racism boronia west primary school · boronia west primary school newsletter thursday may 21th 2015...

Boronia West Primary School Newsletter Thursday May 21th 2015 RESPECT RESILIENCE INTEGRITY RESPONSIBILITY CONNECTEDNESS OPTIMISM ACHIEVEMENT Rosters for Bwps PARENTS Thank you to all our wonderful volunteers who give their time to keep our cake raffle, chooks and sick bay running. We are very appreciative of all your efforts. Here is the roster for the rest of term 2. If you need to swap please organise it and let Judy at the office know or just let Naomi Obrien know and I will organise a replacement if all else fails!! Cake raffle CHOOKS SICK BAY Week ending May 22nd Marina Melanie Michelle M May 29th Yvonne Michelle M Naomi June 5th Michelle M Naomi Tammy June 12th Naomi Kayla Burrows Yvonne June 19th Colleen S Belinda Long Marina June 26th Kylie Mazur Any volunteers? Michelle M Thanks again Parent Club. Racism Hi Everyone, Today I am doing a speech about racism. Racism is when people are bullying others about being different. It could be: skin colour, religion, race, body size and disability. This is unfair to others because it puts them under pressure. This pressure causes depression and thinking to end your life because they feel worthless. If this happens to you talk to someone like our chap- lain or your mum and dad. Even your friends could be teased about it so you need to ask them: “Can I help?” We need to be sensitive to other cultures and their people who have moved here. Here are some reasons why: 1. They struggle with different languages they do not know. 2. They have a new life in different countries. 3. Respect different religions and skin colours. 4. People with disabilities need to be respected. These are some organisations you can call: Beyond Blue, Salvation Army and community shelters. This is the end of my speech and I hope you liked it. Jesh Our environmental managers working with Planet Savers Energy Audit this week. Boronia West Primary School Newsletter Thursday May 21th 2015 RESPECT RESILIENCE INTEGRITY RESPONSIBILITY CONNECTEDNESS OPTIMISM ACHIEVEMENT Boronia West Primary School Tormore Road, Boronia 3155 Phone: 97622510 [email protected] [email protected] Dates To Remember: Friday May 22nd: Interschool sports. Saturday May 23rd 12-3pm: Kitchen Garden working bee. All welcome. May 25th: FTG raffle tickets due to be returned. Thursday May 28th: Student Free Day. May 29th: Interschool Cross Country. June 3rd: Speechcraft Graduation. June 5th: Interschool Cross Country. Monday June 8th: Queen’s Birthday public holiday. June 12th: District Finals. June 19th: Interschool footy day. June 23rd:Parent / teacher interviews. June 26th: last day of term. Welcome to Education Week! Actually, every week is education week here at Boronia West. We have had some exciting learning happening across the school – not the least of which was our Prep/1 B buddy cooking experience yesterday. Health Ed was very informative for our senior school students and Mrs. DeAngelis’ students were learning all about sinking and floating. Our parents got together for Coffee On The House and had conversations around our student wellbeing and engagement practices. Thanks goes to Rita for putting this together and bringing some delicious morning tea. Thanks also goes to our chaplain Robbie for doing a great job of explaining why we do things the way we do here at Boronia West. This Saturday is our working Kitchen Garden Working Bee. Come along at 12:00 – 3:00pm and help transform our school. We are painting and placing our House Hud- dle planter boxes, making over the veggie patch, mulch- ing all the branches at the back of the school and even starting our vertical garden! There will be pizzas for lunch as well. Next Tuesday we are hosting a Getting Started in the Veggie Garden presented by Knox City Council - make sure you register online. Leigh Johnson Working Bee Saturday May 23rd details page 3

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Boronia West Primary School Newsletter Thursday May 21th 2015


Rosters for Bwps PARENTS

Thank you to all our wonderful volunteers who give their time to keep our cake raffle, chooks and sick

bay running. We are very appreciative of all your efforts. Here is the roster for the rest of term 2. If

you need to swap please organise it and let Judy at the office know or just let Naomi Obrien know and

I will organise a replacement if all else fails!!


Week ending May 22nd Marina Melanie Michelle M

May 29th Yvonne Michelle M Naomi

June 5th Michelle M Naomi Tammy

June 12th Naomi Kayla Burrows Yvonne

June 19th Colleen S Belinda Long Marina

June 26th Kylie Mazur Any volunteers? Michelle M

Thanks again Parent Club.

Racism Hi Everyone, Today I am doing a speech about racism. Racism is when people are bullying others about being different. It could be: skin colour, religion, race, body size and disability. This is unfair to others because it puts them under pressure. This pressure causes depression and thinking to end your life because they feel worthless. If this happens to you talk to someone like our chap-lain or your mum and dad. Even your friends could be teased about it so you need to ask them: “Can I help?” We need to be sensitive to other cultures and their people who have moved here. Here are some reasons why: 1. They struggle with different languages they do not know. 2. They have a new life in different countries. 3. Respect different religions and skin colours. 4. People with disabilities need to be respected. These are some organisations you can call: Beyond Blue, Salvation Army and community shelters. This is the end of my speech and I hope you liked it. Jesh

Our environmental managers working with Planet Savers Energy Audit this week.

Boronia West Primary School Newsletter Thursday May 21th 2015


Boronia West Primary School Tormore Road, Boronia 3155

Phone: 97622510 [email protected]

[email protected]

Dates To Remember:

Friday May 22nd: Interschool sports.

Saturday May 23rd 12-3pm: Kitchen Garden working bee. All welcome.

May 25th: FTG raffle tickets due to be returned.

Thursday May 28th: Student Free Day.

May 29th: Interschool Cross Country.

June 3rd: Speechcraft Graduation.

June 5th: Interschool Cross Country.

Monday June 8th: Queen’s Birthday public holiday.

June 12th: District Finals.

June 19th: Interschool footy day.

June 23rd:Parent / teacher interviews.

June 26th: last day of term.

Welcome to Education Week! Actually, every week is education week here at Boronia West. We have had some exciting learning happening across the school – not the least of which was our Prep/1 B buddy cooking experience yesterday.

Health Ed was very informative for our senior school students and Mrs. DeAngelis’ students were learning all about sinking and floating.

Our parents got together for Coffee On The House and had conversations around our student wellbeing and engagement practices. Thanks goes to Rita for putting this together and bringing some delicious morning tea. Thanks also goes to our chaplain Robbie for doing a great job of explaining why we do things the way we do here at Boronia West.

This Saturday is our working Kitchen Garden Working Bee. Come along at 12:00 – 3:00pm and help transform our school. We are painting and placing our House Hud-dle planter boxes, making over the veggie patch, mulch-ing all the branches at the back of the school and even starting our vertical garden! There will be pizzas for lunch as well.

Next Tuesday we are hosting a Getting Started in the Veggie Garden presented by Knox City Council - make sure you register online.

Leigh Johnson

Working Bee Saturday May 23rd details page 3

Boronia West Primary School Newsletter Thursday May 21th 2015


The Comprehension Strategy of Visualisation used by Grade 2/3 D students

The Australian Plants Society Foothills group's next meeting on

Wednesday 27th May 2015, has Dr Ken Walker as guest speaker

talking on "Spiders".

The meeting commences at 7.30 pm at

Boronia West Primary School, Tormore Road, Boronia. Melway 64 J8.

Call Nicky Zanen on 0401975191 or 9761 1933 for further information. Entry is at the

main entrance, Tormore Road.

Boronia West Primary School Newsletter Thursday May 21th 2015


Kitchen Garden Working Bee

Boronia West PS Building and Grounds

Committee require your help.

On 23th May 2015,

12 - 3 pm: we will be having a school working bee

devoted to our kitchen garden.

4 ways you can get involved: - firstly, we need keen green thumbs to help us get the veggie patches ready for planting. - secondly, we need people to help with re-pairs to the garden beds, fencing and paint-ing of the upright posts around the veggie patch as well as people to help mulch our cut down trees. -thirdly, we are looking for people whom can provided seedlings, plants and other materi-als so we can look at building the following (a open air compost, vertical gardens and large planter boxes for our concreted court yards and lastly an aquaponics setup in the court yard behind our library). -lastly we would like everyone’s feedback and ideas on how we, at Boronia West PS, can have the best Kitchen Garden around.

We will also be putting on a sausage sizzle on the day for those who turn up.

Justin Davies

Students of the Week:

2/3 D

Charlie and Ashleigh

For being great cross

country runners coming

to training’s and giving


2/3 D


For her work in Maths.

Fiona has been chal-

lenging herself with

“tricky” problems and

keeps working without

giving up. Keep it up,


4/5 TC


For make great pro-

gress with his reading

demonstrating that he

can go back to the text

and find information to


4/5 TC

All the grade 5

For having a great

attitude during Naplan

Testing and giving their

best in a challenging


5/6 A


For finally showing me

his creative side and

completing his work in

the time given. Keep

up the good work
