK!fl I ST. Why N er o Burned Rome Nero put the parlor match to Home because he had tired of the brand of entertainment served up by tlie Greek and Roman Drama Workers' Union. This country is full of Neros. Fortunately they lack the adipose Emper- or's facilities for decisive criticism. If the Royal Violinist could have sat through one TRIANGLE NIGHT'S ENTERTAIN- MENT he would have changed his plan and built a new theatre every hundred feet along-th- e Appian Way. If he could have had a Griffith, an Ince and a Sennett to construct his dramatic entertain- ment for him there would have been fewer tragedies. After seeing a Griffith Romance he probably would have invited the Christian Martyrs to dinner; after witnessing a Sennett-Keyston- e Comedy he would have ordered the works of Aristophanes out of the public library, and by the time he had seen a few reels of an Ince drama the Warm Doings in the Colosseum would have been discontinued without the usual two weeks' notice. To-morro- w night at the Knickerbocker Theatre you'll get an opportunity to judge for yourself what Nero might have enjoyed if he had not made the mistake of leaving here too soon. TRIANGLE FILM CORPORATION. I ami mkmkntm. NRH v.ii i. 1 hum. empire ;':,ivr:77V' v MR. CYRIL MAUDE "GRUMPY ;,;Vhs U fl C II II West lAth ( K. i i L I ll C U 01 Mats.To.ni aai 1 in Tb Dpuhle I 'nmeil ui'l MAK It "Vilil.KS TEMPEST ",r "YOUNG AMERICA a ..I GlIFTY run I I.I Kye Klin Kv s n Mntlnees Ttl-OA- A Msl 30 Ulincnil West Ui at- ICve.at l8. nUUOUH Mala Toward sal I II QsEEMiS itli vv m iii it I IMI . UIDDIC tVKBTtada'T Bve s, (ill nannio msl Tie3r rrop . mh- - i if Wi-e- i a I It ru Kvs B E L AS CO Mats I'n m' S;it I lilt e Vii.nl ( I tin THE BOOMERANG REPUBLIC tUVtt lav I'lip ii ."St i 3fl - 1111 Jl III l n IN ill' MM I. IA M.I.I IMI - WKIkt till tn WINTER GARDEN r - ',' Urk. Ol.o Mnt. r t I SHLBtHI 11 MaiatlDn 1... . II. Ill villi All I'sillilv I In le Mil. I'OI-- I I tit 411 Ralfiiny Sl.lsl. UKMtND I tlnheairs ai.vl suit a.' on. CASIiMl '' ' "" - ei Mi M ,.,.,,,. i,,.iaj Br v UJMninMe73iniB3 wi'n 4 14 II. I 1 .N ii: l Uoal ShiktiiieC ompiam OQ llroodM I'mniini.io The tv . .vn vv.. 'I a a, iMiiine.-.I- e. a -- vv. llra .1 aRi Mar I vi HKUI'KNIM TO M W Nll.il iiii.in: .. Louisb " I' VV rmr EWMKTT CORRItl tN h 'W ,. hHiai Clm-le- l)ar!Uir.. f ii i at and It's ICTiiP I! IS I " ' " - aa i un m . i a i I i t: VN s Oil Itll VN I Mil I "HIT-THK-TRA- ; K0LL1DAY" n ' h'KKH NIIII.O s BII.V.I l(ti.l.llA MAIM in HllkN IN ,1't (M I CANDLER rasrsi"'!' v A I nil N II VUUI I "t I ill IH.V'.IVIK nil hi M taoN "THE HOUSE aSRt I I AMKKU AN OF GLASS CAST 0RCHFSTRA SEATS, $2.00, $1.50 FIRST BALC, $1.50. $1.00. 75c. 4. 50c Mi nr U'wav LONGAGRE 2i iir al. s 2n Stats. .' POPULAR P1UCF. 3kii MATINEES WED. & SAT. MONTH ENTIRE 0RCH. I III Ml ,MIN M Ml MM , I Itll Ml' IBlililWJiiia .aaooa rne owly CONTtMCMTAL Mr w tv 'sic ha. 1 m I II ....... Ml. HI VI .M.i'ltl NED WAYBURN'SiKSiliS "TOWN TOPICS" SvfiL Clml i'ool ul INTKIi NATION Al NT A II Km- - l' in J "niiiliiv Nli-l'.- i Prices If"1 ' CANDLER 5iffVt-5?'i- "i " i nil N A II Kit Im I K N I' Tlie Hetviisrl SnisahlnK tmerli-ni- i lire . Ill M II It VI I l 1 NI M 1 III! I. II M Ml I N Orcheitra , i.uj. i..it) i irst balcony, $1.50. $1.00, 75c, 50( LEXINGTON ,V, 'V T' A ITLL HOl'SF" cTiuniun ' - v. in lull ,m oinnuniiu i t A in .l 'mulu nnticuti Vsrb "' "i nr '" v I''. i vliirn IUIR v J.V.HiJlM.1 Imi' i hi (rskeni I'll a t'l "I HLSHOWSHOF" t I I vi K ti ll a , i i I nil e I n ilnv J in k in The l nclr loin i Cabin' nt I'ntnre " Inurnal Kent ut tin- - I'll till l Itll 11 VI ' Mula Kri-p- l Mat "! tl mi Kvea m.,, m,,,. lAr-a- 7 W-- (l is) .in.l . f OLUMBIirnBurlssqut r. Mar .i.. y I rank V Hun A In,. ; Mil HI. lira. Mi l ailaml l laikeiis KlMliI I'll l. aTDIlin B a it mi lou in i.rnr.N, V nAflll N " 111 " THR ISXVl IIRKR" a)" i latrsmlOreh AN lata wvt Wk. Uoaald Hrlaa The Vaieelnlhal'u' AMI MM M Hli t : hi 1 '. 1 'i KIWI Visl 11 xi AMSTERDAM lie- - S IS I IM I I 't il . I ,1 (llli " GR AT WAR PLAY A HUGE SUCCESS." imeftoaa 1 is nVl ii it in t nil BaWf tn Pl.W KVKH Willi I IN. Kye, rtnn. Mfll.HROriK HI. INN " roMI'ANY In MOLOCH if nil a tinr ptoat, lonit nmt lAorl, that hnir mmi . the S rt ilatf vines l io ; n ,,, nan. I Ills l.s or I II I- 7.V-l- . l ASh iflilHIMT QUALITY BY FAR Time. the IMar Vlstl llsnae ile Fellies ru ill nil l I Ii CQnilP MnpThla ricif i Mi mi rnULlw . )i, LIBEHTY iVrfJ., l TW U'K llsllr. Inel Mnutsy a , ,v am M.n i in nus .... .. m... ..I. ai W. ORSFFITH'8 U'-ll- J I Hi - .s I'll Ml ' UlLt. sj niihi.iiv nf t'l. 1 i n unuiu'c ti e ii 1 ai 'vi i in liUnAn 0 Msl. Toedai a (el 3 211. n. " lit MX Elti E I t t I"," hy ng I'HAItl.KS IvI.fclN. G I. () BE .'., - Tn rlsi .t Sal e. I H:lft. It, ll.-- , III. I.I IlilS'i ItiiuK MONiCoMERY&STONE.::!? LYRIC TO NIGHT "! ( V TWO iS COMPANY 40(1. STREET i.Kastnf.H ej rvs.arao l't in'a vjii Il HUSBAND Stic! WIFE l, AO MtllMI l'i 'i vv nnnTii isih, w. of B'ws ks. ito, UUUIII . ,1 Mntlnee 'l'i. risv St a .tO Hah "' in ai in orcb. i '" a (2.00. 1 m 11 n 1 . UM I. A PAIR OF SILK STOCKINGS with fM NOTHKRN nn N'.m.li f'mnt. f I I: M s.iiht-r- in Ii' TU Vlrturv. ' CASTLES ' AIR . ICE PALACE ra. i Ji'iienin to night v;:: ,',,, M- World's Champion let Skatara .in ..."Hi'' ami i..i--.- in i ern ii'mi. i P.RH A Nil I'ANi IM. NKlUTLT. AAtla Cl The., lust i on I IM urn 11 VII ..f B'WS', II K M. ti. II I'M :oc. !. '.V: 25c. vv... ll.,.K,.rHeen mwhvi i v Hi-li- itni uf, it a- a At I. i i . ii m i r I m . " t i ii'. nrqi iiiii.,Kuifi,naiiaiiuiMg "I took my mother-in-la- w to sec 'Some Baby!' the Fulton Theatre she died laughing - SOME Show!" : CANDI.F.R ..VW,: 7 I i ' Vine in .ii- i I iratno BKjGKR SUCCESS TtlAN 'ON THIAI.. 1.3U l irsi t.lcony, $1.50. $1.00, 75c. 50c TRIANGLE PLAYS VI sT l'i imloi tin NiiMrvkaloii v. liHitlthim-awnno- l tMy ' I'll c ThurN Raaj lit viiii I arnum in hi ir.ni HtfAla.1 iii ii HouglOH i itrh.Mika I i.t it, ii il Hilt hi ink ii. Sy aid." Twlco 11 iii 8 on t I i' m y.f f. Um Ml i 7ftc0l.J unci $2.00. Olbrr inotllura. 8fict ftOc., 7.f. nnd si mi. KsMCKEInCOCKER KRif iv I'll - v Ileal el vn i b iii ire iiorvttii Jardon, l? HI Mai. Hroa., June Heat Iter, ntbers, 0LOM..1. '. ."r.'sf; Mm lu . 11 1,. Iluni A' lhambra "':"j:ur',':; M it Hall) J Ii,..,,' H lies Dtaeia, D(H' MUSEE UPKN RVKRV IIAV PIltiM III1I11 ru 11:11 IIHIMIKI t N Ml t vi n I MAJESTIC ' r ' THE NATURAL LAW ei We.i. viiii inn m (eataTauaa HO I I I - t N - III ' I It N I M Fifth Ave.at45thSt. Apnri ments and Ri 'urns with Bath, l h furnished Furnished, bj the Year or Transiently, GEORGE C. HOWF. GEORGE ORVIS EQUINOX HOUSF, IllbStrcet. near Kourtb vrcuua HOTEL ALBERT ' ; ii.in o ai mi, i Krolloni ri'ktouroni an i i air. iiimlorulo 1'int'M. ,,it ijiof, tur Iiri iii.iniM ii (tuoata. el nilt1 it, nrtir Jtif. Prince George Rote! ! 'till. Am

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Page 1: RA GRUMPY DA UNTS - Library of Congress€¦ · ns which Were worked In ho--,W lis. rocaptlona and avonlng ' " ' As ll was, t lie men toiled In swi.lers anil uniform trousers and

Football Elevens TuneTIGERS PREPARE FOR


fjoiwh If nli ProhnMy Will Be

ff ii Vanity ivnm t

's I'mrtico.


sr vr v. sent Coach Ruttl of

Princeton """I at w"rk - tryi-

ng ;,i .l.-- rlop enine enrt nf u eomliltni-- I

on M Mid naalnnt neorKetnwtt mi Sat-

urday r ,h ,,,'"'r ,,!" "f n" ,,0,ir

Id kept m,n out ln lr!v,n nmrn-l- n

run et dummy and,t H Rgaitl In tlM afternoon nnil-- r

,, favorable weather condition. The

fttrnoM aorttniBMa was bji far the

lellat and haruVet fuuaht of the sea- -

tad lasted Ihraa qaartara of an, :t iy a atam liinek-practic- e

nn.i aMaraJ wotkowl

n varatty wlactloti haa mada, llT1j none haa been attempted, butiiM eoachaa aadoatitidly win have le set- -

on orw WWMWlMlH andgork vntli t l..--t for hetter or worse.

t enks at present at thoush Ullrk will

j, geed ill quarter, although Aran haM running the varsity in

ill iha raceal scrimmages. Mataprobably will be utilised nt half lntndof .it end. which position h playedimi yaar and during ins prep nciiooi

f'T'tcr. Billy Moor.- - haa shownyn Well nd WOttld surprise nobody byatirtlnfl iha other half, i'yrii Haa., Mathlaaan appear to bo the logicalr tot fullback. On Iha line, ltdlenneri appaara to iw a fixture nt reni-

n-, arhtla Halaajr, mu ixwe and Lwnta!i ner undoubtedly will alternate inh KiiHnl pvsttione. MacLean and La

Iroht should be the starters at inkles.Billy RayhlU and H. R Brown ore llip

nt- M iik-- l choice for ends, with CharlieH.Kfiy and Wilson ronmijc in later i

r vi them. The first pair ia the atur-llt- r

eotnblnatloo, while the latter twonre ptad left ileil Itmbert- n appearedmi Hie flel.l for the first tlmo tOdmy,hill the aotd news of his arrival Wa I.mi. w f at modlflad by tie annonwcaiBotiithai Hun Law !s ill at present and willtint he able to play for a week or two.while Kberstadt is eliminated fur poodhwausa "f parental Tib.nets hao boon sick and Dliapa absentfe- - ll - last two days.

T: ira-tle- will l e heldi: th.. stadium, as the roaches wish to

llv 'he men a rhan-- - to baeome arcus-ta- i' lo its peruliuriti-e-s in wind CUT.

fnt and llphl effects.


Work of Inl. PfJMMI Kails lo PlMaeI'oaeh.

Sum Havks. Sept. Jl H.ad ConchH ' and his assistants expressed ills-M- l

: oi With the work f the Yalerarilty, Moond, and third ttaina afterr ' it Ya!e Kield to-.- la On amul'ly t.eild the Yale ptayori wont

uli twenty minutes of aOfimilMgta :s afternoOTi. the varsity pitted

-: the si-.- - nil team for ton tnln-- .- .i"l fur the same period agSlMI tbe

ti: ! team.tapt. Uao Wilson, Ouernoey, Pootrll

t i Uowr played in the backllold onth irslty. while I.eore played full-bac- k

for t .. imd team. The roaches,declared the work of all their teamst' raffgeit Lppora puntod we.;. .1..ii iluernoey. Cap:. Wilson made tw"

.. arns, onp acalnol the aocond aii-- i

Hie agalnal the third teams, that belt.nU'e :'iy so ring of the aften con'sSi ipe.

T.ie in als w1ii have been chosenfor th'- - of Maine same WhichIt to be played in the Yale Howl onleturda) ar-- - Nate Tnf's, referee:Ban t. iimplra; K. I.. King. ext:.i offi-- e

a Iteraen. linesman.


Parsltj Men it.-tur- to PoaakllaI l. i, I ang Brgtla itrni Work.

I'n ant:: i n ia. Sep:. 11, The roacheso' : Univerafty of Pannaylvairla fool-ba- ll

ttam celebrated the varsity BQuad'ariturn ti Pranklta Vlald this aftemo n' ' i M IT half hour After

' i i.;i. preliminary laialfta CoacbeBl - a- - Dickson selei-te- the firstVarsity lineup, with Ray Grant, last)' r't sturd) freehman, at quartarbaok.Ut-- - ..a rust and second varsity tennislined up f.,r the kickoff aid Prankllnfield wan the SOOOO nf tlie first realfo' b ill Of the Itll seas n.

rot nboui an hour the coaches had'h . rja afilj iinsjinen running down tiieHold in der mints. Berry, William andDottirHerty did the purstiriK, Kerry doing

est m -- k lu the face of a siroriK' Urant, Ball, WuiKloy and Hose

ad i'ie aouad delegated to re- -j' e pur.ts. Barring Grant, their

Vorl v ia pisir.


senses Three ToueBgWwae la Boatsi-r- i in inn hi-- Tkaa Par,

Ithaca, Kept, 11, The Cornell var-- tIpped up tlu- - second team this

n 'h.- haroest scrimmage of the-

i :,ir three touchdowns and:t - opponenta aoorelaaai Th

inie broughi out somo promising play' "- sicijnd team, Inaiuding OilI1 IMiwerful tackle, and Zander, a-- .im I ipeedy end.

Tl acne mad a number of shiftsii" tv lineup, Cool look Ills old

ii ontr, Ballap want ,n at rlgnt.1 Kleinert nrplaoad Mueller at

' i.. 1'u latter Roing to the second'' Kleiner) showed surprisingpei for this time of the pear andr' ide good gains, though In

' pi' It :i s hol-- s as well as Har-''- "

Collins. The latter Is doing' ' i .i ly good work, Barrett made a

r' long rtina, one a li'l yard- ' r a touchdown. Th- - hard work

'' "e past week has sent about aeieii ii to tne sidelines with brUlaeand : r ilns.


Hevsption aa Wall ns Drllla inter- -

i.re with Poo t hall.w it I'uiNT, sept. 2i. Coach Dal)

so trouble mohllialug enough ol' A rOxH ball men for a workout

' i.i li.nl to be satlslied witn twons which Were worked In ho- -

,W lis. rocaptlona and avonlng' " ' As ll was, t lie men toiled In

swi .lers anil uniform trousers andI'd ihing but a light preliminary

I aiei fol lowed by a (harp slcnul0

'" .'evens were on the Held, and" Irani and Neytand were tried at

"'I. k. Neyiand ronltnues lo im- -

lh lew e that have In i nIha men were run off su thlv

'' Ins have scheduled a real.. for first big

n praotlaa. Tin. wiu.ni has aaenvi md now numhora smiy aati



Many Impatient at Delay in Starting Tournament Or-

dered by Committee Ties Result for BothNet and Gross Prizes.

Rrp, N V. . :m NO where wasthe eaantitMi of tin- raM ami the appanr.ami of the sun about noon y

Wall ontad mora heartily than at theApawamiM I'luli where the eleventh an-- ,

nual seniors poM loumameni was tohava boKun st half past o'clock thismorning. The storm, which seemed bent00 turning the cm-ru- Into a quagmiremade the starting of the tourney on i

schedule time an impossibility, and al- - '

though sume of the veteran golfers setOUl shortly after 10 o'clock during alull in the rainfall, another downpoursoaked them thoroughly and it was. notuntil tin- sun broke through the clOUdl:i couple ot hours later that the nunpletlotl of the first days play, accordingto the terma of the programme, wasassured.

Tin- - Senior! themselves were willingto risk the fury of the elements, buthe Committee In charge declined

Inl8t on tin ir lining "n until it seemedCertain that the storm really was at anend A few dropped out, hut oyer 100nf the Veteran! made the round of thelinks

The deposition of only two prises, onefur tlie loWaat gruss score fur the day.and 11 tin, fur the lowest net score.Was to be decided and IIS isgetting to be the case year after year Inthe Seniors tourney with its lug fieldsand keen competition, ties resulted forboth trophlaa, Bwmi though the sunshuiie down upon the veterans all after-noon, the wet course underfoot and ablustering wind overhead, made lowScoring a most difficult proposition, aid

" was tin- beat gross score turned 1ft.

Three golfen shareil the honor of mak- -

Ing the round in so. .lames A Tyng ofBaltUSrol, Judge W. O. Henderson ofIrlingtnn, Ohio, and 1'. (iilbert Waldo

of lirooklawn.Por :!.e net prle there was a four,

aided tie at T'.i In Which the participantswera Jamee V. Bless, Canoe lirook, l '

111. .: Rolto Kgden. Baltusrol. 81 -

is. 79 v t. Kaufman, PUiafleld,is, 7.1. and Benjamin B, Laarrence,

ApawaTnis, :itf 17, 7'.'. of the fourMr. Bless received the most heartyoortgratulatrona, for ha is a claaa D a an!in liis eightieth year, and all th-e- e ofthe others who tied with him belongto cUiss a. which Includea the young.ste:s of the tOUIHOy, thuse between theminimum age limit, hb, and 69. Theprises in the tout classes A. H, C and l

will Is- d- termitied by the s for thetwo das uf play, to-d- and

A putting COIttOet was to have beenPlayed y to while away the timefor those who were awaiting their tuintn begin tin more serious work of theday and for the early starters after:iu ir rounds were over, hut the stormcauaad t iie committee lo put It ovt rUtttll to-- u orrow.

All if the veterans who ptiyedWill oontinua with their sec-ond round. When that is over theywill make way fur the second division,w i w :'l j,l t on Thursday mid Friday.

All of those who played y wereglad that they did so. despite the ram,and mud and wind Bven Henjsmm F.Nie'.ds Wilmington, the oldest gol'oron the links y he Is M years obiw.s in the lest of splr.ts when he camsin. although his aoore, 11'.' S. ll!. was


Plrsl RacePeels Plate; mildens; a'lsge foaled in Canada: adddi i

furimss Dorothy Cirlin. HI (Oeltlnil,stralghl I'll-'-, plare JI.I, (how IIItlret . Mr Arthur, ll.' (Rlesl, place l.e.nhevv I". ' '. i. id. Itavetn i.urt. I"igrhuttlnaeri, shoo II fa, third Time,

II :i S sAleeto, xTorn fl k. Watertown,v i ilarn tv . Ldlertory and Hhrov-etld- also

ranvSeirinm intry.

..u.i Rare Currauah P'.ate; threyear-old- a and upward seiiins. a eddediil furiuns'- - Croesbun, III iKelsayi,stralghl lit.io. plae I' i". (how '

nrst; Kmile. tColllns), place 114 I",sh-- w li li second i Betwten Us, liWarring too), show ll.lt, third Time,

1:11 Twilight, Pair Helen, Nlgsdoo,Mrelkka, Kin Radford, Lobeagrln, Vaoe

and Blla Jai... p. Caronome Pamlaeanines also ran.

Thirl ftaci Ijalagtoa Plall ihre--- -

ysar-ol- d sad upward; sei.ina; I added;one mils and twenty .,njs- - Alston. IICollins), straight I4.!0, plare 50, ehoy.0, tir- -i Mir l'p. '."1 Igmythl plf

11 mi ,iin' 7 10. se.on.l; riian 1"0gi . '. Ihow 10 1". third Time

; ;i j aetfoleger, Haliou. gtske amii .in. siit-rlo- , 1c iluirnHs .in.l Mnonlisni a.nnran.

Kioirlh llai e Woodbine Autumnateeptsrhase Handicap; threerar-el- d

and upward; I'i" added; uimat twa miles...ii ure, 111 (Russell', utruirht in Ji.Biars 1 id hiov 11.11 first ; gtueea, itI Williams i, plars lt.lt, show IS .

Tropaeolumi it iHmlthi. haw II.ihtrd. Tl 3 Ii Bryndewn, Cu R"i., ml Old Hn also r .in.

Hue Ulcheelma Bandleaa;rv .. year.olds; mo added; hi furlongs --

Candle, in i Warrington!, itrslghl llt.l... .. III. In. almw ..! Oral Balnlil. "IIt'laveri, plae 111. show IT so. seonnU:

i. ..r Plsaeure, i"" lPorbandi. howII .in, third. Time, 1:11 l Hrohlbltlon,Philistine, Rsserve, Audrey Au-tl-

ltlue c.ip and lolire else rim.Sixili Rae lllnortl Handicap three.

yearulds nd upward; If adiied; oremile iiriii a sixteenth Commonada, 111

Hnl .il .tic Itralabl 13 iiO, i. ace. out. flrat ;

piste ;i. is... io:- iCIareri, out, place secii. Mi.i.l ii I. .i'i.i nil!

p1 ihknt Tim- ) 111 Only trirtartori

Si-- nth Raoo Handown I'l il' itir-c-

o b .ma up "! . I no .Ttlilf--una mill .Hi tl ' tl Harry Laudar,

iM !oi molt f K f i ". plact II 10.

0hw Hut'. Aprtaa 109 . if .1

411, $ 30. M'lunil, 1'iittj hunk.i; (Koranand), ll,'w ifclfd Tinu.

Htrathoarn, Mlaa wa-tara- ritht .tnr,I, Hi du dai .urpatiBina unj Bupramialao ran.

jabitaiia " Keaaa Draw,r..,tiiinit .iini Jobnaotti tram the smith

Dm lalanda, boxed a ten round drawvvitli Soldier K'iinis in the Cleirisintlink, Brooklyn. Last night.




It'? 1! S

H. B. &

the worst of all. Like all Iha iilhefghe came to Apawam.s more for 11 goodtiffla than for winning prhMa, so herefused to worry alsiut the la.ienlat-l-iputlitles of the weather and his golf.The summaries :

Jmnee illeee. raROfl llronk si 12 7

Hallo Ogdi 11. Itiitiisrnl .. si u "w. t. Rauman, I'lalnfield. II 7iItenintnhi 11. Lowrsnes. Ana- -

wmlii M T'lJohn llsrliier. Lancastll t"1 miM M Shi ily, Aitootis It iiW. o. llen.iersiui, Arllagtoa D

Henry atoddard, New Ifeven... If IIJeha pepper .t sahattan t' lJ. It PTentiss, Mobawn S3 III. K lllOltlUHilon

Valley 101 Itn. il Perkins i.'bsvy f'base, . . .lit 11lleorge W PettS, Pall more., lot lJames a Tyng, Baltusrel io 11Aniiur 11. mmnns, Mcrrimactai itJ M. atewart, aearstfale.. Ill I17, u tllllstt, Wyhagyl II IIK. 1' Jehasoo, Ne Hrunswlck..ll itKugene Prayer, Knglew una. . . :., Iii.hstles l'u.,y,r. iiiikliuul li.' 1P, J Wpstela Ilrooklswn -;

I Al. Weaver, i uy chess .. s". i

.hsrii s ii Waldo, Breohlawn M Hia e Browaell, tt. Andrews,,.. lal 1;Alfred Cravea, Ht Andrew. ... in--

. ITII. v Ormebss, Piaeburst . . . . mi ;A. D. Chandler, lii.Hu.rol te 1;J Godfrey, Drooklawn 1;P A. Wright. Iteltusrel 11H. w Devaieday, Apawamls, . .Ill iiNathaniel Beatn, Wellasten... as 1

Weslsl M. nier. Apaw. mils. .. .IllH. Knglewped. , . , inIi H. Rowland, aintt. :e) mx I n

J P, MePaddea, Ki.rest mil II lW II Cttftla, llniokllne lul 1 1.lehn K lleach. New II teenT I'. Knnever, Italtairnl ml I ,

ll, Platte, tiardn Clll IIT J. I.lntntt, Forest BUI..... J".- isJ W. Brlsioi. New linen IllAlhro Aiken, litlie.Tgs H Ooni i, unat aehe.l II

Pea body, Broobllae....ltl uRichard a. Male, attrrtntas litK. E Kelly. Apawamls !

A. Hslmsr, Midi uhlan litK. P. Tracy, iiinsiiamion 103J a Wood, unnttachs.1 11 HiM Aldeii. Wii'.,uturi II llHolmrt K Prench, HriHiklawn l"l 111. w. laimb, BrookUae ... i".. tHorace 1.. II a. Iiklae. Aiwwamia. loj iiA s Werthlagton, Chevi ?ilenby Ksjotlwood Ill IiAuaiavn h Ca4vln. Ulea Palls. ill! llII M. 11 Eagle weed., im IiWalter Rrown, Montctslr '.i 9

c Cuehmen. i nner Muntelalr 11 1

Bernard Bartow, 11 uffaiu ,....14t n C Pepper, Palrvtew. ..litllenr Ittisse-.l- . lire, kilns 11w v By set. Plalndld idWllUsm 11 Pasoa, Bugalo ..til

N M niteiuan. tlreenwi h . tilCharles X llarrt. El s.e isel. . 1 1

(leorge Woodward, ueal .. 111 14II He'd Ureokllne 114 4

Win T JlcVauBh. Vountakah ,111John Ilea si v. Wyhagyl, Ill IIHeary a (Hlderolssvs, tMk.anj lisi.i.irge Sinsr. A .eghen. ..114 l

huries porter, aeej Haven, in. l:W Ii ll.u ell. ivmi;.ni.l .IP :ia M Linnet t, K..ret iiri. iiUeorae Ryall, tTeutMabab ,itw H. Iterrlmaa, Waterbury nj 13j.ll i leedepet i. B'oeallaadi .litSimeon l'r I. Apawamls..., All STWt dam Jrie. lias Rei k 11J 1

ii P, Mam N- - H en .. lit ITJohn l Ctarrlngtoa, n 111..' U ;jssnes Bsrner, Kni.r.i.i. ...IllBdword Rode, DuawomHe .ill i : :.luhn t: Puohee 14'ss li'irn ,11 : Ob

m tiunni Pes Haven.... IK 1.. leeJohn Thorpe, aiwaaoi ::, imtA. P. Aftert-ur- . Aoawamls !: i 11John Blldreth, Mount Tom .III 1 le;v Jordaa, BreebUae. .. ,121 Ii

T. K Jewell. Cbevy Chaee,i ,111 :i ilK. DitBd rrdaie. Crescent .1J1 il .

it P Poster, Bewspaoor . ..t 11.1 M aterrett. Chevv i: 1"Benjamin F Kletde, Wllmingta i in 113

XVIthiii.w A. II a no pa w .itiiNatephea O Lockwood Ureenwleh; tloorgsIt Qeatoni Apawamls I" I ir M llonnes,Wllmlns'en W I" PulSlfer, un ieA. J. Ouierbrtdge, Apuwamie. i: u u



Flrat I! a Tlirt f ar o ktfl r upar1. mr n; purac IfOOi wiv fur' nr. mm

Wtrn i'Miiti) i" mi nt r1.11 p . v lit; ' i how I'harm u l n m pi f a 4

whom ICI. 1. Purlonra.ht"- I' im t Time, 1.1 ?.

'r Mi-- - y r, 'm- fir--!'. Ilieih Qml m.n. i' tr.ltfjfi. Krt

nni iirrie trint ranml II I' M. IddHI HllHMjj t n n , r

tilled!. pill t.i.i tl c r u r ri f ic

Lady V'ftnttrjprtfii J"3 (K4ra) - raiithtf 1 lo, I'Ijiv $1 khow I. 10, i.r;, leir-ITeirti K. yft (eltMims), pTaci o.to, nhom11 TO. Botwitii I" igna 1" ' !inII 10, third Tilt lt. Uiiinh' o'lui,

Mlltr-.t- , Ul4l Mother. Vktfmf Mt"kf.Ollva MoUm, Umi ii jj. Bur'md. DaMn.!ri r Bd Krnlly H .i!o r tr

Thlfl Raca- - Thre. nnl up- -

war.t aalllac; p 6 m Tur -Llbaratnr, I0 UtlltO !.l: .1 fplai . till. hiw .i. nrer ijk iiri.Uurph) plm 3S 10 afcow I mm

Wnita Crown, i"i Lopalfli 1, ihoa fthin! Tim". tit, African H nu. Lai k.I.. Lo, (la bfio, RUt-- Thorn. Maialaiid atliaar( Suo alio run.

h Kaoa Handicap ii HRn pnraaITOO; m fur!onga Vuarua, a A ndraaatratghl IT.It, plavo $3'.". tn Bh.nnt. Luka, nt (Hoolfi placo ll.OO. andtin to alaaa 'H4.. HanovlOi lOamari.nut to allow, third, Tim , itll lt otnollualon ran.

Fifth Raoa Twoyai itin. it-- i ma;puraa Ififlo, (,- ,,u. hail fttrlonoja lay-mita-

'.'n (Lapaltla), "ftald." at ru lentI ; H to. placv IIS.-- 0. anoa $ Itrat; ?vUardnaa, 00 iMotlL plaoa 17, ahoa 1

aacond ; Ha vino, 104 ( Stirling!, how it 10,thlrl Tlma, I "! Itrtfuo Khun li k

a; Old "rnM r. .. Infldal Im

pivaaava. Thalrtia. Marl, Dora O., MikMtlUafl Htil leou m Htoao almi 'ti

fiixi h Rati- - Balling: for thrryaroldaand upWdiT'i. ona mjlo ond aixtaanth --

Juolluo in: iHanryi, atraight I". 10.place It 10. ihoa l- - lit wonj LomotilI Math an), plae a i: i", ohoaj H. - mlnbolua, Wl tMatcalll, ahow 11.10, thirdTfntOi 1 4T Tr n,t port.it ion, poogrii ondWander oloo ran.

iovanth Raw s' dk . for throe-yra- iand 11prt.1i '. iint milf n1 tin furh'h

RaRi. loo niiihiirti, atr.iiKht $?':!".plaoa III. 10, ahow M.49, won. oiini Mmr,

in; tgtaaritoii placo Mlo, ahow 4.00, oacand. Ot ii ru M, II 11 'int ahow 1 1.

third Tlrn Any r rt, LadyPanohlta ond K a Wfiaia oloo ran


ANNAf'tlH. ".'1 Ttiere weresevers I additions tn th. Navalfootball aquad this aftamfion. In ludlngHgrrtaon, arlio played a atrong gaiua ulend list aaaaon and who is expeoted tolie inn- - nf the tnnat useful men llilsea eon.

Pat Off.

fi ax- -


New N. Y.

America s Finest Rye




KIRK CO., York


Up for Trials Senior Golf Begins







.lustier Mnnnlna llrrldes In I'ltnrOf ll- u eil II .ml. inn I. i r

Justice Manning, sitting in the QueensCounty guprantl ('null, xesteiday up- -

held the decision of Justice Kcudder Inthe Olttens case when he ordered therelease from CUatOd) of John M. riul- -

l.ps, who had n OT relied and chargedwith uookinaklng.

Philllpa was arreated on July 31 amitaken tu the Long Island City Magia- -

ir.it. e' Court Hetectives Bcanton andKellj swote thai tliey round on him anumbi i of sl! containing memo-randums of bets on horse races anilIkM Ihoy saw an anidontlfled man givehlfP one of theae slips. I'oilllps wasadmitted In 11,000 ball for examinationHe w as out rendered by lus bondsmanesterdav. Imt as I'tnler Shet iff Mlteltafl

took hint In charge t lie) ofBOtf wisnive.l with a wi t of habeas corpus toprodtlC PMfllpi at once before JusticeManning.

Attorney Toutaf made a nvnlon to dis-miss the charge auainut PhllUpa on theground that the allegations oonta'ned Inthe affidavits of the detective, did notconstitute a crime. Asslstnnt lhstrlctAttorney l'rank npiiosed the m dlon,


v no mil Itnee will He I onillletedI llder I . sanction lifdny.

A larg-- held of WUBiail swimmeia willstart thll afternoon In the five nnle racefrom Potirt Brosas, Km kawap, toMrlghton Ilathe. Tills l tin- llfth yearof the race, but tn oe npoitance Is at-

tached to It this year thin ever beforebecause It will be derided under A. A.V, snnctkMI and Will be an open eventInotsod nf leinv limited to the NationalWomen's Life Paving le ague.

Mapl of the prominent Women swim-mers have entered, including MarthaHegstedt. last year's winner, The startwill bo at 2 o'clock and the pnxra willbe presented on the beach at Brightonas soon as the race !s finished.


I nirh Itelllv IMeka Trntallif Ver--

altp After Hard Brill.t'oach Rellly of the New York y

football team t.iok advantageof the change - the weither yester-day afternooti to put bis men IBIWaghthe lasrdesl drill uf Ut SeaBOtV Aft-- r

a ahon dull on the fundamental pointsthe Mh gave hs nun a WorkOVl oeithe tackling dummy From the waythe ir.-t- l nre grasping this art it seemscertain that the Violet def. nee will be'conaklerabiy stronger than last year

The first division of the aqtiad wamade yesterday afternoon The fellow-- img men were picked for t o first team :

Baahbaum, r nre Bn wn and stcs-k- -

OvOWer, guar Is M rt'i- - and Homers.ta-k- s IValdman and McCuliatigh, I

onda; Olawang, quarter; Cann and I

Bgan, halfa . Barnataln, furhai k Atm.ng,the now men i appaar yesterday wereOTooJe of ft. Peter's Academy, Thomp

i of Bautmora City High Ptooi,Hammerachlag of Covgote and Brwlg ofMortis High.

Heat Women llaer Cognued.Mora than half a hundred of the bes:

women toTir.is player of the Baal w .iibegin oompatltion In a spe, ial Invlta-ta- c

toumament, alngiea and doubles, atthe ocurta of tin Orange Lawn TannlaClub, Mountain Btation, n. j . thi n.orn-in- g

Among the prominent women whowill be seen Ir. the tournament are MiaMolla BJurotedt the national champion ;

Mrs Marahall Mcloan, Men Jistate ohantplon M.ss Marie ipm r.former itit'l ind- r oha-n- on : MissClare Paaaal, Mrs David C. Mills ai dMiss Florence Ballln The matcha w l.

start it m A M aid continue through.nut tne oay,


MI t Ml XT



Ptlgh Spprinl Is Latent f CompctltOfl for Trophy nt

Slioppslioiid Ray.


Rntrle f,,r the Astor Ctp race whichw'll open the Sheepshead Hay Speedwayon O tober 2 were brought tip to twenty-nin- e

yesterday by the addition of aI'ugh special, nominated by the I'nghbrothers of ProvMenoa. The entry wasreceived by mall yesterday and con-tain, d the Information that the driverof the latest entry would he Jack

The elimination trials will begin onSaturday afternoon and continue forthree days, ruder the rules each AstorCup candidate must make at Iwist onntwo mile time ttlal each day sothat tho public will have a good chanceto Judge the ability of the Competitorbefore the actual race starts on (ictoU-- r

2 Manager Kverard Thompson receivedan offer yesterday from the VacuumCHI (Vmpany of 1100 In cash for thedriver making the fastest lap In thelimination trials und a silver cup filledw in mo sliver dollars to go to theleader nt 3"0 miles In the rai-- Itself.

John Aitk.ri and Koward Wileoa leftrndlanapOlla yesterday with the twl'etigeots they will dri for James M.Allison, one of the Hoosier Speedwaylug four (Ml Anderson will reach heretostnorrow with the Stutx racers xrhlohwill be driven by hln. and Karl oper.Kddla ftoekanbacpar, Who win drive oneof the two Maxwell car, arrived at the

I i daray yatl rday and began overhaul-ing his csr to get ready for the trialsTin- - l H. I'. csr Is a new sapirani forspeed honors. This car Is made by theFindlay-rorte- r concern, and there willbe two of them In the Aetor Cup race,Jean PorporatO Will drive on. Out thepilot of the other ha not yet teer.named

Tliere will lie at least twenty-t-- o

American car tn the r.n-- Prance willfi n.- nee Peugoote, ilermany will haveUla Mitcedes, dfive by He rnlma. andKhgland sends the Hunts-m- i, drlvan bylluli Moore.

Hi ii.nd Kennrrdalt, chairman f theConteol Isiard of the American Auto- -

mobil Aaaoeiatlon, yaitarday describedli s senatlon In travelling over the newspeedway at racing speed He said:

"1 have made a few trips around rac-ln-

tra ks In racing cars, snd I can't saythat I entirely enjoyed t.e experience.Ir scares me. to be perfectly frank. IhuVS myself driven racing cars at eightymiles an hour on a dirt or macadamisedroad and It did not seem tn tne that 1

w - ..ng at a dangerous speed It wasStraightaway and I euuld see w hat Iwas doing.

"On the racing track, with the curvesh s.i d, tho surfa e in front Is so imisiththat there Is nothing to catch and oldthe eye. At high speed you pass overth" level track after rounding one curveand itrlka the nail bank liefore you havehad time to catch your breath. And thef i.ei il impression Is that the car Iscontinually Climbing an Incline Space- c. vered SO rapidly that the imprea-- s

un uf gointf Uphill Is continuous. 1

suppose Iha drivers et used to it, hut Inever have been ar-i- lo OVercofllg thefeeling of going up an Incline at areckless apead, and the senaatlon is notornfurfable



I'onndnffe llotteil to Tent-sl- s

Horses In One Kvent.A large entry lias been received for

the second day's events of the 1'nltedHunts Racing Association. The meetwill tie held nt lb Imont I'ark Terminalnext Saturday and tie? tvnnoum-einen- t

of the weights for the handicaps showtwenty-si- x horses entered In one eventand seventeen In another. The weighisfollow

ion Huh Wncht H sadieap for sll atei.snout six turningsRhine Maiden 1ST t'llo FlotoPeny Moo 1J l':imii-ii- iTexaa Star. Hauberk ..Alleito 122 Pet

' ltd .show .. U Culvertilraa-mn- IF. n:iirlleltHuguenot in limyPlaintiff 101 HuatlaManhciia ... ion

Hillside High Weight Handicap: three yearOld find upward: alimrl one mile.P num. in Vsss II Illillittet l.Viliiliuenut 141 Atabov litftandow . hi IM

between the Klatrs Plata; handicap ateepls.hsse: three year-old- mid upward, atsmttan nillea

uparbuman IXCaeiui Hud .. .. usHurler Iluckle IW J 0 . i.l 1WHolly Mrullsivrj n:- H.ivannah 12Cnharet 141 llihlrr IJsAl Heevee .... ir. be.iu liroadwsy lieCsrliostrq 14; It.11 Huillev Itoriclan llend in ciuvalrr 'VO TIesr IU Nurlhwood IIIVlHr Hi W Hiking Kox I:UWhite Metal itoPlorlda imiMay brook l Cimul IHuke of Huluth IM 11Skibbereen 141 Pluck and White IM


Have Oprlnter Hoy Morse Rlirlit toI omprli- - In I nnadu.

Hoy Morse, the national 220 yardohamplon. will In all pt ba.blllty be ab-

solved from the charge of competing In

a meeting In Canada without the neces-sary permit from A. A, I'. authoritiesFred W Hublen, chairman of the na-

tional nvglstratlon committee, gave t.osuch permit, but Iha received a lutterfrom Charles r. Reldiiath. the A. A I'oommlsshner for Buffalo, stating thathe gave the penult to compete acrossthe border to the New Yurk nthlxte

nubleii said that he had delegatedthe authority to Issue permit tu

Heldpath as the Buffalo clubsfrequently hold meets on C.iraidlan ter-ritory In most cases this r'ght wouldbe evercised only In regard H Buffaloat'vletes Morse previoualv live.'. In Buf-falo, The case will not lie dlapoaed "ftl: ally until Chairman Hublen receive-- .

eip.arat. i fern the at'i te as to whyhe asked f'T a iermit in lluffalo ImMoadof In this city, whore his club ,s looatad,

The Theatre Managers ofNew York Have Decided

in thr 1'1'dTr.' ni tilt .'ilit' that ''rchru ' :i

ihall nut r Willi r inttH thfin Mil

khti fK'i' ahif t.Uat fMllnrt's nri' Inmi'ili- -

th I h at thrbubuC nhtiuUt in MfTrnl-- rriMt'-- oopctii unllami QMVVnifBCa in Mwurinit ' MVflhii'U h tin Theatn' Mdiur"-t- ' m

to han-llt- ' thr rlrni. uiuUr prlOt Metfur H ttr.ir(Un. without Off MtTIhrKf for atrvirf.

To my many Patrons:!i on know whut tht- - inMnf- Thiii lliftt 0O)y fUW s mi HUM W

RJaBdtt 'h" U IsdH ui im- 'vir ThtettrvTh'ki-- lnikw nr bjm if ti twtiiBfv thmtntMTn IT ou rannnt rail i - mailoi'ltTB irtita tjtni'ini en. pIii.'will ran-fu- l attcnttmi.

Thr TrmhiirtTn of thi' Thwiin areliOOll tor rontinnnniT 1iiimitow

PVBLM mkiK riCKBI on ii i:,Jor Id HIuiik. Mgr.

In ira l)ni Hturf.S V. 'or 4 r. A It war

T'l ;t."U.('!' Urint

ftNK!fl I ST.

WhyNero Burned RomeNero put the parlor match to Home because

he had tired of the brand of entertainmentserved up by tlie Greek and Roman DramaWorkers' Union.

This country is full of Neros.Fortunately they lack the adipose Emper-

or's facilities for decisive criticism.If the Royal Violinist could have sat through

one TRIANGLE NIGHT'S ENTERTAIN-MENT he would have changed his plan andbuilt a new theatre every hundred feet along-th- e

Appian Way.

If he could have had a Griffith, an Ince anda Sennett to construct his dramatic entertain-ment for him there would have been fewertragedies. After seeing a Griffith Romance heprobably would have invited the ChristianMartyrs to dinner; after witnessing a Sennett-Keyston- e

Comedy he would have ordered theworks of Aristophanes out of the public library,and by the time he had seen a few reels of anInce drama the Warm Doings in the Colosseumwould have been discontinued without the usualtwo weeks' notice.

To-morro- w night at the KnickerbockerTheatre you'll get an opportunity to judge foryourself what Nero might have enjoyed if hehad not made the mistake of leaving heretoo soon.



ami mkmkntm.

NRH v.ii i. 1 hum.empire ;':,ivr:77V' vMR. CYRIL MAUDE"GRUMPY ;,;Vhs

U fl C II II West lAth ( K. i i

L I ll C U 01 Mats.To.ni aai 1

in Tb Dpuhle I 'nmeil ui'lMAK It "Vilil.KS



Kv s n Mntlnees Ttl-OA- A Msl 30

Ulincnil West Ui at- ICve.at l8.nUUOUH Mala Toward sal I II

QsEEMiSitli vv m iii it I IMI .

UIDDIC tVKBTtada'T Bve s, (illnannio msl Tie3r rrop . mh- - i if

Wi-e- i a I It ru KvsB E L AS CO Mats I'n m' S;itII lilt e Vii.nl ( I tin

THE BOOMERANGREPUBLIC tUVtt lav I'lip ii ."St i 3fl

- 1111 Jl IIIl n IN ill'

MM I.I A M.I.I IMI - WKIkt till tn

WINTER GARDEN r- ',' Urk. Ol.o Mnt. r

t I

SHLBtHI 11 MaiatlDn 1... . II.Ill villi All I'sillilv I In le Mil.I'OI-- I I tit 411 Ralfiiny Sl.lsl.UKMtND I tlnheairs ai.vl suit a.' on.

CASIiMl '' ' "" - eiMi M ,.,.,,,. i,,.iaj Br v

UJMninMe73iniB3wi'n 4 14 II. I 1 .N

ii: l Uoal ShiktiiieC ompiam OQ llroodM

I'mniini.ioThe tv . .vn vv..'I a a, iMiiine.-.I- e. a -- vv.

llra .1 aRi Mar I viHKUI'KNIMTO M W

Nll.il iiii.in:

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Clm-le- l)ar!Uir.. f ii i




ICTiiP I! IS I " ' " -aa i un m . i a i

I i t: VN s Oil Itll VN I Mil I


K0LL1DAY"n ' h'KKH NIIII.O s BII.V.I l(ti.l.llA

MAIM in HllkN IN ,1't (M I

CANDLER rasrsi"'!'v AI nil N II VUUI I "t

I ill IH.V'.IVIK nil hi M taoN



0RCHFSTRA SEATS, $2.00, $1.50FIRST BALC, $1.50. $1.00. 75c. 4. 50c

Mi nr U'wavLONGAGRE 2i iir al.

s 2n Stats. .'


I III Ml ,MIN M Ml MM , I Itll Ml'

IBlililWJiiia.aaooa rne owly CONTtMCMTAL

Mr w tv 'sic ha. 1 m

I II ....... Ml. HI VI .M.i'ltlNED WAYBURN'SiKSiliS


Km- - l' in J "niiiliiv Nli-l'.- i

Prices If"1 '

CANDLER 5iffVt-5?'i- "i "i nil N A II Kit Im I K N I'

Tlie Hetviisrl SnisahlnK tmerli-ni- i lire .

Ill M

II It VI Il 1


Orcheitra , i.uj. i..it)i irst balcony, $1.50. $1.00, 75c, 50(


cTiuniun ' - v. in lull ,moinnuniiu i t A in

.l 'mulu nnticutiVsrb "' "i nr '" v I''. i vliirnIUIR v J.V.HiJlM.1 Imi' i hi

(rskeniI'll a t'l "I HLSHOWSHOF"

t I I vi K ti ll a , i iI nil e I n ilnv J in k in

The l nclr loin i Cabin'nt I'ntnre "

InurnalKent ut tin--

I'll till l Itll 11 VI 'Mula Kri-p- l Mat "!tl mi Kvea m.,, m,,,.lAr-a- 7 W-- (l is) .in.l .

fOLUMBIirnBurlssqut r.Mar

.i..y I rank V Hun A In,. ; Mil HI.

lira. Mi l ailaml l laikeiis KlMliI I'll l.

aTDIlin B a it mi lou in i.rnr.N,V nAflll N " 111 " THR ISXVl IIRKR"a)" i latrsmlOreh AN latawvt Wk. Uoaald Hrlaa The Vaieelnlhal'u'


Hli t : hi 1 '. 1 'i KIWI

Visl 11 xiAMSTERDAM lie- - S ISI IM I I 't il . I ,1 (llli


1 is nVl ii it in t nil BaWftn Pl.W KVKH Willi I IN.

Kye, rtnn.Mfll.HROriK HI. INN " roMI'ANY In

MOLOCHif nil a tinr ptoat, lonit nmt lAorl, that

hnir mmi . the S rt ilatf vinesl io ; n ,,, nan. I Ills l.s or I II I- 7.V-l- .


the IMar Vlstl llsnae ile Felliesru ill nil l I Ii CQnilP MnpThlaricif i Mi mi rnULlw .

)i, LIBEHTY iVrfJ.,l TW U'K llsllr. Inel Mnutsy

a , ,v am M.n i innus .... .. m... ..I. ai

W. ORSFFITH'8U'-ll- J I Hi

-.s I'll Ml ' UlLt.

sj niihi.iiv nf t'l.

1 i n unuiu'c ti e ii 1 ai 'vi i inliUnAn 0 Msl. Toedai a (el 3 211.

n. " lit MXElti E I t t I"," hyng I'HAItl.KS IvI.fclN.

G I. () B E .'., - Tn rlsi .t Sale.



, III. I.IIlilS'i ItiiuKMONiCoMERY&STONE.::!?



40(1. STREET i.Kastnf.H ej rvs.araol't in'a vjii I l

HUSBAND Stic! WIFEl,AO MtllMI l'i 'i vv

nnnTii isih, w. of B'ws ks. ito,UUUIII . ,1 Mntlnee 'l'i. risv St a .tOHah "' in ai in orcb. i '" a (2.00.

1 m 11 n 1 . UM I.A PAIR OF SILK STOCKINGSwith fM NOTHKRN nn N'.m.li f'mnt.

f I I: M s.iiht-r- in Ii' TU Vlrturv. '


ra. iJi'iienin to night v;:: ,',,, M-

World's Champion let Skatara.in ..."Hi'' ami i..i--.- in i ern ii'mi.


AAtla Cl The., lust i on I IM urn11 VII ..f B'WS', II K M. ti. II I'M

:oc. !. '.V: 25c.

vv... ll.,.K,.rHeen

mwhvi i v Hi-li- itni uf, it a- a At

I.i i . ii m i r I m. " t i ii'. nrqi iiiii.,Kuifi,naiiaiiuiMg

"I took my mother-in-la- w

to sec 'Some Baby!'the Fulton Theatreshe died laughing -

SOME Show!"

: CANDI.F.R ..VW,: 7I i '

Vine in .ii- i I iratno



l irsi t.lcony, $1.50. $1.00, 75c. 50c

TRIANGLE PLAYSVI sT l'i imloi tin NiiMrvkaloii

v. liHitlthim-awnno-

l tMy ' I'll c ThurN Raaj

lit viiii I arnum in hi ir.ni HtfAla.1

iii ii HouglOH i itrh.MikaI i.t it, ii il Hilt hi ink ii. Sy aid."

Twlco 11 iii 8 on t I i' my.f f. Um Ml i 7ftc0l.J unci $2.00.Olbrr inotllura. 8fict ftOc., 7.f. nnd si mi.

KsMCKEInCOCKER KRifiv I'll - v Ileal el vn i biii ire iiorvttii Jardon,

l? HI Mai. Hroa., JuneHeat Iter, ntbers,

0LOM..1. '. ."r.'sf;Mm lu . 11 1,. Iluni A'

lhambra "':"j:ur',':;M it Hall) J Ii,..,,' H lies Dtaeia,


IIHIMIKI t N Ml t vi n I


THE NATURAL LAWei We.i. viiii inn m (eataTauaa

HO I I I - t N - III ' I It N I M

Fifth Ave.at45thSt.Apnri ments and Ri 'urns

with Bath,l h furnished Furnished,bj the Year or Transiently,GEORGE C. HOWF.



IllbStrcet. near Kourtb vrcuua

HOTEL ALBERT ' ;ii.in o ai mi, i Krolloni ri'ktouroni an i

i air. iiimlorulo 1'int'M. ,,it ijiof, turIiri iii.iniM ii (tuoata. el nilt1 it, nrtir Jtif.

Prince George Rote!! 'till. Am