radio pulp diseases


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Post on 16-Jul-2015




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• Tooth pulp : the area of tooth that contain blood vessels and efferent nerves and divided into:

1. Pulp chamber

2. Root canal

The normal pulp appear as radiolucent area in the center of the tooth (radiolucency of pulp because it contain no minerals within it).


Reversible pulpitis

Irreversible pulptis(acute and chronic)

•Pulp necrosis

•Pulp polyps

•Periapical abscess

•Periapical granuloma

•Pulp calcification

•Internal resorption

•dens invaginatus


there is no evidence ,normal PDL ,lamina dura

Irreversible pulpitis

acute chronic

• Radiographically the tooth show widening of PDL space, in some patient the tooth may show discontinuity in laminadura

• Widening of PDL space

• Discontinuity in lamina dura

• Thickening of lamina dura

• Condensing osteitis

• Large open cavity with direct access to the pulp chamber,

• Widening of pdl space

• Discontinuity of lamina dura

• Widening of lamina dura

• The tooth with necrotic pulp may exhibit only slight periradicular change, periradicular bony lesion may accompany the necrotic pulp

Appear normal except for widening of PDL space.

Radiographical features:

In initial stages,periapical granuloma show widening of the

periodontal ligament space of the tooth.Fully developed lesions usually produce a well

definedradiolucent area of varying size which appears to be

in continuity with the root apex.Long standing periapical granuloma may show

varyingdegrees of root resorption.

• Radiographical features:

Radiographical changes seen are limited to only slight thickening of the periodontal ligament space in apex region of the involved tooth.

While in chronic periapical abscess, radiograph often reveal small radiolucent area at the root apex of the involved tooth with poorly defined margins.

Apical Periodontal Cyst


• Radiolucency – round/ ovoid with a narrow

opaque margin which is continuous with

lamina dura.

• In long standing cyst bone resorption of

affected teeth & occasional resorption of adj.

teeth may be seen.

• It presents a well defined,sphericalshaped,radiolucent area in dentine which usually continuous with the pulp

• Enlargement of root canal

• Original root canal outline is distored

Calcifications presenting as distinct intra-chamber (or less often intra-canal) radiopacities are known as pulp stones

The shape of the invagination varying from a narrow and undilated fissure to a

tear-shaped loop pointing towards the main body of the pulp