“racce” raising earthquake awareness and copping children’s emotions: dissemination natural...

“RACCE” Raising earthquake Awareness and Copping Children’s Emotions: Dissemination NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM – UNIV. OF CRETE (NHMC) Project co funded by the DG Environment of the EU Grant Agreement No. 070401/2010/579066/SUB/C4

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Page 1: “RACCE” Raising earthquake Awareness and Copping Children’s Emotions: Dissemination NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM – UNIV. OF CRETE (NHMC) Project co funded by

“RACCE”Raising earthquake Awareness and

Copping Children’s Emotions:



Project co funded by the DG Environment of the EU Grant Agreement No. 070401/2010/579066/SUB/C4

Page 2: “RACCE” Raising earthquake Awareness and Copping Children’s Emotions: Dissemination NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM – UNIV. OF CRETE (NHMC) Project co funded by

Project co funded by the DG Environment of the EU Grant Agreement No. 070401/2010/579066/SUB/C4

• Should be finalised with Montesca by the end of April Applied through out project’s life

Cover all tasks and activities• The strategy will be linked with the concept of valorisation of outcomes and activities

at micro level (promotion, experimentation, publicity) and

at macro level (that for the benefit of broader community, target groups)• Main activities will be through Active participation of all partners Sharing knowledge and good practices National Dissemination groups Web-site E-newsletter Brochure and other publications

Dissemination Strategy

Page 3: “RACCE” Raising earthquake Awareness and Copping Children’s Emotions: Dissemination NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM – UNIV. OF CRETE (NHMC) Project co funded by

•Main activities will be through

Active participation of all partners

Sharing knowledge and good practices

National Dissemination groups



Brochure and other publications

Travelling exhibition

Video Dossier

Press conferences

Layman’s Report on paper and in electronic format

Final Presentation in Brussels

Dissemination Strategy

Project co funded by the DG Environment of the EU Grant Agreement No. 070401/2010/579066/SUB/C4

Page 4: “RACCE” Raising earthquake Awareness and Copping Children’s Emotions: Dissemination NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM – UNIV. OF CRETE (NHMC) Project co funded by

Project co funded by the DG Environment of the EU Grant Agreement No. 070401/2010/579066/SUB/C4

Partner’s interaction

Date Location Partner/ s involved

Title of the event

Description of the Dissemination activities:

Other organizations involved

Documentation attached (evidences of the dissemination)

Partners are requested to record all promotion and publicity activities to CO

Page 5: “RACCE” Raising earthquake Awareness and Copping Children’s Emotions: Dissemination NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM – UNIV. OF CRETE (NHMC) Project co funded by

Project co funded by the DG Environment of the EU Grant Agreement No. 070401/2010/579066/SUB/C4


• Exchanging experiences and good practices between partners through the various actions and activity groups of the project.

• International collaboration is a learning experience helping spreading information and knowledge

• Thus, immediate response and communication makes our life better and easier

Page 6: “RACCE” Raising earthquake Awareness and Copping Children’s Emotions: Dissemination NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM – UNIV. OF CRETE (NHMC) Project co funded by

Project co funded by the DG Environment of the EU Grant Agreement No. 070401/2010/579066/SUB/C4

National Dissemination groups

• Each partner has to establish at its country the National Dissemination groups, to disseminate activities, outputs and products of the project• Groups should consist of: Journalists and Press contacts Experts working on the topic Target groups, Stakeholders Schools or groups that may collaborate in project Local, or Regional Authorities

• Groups will receive E-newsletter, Brochures, Press releases and may limited access in certain products and activities (has to be determined)

Page 7: “RACCE” Raising earthquake Awareness and Copping Children’s Emotions: Dissemination NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM – UNIV. OF CRETE (NHMC) Project co funded by

Project co funded by the DG Environment of the EU Grant Agreement No. 070401/2010/579066/SUB/C4


• CO is developing an active web-site to host project info and Forum (by the end of May)

• Web-site will host info about the project, the partners, the Civil Protection Policy, planned activities, outcomes, publications, E-newsletter, and News• Forum will be the crucial tool to discuss and collaborate through out project’s life. • Only partners or collaborators will have access to Forum, to transfer information and data, to post news and activities, and to communicate togetherAny announcement will be notified by email to all partners.

Page 8: “RACCE” Raising earthquake Awareness and Copping Children’s Emotions: Dissemination NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM – UNIV. OF CRETE (NHMC) Project co funded by


Project co funded by the DG Environment of the EU Grant Agreement No. 070401/2010/579066/SUB/C4

• E-newsletter should be a key instrument to disseminate our products and activities.

• Five issues are planned, the first should appear in April

• First will be dedicated to the presentation of project and Partnership.• Partners will be notified in late March to prepare a document for their presentation

Page 9: “RACCE” Raising earthquake Awareness and Copping Children’s Emotions: Dissemination NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM – UNIV. OF CRETE (NHMC) Project co funded by

Project co funded by the DG Environment of the EU Grant Agreement No. 070401/2010/579066/SUB/C4

Brochure and other publications

• Several brochures and publications have been planned.

• Project’s brochure will be prepared in two languages (native and English) by CO in May and Partners will have to translate and print in their native language

• Other brochures will be produced for activities like the travelling exhibition• Publications will be mainly web-based and will be related to the Needs analyses, the Guidelines to Cope Children's Emotions, the Educational material, etc.

Page 10: “RACCE” Raising earthquake Awareness and Copping Children’s Emotions: Dissemination NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM – UNIV. OF CRETE (NHMC) Project co funded by

Project co funded by the DG Environment of the EU Grant Agreement No. 070401/2010/579066/SUB/C4

Travelling Exhibition

• The main outcomes and results of the project will be illustrated in static panels to serve for a travelling exhibition.

• Exhibition will be prepared by CO by the and of January 2012 in two languages and partners will have to translate and reproduce.

• Exhibition will be used for various activities (implementation phase, workshops etc.) and can be shared with other stakeholders, schools or organizations after the finalization of the project

Page 11: “RACCE” Raising earthquake Awareness and Copping Children’s Emotions: Dissemination NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM – UNIV. OF CRETE (NHMC) Project co funded by

Project co funded by the DG Environment of the EU Grant Agreement No. 070401/2010/579066/SUB/C4

Video Dossier

• tool to popularly spread project’s results that will be developed through the contribution and support of all project partners.

• The video will last more or less 20-25 minutes and will be based on the suggestions given from the project partners and other stakeholders.

• NHMC will provide a general draft of the video-storyboard by the end of October 2012 . All the partners will have to agree to it or suggest adjustments.•• The video will be diffused through the web-site and through national broadcasting on TV channels. •

Page 12: “RACCE” Raising earthquake Awareness and Copping Children’s Emotions: Dissemination NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM – UNIV. OF CRETE (NHMC) Project co funded by

Thank you

Project co funded by the DG Environment of the EU Grant Agreement No. 070401/2010/579066/SUB/C4