radical america - vol 18 no 2&3 - 1984 - march june

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  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 18 No 2&3 - 1984 - March June



    VO , 2





    t EY E: L D LDE D GGE


  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 18 No 2&3 - 1984 - March June


  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 18 No 2&3 - 1984 - March June


    AERCVo No.



    ABOR CORO TROUG SMAL GROPSJapaese Labo odayEichi Iloh

    POEMPam McAste

    O AUTOOMY A NCLSONneeet Cenury Feinsm Bish opas aAmeican SocaistsMary An Cawso




    E TY HOUSE TA IS A TY HOSE O MORE" Cre angage a CassKaheen Wee

    POEM 5Cidy Schuste

    NO PROPER ROS:Wome an te Mtaryoie Hayes

    POEMo emeter

    ABORTIO AS VOCE AGAIST WOMNResposes o MacKinonRosan ecesky, Cao ofe an CateeMacKion

    OOCAUS A TE USES O DSASER IIResposes o Evron





  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 18 No 2&3 - 1984 - March June



    As is isse ges press Gerde Fe s emeged fm te Demcc y cveti speg d f wme te 1984 pesdeti cmpig We pe tt Ferrwll elp t wde te gede gp, d tt sesm wi pve t e Acles eel fr te Get

    Cmmct Yet, we e dsted y e preset f te wmes mvemet s eclsively we mvemet e Demcs d e medi, edless speclt t weeWe Mdes Vce ede wld e wite wm c m ever ce csdeede pssiity f c wm, ts ecetig te tes etwee femiss d c ctvss ver wse isses wld e ecgzed t ws Jesse Jcs t OW w cllegedtese ssmpts y ppsg te mes f c wme cddtes fr vce pesdet efile f e lie wme's mvemet t ecgize e vices f lc femim s cegi prdced pps etwee e wmes mveme d te c mvemet eegemy f te iel wmes mvemet wii femism wi t e re w mlti f d Wrd d ter, mre dc femists Wee ppy t pis

    Lseig te Vices f Blc Femism, wic F Wte, speg especiy c wme cties t ts efft

    I te etsism f ey dys f te wme's ieti mvemet, mst femsts

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 18 No 2&3 - 1984 - March June


    aed cnfidenl ha we wee gig ice he ebelln f all wen Whe he cnce fwen wee ied aga he ggle f heenaee ad he hid Wld lbeaneen whie adical fen eded

    wh he F js exng hea f wen wihn naal lbeai g-gle and aking whe libean wa n he agen-da n he eing ea cali fen e-haed he inecnecdne f cla aceand ex agai hdx nin f iacnadicin ad ecnda qen likehe Wan e and he Nanal e-in Ye he ehai n he cnnecn be-ween he ce f ein eaned f-

    en abac a f he ied exeince fhe agel whie wen' eenWihn he cne f black naiali lic

    in he la xie a an Whie indica blackwen had al begn chalege hei a-gned e And e f lng he i i eeed black fein a hgh he ale-naie a aledaed black ee waa whiedinaed wen' ee. lackand he hid Wd wen wh began -gane a eni n he d 7 cfned awen' een ncldng he cial fin wng lagel blnd he clebndchaace f i aal f ale we andwe' cndi wa n ffcie anWhie ehaie il add a ecgnin fac ca en he whedefnedaali f exal lic a kind f dble - en del.

    lack feni ahe aw he need e-hnk fei aale and ggle and he

    fail hehd exal ec he lghf he dc eaning n AfAecanwe exeiece and h. Gien he hi- f ac wha de ale we ea he black ci w fa can he Af-Aeican fal he cnadicin fhehd be nded f exing fei-i anale f aiachal fail ceGien he cncee enangleen f ace cagede ad exal de he abel ebian een

    adeqael ce he black exeience Ibecae ccial ehik ee exeience inhelig f AfAeica h The geaea f Fa Whe' acle deed a ci

    ca k a he e f hi hical ehnk-ig n he wk f ell k Ai I AWoa? and Angela Dai Woe Rae aCass) aicla awng n he wn wka a Afca hian neeed n he a

    f Afica f whch AfAeicancae a ae he S he ffe a facina-ig and ignal dcin f he ke qeinf he ce f ex AfAeican cl-e a fein eecie he eenhe qein f he Afcan legac i Af-Aeica exeence a well a exanig heae exece ad beqe eacinwh whie ce She hen n black andwhie wen exeence f allace dng he

    1h cen ffage ggle lang hebled legac black wen nhei f haed and ca in he wen' eenda

    Whle a Whe bg fei igh iehinkng he hi f AfAeca MaAn lawn eiew w bk b feii hi-ia whch ecnide he hi f calieen in he 1h and 2h cene a-baa al in Ee a e ew euae eal he d f eain ax ei-n ad ian Sciali RA, l 14 4 lAg 18 exle he ilicainf he elanhi f fen and he lef fhe l f a ia dienn wih he cienccali f Max and gel ai hle'Woe a Aea oia exane he

    eaih beween he an wen'ee ad ciai lic in he eal we-eh cen fcing bh he deel-en f a cal in he wen'

    ee ad he bed cbi ffeini ac he hi f calilc i he S Ha S fei been eeian cai lc ha he S ef habeen feini? hgh wha gananaf ca wen and feini be iecead chaege he ef Wha ae he ical li-i ad engh f he bnd f iehd?

    e ae n hia nle' dc-n f he laian f wen' lie oesKaki Beoe o elabae he nghfen bng anilia lic. Sheake a dlea ha an f a bh fei-ni ad aiia hae faced hw de


  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 18 No 2&3 - 1984 - March June


    ini inunc ou on o US nt-non, nd t ncing iitizon o tUS o in h old Follong , h ou to cond oth th ict o .S oign

    oicy on on ound th go ll tdotc undinnng hch nlit on inth ion o th ilty

    Kln Wl i T Ti HO/ inhch ch n Englnd nyz toyout ily i ttn y th oking clg n y chool S undln hotkly cldn' tng xo t contdc-tion tn idoloy nd xinc tnt t young gi nd undtnd outth coninnt nd tnion in tidy hou

    t t ti tht hy oduc t cultudzton o o nd ohood hicty u ill ti utu A ch gu iontly t t hn incoo not oodnd y th chool' -gnd oton tnit o doinnt cul-ul no nd dology Rth, intn,ding nd ting ctcl oltic toolnd coo cn c dicl tchl cldn to nion th od hich con-

    in t *

    n RA Vol 5, o 5 StOc 9 8, x-nd h iou tg do yAcn un to oco t inglyconc cion o th I 90 A t o c o n id Acn nggn o c niou gnc t Wtnoi-ntd cili conoy tht dd took Jut ho did Jn uin k loltion oniou oductiity nd quity

    contol high nd ot ong Tho n oo o ldlod o o tt cit-i oind o h clo cooton tnJn nd h tt Anot ky oJn ucc uo ity oJn con o lct ntcl oylty ndconntly ing oduciy ough l-non o yt o lo lton tydint o tht o Acn con. t otd tht Jn ok n tun o

    h dlity ntt o o o "cdl-og nl n o o lt -loyn gunt nd gnou g ndn og Scondly, Jn dd


    not lod o h ok u nd nitdti tcition in th ognon o t o-ducton oc T coot ocmade the workrs fel appreciatd and happy,

    nc o oductiOn clo nction t yth unl Ony3 cnt, otly l o th Jn loforc reevs he lifetm guarantees and gen-

    erous benefits. And, we tse workers ar ra-

    tly o gd, h iction o -tm mploymnt wt arge exrmely rgt-

    ing utntonl not lnt Tcond yth o th y oduc Jnok hing oniility o oducton dunkd y ou nt o n tic y Eichi

    to nttld Lo ontol ough SllGou to, Jn otl ok, x-ln ho gnnn in th , nng n ot t ulc nd it ctoitd y o dic contol o t lo o-, Tyo to t tnto o

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 18 No 2&3 - 1984 - March June


    gn x c Th imlmnttin f thinntin n c r t furthrn f rr ht

    th icl f n ith 's lng tndgmh n rlin cnr t th int rdcn nd cl rltn th r-c t rm ti rcti t il cn-tinu xlr t rmifctin f th n-tin f t Amricn Wrlc

    r iu g (Vl 17, ulyAugt98 intd t ricl Ctrin McKn-nn dicn f t itc f btin ThMl Idgy ricy A mini rc-t n Artin nd B rn nlyi f

    t liticl f th Hlut, Hcut U f ir hch t ur dlig

    hlcid t dl f n nd dtW liz th t r rdr nd t thh rt n t rtcl d (nmt 8 mnt g fr th dy in bngth dt Or il u n th Ml KngCmn nd Ctin itic in Eightiinnd t dly th dt f n iW r rinting r rn t McKinnn yR tcy nd Cl ff l rlyby th r nd ri f critiu BErn rcl nd r dtri nrductin tit n ic ccrzd l lcy gncid W r rnng ry byErn nd y th ditr W intnd t cntinu th dicuin f h mltil u f nti-

    mtim th Mdd Et, t Hlcut ndth itutin f t ltinin in futu u.

    i .


    P-OV- mobilizationFOR SURVA

    5 w

    Nw Y NY


  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 18 No 2&3 - 1984 - March June


  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 18 No 2&3 - 1984 - March June



    F W

    Bl emiism s emeged t te unte etween nt-ist nd ntseis sruggesI s spe l wme ve tued er mgnlzti in t res nt vtl ltl re til eetly te ms visie mnes f ts b emsm metrg te it l wtes Mrsn Ale Wler n Cde Bm d

    my tes spe t us d r us w sml bt gy vsbe de wmen veten tei es nst te feminis tees tt memen te gg ierryenisse

    s rte tes rtl t ts gwig dy eet wrig It begns wt itdut tt denetes te tet wi s writg s we s my wn emism emeged Next mes se tt ls dept t evsns f AfrAmeri sy need y b wmen ng t te gey ignred ps Filly tis strl

    The des n hs ricle hve cysllze e ye o ioe h my emins rens Amon hese rendsre

    M Een nd Mre Cerllo ho s suesed nd hen e n commene o he e. AlsoK Johnson, lon h erulo heled deepen m undersndn o emns heoy Nn ne red he ne-0s version n sellessl shred her verson o ened rn; n he process she heled me o ommncem pssione concens nd ner nll ull Ebon shred her eensve bloh nolee n spencounless hous hshn o ih me he ssues nvolve n blc emnsm Who he help, hs rcle coulno hve een ren u o corse, onl cn e he eh o he ie pesene hee

    Ma MrrWhr /936. os Kn

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 18 No 2&3 - 1984 - March June


    xrson inors th onlng ston on ththr ssus y lss, n sty tht or th or o onporry l nst ory.

    Mny o oys ost rtiult spos-

    won too prt in t l sn ivlrights, n l nionlist ovnts ithr wht ountrpts, ths won lt rustr y rstrns pos on th y thn wih who thy sr th poti rn rr rsng to lv isussions t rgion sunt soity tings to go lpout n th ithn T pross o lintionro thos ilitn n rtiult n gun or A w o y sstrs n I rus

    to prsu y thos rgunts out thn or l n to ssrt tr slinityYt o y horror y ssnts t t lwons olg I n gn to o thssntints s thy rgu t t ti hrsn or l won o st to

    n. W to giv th hn tol privlg thy long nn My inipin ins ril ginstths postion n th rging wons lrtion ovnt suppot y stn

    Or l won shr growing lin-ton ro l ntioniss lrtion o nhoo on wou hv ni tht n h n orrily n onsstntlyopprss n th Unit Sts W h nrivn y th nowlg tt n wrprson, uit, n ill n n ortto p ll ls in suorin rols Wnw tht or l n wr lily o jl sntns, hin gngs, n vn t gl

    lows thn l won t th notion wwr ir oplt n thir opprssion or thtw shoul py or wht whit soty h onto th s, t s rul n twis inrprttion o or hisry.

    T ov into ins ws hstn y th

    Nashe Sdns k h bks nd t n t /Q//h nt, Fb 13, J

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    s blck librtn vnts in h's, s vicius gvrnnt tcks n blck rgnins cvl nrli rs twr n sgniicn iprvnt in bck ln hs cunr Th cnusin h rign in

    h wk h gvrnn ssul l n scp in ns css In srch r sslns r incrsing rl s,qusirlgus insiuns such s th n sl urish Th Blck Musls usb cknwlg r thr wrk in rscung n rug busrs n iprisn blck n h vns lrs wr in h rrn h cll r grtr rsricins nwn h n prps s hl h h vr lil wh blck rl

    i hs p cpilss wn wn rgil cnin sc sphr uln b n s I xprn wihrs n crnrws rns n hn rsurrc hir srghning cbsTh r hr pn r ng skrs insistn brs, n sk prissin t cu n r wrk.

    Mnwhil hr blck wn jincultrl nnlis grups h pc th blck

    l h cnr hr prgr hsgrups, such s h C r nwrk n wrk n h nsu sEcin n Chicg, hrkn hiclricn vlus jus hr sgns pstins h pp such grups blck wn l scp h u nw hs snc, I cn rcgni h h culurlnnss ppr r prcn rh hrsh rlis pvr n sr vlnch n wn c ck n, lhughinn wr bc rspnsibl r hinncil suppr h l, hus hping li burn wn h n crrsinglhn Cuurl nnliss irspcs blck cultr h ir rErpnricn cuur thrb crng blck uns spc Thr criqus hnn sci hrtn wh hgnngh lci rprssiv surs r ths Bu hr viw h cnsrviv il

    srcur prvi rg r rcil pprssin bck rguns r wns inpnnc

    rncs s 195 ricl "Slv Slv Mr rspn irctl culurl ninliss n hr slsrvng inrprns cn hisr n culur Sh, n rn, s unr hsil ur rcn ps psin

    h ss r vrint Mrxs Thsvw rgns hun hisr n succngn ncrsing prgrssv cnic stgsprclnl rcns, hn, liv in prtvst wih bckwr scil rlns sphis unrl ngv inrprtin rcnhistr, l s k h crucil pn hsxul rlns n h ps n rprsnvib ls r h rrcn prsn

    ls rcl, lng wh such hr clssicss n Cs h k Wo rchu h rl blck nss s w rgblscrr r ur cnrnn wihculurl nnliss w rl ps wr brk wn h brrrs ngisl blck inss r xpl, in 19 blck wn in ghr in w Yrk un th tinl lck Fnss Orgnn h O il ll bcus lcnsnsus h rg vr wh blckns prspcv cul b Sllr grups,

    sch s h Cbh ivr Clctiv, wrr succssl h wn n Cbhivr hv rct uch nn rniss bcus hir psins n blckinis hv bn wl issint nhr llncs wh wh niss hv hlpris h rc issu in h ins cunhir plcl cins kn run ssus h

    c:. ' u. ."' - . . ,-

    h roos a\ shp 178 B 10 mmd45/ ars many as p' a(Crd tabn


  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 18 No 2&3 - 1984 - March June


    ff l bk won in hr ho b,oon, hv bn piurly ipvWhn hy ook up h u of bk flurr vi, hr i ppl o whifni w on bk.

    Mny blk fini ough OU whfni in wh fir lk nurlllin wonhoo ini llwon or wr of hlv wonn xn uppor o blk won hyonfron h xi of blk n Srouiviion ong won wr tporlyobur by h ll for won o un lkwon nr ln wih wh wonwh h pon h ri onounof fl opprion l o onrv niiviy owr ohr for o uborningoppron Whn ny whi fn rin blin o jor l n r ffrn bk fn fl bry Sornoun fni loghr n onho b who hrg h fin wlvn only whi won Ohr hokby ri n bn gnorn of biin h won' ovn ough ou n inpnn poiion h p o nii

    fin o r n l iu In uhblk fni wring oy r whwon in n for o pon ou h orof hi wy nin pu by orrinhl in h pro po, "Wh ho Mn

    W Whi Gl? Glo oph, blkfin who on o blk libronbo obviou hrough h wrng, highligh ffing prpv of bk n whfni Sh o onr hr oin o working hrough h iffrn byoinly uhorng Deee wh lLwi, whi rhborn fni ilr fro oph rrh h h' pork p hor ong blk fino of who hv rj h pobiy oolng wi wh won ny r jun ngry n jufbly o

    Y u w bgnnng o prh w pn o uh i n rb ginr wh won h w hv li i lffor ilogu ong ourlv nw ph nblk fni wrng rg h rl ne Gl Bl Fei % by rbr Sih, ogni h nfor oliion wih wh won bu fou

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 18 No 2&3 - 1984 - March June


    nly on i o ict concrn to bcwon h c pntlog btwn ivblc finit lirry critic print in Cni-tn: Nn w lo rfring chng froth rlir trn of ping inly o whitinc. A r thi pic flt ht hy iu tht fc or xpl, thyoffr inight on th probl nhr in bng onl cricl of otr blc won'wor in ourn by ny wht wo hvittl ntning of blc won Thygu for th pornc of uing thvilbl o 0 xchng i ongbc won n trngtn our nyi.

    wn n

    A bc won rpon to witwon rci, thy r th i of th intrction of c gnr n c in thnit Stt. Prticuly rlvn for thicon h bn th ongoing vion ofbc itory h h bn vloping ovr thpt c Ti rntrprtton bgin withAfric

    nunc by blc ntonlt ovntn blc fint v rcogni th i

    portnc of Afric in AfroAicn itornfonty o hv rtin pliticn unnfor vw n obl vot whol ction of Bautul A h Sus My rs o th Sou Africn ilitriS Apprny ntr obl nor hritor t rnticHl ri tht Sh w n it qivlnt o gttingpolon gnr wrong n Cn frn Glori oph ontici thAfrcn pt b icuing Africn won

    trong n powrfl lr Sh nvr rqton bou w uly o li wohv bn fo o won living unr ru An yt voction o th Afcnpt i n o o p o on lgcy,n ffort pon o not ony blc pop bt o pcficy bc won

    Whi ng or xnv tp toxplor Aricn won htory ll oon rnc l ccpt nintnthcntry

    ccount of Aric won t fc vlu nthu th prily b of brn coplxti of Africn won hioryppr bhn th u of wthr or no

    Mih Bgi

    Africn won r trong or w PlcngAcn won in th contxt of Africncltur n hiory rv tht Africnwon bity to control tir lbor n xulity n to xrci powr iffr grlovr t plc t ut in o inric

    n vri continnt In prcoloil WAfric, th r ot cloy t to AfroAricn won, rponib for ch oft fr lbo n py tring, bntogt in orgnition tht rprnt thirintrt h grop ct ociti trocion, n inhip ntwo) w rtu hirchclly by g n blity Whiuch orgnition low won to xrgrt powr ultitl n control tocity In uch ociti whr powr t

    fo lng n pocion w b nth ling, n oinn poiton infi gv th (pcly or n)gt cc to powr hn won .

    w ttpt o ntn t bnc ofpowr n oc ron of proucion nAricn ociti w rc out ourAcn root w blc won hv pcilobigion. or too long w hv bn th victi of o who hv cr fl n

    ngtv g of u ry to ui thir ownprpo W t not o th to orAfricn tr ou prpo t not iorth Africn rlty Morovr w n to


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    Reate to your ete, 97 Aribr.

    nf fr crful nd nv xplinin Africn hi, fr h nigh gindfr h nqur inflnc ur v f hxi nrd n AfrAricn culur Wprnil Afric chrcid pru

    n h nl l cnrl f hir liv hh c nlvd in Aric? Or rAfricn n rdn h cn-inud h ffring in h S? W xi inAfrAricn culu dirin f Africncuur ipd n lck pp dringlvr? nd k nd hippr fr h urc f f huffring lck n ndr?

    ck fini cnin hr rinrpr-in f lck hr in h lv r Onc

    gin h igin nd xn f i in Afr-Aricn culur ccupi ur nin Algr h hrin hv gnrll ignrdlck n n vr An p


    rdr h inc Angl v nnil k Rcin n h lckWn Rl n h Cuni f Slv DThi drv n hnrd plc n ckfin riing. Ang Dvi n hr jil

    cll nd, dpi hr liid rurc, r cpin h pk prful flck fl rinc lvr r nndg gv hr inigh in p hc phr fr rci ppin dHr fcu n rnc lv hvgvn hr ngh in h lng d f hr in-crcrin

    n h Rcin nd h r rcnk Wn Ra an Clas" Dvidnr kn n f h i n

    lck ppl hv hir lr pprpridY hn i c hr nl f h lckf h r liid undrnding fni . Dvi, h lck fil n

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 18 No 2&3 - 1984 - March June


    svry s chrcrid y sul qliy.

    Wihin h conf of hir fmy n communiy if, hfor Bck pop mngd ccomplh mgnficn f yrfom h giv quliy whichmnd fom h qul oppion hy uffrd lv n pov qly hgliinim chrcrzng h ocl rlion

    Clrly lck mn nvr possssd h rsorcso mnin h kind of prirchl rul hrchr h mn could lck popl noony crd srong fmily insiuion s Dvissggss u lso xpcd mn o hd hs

    fmilis hnvr possil s is r romrr Gmn's ork on h Black aly nSlaey an Fr nd my on ginning-g rsrch on ric pnions long hSouh Crolin cos, vn mny slv onrsidnifid mn s hds of hs fmilis hrs n idologicl ond n slv holdngmn nd sv mn h plcd mn h hdsof lck fmiis

    is h lvl of inrprng idology h

    Dvis gos mos sry r vson is lndd yhr vi of slvry only lor insiion vi h cnno xplic h soci rlionsh ndrly his sociy Sh dos no fulyndrsnd h conrdicons inhrn in such rcis nd sis sysm Th qusion of hoo rconcil sch rigid cgos s ml,fm, lck, nd hi hs coninud oplg US soci rlions f fm mnsmohrhosif, s Dvis rgs, hn h

    dos lck fml mn? ml signifisprrch nd lck, slv, hn h is lckml? Dvis rgs h ck omn scpdh rsciv dfnion of "omnhood ndgind quliy ih ck mn insid h fmly srucur B gvn h sriousnss of hisconrdicion in rcis nd sxs sociy, nosuch lncompssing rsolion s possil

    h conrdicion inhrn n h id "ckfml is prily rsolvd y h d omn/good omn formuion lck omn,

    lik poor hi omn, r d omn in hr discsson of rri Bchr So'sUncl T Cabn, Dvis hrslf provids cs hr his formulion rks don.So gins symphy from hr hi rdrs

    for h imporn chrcr Eli y porryinghr s dly concrnd m hr goodomn Dvs minins

    h cn fgu (Ei) rvy of h

    Bc womn nv npoion of hmohr-fgu, pr by h cuur! propgnd of h priod from wh ociy oh lv commniy iz i whi mohhood incrn bu in blcfc or rhrbcu h qudroon" in u--lllhn-whi fc

    ronclly, h idologicl conrdicon nlck nd fml lf room for olionss omniul hs smols ns slv sociy.h oliionss dmndd o kno ho morlhis could snd y nd ch childrn ornfrom h rss of hir mohrs in sociyhr mohrhood s so highly vld oli-ionss mpd o h moion pplsof mohrhood nd omnhood o sofn hngiv mssgs of lcknss. Gvn hpopulriy of ncle T's Cabn, such pplsorkd for rg scon of h norhrnpoplon

    ll ooks lso looks rcsm nd sxism


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    urig h sl r u sh oms o r i-r ousios rom h os ou iDiss work or Hooks, sx ros i h slommui mirror hos mog h msrss us lk m op "whi sxisius owrs wom. his posio iu igors h opm o p lk uur h shr som us wihwhi mris u so sorm rilus io omri os oror hriw rsims h omplxi o h iio w rism sxism us siss work os.

    ooks os poi ou orrl h sxuliisio o lor h or m xis i h

    sl ommui oh wom m -o i h ils Howr, h mosprsigious skll posiios, suh s op-pg lksmihig, wr rv orm Wom i mos o h omsi loro puig i s m hous h

    Do Qv Wkig o k duig Mogo ) oo.


    ils s m Y i is likl h his iisio olor smm rom ri us s wl somri os. oror h xiso his iso ors Hookss o hlk wom wr msuliz urig slrus h prorm ml sks. Ogi oimsio mp o xpli hompx irios w r sxls

    Wh Hooks pois ou h rilpriilg posiio o m i h s ommui sh gril sigs hisoris soiologiss or gorig h xploo ok wom Srogl jusl sh rgush soi siiss h mo irs i

    h smoli msulio o lk m ul rp o lk wom roill,isussos o h sxu xploio o lkwom h r rou h mig ohis rm or lk ms ssmissig is smph or h phsil moiol srs l o lk girs womoro, h mphsis s o k ms losso oro o lk wom Hooks xplis

    To sugget h men were dehuanzed soley a es of no beng able o be paarchsimpes ha he sbjgaon o black omenas esseal o he back male's develomeno a posve se-concep, an dea ha on

    serve sppo a sexs socal ode. It

    r Hookss u ss o h iusilk wom h or h rs sssrgh h hisor o romis s pr-s misrm sol siiss u isooks r o k m Is hr oious gr hm jusii hs r qusios lkrrs ii mus sk s h r Ain!a Wn olu h hr poor hough-ou rgums usus usiosisor hr jusii gr io uiriri gis lk m. mp omosr h mp o sxism o lkwom, sh ks uss swps k

    m, whom sh s or sig i swom lo iiul jos. Gi slssm wh h possii o sussul rows rmo, how w riiiz lk m o

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    filg o oliv io i suppor ofbl wo hr fuil p r hopprssios of slv woHoos pps o forg h giu of hopprssio ll bl pop

    Hooss isoo of h slv r ssfro hr l of sours hr iss ofhos sh hs For xpl sh lls s hurig h oloil r sv prs fi oprp hir ughs o f sx xpoi-io bus bs voi issus of sxuliy s hir wh owrs i Giv h pi-y of slv soy n wriig fo h ol-oil r, wor wh sors ol hvprovi Hoos wh suh s ii viw of

    slv irio worviw Morovr hf h sh rlis o h i rrivwihou ioig h so hisoris osir i o b f ws wh vi shos us.

    Hooss isiprios of bl hisoys h fouio for hr viws bo h ps Sh rgs h bl whi bo ogh i hir sxis lviol boh hv srios oi oiiig poliil rgs hroughou h

    Ui Ss h wo h r loi is bsur ifriig oq h powr of whi wih h ofbl who v h os bsi orolov hir ow livs whos f fo h ospr is ipriso or rly h

    A a Woan hs li i h sgy rio h o Mihll WllsBlak Maho and h Mh oh Blak -woan I fl hr h bl wo

    ll blk e othi isogyy bookssibl o y b popl Hoos Wl o s gr svi by highlighig hrrr of sxul poliis i b lbr-io sggls u boh grossly ovrs hrs wh hy rg for xp, h Aglvis ws ir oy for hr buy voio o bl o ll for hrpoliil ovios Howvr uh w r o o r Dviss Cos Pry posiios w ri for hr b-us sh hllg his is pilissys o ru s Hoos Wl f-fivly hv ou ris sruggs o -p by bl o pu hir prir

    hl r ov bl wo is fi o oy obl b lso o lbl popl

    i oh bl fiiss ws iso oly by h riil wy y whiiss p Hooss Ws

    s, b lso by h s wih whih prssspublish hir isiforio Sog bu s-siiv ioril gui ro soo ow-lgb bo AroAri hisoy ouhv iprov hs boos srghh vubl sighs boh o Th p-log by h fiv bl iis lirry riis iCoon: Nn hriz hphoo o uriil iig p o bl wos wor s h ig og

    syro o o xps ogs o ; yog who jups ro o is hi gs will bpris or goo ig Th ris ipii h rii p o Wll's Hooss wos frhr li b woro whi fiiss

    Wh bl iiss oo h fis wvo fis h probls ihr i forgigllis wh whi wo r highligh.roily y whi wo, so of whowr h os il wig o h ov

    er the lgge politil skills to ofro hir ow opprssio hrough h wori h isvy ov ui Mizbh y So, Srh Agli Gri l wo ow boiioo slvy hlp riul h fisrsposs o hgs h wo f foh irsig sprio of proio foh ho Tgilly y o hs rlyis rusrs, ilig Ahoy

    So, lr i h s o hi ov i h islvry sggls go swplog wih h viru ris o h l i-h rly wh ris rusrby hir fors o hv wos sffg l i h fh A, hy jo lls wih b riss who worgis bl ml suffrg. Amy

    Frri ouglsss sgu pproh oplig bl l sffg bov fl s-rg spi his oi o h l)li So Anhoy bu hs oso sffiily xpl hi wiligss osf h righs o b popl or hir owg orhr whi wo psh s hir


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    i h g t gin th pprtf thn whit wmn An t w ntnh h fmnit Sntn t rg thtwhit wmn h gin th v tht witprm mintin

    Thi tr tn hrh n frk fminit n fmini h k n Ang Dvi hv n jtifihh in thr mnt f thi trhr Itm t pint whn k pp prn th pri whn whit pph r w t kp k n intr pit itin n h k pt-rntrtin k pp f nwthrt th nh m vitr rnv-

    mnt n hin gng n in prn wrk mp;n grgtin nfr m Crw wAr tm t giting fr th n

    ' d W "


    f vr k ttk pvr ppr-in with rnw vigr rminnt mngth ttk w th lk wmn mv-mnt. r th r f h mvmn h r hh Trr n I . WBtt

    h wr n w t miz kwmn f th pift th ntir r hi t t tih ink t whi wmn t ftn fn thmv rjt hwh fr ntmntin f thi wmnh rn whit fminit h n fm ppi rmin ptiv th vr ntin t wmnh tht kptwhit wmn rint ri f h whitr w intri ink t prit f whit

    wmnh. iing th i t rgnizth ptf inhrnt in pting prtinfrm wrking n k wmn whitmi wmn pprt tm thtgv thm rtn mnt f pw n n r t pwr thn whit m- n ppr mn kpt fr hmv.

    Simir ntitin pg th kwmn' mvmn h mimmr f th w mr

    ink t pr k wmn thn thir whitntrpr wr ink t pr whit wmn rt hp ftr th ink nkpt h mmr in th with th nf thir frtnt tr. Y wht in hin-igh m r rmin hin t th lr h i t rgnz th n t-tk th ig hin th ntin f gwmn n wmn Th trgg t hvk wmn rif g wmn rthrthn mitting h nkrpt f th ntir

    npt Th kn ft t inti twrlk wmn wh h fw fn gintrp t t wr f hving mr Th knw th ngr k wmnf whn th wk wn th tt nr wrk meti Aft iving tm "i h flt prn wnwhn th fi t hiv thi t in th f whit pp h k wmn wrk th t intr rgi hit {

    pr k wmn n t nvin whit fthir iit t qir th hi

    Amng thi mt ri mpgn w thttk n wht pmi r hgh nhm. Nihr k wmn n mn wr f

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 18 No 2&3 - 1984 - March June


    fro h rro of h lynch o lhoughlc n clly fc h o or ofnhn won . ronl frorcnhorn hv loo h pro nrrowlyhy rgu corrcly h h chrg of rp

    gn nnocn lc n w or oufnng wh prcy hn yol,Wh Wonhoo h rcn wor yMry Frnc rry n ohn lngcrflly xpo h l hn h lnc c on c popl who ung n rry gnor ohr ponvr ngl v who co uchclor o unnng h "yh of h crp rgu h yh rnghn no onlywh hgony u lo wh n conrol

    ovr wh won o ppor h poon,h quo Mry lr, on of h lcwon lr of h nynchng Cru-r

    Economic dependence, contacts with none

    sae "polte rened womanly pusuitsmenta actviies n no othe eld than home

    life - all these malempoed estctions haebone moe healy pon women n the Sohand hae een mantaned moe gidly

    han any ohe pa of the Coty.

    n hor h yh h "Wh Wonhoon fnng hlp o ccucr hrn n whch wh won cou opr

    v o n h fcon of h olwh won wh h vry r rp uffry lc won. Sxul ul on lcwon prpr y wh n connu nh pollu pro f lvry h no

    n; wh n nn h rgh opo lc won o ll oowoul gr

    Sexa expotation o lack women ndemned te moale o newy manumed ackpeope Fo it semed to them that theycold not change negate mages o lacwomanhood they would nee e ale to pltthe ace as a whole Maed o single, child o

    woman he ac female was a likely tage o

    whte mae apst

    oh Hoo n v hol hv h h rrr of wh n prvlg h po

    o wh won fro lc n lf

    lc won opn o c y ho nVrly no g procon w prov fowon who coul porry loo nlcnou Unr uch conon, lcwon procuou y fnon foun nrly pol o convnc h lglhn h n of ny rc hou procu for xully ung h hvulnrly hy fc w grr hn huffr y ll lc popl fro lcon-

    lc cr h p of lc won wply no cr ll

    h ck Fmily: Dfic n ccmmdti

    c fn hory hlp llun hpn conon of c won cu h gh on uch porn fn concrn cl, xuly, n h fy lcfn loo h conporry cn,

    wh h hr ujc h hy r o concnCrng n w n povrh n

    rgnl cl of c won, cpl vl


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    omet as had sch a egative impact tat

    may black emists have focsed o ts iter

    actio with race ad sex. Most pblshed backfemiists grew p i or srouded by workig-

    cass famiies Becase of ther commitmet to

    back beraio these wome have OI forgot-

    te hei ess prvieged sistes Ahogh they

    sae with may whte femists a heahy cr-

    tqe of the smpstic Marxia aaysis that

    cocetraes soey o cas ad capitaism

    (Agea Davis is a exceto ee), they have

    1 8

    r cake"I ox.d'


    bee infeced by sociais tradtios The

    Combahee River Coectve declared:

    We eaze a e ibeaon of al oppesse

    peoes nessias desuon o h

    ota-ecoo syss of capasm and

    pais as we as paahy. W a

    socass beas w b ha wo ms b

    ogand fo cocv bn of hos

    who o h wok an cae e producs ad

    no for bf of Ihe bosses"

    -. ._.


    ' "

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 18 No 2&3 - 1984 - March June


    Bonni onton Di in c C ndGnd opct fo n Anci Sitood ppoc tmtic t oppi foc in ck womn' Atog wod g wit t womn in t Com

    Cocti tt t t tm ffct ck womn imno, ntic pt c nd nd c tomint w t p womn iog td of ck ood woki focd mcndd ttntion on ton jo tt mot ck womn fondi to tm dng t ft f of ttwntit cnt Tk ot pop wo kptGn oto nning! Not on did t fmn wit mn womn, nd cidn fom

    t ddg of owok t o gmn wt mn n iion of ptic compt wit id womn nd cdn. n tmid comind ti dnd wg witmn ow nd oftn podic nng in odto n t ck commnit to i tpmnnt dpion it fcd

    ood wok inii in motfmint tt t w inii n tood tm mn toi to

    t of ti tp oppon cnt, n domtic wok now in nt nttind m wit ck mocd t ot wok pinc n t Sot nd oc pod ndd wit don n omd tim And mm m mo ting m ow wkd om t mi in id t tn t ongt t wokdpt t potttion of mpo,c of pio pinc wit mnt on tt jo

    Di point ot tt ck womn w concnttd in ood wok c t wpoo ck nd fm. i pot imitdti conomic oc nd dcton oppotniti Ti c nowd ti mpomnt option to t icing fnction ttgw ot of ti o in i gndgtd tm to ood wok in ocitw t diiion of o gndwomn mot domtic co Sinc t '

    mot ck womn cpd oodwok t fw cpd to tt if Nowti c c nd gnd comn to kpmn in t gowing ndc dpndnt on

    tt tt itt fo tm. contmpo ck fmi o ci

    concnd ttntion fom ck fmintz C mm of itn ckfminit momnt idntid cnt

    contdcton tt mk t tk of ckfminit dffct.

    W ou not o dy tht th m c b ourc o oron or but lo h tomn ho t bc m uctod rm ourc o rnc to oron. Wn to rogz ht dur lvr, rod ocoonton, nd nd t ret thortrn tt, t bc m h b t ootcl nd cuturl rtc to rcmT

    oo ck fmi in it tct n dp contdiction Ttmnt of t fmi ding fomp cn iwd ot n ct of dfinc n intittion w ctind focf ctd ti own pc nd nct of ccommodtion ( n ntittion ttond AfoAmcn to t tmitoc t ck fmi contind nn mont of qit

    dmonttd womn' iit to contot conomic if Bt im gn nont cogning on t poiti pct oft ck fmi nd ignoing t pow imnc tt fo mn ntifminit n to citciz fminit ntickOt did t ck fm iffminim n td Nmo tdi n ndtkn to pict t tni ppot ntwok d in t ck tnddfmi wi t nq ditition of pow

    mong it mm go nnotcd t i witnt fmi ong wit ot k intttionc coo nd t mdi tt ck womn ociizd to k nd mn in to tionp tt otn iLin nd ot tnti ppdNit ck womn tgt to cngck mn on i m ntd, womn offd too to p tm p wn mnwitdw fom ti pt in t cocti

    poniiit fo t fmi o mn pntt . ck fmi od inton intittion tt off t fo t ckcommnit in t fc of poitc pion


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    Byron/Ms c 99 Mlem fCiy o Nw Yok

    and enmi depressin Unrtnate akwmen ntine 0 pa the heaviest t rkeeping this sheer gether

    eh ihiesh has emerged as a pwer ak eminist vie speaking t aganstdmesti viene. hair he Wmen r Task e the atina atin

    Aainst Dmesti iene she egan rgan-iing in the ak and Latin mmnties withhe intentin assisting amies n theight against he ppressin the aed Snhwever it eame appaent t her that theseamiies had ses nterna prems hathreaened ak wmen's ives

    A pd m Igadally alzd am g lallydn

    aml w w ad n pping

    mnly w dang pa mwmn lv Fm pOlalman a n ga

    mmny mmn wa n a uy

    png wmn y nyng aly ualpesn s n ly ndnt atng a and ua aamnt m u

    et ihiesh et trapped the ea thatthe hird Wrd mmnities wd ase he

    disat i she spke t aganst ateringand sea ase n a mmnt nder seigerm aia and enmi ppressin Sheevena nd her ve t prtes dmesi

    viene giving the wmen amng whm shewrked the spae t ng t sses that wereimprtant t them he prem dmestiviene natra emeged dring this pessand served as it has r man ak wmen asa path in eminist nsisness

    Rhiesh has dne s a sevie e-psing the aaies in the anasis eed attered inrit Wmen, r W ased inNew rk ng with sister ganiatins nstn Ls ngees, etrt and AtanaW expses he impat aism n theak ami t denies the reait seismwthin he ak mmnit m thispespetive ak wmen d the entire m-mnit a servie reeiving rega whipp-

    ings in rder t aeviate ak mens sessArding the are pd he high ate nwhih wmen etrn t their sae hmeshe perniisness sh an asrd argmentmng rm ak wmen makes me shddere it ea istates the waan anass thatses n rasm t the esin an nde-sanding sexism an add t the rdens thatak wmen ae s ihiesh wdmaintain, the wmen in W have eme

    trapped n a ase at t ae tat stgges the reedm ak pepe saiiak wmen.

    n the iteratre n ak amiies itte attentin has een pad t samese reatins. h the mtherdaghter teratre hat des e-ist is tra nd t merian taditins Nan hdrws Repoucto ofMoing r eampe ignres ta di-eene and presents a nivesa mde mehd er entri ias reesthe pshanati tradtin rm whih


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  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 18 No 2&3 - 1984 - March June


    wn o h nc nnng ock mohng g. Y w mnm gg wh h mm w ok h on h ho n on-hp A o Joph o gh pon o

    mn ck moh ch h gh opc hvo om ck mn Y omn womn mn pp n v m- W n o nn h o mohp n ozng womn no oh pngn ng o onhp o h mvn h pow mn hv n h o wn h ngh w cn gn o mh hm n h k ommn

    k mn v on how o

    wh h m oph g h kwomn m n phooph h n pon jon, o lon omn o h cm n nk womn n mn ogh Whn hk n commn howv, h owhh o non n mp o nzk mn o h m ho conh Comh Rv Cocv hnnon o wh pogv ck mnZm k womn ov n Snno o oow n h no-on o Tp Rnkng A Cc/ icesn Rci nd Cs in th bn C-/Y:


    M wi wom v ms oio s o o woms ommu is s gos o ow so Tis mis s o o owi s io sumo o ssmis o w, s Ti Wo womvm oj o . M wi womigo s i Wo wom wv o sugg gis sm s w s sism W o o w s Ti Wo ov i w s og o ou s? Tuw sugg gis ssm o vious TiWo movms w so sugg gism n wom's movm W o Os msss o w wom omig ow o sm i s so o ousvs o om Wo m o

    u ou bs o oms o ism s soi wo k o su

    Y ck n p o n

    m knowg o hm k mn o h m hm off nm o k womn Ann (ponm c n nnv wn o v o h m von o h o no n m. Wh no nng h cm n h mn n - ommn k ln p gvpo o h gg gn m Un An Conw J v h h po n o com on om womnwho h n v hogh h mo o h n vn. Sch poon mvoc om h of c n op-pon Y Conw pn n h kcommn h h o jc n nwh k mn H of ggng whh oon h mm fom ng n n wh n ck commn o-

    n pow h vo h pkwh ho o ong n

    Y \{m n h poon nnC n von h o h nowp poon m v o hhogh n h h wh whh oppon c q cocv pon Am on pm o h po ogn on vopng n h

    ck commn ck mn gn om h onhp o womn Un w nfoc o k ommn o po womnom v mn o k m o h o c n oppon ck

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 18 No 2&3 - 1984 - March June


    exim w nne et he pteia we et exim hep rippe the eire mmnitman wmen are t ire r t hrt t trnher attenin etive anirait atinn et we m I agree with the Cmahee

    Rver Cetive that "We mt] trgge t-gether with Bak men againt ram, whie wea rgge with Bak men at exim

    Nnethee ak eian eparatt, angwih ther ak eian have nitentphe ak eminit t aknwege the ex-itene an aternative t heterexa lie-te Sme eminit, h a Be k anngea avi have ree t take ak e-ianim eri engh t inrprate an n-

    ertaning hetereim int their anaiGiven the majr ntritin ak eiant eminim a a whe thi enia repreentan njtiiae an an trage nenee mh the et ak eminit writingha me rm the pen ak eian Bpen rejete heerexa prviege the

    Enmc 97 Ruth Behard.

    have enarge r vin the prn n-rain in whte an ak iet eianh a Barara Smih an re re haveaere themeve re in ie hat a-et ak wmen an men an wmen ever

    r an a ak eian have phe r regni-

    tin the have earhe r a eenitnthat renze ther nqene rm theexperiene hare wth ther Reent heak terar riti in ndn: Nne evenwnere i the h aept the ae e-ian a wr me et might nt aeqatever he ak eperiene t the enter thiearh i the knwege that rae an a n-

    tervene t hape th the ak eian e-image an the p harateratin Bakwmen egin ie a a gi int theirrae an ten a eiin ive pena a ean hreaten wmen with the what prtetn the ak mmni aer n her rtin t me G: A


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    B Fin Anh, rr Smith rids piry grhi dsritin whtit mns t n t sin nd thwrth f k mn wh f thrtnd yindndnt k wmn Prtry nw s

    nsrti k hhs nd sm ntn-ists ndmn hmsxity s thrt thry xistn f th k mmnity ksins ftn nfrd istin Thssins wh tk sinr intrst in kirtn f th nfir tsk trying t ryty And yt sm f s r ry rw rfs t dny r sinism rminism nd r knss

    rm th strggs ginst th nrs

    frs th iming n s kfminism hs mrgd t rmt h ftnngtd intrsts f k wmn t sr-risingy th qity r thrti ndti nysis ris tr w r think-ing d xhnng ids nd grng frstins Yt th si nditn f r mr-ginity hs md s prtiry rtit th wy rssi frs ntrt in thissity h qstins w s in r qst frndrstnding th hngs w ris in rngr sh t th frntirs f knwdg thw f s rmin rssd. k wmndn sn sm hrd tims nd w gt mnystris t t.

    "rren Mogn

    Paraphra fom the marveous ttle, A ie women Wle A he en o Block, BUI Some 0/ Us re Be


    Natioali s no nheently aniwoma The Garveymovement of e 192 onnd much pace fo autonomousfemale activiy Whe uch o the phloophy behd s

    autOnoy wa bse o aditoa Wese otion o aappopiae feae pe woe noethees nueedthe oveens diretio Mot viible aog te powerflfeae eade was Ay aque Garvey who efetvelyran the United Nego Ipoeent Asoiation duinMau Gaveys ipionen She coninued a an ipoat fore in amaican politics until er death i te eaIy 197

    2 Fran eale Slae of a Save No Moe lakWomen in ggl, 8k o}r 6 No 6 {Marh 1975, pp.-3. Toni Cade, T Back Woman New o: Signet 19704. Lorrae tel, Wat Chou Ma We Whie GilConO Ph'e o 2 (tn 979) p 8692

    5. Gloa . Joep ad il ewis COon D/mres.Gadn City ew Yok oubleday 1981.6 arara Smth ed HQm Gr: Bck Fen nIQQRv ew ork Kthe Tabe: Women of Coo Pre1983. Cheryl arke ewelle Goez, Evelynn ammond,onie ohns and nda Powell "Conversation andQuetion lak Wome o Black Women Wites, Cono1 ' J No. J Spin 983 pp 88178 Jeane Nobe B(If o Mvc y OCk W ca,

    lewoo lffs N PenieHal 989 ell Hooks '( I a WOn ok n anen BotOn Sot nd Pe 981.

    10 ela avi eetions o Bla Woen Role nthe Comunity of Sav, 8k u 3 no 1971.1 1 Agela Davis Women R and C New orkRandom, 198312 bid" p 1813. Herbert Guan e ock Poiy n Sow ondo Nw York Vitae Book 19771. Hariet B SOwe n TO 'Cbn ew or: Ma

    ila, 196215 Davis WOen ae od fo p 16 Hoos n a WOn pp 145 and 17 Hooks's argument that white woe did nOt labo inthe field gosly underetimates the ube of poor faig failie that eiter had no lave or woked alogdethei thr or four sav e ooks pepetuates the

    romanticid viion of a South with any are plantatios,lazy aistat, nd numerous housseva18 Hook Ant Womn p 01 19 p. 992 Mihele Wallae ock Macho {h Mylh eperWoan ew or: a Press 1978

    2 Roalyn erborgPen, Driatio Against AoAerican Women n the Women' Movement Saoarley and Rosalyn TebogPen, he romenWn New ok enit Pss 1978

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    2 John Blssingam a Mary Brry, Long Memo: TheBlak xeriene in Ameria, w York Ofor nirsiy Ps 82_23. Qo in ais, Women R and C 162 oos, A in 'I a Womn_ 5625. Comah Ri Collv Bak Fmnis Sa

    mn," Chi Moraa an loria nzalua This ridgeCaed My ck Wings y aic WOn of Coor.

    Warown Mass. Prshon rss 198126. onni Thornon ill Ra, Class, an Gnr Pross for a ll-inusiv Sisrhoo, Femint Sudie ,o (Sring 183 l

    27 Hal V Cary, Whi Woman sn! Blakmiism an h Bounaris of Sisrhoo, The Empirek : Ra and am in r;ain non Huchnson an Co., 182 21.28. Bh Rihiush Fain Conraicons Chalno Bak Fmniss" egis 37 1983. 169. id" 17

    3. Nancy Cooow, eprio of MOhengPyh(yis d Ihe Scioo of Gener BrkyUnivrsiy of Califona Prss 19783 1 . oh an Lwis, Cmmn Dfern 8232 bid 9

    3 any Choorow an san Conralo h Fanasyofh rf Mohr," arri Thorn an Mariyn alomRehinking he ami Sme emin Queion wYork an ono Lonman, 18 54753. osh an Lwis, Cmmn Deens 2935 aa Bnn an oan is, acism an Classsm n sian Commniy owas h Bulin f a

    aica omous sian Momn o Rnkng Coli ofA/ii on a nd Cis i he e

    bin Comniy w o Frary 3r Prss, 18036 nna ! On lak arais w o 318337. nia Cornwl k Lbian in Whie meiaallahass: aia rss 8338 Th Comah r Colli 2 13

    F Whit s ssot prf fhty an

    Bk Stus t aph ollg

    THymkTgdyu mc"In Ah's hands. ths cae ives turn hi pages, I fnd mysef aught up bythe impsle hope that the Chcagoanhi men of generou idea daffrmation of fe may somehow eapethe hangman nse thi time oundH Dnn B UnjvA RBEL IN S A OGRPHY OFEMMA GODAN

    A fresh ad movig appaal of he famoHaymarke tagedy ad equen ra ha waa caus be o Ameica erals ad radcal he 1 Clearg up a mer o myseielog puzlig o hoas wel a o helce, Avrich poray eve ha demosradmore dramaially ha ay ote of the p-Cvl War pe te equs o Amercaapalm and he limiaons of Amecajue $29.50Pn 4 W U.m Si r ei P 4

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    Thejolowing article, by Japanese pos/al-union activist, is reprinted (with editing) fromthe English-language publication Rank and Fie. which he publishes in Tokyo. In his articlethe author describes the use ojmanagement-dominated " small groups as way 0exertinggreater ontrol over workers Heseeks relate this labor-relations technique to he writingsof Frederick Winslow Taylor, Elton Mayo, and other Weste pioneers of managementsiene

    The author wants ontact and communication ih North American labor activists He

    can be written co Ran an ile Zentei TokyoOmori Branh, Sann, OakuToko, Japan

    The article is folowed b a commentary by Radical America associate edior MartnGaberman, a longtime Detroit auto worker who has written extensiel about sues 0workplace control

    "Scenifc management was an eary ntative to reoanze he wokplace FrederickTayor ecommended tha management reoanze he wok ace on te bass of tree pncples: (1) to seect te es man o e jo; (2 to insruct m n e mos efcientmehods te most economcal movemens to emoy in s wok 3 to ive incenves in

    27 Wok u um di. W p Bighn E 973

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    th fo of highr wg to th bt workrWorkr undrtood th ning of cinificngnt nd found w to rit thchng which hd o grt n ict on thirliv n th ong run h ot hir truggl forcontrol ovr h lbor roc but th wrnot iriull controlld Rthr ngntovd workr fro n iciion in thlnning nd dciion king "All oiblbn work houd b rovd fro th hond cntd in th lnning or out drtnt Tlor

    It w ntur tht undr cinific ngnt workr wr indiffnt to th qulitof th work h did h work bc tooonotonou Th i cld h lintion of

    lbo A firt ngnt trid to ovrcoit with "th crr or h tick Workrorgnid thlv nd dndd thlvgin tht h indurilit chngd thcour itt bit nd gn to ch thirlo tht hr i no linion of lborbcu wok r rt of ngnt hworkr dividd into ll grou ndudoconrol i givn th 0 th workhrdr Now ngn ri to ovrco

    th lintion of lbo b rinwhingThortic h lbor contol tthrough ll grou i bd not on th workof lor rnk nd ilin Gilbrth ndHnr ord but on tht of Elton Mo ndAbrh Mlow Th cor of h lttrhori i I) h oiic viw of oci thttudi th workr n iotd unit ut bdnid; work i grou ctivit 2 Inforgrou within th work c rci rongocl cono ovr th work hbit nd tti

    tud of th individu wokr. 3) hr iothing fr or iont thn hourwg or hic condition of wok th ndfor cogniion, curit nd n of onging i or iortnt in dtrining workr'orl nd roductivit hrfor it inc o link h inforl grou with thcon' obctiv h incr of roductivit. hi thor to or huniichn Modrn i ngnt but th

    iztion of thi thor ld u o th hrcontrol ocin wht follow w look t hr diffrnt

    o worklc to undrtnd th u of


    ll grou in n indutr

    i Spks

    W t fl workr who wok for thdio Diviion of th Mtuhit Ectric Con h i r old nd h wokd thfor r W follow hr dil lif

    8 hr work bgin h nd h colgu gthr round hr grou dr Echwok t Mtuhit blong to grou of to 3 Hr woking lif cntr on thi grouWorkr bgin o ing ong of h connd thn rcit th cod of thi buin Thicod conit of ic Buin rincil

    lo' rd nd th vn iitulVlu Afr rciing on wok i kd togiv inu tlk o hi grou. hi i clldkn irion) Hi h i fr hcntrl i i to irov h kill of rudingothr n br o th grou giv kn tlk vr orning hu ch ronut tlk o hi or hr grou lot onc onth Tod h tlk bout h rltionhibtwn th fi vlu nd n ocit

    815 h nd hr collgu t thirrouin work "n h bl in w workwith grt intnit h id

    ors popl r sn rom onnor n n or C g r o snor no grop r s lsng r o promong n H omson o lp or o gv v o nnorkrs T gop r s rsp mongors. Dng rs sn r

    mplo ompn s onl n sno g ssm rs lr r omll nk g lvl 2 I sn n orkr so I s rn A3 oon.Wn I n k mnonor go l grop lr osor s s s. s jo s no s gop n nrs prov

    H working d i follow

    mornng mng

    (Chokl)11 O or lmn r or

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    12:-125 lunh break1245220 work

    2223 mnute break

    230:4 wrkQ.5 evenng meetng

    Yu55 upper break56 or : Overtme

    (epening on buine ntn)

    At te evening eeting te ng conong gn nd en e gou eder note o bune condtion, toorrow' tketc

    In e Muit con QC ut contro crce re o fored c grou ha

    QC circe te e te Qut Circeve been fored n tound o fctorience te 6 Worker re encourged toorgnze QC crce vounr n order toke roveen or ove robe rngn tei own d work QC crce e ednd condered ke to nee ngeentb oregn econot; bu or u, nkndfileworker, i i cer we trnge oureve

    At Mtui eeng o QC circe oc

    cur once week for ot 3 inute ftewok o dcu ow oprooe effcenc ndeinte defect e cice "vountrteefore te re not id or QC ctviteOnce ont woe fctor ornng eetngtke ce were eoee' uggetion rerewrded Under te ogn "nk bouour ob, deveo ouref nd e u rovete con te worker re forced togve uggeton t et tree e ont Ecuggetion rnked on ce ro grde outtnding troug Grde iced Kasaku fine work, nd uggeonwc re not rnked re ced ga ef outo uggeton e id

    I my uggestn i ranke grae Hakyu, ge yen Ksu an Sngai are ntmnetarly reware but a the grup mem-be gve uggetn her group ge money15 yen almot $6. We keep th mney a a

    group un an ue it or a group rip a NewYea' party t ult or uggeton treeve rewar. Only wen my uggetonlea to the ompany reung the ot o pr-uton mine reware

    Te bet uggeton receve conwiderecognton nd c ewrd re gvenMn Jnee fir ve uggeion rogr An ornt ct tt Mutnot on rewrd uggeton o eoee buo orgnze te uggeon oveen Auggetiondrvng cotee eber ut inec gou nd encouge grou eber owrte uggeton

    e fou crcertc o te Mtuicon o eize riu vue Mtut trin worker to be ure con eoe A knd o feudtc or oo bg deoogc roe n t conMtut et u coo o oo nd

    t coo ube ont ourn, PPu o conervive deoogc nonene. t iree weter or not Mtu worke ubcrbe o t gzine but everbod ubcrbe o t ou wnt to ge good oton in ti con, ou ut ed t ourn. Mn quetion n te e for roo-ton re reted o te MtutiooIt

    We were ured to e ow e w co

    ete conoed Work on e eb ne undoubted onotonou I worker controed te eed nd ere w reed to-ere worker enton woud be eoved tooe eten onger nd ore freuent reterod nd wge ncree re o necerBut te Mtut con tre to reove terobe of worker ienton b brnwngnd coetton. e workng grou efectve o coetton It eber enued to ee teeve to be uero tooer grou n te coetton to ncee roductvt e nked eoton veed b Mtu oo e even irtedVue rougted b te fr e foow

    (1 atonal Serve Trugh nury(2 Farne

    (3 Harmony an Coperation Struggle r Betterment5 Curtey an umlty

    6 Ajutment an Amlatn7 Grattue


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    Evey nng we e fced eethee wd nd they uncncly bececny ee hey uncnculy ty tfget the tel vety nd hette tdbt the cny' lcy nd the cety

    whle nd k, ennute tl l neffectve wy t e cny ele -bdy cn ctce the cny' lcy be-cue they e gded by Muht hlhynd he f' vlue nd hvng t edethe the t effectve wy t edeneelf

    t the wlce the tde unn lylt n le. Le ny bg unn n vtenduty n Jn the Mtuht nn

    tyc cny unn Wth the he lng-te ntee f we n the e ec-ny the unn h neve gnzed teT uetn "H the unn eve beenble t he yu wh be cnnected wthyu w? "D y nw f nyne elewh h been heled n th wy "D yul but unn e t w? henweed eely If need hel tw I g t y gu lede n t theunn he d

    We e nt d f QC ctvte. heyee t dcu dctvty ncee "utn-uy theefe they nt d Th the cny' lgc nd the elty f "hunztn f wng fe t nhng bu decet It d tht the QC ctvty ente-ly vlunty bu nbdy cn leve f he"Vny en hee nvble clnnyne efung te t n the QC eetngwuld be tczed f the g

    In the vte ect ny we e fcedt tcte n QC ccle t wte ugge-tn nd t cete wth ech the 0 n-cee dcvty he f f the lbcnt yte hugh l gu vy fcny t cny bt thee e chctetc hed wth the Mtuht ce ebnwhng nceed cetn nvbleculn nd the dence f unnctvty t the w ce


    JNR Wkes' t- Mse e

    The lb cnl yte thugh llgu w l ntdced nt ubc ente-e hee wee tng unn eecly the n Ntn wy unn nd he

    tl We' Unn Publc we fundwy t et egnztn f the w lcewhch cely fected he unn' tength ndthe ve

    \97 t 191 t he w lce f theJn nl wy ll gu clledthe tudy te f the ductvty nceeveen wee gzed by the nge-ent h cgn w clled he Meveent he ngeen ed t "evlutn we' cncune \ ncee ductvty unn the tnlwy We' Unn ku nd the Ntnl lwy Lctve Engnee' nn(D), wee ey nn nd ng nt nthe nee lb veent In the t thengeent hd ted t ente hetength but lwy fled ee thengeen hd et te bee'unn the n lwy We' nn(Tetu), nd heled t t lt we f

    the tw ltnt unn Th te the nge-en et u the tudy e f the ductv-ty ncee veent Seuke) lyhe ductvty cgn w nt elted tunn. "We wt ny t dy the they fthe Pductvty Dve d g ebeheecly the dctvty cgn be cnducted by utnu ll gun h ene h nwe w ght but n ctce the cgn w guded by the nge-

    ent t chnge the blnce the wlce nfv f the elye he tuctue f theMaue veen vied f ne w ce nthe but t w ued u flw

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 18 No 2&3 - 1984 - March June


    (I Th Sttonm d ednt ofth fdton of th tdy gop nd th -ton hf pdn omn wnd oodnto. h w h pdmof th odtty momnt t ton.

    nd h pdm th tdy tm whhontd of fi to n mm wognzd t h wop Tm d wtd mong th mm nd thy tdnw mm Thy oftn ndd non wo- o dt ku o D non nd jonth yow non

    2 h w mny xmnton ndwth jo qty tt pomoton whn thNR nd nmt mhnt

    tnmn o w nd wth xmn-ton h mngmnt td o ogn thxmnton nto th momn hy hntd f yo on th tdy tm of th podtyn momn yo w th xmn-on

    3 n om moy t tonw ddd nto m gop nd jond thpodtty mpign w d fo mn-gmnt nd m th mod. t hd th mfnton n h pt toWo w fod o wy w of ffi-ny nd to ondt tonomoy th

    pody n momnt hy mton w o y dy f wo o dth podtty n hogh th mhod oftm nd ftm wthn th mgop

    h podtty mpgn w n n pt momnt mng t th oon of th N mpoy' onon

    A pot y:

    to t joint ttng o w gt t o ning poutvit n vous gntto But ot potnt i t n pt w t pl on t lt ving Bo lg nl v wo to

    ow to on t potit inovnt wo pl wo bgno n on: "I o unwn of ffiin T topbo otionl Ano Fo nwJNR," n tog o nwNR."

    Whn w z tht h NR tonghodof mtnt td nonm nd wo wognd th mnng of th ogn o nw NR . A nw NR wod d-nond on o t t fee of mnt


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    nini e devepen f he prdcivicpign cincided i n incring nerf nfir r prcice

    A fir he iin nin in R didn'cncern eve ch ih he prdc

    ivi cpign fr i ce cer hhe ngen hd crried rie f nfir r prcice ch hining prin fr h der h nin inrder g r nini in he cpign e nin cnerckd ginhe cpign M c he cnrd hich n prdcivi increveen hrg ekning iinnin A he hp r nini h dpriciped in d e ere perded der he grp eeing re prdcivi cpign er prevnd fr kingpce nini

    On e r hnd n inrdie rcr (r rd h R hriiehd inrfrd ig ih nin civiiend rdered he R hrii pgizI he fr vicr f he rkr A e ie eer f prien f ppiin prie egn in inveigin in

    egd nfir r prcice hich ere phiied he r Unin he Mareicpign ce cnrveri piic -er. On Ocer 7 197 he R ngeennifid i nin h he rei v-en d e pended fr nh, ndgged eing p in ciee re-ve r dipe e nin n, ce h rei cpign n reednd he R rk pce reined h rng

    hd f he pnee r veen nR nin re eing cked ngeen nd gvernen.

    Lb Thu Sml i thePst Oie

    e inrdcin f h r cnr ehrg grp ried cnrveri pr in he p ffice Wrk in he pffice reie n n r. h

    n h he enir rker' cnr f erkpc hich hd en frd in cenrf hir, ped dciive re. Senirrker gh ngr n rk nd ci


    ife rk pc nd he iprnce frker' idri Fr 195 190 he Wrker nin gined vri vicriver he ngeen, fr expe chnge inhe pic h priid ngen fr

    cecve rginng h diied nineder repen f eprr rker regr rker ding he rev fvri diincin, epen fre rkr ec he in cic f h nin rk re I ver effecive nde rengh f he nin n he hp r prved vr ie

    n 6 he p ngeen hrizedhe ne pic h deigned rek enin' per cnied f hre pin (Spervir hd e nin rker ndhd c he recinrie! ( hnginghe pere n he p r in fvr fngeen P rker hd e firp epee n nin rkr 3Winning enir rkr r nr eder he rkpce ngeen' ide In 193 grp ere fr fred he rkpce e nin pped hi v i diffic figh gin grp ce i

    eeed ee f her redhe rking cre he ne ve n recgnize eg he cre nd ppin grp eder fr he enir rkr. The n ppined grp eder pid i ire hn h her rker i n cnider n

    ini seshe ngen i vidd cnfrnin

    nd cncnred i effr rgni ndedce cre eer fr he prdcivi in-cree veen rgh grp A i vri rining cre er pened inhe p cde rp eder h er h ngee ere n reedcin cre rining cre pedn iprn re in rergnizing he rkr. ngeen cd d everhing inidee cr i ing erved e

    nin Grp eder er prerd ve nin nd ked p e r in chng-ing e phre h rkpce in fvr fngeen A e ie rining

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 18 No 2&3 - 1984 - March June


    se f nees s nge, n eyee enge be nnnin in eye nin e s Wkes ninZeei) ene ngeen bnne ninin b iy n sge vis

    sgges in e '7s Te ni sggein 87 s e eisive sgge nykes ee isisse n e nin s fe efee e eveen f e b n syse g s gs g in nesge.

    Tree Se

    We n ivie e isy f s gs ine s fie in ee sges

    e ei f e f seing fs gs in e s fie n f e ein f ngeen e ebes,1636

    2) Te ei f e egniin f ek n e esisne ,

    773) e ei f ne eveen, 80n 8 s ngeen invesige e

    s g iviies ie n n


    h aag hd r a adgply ad gv h a dvdual suls(f y wk ardr, yu g a pr wasprvd ffv. Thr ar uwr laws i

    h wrkpla wch blgs Wksa gudd r a las srgly iflcd ya Thy wrk a las rug cfywih a f wr laws f wrkplac fas f h dva far f sadard pacic sall dd as q r l-ad, r a brayr Trfr w shldchag dvdua and his vr ghr s wh wrkpla

    H n ngeen nge b gee?

    e s ffies eivey e enne ine egniin f e k engeen e e b n sysen e s vne n sessf exesvibe in e nese bsiness Aeef sy f bevi siene eies nvis es in e ive se e sngeen esigne ne iy: e ke viiing g e keeveen g

    e oom

    is g is bse n e isy ee i k en ey kn ey eesnsibe f ei n esiny eei siie eseves f ei nyen ey fin sisfin f ei k in ei n ns se e

    ngeen sys, veyby s eivee se kin f biiy b ng ns se is ie singe e f n biiy Aing isey kes i be ivie in sgs f ebes n ebe f king g, e esn i be ske ink is n i e g's ffiieny in be e ffii es f sevis, be g's n ns sk.

    Wkes i ke 0 eses in ing in

    e g vee infeiiy -exes 2) be igy eseee f ei e-fne 3) ef e sk by e-seves 4) egnize ei genine biiy


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    5 t dp thi iit ( t izi pi biitis () t cpti ids pct 8) i fidsip (9) t k f gd cp 10) ti ti Wks cd t f

    ps h t ik thi ti isih th cp

    h k th gt pc ct thgh ts pps is ths gp d th cf gidc fgt, s gp ccpshss th pcss " D S Wks discss thi g ith ts gp, t t ccps ti i ithth bs, d csid thi cit

    ithi thi gp h pcss ss sif ks cdctd thss tst f cs t is cf pd dgidd g T i ps i th h pcss cs i gs t"th g's ight t p d ctth k pcss

    Th gt ss t dtgs ft ct f s gps t th ss f gig g gps d hps t dp sditt gp s d siss

    Wks h ppitd gp ds,g spkig bg t f sp tti f ks, thgh h g is i th th ths' (s 5,$5) st t tiig css d cgd t tk thss spi Th stis snt t d k pcs, gt tsshit cp. h ipssd th sccss f s gp ctiitis c

    p sch i th k pc s spis t s h d' c ti tigs d gi gz gp ctiitis t ics pdctiitis is th fs sg f th dpt fs gp ctiitis

    Gp ctits gi ith csisss t std pst , t c th kpc Th th gt it th scd g: gp tig c k Gp ds

    spd f thi ti i spisi d ssi stigh pdcti k hs ftigs i sti ctsi t fisth t ip t pst sic t sdpst gtis Wh tigs c t c


    c g d ks gt ccstd gp tigs, th gt it h thid stgh t ic ficic, d t cpt ithch h

    At kpc , i s fs

    t ttd th gp tigs hf sgp ctiitis stgt d th isstgth sti is Bt i pst ffics hi bs i iit, s gpctiitis ishg Th st kst s A k ss:

    The amosphee o he wokig noor be

    comes worse We feel suffocaed b the aO-

    omous gos imposed o s: wie sugges-

    ios wie abo o gop elp each oher

    accomplis om ec I said ha goup ds-ssio is a excee mehod o sove pob-

    ems B f e ress of grop hkig aepredeermied grop discussio wold be a

    wase of m ways efe o speak amigs o expss my isgs fo pro-

    maageme goup aciiies

    Inese metitin

    stti th cs t th t

    sshit cs. A i ctiist h ks tss

    e ask improe efficiecy leads i-eiabl o iceasig compeiio. he p

    obody said Yo ae laz o Yo res

    oo mch b ow a goup leader ashamel says Regreably o grop hasill some iece members he ar or

    brde He said i i a meeig of al em

    ployee We are agais small gop aciviies

    b we cao fd a way to coueaac

    At kpc th gp ig ccst 3 p d i s d'ttk pt i i Gp ds, s f h i s ppxd bt ths discss ts gi g itgizd ks h sc i ikt d bcs t ti dshidd bs pcipt i th

    igs t h th ititi i th kpcd t ic gizd ks tth is sd pb f ch th iititi i th kpc cptii s gp ciitis

  • 8/8/2019 Radical America - Vol 18 No 2&3 - 1984 - March June



    As we hve seen in the st dvned stef the r ntr syste, thgh sgrs the wrers re etey ntred

    y ngeent, th sirity nd hysiy Their entire ives re ined with the fngeent, t inrese rdtivity Thewrers thin theseves tns r inde-endent t ngeent gides the refy t the ngeri g, nd wrers e tthin ny f the interests f the ny

    Prngeent s grs esiy trn in-t ind gr yty t ngeent nd vri-s resses ginst dissidents Fr exein issn dissdents re seveey nd vientytted Hrssent nd etings ginstdissidents r every dy here is the se fr gi wrer t he issn O try In Oter he sed the disissf dissident wrers Sine then hs hs eenvienty tted Servisrs nd theirhngersn red et f wter n hiied hi nd gve hi w st everydy Arding t his rert the s grsyste yed n itnt re At gr

    eetings ther wers gt fte hi fr wsre fr their gr Osiny defets wereintentiny de t get rise t f hi de t f defets nd ted gr with the Te yr resnsiiity shd qit the ny he sgr ee ngr rt

    ste ne

    he r syste thrgh s rs isdngers fr free nd indeendent nins.nin rerts, eseiy in the rivte se-tr hd different view twrd the r n-tred syste thrgh s grs Ardingt their view, this syste serves wrers' i-itin nd the qity f wr ife Sesses sy it is etter thn etive inin,ese etive rgining serves t hieve

    ny iedite inteests We shd reeetht nese wrers hve nt even ginedny iedite interests w wges, shrest eids, inresed effiieny re stifiedy them nder the petext f the "ngterm in

    terests f wrers in the ret enyie, t win the nyvs.ny w Inft, s gs re re with sdsin n ry very effrt is de t t wrersff fr their ss nsisness nd infse

    the with ind sserviene t the nyiy t is wrth whe t reeer tht "tin Servie hrgh ndstry ne ftsshits Seven Sirit Ves ws thene f the iitrist gvernentsnsredtriti ndstri Assitin dring thewr,whih ws deed n he i

    on nin rerts frge the tre inter

    ests f wrers nd the need t e wres'sidrity ve ny inteests

    t is esy t ritiize the t it is difft tthn r hw we n effetivey fight ginstthis ntr ethd At eeting f thePst Wrers' nin high fii sid,

    hee is n seifi nswer fr the revitingthe we rgr. We st veend nderine this r ntr syste insidethe s grs t intin wrers sidity n the sh r We sti dnt nw hw

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    rk h ver gener e cn i i rn reve nn cve he rkce

    Frne, nn civi nd chridng ih iin nni re egnning

    cref d hi re Se in i-cin ed ec ner n h rcnr ehd eer e hn never, ece er f v irnce fr free nd indeenen nin rker


    ti Gm

    Th rce nee rker i hef ddn he grng d f er- h gvng he e he iered hg Jnee r rein

    ece de ih hree ffere e feen, ne n he rve ecr nd n he ic ecr, he df he ieh nee r cnfr e kind fnhic rei n fc, here ide rngef rking cndin, f nin fr, d f

    r rgge he h, r eecrnic fir hich h een he ggreive rgr f he grehd f r cnr, n ic f hernre, ch The rk frce h n rrn f en nd herefre en re he e kind f fringe ene-f h re ced h he hg n) nd dd n hve iin nin cnend n eihng c Thecnr n he indr h he exngcn nn ere eihed ing rdeing iin nin fer ng rike n nd T

    Gener ekng ndre nvve inn exr rde hve een he eced ndr/gvernen ck nn nn Pc eee ninhve een he e nn gnii-cn ndeendence. he hr eqe hergge f he nee rking c ih he

    gge fr in ndr nni hiee e reecn f he reive h fhe crren nee r veen. ninhd een ver ek n n n he erd e


    een he rd r Fr en er, frhe idhirie , nin ere crhed iir dcrh Fr 194n, nn egn fr fr crch Theeere rigin encrged he Aercn

    Occin e her h he hdreee he fe recrc nn h re-vied in he Unied Se he nnqck evee inc nd icizin h fr exceeded h he Occin ng cce n nin ere inenced he Cn Pr nd ece in-vve in ing USied regin ndreie n ner f ce, ncing cining nd rnrin rker k verrdcin d rn hng fr rike

    194 nd 1 948 he S Occn egn crck dn n rder dece hei he nn federn kn Sh

    creed in hi erid n nicn,e indeenden, nn veen evenSh ve r greer inc n inhe er fifie, hen Jnee nri enn king ff, e f he Shenin ere defeed n ch re cner-vve (n recinr) federnknn ei cree Sh reined inence n ch f he ic ecr nde ece he dinn federn n he

    rve ecr, eeci in exrrened i-dreOne cneqence f hi h, hie here i

    en f evdence f recrizn n

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    nins tht re ree f the tnt cnynns, the knd f recrtitin htece gener in the ericn r e-ent fr the 40s n ws nt wed ecef deeent in n he strggeginst the knd f cny ninis eident Mtsshit nd in the t indistry hs tkenfirst ce in the inds f nese itntsIn se wys this gies he iessin f nese een tht resees theUS een in he thrties, rther thn therecrtied eent dy

    he thr's discssin hw the se fs grs in n hs reced the trdi-tin frs f Tyris is qite fscinting

    Mkng the wrkers resnsie fr thei wnexttin thrgh hey ehsis ninwshing nd indtrintin, the se fcny nns, nd the iity f cex strctre f wges nd frnge enefts tht


    ends tsef esiy sci cn e the wkfrce is recing he rditn eeents fTyrs tie sdy nd n ste hierrchy f cnr. Mst serers f the indstri r itic r si scene tend eerwheed y the shrtrn reity t iswrth reeering wht ece knwn s theHwthrne effect ne the cncsnsdrwn fr s exerent t Westernectrc nt n the sr f hcg A tef ndstr sychsts nd scigssfr Hrrd Unersiy ed y tn Myerfed exerients t tht n fr ner yers in the te 120s nd ery 30s Inne f the exerients the wrking cnditins

    f gr f wen wrking in wire rwere nited ighting ws ired ndrdctiity went ; ighing ws rtherrightened nd gin, rdctiity went ighing ws decesed nd sti rdctiity


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    wnt nd, finy, ighting ws d wsthn t th strt nd rdctvity sti incrsdh xrintrs cdn't ndrstnd whtws hning nti thy iny igrd ttht wrkrs wr rsndng nt t thhysic cnditns t t th fct tht fr thfrst i wr ying ntin t whtthy thght nd wht thy sd

    Th s gr nd th qity circ fns ngnt r sd n thtHwthrn ffct t givs th irssin thtngnt is stning t wht wrkrs syt th ndrying rity f h Hwthrn ffct is tht it is trry. tity hsd nd th sci cntrs t wk d

    tsid wrk tht g ng with it c inr Tht is sciy tr in ctry ikn which hs ry rcnt rcrd f grtr iitncy. Wht y s t tsidrsrvrs s wdiscin wrk frcsciy t Aricn ngrs nd rdrs wh wnt t s n gd nsr dciity t h disciin Aricnwrkrs) is in fct vry xsiv sittinh tghtr th d th r vnt th

    sin th wi fwTh s thing is tr f th ttts t irt Jns thds int th nitd Sttsr f ths hs hnd thn rwr f r x th nitd AtWrkrs is tkng iitnt stnc fr gingint cntrct ngttns wih rd ndnr trs str th cncssns, nds n, ss t th in f th nin frt t tt n fct, thr is hg ntf kry invvd in ht y ir nd cny Th hg t rfits f 83 wr nyrty th rst cncssins in y scsnd frng nfits Th r nt fr tht cnis ws th fntstic rsin fwrking cnditns thrgh widsrddifictn f wrk rs Th ntin nnngtitd th fnnci cncssns Th cnns wr ft n thir wn t giv ngstnding wrk rs tht rtctd wrkrsThs gnry, wnt nrrtd n th rss

    nd r nt nvvd in th dnd t rstrd y scs n ddtin, th UAW rttdth t gints t it c nts gnst chthr ths king th st cncssns gtth st wrk A thsr cntrtng t th


    nizin f h Aricn wrkc t s ding t incrsd tnsins ndrsistnc h wdct strik st yr t thTwinsrg Ohi nt f th hrysr Crrtn tht sht dwn s f th cny is nndctin f things t c

    Th rtic tht fws ss t hv rgy ssistic tn Tht is ndrstnd inth cntxt f th dfts nd rtrts sffrdy ns r in rcnt yrs t thr is rgr cntx tht shd nt ignrd Ov3 rcnt f th ns wrkig css isrgnid int nins, f which r ncny nins is crs with ss thn20 rcnt i th US Thr is s grtr

    itic ivvnt y ns wrkrs ths s in Aric Finy, ch f th nwns r rtns wr sd n vryridy xnding cny which ws tsstin sng stndrd iving fr th wrking css h xnsin is rtty ch vrnd th cnic scrws wi tightnng nns wrkrs t th s ti th intn nd rginttin f if wrk wi hvst th gw f th wthrn fft s dif

    it t iv tht th disciin th schrctrstic s ns indstrs wi intind ndfinity

    Eichi th s a psal rkr Jaa yrn an assa r f dicAric H t Spakg .. a tlynwlr labr ssus ic s aalablfr O Bx 15365 rit M1 4821


    I : SUPPORT DEMANSE ECOOMS I And elp Radica Amera coninue o grow ad II publsh I

    onsider IBeomng a ssaner SOyea) o gvng a fend orreae a g subspon ( Year or ol $ oprese sbsrbes r o a jus send us a donaon and eable RA o otnue sending ree subs opsoers and educed rae sbs o te uemloed.Peser your loal or shool bay o ge Raamica or ask o local boosore o odecaryng R rit us or deals or promotonalopes ass on


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    nd d h th th gt , f iig th dinn t n h shds ik Atlsking n tn igil lst nstin ttd d

    I thght i d n sttld nih th Snd Sh nd th

    's hnds hggd h ns hn sh listndnd gstd h sh sk, hi th's hdsg s lng ts nd shing dshsAnd ss sid hd hsn th tt nt thn, l, ht ld h d l sst gt hs din

    Ad Gnd d s hid "Wh dn' sit stllW' , t n h ld nt thk t fil th ith

    hd thgh d, tid hds in il h's sd.

    A gndinkd dfit.

    h hs h n th hi n hnds hg ns hn istst hn ski l nd hv in i fn dsh th tking sts

    Gnd d hn th ith g , t il itI i t th ith stnd t nd dd d ss iting

    Pm s

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    42/84So vss F e Rean J 9


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    OF AUONOMY ANNCLUSONNineteenth Century Feminism, Britis

    Utopians and Amercan Socialists

    V AD TH W JERUSALEM: Socialim and Femm he 19h etuy by Barbara Tayor.

    ew York Pateo Boos, 1983 31 p

    WOM AD AMERICA SOCIALISM 1870-92 by Mari Jo Buhe Chamag i"erity of

    Iioi Pre 198 370

    Nntnt cnty fn a n n ptayd a a gn ntcpd y pta dd-ca ad ng y t gan f tprgat t nk nyd at tan cangng t nt yt x- andcaad pgat w rcn k y nt tran Baaa ay andMar J B g a t dcdt c a w A Baaa ay nt n Ev an h NwJusalm radtna cat nnc pn t nnrtnary caact nt ptc a rtd pn a y parta ndtandng f wn' y ay'accnt f Bri Own ra a fn anay nrtrd y radn f wrngca radca w Ma J B Wmn an Amran Siam dc tgnc a ca n wn an atn and agy dd-carcan wn n

    In cnta t can pt a t tpan cnty w Hany Brt

    Own wa a ppa and argy wng-ca nt Dng t fit pa828-3 Owntnncd tad nn fcd n t a agtatn and fatn wrkwnd p actng a t t wng n a wd prg ar lacytr clap f r ad a r gnra da ar Own wa


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    reorganed as a membersh organaondevoed o roselyng and he ondng oooerave ommnes B he movemen'swo hases were uned aylor argues, by heonned worknglass omoson o smembersh and by s essen bele hamora and syhologal ransormaon as wellas nsuonal hange were neessary o brngabou he end o he omeve sysem andhe buldng o he New oal World

    Wha aylor domens n asnang deals ha a ommmen o gende eqaly and ohe ransormaon o relaons beween hesees was enral o hs vson nke heMarxs soalsm ha ollowed Owensm

    was more han a rque o he relaons o o-duon aher was a wde less rse,ndmen o all orms o soal oresson,whh wee uned n hree muay re-enorng nsuons: elgon, marrage andrvae roery elon worked o romoesuerson and a bele n human n-dvdualsm ayng he bass or he om-eve sysem By makng ndvdual wealhhe ass o soal ower, rvae oery

    nrodued aqusveness no all human rea-onshs arrage ovded he emoonalbass o suh omeveness by onverngwomen no masulne roery and byesablshng he nulear amy, whh ro-moed soal dsny hogh s oganaono boh senmen and maeal e aroundsmal and nwadookng gous

    he ooeave ommunes envsoned byOwen were o dea wh hese nsuons byabolshng hem hrough he olevaon oboh wok and soial le. Alhough Owenesaso suoed wha hey saw as reormsdemands or vl maage dvore, and eduaonal oone or women, hey sressedha ony he ooeave ommunes oudesablsh he maeial base needed or rueemnne emanaon, sne only hen wouldwomen ease o be deenden uon men orher lvelhood

    he reeon o he nulear amy dd no

    resu n he ransormaon o Owensm no asexualy egaaran movemen, nor dd ro-moe he orgaaon o women as anauonomos oe he Owenes dd no, or


    examle, sueed n geng alors o nudewomen n her srugges agans emloyersThe oa branhes rodued a meannglemale eadersh n only a ew areas And he

    ooerave ommnes wee eseallydemoalng o women I had been assmedha he eenes o olleve housekeengwold by hemselves allow women o ake onaddonal work n he elds and workshos.Bu he alure o queson he adonal sexualdvson o abor, ombned h grossly nade-quae unds and ales mean ha womenworked longer hours han men and harder hann her reoeve days

    Ye wensm learly onaned a heory o

    male suremay and emnne suugaonhs was mos onedly develoed by heOwenes Wlam homson and AnnaWheeler hey deed rom Owen n loanghe barers o soal hange less n he sel-enered haaer o he nuear amly andmoe n he ower o he husband/aher aower whh made o he amly "a enre oabsoue desosm, where nellgene andersuason ae que suerluous o hm who

    has only o ommand o be obeyed n herormulaon was he relaon o maledomnane and emae subordnaon whhrovded he bas model o soal neqalyand lad he syhosexa bass or he ne-naaon o herarhal vaues rom heseenres n he mds o whh al manknd arenow raned sreads he onagon oselshness and he love o domnaon hroughal hman ransaons . )

    he emns mlaons o Owensm ouldeasly have been gnored or reudaed by hegrowng movemen. Bu hey were noOwensm rovded, no a onsensus a unqesoa sae whn whh gender ssues ould beoeny and egmaey dsussed Taylo'sresearh reveas or eame, asnang derenes beween men and women on sses omarrage and se reorm en ended o an unal elebraon o sexual reedom, releewh hydral and aeronaa meahors

    "he dammed and enu sream ha brsss banks he eage . . o he a, soarng wxheaven and earh e.. Women moe soberlywarned agans he remaue abandonmen o

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    aiional nos in a soie whee heieonoi epenene a poliial uneeosil le he ulneabe o seual eploiaion

    onoi ieenes wee ofen aie in heWens Page o he Owenie pape TePinee whee eaes' lees eeale heenoous ensions el en an woen inhe oesi aes as apialis eoganizaionpie he agains eah ohe Hee again wehea people speaking o heseles in wone-

    ul eal as he ailo ons agues hanl la gossiping unen wies wolonsie leaving hei hoes o aen unioneeings whie an ang ailoess espons bhaging ha he en wih hei elusionaaies ae as a as hei ases Asawas Tao oes an eelen jo of painghe ebae in onex eplaining he poliialeono o he eining aes an is i-feenia effes pon en an woen aswokes an fail ebes The inflene oOwenie feinis ieas is os sikingl eea-e in he oens of Te Pnee eioaes oison, a oe onean painean union aiis oison oes no sipl

    ean eual pa an aission o woen onions. He efens hose woen wokes whowee neuing he pie o asline lao(in soe ases aing as sike beakes baging ha "he low wages of woen ae noso uh he olna pie she ses upon heabou as he pie whih is ie he an-nia inuene o ale supea

    Duing is seon phase Owenis oninueo ofe a plao fo he epession o

    einis ieas A a ie when ew woenspoke in publi Owenie leues like aain an agae Chappelsih weeaing insuls wih leial opponens befoelage an aous auienes in siking on-as o he aiions o he Aeian feinisoeen Despie he asene of a ealeleaeship in all u a few aeas, Owenis wasieeniae fo onepoa oeenslike Chais b he egee o sexua inega-

    ion an einine paiipaion whih wasahiee a he loal ee whee woenpia oe an whee en an woen in-e an soialie ogehe a a ie when sexalsepaaion was he no os ineesing


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    the creton o the Owente Socl nstttons s pces or meetngs nd socl c-tvtes ws motvted by conscos ntent toreove poltc le nd dscorse rom themledomnted pb settngs o tdtonlrdcls Ths senstvty to the poltclmenng o the socl settng s mor ctorwhch dstngshes Owen sm ro tersoclst movemnts

    Aecn hstory n both the nneteenh ndtwenteth centres sggests tht enstpoltcs cn ony coe ro womenstonoos selorgnzton (nd responsesto t Does the eple o Owens cl ths nto qeston e ler soclsms Owen sm dd

    not denty women s hvng nype roe nther own emncpton Nor dd t crete or encorge ndependent ognton ongwoen On the other hnd t dd not tteptto deny conlcts o nterest between men ndwomen or mmedtey to sbordnte the tothe sse o clss Indeed s we hve seen theOwente press oered the oveent n nstttonlzed orm whch ws spportve o t-tepts y women to rtclte ther specl n

    terests nd concens even when these conlcted drecty wth the vews o ther mlecomrdes We cn only wonder whetherOwens hd t svved more thn ts twentyve yers wold hve been ble to prodce ndtolerte n ctl mens memen orwhether t cold hve progressed the n tsttempts to rethn nd reorgnze the bses orntegrted e nd emle prtcpton

    n ts ocs on Amercn soclst hstoryM o Bhles Wmen nd men

    Community members dinn, O cmmni

    lm dels wth poltcl moveentlr o mny o s e le BrbrTylor Bhle revels lrgely orgotten ce osocst hstory, n ths cse the legcy oenst ctvs beoe nd ter the or-ton o the Soclst rty. She descrbes thevery derent bt more mr poltcl stton n whch clss nd genderbsedmoveents re orgnzed ndependently ndrond derent prncples, nd ths ce theqeston o wht ther reltonshp cn ndshold be n the cse o the Unted Sttes, theSoclst rty ced woens moveent thws yers older nd ny thosnds lrerthn ny Amercn soclst movement

    Fonded n 1901 the Soclst Pyrepresented precros llnce between twovery derent sectors o Amecn socety Im-mgrnt nd rstgeneton socsts n-tned n ethnc dentty nd vson o soclsgronded n Eropen models tve bornAmercns, bsed n the smller towns o theWest nd Mdwest cme to soclsm v thetrdtons o Aercn poplr rdcsmEch o these mles prodced ts own pr

    tclr orm o prtcpton or women ndBhe hs done mzng wor n reconstrctngthe ctvtes ledershp nd centrl sseschrcterstc o ech

    Aong mmgrnt grops womens nvolve-ent occrred prmrly n wht Bhe clls the rternl sector where women were responsbe o the networ o socl recreton ndsevce ctvtes whch gve the movementmch o ts cohesveness nd commnl sprtSch ctvtes were dened by the movements lry nvolvng s hey dd he cre-ton o soc spport systes n whch woenessentlly cted ot ther cstomry ndcstomrly devled mly roles whle theen occped themselves wth the relpoltcl wor o bldng socls hestrdtonl prty wves were lrgely ecldedrom consderton s seros poltcl ctors.Bt Bhe emphszes tht they provded n n-stttonl nstrctre whch ws crc to

    the oveents svvl s wel s prodcngsevel notbe women eders who were com-mtted to the poltcton o women's roles

    n dstnct contst to ths the soclst move

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    m o Amrabor wom mgd omh oal o o a ddwom' mom Buh dmoa hamo o h wom udrood hr oalblf a h dr oqu of hr arlr

    arao hr h rag amagh wom' ub mom, or h Wom'Cha Tmra o Th waal u or wom h WCT whrh harma Fra Wlard ommmo hra oam rooudl ad holal dal o a umb o ma a- I wa h wom who woud om huu o a largl dd oalwom' mom a lk daa,

    Iowa, aa braka ad Calora allara whr h WC had b rog

    h oalm ha uh wom oud wao ha o h od Iraoal ahr wa a olal ah groudd a o orhood ad bad o a rqu o a modrdual m whh h wom aw a -agl a odd wh m or adalu womal ru aga marklaaalm ooao oromg om-

    o, oal roruo rahr ha awarar . . Th log o h rqu ldhm oward arao a ar ofradal mom, hough h rao oforgaaoal alla a wl a hrough -ddual om a wom wrudradab draw oward h Naoallu rd b Edward Blam Lknkad a boo whh mad h ralaoo m o ral o o of

    oluoar oalm. Ohr mor urrgl mad orur owad h Amador o h oal abor a, whh wal adarrow la-oou adhularg hol o hr or o morawa h arao o wom houl mom. Thr udg o hodba o h xpr hwcru adthGrag wom madcodt ad gi-a orbuo o loa ll, d hmom' am o rlga hm o aCllaryrol a t focud o lctoral oltc.

    Buhl' rarh ral ha oalm wa aga mor oo whh dlodddl, a a adal d, n h

    A windmi ued as a "nlage poit: Iiratiit cm-

    munity Amana. wa

    Amra wom mom, ad h modouwad o abh oo o ohrradal mom. h ogldmora ha h ho o Amraoam mu rouald a a lua o d o whh h oal wom'

    mom wa o d whh rahda uou olao h oal aro h arl 1

    A a ru h oa Par had l o amoa grou of wom ladr ad awh ar o xr h ma adurag mom m ad oalw abl o ollaboa o a a o amag o al r o wom ludgurag, uor or wom rr, ad olm u o wom' ual ragg om oal ur amag o rh orol agao Bu a ho o uroldhora ad ogaaoal u ulmallmd h ala.


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    tdtn th uxl nd th ndndnt

    l wmn ub, h whch hdmd tht wmn t tvt wldu n xggtd tn.

    In th w th ung gnz n-tnd wth g tvn, t u lmtng l nd th t nn-tnth ntu mnn cl l Bu thgdd h u uch cl m gttbl xdnt nc t lng thw t ull ttn wth mn n mxd

    l n lctng h t wmn' lltn, n th ltl nxnth gnd wht n ld gntn wm-n lt uch hn ngnhd nwn th qnt h th ll t mn' clu l wh mnmt nd tld nd md, nd lt h vnmtn thnlt, antd lttlbun td nd md m m Whl th ntgtnt ld w ct nntng tht wmn nt b ie t td-tnl gndc m n,th ld t dvl n mdl wmn'nvvmnt h thn cl thm t un-tn ndvdu n n vwhlmng mgnztn whh wld min unhngdb h n h md t dult t -l t n bu th m lndnt ndhgh td wmn and t qntl x-ctd ll mtnl m-bvn m vn h wmn wh hvd

    ldh Buhl' ntv dtn th ld th Wmn' Ntn Cm-mt ugg Bnd tht, hwv thmvmnt whl w ul mvhd

    t nblt t m n t h ng h wmn' mvmnt, thugh wlngn t nc dv md ttn nd hn th gund n whhmn nd wmn mgh ltml mt

    Sh lu w l td n h g t th wll n th n "b t b b whh CngKnntd t m ncnd b th xn twhch th Amcn wmn' mvmnt mt th mlct nd unblmtcm ltl ctn h nntnthntu wmn' mvmnt tn dwmn hg n w whhul llld th dtnl tvw th ltt nt ml bc

    th d th ml ttud but bcuth wn dvlmnt hd valdt gc wn. Whn Bhl lmn th d-nc th gnl tl th Slwmn' mvmn h m lul t n nqld ctn "wmn unvl ubct n ctntht ct mn lm t lv

    mut b cgnzd tht nnnth cntAmcn mim, l th mvmnt w

    h dt hghl cls, lgund thn xn Buh tn m t ml ht th dn nt undmntl blm cl wmn' mvmnt gndbd nt lt mvmnt gnd nd Httmnt Fn Wd nd h WCTxm h th tngth nd wn th h. Nt n d h nv hml n nd l tvm whch uldWlld' mvmnt ut h m u und-tnd hw gnun lt mul w tlg utgwth n utgwth h thdMm uld nth dt n tt h l I thin mn th ml-tn lim ntnl tn n tgn nd cnvntn n t wh thgwng ndutl w w lgl nn-tnt nd wh h h w n ntut cutu dn bt ngnmnd ndcnn Th w u,

    nn blm [h Amn ntlt ll th Sl nd b n mnl t th wmn' mvmnt Bu t wn m mnbl t ltn v th


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    bnd f wmanhd han i wa by h imaria lgic f arianizain; i wld bhlfu if Buh amind h cmmn blmaic hrad a wrk hr.

    Undrlying h cia and cuural limiain i a fndamnal aumin hadmand b uind Th ninnh cnry mmn drid much f i cnicinand nrgy frm a cncin f wmanhdd in Vicrian al cnnin and hn f angical ranim. W cancgniz h mwrmn which wmnfund in hir ariain f hi cncwihu frging i cially cnrucdcharacr, a Bhl mim m in dangrf ding h analyi f wman a a ranfrmai frc wa in hi a bad lagy n aiw f hr a a cial ind f rn, wihqaii f nuuanc and iriualiy m


    fn n a h duc f inna diiinrahr han f cial in hu diidn diffrnc, ciai and fminihad a cmmn lmiain in hir failur

    dl a cia analyi f wman in.Bh cud ha bnfid fm Ownimm inci analyi

    n cial rm h Owni amd,hrugh h cain f a i fr an alrnai h ub and h church,and hu lac bh mn and wmn nnral grund hi dir ca a nwyl f wrkingcla rain and ablih cmmunal i which wld rarhm fr lif in h crai cmmunii,ld hm aack h mn' club mdl cialim which wa ai in h S 75and 15 yar ar Bu Ownim graau wa in i am dl an ini

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    Cildre, aguage ad Class


    TE DY HOUS ar Steea Lodo: ago r 1982, 262 pp

    eah s hh ltal wk s a hh sh teahe r welve ears a me deret kds shls have ed teah a ssl ltal wa whe

    wth he sttal demads ad stal lmtats he shls ke ma heteahers t t reate assrms whh mtal eset ad elet a eeve that de ea dts a lassm sae a eae ta thk aera f sa realtes ad a reset he hma Qaes hht ad ee as eleve that the aqs wr ad ead sls a ehae stdes aat ral eet

    Ote as teahers we beme smered the dal deals shl lfe ad lse sht fthe teta ad mea what we ae d ad wha we a d ta ad satems hat s wh t s et t me u a lke The Tdy Hose whh a

    eaher refets he w lassm eeree ad draws t meas rm tThe dy Hoe taes s ame m a 20wrd str wrte hee eht-earld

    s Cala Lde ad Melssa a mar shl a Ld l hs estatel hs et a e assm sett (me mm Ead ha theUted States the s wed letve rde a dmest vel abt arets


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    and hidrn nurturan and onnmnt andth liv o wokin la womn. h tory iwrittn a a i o domti onvration, anight in bd btwn huband and wiv, at tatim btwn ind, or btwn parnt and

    hildn Hr ar two haatr, o andMak a hidl oupl, in bd

    a g sD' y ) g s mD' s ay ths m ghSha a i h mg?h .

    Or hr i ami and hr on Carl, who ithr and a hal:

    A y sads my mmmy h

    Y am hr i aG hm a

    N a say hA gh Sad ad sh

    Jam smakd CaCa sad y

    houghout th tory th voi rlt thlanguag th hildrn hav hard and knowBut th toy i not imply a mimiy o xprin th autho undrtand th tnionand ling o moth who ar xapratdand trd and hildn, who gt into tmprtantrum and who an't gt nough.

    Th protagonit o he i ue ar twoworking la oupl Jaon and ami thparnt o a mall boy namd Cal and Jo and

    Mar, who ar hidl at th bginning o thtoy Th tory ntat two thori of hildrang Jo who i hdl at th bginning oth tory bliv in pamrng hldn andindulg ami' li boy Cal Jami' rlatonhip with hr on Carl i mh harhr andth intration btwn ami and Carl otnnd with Carl gtting makd and ryng Butwhn 0 and Mark th hidl oupl nallyhav hldrn th tion i ntitd h Tdy

    Hou hat No Mor A Tidy Hou hualthough 0 want hildrn o hr own whnthy appar thy a n a a burdn and anuan Ca who i n by Carla ind


    and Mlia a poild and troubom i portrayd omwhat mor ympathtially whnhi youngr brothr arn i born Whnth ar ight btwn thm Cal alway gtth blam, in h i odr

    Wh h wa fh ad a aays gh Da g h am

    ad a aays g s dCa had m

    ad as h as s aym

    ad h a Da

    Da w lkyhgh 'm hgh a

    But gnrally Cal prntd a a poild andbothrom bing omon who war himothr down Although th t o thirhildrn on th iv o 0 ad Mark i notpld out th tnion btwn th twobothr Carl and arrn gt out o ontolo th author h boy gt into tmp puhah hr ovr ar makd ry By thi timit m that or Carla ndi and Mlia,thi tory ha no rolution th tnion wthinit ar inolubl and thy abandon t, wth thtidy hou no ongr tidy hildrn a burdn

    mothr both ovng thir hildrn and oppd by thm ath apang giv toy tohildrn or to tak ta or in bdroom at nightaod into having x and making babi

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    Carln dan, h gr' ah hawi a bk whih bh lr h ida ira urunding h wriig Th Tid Hu, and draw n hiri drn' wrig, a diin h

    wking a languag ad h hr wring la hildhd i d la hiaular r i h ha lurand rin Th bk inlud a rind h a rari a a ad a diuin wih Cara, ia, and indiad a aii h a h girl w in h ir i h bk. da rvid a dii ad anali h iran h wriing "Th Tid Hu

    da argu ha h h "Thid u huld b l a ahrial r bli rain ha an lrain aial wrld and hildr wn ling abuhr wn and uur ali I wriig hir Carla, Lindi ad Mlia wr ab hlv a bh hildrn and h ah a i and da n,wr "h abl arla radir lig abu hi ur ibl r hildrnwh ann u w anguag.' Th r

    al all h hidn in Th Tid Har b, ad hi aw h auh, h hi girl idni wih h hr, a lh hlv a filing a h grw drA h a , h iinal ain a

    hldn lik hlv and h auhr ana u hir w in and rainhi in h nvl Th gr hw hr a-biva abu ur hrhd n h di h harad h i h

    Th Tid Hu ad a i hr ad dii a h w wig h r " nvr had hdr, u'd b wll wuldn' u? Or aig n hir fiia hr rbabl ha kid 1 hkall u d, dn' h Thrugh h "Th Tid Hu h h h liainad adn wn' liv i hld in a kid nin wih h h h hu a a nand rug ad h hr a h nral igur

    and r dan argu ha in wiighi r h hildn ra an aria ha anrrn h nadiin hi wn liv,and h ar hu ab br hld hradii ghr ad ain h. "

    da' aali h Th idHu h nviin ha wrkigla hildrn bh a languag ad auu ha nai ial bilii Th ha h hdrn hav wri r haal n and liian wrkngla i and n ariua h i radiin h iv w and girl Bu a ha i h wing h rva aawar ad a languag h a h wking la girl ha ha ibili


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    r crical cnciun an ical acin.hrugh hr analyi man mhah ubly h girl u anguag an hrngh an clarn hir iin huwhil man xamin h x "Th iy

    Hu r inc h hg myhlgi l an x ha inrm ur cuur an h way in which wrking cla girl bcmwrkng cla wmn h cinu mhaiz h imranc h criiqu ha hx ra man i cncrn wih x-lring h ubc ralii wrking cagr' l an in raing bh hir r-in an hr rianc nrlyng hr icu-in i a cmmimn h a ha iniiua

    chilrn in aking an wriing ar n mlyraing an rrucing an xiing ilgi-cal an culral w bu hrugh hirmanuan i an hrugh h rucin maning hy ar ariciaing in h nging rcin a cuur Cnra hranayi i a bli n h wr chrn'wriing a a man unraning n hr


    w chirn wg mu b iw quiirnly rm a wring i r Sn ha an c n h rar bu clariy an ilumina r h wrir A hcmmn ab arla n h wrr

    "Th Tiy Hu "Wha h manilain wr n h ag nabl hr wa ganm r acc h maning hr li Thu man argu ha wring ri himaginai ranrmain raly hacan rrr a xrinc an maniulauur biii in an aci wa

    n hr icuin h gr xrncman urn a ariy hiricalurc n inc h cninuing

    hm h maning gnr an cla x-rinc h xamin h hirical u chilrn' an m rqnly il girlwring, whch has bn u by aul rua a nimnal an cmring iw a wrl chilih inncnc Hwrman arg crain x wrin bychilrn in h a ral chilrn acilymaniulaing inhri al an aming mak n r hm hr ciawrl a hir wn ll unraning Bu

    h x ar alm unirally rm milca chilrn n rr rcr h hiricalxrinc wrking cla chirn an inarclar wrking cla gir man x-amin w r hrica marial hrancrib wr minnnh cnrywrking ca girl in h accun hEngh cal rrmr Hnry ayhw anh rr h hilrn Emlymnmmiin 82, an mr brly ui

    h hry wrkng cla huinghrugh h urc h innr l ancial wr wrking cla girl ak haTh cninuiy hm in h i nin-nh cnury wrkng ca gr an h r Cara n an la i car: wmnar n a cmrr in a hil cial wrlan hir hu ar rug rm h hra iacmn r hmn in a harhcnmic wrl Wha bcm clar in h x h Tiy u hw i ha r inarla an lia h hu i a lac cn-inmn a wll a cmr an hir ry ian am unran h maning hir